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Book number: M50

Compiled by

Dr James van Zyl


Faith in the Word PO Box 232, Ballito,4420

Tel. (032) 551 1836/ 5512419 Fax: (032) 552 5411 ISBN: 1-874850-35-6

ISBN NO: 0-947033-75-0

Book number: M50

Compiled by

Dr James van Zyl


Faith in the Word PO Box 232, Ballito,4420

Tel. (032) 551 1836/ 5512419 Fax: (032) 552 5411 ISBN: 1-874850-35-6

ISBN NO: 0-947033-75-0


CHARISMATIC WITCHCRAFT 2 Tim. 4:2-5: Preach the Word; be in-stant in season, out of season; reprove, re-buke, exhort with all longsuffering and doc-trine. v3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to them-selves teachers, having itching ears; v4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fa-bles… 1 Tim.4:1: Now the Spirit speaketh ex-pressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seduc-ing spirits, and doctrines of devils. A seducing spirit is dangerous because it does just what its name implies, it seduces the believer away from the truth to follow a different Gospel with a different Jesus – by an unholy spirit. Read also 2 Thes. 2:11: And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. The scripture also warns that in the last days even the very elect will be deceived, we read this in Matt. 24:24: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.


CHARISMATIC WITCHCRAFT 2 Tim. 4:2-5: Preach the Word; be in-stant in season, out of season; reprove, re-buke, exhort with all longsuffering and doc-trine. v3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to them-selves teachers, having itching ears; v4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fa-bles… 1 Tim.4:1: Now the Spirit speaketh ex-pressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seduc-ing spirits, and doctrines of devils. A seducing spirit is dangerous because it does just what its name implies, it seduces the believer away from the truth to follow a different Gospel with a different Jesus – by an unholy spirit. Read also 2 Thes. 2:11: And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. The scripture also warns that in the last days even the very elect will be deceived, we read this in Matt. 24:24: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Charismatic Witchcraft


When the enemy uses a seducing spirit to draw the believer away from the true gospel, it is done so gradually in the beginning that the one being seduced does not realise it. Like a thin veil of gauze across one’s vision the sight is not com-pletely impaired, but with each additional layer of gauze one sees less and less without realising that one is slowly becoming blind. So it is with spiritual blindness. When colour coding became fashionable [1985] in many Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches, and we spoke out against it as being rooted in occult Eastern religious festivals, we were mocked and accused of looking for demons under every bush. What, after all, could possible come of having one’s self colour coded as Spring, Sum-mer, Autumn or Winter, when the results were simply self improvement for the Lord!? That was the first layer of gauze. Those who did not re-nounce colour coding set themselves up as targets for the next spirit from the East, viz. “Christian Karate” as displayed by the Power Team, who ap-peared on the platforms in many of the main Char-ismatic Churches. This display of physical strength and calling on the people to “help” them by clap-ping and cheering so as to break chains and karate chop through articles – all in the Name of the Lord, deceived many of the elect. The Word declares however that it is not by might, nor by power,

Charismatic Witchcraft


When the enemy uses a seducing spirit to draw the believer away from the true gospel, it is done so gradually in the beginning that the one being seduced does not realise it. Like a thin veil of gauze across one’s vision the sight is not com-pletely impaired, but with each additional layer of gauze one sees less and less without realising that one is slowly becoming blind. So it is with spiritual blindness. When colour coding became fashionable [1985] in many Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches, and we spoke out against it as being rooted in occult Eastern religious festivals, we were mocked and accused of looking for demons under every bush. What, after all, could possible come of having one’s self colour coded as Spring, Sum-mer, Autumn or Winter, when the results were simply self improvement for the Lord!? That was the first layer of gauze. Those who did not re-nounce colour coding set themselves up as targets for the next spirit from the East, viz. “Christian Karate” as displayed by the Power Team, who ap-peared on the platforms in many of the main Char-ismatic Churches. This display of physical strength and calling on the people to “help” them by clap-ping and cheering so as to break chains and karate chop through articles – all in the Name of the Lord, deceived many of the elect. The Word declares however that it is not by might, nor by power,


but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts [Zech. 4:6] The Snr. Pastor of Hatfield Church at that time, was in fact asked to lie down on a bed, similar to a Hindu bed of nails, on his own church platform after which a member of the Power Team ‘karate chopped’ or broke a large “ice block” over him. This took place in a church service in the Name of Jesus. The pastor then got up and said that some of the congregation may think that what had just taken place was of the occult but he as-sured them that it was of the Lord. Another layer of gauze! The next layer of gauze as spiritual blindness increased was the embracing of the Eastern mind sciences introduced to the Body of Christ by Cho and Virkler. The mind of man is the battleground that Satan strives to control. He often uses the mind sciences and cults to achieve his purposes. Unfor-tunately many sincere children of God have also ventured into this battle for their minds, and have embraced these false doctrines as part of the Gos-pel. Their imagination is now used for the purpose of incubating and creating in their minds, but this is subtly connected to the occult. Dr Paul Yongi Cho has admitted openly that this method of using the imagination and visualisation has in the past been a very effective tool for the cults. The warn-ings the Bible gives about man’s imagination are completely disregarded. God says: CAST DOWN


but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts [Zech. 4:6] The Snr. Pastor of Hatfield Church at that time, was in fact asked to lie down on a bed, similar to a Hindu bed of nails, on his own church platform after which a member of the Power Team ‘karate chopped’ or broke a large “ice block” over him. This took place in a church service in the Name of Jesus. The pastor then got up and said that some of the congregation may think that what had just taken place was of the occult but he as-sured them that it was of the Lord. Another layer of gauze! The next layer of gauze as spiritual blindness increased was the embracing of the Eastern mind sciences introduced to the Body of Christ by Cho and Virkler. The mind of man is the battleground that Satan strives to control. He often uses the mind sciences and cults to achieve his purposes. Unfor-tunately many sincere children of God have also ventured into this battle for their minds, and have embraced these false doctrines as part of the Gos-pel. Their imagination is now used for the purpose of incubating and creating in their minds, but this is subtly connected to the occult. Dr Paul Yongi Cho has admitted openly that this method of using the imagination and visualisation has in the past been a very effective tool for the cults. The warn-ings the Bible gives about man’s imagination are completely disregarded. God says: CAST DOWN

Charismatic Witchcraft


[VAIN] IMAGINATION [2 Cor. 10:5] Dr. Cho and many others have fallen into the trap of incorporating this “other Gospel” [Gal. 1:9] into the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the effects are devastating for the Church of Christ. Mixing dirty water with clean water, still produces dirty water! Dr. Paul Yongi Cho is the pastor of the larg-est single congregation in the world. There are nearly 500, 000 members in this church in Korea. To what does Cho ascribe his success? He states that it is because he fully understands the fourth dimension, therefore right across the world and also in South Africa, pastors are very interested in Cho’s recipe for success. They see numbers as the hall mark of spiritual success. The world’s yard stick for measuring a successful Church has always been the number of the Church’s membership and its financial state. This of course is one of the lies Satan has fed believers, therefore we have leaders of large Charismatic Churches in these days who have seen Cho’s church as a role model, and have abandoned the truth of the Gospel in pursuit of greater numbers. What makes matters worse, is that Cho’s fourth dimension teaching is entirely New Age in concept. It introduces a different, unclean occult spirit into the Church of Christ, which masquerades as the Holy Spirit. Concepts such as positive

Charismatic Witchcraft


[VAIN] IMAGINATION [2 Cor. 10:5] Dr. Cho and many others have fallen into the trap of incorporating this “other Gospel” [Gal. 1:9] into the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the effects are devastating for the Church of Christ. Mixing dirty water with clean water, still produces dirty water! Dr. Paul Yongi Cho is the pastor of the larg-est single congregation in the world. There are nearly 500, 000 members in this church in Korea. To what does Cho ascribe his success? He states that it is because he fully understands the fourth dimension, therefore right across the world and also in South Africa, pastors are very interested in Cho’s recipe for success. They see numbers as the hall mark of spiritual success. The world’s yard stick for measuring a successful Church has always been the number of the Church’s membership and its financial state. This of course is one of the lies Satan has fed believers, therefore we have leaders of large Charismatic Churches in these days who have seen Cho’s church as a role model, and have abandoned the truth of the Gospel in pursuit of greater numbers. What makes matters worse, is that Cho’s fourth dimension teaching is entirely New Age in concept. It introduces a different, unclean occult spirit into the Church of Christ, which masquerades as the Holy Spirit. Concepts such as positive


thinking, visualisation and mind power are encouraged in order to attempt to bring man clos-er to God or to replace God, but in reality they are used to prepare the apostate church for the do-minion of the anti-Christ. Dr Norman Vincent Peale was the great teacher of the power of positive thinking, and mil-lions of people around the world still follow his courses today. In 1986 he introduced a new con-cept; “The Positive Power of Jesus Christ”, and with it “visualisation, the creative supporting sources within you”. He especially promotes mind power through the tapping into the powers of the subconscious mind. Peale has encountered some opposition from discerning believers who recog-nised that he was dabbling in the occult. Despite this, he is defended by the well-known New Ager and teacher of the Kingdom Now Theology (Dominion Theology) Earle Paulke. One of these preachers said: “God called men like Peale, Robert Schuller and Paul Yongi Cho to teach the Church the concept of faith principles.” Yet the true fruit of the Peale ministry is manifesting itself more and more today, and points to its satanic roots. The spirit which Peale is fol-lowing at this time leads him into associations with occult and psychic mediums, and to the ac-ceptance and condoning of their works. Paul Yongi Cho falls into the same category.


