Eagrán Uimh: 16.070809 Tréimhse: Iúl/Lúnasa/Meán Fomhair...


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ISSN 0791-4369Eagrán Uimh: 16.070809 Tréimhse: Iúl/Lúnasa/Meán Fomhair 2016


Read-outRead-outIrelandʼs journal of instrumentation, control, and automation


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READ-OUT • PAGE 1 • CAORÁN • BAILE NA HABHANN • CO GALWAY • TEL: 087 2663282 FAX: 091 506872 • E-mail: info@read-out.net

AAt t this stage it is difficult tosay how automation will beeffected. Ireland has always

tended to be regarded (despite ourbest efforts) to be lumped in withBritain by many automationsuppliers. In many cases Irishbusiness is handled directly fromBritain rather than within thecountry itself – despite the fact thatnot everybody in Britainunderstands that Ireland is differentand not a smaller version of theBritish Market. There was also theproblem of different currencies butthat was a problem that pre-dated theintroduction of the Euro.Nobody really expected this result.So despite people saying that they

“I thought they had a plan!” – Junkers

Nobody knows!had “contingency plans” in realitythe answer to all questions is“Nobody knows!”The puzzled words of the Presidentof the European Commission Jean

Claude Junkers sum up Europeanfrustration – “I don’t understandthose advocating to leave but notready to tell us what they want. Ithought they had a plan”Arc Advisary’s Florian Gueldner

has written “The impact couldexceed the 2009 crisis for Europeancompanies, but ARC is actually lesspessimistic. However, we think thatthe Brexit will hinder growth in2016, 2017, and 2018. Overall, it isa difficult and challenging task toidentify all the dynamics and even

more to quantify them later.”Ireland is unique in that there is aland border with the British stateand it is our biggest trading partner.The legal situation at present is thatBritain is a fully paid-up memberand will remain so until theyactivate Article 50 application. Inreality Britain is being excludedalready from important meetings forthe first time in forty three yearsWhat will happen? Ireland anBritain have had a mutual co-operation and passport free travelsince 1928 – pre European Union.That is now all has changed. Whatexactly this will mean? “Nobodyknows!”Britain may become less attractiveto foreign investors as it may be cutoff from the single market. This willeffect Ireland of course. Trade inboth directions will probably suffer.“Nobody knows!”In Britain international companieslike Siemens have stopped majorprojects there. Certainties havebecome “maybes” or “Don’tknows!”The IET has said that the vote toleave the EU could result in anumber of negative impacts onTo page 4

Brendan O’Regan receiving his Cork Institute of Technology STEM GraduateAchievement Award from Dr Guillaume Huyet, Head of Dept of Physical Sciences.Far left, Michael Loftus, Head of Faculty of Engineering & Science. Far right, Dr

Hugh McGlynn, Head of School of Science & Informatics. (More people page 11)

Achievement recognised




PRODUCTS 5,7,8,9










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SSince Dawn of the Dead was firstreleased in 1978, the possibility of aviral outbreak that will turn us all

into night crawling, flesh-eating zombieshas become a worry for many and a veryprolific Hollywood theme. While it'sunlikely this will ever happen, industry hasrecently started facing an epidemic acrossIT systems that companies should be awareof. The internet of zombies won't result inthe end of civilisation, but it does put yourcompany's confidential information at risk.

The term internet of zombies, was coined bycyber security solutions provider, Radware(www.radware.com) in its GlobalApplication and Network Security Report2015-16. The concept refers to the rise of anadvanced type of Distributed Denial ofService (DDoS) attack, named AdvancedPersistent Denial of Service (APDoS). Thistype of attack uses short bursts of highvolume attacks in random intervals,spanning a time frame of several weeks.

In 2015, more than 90 per cent ofcompanies surveyed by Radwareexperienced a cyber attack. Half of thesewere victims of an APDoS - up from 27 percent in 2014. The report by Radwaresuggested 60 per cent of its customers wereprepared for a traditional attack, but not anAPDoS.

