Don Derryberry, Pastor - First United Methodist...


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THE GATEWAY First United Methodist Church, Sheridan WY Don Derryberry, Pastor (307) 672-9779

Zell Derryberry & JennaRae Akers, Editors October 2016

From the Pastor:

In his eloquent way, Paul writes to remind the church in Corinth that each member is an important part of

the church family. “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body,

though many, are one body, so it is with Christ … Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of

many. If the foot were to say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body’, that would not

make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear were to say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not belong

to the body’, that would not make it any less a part of the body …“ and he concludes by saying, “Now

you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (l Corinthians 12:12-31)

Often this passage is used to remind the community to be welcoming and inclusive of others no matter

our differences (Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors). Yet, Paul’s words remind us the church,

“The Body of Christ”, needs each of us and when we withhold our presence, our gifts, our service, our

prayers and our witness, the whole body of Christ suffers. And not only the body of Christ, the

ministry of Jesus suffers.

God has placed before Christ’s Body, First United Methodist Church of Sheridan, Wyoming, many

opportunities for helping bring in God’s kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven”. Faithfully responding to

God’s call takes each of us. None of us can say, “Because I am not a foot or an eye, or a hand or an ear, I

am not part of the body.” Each of us plays a part in either promoting or hindering the work of Christ.

Each of us is important to God because God created each of us in God’s image, Christ died for each of us,

and each of us plays an important part in God’s plan.

The theme for the final phase of our building modernization has been God’s Plans, Our Hands. Even if

we don’t know the specifics, we know God has plans, plans for our church and plans for us. And we

know we have hands, hands for clapping, holding, giving, reaching and a hundred other things. Now is

the time for us bring our hands (eyes, ears, feet, etc.) and God’s plans together in ways that grow our

church in spirit, numbers, finances, mission, stewardship, service, outreach, vitality, knowledge of the

Bible, commitment and discipleship.

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. Where is God calling you as a member of

the Body of Christ to employ your hands (and the rest of your body)?

Shalom Salaam & Peace

Rev. Don

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Prayers ~

. . .for Sandy & Bev Stoker.

. . .for Linda Lemieux– cancer treatments (Joel

Dvorak’s sister)

. . .for The Motsick & Westika Families.

. . .for those at: Sheridan Manor, Westview,

Brookdale, Green House Living, Heritage

Towers, Sheridan Square and that are


The Pastoral Epistles (a Bible Study) Beginning in October pastor Don will be leading two study times on what are called the Pastoral Epistles – 1 & 2 Timothy and

Titus. These three letters attributed to Paul are given the title pastoral because they are addressed to individuals with pastoral oversight of churches. In them the author discusses issues of Christian living, doctrine and leadership. Our explorations will be on Monday evening 7-8:30pm and Tuesday morning 10-11:30am. You are invited to join with others to discover advice given to early pastors and their churches.

Fellowship to Resume

YES! It has finally come --- Sunday, October 2 we will start having fellowship following worship (10:45)

in the basement fellowship room (we do not have a formal name for this space YET). The schedule of fellowship hosts for the remainder of the year is posted in the office & the kitchen. It will also be on the daily devotionals. We will be “taking up” where we are re-entering the schedule. Marion Couch & Margaret Prout have stocked the kitchen with clean and/or new equipment, dishes, pots, pans, silverware, etc. There will be labels on each cupboard and drawer to help locate supplies. They have run the dishwasher and are very familiar with it! THANK YOU LADIES!!!! (more info ->)

You will notice some changes in the setup of room and the flow through the service tables. For the next several weeks we will be using this format in an attempt to maximize this new space. Please be patient with us, with others, and with yourself.


2017 Support for Ministry Requests According to Dolly Levi (Hello Dolly) “Money is like manure. It's not

worth a thing unless it's spread around, encouraging young things to grow.” As we grow the ministry of Jesus Christ, in and through First United Methodist Church, we are in need of ‘manure”. To help in preparing for these ministries our ministry teams make plans and prepare budgets. Currently our finances are not keeping up with these plans. For 2017 our ministry teams are being asked to streamline their ministry endeavors and the financial needs to implement them. These plans and budgets need to be into the church office by October 5th. Final ministry plans and budgets will be presented at our Church Conference on Tuesday November 15, beginning at 6:30pm.