thinking, visualisation and mind power are encouraged in order to attempt to bring man clos-er to God or to replace God, but in reality they are used to prepare the apostate church for the do-minion of the anti-Christ. Dr Norman Vincent Peale was the great teacher of the power of positive thinking, and mil-lions of people around the world still follow his courses today. In 1986 he introduced a new con-cept; “The Positive Power of Jesus Christ”, and with it “visualisation, the creative supporting sources within you”. He especially promotes mind power through the tapping into the powers of the subconscious mind. Peale has encountered some opposition from discerning believers who recog-nised that he was dabbling in the occult. Despite this, he is defended by the well-known New Ager and teacher of the Kingdom Now Theology (Dominion Theology) Earle Paulke. One of these preachers said: “God called men like Peale, Robert Schuller and Paul Yongi Cho to teach the Church the concept of faith principles.” Yet the true fruit of the Peale ministry is manifesting itself more and more today, and points to its satanic roots. The spirit which Peale is fol-lowing at this time leads him into associations with occult and psychic mediums, and to the ac-ceptance and condoning of their works. Paul Yongi Cho falls into the same category.

Charismatic Witchcraft


This man ministered in Pentecostal and Charis-matic Churches right throughout S.A. in 1993 at THEIR HEARTY INVITATION. Most of the basic ideas and techniques of the self improvement courses which in our day have literally saturated society and also to a large extent, the Church, can be relayed back to one man by the name of Napo-leon Hill. Hill is one of the founders of the New Age. He personally states that he learned the “mind power” techniques, which are propagated in his books, from disembodied spirits. These of course are none other than demons who want to create the impression that they are Elevated Mas-ters. They used Hill to mislead millions of people through so-called success techniques, which they revealed to him. The basic premise of the revelation is that the human mind had inherent power, which enables a person to create its own realities. He says: “truly, deeply, believe that you will have great wealth and you will have it.” One of his books is entitled “Think and grow rich” and was a prescribed book in a Charismatic Bible School. This is the demonic false “faith” and forms the basis for what is described in the secular world as Positive Mental Attitude. This then is the medium whereby Hill makes contact with the “great universal storehouse of infinite Intelligence and which may be contacted through the subcon-scious…” He continues to write as follows: “This is

Charismatic Witchcraft


This man ministered in Pentecostal and Charis-matic Churches right throughout S.A. in 1993 at THEIR HEARTY INVITATION. Most of the basic ideas and techniques of the self improvement courses which in our day have literally saturated society and also to a large extent, the Church, can be relayed back to one man by the name of Napo-leon Hill. Hill is one of the founders of the New Age. He personally states that he learned the “mind power” techniques, which are propagated in his books, from disembodied spirits. These of course are none other than demons who want to create the impression that they are Elevated Mas-ters. They used Hill to mislead millions of people through so-called success techniques, which they revealed to him. The basic premise of the revelation is that the human mind had inherent power, which enables a person to create its own realities. He says: “truly, deeply, believe that you will have great wealth and you will have it.” One of his books is entitled “Think and grow rich” and was a prescribed book in a Charismatic Bible School. This is the demonic false “faith” and forms the basis for what is described in the secular world as Positive Mental Attitude. This then is the medium whereby Hill makes contact with the “great universal storehouse of infinite Intelligence and which may be contacted through the subcon-scious…” He continues to write as follows: “This is


a universal law… that we translate into physical reality the thoughts and attitudes we hold in our minds, no matter what they are.” In other words, what he is saying is that whatever you think, can be physically realised. You speak your thoughts into being. You must let your dreams manifest through the use of mind power. Paul Yongi Cho is of course also a supporter and teacher [victim] of these doctrines. He writes: “We should always try to visualise the end results as we pray… If you have not visualised clearly in your heart exactly what you hope for, it cannot become a reality to you. We have taught our peo-ple how to “visualise success”. Through visualising and dreaming you can incubate your future and hatch the results.” The Bible however states in 1Cor. 2:9: But it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. How can man, whose heart, God says is evil, imagine the good things that God has prepared for him. Should we not trust God, who knows all, to work out His best plan for our circumstances and not try to visualise our own plan? If Cho’s teaching is true and a person can be healed only by believing he is healed, then his mind contains the power to heal and God is just a catalyst who activated his faith. It is our faith in


a universal law… that we translate into physical reality the thoughts and attitudes we hold in our minds, no matter what they are.” In other words, what he is saying is that whatever you think, can be physically realised. You speak your thoughts into being. You must let your dreams manifest through the use of mind power. Paul Yongi Cho is of course also a supporter and teacher [victim] of these doctrines. He writes: “We should always try to visualise the end results as we pray… If you have not visualised clearly in your heart exactly what you hope for, it cannot become a reality to you. We have taught our peo-ple how to “visualise success”. Through visualising and dreaming you can incubate your future and hatch the results.” The Bible however states in 1Cor. 2:9: But it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. How can man, whose heart, God says is evil, imagine the good things that God has prepared for him. Should we not trust God, who knows all, to work out His best plan for our circumstances and not try to visualise our own plan? If Cho’s teaching is true and a person can be healed only by believing he is healed, then his mind contains the power to heal and God is just a catalyst who activated his faith. It is our faith in

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God to heal us because of the finished work of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary, by which we are healed. If Cho’s principles are correct, then God is no longer relevant and grace is no longer needed. Consequently “miracles” which happen according to this principle cannot be of God, but are demon-ic! Cho moves the believer’s trust from God to trust in the powers of their own minds. The per-son who accepts Cho’s visualisation theology, sub-mits to the power of the occult instead of the pow-er of the Holy Spirit. The common denominator of all these new teachers (Peale, Schuller, Cho and others) is the focus on the subconscious mind. Rom. 12.2: And yet be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renew-ing of your mind… Cho and others interpret this passage to mean that our subconscious must be reprogrammed. Let us for a moment revert back to Norman Vincent Peale. In his book, written in 1952 , titled “The Power of Positive Thinking for Young People”, he gives a formula of three steps for how to pro-gram the subconscious and have your prayers an-swered. Step two in his formula of creative prayer is how to imagine, that is to have a picture in your mind, which would seem to be quite harmless. According to Peale, however, you must imagine spiritually until the picture becomes a reality. In

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God to heal us because of the finished work of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary, by which we are healed. If Cho’s principles are correct, then God is no longer relevant and grace is no longer needed. Consequently “miracles” which happen according to this principle cannot be of God, but are demon-ic! Cho moves the believer’s trust from God to trust in the powers of their own minds. The per-son who accepts Cho’s visualisation theology, sub-mits to the power of the occult instead of the pow-er of the Holy Spirit. The common denominator of all these new teachers (Peale, Schuller, Cho and others) is the focus on the subconscious mind. Rom. 12.2: And yet be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renew-ing of your mind… Cho and others interpret this passage to mean that our subconscious must be reprogrammed. Let us for a moment revert back to Norman Vincent Peale. In his book, written in 1952 , titled “The Power of Positive Thinking for Young People”, he gives a formula of three steps for how to pro-gram the subconscious and have your prayers an-swered. Step two in his formula of creative prayer is how to imagine, that is to have a picture in your mind, which would seem to be quite harmless. According to Peale, however, you must imagine spiritually until the picture becomes a reality. In


his book titled “The Fourth Dimension” Cho calls this process “incubation.” In the foreword to this book Robert Schuller writes that the reader must not try to understand this, but must just start en-joying it, because it is true and works and he him-self has tried it. Cho further writes that Buddhists and other Eastern religions have known these spir-itual truths for many years. Now God has revealed them to Cho and in turn he is revealing them to the church. [Cho is an Easterner!!] Cho states that man’s spirit is his subcon-scious functions or his imagination. The subcon-scious functions in the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is the spiritual realm consisting of good and evil, and it controls/creates the third di-mension which is the physical realm. He maintains that man’s spirit/subconscious, can be developed to control his environment and to manipulate third dimensional circumstances and events which in-clude sickness. To achieve this, man’s spirit must tap into one of two poles of the fourth dimensional forces i.e. GOOD or EVIL. To this end people who practice yoga, including Buddhists, develop their human fourth dimension with concentrated visions and dreams and imaginations, and in this way influence and manipulate the material world. This is certainly not the way God teaches us to receive from Him according to His Word and His will. God’s Word states clearly that we are to ask


his book titled “The Fourth Dimension” Cho calls this process “incubation.” In the foreword to this book Robert Schuller writes that the reader must not try to understand this, but must just start en-joying it, because it is true and works and he him-self has tried it. Cho further writes that Buddhists and other Eastern religions have known these spir-itual truths for many years. Now God has revealed them to Cho and in turn he is revealing them to the church. [Cho is an Easterner!!] Cho states that man’s spirit is his subcon-scious functions or his imagination. The subcon-scious functions in the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is the spiritual realm consisting of good and evil, and it controls/creates the third di-mension which is the physical realm. He maintains that man’s spirit/subconscious, can be developed to control his environment and to manipulate third dimensional circumstances and events which in-clude sickness. To achieve this, man’s spirit must tap into one of two poles of the fourth dimensional forces i.e. GOOD or EVIL. To this end people who practice yoga, including Buddhists, develop their human fourth dimension with concentrated visions and dreams and imaginations, and in this way influence and manipulate the material world. This is certainly not the way God teaches us to receive from Him according to His Word and His will. God’s Word states clearly that we are to ask

