Do you have an App-titude for Learning? Cecilie Murray App-titude Learning


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Do you have an App-titude for Learning?

Cecilie Murray

App-titude Learning

Why Apps for Learning?• Small handheld devices enable learning anywhere,

anytime• Convergence of innovations in mobile technology

and social software• Young people’s social use of technologies• For schools it means 1:1 is achievable

The Research‘safe learning’ and ‘disruptive learning’

“learning in a more personalised way, handing over more control to the learners themselves” (Stead, 2006)

“a small, cleverly designed handheld game can significantly enhance learner performance in mental maths as well as having a positive impact on other aspects of classroom life” (Robertson, 2009).

Mobile devices can have a positive impact on learning experiences for both educators and students (McFarlane, Triggs & Yee, 2008; Ng & Nicholas, 2009)

‘the use of iPods in the classroom holds and heightens student interest, engages students in learning, and provides yet another means for expressive and receptive literacy’ (Dogeby, 2007)

The Future‘public agencies [Departments of Education] and

schools are beginning to explore multimobile services – convenient, flexible tools that enable users to access information in a range of formats using mobile devices – as a way to support…staff and students’ (The New Media Consortium, 2009)

Educational games Apps• Relevant to kids• Use technologies that pervade their lives• Engaging for learning• Inquiry based constructivist content• High quality games prolong engagement• Kids can consolidate knowledge independently


Unafraid: The student has played all three activities at least once.

Getting Stuck In: The student has spent 10 days on the farm. I.e. they have played an activity to completion 10 times.

Hard Worker: The student has spent 30 days on the farm. I.e. they have played an activity to completion 30 times.

All Rounder: The student has spent 30 days on the farm. I.e. they have played an activity to completion 30 times.

Great Counting: The student has scored a total of 9 stars.

Heli Ace: The student has all 4 stars for the Helicopter activity.

Round Up Ace: The student has all 4 stars for the Round Up activity.

Jump Ace: The student has all 4 stars for the Jump activity.

Perfect Farm: The student has all 12 stars - the total number available across all activities.


Metiri Group (2006) Technology in Schools, What the Research Says, Cisco Systems.

McFarlane, A. Triggs, P. & Yee, W. (2008). Researching mobile learning - Interim report to Becta

Ng, W. & Nicholas, H. (2009a). Introduction of pocket PC in schools: attitudes and beliefs in the first year. Computers and Education.

Robertson, M. (2009) Innovative Schooling and Responsiveness to ongoing Global Change, La Trobe University, Melbourne Stead, G. (2006). Mobile technologies: transforming the future of learning, in Emerging Technologies for Learning, BECTA.




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