Dr. Cynthia Dunning, MAS Professional archaeology in Switzerland Pros and contras of a federal...


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Dr. Cynthia Dunning, MAS

Professional archaeology in Switzerland

Pros and contras of a federal system

1. Presentation of the situation in Switzerland

2. Who works in archaeology in Switzerland?

3. Background and training

4. Challenges for the future

Presentation of the situation in SwitzerlandThe Confederation

1. Federal Office of Culture (OFC/BAK/UFC)2. Federal Roads Office (FEDRO/OFROU/ASTRA/USTRA), 3. Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP/OFPP/BABS/


Þ Financing of projects of national importance / three-year programmes (built and archaeological heritage)

Þ Managing, financing and controlling archaeological work on the national road system

Þ Insuring the protection of cultural objects in situations of conflict

Þ Making sure that the international treaties are respected (Valetta, Hague, etc.)

Þ All other international work (UNESCO , CoE Herein, etc)

Presentation of the situation in Switzerland

Presentation of the situation in SwitzerlandThe Cantons: 26 cantons – 26 laws on archaeological heritage – 26 offices responsible for all archaeological work















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Presentation of the situation in SwitzerlandMunicipalities: City of Zurich / Aventicum / Augusta Raurica

Associations: 13 associations of professionals / about 40 associations of interested amateurs

Museums: 67 museums with archaeological collections

Universities and Speciaised High Schools: 7 Universities and one advanced technical college for applied sciences.

Private companies: 10 private companies

Excavations outside of Switzerland: About 30 excavations mostly in south and eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and South America

Who works in archaeology in Switzerland ?

In 2012:

- About 850 archaeologists in Switzerland (not taking in account the students) belonging to professional associations.

- 200 «technicians» working on the field

- More than 50 conservators/restorers working only on archaeology.

Background and training


Seven Swiss universities propose courses (Bachelor – Master – Doctorate) in archaeological sciences.

The advanced technical college for applied sciences in Neuchâtel proposes a cursus on conservation/restoration on archaeological objects (Bachelor – master)

On-the-job- training : ASTFA/VATG => federal professional certificate „Grabungstechniker“

Background and training

Professional training (continuing education)

- In-house: safety – techniques

- From outside: management – special sciences

- Participation in conferences, colloquia, etc : regional, national and international

Challenges for the future


- Federal structure

- Reduced state finances

- A plethora of archaeologists?

Challenges for the future

Suggestions / Recommendations?

Federal structure: - Better cooperation- Interventionism from the Confederation- Political lobbying

Reduced state finances: - Develop new financing system ?

A plethora of archaeologists?


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- Dunning, Cynthia. 2010. Schweizerische Archäologie: Rückblick und neue Herausforderungen. In: NIKE-Bulletin 3.

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- Hüglin, Sophie. 2013. Comparing Cross-border Co-operations. Transnational archaeological projects in the regions of Basel and Lake Constance (unpublished)

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