Charismatic Witchcraft


Him in faith believing we will receive the blessings from His hand, and not from the workings of our own abilities and mind processes. If the latter were true, who then would receive the glory for answered prayer? Cho further says that God has taught him that joining our spirits to the fourth dimension – the fourth dimension of the Holy Father – we can gain more and more control over our circumstanc-es. We can have great authority and power in the third dimension. According to him the only way to develop this facet of our lives is to incubate through our imagination, visions and dreams. Vi-sions and dreams are the language of the fourth dimension, and the Holy Spirit communicates through them. He says that it is only through a vision or a dream that you can visualise and soon materialise bigger and bigger congregations. Cho states that it is this practice that led to his large congregation. But in this way his church is built on the principle of the occult and not the Holy Spirit. This is how Cho has led many an am-bitious pastor into occult practices, because, to them church growth (numbers) is more important than obedience to God. As has been already said, Cho states that the subconscious is the spirit of man, he says that because your spirit is renewed by your spiritual rebirth, it follows that your sub-conscious/imagination is also renewed and shares

Charismatic Witchcraft


Him in faith believing we will receive the blessings from His hand, and not from the workings of our own abilities and mind processes. If the latter were true, who then would receive the glory for answered prayer? Cho further says that God has taught him that joining our spirits to the fourth dimension – the fourth dimension of the Holy Father – we can gain more and more control over our circumstanc-es. We can have great authority and power in the third dimension. According to him the only way to develop this facet of our lives is to incubate through our imagination, visions and dreams. Vi-sions and dreams are the language of the fourth dimension, and the Holy Spirit communicates through them. He says that it is only through a vision or a dream that you can visualise and soon materialise bigger and bigger congregations. Cho states that it is this practice that led to his large congregation. But in this way his church is built on the principle of the occult and not the Holy Spirit. This is how Cho has led many an am-bitious pastor into occult practices, because, to them church growth (numbers) is more important than obedience to God. As has been already said, Cho states that the subconscious is the spirit of man, he says that because your spirit is renewed by your spiritual rebirth, it follows that your sub-conscious/imagination is also renewed and shares


in this divine nature. This is another satanic lie, because the Word of God states that our imagina-tions are usually EVIL! 2 Cor. 10:5: Casting down imagina-tions… and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Rom. 1:21: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but; became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Also note Jer. 18:12 and Luke. 1:51. According to Cho, the Holy Spirit creates and therefore OUR spirits have a creative ability alt-hough less powerful. This heresy implies that we are “gods” and can create. The Holy Spirit does not give visions to young men and dreams to old men as we read in Joël 2:28, but instead he says that the Holy Spirit assists young men to form their own dreams. This is exactly the same as the New Age principle which teaches that we create and God is our Co-worker enabling visions and dreams to manifest. Cho does not quote any Scripture verses to support his reasoning that the spirit of man is his subconscious. In reality the idea of the subcon-scious is the theory of the physicalistic psychiatrist Freud. This is a man-made theory with no Biblical foundations whatsoever. The whole concept of the


in this divine nature. This is another satanic lie, because the Word of God states that our imagina-tions are usually EVIL! 2 Cor. 10:5: Casting down imagina-tions… and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Rom. 1:21: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but; became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Also note Jer. 18:12 and Luke. 1:51. According to Cho, the Holy Spirit creates and therefore OUR spirits have a creative ability alt-hough less powerful. This heresy implies that we are “gods” and can create. The Holy Spirit does not give visions to young men and dreams to old men as we read in Joël 2:28, but instead he says that the Holy Spirit assists young men to form their own dreams. This is exactly the same as the New Age principle which teaches that we create and God is our Co-worker enabling visions and dreams to manifest. Cho does not quote any Scripture verses to support his reasoning that the spirit of man is his subconscious. In reality the idea of the subcon-scious is the theory of the physicalistic psychiatrist Freud. This is a man-made theory with no Biblical foundations whatsoever. The whole concept of the

Charismatic Witchcraft


subconscious is a mere theory and has not been proven, and the same goes for Darwin’s evolution theory. Cho has combined this theory of the sub-conscious with the spirit, resulting in a combination of Christian and occult activity. We have pointed out how God sees our im-agination according to Scripture: He sees it as part of our fallen nature. How can it ever, therefore produce anything of the Holy Spirit? Watchman Nee, a dedicated true man of God, writes that the latent power of the soul can be used by man to produce miracles and spiritual manifestations. These are substitutes for the true miracles and Holy Spirit manifestations of God! [Read The La-tent Power of the Soul by Watchman Nee]. There is a definite link between this “soul power” and the power of the subconscious, which Cho teaches. Cho believes that man can have, through his imagination in the fourth dimension, unlimited creative power. Therefore to strengthen his abili-ties man must exercise his imagination. He endors-es the positive confession teachings, which say that the words of your mouth are the material which the Holy Spirit uses to create. This teaching of Cho that man can have control over the material world around him through his developed subcon-scious, fits in perfectly with the teachings of the Dominion Theology teachers. They state that man is able through these methods, to subdue and con-

Charismatic Witchcraft


subconscious is a mere theory and has not been proven, and the same goes for Darwin’s evolution theory. Cho has combined this theory of the sub-conscious with the spirit, resulting in a combination of Christian and occult activity. We have pointed out how God sees our im-agination according to Scripture: He sees it as part of our fallen nature. How can it ever, therefore produce anything of the Holy Spirit? Watchman Nee, a dedicated true man of God, writes that the latent power of the soul can be used by man to produce miracles and spiritual manifestations. These are substitutes for the true miracles and Holy Spirit manifestations of God! [Read The La-tent Power of the Soul by Watchman Nee]. There is a definite link between this “soul power” and the power of the subconscious, which Cho teaches. Cho believes that man can have, through his imagination in the fourth dimension, unlimited creative power. Therefore to strengthen his abili-ties man must exercise his imagination. He endors-es the positive confession teachings, which say that the words of your mouth are the material which the Holy Spirit uses to create. This teaching of Cho that man can have control over the material world around him through his developed subcon-scious, fits in perfectly with the teachings of the Dominion Theology teachers. They state that man is able through these methods, to subdue and con-


trol his physical surroundings, thereby preparing the world for the return of Jesus. That is why many leaders of large Charismatic Churches in our country are so involved in the present political bat-tle – it forms part of the material/physical world which must be prepared for the coming of the Messiah! [Recommended reading: Mustardseed No. 17: WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS KINGDOM NOW THEOLOGY?] We must be warned against feeling security in numbers, believing that because of the numbers of church members around us, who like sheep, are being led blindly astray, and following one another. Large congregations, impressive buildings and busy programmes are not necessarily God’s seal of approval. Each one of us stands accountable for what we do with what we hear from the pulpit. We are to try the spirit according to 1 John 4 verse 1. It is after all our own Christian walk which is at stake, and our own ability to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Each one of us is responsible for test-ing any ‘new revelation’ in the light of God’s Word. Did Jesus teach this? Did the Apostles teach this? Did the early church practise it? Where does it ap-pear in the Bible? If it does not, we should be cau-tioned to get back to the simplicity and the basics of the Word of God. Apart from the clear Eastern and occult fibre of Cho’s teachings, it also takes the focus off sin-


trol his physical surroundings, thereby preparing the world for the return of Jesus. That is why many leaders of large Charismatic Churches in our country are so involved in the present political bat-tle – it forms part of the material/physical world which must be prepared for the coming of the Messiah! [Recommended reading: Mustardseed No. 17: WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS KINGDOM NOW THEOLOGY?] We must be warned against feeling security in numbers, believing that because of the numbers of church members around us, who like sheep, are being led blindly astray, and following one another. Large congregations, impressive buildings and busy programmes are not necessarily God’s seal of approval. Each one of us stands accountable for what we do with what we hear from the pulpit. We are to try the spirit according to 1 John 4 verse 1. It is after all our own Christian walk which is at stake, and our own ability to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Each one of us is responsible for test-ing any ‘new revelation’ in the light of God’s Word. Did Jesus teach this? Did the Apostles teach this? Did the early church practise it? Where does it ap-pear in the Bible? If it does not, we should be cau-tioned to get back to the simplicity and the basics of the Word of God. Apart from the clear Eastern and occult fibre of Cho’s teachings, it also takes the focus off sin-

