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President’s Address by Professor Paul Ching-Wu CHU

%%#*&am CB*BMRR@) Honorary Degree Citations (in order of degree presentation)

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Dr LAU Wah-Sum. Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa

B!@k%#E 3 A*%%B#+. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Professor Leo Ou-Fan LEE, Doctor of Humanities honoris causa

4- 7

8-1 1


x@%%@ 3 @&$%%@#k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-19

Professor WANG Debing, Doctor of Science honoris causa

c@@E%#!f!? 3 @%%%#k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-23

Professor Leo ESAKI, Doctor of Science honoris caua

&11115~~~~3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-27

Address by Professor Leo Esm

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Addresses by Graduate Representatives 28-39

B#E&B Congregation Programs

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Graduates in the School o f Engineering

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Graduates in the School of Business and Management


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Order o f Proceedings

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Graduates in the School o f Science

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Graduates in the School of Humanities and Social Science

we Appendices

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Degrees Conferred

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Titles of PhD Theses Completed in 2000/01

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Professor Paul Ching-Wu CHU

Recent weeks have brought unprecedented world

events and caused millions of people to reassess their

outlook. I was attending a scientific meeting in Jordan

when terrorists took to the skies to wreak tragic chaos

on New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania. I was

stranded in the Middle East for almost a week and those

days gave rise to many thoughts about the way we

address our lives.

One in particular stood out in my mind as being

important to share with you-always look for the bright

spot in life. It is clear we have entered unsettling times,

but our view of such challenges is what determines their

impact. We could focus only on the negative side and

fall into despair. Or we could try to think positively

and look for ways to learn and grow.

When I returned to Hong Kong, I was met by more

gloomy news of an economic downturn and further

job losses in the community. Over the year, the shadow

of recession has loomed larger in Hong Kong,

enthusiasm has ebbed for high-tech development and

funding for universities has once again been cut. This

may appear to paint a dark picture of the immediate

future, especially for an institution dedicated to science

and technology, but the community needs to look

beyond broad brush strokes to the bigger perspective.

In the past few years, the dotcom business has

become the public face of the knowledge era and its

collapse has shaken confidence in the words “high t ech

within our community. However, we should not let

overemphasis on one element obscure the overall view.


There are many correct routes to a high-tech

society. HKUST has over 40 centers and institutes

conducting research and development in diverse areas,

including nano technology, biotechnology, software, e-

commerce, energy and thermal systems, environment

and sustainable development, China business and

management, cultural studies and advanced electronic


Why does Hong Kong need to travel along these

routes? Because it literally cannot afford not to. One

major difference between these opening years of the

21st century and previous eras is the speed at which

economic and social change is taking place due to

globalization and increased communication. To secure

its future, Hong Kong must head for the frontiers:

support basic research, develop applications, start up

businesses in innovative fields and lift our service sectors

to higher levels.

This requires people with the creativity, flexibility

and knowledge to not only keep up with change hut

effect it. The community must possess the financial and

business management skills to operate these cutting-

edge businesses in the global marketplace; and the social

awareness to ensure these developments benefit all.

HKUST has a pivotal role to play in this transition.

Our Schools of Science, Engineering, Business and

Management, and Humanities and Social Science

provide both the discoverers of knowledge and the

graduates to drive a high-tech society.

Our distinguished academics embody excellence

and are achieving groundbreaking results. In recent

months, HKUST scientists have successfully synthesized

the world’s smallest single-walled carbon nanotubes

and discovered superconducting properties in them-

a major breakthrough in the scientific world. The

School of Business and Management has been ranked

number one in Asia and its accounting faculty’s research

output in five top accounting journals placed number

one in the world, just to mention a couple of examples.

When I turn to our graduates, I see the young

people this community needs to bring light to the

current gloom.

At HKUST we demand a lot from students-as I

think our graduates know all too well. To obtain an

HKUST degree we ask you to study hard and widely,

and to step outside your majors to fathom the bigger

picture. Chemistry students may ponder philosophy

while accounting majors chart social science and IT

specialists pinpoint history. We tell our students to play

as hard as they work, to exercise their bodies and minds

through sports, to debate and develop friendships.