Salad Luncheon

We are hosting the public for the first time in our new basement fellowship area on Thursday October 13th at the UMW Annual Fall Salad Lunch!!! This

will be a very exciting event you won’t want to miss. You can participate by attending OR by furnishing a salad or two OR both! This event is one of the primary ways the United Methodist Women’s group raises funds to support mission projects locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. See the sign-up sheets on the Sunday clipboards to let them know you are willing to make a salad or two or three. There are also opportunities to help setup, serve and cleanup. You are welcome to any and all parts of this great event.

See You October 13th!

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Circle J Ranch’s Apple Festival Circle J Ranch’s annual APPLE FESTIVAL fundraiser is set for Saturday,

October 15 from 11am to 4pm. This year we’re featuring horse drawn carriage rides by Marchel Kelly (a big hit last year), live music by Tripp for Biscuits from Sheridan, a special appearance by an Indian Chief, a drumming circle around the tipi, Indian headdress making crafts and much, much more. Lunch consists of chili, apple pie, ice cream and cider. Please note this year we are not charging a set fee for entry for this fun filled event. It’s “Donations, Please,” and that also applies to the purchase of apples. Whatever you can contribute is all right with us. Apple Facts & Mystery: Circle J’s original apple orchard was planted 100 years ago. These older trees cannot be reproduced and even with the help of a Master Gardener Specialist from the University of Wyoming, the three types of apples that we harvest cannot be identified.

Church Finance Update

First United Methodist Church has been blessed with abundant generosity

from our congregation. However, through the summer our operating receipts have fallen short of our budget. As a gentle reminder, it is through consistent, regular and proportional giving that we are able to meet the costs of ministry. With everyone’s continual attention to regular giving we will successfully meet our ongoing operating and missional ministry expenses.

Celebration Potluck

On Sunday, October 30th,

following the worship

service, we will have a

celebration potluck: to honor

all new members who have

joined since our last "Welcome New Member

Potluck" in April of 2015; to recognize and

introduce newcomers to our church; to

celebrate our newly renovated fellowship hall

and kitchen.

Church Family Care Committee will provide a

meat dish, drinks, and a celebration cake. New

members and new folks to the church will be

guests. The rest of the congregation is asked

to bring a salad, side dish, or dessert. If that is

not convenient, JUST COME, there is always

plenty to eat.

Pumpkin Transformation (carving) On Sunday, October 30th children, their prayer partners and other adults are invited to come

together at 5:00pm in the church basement to take ordinary pumpkins and transform them into Jack-O-Lanterns. Following the transformation process (carving) we will provide dinner.

It’s Trunk-R-Treat


You are invited to: Costume Up, Decorate Your Trunk, and Share Treats for our 12th ANNUAL TRUNK-R-TREAT NIGHT! The event is set for Monday, October 31st from 5:30 to 7:30 in our parking lot. If you want ideas for costuming, decorating, or the ‘how-tos’ for this event, watch the pictures on the screen before worship this month. It isn’t as

hard as you think, actually, it is easy. Rumor

has it, the Derryberrys have a few costumes you could borrow if you’re interested (pirate & wench, French chefs, Raggedy Ann & Andy, flower power hippies, monks, red & green crayons and more). If you prefer to hand out treats without costume/décor that is okay. Help us make this a special event for our children and those from the community! If you are unable to be there and you want to be a part: candy or other treats can be left in

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the church office for others to distribute. Since we have had as many as 200 come ‘begging,’ your contribution of goodies is very helpful. We are the only Trunk-R-Treat in town now. Please sign up on the clipboards during worship, either to participate or provide

goodies. We have had 8-10 ‘trunks’ in

the past, let’s make that 15 or more

this year! Parents of those cute little goblins, witches, ghosts and bumble bees: be sure to bring them to the parking for our Trunk-R-Treat

night. See you there!

Lunch Together

The First United Methodist Church will serve at the Lunch Together soup kitchen the week of October 31 thru November 4. See the sign-up sheets on the

clipboard to volunteer to provide a needed dish or to volunteer to serve. Thank you for your contributions of serving, clean-up and food for our Lunch Together ministry.

2017 Church Lay Leadership Both Moses and John Wesley knew the importance of having lay leaders directing varied ministries. As we plan for 2017 First United Methodist Church in Sheridan is in need of Lay Leaders and ministry team/task force members. There are opportunities for: Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Worship, Communications, Church Family Care, Church Family Camp, and Nominations/Lay Leadership. Let Pastor Don know where you would like to serve.

