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Ecocert Canada

Information Guide

2009 version

71, St-Onésime, Lévis (Québec) Canada G6V 5Z4

Tel: 418-838-6941 Fax : 418-838-9823 E-mail:

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The present version was revised in December 2008. The most recent version takes precedence. Ecocert Canada is a registered trademark owned by « 9072-3636 Québec inc. ».

Business offices are located at:

71, St-Onésime, Lévis (Quebec)

Canada G6V 5Z4

Tel: 418-838-6941 Fax: 418-838-9823 E-mail:

Tisdale Saskatchewan: 306-873-2207

Guelph, Ontario: 519-820-0826

This document is the property of Ecocert Canada; any reproduction of this document in whole or in part must be officially authorized by Ecocert Canada. The masculine form used in this document also designates, when relevant, women as well as men. The masculine form is used to simplify reading of the text. The following document constitutes the English version of Ecocert Canada’s information guide. In case of discrepancy, the French document, being the original, will always take precedence.

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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 4

ECOCERT CANADA ..................................................................................... 5

History and goals of our certification body ................................................. 5 Introduction to Ecocert Canada and its values ............................................ 6

Accreditation ............................................................................................... 6

To whom does Ecocert Canada offer its services? ...................................... 7

Services offered ........................................................................................... 8


THE STANDARDS ...................................................................................... 10

Recognition policy .................................................................................... 10

Food production, which certification to request? ...................................... 11

Requirements common to all standards: ............................................... 12 USA regulation “NOP”......................................................................... 12 EC regulation “Europe” ....................................................................... 12 Swiss regulation “BioSuisse” ............................................................... 13 Japanese regulation “JAS” ................................................................... 13

STEPS FOR A CERTIFICATION DEMAND ............................................. 14

Registration: .............................................................................................. 14

First review: .............................................................................................. 14

Inspection (audit): ..................................................................................... 14

Fees: .......................................................................................................... 16

Certification:.............................................................................................. 15

License and certificate........................................................................... 15 Transaction certificate (TC): ................................................................. 16 Pre certification..................................................................................... 16

PROGRAM STRUCTURE ........................................................................... 17

Confidentiality and conflict of interest ...................................................... 17

Inspectors .................................................................................................. 17

Review and appeal procedure .................................................................... 18

Contract ..................................................................................................... 18

GLOSSARY .................................................................................................. 19

REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 22

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INTRODUCTION The present Guide is a practical to help you learn what you should know about our certification body: “Ecocert Canada”

Ecocert is accredited to provide certification to the organic standards of most any country. The specific production requirements of each country are available from our website:

Quebec Organic Agriculture standards

Canada Organic Standards

NOP standards

European organic regulation

BioSuisse standards

JAS standards

Also on our website are examples of many of the record-keeping documents required by these standards, such as plant production registers, processing registers, storage registers, etc.

We hope that this document will clarify any questions you may have about the Ecocert Canada. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at any time.

The Ecocert Canada Team

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ECOCERT CANADA History and goals of our certification body

Founded in 1995, GarantieBio quickly gained a reputation for excellent client service. In fact, our status as an independent company allows us to offer tailor-made services to meet the present day needs of companies in the agriculture and food services sectors. In the year 2000, GarantieBio partnered with Ecocert SA, a European leader in the field of certification, offering its services in over 95 countries around the world. Ecocert’s extensive experience in with regulations and international standards assures our clients full access to international markets. This merger resulted in the creation of GarantieBio-Ecocert, responsible for the Canadian market.

In 2006, in response to customer feedback, the company changed its name to Ecocert Canada. That same year, Ecocert Canada joined with certifier from Saskatchewan, named SOCA, who thus became a western Canadian office of Ecocert Canada.

GarantieBio and Ecocert are trademarks for the Ecocert Canada organic certification program.

Our goal is to offer organic producers, processors, brokers, retailers and distributors an independent and private certification service.

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Introduction to Ecocert Canada and its values

Organic certification provides official recognition and verification of your efforts to give consumers something truly different.

Organic reference standards are the basis of our certification program: Only products produced according to these exacting standards will receive organic certification. We pride ourselves on our thorough, but common-sense approach to enforcement of the organic standards. Organic production can and should help solve some of the social and environmental problems of our planet. We strive to share this responsibility with our clients.

These standards are subject to periodical review, are updated as needed. The most recent versions are always available from Ecocert Canada. You can order them by mail, or simply visit our website:


Accreditation refers to independent third-party control of our certification activities. Ecocert is accredited under the following programs

The ISO guide/65 (EN 45 011) regulates work methods (procedures, instructions…) for certification bodies no matter what their domain. This is an international standard. This standard is not limited to organic certification programs (all products and services certification).