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ful man’s need of repentance and the state of his heart, and emphasises the powers of his conscious and his own ability. It moves man’s focus from conversion and repentance to authority. From his obedience to God’s word, to his flights of imagina-tion. From confronting his sin, to a wrong way of thinking. Cho’s teaching elevates the “so called” creative power within man. Instead man has need of a humble and contrite spirit, and an awareness of his weak and sinful nature. It is about SELF-elevation and not about sinners who are saved by the Grace of God. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is substituted with the reprogramming of the sub-conscious. It says Man must look TO THE INSIDE, and not UP for his answers. The origin of this is Eastern mysticism. How tragic it is that so many Bible-based Churches throughout our country have been exposed to these occult teachings. I would like to make mention of another man who teaches in Churches all over the world including in S.A. His name is Mark Virkler and his seminars are called COMMUNION WITH GOD and COUNSELLED BY GOD, sponsored by the IFCC. Virkler’s teachings are very similar to those of Cho’s and they too greatly emphasise the imagi-nation, visions and dreams. They suggest that man must assist God to develop these “gifts” in him, and in so doing, Eastern meditational breath-ing exercises must be practised. Keeping in mind that the original word for breath and spirit in the

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ful man’s need of repentance and the state of his heart, and emphasises the powers of his conscious and his own ability. It moves man’s focus from conversion and repentance to authority. From his obedience to God’s word, to his flights of imagina-tion. From confronting his sin, to a wrong way of thinking. Cho’s teaching elevates the “so called” creative power within man. Instead man has need of a humble and contrite spirit, and an awareness of his weak and sinful nature. It is about SELF-elevation and not about sinners who are saved by the Grace of God. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is substituted with the reprogramming of the sub-conscious. It says Man must look TO THE INSIDE, and not UP for his answers. The origin of this is Eastern mysticism. How tragic it is that so many Bible-based Churches throughout our country have been exposed to these occult teachings. I would like to make mention of another man who teaches in Churches all over the world including in S.A. His name is Mark Virkler and his seminars are called COMMUNION WITH GOD and COUNSELLED BY GOD, sponsored by the IFCC. Virkler’s teachings are very similar to those of Cho’s and they too greatly emphasise the imagi-nation, visions and dreams. They suggest that man must assist God to develop these “gifts” in him, and in so doing, Eastern meditational breath-ing exercises must be practised. Keeping in mind that the original word for breath and spirit in the


Bible, is the same, and therefore, according to these teachings, you can “breathe in the Holy Spir-it and breathe out your sins.” This is Virkler’s the-ory, and because he knows that his teachings con-tain Eastern elements, he puts forth the following question: “Wasn’t Jesus Himself and Easterner?” Which infers that Jesus could have embraced East-ern religious practices. Satan would like us to be-lieve that! However Jesus the Messiah was born a Jew, a Hebrew and the Israelites are not Eastern-ers. The bottom line is that visualisation is not taught in the Bible and God’s prophets and people never had visions and dreams in the way Cho and Virkler present them. Some years ago a letter was circulating in the Johannesburg area, accusing the Pastor of Hatfield Christian Church, and IFCC leader at that time, of teaching occult techniques from the book “Dialogue With God, opening the Door to two-way prayer” by Mark Virkler. (For the reader’s infor-mation, the IFCC – International Fellowship of Christian Churches is a man inspired organisation in South Africa.) This letter stated, quote: “Those who know that Ed Roebert has long been a disciple of Yongi Cho will realise that it is a short hop from accepting the teachings of Yongi Cho to embracing the theories of Mark Virkler and Robert Schuller!


Bible, is the same, and therefore, according to these teachings, you can “breathe in the Holy Spir-it and breathe out your sins.” This is Virkler’s the-ory, and because he knows that his teachings con-tain Eastern elements, he puts forth the following question: “Wasn’t Jesus Himself and Easterner?” Which infers that Jesus could have embraced East-ern religious practices. Satan would like us to be-lieve that! However Jesus the Messiah was born a Jew, a Hebrew and the Israelites are not Eastern-ers. The bottom line is that visualisation is not taught in the Bible and God’s prophets and people never had visions and dreams in the way Cho and Virkler present them. Some years ago a letter was circulating in the Johannesburg area, accusing the Pastor of Hatfield Christian Church, and IFCC leader at that time, of teaching occult techniques from the book “Dialogue With God, opening the Door to two-way prayer” by Mark Virkler. (For the reader’s infor-mation, the IFCC – International Fellowship of Christian Churches is a man inspired organisation in South Africa.) This letter stated, quote: “Those who know that Ed Roebert has long been a disciple of Yongi Cho will realise that it is a short hop from accepting the teachings of Yongi Cho to embracing the theories of Mark Virkler and Robert Schuller!

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But what can one expect when a few years ago Ed Roebert held up the book “The Seduction of Christianity” in his church – the very book which could have saved souls from deceptions – and said “Don’t read this book!” Not only did he teach from Virkler’s book, but had his own version, obviously named after the seminars by Mark Virkler called “Communion With God”. If you lay these books side by side and leaf through them you will see what must be re-ceived as a shrunken version of Mark Virkler’s book “Dialogue with God” – but I don’t recall seeing any acknowledgement to Virkler though I looked in front and leafed through the pages of Ed’s version. It brings to mind the book “A Different Gos-pel” [We suggest our readers obtain a copy of this book] – where Dr. McConnel stated of Kenneth Hagin – Hagin’s plagiarism of E W Kenyon is word for word and where it is not word for word, it is thought for thought” [p70]. End quote. Pat Roebert, wife of Ed, wrote a testimony in the Family News, Nov. 1992 issue, in which she said that Virkler’s teachings ‘had become a way of life’ for her and the pastors’ wives of the Hatfield Christian Church. Jesus’ teachings should become our way of life. In his book Mark Virkler mentioned that as children we had vivid imaginations [visionary ca-pacities] which we set aside to enter the rational

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But what can one expect when a few years ago Ed Roebert held up the book “The Seduction of Christianity” in his church – the very book which could have saved souls from deceptions – and said “Don’t read this book!” Not only did he teach from Virkler’s book, but had his own version, obviously named after the seminars by Mark Virkler called “Communion With God”. If you lay these books side by side and leaf through them you will see what must be re-ceived as a shrunken version of Mark Virkler’s book “Dialogue with God” – but I don’t recall seeing any acknowledgement to Virkler though I looked in front and leafed through the pages of Ed’s version. It brings to mind the book “A Different Gos-pel” [We suggest our readers obtain a copy of this book] – where Dr. McConnel stated of Kenneth Hagin – Hagin’s plagiarism of E W Kenyon is word for word and where it is not word for word, it is thought for thought” [p70]. End quote. Pat Roebert, wife of Ed, wrote a testimony in the Family News, Nov. 1992 issue, in which she said that Virkler’s teachings ‘had become a way of life’ for her and the pastors’ wives of the Hatfield Christian Church. Jesus’ teachings should become our way of life. In his book Mark Virkler mentioned that as children we had vivid imaginations [visionary ca-pacities] which we set aside to enter the rational


world of adulthood. If this principal or theory regarding the qual-ities attributed to children worked, then these very children would have acquired all the material pos-sessions of this world because of their vivid imagi-nations, where they imagined, visualised and incu-bated their desires with childlike faith and simplici-ty. Let us hear what the mighty Paul, who wrote about two – thirds of the New Testament, has got to say about Virkler’s theory: When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things [1Cor. 13:11] Virkler adds that because these gifts were scorned they became insignificant and we were not able to see “in the spirit” i.e. – receive visions and dreams from God. The author maintains that the remedy is to help God by priming the pump in various ways. Virkler gives eastern meditational centring through breathing exercises as one of his methods of ‘quietening’ one’s self before God. Although this one step is omitted by Ed Roebert, both admit that some perceive that there are “seeds of eastern thought” in these lines of teach-ing, but brush these allegations aside. The process of visualising an imaginary Je-sus at whom one “looks intently” until “the Holy


world of adulthood. If this principal or theory regarding the qual-ities attributed to children worked, then these very children would have acquired all the material pos-sessions of this world because of their vivid imagi-nations, where they imagined, visualised and incu-bated their desires with childlike faith and simplici-ty. Let us hear what the mighty Paul, who wrote about two – thirds of the New Testament, has got to say about Virkler’s theory: When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things [1Cor. 13:11] Virkler adds that because these gifts were scorned they became insignificant and we were not able to see “in the spirit” i.e. – receive visions and dreams from God. The author maintains that the remedy is to help God by priming the pump in various ways. Virkler gives eastern meditational centring through breathing exercises as one of his methods of ‘quietening’ one’s self before God. Although this one step is omitted by Ed Roebert, both admit that some perceive that there are “seeds of eastern thought” in these lines of teach-ing, but brush these allegations aside. The process of visualising an imaginary Je-sus at whom one “looks intently” until “the Holy