Typically, APDoS attacks display five keyproperties: advanced reconnaissance,tactical execution, explicit motivation, largecomputing capacity and simultaneous multi-layer attacks over extended periods. Theattacks are more likely to be perpetrated bywell-resourced and exceptionally skilledhackers that have access to substantialcommercial grade computing equipment.

Hackers use virtual smoke screens to divertattention, leaving systems vulnerable tofurther attacks that are more damaging, suchas extortion and theft of customer data.While the financial services sector is mostlikely to be targeted, almost anyone can fallvictim to the highly effective attacks.

This type of attack is becoming increasinglycommon in retail and healthcare, where data

is considered to be up to 50 per cent morevaluable. As IT systems across differentsectors become more automated, cybersecurity specialists are predicting thesepersistent attacks will happen even morefrequently.

Businesses need to find new ways to fightthe internet of zombies and can prepare forthe outbreak by ensuring they're equippedto make decisions quickly at the first sign ofa hack. Combining several layers of virtualprotection with skilled professionals shouldbe the first line of defence for informationsecurity.

Paying for additional capacity whendeveloping a website can make the processcostly; so many companies scale theirsystem to match a predictable peak.However, in an APDoS attack, sites canexperience ten or 20 times more traffic thantheir usual maximum so it makes sense toallow a healthy margin of error whendeveloping a system.

Having a response plan in place will alsoimprove the chances of restoring a systembefore any major damage is done. The planshould include preparing contact lists andprocedures in advance, analysing theincident as it happens, performing themitigation steps and undergoing a thoroughinvestigation to record the lessons learned.

It's likely that zombie films will be aspopular as ever in 2016, with anotherinstallment of Resident Evil on the cards.Let's make sure that the internet of zombiesdoesn't rear its head as well by preparingourselves for the outbreak of APDoS that'sheading our way.


The ultimate adventure

John O’Sullivan, Engineering Directorwith Douglas Control and Automation,has always had a fascination with aviationand space, leading him to gain his PPL in2003 and to study Astronomy andPlanetary Science with the OpenUniversity. He was an unsuccessfulcandidate for the European Space AgencyAstronaut Corps in 2008.

He has now published “In the footsteps ofColumbus” telling the story of the ESAastronauts and their work on board theInternational Space Station over its firstdecade and how they have lived on board,helped construct the space laboratoryand performed valuable scientificexperiments.ESA has contributed the Columbusscience laboratory as well as the Copula,the Leonardo PMM and the ATV supplyship to the station’s infrastructure but it isthe human endeavour that captures theimagination. From brief visits to sixmonth expeditions, from spacewalking tocommanding the Earth’s only outpost inspace, ESA astronauts have played a vitalrole in the international project.Extensive use of colour photographs fromNASA and ESA depicting theexperiments carried out, the phases of theISS construction and the personal storiesof the astronauts in space highlights thecrucial European work on humanspaceflight.It is available from Amazon in Paperbackor Electronic versions.

Did you know that ISA Ireland have a twitter presence?@irelandisa

Jonathan Wilkins, marketing director of obsolete components supplier, EU Automation, discusses the internetof zombies and advises on how companies can prepare for the outbreak!

The internet of zombies!

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engineering in Britain, including exacerbatingtheir engineering and technology skills shortageby making it more difficult for companies torecruit engineers from other EU countries,including Ireland.Other issues identified include changes to accessto global markets and companies, a decline infunding for engineering and science research, anda weakening of their influence on globalstandards.In the area of Standards, there has been a gradualassimilation of standards between all 28 countriesto a common European Standard in all sorts ofareas. Standards, and many other activities arehandled by European Offices which are based invarious countries. (For instance we have justlearned that the EU Office of Bank Regulation,based in London, will be moved to anotherEuropean city.)Engineering qualifications is another area wherethings may change. Will the EU recognise Britishqualifications and vice versa? Probably, but wedon’t know! As a straw in the wind we do knowthat the legal profession may be effected and theLaw Society of Ireland has had an extraordinaryincrease in applications from British Lawers foraffiliation as outside of the EU they will not beable to practice in European Courts. Will thatapply to other professions?As mentioned earlier Arc Advisory issued a shortpaper, in the immediate aftermath of thereferendum result, on the effects of Brexit on theAutomation Markets. It is worth a quicklook.Florian Gueldner concludes his paper, ‘AllI can say at this point is, to quote the Britishwriter Douglas Adams, “Don’t Panic!”’