It is a heavy schedule. However, our graduates

accepted the challenge and now sit here among us,

equipped not only with the knowledge embodied in

their degrees, but the all-round ability to make a positive

impact o n today’s world. Such comprehensive

preparation has been widely recognized by employers.

In o u r latest j ob survey, HKUST had a 98%

employment rate for the 2000 class of graduates and

99% for postgraduates. Students of HKUST leave us

with the skills to succeed, even when times are tough.

exciting research and its people power-we see a very

different picture of the future from the one we looked

at a few minutes ago, one that is fuelled by optimism,

idealism and confidence. We are able to take on

challenges, persevere to find solutions, and create a

higher quality of life for Hong Kong, China and beyond.

To wrap up, I would like to tell you the story of San

Diego-how it was transformed from a sleepy naval

town to a high-tech center of biotechnology,

communications and electronics in slightly more than

a decade. The locomotives behind the transformation

are the University of California at San Diego (UCSD)

and the Salk Institute. Both were established about 40

years ago with the single-minded purpose to produce

research excellence. Both are young by US standards,

but achieved world-class recognition in less than two

decades. The knowledge and technologies they have

created, and the talent they have nurtured have driven

the high-tech and economic development of the area.

By one estimate a few years ago, UCSD was responsible

for bringing in about US$2 billion to the economy of

San Diego each year. There are many similarities

between UCSD and HKUST, in terms of their brief

history and unwavering drive for excellence. I am

confident that with sufficient support from the

community, in the not too distant future, HKUST will

become the locomotive of Hong Kong’s high-tech drive.

So graduates of 2001, prepare to make your

entrance. You have a part to play-and you are ready

to play it. We thank you for your hard work and wish

you joy in what is to come. For commencement is only

the beginning.

When we add these elements together-wider

perspective on high-tech development, HKUST’s


Dr LAu Wah-Sum Citation

Today we honor a self-made man of dynamism, of

vision, and of tireless dedication-Dr LAU Wah-Sum.

Born in 1928 in Hong Kong, Dr Lau studied at Wan

Chai School. He fled the conflict of the war in 1942

and sought refuge in the Mainland, where he worked

for the American armed forces. In 1945, he returned to

Hong Kong, studied accounting by himself, and became

the first person in Hong Kong to obtain chartered

accountant qualification under the ACWA (now

ACMA). I n 1960, he jo ined the Hong Kong

Government as Treasury Accountant.

At the age of 45, Dr Lau was seconded to the Hong

Kong Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) and

became its first Finance Director. He did not return

to the civil service, and retired from the MTRC at 55.

The end of his full-time career marked the beginning

of his public service. He was appointed to the Board of

Review (Inland Revenue), a public function that

would herald more to come.

At the age of 60, Dr Lau became an Appointed

Member of the Legislative Council. “Retiring” from

Legco seven years later, he was appointed Chairman of

the Land Development Corporation. Last year the 73-

year-old Dr Lau was chosen to lead the high-powered

Urban Renewal Authority.

Dr Lau’s readiness to contribute his t ime to

improving local livelihood testifies to his selfless

dedication to the common good. It stands as a precious

example to our increasingly pragmatic society.

Running through Dr Lau’s impressive history of

public service is a strong connection to the daily lives

of Hong Kong people. He gave a new impetus to the

local medical service through his involvement with the

Provisional Hospital Authority and subsequently the

Hospital Authority (1988-93).

He was a member of the Agriculture and Fisheries

Department’s Fisheries Development Loan Fund

Advisory Committee ( 1992-96), the Fish Marketing

Advisory Board (1996) and the Marine Fishery

Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee ( 1992-97).