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Spirit takes over” and then Jesus speaks and moves, supposedly makes one a ‘seer’ – like John on the Isle of Patmos or Ezekiel the prophet! Fur-thermore, it is proposed that by the use of such ‘visioning’ concerning things being prayed for, [actually visualising], one is able to ‘incubate’ and ‘birth’ by the human spirit, healings, answered ‘prayers’ – all creations of the human spirit. Jesus taught His disciples how to receive what they needed from God. Is His way not suffi-cient for us who are His disciples now? Do we need to alter God’s own way in order to improve on it by adding our ideas and works? Jesus said six times in John 14, 15 and 16: Ask anything in My Name and the Father in will give it to you. [John 14:13; 14:14; 15:7 and 16; 16:23-24]. Jesus wanted to impress upon us our need to be fully and totally dependant on His Father for every-thing, in everything and every day. This is why He taught us to pray: Give us this day our daily bread. He was Himself totally dependant on His Father and never did anything in His own strength. He said: I only speak the words of My Father and I only do what I see the Father doing [John 5:19] Our eyes must be on the Father to supply our needs according to His Will in the Name of His Son Jesus. His Word is His Will and His Will is to

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Spirit takes over” and then Jesus speaks and moves, supposedly makes one a ‘seer’ – like John on the Isle of Patmos or Ezekiel the prophet! Fur-thermore, it is proposed that by the use of such ‘visioning’ concerning things being prayed for, [actually visualising], one is able to ‘incubate’ and ‘birth’ by the human spirit, healings, answered ‘prayers’ – all creations of the human spirit. Jesus taught His disciples how to receive what they needed from God. Is His way not suffi-cient for us who are His disciples now? Do we need to alter God’s own way in order to improve on it by adding our ideas and works? Jesus said six times in John 14, 15 and 16: Ask anything in My Name and the Father in will give it to you. [John 14:13; 14:14; 15:7 and 16; 16:23-24]. Jesus wanted to impress upon us our need to be fully and totally dependant on His Father for every-thing, in everything and every day. This is why He taught us to pray: Give us this day our daily bread. He was Himself totally dependant on His Father and never did anything in His own strength. He said: I only speak the words of My Father and I only do what I see the Father doing [John 5:19] Our eyes must be on the Father to supply our needs according to His Will in the Name of His Son Jesus. His Word is His Will and His Will is to


supply our needs [not greeds] such as salvation, healing, peace, life’s necessities and above all, everything it takes to conform us to look to His Son. Jesus knew that we needed to look to His Father for our needs just as He did and not try in our own way to strive to bring it to pass. Pray to the Father in Jesus’ Name believing you will re-ceive your petition and you will see it come to pass by the working of God’s grace, power and ability and to Him be all the honour and glory. Pride can so easily creep in if OUR visualising, positive think-ing, incubating or any of the self-help formulas are seen to be the reasons for our obtaining positive prayer results. We could be so unaware of taking some of the glory that belongs to Him for prayers answered. Father God must always be the initia-tor. “We see that when man had reason to erect an altar to God in the Old Testament, God made certain stipulations. There was a Divine probation against using any implement to build it. Altars could be built only of earth or unhewn stone. Earth and unhewn stone are free from marks of man’s efforts; these materials appear just as they left the hands of God, which teaches us that human works and mer-it are not the basis of man’s salvation and accepta-bility with God. The Eternal God had also forbid-den priests to ascend the altar by steps: Nor shall


supply our needs [not greeds] such as salvation, healing, peace, life’s necessities and above all, everything it takes to conform us to look to His Son. Jesus knew that we needed to look to His Father for our needs just as He did and not try in our own way to strive to bring it to pass. Pray to the Father in Jesus’ Name believing you will re-ceive your petition and you will see it come to pass by the working of God’s grace, power and ability and to Him be all the honour and glory. Pride can so easily creep in if OUR visualising, positive think-ing, incubating or any of the self-help formulas are seen to be the reasons for our obtaining positive prayer results. We could be so unaware of taking some of the glory that belongs to Him for prayers answered. Father God must always be the initia-tor. “We see that when man had reason to erect an altar to God in the Old Testament, God made certain stipulations. There was a Divine probation against using any implement to build it. Altars could be built only of earth or unhewn stone. Earth and unhewn stone are free from marks of man’s efforts; these materials appear just as they left the hands of God, which teaches us that human works and mer-it are not the basis of man’s salvation and accepta-bility with God. The Eternal God had also forbid-den priests to ascend the altar by steps: Nor shall

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you go up by steps, that your nakedness may not be exposed on it. [Ex. 20:26] Flights of steps or stairway speak once again of human effort and ingenuity in upward progress, therefore an unacceptable approach to God. Not human effort and merit, but Divine grace is set forth as the basis for receiving from God. It must be noted that God NEVER acknowl-edged the need for His servants or others, to be ‘intuitive’ for Him to reveal things in God-given dreams and visions. He alone chooses the dream and recipient thereof. Just examine Pharaoh’s dream [Gen. 41], Daniel’s vision [Dan. 8], or God’s choosing of Eze-kiel as His prophet [Ezek. 2]! There is a vast difference between the real “God’s work” and that of a human spirit striving to “be in God’s class” i.e. – creative energy through visualisation. This can only lead one into occult activities and contracts with spirit guides who mas-querade as the real Jesus. If you are walking in God, seeking His face, He will give you dreams or visions when He knows they are needful – and you won’t need any ‘priming’. The ways of eastern religion do not lead to the Living God. It is obvious that Satan has suc-ceeded in deceiving numerous pastors and church goers who will fulfil his intended purpose to come

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you go up by steps, that your nakedness may not be exposed on it. [Ex. 20:26] Flights of steps or stairway speak once again of human effort and ingenuity in upward progress, therefore an unacceptable approach to God. Not human effort and merit, but Divine grace is set forth as the basis for receiving from God. It must be noted that God NEVER acknowl-edged the need for His servants or others, to be ‘intuitive’ for Him to reveal things in God-given dreams and visions. He alone chooses the dream and recipient thereof. Just examine Pharaoh’s dream [Gen. 41], Daniel’s vision [Dan. 8], or God’s choosing of Eze-kiel as His prophet [Ezek. 2]! There is a vast difference between the real “God’s work” and that of a human spirit striving to “be in God’s class” i.e. – creative energy through visualisation. This can only lead one into occult activities and contracts with spirit guides who mas-querade as the real Jesus. If you are walking in God, seeking His face, He will give you dreams or visions when He knows they are needful – and you won’t need any ‘priming’. The ways of eastern religion do not lead to the Living God. It is obvious that Satan has suc-ceeded in deceiving numerous pastors and church goers who will fulfil his intended purpose to come


against the Body of Christ. These teachings are completely in line with the teachings of the New Age. To sum up, these teachings are all similar; having the same mechanics, but each with a differ-ent name and emphasis according to its propaga-tor’s revelation. The first was the name-it-frame-it-and-claim-it formula, in other words, you name that which you desire and you continually confess this, and then it should materialise. To name it is to visualise it, or to imagine it. To frame it, is to con-fess it, incubate it. To claim it is that the above will now materialise. Then there is the theory of the power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Then we have the theory of Mark Virkler namely visualise, confess, and it will come to pass. Now comes the fourth dimension theory of Yongi Cho whereby you imagine something, then you incubate these imaginations, and they will come to pass. These heretical theories have been accepted and have become a cornerstone of many modern day churches. The heart motives of those who propagate these theories, is ambition and power, in order to gain control, and they pertain to the materialistic, physical and temporal realm, the power of this world. This is totally contrary to the spiritual realm


against the Body of Christ. These teachings are completely in line with the teachings of the New Age. To sum up, these teachings are all similar; having the same mechanics, but each with a differ-ent name and emphasis according to its propaga-tor’s revelation. The first was the name-it-frame-it-and-claim-it formula, in other words, you name that which you desire and you continually confess this, and then it should materialise. To name it is to visualise it, or to imagine it. To frame it, is to con-fess it, incubate it. To claim it is that the above will now materialise. Then there is the theory of the power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Then we have the theory of Mark Virkler namely visualise, confess, and it will come to pass. Now comes the fourth dimension theory of Yongi Cho whereby you imagine something, then you incubate these imaginations, and they will come to pass. These heretical theories have been accepted and have become a cornerstone of many modern day churches. The heart motives of those who propagate these theories, is ambition and power, in order to gain control, and they pertain to the materialistic, physical and temporal realm, the power of this world. This is totally contrary to the spiritual realm