Nobody Knows from page 1

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NNotable at the recent Emerson Exchange event inBrussels was this industry first, the Rosemount X-wellsystem, a wireless transmitter, accurately measuring

process temperature without need for thermowell. Thismeasurement is possible without requiring any intrusions orpenetrations into the process, allowing for quicker and easierinstallation along with simplified long-term maintenance. Usersdo not have to design, size or maintain thermowells. WakeFrequency Calculations are eliminated, and time spentdetermining material compati-bility, the right insertion lengthand the necessary profile.


Also the new Emerson Wireless Pressure Gauge created quitebuzz among delegates. This new gauge design fundamentallywill change how customers use pressure gauges by helpingthem make better business decisions!” It is another industryfirst. Does this signal the end of the Bourdon Tube?


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Calibration leadersLotusWorks, a recent nomineein the Irish Laboratory Awards,are a technical and engineeringsolutions provider and one ofits core businesses has beencalibration services throughout27 years of operations. “OurCalibration Services offer a fullsuite to our customers andthat’s what makes us different”says Noel Molly, CalibrationManager at LotusWorks. Plansto extend the INABaccreditation are on the horizonfor LotusWorks in July thisyear allowing LotusWorks toadd accredited TemperatureMapping to their bundledservice offering. LotusWorks prides itself on itspeople. “100 vacancies havejust been announced atLotusWorks and havingtalented people, finding moretalented resources and offeringapprenticeships enableLotusWorks promote itself asone of the accredited industryleaders” says Noel. ACalibrations team of 18 areavailable every day for localmobile CALS in sectors suchas Medical Device, Pharma-ceutical and Life Sciences.


Transforming Processes

Alpha Drives Ltd., is a leadingDistributor and Stockist of theSiemens range of VariableSpeed Drive’s, Motors andGearbox Solutions. Partnered with Siemens since2003, their commitment tosuperior engineering andtechnology means they canoffer turnkey solutions on allproducts including applicationdesign, supply from the largeststock's in Ireland, installationand commissioning by

qualified engineers and highlycomprehensive after salesservice and maintenance.The provide Variable SpeedDrives, Motors, Gearboxes,Process Instrumentation,Energy Management & Auto-mation Solutions to a broadrange of industries including : • Water & Wastewater• Pharma & Life Science• Food & Beverage• Utilities• Plastic Moulding• Extrusion• Textile, Paper & BoardManufacturing• Conveyor Technology• OEMsThe superiority of their systemsand adaptation of newtechnology and equipment,means they continually providefuture-proof solutions toincreasingly demanding plantand machinery requirements. They offer a comprehensiverange of services to comple-ment the product range in orderto provide their customers withan efficient single sourceservice for their projects.“Alpha Drives Ltd will takeyour business to the next levelof innovation.”


Pharma alliances!

Zenith Technologies and GEHealthcare’s Life Sciencesbusiness have announced acollaboration to support bio-pharmaceutical manufacturingdeployment.As part of the partnership,Zenith Technologies’ method-ologies, systems and librarieswill be offered as a service toGE Healthcare’s clients inbioprocessing. The combinedoffering aims at helpingbiopharmaceutical manu-facturers increase productivity,