Dr Lau was known for his concern for people’s

living environment as early as the 1960s when he was

serving in the Housing Department. His commitment

to improving housing quality continued when he joined

the Housing Authority (1984-90) and later chaired the

Land Development Corporation. Dr Lau was also

accredited for having secured fair acquisition and

resettlement policies for the less privileged groups in


Turning to transport, Dr Lau demonstrated his

remarkable finance and crisis management skills during

the early phase of the Mass Transit Railway project. In

1973, just after the stock market crash, the main

construction company had to break its agreement. As

MTRC’s Finance Director , D r Lau t o o k the

unprecedented move of launching a large-scale capital-

raising exercise. He also contracted the project out to

different companies, in smaller components. Dr Lau’s

ingenious solution ensured the successful completion

8 1 % t t i z ~ i . U f B m d NINTH CONGREGATION

of the project, which marked the first mass transit

system realized by funds raised entirely by Hong Kong

people-a project Hong Kong remains proud of.

While serving on the Securities Review Committee

(1987-88), Dr Lau submitted proposals to amend the

stock exchange legislation in line with international

requirements, and saw their eventual enactment when

he became a Member of the Legislative Council. The

legislation helped strengthen Hong Kong’s reputation

as an international financial center.

Dr Lau’s extensive public service also covered such

institutions as the Provisional Authority of Mass Transit

Railway (1973-74), the Operations Review Committee

of ICAC (1989-91), and the Public Sector Reform Policy

Group (1992-94). In the area of education, Dr Lau was

a member of the Education Commission (1987-88),

Honorary Treasurer of the Council and Senate of the

Hong Kong Baptist College (now the Hong Kong Baptist

University) (1984-89), Council Chairman of the Baptist

University (1990-96), member of the Hong Kong

University of Science and Technology Planning

Committee( 1986-88), and Council member and

Honorary Treasurer of HKUST (1988-2000). Indeed,

the Baptist University owes much of its development

to Dr Lau’s contribution.

We at the University of Science and Technology

have also benefited greatly from the support of Dr Lau,

f rom the p l ann ing s tage r igh t t h r o u g h o u r

establishment and subsequent development. His service

to both universities is testimony to the value he places

on education.

Mr Pro-Chancellor, I have the honor to present to

you, on behalf of the University, Dr Lau Wah-Sum,

Chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority, for the degree

of Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa.


Professor Leo Ou-Fan LEE Citation

Professor Leo Ou-Fan LEE was given the Chinese

name Ou-Fan, after Orphee, the legendary Greek god

of music who played a lyre and was reputed to have

made trees follow his singing. His parents, who were

both musicians, apparently wanted their son to pursue

a career in music too. Professor Lee indeed fell madly

in love with western classical music in high school and

dreamed of becoming a great maestro. Growing up in

Hsinchu, a windy and desolate town miles away from

Taipei, he however never had a chance. But he did the

next best thing. He went to Taiwan University in Taipei

to major in a different branch of western art-western

literature. And he began to branch into still another

art form in his undergraduate days, freelancing

as a reviewer of western films.

His world continued to broaden when he went to

Harvard University to pursue his graduate studies. The

broadening of vision was now coupled with reflections.

In the US he began to look back at China. From a

distance, China looked quite different. As a way of

coming to grips with a modern, nominally republican

China that had been under relentless pounding by

western culture, Professor Lee chose to focus on a

generation of Chinese creative writers that emerged in

the 1920s unde r the inf luence of European

romanticism. Professor Lee’s first piece of serious

scholarship, which made him a star in the field of

intellectual-cum-literary history, perhaps took him

beyond his parents’ expectation, for he had become a

connoisseur of both the west and the east. In this first

book of his, The Romantic Generation of Modern

Chinese Writers, he told a fascinating story of how an

entirely western concept of romanticism was absorbed

and transformed in a turbulent China desperately

searching for solutions.

After studying the rebellious individualism of this

group of Chinese writers, Professor Lee moved on to

LU Xun, an even more rebellious figure, and usually

considered an intellectual giant of the modern era,

whose iconoclastic spirit had long been shrouded in

partisanship and propaganda. By placing Lu Xun in his

own social, cultural and historical contexts, Professor

Lee cut him down to size, but along the way also

recovered Lu Xun’s Promethean spirit and redeemed

his name from incessant mythologizing. The study of

Lu Xun prompted Professor Lee to visit Shanghai, a city

with which Lu Xun had a love-hate relationship. But

unlike Lu Xun, Professor Lee was enamored of the

sophistication of Shanghai. The infrastructural

modernization and intellectual westernization of

Shanghai were the basis of its enticing sophistication.