Seekers Adult Sunday School We are in need of a person or persons to lead our Sunday morning Adult class. This could be one person taking responsibility for

the year or several people each taking several weeks to coordinate discussion. Topics have always varied from books studies, to theme discussions, to exploring various ideas. If you have a book, theme or study idea you would be willing to share, please visit with pastor Don. Youth Group

Our Tween’s youth group meets Sunday’s from 5:30-7:00pm at the church. Plans include meeting other places as well. As the

group forms we are looking for adults who will prepare the evening meal (something light) and those who will share in leadership. Currently pastor Don is planning activities but looking for others to assist. With a potential of 10-12 youth we are excited about the possibilities. If you can help, please visit with Don. It takes a whole church to provide youth ministries, not just the pastor and parents. School Supplies

This fall, thanks to your generosity, First United Methodist Church provided over $500 in school supplies to:

Coffeen School, Sagebrush School and schools on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Lame Deer, MT. These will be given to children whose families don’t have the financial resources to buy all the necessary school items. You are awesome! Crop Walk

This year’s CROP WALK included 19 walkers, representing six congregations who raised over $850.

Thanks to Eilene Killoren, First United Methodist Church donated over $325. If you want to give it’s not too late. Simply mark your check CROP WALK. Churches in

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Sheridan have participated in the CROP WALK for more than 21 years, raising over $47,000. All monies go to Church World Service to be used to eliminate hunger around the world.

WE BELONG TO THE SHERIDAN RECYCLING PROGRAM Have you noticed the blue recycling bin next to our garbage can? YES! We are recycling with regular pickups by the city. Thanks to the efforts of Tom Randazzo (our custodian) and a little from Zell --- we can recycle our office paper, aluminum and tin cans, clean plastic containers, paperboard boxes (cereal, cracker, egg, etc) and small pieces of cardboard (2’ square or smaller).

We CAN NOT recycle plastic bags or


Currently we have a collection container outside the church office on the upper floor. We plan to find a container to fit a spot in/near the basement kitchen, and the mini-kitchen (when we occupy it). Please make your contributions to this ‘ministry’ --- if you do not know whether it can be recycled or not --- throw it away in the regular garbage.

We Are Good Stewards Of God’s Creation!


In keeping with the above recycling news, there

will be boxes at the back of the sanctuary on the

cabinet, and on the bulletin table in the elevator



You are encouraged to take home the colored

insert with “Taking Faith Home” devotions and

the announcements for the week --- however, you

are asked to recycle THE WORSHIP SERVICE




Are you into saving for a cause? You can lessen landfill, help people in need, help raise

funds for research and feel good about it.

Yoplait foil lids can be saved to help find a cure for breast cancer; pull tabs (soda, soup, beer & meat cans) can be saved for the Shriners’

Ronald McDonald House Fund; eyeglasses help many low income people see; ink cartridges from computer printers can be redeemed for cash for FUMC Caring & Sharing fund; and, Campbells’ products UPC

labels (product list is available in the office) for supplies & products for special schools. The pink Yoplait yogurt foil lids

available in October (on original, light, thick & creamy, Whips, or Smoothies) need to be washed and can easily be stored in a sandwich size Ziploc bag (or similar). From

the cans with pull tabs, remove the tab from

the lid and gather in small cup near your

refrigerator or cupboard. The ink cartridges

from ink jet computer printers can be brought in, whenever you have them. We have sent a box of cartridges to be recycled and received a check for $72.30 (it went to the Caring & Sharing fund)! Cut the UPC label portion

(the bar code portion of the labels) from

Campbell company products which include Franco-American, Swanson, Prego, Pace, Vlasic, Pepperidge Farm, Campbell’s soups & juices, Open Pit meat sauces, and Milwaukee Pickles. Do you have old eyeglasses? Given the millions

of people who need glasses but can’t afford them, your frames, broken or not, will go to better use if you donate them. A collection box is available for your used glasses. After the glasses have been collected, a local eye center here in Sheridan, will send them to Africa. Save these items, bring them to the church the next time you come for worship, class or meeting. Collection containers will be clearly labeled and easy to find on the upper level, near the office,

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for the current time. The pull tabs, Yoplait foils, and glasses have a container on the table; the ink cartridges box is on the floor next to the table. Campbell’s labels have a container there also.

