Dreamtime.com Conference Keynote Information Architecture 2000 Peter Morville


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Conference KeynoteConference Keynote

Information Architecture 2000Information Architecture 2000

Peter MorvillePeter Morville

Time“There is no such thing as Internet time”

Fortune Magazine: Dot-Com Crash (10/30)

“People used ‘Internet time’ as a justification for lack of discipline. They got looser and looser in their behavior and got more and more rewarded for it…In retrospect, ‘Internet time’ will prove to have been a hormonal thing.”Roger McNamee, Integral Capital Partners

“The Big Here and the Long Now”Stewart Brand, The Clock of the Long Now

A Brief History

Information Age

Y2K Statistics • 2.1 billion static HTML pages• 610 billion email messages• 1.5 exabytes produced per year

(1.5 billion gigabytes, 18 zeroes)

Analysis• Production Outpaces Consumption• The Answer is Out There• But Can You Find It?

Information Architecture AgeEmployment

• Hundreds of openings

Revenues• 100% to 1000% annual growth

Trends• Moore’s Law, Metcalfe’s Law• Ubiquitous information appliances

A Good Start and a Bright Financial Future…

The DreamingCyberspace...A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions…a graphic representation of data…unthinkable complexity…lines of light ranged in the non-space of the mind.”

William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984)

Cyberspace: Its corridors form wherever electricity runs with intelligence…Its depths increase with every image or word or number…billowing, glittering, humming.”

Michael Benedict, Cyberspace (1991)

Moving Towards Center StageWeb Sites1. Brochure Web Site2. Glamour Web Site3. E-Business

Information Architecture & Business Strategy1. Not Related2. BS Drives IA3. Symbiosis

Competitive AdvantageInformation Architecture is:• Fiendishly Fuzzy • Absurdly Abstract• Dauntingly Detailed• Exasperatingly Elusive• Surprisingly unSexy

In other words…

It’s Invisible!


Big Architect (integration)• Strategy• Business processes• Technology

Little Architect (detailed design)• Classification• Controlled vocabularies

Niche Architect• By industry, audience, type of site,


Growing Community

• An intellectual community for all kinds of information architects.

• Those who share the most, learn the most…