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which is eternal, and to which we are called According to the Word of God we can have the desires of our heart by being obedient to and following the very explicit principles of God’s Word, according to the Will of God. However as we see throughout the ages, man has tried to do things in his own way, and in his own strength, always con-trary to the commands and statutes of God. The definition of “imaginations” in this con-text is: “as planning to gain by self effort”. These false theories would have us believe that the basis for our prosperity and destiny is in our mind and imagination, but when I looked at the word “imagination” in the Bible, I was amazed to see what it has to say. In 99% of the Scripture verses of the Bible containing this word “imagination”, it has an EVIL CONNOTATION. I want to mention some of these verses. Gen. 6:5: And God saw that the wick-edness of man was great in the earth, and that every IMAGINATION of the thoughts of his heart was only EVIL continually. V6: and it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart. Gen.8: 21: And the Lord smelled a sweet savour; and the Lord said in His heart, I will not again curse the ground any more

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which is eternal, and to which we are called According to the Word of God we can have the desires of our heart by being obedient to and following the very explicit principles of God’s Word, according to the Will of God. However as we see throughout the ages, man has tried to do things in his own way, and in his own strength, always con-trary to the commands and statutes of God. The definition of “imaginations” in this con-text is: “as planning to gain by self effort”. These false theories would have us believe that the basis for our prosperity and destiny is in our mind and imagination, but when I looked at the word “imagination” in the Bible, I was amazed to see what it has to say. In 99% of the Scripture verses of the Bible containing this word “imagination”, it has an EVIL CONNOTATION. I want to mention some of these verses. Gen. 6:5: And God saw that the wick-edness of man was great in the earth, and that every IMAGINATION of the thoughts of his heart was only EVIL continually. V6: and it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart. Gen.8: 21: And the Lord smelled a sweet savour; and the Lord said in His heart, I will not again curse the ground any more


for man’s sake; for the IMAGINATION of man’s heart is EVIL from his youth… Jer. 3:17: At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall be gathered into it, to the Name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the IMAGINATION OF THEIR EVIL HEART. Jer. 7: 24: But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked into their counsels and in the IMAGINATION OF THEIR EVIL HEART, and went backward, and not forward. Jer. 16: 12: And ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk every one after the IMAGINATION OF HIS EVIL HEART, that they man not hearken unto Me. Gen. 11:6: And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one lan-guage; and this they began to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, WHICH THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO. Rom. 1:21: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were they thankful, but became VAIN IN THEIR IMAGINATIONS, and their foolish heart was darkened. 2Cor. 10: 5: CAST DOWN IMAGINA-TIONS and every high thing THAT EXALTETH ITSELF AGAINST THE KNOWLEDEGE OF


for man’s sake; for the IMAGINATION of man’s heart is EVIL from his youth… Jer. 3:17: At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall be gathered into it, to the Name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the IMAGINATION OF THEIR EVIL HEART. Jer. 7: 24: But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked into their counsels and in the IMAGINATION OF THEIR EVIL HEART, and went backward, and not forward. Jer. 16: 12: And ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk every one after the IMAGINATION OF HIS EVIL HEART, that they man not hearken unto Me. Gen. 11:6: And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one lan-guage; and this they began to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, WHICH THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO. Rom. 1:21: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were they thankful, but became VAIN IN THEIR IMAGINATIONS, and their foolish heart was darkened. 2Cor. 10: 5: CAST DOWN IMAGINA-TIONS and every high thing THAT EXALTETH ITSELF AGAINST THE KNOWLEDEGE OF

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GOD, and bring into the captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Luke 1: 51: He hath showed strength with His arm; He hath scattered THE PROUD IN THE IMAGINATION of their hearts. Also read Jer. 9:14; 11:8; 13:10; 18:12; 23:17; Prov. 6:18; 12:20; Lam. 3:60-61; Ps. 38:12. If you study Scripture more closely you will understand how that from the very beginning of man’s existence he tried to use his EVIL IMAGINA-TION to better himself, to elevate himself and how God took exception to this attitude in man. What we ‘imagine’ may not necessarily be the best according to God’s Will and purpose, in the light of His eternal plan for us, and only He knows all things from beginning to end. We see that the desire of the Israelites hearts’ which was granted to them, their fleshly desires, cost them a leanness of their souls. Ps. 106:15: And He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul. The practical implication of what we are in fact taught with disastrous results can be found in the Old Testament in the incident of the Tower of Babel. Here we find that man, once again, wanted to reach God in THEIR way. They visualised/imagined this tower. In Gen. 11:6, which we have already quot-ed, we have read how God said: …and not noth-

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GOD, and bring into the captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Luke 1: 51: He hath showed strength with His arm; He hath scattered THE PROUD IN THE IMAGINATION of their hearts. Also read Jer. 9:14; 11:8; 13:10; 18:12; 23:17; Prov. 6:18; 12:20; Lam. 3:60-61; Ps. 38:12. If you study Scripture more closely you will understand how that from the very beginning of man’s existence he tried to use his EVIL IMAGINA-TION to better himself, to elevate himself and how God took exception to this attitude in man. What we ‘imagine’ may not necessarily be the best according to God’s Will and purpose, in the light of His eternal plan for us, and only He knows all things from beginning to end. We see that the desire of the Israelites hearts’ which was granted to them, their fleshly desires, cost them a leanness of their souls. Ps. 106:15: And He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul. The practical implication of what we are in fact taught with disastrous results can be found in the Old Testament in the incident of the Tower of Babel. Here we find that man, once again, wanted to reach God in THEIR way. They visualised/imagined this tower. In Gen. 11:6, which we have already quot-ed, we have read how God said: …and not noth-


ing will be restrained from them, WHICH THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO. These people followed the method which Satan has never failed to make attractive to man in order that he might achieve higher and better things for himself in this world: they IMAGINED a city and a tower whose top may reach heaven, and by which they could make a name for them-selves. These thoughts INCUBATED in their minds and souls and eventually MANIFESTED. God thought it disgusting, and came down and scat-tered them over the face of the earth. God knew, that by applying the soul power of their imagina-tion, Satan would support it with his occult power and eventually NOTHING would be impossible to them. See how this has connotations of the East-ern Hindu thought [Pantheism] where man evolves into God and eventually becomes ONE with God, he becomes God! Remember these people who built the tower of Babel wanted to reach up to heaven! So Paul Yongi Cho comes with this very same teaching: imagine anything you want, let it incubate in your soul, and it will mani-fest. He confesses that this is the very method he used to build up the biggest congregation in the world! This is soul power, becoming occult power in operation by the IMAGINATIONS OF MAN’S EVIL HEART! I believe the Pope has even a far bigger


ing will be restrained from them, WHICH THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO. These people followed the method which Satan has never failed to make attractive to man in order that he might achieve higher and better things for himself in this world: they IMAGINED a city and a tower whose top may reach heaven, and by which they could make a name for them-selves. These thoughts INCUBATED in their minds and souls and eventually MANIFESTED. God thought it disgusting, and came down and scat-tered them over the face of the earth. God knew, that by applying the soul power of their imagina-tion, Satan would support it with his occult power and eventually NOTHING would be impossible to them. See how this has connotations of the East-ern Hindu thought [Pantheism] where man evolves into God and eventually becomes ONE with God, he becomes God! Remember these people who built the tower of Babel wanted to reach up to heaven! So Paul Yongi Cho comes with this very same teaching: imagine anything you want, let it incubate in your soul, and it will mani-fest. He confesses that this is the very method he used to build up the biggest congregation in the world! This is soul power, becoming occult power in operation by the IMAGINATIONS OF MAN’S EVIL HEART! I believe the Pope has even a far bigger

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church and membership, but this does not impress God! God clearly says in His Word that HE will build His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [Matt. 16:18] He will build in His way! In the New Testament we find the parable of the foolish rich man. He visualised/imagined his great stores and wealth. Luke 12 tells the parable in verses 13-20-21. Can you see how he THOUGHT, and SAID TO HIS SOUL. Isn’t this the same old method again? Im-agine [the greater barns]; incubate [say to your soul] and it will manifest! But God said unto him: THOU FOOL! This night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? God has given man instructions through His Word as to how He desires man to walk in obedi-ence to His Word, and be blessed and know His peace. In the mid 70’s there was a wonderful move of God in our country, and God raised up men to be His vessels during this revival. We saw how men, who were being mightily used of God, em-powered by the Holy Spirit, then chose to deviate from teaching the simplicity of the Gospel, and as a result, today many of these ministries are now preaching a different Gospel, doing things man’s way and in their own strength. There is a real danger of starting in the Spir-