Working together, one lid/ label/ tab/

cartridge at a time, we can make a difference! Are You Wearing Your Name Tag?

Have You Found Your Name Tag? It is on the ‘tree’ in the elevator entryway, or in the basket below the tree; if you use the Works Street entryway

at the back of the sanctuary, check the basket on the little table in the entryway. We ask you to wear it so everyone can learn everyone’s name! We are a growing and changing community --- putting names and faces together can be a challenge. Wearing your name tag helps! Besides, it is the friendly, welcoming, and inviting thing to do! An additional ‘tree’ is being created for name tags of those who enter via the Works Street. If you cannot find your name tag, please write a note on the attendance pad, drop a note in the offering plate, call or e-mail the office. We will make you one!

Farmer’s Market Report

Our Farmer’s Market table has

begun to slow down its business

this fall….but is still available as

we approach the final harvesting

time. This income from this table is for our

Caring and Sharing Fund (provides gas

vouchers for those in need from our

community or those passing through it). As

of this printing, we have raised $198 this

year. We pray for a continued harvest and

fund raising! Thank you to all who have brought crops to share and to those who have bought them!

Thoughts on Church Family Camps This past summer we had two camping experiences for our church family. Many people are VERY BUSY during the summer months (or should it be said “always very busy”) and that was reflected in the number of individuals participating. Family Camping in The Big Horns held at the 4-H Camp on Owen Creek in July found Joe & Janice Wetherington, Steve & Mary Magnuson, Eilene Killoren and Pastor Don & Zell enjoying the beauty of nature. The weekend was low key and relaxing in activities, but high on Christian fellowship. It was great time to get to know one another better. Church Family Camp at Circle J Camp in September was perfect opportunity to share the serene nature in Ten Sleep Canyon. Bob & Diane Hall, Linda Lanners, Lisa Ferragamo, Mary Magnuson, and Pastor Don & Zell shared meals, songs, prayer, worship, and fellowship. Mark & Janet Kami and Tyler & Avery Karns & family joined the group briefly following the Board of Director’s meeting. All who participated in these opportunities

thoroughly enjoyed the time together in

God’s creation…it seems too bad that more do not take advantage of the opportunities. This ministry is physically and spiritually refreshing, relaxing, rejuvenating, filled with fun, food, frivolity, and fellowship … a God opportunity. If this is so, why are the numbers small?

OR … Has Church Family Camp run its course? --Thoughts by Zell Derryberry

Native American Ministry News

As fall has rapidly approached we are reminded of the Christmas tree for coats and extend our gratitude to the United Methodist Women and Men for their support of this ministry.

NAM is been involved in a multitude of projects that are sometimes difficult and controversial

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within the church it is a blessing to have the support of UMM and UMW. As we are in relationship with the Northern Cheyenne people, God has provided us the opportunity to share this with our congregation and the church at large to provide all with the opportunity to be a part healing from our collective past. A few weeks ago, several members of NAM traveled with a group of Northern Cheyenne to Standing Rock ND. Our trip was to learn about the protest and support those that have made a commitment to protecting the land and water. We experienced the large camp as very peaceful and well-coordinated. The Dakota Conference has publicized its support of protecting the land and water and contributed to the needs of those in the camps. Additionally there have been strong statements made and multiple visits from other church members and agencies in the past few weeks. This movement is very large and worldwide support is growing. There is an international support group asking people not to buy gas on October 10th and to cease banking with Wells Fargo and Bank of America, two large banks embedded in the backing of this pipeline. There are multiple current reports of pipelines breaking and contaminating water all over America. We all need clean water to drink so this is an important issue. Anyone wishing to support the peaceful protestors can do so by contacting a NAM member.

Building Update The basement and 2nd floor are basically complete and operational except for a few minor details. Work is

continuing on the 1st floor with completion anticipated in late October. Correction to the north side drainage issue is nearly complete. We are still studying what to do with the stairs and sidewalk on the east side of the building. The contractor has earned about $783,800 through the month of August. We have been

able to pay for all charges up to this point except for $155,000, which is our current loan amount. Donations and contributions to this point have allowed us to avoid significant borrowing and associated interest. Working together collectively and asking for the Lord’s help and guidance has allowed us to tackle this project. Thanks to everyone for contributing time and money to make it a reality. As always we welcome additional pledges and contributions. We still anticipate a loan balance of about $750,000 at the close of the project.

