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Becky H.

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“Young people just need something to do” says Ryan, a professional gamer who features in the documentary ‘Gaming Vs Reality’on BBC 3 at 8:00pm. “They get bored, they have enough time on their hands, so why not play until you are of a high level?”

However, the amount of times we see disasters being linked to videogames is worrying. From imitations gone wrong, to violent disputes over who is better than who, there’s no doubt that the impact gaming has on the lives of people strong. The most worrying part is how young these children become involved with videogames, meaning the impact becomes part of their nature, and causes the devastation we see. But is that entirely down to the games they play? Do parents need to take age ratings and parental controls more seriously? The documentary explans all of these examples by going to the source itself, students at Solihull Sixth Form College.

The world of videogames has grown dramatically alongside developments in technology. The ‘next best thing’ changes so often that the money the gaming industry makes is incredible. As consumers spent $21.53 billion on video games, hardware, and accessories in 2013. With the rise of mobile phone games, some children could be considered ‘gamers’ even before their first birthday. Does it just make them accustomed to a technology-reliant lifestyle, or does it actually change their behaviors and attitudes?

Tom Karwec, Psychologist claims that as video games tend to be associated with more real life non fictional events as well as imaginative, fictional events, they make them more appealing to young people. However he did go onto conclude that only 1:100 people are obsessed with gaming. ‘In life you can try you best but not succeed…..Games always give you an awared.; (more information of the documentary ‘Gaming Vs Reality’).

Parents worry about their children playing video games at such a young age, that they feel that they want be able to sociable with other children. E.G. One parent said ‘that they feel their child is becoming additive to games and find it hard to get them to go outside.’ However a study was done and found that children who play video games for an hour a day are happier, more sociable, and less hyperactive than those who don’t play video games at all. So is playing videos games good for children?

What happened to board games? Something that we used to use as a bonding activity has been lost. Can you remember the last time you played a board game? Board games have faded gradually since the video games have entered the market, and with the improvement of technology, video have advanced drastically. The fact that board games aren’t particularly technology orientated, it has impacted on its usage dramatically, giving video games the upper edge as technology improves, video games improve.

Board games also seem to have loads of pieces and cards, making it really complicated for some to play, and the fact that some of those pieces are vital to play the game losing a particular figure could disrupt someone whilst playing. For video games on the other hand, you only need a console, TV, a game to play and of course the controller! Making it way easier and simple to play which could be another reason why people prefer them.

Despite this traditionally board games are regarded to a way families can spend time with one and have a laugh. It also use to be a way for friends to socially interact and compete against each other. Video games could also function in a way were people could spend time together and have fun, however video games don’t have the same traditional features that board games have which don’t make it feel the same way, like when you’re sat round the table sipping on hot chocolate or eating ice cream. Video games also don’t seem very appealing to parents which would prevent the whole family from enjoying a game of FIFA or Skyrim for example. In families video games tend to be played by the younger members, brothers, sisters etc.

Even with a small amount of people that are obsessed with games, serious and most shocking things can occur such as gamers killing over gamers in real life; gamers dying after playing a game for too long by not eating or drinking; parents killing their children because they want to play the game more than actually looking after their own children. These are massive side effects and has a massive impact on individuals lives that when they happen you cannot restart just like in the game.