Charismatic Witchcraft


church and membership, but this does not impress God! God clearly says in His Word that HE will build His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [Matt. 16:18] He will build in His way! In the New Testament we find the parable of the foolish rich man. He visualised/imagined his great stores and wealth. Luke 12 tells the parable in verses 13-20-21. Can you see how he THOUGHT, and SAID TO HIS SOUL. Isn’t this the same old method again? Im-agine [the greater barns]; incubate [say to your soul] and it will manifest! But God said unto him: THOU FOOL! This night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? God has given man instructions through His Word as to how He desires man to walk in obedi-ence to His Word, and be blessed and know His peace. In the mid 70’s there was a wonderful move of God in our country, and God raised up men to be His vessels during this revival. We saw how men, who were being mightily used of God, em-powered by the Holy Spirit, then chose to deviate from teaching the simplicity of the Gospel, and as a result, today many of these ministries are now preaching a different Gospel, doing things man’s way and in their own strength. There is a real danger of starting in the Spir-


it and then to allowing the flesh to take over. This occurs gradually, at first very subtly until an open-ing has been created for spirits of seduction and deception to enter and to bring with them doc-trines of devils. I had the privilege of working for many years with a certain very special denomination with a relatively small membership, but spiritually pow-erful in this country, one which had been persecut-ed and frowned upon. This is of course in line with God’s Word, because He says that those who are productive in His work will be persecuted. Now I see the apostasy and rot that has come into this denomination because of the heresies and the false doctrines that are allowed to be preached from its pulpits. At the same time however, this Pentecostal denomination has now become acceptable, and is not a persecuted church anymore. It has acquired a large membership and ‘status’ in the eyes of man, but although it’s membership and status increased, the demonstration of God’s power by His Holy Spirit has visibly decreased. I am grieved by the general lack of discernment in the leadership of the Body of Christ today. I cry out to God for the gift of discerning of spirits to manifest in a greater way in these last days, be-cause it is such an important time before the com-ing of our Lord Jesus Christ. I consider it a privilege to have been called by God


it and then to allowing the flesh to take over. This occurs gradually, at first very subtly until an open-ing has been created for spirits of seduction and deception to enter and to bring with them doc-trines of devils. I had the privilege of working for many years with a certain very special denomination with a relatively small membership, but spiritually pow-erful in this country, one which had been persecut-ed and frowned upon. This is of course in line with God’s Word, because He says that those who are productive in His work will be persecuted. Now I see the apostasy and rot that has come into this denomination because of the heresies and the false doctrines that are allowed to be preached from its pulpits. At the same time however, this Pentecostal denomination has now become acceptable, and is not a persecuted church anymore. It has acquired a large membership and ‘status’ in the eyes of man, but although it’s membership and status increased, the demonstration of God’s power by His Holy Spirit has visibly decreased. I am grieved by the general lack of discernment in the leadership of the Body of Christ today. I cry out to God for the gift of discerning of spirits to manifest in a greater way in these last days, be-cause it is such an important time before the com-ing of our Lord Jesus Christ. I consider it a privilege to have been called by God

Charismatic Witchcraft


to spread the Good News, and pray for the sick, in this country since 1979. There is not a city, town or “dorpie” that has not heard the message of Cal-vary and seen the demonstration of God’s power in action by the Holy Spirit in the Name of His pre-cious Son Jesus, for His glory alone. I cannot be blamed for reacting as strongly as I do when I see precious converted souls, touched and regenerated by Father God, people who need to be fed with the truth of God’s pure unadulterated Word, becoming part of an apostate church. I fear for the leaders responsible for the deception that they have al-lowed into their churches. My brothers, not many of you should become teachers. As you know, we teachers will be judged with greater strictness than others [James 3:1 – Good News Translation]. I want to emphasise that it is not my inten-tion to judge men of God, but we are commanded by God to Judge that which they propagate in the light of His Word. (Read our book: IS IT RIGHT TO JUDGE?) There is however hope for those who desire to come out and be free from any entanglement with unbiblical teachings. Jesus said in Matt. 7:13-14: Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow

Charismatic Witchcraft


to spread the Good News, and pray for the sick, in this country since 1979. There is not a city, town or “dorpie” that has not heard the message of Cal-vary and seen the demonstration of God’s power in action by the Holy Spirit in the Name of His pre-cious Son Jesus, for His glory alone. I cannot be blamed for reacting as strongly as I do when I see precious converted souls, touched and regenerated by Father God, people who need to be fed with the truth of God’s pure unadulterated Word, becoming part of an apostate church. I fear for the leaders responsible for the deception that they have al-lowed into their churches. My brothers, not many of you should become teachers. As you know, we teachers will be judged with greater strictness than others [James 3:1 – Good News Translation]. I want to emphasise that it is not my inten-tion to judge men of God, but we are commanded by God to Judge that which they propagate in the light of His Word. (Read our book: IS IT RIGHT TO JUDGE?) There is however hope for those who desire to come out and be free from any entanglement with unbiblical teachings. Jesus said in Matt. 7:13-14: Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow


the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. He also said: If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:31-32) It is the words of Jesus, His teachings alone that we must embrace, be-cause everything He taught came directly from Father God. It is very dangerous to deviate from the instructions which Jesus taught and gave to His disciples. It is because of men not receiving the love of the Truth of God’s Word that God says He will send a strong delusion so that they will believe a lie (2 Thess. 2:11) Let us embrace the Truth as never before in these last days as our Bridegroom is ready to fetch His bride who is preparing herself for His return. After all Jesus said: I am the way the TRUTH and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me. (John 14:6) It is only because of Jesus and in His Name alone that mere man has access to the Father’s blessings and provision. He made a way – the only way – where there was no way. Let us recog-nise God’s WAY and walk therein. Come out and be separated says the lord. Touch no unclean thing and I will ac-cept you (2 Cor. 6:17)


the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. He also said: If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:31-32) It is the words of Jesus, His teachings alone that we must embrace, be-cause everything He taught came directly from Father God. It is very dangerous to deviate from the instructions which Jesus taught and gave to His disciples. It is because of men not receiving the love of the Truth of God’s Word that God says He will send a strong delusion so that they will believe a lie (2 Thess. 2:11) Let us embrace the Truth as never before in these last days as our Bridegroom is ready to fetch His bride who is preparing herself for His return. After all Jesus said: I am the way the TRUTH and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me. (John 14:6) It is only because of Jesus and in His Name alone that mere man has access to the Father’s blessings and provision. He made a way – the only way – where there was no way. Let us recog-nise God’s WAY and walk therein. Come out and be separated says the lord. Touch no unclean thing and I will ac-cept you (2 Cor. 6:17)

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Charismatic Witchcraft




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Charismatic Witchcraft




Charismatic Witchcraft


Charismatic Witchcraft




Charismatic Witchcraft


How to be Born again and a Child of God

1. ACKNOWLEDGE: For all have sinned,

and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) God be merciful to me a sinner! (Luke 18:13) In the light of God’s Word you must acknowledge that you are a sinner.

2. REPENT: I (Jesus) tell you, Nay: but,

except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13:3) Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out … (Acts 3:19) Realise the ugliness of sin and turn away from it.

3. CONFESS: If we confess our sins, He

is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 Joh. 1:9) …. With the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Rom. 10:10) Confess your sins before God.

4. LEAVE: Let the wicked forsake his

way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord … for He will abundantly pardon (Is. 55:7) Just to be sorry about your sin is not enough. We must desire to forsake it forever.

5. BELIEVE: For God so loved the world,

that He gave His only begotten Son, that

Charismatic Witchcraft


How to be Born again and a Child of God

1. ACKNOWLEDGE: For all have sinned,

and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) God be merciful to me a sinner! (Luke 18:13) In the light of God’s Word you must acknowledge that you are a sinner.

2. REPENT: I (Jesus) tell you, Nay: but,

except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13:3) Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out … (Acts 3:19) Realise the ugliness of sin and turn away from it.

3. CONFESS: If we confess our sins, He

is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 Joh. 1:9) …. With the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Rom. 10:10) Confess your sins before God.

4. LEAVE: Let the wicked forsake his

way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord … for He will abundantly pardon (Is. 55:7) Just to be sorry about your sin is not enough. We must desire to forsake it forever.

5. BELIEVE: For God so loved the world,

that He gave His only begotten Son, that


whosoever believeth in Him should not per-ish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16)

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Rom. 10:9) Believe that Jesus Christ delivered you completely at the Cross.

6. RECEIVE: He came unto his own, and

his own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to be-come the sons of God, even to them that be-lieve on His name. (John 1:11 and 12) You must, by faith, now receive Jesus Christ in your heart so that you can have the experience of being born again.

7. WRITE DOWN: Today’s date, on the

inside front page of your Bible or next to a scrip-ture verse which has special significance. Let this always be a confirmation to you that you have dedicated your heart and life to the Living God, and that He has received you in His Love. Resist the devil by pointing him to that particular scrip-ture and date every time he attacks you with doubt and confusion.

8. READ: So then faith cometh by hear-

ing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17) Begin everyday by reading a chapter from the Bible then apply God’s instructions in your daily walk with Him.


whosoever believeth in Him should not per-ish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16)

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Rom. 10:9) Believe that Jesus Christ delivered you completely at the Cross.

