Dr. Anderson on the Vaccine Debate (A mostly opinion piece) ·...


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©  Dr.  Hannah  Anderson,  DC  �  Back  In  Line  Family  Chiropractic  and  Wellness,  P.C.  �  Hiawatha,  IA  

 Dr. Anderson on the Vaccine Debate (A mostly opinion piece)

 There  is  a  misconception  that  the  only  people  looking  into  vaccine  efficacy  are  trendy  internet  moms,  and  

Jenny  McCarthy,  who  read  dramatic  fictional  articles  just  for  fun  or  stupidity.  In  reality,  most  people  who  apply  for  a  partial  or  full  vaccine  exemption  have  one  or  more  college  degrees,  and  have  an  upper  middle  class  income.  It  is  NOT  fun,  to  sift  through  pages  and  pages  of  books,  journals,  and  articles  all  the  while  flip-­‐flopping  inside  your  own  brain  about  doing  what  is  best  for  your  family.  Reading  horror  stories  on  both  sides  of  the  decision,  and  realizing  that  there  is  a  chance  you  and  your  child  could  be  one  of  those  people.  You  could  be  the  person  who  didn’t  vaccinate  and  experienced  debilitating  illness,  or  you  could  be  the  person  who  DID  vaccinate  and  experienced  debilitating  illness.  There  are  ways  to  avoid  (a  few  or  all)  vaccines,  and  there  are  ways  to  fully  vaccinate  according  to  the  CDC  schedule  in  a  SAFER  manner.      Healthcare  is  not  one-­‐size-­‐fits  all.  No  other  medical  treatment  is  used  across  the  board  on  every  individual  without  testing,  screening,  and  examination.  Some  vaccines  may  be  right  for  your  family,  some  may  not.  

You  might  pick  all,  none,  few,  or  most  vaccines,  but  you  should  be  supported  the  entire  way.    Making  the  decision  to  vaccinate  or  not:  

• It  doesn’t  have  to  be  all  or  nothing  (There  are  adjusted  schedules,  &  everyone’s  situation  is  different.)  • You  get  to  choose  because  you  are  the  parent  (no  friend,  grandparent,  sister,  brother,  or  doctor  can  choose  for  you)  • It  should  involve  tough  questions  and  honest  answers  • It  should  not  be  full  of  peer  pressure,  judgment,  hate,  ridicule,  or  persuasion  • It  should  be  full  of  good  intentions,  support,  and  accurate  information  

 There  are  more  factors  affecting  your  child’s  immunity  than  vaccines  alone.  Immunization  and  vaccination  are  not  interchangeable  terms.  

• Food  (breast-­‐fed,  formula,  processed  foods,  organic  foods,  plants  vs.  fast  food)  o Food  is  a  HUGE  factor;  Disease  and  vaccine  injuries  alike  are  much  more  likely  to  occur  if  your  child  is  not  

getting  the  nutrients  they  need  • Environmental  toxins  (soaps,  detergents,  farm  chemicals,  toxic  cleaning  products)  • Genetics   • Lifestyle  (activity  level,  etc.)    

Before  you  vaccinate,  ask  yourself:  • Am  I,  or  my  child  sick  right  now?  • Have  I,  my  child,  or  anyone  in  our  immediate  

family  had  adverse  reactions  to  vaccines?  • DO  I  know  the  disease  and  vaccine  risks  for  myself  

and  my  child?  • Do  I  have  the  full  information  about  the  vaccine’s  

side  effects?  

• Do  I  know  how  to  IDENTIFY  and  REPORT  a  vaccine  reaction?  

• Do  I  know  I  need  to  keep  a  written  record,  including  the  vaccine  manufacturer’s  name  and  lot  number  for  all  vaccinations?  

• Do  I  know  that  I  have  the  right  to  make  an  informed  choice?  

 It’s  ok  to  ask  your  pediatrician  for  the  vaccine  package  inserts  for  every  vaccine  before  you  make  a  decision.  It’s  ok  to  ask  your  doctor  if  they  have  read  the  package  inserts.  If  they  read  it,  they  would  know  that  it  says:  

“The  health-­‐care  provider  should  provide  the  vaccine  information  required  to  be  given  with  each  vaccination  to  the  patient,  parent,  or  guardian.  The  health-­‐care  provider  should  inform  the  patient,  parent,  or  guardian  of  the  benefits  and  risks  associated  with  vaccination.  Patients,  parents,  or  guardians  should  be  instructed  to  report  any  serious  adverse  reactions  to  their  health-­‐care  provider  who  in  turn  should  report  such  events  to  the  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services  through  the  Vaccine  Adverse  Event  Reporting  System  (VAERS),  1-­‐800-­‐822-­‐7967.{49}”  

 Doctors  used  to  smoke.  Doctor’s  used  to  advertise  for  cigarettes.  They  also  used  to  recommend  cocaine  for  toothaches.  Doctors  are  a  resource  of  information  for  you.  They  can  only  tell  you  what  they  have  learned,  and  it  is  possible  for  scientific  information  to  change.  Physicians  cannot  be  sole  reason  you  make  any  decision.    