Ecocert Canada is accredited according to ISO 65 by the “ Conseil des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants” (Cartv) to offer certification according to Quebec and Canada’s organic regulations.

Ecocert SA is accredited by COFRAC (France) for agricultural and food products (certification # 5-0074, scope on and by USDA (USA) for the National Organic Programm (NOP)

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As a subsidiary of Ecocert SA we can provide organic certification according to NOP, EC, JAS organic standards as well as certification according to Ecocert’s private eco-products and fair trade standards.

To whom does Ecocert Canada offer its services?

The Ecocert Canada certification program is offered to all levels of production and marketing of organic products, such as:

Producer: Any type of agricultural production.

Cooperative: A group of producers with similar productions and common marketing.

Processor: Any business that deals in food processing.

Sub-contracted processors: A processor who has a contract with a producer or another processor, to process or handle their products.

Distributor: Any business specializing in the distribution of organic products including packing businesses.

Processor having producers under contract: Processors who have contracts with producers and who wishes to have them certified.

Distributor with producers under contract: Distributors who have contracts with producers and who wish to have them certified.

Retailer: Any business specializing in retail sale of organic goods.

Broker: Any business specializing in import/export of organic products.

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The same inspection and certification procedures apply to all types of businesses. The cost and the ownership of the certificate can vary depending on the type of business involved.

Services offered

Organic certification according to different standards

Approval of products used in organic production

Via the Ecocert group

ECOFERT certification for fertilizers

Organic and natural cosmetic certification (includes home perfumes)

Ecological cleaning products certification

Organic textiles certification

Fair trade certification

Ecological public landscape certification

Quality systems certification (Eurepgap, IFS, BRC, ISO 22000, ISO 14000…)

Under the trademark CONCERT :

The control of specific labels such as private labels, reserved names, etc.

Any other control services meeting our values.

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Organic agriculture aims to produce healthy food of a high nutritious quality, while respecting the environment. Its values are: - Respect for nature

To promote a harmonious coexistence with nature rather than trying to dominate it.

- Maintaining and increasing the soil’s fertility

Only soils with biological activity can produce good crops in the long term. Special attention must therefore be brought to cultural practices that preserve and increase the soil’s natural fertility.

- Minimizing pollution

By avoiding all forms of pollution resulting from agricultural practices and by using, as far as possible, renewable energy and recycled materials.

- Maintaining bio diversity

By preserving the genetic diversity of plants and animals on the farm and also by preserving natural habitat around the farm.

- Ethics in stock breeding

By giving domestic animals living conditions that meet their specific needs.

- Social responsability

To allow producers to have a decent income and healthy working conditions.

To achieve these goals, the producer adopts the basic principles defining organic agriculture as listed in the standards.

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THE STANDARDS Recognition policy

The organic standard established by Codex Alimentarius is the minimum international standard. All certifying bodies must recognize this standard. The Codex Alimentarius falls under the FAO (United Nations food program).

Ecocert Canada recognizes as equivalent any programs certified by CARTV as well as certification bodies authorized by CARTV within Canada for the control of imported products. You can consult the updated list of these organizations on CARTV website ( Equivalency agreements signed by Canada are also recognized.

The NOP standard foresees the obligation for all NOP accredited organizations to recognize as equivalent all programs accredited NOP.

Thus it is the responsibility of all processors, wholesalers, distributors and brokers to make sure that the products they purchase are certified by a certification body which is itself recognized by a recognized accreditation organization. When purchasing products, always demand the proof of product certification and proof of the certifier’s accreditation according to ISO guide/65 to facilitate controls.

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Food production, which certification to request?

Many countries have legislation dealing with organic production and have established rules that can have an impact on your marketing practices. You should make sure you target your certification needs when making your request for certification. Late requests lead to mistakes, delays and supplemental fees.

In order to help you with your certification choice, please study the following information as well as the particularities of each one of the standards that can be used:

For all clients whose market is Canada and who don’t foresee any changes in the present year: certification, using the Quebec or Canada Organic reference standards is necessary.

For all clients who export to or who sell to a third party liable to export to the United States: NOP certification must be added

For all clients who export to or who sell to a third party liable to export to Europe: certification with Ecocert under EC regulation must be added

For all clients who export to or who sell to an importer in Switzerland: certification with BioSuisse must be added

For all clients who export to or who sell to a third party liable to export to Japan: JAS certification must be added.

As you can see, you must question the buyers about their certification needs. Find out where your products will be shipped so as to be sure to have proper certification.

To add different standards to your initial registration, contact us as there are specific requirements.

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Requirements common to all standards:

Companies must register early enough to enable us to verify their documents and schedule the inspection during the production season.