6. RECEIVE: He came unto his own, and

his own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to be-come the sons of God, even to them that be-lieve on His name. (John 1:11 and 12) You must, by faith, now receive Jesus Christ in your heart so that you can have the experience of being born again.

7. WRITE DOWN: Today’s date, on the

inside front page of your Bible or next to a scrip-ture verse which has special significance. Let this always be a confirmation to you that you have dedicated your heart and life to the Living God, and that He has received you in His Love. Resist the devil by pointing him to that particular scrip-ture and date every time he attacks you with doubt and confusion.

8. READ: So then faith cometh by hear-

ing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17) Begin everyday by reading a chapter from the Bible then apply God’s instructions in your daily walk with Him.

Charismatic Witchcraft


9. PRAY: God is now your Heavenly Father: talk to Him everyday. Confess your sins, praise Him for setting you free, tell Him your needs, and thank Him for supplying all your needs: physical, financial and emotional (Philip. 4:19) The following is a prayer which you can use as a guideline.

“Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I am a lost sinner. I thank You that Jesus died for my sins, that by His shed blood I have been forgiven and that His Body was mutilated beyond recogni-tion and that by His wounds He purchased healing for me. Lord Jesus, I now receive you as my Sav-iour, my Healer, my Lord and my God. I ask You to forgive all my sin. I now open the door to my heart and life to You. Please come in and cleanse me. Take the reigns of my life: I want to be led by Your Holy Spirit. Father, I thank You that Jesus Christ is now my Saviour and Lord that I am now Your Child. Amen.”

10. BE BAPTISED: You are now a child of

God, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. The next step is baptism by full immersion. Mark. 16:16 Jesus says He who believes and is baptised shall be saved. Remember, now that you are a child of God, your name has been entered into the Book of the Lamb, as you have been obedient to the God’s instructions.


cording to God’s promise in Acts 2:38 & 39

Charismatic Witchcraft


9. PRAY: God is now your Heavenly Father: talk to Him everyday. Confess your sins, praise Him for setting you free, tell Him your needs, and thank Him for supplying all your needs: physical, financial and emotional (Philip. 4:19) The following is a prayer which you can use as a guideline.

“Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I am a lost sinner. I thank You that Jesus died for my sins, that by His shed blood I have been forgiven and that His Body was mutilated beyond recogni-tion and that by His wounds He purchased healing for me. Lord Jesus, I now receive you as my Sav-iour, my Healer, my Lord and my God. I ask You to forgive all my sin. I now open the door to my heart and life to You. Please come in and cleanse me. Take the reigns of my life: I want to be led by Your Holy Spirit. Father, I thank You that Jesus Christ is now my Saviour and Lord that I am now Your Child. Amen.”

10. BE BAPTISED: You are now a child of

God, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. The next step is baptism by full immersion. Mark. 16:16 Jesus says He who believes and is baptised shall be saved. Remember, now that you are a child of God, your name has been entered into the Book of the Lamb, as you have been obedient to the God’s instructions.


cording to God’s promise in Acts 2:38 & 39


12. FELLOWSHIP: Find a group of born-again, believing Christians and fellowship with them on a regular basis. Always keep in mind the picture of the coal which is on the fire and glows while it is in contact with the fire, but which grows cold and dies if it stays out of the fire too long.

13. WRITE TO US: We will gladly assist you in your continued spiritual growth.


12. FELLOWSHIP: Find a group of born-again, believing Christians and fellowship with them on a regular basis. Always keep in mind the picture of the coal which is on the fire and glows while it is in contact with the fire, but which grows cold and dies if it stays out of the fire too long.

13. WRITE TO US: We will gladly assist you in your continued spiritual growth.

Charismatic Witchcraft


English Books—Mustardseed

46 The Accuracy of the Quran?

55 Christianity or Islam:You decide

M17 What on earth is this Kingdom Theol-ogy

M18 Who is part of the Anti-Christ?

M22 Is it right to Judge?

M24 What’s the world coming to?

M28 How should a Christian Pray?

M31 Deception in the Name of the Holy Spirit

M32 From the Gar-den to the Cross

M37 The Dangers of Martial Art

M40 Jesus was not

in hell

M44 Prayer and Fasting

M45 Easter and Christmas

M47 The Name of our God

M50 Charismatic Witchcraft

M52 The laughing spirit explained

M53 The Real Chris-tian Church and the Misled Christian Church

M56 Victory over the devils attacks

M57 Healing and the Occult

M58 Why must I be Born Again

M59 Is Divine Heal-ing For All

M60 How Great is your God

M61 Faith as a Mus-

For your Spiritual Growth...

Charismatic Witchcraft


English Books—Mustardseed

46 The Accuracy of the Quran?

55 Christianity or Islam:You decide

M17 What on earth is this Kingdom Theol-ogy

M18 Who is part of the Anti-Christ?

M22 Is it right to Judge?

M24 What’s the world coming to?

M28 How should a Christian Pray?

M31 Deception in the Name of the Holy Spirit

M32 From the Gar-den to the Cross

M37 The Dangers of Martial Art

M40 Jesus was not

in hell

M44 Prayer and Fasting

M45 Easter and Christmas

M47 The Name of our God

M50 Charismatic Witchcraft

M52 The laughing spirit explained

M53 The Real Chris-tian Church and the Misled Christian Church

M56 Victory over the devils attacks

M57 Healing and the Occult

M58 Why must I be Born Again

M59 Is Divine Heal-ing For All

M60 How Great is your God

M61 Faith as a Mus-

For your Spiritual Growth...



M62 What does God expect of the family

M63 What does the Bible say about Bap-tism

M65 The Power of Forgiveness English books

16 God’s will for the Healing

30 Restoration of Praise

31 Experience the Holy Spirit

32 Lord’s Table and Healing

33 Baptism and Tra-dition

34 God desires to Heal you

35 Free from fear

37 The Church en route to perfection

40 Know your ene-my

41 Testimonies – Vol. One

43 A Successful Marriage

58 Jesus shows the way to Heaven

61 What does God demand

62 How to bury the past

64 The Christian and Job

Tapes and CD’s Dr JJ van Zyl—A6 So send I you

A7 Knowing the Will of God

A8 How to receive your Healing

A11 Healed by the Stripes of Jesus

A12 Ministering to the Sick

A13 Only Believe

A15 The Lord’s Ta-ble and Healing



M62 What does God expect of the family

M63 What does the Bible say about Bap-tism

M65 The Power of Forgiveness English books

16 God’s will for the Healing

30 Restoration of Praise

31 Experience the Holy Spirit

32 Lord’s Table and Healing

33 Baptism and Tra-dition

34 God desires to Heal you

35 Free from fear

37 The Church en route to perfection

40 Know your ene-my

41 Testimonies – Vol. One

43 A Successful Marriage

58 Jesus shows the way to Heaven

61 What does God demand

62 How to bury the past

64 The Christian and Job

Tapes and CD’s Dr JJ van Zyl—A6 So send I you

A7 Knowing the Will of God

A8 How to receive your Healing

A11 Healed by the Stripes of Jesus

A12 Ministering to the Sick

A13 Only Believe

A15 The Lord’s Ta-ble and Healing

Charismatic Witchcraft


Meg van Zyl

D38 The Presence of God –DGericke

D42 Heart Pleasing to God—D.Gericke

D46 Be strong and courageous - D. Gericke

D 47 Your Founda-tion—D. GerickeA16 How to Pray to get results

A18 Beware of Job-comforters

A19 Testimony of Dr. van Zyl

A20 Biblical Faith

A22 The Power of God

A25 The Faithfulness of the Father

A28 He is Risen

A30 Healing through the Cross

A33 Holy Cows of religion

A34 The Unlimited

power of God’s Word

A35 Forgiveness & Healing

A38 Fellowship with Christ in Communion—Tape 1 A39 Fellowship

BANK DETAILS Stanger Christian

Centre First National Bank,

Acc No. 53730091667, Branch code:

220129 Branch: Stanger Fax no (032) 552


Charismatic Witchcraft


Meg van Zyl

D38 The Presence of God –DGericke

D42 Heart Pleasing to God—D.Gericke

D46 Be strong and courageous - D. Gericke

D 47 Your Founda-tion—D. GerickeA16 How to Pray to get results

A18 Beware of Job-comforters

A19 Testimony of Dr. van Zyl

A20 Biblical Faith

A22 The Power of God

A25 The Faithfulness of the Father

A28 He is Risen

A30 Healing through the Cross

A33 Holy Cows of religion

A34 The Unlimited

power of God’s Word

A35 Forgiveness & Healing

A38 Fellowship with Christ in Communion—Tape 1 A39 Fellowship

BANK DETAILS Stanger Christian

Centre First National Bank,

Acc No. 53730091667, Branch code:

220129 Branch: Stanger Fax no (032) 552