©  Dr.  Hannah  Anderson,  DC  �  Back  In  Line  Family  Chiropractic  and  Wellness,  P.C.  �  Hiawatha,  IA  

Vaccine Detoxifcation

You may want the protective efforts of vaccines, but there’s a good chance you DON’T want the toxins that come with them. Formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, bromide, MSG, 2-phenoxyethoanol, polysorbate 80, and more! These nasty things are among the most toxic known to man, and can be retained in the kidneys, spleen, liver, heart, brain, lymph nodes, and muscle if our body isn’t metabolizing them or detoxing properly. The more you can metabolize and get rid of toxins, the less likely you or your child will be to suffer the unfortunate adverse effects from vaccinations. This is our attempt at getting the best of both worlds (medical and natural), and supporting your child in every situation as much as we possibly can!

Pre-Vaccine Support 1. Make sure the GI tract is healthy!

a. Your child should be having healthy, regular bowel movements daily at least 14 days prior to any vaccine. If this is not the case, discuss your treatment options with a physician, or the Back In Line team.

2. Nutrition – We suggest the following supplements daily, 2 weeks before vaccinating, ask a physician for doses. Each of the following supplements can be purchased at Back In Line, if we don’t have any in stock we will order some especially for you!

a. Probiotics (good bacteria put into the gut, which helps to make your immune system stronger! 70-80% of our immune systems reside in these little gut bugs!). We recommend physician grade probiotics, such as Orthomolecular’s Floraboost, which is powdered and easy for kids to take.

b. Omega 3’s – essential for brain function and detoxification; especially with MMR, DTaP, and Varicella vaccines (most prone to adverse effects). We recommend physician grade Orthomega Pearls for kids.

c. Vitamin A - Research has shown that Vitamin A supplementation is effective at preventing and treating measles infections, as well as many other diseases. We suggest Vita-Kids Immune, a physician grade liquid that also has elderberry herbs in it which stimulates the immune system and helpful filter cells.

d. Vitamin D – Vitamin D is the immune system KING/QUEEN. We have a tasteless, colorless, physician grade liquid form from Orthomolecular labs that can be used for the whole family.

3. Get Adjusted! – Chiropractic adjustments boost the immune system, making sure the brain is able to talk to the rest of the body via the spinal cord. A higher functioning immune system prior to vaccinating will help the body better deal with infections and toxins. Visit your family chiropractor, or visit us here at Back In Line. Dr. Anderson is trained in pediatric-specific adjusting that uses very light touch to help our kiddos function at 100%! Affordable family packages are available for mom, dad, and siblings to all get their immune boost.

4. Avoid processed food and junk food the week before vaccinations. The goal is to decrease the toxic blow as much as possible. If your child is breastfeeding, awesome -- Keep it going!

Post-Vaccination Detox 1. Continue nutritional supplements (listed above) 2 weeks after vaccinating to keep the immune system strong. 2. Get Adjusted! A vaccine contains toxins that can throw our nervous systems out of whack. Get back to proper

function by getting checked by Dr. Anderson, or your family chiropractor the week following vaccination. 3. IR Sauna – come sit in our infrared sauna at Back In Line. Mom, dad, and siblings, can sit in the sauna with

vaccinated children or babies for no extra charge. We have protocols specifically for our precious pediatric patients. Sweating eliminates toxins and heavy metals.

4. Continue to avoid processed foods – (and junk foods), for as long as possible after vaccinating! 5. Water - If the child is an appropriate age for drinking water, make sure they are drinking enough. We detox heavily

through our bowels, and we need to keep them moving!

Possible Detoxification Side Effects Occasionally when your body is getting rid of garbage, you might feel a little garbage-y. It may not happen, but if it does, it may be normal. You might notice you or your children feeling nauseous, sleepy, grumpy, sweaty, or having loose stools. These are signs your body is doing its best to get the toxins out. Sometimes this is called a “healing crisis”. More commonly than not, this will not occur, but if it does, feel free to call our office at 319-892-3362.