What began as an investigation of western creative

influence on Shanghai literati resulted in a pioneering

study of the material culture of a city that was once the

most cosmopolitan in Asia.

As the most cosmopolitan Asian city in the second

half of the 20th century, Hong Kong naturally became

Professor Lee’s next focus of attention. But this time

the academic scrut iny has become passionate

commitment. He has served repeatedly on the Research

Grants Council, written weekly columns for local

publications, adjudicated literary awards, published

extensively in Hong Kong, taught at HKUST as

adjunct faculty, and served on the advisory committee

of the School of Humanities and Social Science

since its founding.

Professor Lee received his BA from Taiwan

University in 1961 and his PhD in history and Far

Eastern languages from Harvard University in 1970. He

taught at Princeton University, Chicago University and

University of California, Los Angeles before returning

to Harvard in 1994. Among his numerous publications

that include two novels, three books of essays,

seven books of literary and cultural criticism, and many

articles on Chinese film, modern Chinese literature

and Chinese-Western comparative literature, his most

seminal and influential works are: The Romantic

Generation of Modern Chinese Writers, Voices from

the Iron House: A Study of Lu Xun, and Shanghai

Modern: The Flowering of a New Urban Culture in

China, 1930-1 945.

Mr Pro-Chancellor, I have the honor to present to

you, on behalf of the University, Professor Leo Ou-Fan

Lee, Professor of Chinese Literature at Harvard

University, for the degree of Doctor of Humanities

honoris causa.

Written by Professor William Tay of the School of Hurnanir es and Social Science


DOCTOR OF SCIENCE honoris causa

Professor WANG Debing C i t a t i o n

Twenty years ago, Beijing Medical University

performed its first allogeneic bone marrow transplant

on a female university student suffering from acute

leukemia. At a critical moment, a blood component

transfusion was urgently needed. A physician made an

unusual move: he donated his own platelets and white

blood cells to the patient. For three hours, 2000 ml of

the physician’s blood was circulated through a blood-

cell separator into the patient’s body and then back to

his own.

This resulted in the first successful allogeneic bone

marrow transplant on the Chinese Mainland. More

importantly, the young patient was given a chance to

live and today enjoys a healthy, full life. The physician

w h o made th i s selfless decis ion is now the

internationally renowned hematologist, medical

educator and leading physician, Professor WANG


Professor Wang’s sense of mission and dedication

to the medical profession can be traced back to seeds

planted in his childhood. He was born to a medical

family in Henan Province in 1937. Beginning with his

great-great-grandfather, the Wang family produced

generations of medical practitioners and was known

as “the family of Buddha” among the local population.

Throughout his entire career, Professor Wang never

forgot what his father always said “If you enter politics,

be a decent minister; if you don’t, be a good doctor. ”

The year 1955 saw the young Professor Wang,

armed with brilliant results, enter Beijing Medical

College (later Beijing Medical University). After his

graduation in 1960, he stayed on to begin his medical

career: from Resident Physician to Chief Physician to

Deputy Director of the Blood Diseases Research

Institute; from Professor to Academic Vice-president

to President of the University to Chairman of the Peking

University Council. “Try my best, serve the most ” has

been the guiding light for Professor Wang, during his

decades of tireless medical service.

As a hematologist, Professor Wang’s research

interests lie in gene diagnosis, gene therapy and the

cytobiological attributes of leukemia, and he has

published more than 50 advanced papers. His concern

in promoting medical research has led him to serve not

only on boards of directors and standing committees

of various medical associations, but also on editorial

boards of medical journals. He edited Diagnosis and

Treatment of Emergency High-Risk Cases, which received

the Ministry of Health‘s Third Prize for Technological

Achievement. Professor Wang’s current areas of research

include a new biological treatment of platelet decrease

during malignant tumor treatment, the receptor gene

expression in platelets, and the regulation of the

hematopoiesis of megalocaryocytes.