An organic System Plan describing their business and how they comply with the organic standards must be submitted and updated as necessary.

Certification is annual and must be renewed each year according to the prescribed timeline.

USA regulation “NOP”

The American standard are established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) .

If you have been certified by Ecocert Canada according to other standards, some adjustments may be necessary.

You can consult the NOP standard (French, Spanish or English version) on the Internet at the following address: http// (look under: NOP regulations & policies, standards)

Beware: Following a suspension of certification to NOP standards a delay of 5 years is required before you can re apply.

EC regulation “Europe”

Certification Organizations (CO’s) working in Europe all use the European standards (RCE 834/2007), common to all member countries of the European Community. This regulation is amended as needed and is therefore constantly evolving. The regulations can be found on the following Ecocert SA website: http// (look under: Everything about organic agriculture, Regulations).

Note that the ISO guide/65 standard is equivalent to the EN45011 standard in Europe.

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Swiss regulation “BioSuisse”

Switzerland is not part of the European Community. In general, its standards are more restrictive. The environmental aspect is of great importance.

Because specific documentation must be completed by the inspector, it is imperative that we be advised beforehand of your need for BioSuisse certification.

BioSuisse standards are available at:

Japanese regulation “JAS”

Japanese regulations were elaborated the Ministry of Agriculture, Fish and Forest (MAFF). Only companies certified by JAS can include the JAS logo on their product.

Because of the high cost of this certification, producers are generally controlled under coverage of the buyer’s certification.

Producers, processors and packers must be certified by JAS.

A quality control system (grading systems and procedures) is obligatory. A person designated as responsible for the system must conduct an audit trail for each product lot. JAS standards are available at:

Beware: Following a suspension of certification to JAS standards a delay of 5 years is required before you can re apply.

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Complete our registration form by e-mail, mail, fax, or telephone.

Ecocert Canada can send the standards, fee schedule and pre-request questionnaires

Once we receive your registration, we will send: - Questionnaires related to your operations - Contracts - Limit date for returning completed forms, name of assigned

inspector, possible date of visit - Invoice

First review:

When we receive your questionnaires, we do a rapid check to verify compliance. We may request additional information and missing documents. A verification letter will be sent to you.

You are allowed to contest the choice of the inspector we assign. Please contact us within 15 days of receipt of the letter announcing the inspector to inform us of your concerns.

Clients can withdraw their demand at any time during the certification cycle. The applicable fees still need to be paid, but Ecocert will not issue a decision. A partial refund may be possible (see below).

Inspection (audit):

We send the necessary documents to the inspector before the scheduled visit.

Inspector’s visits must take place during production season for farms and maple syrup production but can happen at any time for other clients.

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We estimate at least 3 hours for a first visit. If you have animals or do some processing, anticipate more time.

The inspector will make the final appointment.


The inspector writes a report which is sent to the Certification officer.

The officer makes the decisions. You will receive information on the decision in the following weeks.

Comments, recommendations, the license and/or certificate are sent to the client with a copy of the inspector’s report.

If certification is conditional, the certificate will be issued once the conditions are met.

The client is responsible for notifying Ecocert Canada in writing of any mistake or omission in the inspection report. He must also meet the conditions as stated in the decision and conform to the recommendations that were described.

License and certificate

The license demonstrates the conformity of the production method to organic standard of production.

A certificate is valid for named productions and enables you to market your production for a period of 12 months ONLY.

Well before your certificate expires, you will be sent a renewal notice. If you do not renew your certification by the stated deadline, your certificate will be revoked, and your copy must be returned to Ecocert, even if it has not expired yet.

The certificate is the only document which can authorize the use of the organic reference and logos. Only those activities and products listed on your certificate can refer to organic certification. As well, the company name on the certificate must match the name on the product label.

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Transaction certificate (TC):

Some buyers require a TC proving that a given lot is actually organic. In order to issue such a document we must be informed of the quantities harvested and in inventory. The necessary documents “harvest record” and “transaction questionnaire” are available on our website (paper copies can also be mailed upon request).

Pre certification

All farms requesting certification for the first time or which have stopped the certification procedure for more than a year must undergo pre-certification. During pre-certification, the farm completes the same questionnaires and an inspection visit is made which includes verification of accounting documents from previous years. The farm is not allowed to market its products as certified organic.


Farm fees are standard and are based on the size of the operation, and the number of types of production.

If you have 2 different farms or if a second visit is needed, additional fees will be charged. Non-farm clients will receive a custom estimate.

75% of the total bill is refundable only if the client advises us in writing at least 2 days before the inspection date of his intention not to pursue the certification procedure.

Fees are non-refundable after the inspection visit.