improve efficiency and reducecosts.The two companies willintegrate process controlsystems, manufacturing execu-tion system (MES) solutionsand other supporting techn-ologies with GE Healthcare’sstart-to-finish technologies andsolutions for the biopharm-aceutical manufacturingindustry.Jan Makela, general managerat BioProcess GE Healthcaresaid: "The development of ourKUBio modular manufacturingfacilities and FlexFactorysingle-use manufacturingplatform was fuelled by theneed for customers to deploybiophar-maceuticalmanufacturing capacity morequickly and at a lower cost.“Implementing these advancedtechnology plat-forms requiresautomation expertise for whichwe partner with a number ofworld class companies. WithZenith Technologies’ expertisein automation integration andcustomer support, we will beable to offer more choice tocustomers.”Brendan O’Regan, founder atZenith Technologies, said:“This is a significant mile-stone in our development andushers in a new era of oppor-tunity for both companies.“GE offers an unprecedentedsolution to our pharma-ceuticalcustomers to help rapidlydeploy capacity andsignificantly reduce time tomarket. Combined with ourmanufacturing softwaresystems and on the ground,global support services, we canhelp bio-pharmaceuticalmanufacturers improve theirprocesses and ultimatelyincrease their competitive-ness.” (See also News on CITrecognition of Brendan’sachievements on front page).

In other news we learn thatZenith Technologies andWerum IT Solutions haveformed a global partnership tosupport pharmaceutical

companies with theimplementation ofmanufacturing executionsystem (MES) technology toimprove productionperformance.The collaboration bringstogether Werum IT Solution’sMES PAS-X software, which isdesigned to increase efficiency,improve productivity and meetregulatory requirements duringpharmaceutical manufacturing,with Zenith Technologies’ability to integrate systems andprovide on-the-ground automa-tion technical support. ThePAS-X software is used by themajority of the world’s top 30pharmaceutical and biotechcompanies but also by manyregional and mid-sizedmanufacturers.

Joe Haugh is new ChiefExecutive Officer (CEO) atZenith Technologies. BrendanO’Reagan remains on asExecutive Chairman..


Gas acquisition

The Gasmet Technologies Oy,one of the world’s leadingmanufacturers of gas monitor-ing equipment, has acquiredQuantitech Limited. Gasmet’sproducts are employed globallyin regulatory monitoring,process control and environ-mental/safety applications, andQuantitech has been its salesand service partner in Britainand Ireland since 1995.(see also Appointments SectionPage 11)

www.gasmet.comMore company news on page 8 (boxes)

Metering Pump

Blue-White®’s all NewProseries-M® MD-3 ChemicalMetering Pump, providesPrecision Chemical Meteringfor the Treatment of MunicipalWater & Waste Water.The Hybrid MD-3 DiaphragmMetering Pump has 2000:1turndown, and providessmooth chemical dosing withno pulsation dampenerrequired. With 380 strokes per

minute, the Proseries-M®

MD-3 provides a remarkably

steady flow.

The MD-3 is built to provide

long service life at high

pressures and no pressure

regulator is needed. The patent

pending design is 50% more

energy efficient than similar

units now on the market.

Straightforward all inclusive

ordering: A single model

includes all necessary

components for installation.

And the drop-in-place design

of the MD-3, along with

conveniently built-in controls,

make installation and set-up

fast and efficient.

The PVDF wetted end fittings

allow for more than 14 inlet

and outlet configurations.

MD-3 is equipped with a Zero-

maintenance brushless DC


To page 8



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2 million magmeters!

SSince 1977, Endress+Hauser has producedover two million electromagneticflowmeters. That is more than any other

manufacturer. “This magic number stands for high-quality measuring technology and, above all,satisfied customers in all kinds of industries,” saysBernd-Josef Schäfer, Managing Director ofEndress+Hauser Flowtec AG, the center ofcompetence for flow measuring technology.The company’s success story as a manufacturer ofelectromagnetic flowmeters began in the middle ofthe 1970s. In order to enter the water andwastewater market which was emerging at thattime, Endress+Hauser purchased the companyFlowtec in Bern in 1977 and moved it to a newlocation in Reinach (Basel-Landschaft,Switzerland). This is where Endress+Hauser startedto produce flowmeters with just three employees informer military barracks.Work was done on an on-demand basis. “Whereastoday,” says Bernd-Josef Schäfer, “our productionspans six sites around the globe – in Switzerland,France, the USA, China, India, and Brazil – andboasts state-of-the-art logistics. This infrastructureis what has enabled us to produce two millionelectromagnetic flowmeters to date in accordancewith required quality standards.”To put this into context: These two millionelectromagnetic flowmeters could measure avolume corresponding to four times the flow rateof the Amazon. Each production site also featuresprecise calibration facilities which are regularlychecked by national accreditation bodies and whichguarantee consistently high measuring quality foreach individual device.


