Dr Lanyon’s Narrative The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


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Dr Lanyon’s Narrative

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Summary Notes

First change in narrative voice – Utterson to Lanyon.

We see a desperate and almost feverish letter from Jekyll.

Upon arrival at Jekyll’s we see the symbol of the door again – Jekyll’s cabinet is locked tight much like Hyde’s door.

The symbolism of the foul smelling, blood-red liquid.

Hyde appears at midnight – Hyde is a creature of the night.

Hyde’s description by Lanyon shows a character straining to control himself.

Summary Notes

Lanyon believes the repulsion of Hyde lies much deeper than in just his appearance – his soul pervades his presence.

Lanyon’s greed and thirst for knowledge leads to his own downfall – he must know what is going on.

Hyde takes pleasure in shattering Lanyon’s narrow-minded views.

Hyde/Jekyll wants to teach Lanyon a lesson about himself and humanity in general.