WYOMING ASSOCIATION OF CHURCHES The Wyoming Association of Churches (WAC) is an ecumenical organization of Christian churches in the state of Wyoming whose membership includes Presbyterian, American Baptist, Friends (Quakers), United Methodist (Rocky Mountain Conference and Yellowstone Conference), Evangelical Lutheran Church of American (Wyoming and Montana), Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming, Disciples of Christ, United Church of Christ, and the Catholic Church (observer status). As Chesie Lee, Executive Director, says: "For the last 40 years, WAC has been the only Christian ecumenical organization doing justice in Wyoming.” The Bible is clear throughout that doing justice is required of us: ‘Fear not, be bold, do justice.’ (Micah 6:8) Examples of what WAC does for churches include fighting poverty by supporting Medicaid expansion, standing with Native Americans, appreciating diversity, educating about racism and white privilege, welcoming immigrants and refugees, caring for God's creation and speaking up for the most vulnerable. WAC sponsors dialogues for understanding of other religions and beliefs, knowing we generally have more in common than differences. WAC provides a voice to Wyoming legislators. WAC provides tools to address institutional racism and to combat hate. WAC addresses root causes, not the

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symptoms. WAC provides opportunities to connect with the tribes at the Wind River Reservation through the Wind River Native Advocacy Center, an outgrowth of WAC now in its second year. "Individual congregations do not have what it takes to do this kind of justice work. That's what WAC can do and does. By working together and with faith, associated Christian churches of Wyoming can do anything!" says Lee. Wyoming Association of Churches 40th Anniversary Celebration is in Casper October 13-15 and features a series of dynamic guest speakers whose life-work has focused on justice. Following are some ‘bios’ about some of these speakers and entertainers.

Rosa Salamanca – Banquet keynote speaker and Workshop Leader: When a Hate Crime Happens in Your Town. Rosa is a conciliation specialist with the Community Relations Service (CRC) U.S. Department of Justice, and

currently the Acting Regional Director for the Rocky Mountain Region VIII in Denver. She served on the National Church Burning Response Team and has helped provide conflict resolutions for many situations, including facilitating the community dialogues following the shootings last summer at the Center of Hope in Riverton. Her calm, but forthright and diligent, approach has led her to be respected by people throughout Wyoming.

Inge Kutchins- Workshop: Holocaust Survivor Tells Her Story. Inge considers herself to be “one of the lucky ones.” Germany in 1939 was a horrific place, but to be the youngest daughter of a Jewish widow, living through the years to come would take not only great courage, but also great luck. Her story is a story of survival, but it’s also the story of those who ensured

she would live — her mother, a young widow, her uncle who remained behind, her family in America who took her in and the new foster family that loved her as their own. Born as a Jew and then adopted into

a Methodist family, Kutchins went back to her religious heritage but not until she moved to Wyoming in the 1950s. She resides in Casper.

Jason Baldes - Workshop: Why the Restoration of Bison. Jason is executive Director of the Wind River Native Advocacy Center (WRNAC) and an Eastern Shoshone. Jason grew up on the Wind River Reservation (WRR) and has a Masters from

Montana State University where he taught an honors course on Health, Poverty and Agriculture. He is leading the effort to restore bison to the Wind River Reservation. The WRNAC’s vision is a community engaged in self-determination for education, health, economic development and equality for the WWR. Lillian Zuniga – Workshop: Ethnicity and Health

Equity Lillian is the program manager for the Office of Health Equity within the Public Health Division of the Wyoming Department of Health. She is a graduate of the University of Wyoming in Child and Family Studies. Her work

the last 6+ years is aimed to ensure that Wyoming’s racial and ethnic residents receive the same quality of healthcare as the general population. She serves on the board of the Wyoming Public Health Association, the Region VIIII Health Equity Council and other organizations addressing healthcare disparities.

Jack Schmidt – Cowboy Poet and Local Food Advocate. Performs at Friday’s Banquet 40

th Anniversary


Jack is a retired cattle buyer and rancher from Kansas City. He made his way to Wyoming in 2004 and is a Dutch oven cook, cowboy poet and local food advocate. He is spending his dotage training Guernsey steers to be an oxen team, rebuilding a Democrat wagon, helping run a farmer's market, remodeling a house and chipping away at the honey-do-list.

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