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VSDs in Water!

A couple of decades ago the waterindustry could have been described asa bit of a sleepy backwater of theengineering world. But today it isfacing challenges of epic proportions,ones that could change the worldcompletely. Variable Speed Drives are now one ofthe key technologies for ensuringsuccess. The drive of the future then, toa certain extent, is here now, they cancommunicate wirelessly, an operatorcan visualise them within a system,monitor and control them securely viaa mobile device, they will sort

problems out on their own, workincredibly efficiently at different speedsand loads, reduce maintenance costsand burdens as well as being easier toset-up as they are self-calibrating. Mitsubishi Electric has just launchedthe FR-F800 series of intelligentvariable speed drives for pump and fanapplications, specifically designed tosatisfy all these requirements for thewater industry.


Desk power/data supply

Schneider Electric has a new Desk Unitrange. The advanced suite of productscombines industry leading modulardesign flexibility, quality and ease ofinstallation. The comprehensive rangehas been engineered for commercialand residential applications, to provideelegant and practical solutions forpower and data connectivity at workstations. Effortlessly blending designwith functionality, the new range can befully customised and tailored to meetcustomer demands and easilyretrofitted in order to account for theirchanging needs. The ease ofinstallation, significantly reduces thetime of install by up to 50%.The new range comprises five core

product families: • IDU – In-Desk Units – facilitatingunrestricted individual access to power,media and data right on the table ordesktop• PTU – Pop Up Tower Units – fitperfectly in any working environment.The range is ideal for integrating powerand data connections in tiny spaces• FDU – Flush Desk Units – an easilyaccessibly range for supplyingelectricity to workstations• ODU – On-Desk Units – perfect forcommercial installations such asmeeting rooms, offices or desk sharingenvironments• UDU – Under Desk Units – designedas a simple electricity supply unit foroffice workstations and permanentlyinstalled devices


Products from page 5

Users in Brussels

Steve Sonnenberg, PresidentEmerson Process Management(above) and Roel VanDoren, theirPresident in Europe, in a jointpresentation entitled “New Reality,New Opportunity” addressed thechanges and challenges facingcompanies in the 21st Century duringtheir user group meeting earlier in theyear.. They did not talk about productsor applications but on ways of doingthings. Indeed during the presentationwe tweeted: “Emerson’s approach –yes equipment, but more importantlyperhaps is attitude or culture.”See our full report here:


to page 9

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Digital Tools

Schneider Electric haslaunched a new Software as aService offer -- EurothermOnline Services (EOS). Anintegrated online platform andmanagement tool foroverseeing calibration recordsand regulatory status, EOSoffers an automated, digitisedprocess for easy collection andretrieval of critical process data– from shop floor to top floor -when and where required. Jean-Pascal Tricoire,Chairman & CEO of SchneiderElectric said: “The extensivedigitisation of industriesglobally is demanding highlyconnected solutions thatdeliver new capabilities tocontrol industrial operationsenterprise-wide, from the edgeto the core. Customers are alsodemanding a new breed ofapplications and software thatdeliver real-time intelligence tothe right decision-makers atthe right time.“To meet this growing demand,Schneider Electric is launchinga new wave of digitised andconnected technologiesdesigned to help reshapeenergy management andautomation. EOS is one of ourflagship field servicessolutions. This new cloud-based offer will enable processindustries to reduce error-prone, paper driven processesby automating their instrumentcompliance procedures andplanning – driving operationsthat are more safe, efficient,connected, reliable andsustainable.”Leveraging the onlineplatform, EOS Advisor is aplanning and scheduling toolthat enables more efficientmanagement of equipment and

staff; meanwhile, the EOSeCAT™ tablet applicationimproves calibration processefficiency with a secure,mobile-compatible tool thateliminates the drawbacks ofpaper-based records systems.


