Double Jeopardy Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3PeopleDates 20 40 60 80 100



Category 1 – 40 points God made a covenant with ________ that continues today and is fulfilled in Jesus.

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Double JeopardyChapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 People Dates

20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

Category 1 – 20 points

Paul considered himself to be what type of Jew before he converted?

Category 1 – 40 points

God made a covenant with ________ that continues today and is fulfilled in Jesus.

Category 1 – 60 points

Who was the leader of the church in Jerusalem?

Category 1 – 80 points

The Divine Solution states that we achieve salvation only through what?

Category 1 – 100 points

The ___ Dilemma is Paul’s belief that we are all condemned before God.

Category 2 – 20 points

Agreement that granted religious freedom across the empire in 313

Category 2 – 40 points

How many books in the New Testament?

Category 2 – 60 points

Who were the people appointed to make sure all widows received their rights?

Category 2 – 80 points

Name the reasons why Christians were susceptible to persecution.

Category 2 – 100 points

What are three areas of Church Life that needed to be addressed by Apologetics and Church Councils?

Category 3 – 20 points

What is the controversy that states that is semi-God like a “Greek hero”

Category 3 – 40 points

Who is known for his many writing including City of God, The Trinity, and Confessions?

Category 3 – 60 points

Who Inspired Saint Augustine to become Christian?

Category 3 – 80 points

What is Canon 13?

Category 3 – 100 points

Briefly describe the Role of Constantine especially in the Council of Nicea?

Category 4 – 20 points

Who developed a liturgy still in use by the Byzantine Church today?

Category 4 – 40 points

Pliny wrote to this emperor to discussed the Christian issue

Category 4 – 60 points

First Christian martyr

Insert Text for QuestionCategory 4 – 80 points

Whose persecutions did Peter and Paul get executed in

Category 4 – 100 points

began the first empire wide persecutions

Category 5 – 20 points

In what year was the Council of Jerusalem

Category 5 – 40 points

What lead to the first major persecutions after 64

Insert Text for QuestionCategory 5 – 60 points

What happened in 70 that began to leadto Christianity splitting from the Jewish faith?

Category 5 – 80 points

What year was the Council of Nicea?

Category 5 – 100 points

What is the time period from 313-450 in Church History, marked by a number of great writers?

How do Christian view Suffering??