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Ecocert Canada’s program team is comprised of:

- a Board of Directors - a Manager and administration staff - Control staff (Certification officer, Inspectors) - And committees:

o Certification Committee o Appeal Committee

Confidentiality and conflict of interest

Any person involved in the certification process, whether they are employees of Ecocert Canada, inspectors or a member of any of the above-mentioned committees, must not have any financial interests that could create a conflict of interest with Ecocert Canada’s clients within the context of their respective jobs. All are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Certification Committee

The Certification Committee is made up of independent volunteers chosen by Ecocert Canada based on their knowledge and experience in organic agriculture and in the food processing sector.

Ecocert Canada’s clients are represented on this Committee.

The committee supports the work of the control staff and advises them on specific issues.


The certification audits will be done by inspectors chosen by Ecocert Canada on the basis of their knowledge of organic agriculture and their practical experience in production and processing. Basic training concerning the program will be offered to each inspector. The inspectors’ mandate is to assure

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during their visit that the business meets all Ecocert Canada’s standards.

Review and appeal procedure

When a certification decision is contested by the client, the latter has thirty (30) days following receipt of the notice of refusal to send a written request for a review to the certification officer. This review is free of charge. The client is responsible for supplying new elements that will justify a review.

If the initial decision is upheld following the review by the person responsible, the client can then appeal to the Appeal Committee within 30 days of the second certification refusal notice once the file has been reviewed. Two points must be considered before requesting a second appeal:

a) The burden of proof is on the party that initiates the


b) A $250 non-refundable payment must be sent with appeal request.

Contract A signed contract between Ecocert Canada and its client is tacitly renewed at the beginning of each year.

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GLOSSARY Certificate Official document issued by a certification

agency assuring complete compliance with the certification standards, for all listed products.

Certification Body The organization that manages the certification process, that is responsible for checking that a product sold or labeled as “organic” is produced, processed, prepared, handled and imported in compliance with present regulations.

Certification inspector

An independent inspector accredited by Ecocert Canada who does on-site verification of the company requesting certification.

Certified Organic Can apply to a product or an operation that has been verified and has proven to meet organic standards. It is then authorized to use GarantieBio or Ecocert’s logo and trademark or the logo and trademark of the relevant organic certification program(s).

Company Business or firm which carries out, in relation to agricultural and food production, one or more operations that would permit these products to meet standards for the production, processing and/or labeling of organic products which must undergo certification.

Conditional Methods or products that can be used under some conditions according to the standards.

Conventional agriculture

Crop and livestock production methods that do not meet the specifications listed here.

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Ecological products Product whose manufacture and use do not create damages to the environment (plants and animals). These products must be derived from natural sources, biodegradable, not tested on animals and packed in recycled or recyclable material.

Fields Refers to a defined plot used for agricultural purposes. Forests, orchards & maple plots are included in this term.

Forbidden Methods or products opposed to the goals of organic agriculture. The use of these methods and /or products can bring about the refusal or suspension of certification.

Inspection Evaluation of the compliance of a product, process or system with standards. The inspection includes the examination of both the production and processing systems.

License This document is the “Right to produce”. The official document issued by a certification agency assuring the complete accordance with the certification standards, for all methods.

Operator Any person, company or organization that produces, handles or processes products designated as organically grown, organically raised, organically produced and certified organic under present standards, for the purpose of marketing these products.

Organic Integrity Maintaining the inherent organic qualities of a product, from production through to final sale, in compliance with the requirements of organic standards.

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Organic product Any food or substance that was produced under a system that meets organic standards, and can be prove so by a compliance certificate issued by an accredited certification body.

Pre certification Control procedure applied by certifying body to firms during the last year of their conversion period.

Standards Rules stated in this booklet corresponding to the rules put forth by Ecocert Canada for organic certification.

Synthetic Artificial substance formulated or produced according to a chemical process or a process that chemically alters ingredients taken from natural plant, animal or mineral sources. This term does not apply to mixtures obtained by synthesis or produced through naturally occurring organic processes such as thermal and mechanical processing.

Synthetic products Substances manufactured by a chemical process or a method that chemically modifies a natural source substance, whether it is a plant, an animal or a mineral substance. This term does not apply to substances created by natural biological processes.

Traceability The possibility of identifying the origin of a product and tracing the route of a product from its production to its distribution.

Transition Refers to “producers” who respect all production methods listed in our standards except for the time period (36 months without use of unauthorized products).

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The information in the present document is based on the reference documents listed below:

- CODEX ALIMENTARIUS Organic Standards:

- ISO Guide 65 Standards:

- European NF EN 45011 Standards:

- Cartv Organic Reference Standards:


- CE Regulations No 2092/91 concerning organic production methods for farm products and its presentation on agricultural and food products:»