IS Tablet

Gavin O’Driscoll tells us thatHanley Measurement &

Controls Ltd has takendelivery of their initial stock ofthe AEGEX Zone 1 and 21certified windows 10 tablet.Several client orders werefulfilled (with positivefeedback on product) anddemo / short term trial stock isnow in place. The Aegex10 Intrinsically SafeTablet became the firstWindows 10 tablet to gaincertifications for ATEX andIECEx Zone 1, UL 913 Class 1Division 1 and CSA 22.2 areasof hazardous locations earlierthis year. These approvalsmade the Aegex10 the world’sfirst Windows 10 tabletcertified for HazLoc operationswhere high concentrations offlammable gases, vapours ordusts are likely to occur innormal operation, such as in oiland gas, chemicalmanufacturing, and otherindustries with highlyexplosive environments.While most mobile devices arenot permitted in highly volatilezones of hazardous locationsbecause they could cause aspark, Aegex’s 10.1-inchtablets are certifiedintrinsically safe, or incapableof igniting an explosion.Aegex10 intrinsically safetablets synchronise with an

Products from page 8

to page 10

organisation’s Internet ofThings to allow users totransmit real-time data fromwithin the most hazardouszones of their operations. Suchcloud-based connectivityimproves safety, efficiency andcompliance and lowers risk,resulting in decreaseddowntime and optimisedoperations.Gavin welcomes requests for ademo or on site trial. Call himon 086 2589893 and tell himRead-out sent you!


Radio loggers

New rugged, weatherproofradio data loggers – Plus Radio– are now available from

Gemini Data Loggers,manufacturer of the Tinytagrange. Marketed here throughManotherm, Plus Radiologgers are designed formonitoring in harsh outdoor,industrial and warehousingapplications. They work alongside TinytagUltra Radio loggers which aremore suitable for indoormonitoring and both types ofunit can be mixed and matchedwithin a system.Plus Radio offers a wide rangeof measurement and inputoptions including temperatureand RH. They providemonitoring for ambient, coldchain and cryogenicapplications, as well as ovenand process monitoring. PlusRadio loggers also offer lowvoltage, current and countinputs for use with third partysensors to record propertiessuch as pressure, flow rates andfootfall.


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Products from page 9

Series 500 Remote HMIs fromR. STAHL HMI Systems are anideal software and hardwarepackage for operating currentcontrol systems in the processindustry. Designed for safe andcomfortable access to Emerson,Siemens, Yokogawa,Honeywell, Allen Bradley,ABB, Rockwell or Schneidercontrol solutions, the ThinClients are suitable forinteroperation with both classicworkstations as well as the evermore popular Virtual Machines(VMs). VMs are increasingly used ashost environments for controlsystems – especially in processplants with divergent controlsolutions, as they radicallysimplify the operation andmaintenance of differentsystems and system genera-tions. For one, a VM is notsubject to any hardware defects,which in the case of dedicatedcomputers may lead to problemswith repairs and spare partssupply. Instead, an identicallyreplicated system running inanother VM can take over in thecase of a fault. Secondly, ITcapacities can be more fullyexploited with virtualisation,instead of remaining underusedin individual workstations.Resource efficiency is also aguiding principle for Series 500components in their own right:in contrast to standard PCs,these Thin Clients are limited tothe features required for theirintended use. The Remote HMIsare available both astouchscreen models and withkeyboards, and come with

displays sizes ranging from 15"to 24" (WUXGA), withresolutions from 1024 x 768 to1920 x 1200 pixels. They havean energy-efficient LEDbacklight, and their extremelyrobust design makes themsuitable for operation intemperatures from -30 °C to +55°C (+50 °C in permanentoperation). As well as in roughenvironments, they can also andespecially be operated in cleanrooms. In addition to versionsfor standard industrial operation,models certified according toATEX and IECEx for operationin zone 1, 21 and 2, 22 are alsoavailable.Stahl products are marketedthrough Douglas Control &



High performance DDM

National Instruments hasannounced the NI PXIe-40817_-digit high-performanceDMM and 1.8 MS/s isolateddigitiser. The NI PXIe-4081 isthe first PXI Express DMMavailable. It offers engineers theflexibility, resolution andisolation needed to tacklechallenging applications thatrequire smarter test systems inindustries ranging fromconsumer electronics toaerospace and defence.The NI PXIe-4081 is theindustry’s most accurate 7_-digit DMM, with an industry-leading 15 ppm accuracy for DCvoltage measurements up to twoyears after calibration. It iscapable of voltage measure-ments from nanovolts to onekilovolt and resistancemeasurements from microohms

to gigaohms. A solid-statecurrent shunt configurationoffers eight DC current rangesfrom 1 µA to 3 A and six AC rmscurrent ranges from 100 µA to 3A. The DMM occupies a single3U PXI slot and providesexcellent channel density forhigh-channel-count systems,delivering 17 DMM channels ina single PXI chassis occupying4U of rack space. For high-throughput applications, theisolated digitiser mode canacquire DC-coupled waveformsin all voltage and current rangeswith a 1.8 MS/s maximumsample rate. By changing thedigitiser sampling rate,engineers can vary theresolution of the digitiser from10 to 23 bits for the perfectcombination of speed andaccuracy.Engineers can use an interactivesoft front panel for basicmeasurements and debuggingautomated applica-tions, whichdelivers all the ease-of-useexpected from a traditionalinstrument. The driver softwareincludes a best-in-classprogramming interface thatworks with a variety ofdevelopment environments,such as C, Microsoft .NET andLabVIEW. The driver alsofeatures help files, documenta-tion and 28 ready-to-runexample programs to assist intest code development.“Customers often choose thePXI platform to lower their costof automated test based on theaccuracy, channel density andspeed of PXI instruments,” saidSteve Warntjes, NI VicePresident of R&D, ModularInstruments. “The NI PXIe-4081 builds on more than 20successful years of NI PXIDMMs by providing a code-compatible migration option toPXI Express, extending thelifecycle of critical test andmeasurement functionality anddoing it at the highestperformance levels possible.”


Dew Point Kits

New configuration anddiagnostics tool from MichellInstruments, marketed here byInstrument Technology,simplifies commissioning andmaintenance of dew-pointtransmittersThe company has upgraded itsdiagnostic tool – the UniversalCommunications Kit - to enableusers of their Easidew and Puraranges to carry out on-sitechecks and reconfigure theirdew-point transmitters simplyand easily.The upgraded tool comes withnew application software whichis backwards compatible withprevious versions. This meansusers can use the upgraded toolwith older transmitters, makingit easier for service engineerswho will not need to carrydifferent pieces of kit.The communications kit allowsusers to check and configuretransmitters via applicationsoftware installed on a PC. Thisallows maintenance engineersto:• Digitally measure and displaymoisture and temperaturereadings for on-site transmitterspot-checking• Reconfigure the transmitteroutput units, range and faultsettings to match requirementsof the processThe complete diagnostic tool ispackaged in a convenient carrycase and includes the software,USB cable and transmitterdocking station. It is poweredfrom a PC USB port, which, inturn, powers and receives adigital signal from the Michelldew-point transmitter.


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Andre Boyce is nowAutomation Manager at DPSEngineering.

Following the acquisition ofQuantitech by Gasmet, KenRoberts has been appointedas the company’s ManagingDirector.

Owen Bonner has beenappointed Chief OperationsOfficer - Business BankingGrowth with the Bank ofIreland

At the recent ISA Ireland Section annual meeting

John Murphy (left) was elected as President of the

section and was congratulated by outgoing President

Alan Bateman.

Some of the attendance at the ISA Ireland AGM. It was held in June 2016