Despite his heavy clinical and research work load,

Professor Wang plays an active role as a distinguished

medical educator. In 1991, he was appointed President

of Beijing Medical University, and was Chairman of the

Degree Committee and Academic Committee. His

contribution to curriculum design, medical teaching,

research and academic re-structuring was outstanding.

His papers “Enhancing the Standardized Training of

Resident Physicians, Upgrading the Quality of Clinical


Teaching”, and “Hospitals and Medical Schools Jointly

Offer Education Programs: An Effective Model”, were

respectively awarded First and Second Prizes for

Excellent Higher Education Programs in Beijing. In

1997, Professor Wang was named Outstanding

President and Pioneer in Education of Beijing. He

became the first Chairman of the new Peking University

Council, when Beijing Medical University merged with

Peking University in April 2000 .

Professor Wang has always kept abreast of the latest

developments in hematology, medical education and

health administration in China and overseas. He was a

Visiting Scholar at Einstein Medical College and Fellow

of the New York Cancer Research Center. He was also a

Fellow of the US-based Internat ional Kellogg

Foundat ion between 1986 and 1989, where he

researched hospital information systems and published

on the subject.

However d e m a n d i n g h is admin i s t r a t ive

responsibilities are, Professor Wang always maintains

his front-line position in clinical work, teaching and

research. He continues to visit hospital wards,

participate in key research projects and supervise PhD

candidates. In the true spirit of his family, Professor

Wang always places patients’ interests above his own.

In the best tradition of the medical profession, he never

allows himself to lag behind the times. This sense of

mission, this lifelong quest for excellence, sets the

standard for our future generations.

Mr Pro-Chancellor, I have the honor to present to

you, on behalf of the University, Professor Wang

Debing, Chairman of the University Council of Peking

University, for the degree of Doctor of Science honoris


% ; h ~ w m ~ e e @ NINTH CONGREGATION 1 17

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE honoris causa

Professor Leo ESAKI Citation

Great breakthroughs in science come from

dedicated and creative individuals who challenge the

unknown, and make the impossible possible. To honor

Professor Leo ESAKI for outstanding achievements in

physics covering more than half a century, is to

acknowledge a man for whom creative work is essential

to life itself.

Professor Esaki was born in Osaka in 1925, and

received his Bachelor’s degree and PhD from the

University of Tokyo, both in science. He began his career

with a large company, spending nine years there, but

left to join a small, unknown organization that would

la ter become a household name as the Sony

Corporation. While acknowledging the risk of such a

career move, he found the ambitious company far more

interesting and challenging than a stable environment.

Success at Sony culminated in his discovery of the

first quantum electronic device, and it carries his name:

the Esaki Tunnel Diode. It was the first observation of

the quantum-mechanical tunneling phenomenon in a

solid state system, a discovery that, combined with other

significant research, would earn him international


After four years at Sony, Professor Esaki spent 32

highly productive years at IBM’s prestigious Thomas J

Watson Research Center in New York. At IBM he

worked with colleagues to pioneer “designed

semiconductor quantum structures” such as quantum

wells and man-made superlattices, which led to the

development of nanostructures, a field that generates

much scientific attention today. One of his colleagues

then was Professor Leroy CHANG, now University

Professor Emeritus of HKUST. This work triggered a

wide spectrum of experimental and theoretical

investigations, resulting in not only the observation of

a number of intr iguing phenomena , bu t also

the emergence of a new class of t ransport and

optoelectronic devices.

It was while he was at IBM that Professor Esaki was

awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973, in

recognition of his breakthrough discovery of tunneling

in semiconductors, a quantum-mechanical effect in

which an electron passes through a potential barrier,

even though classical theory predicted that it could not.

What he achieved was, by his own high standards,“a

simple and inexpensive experiment, but important. It

was probably the least expensive Nobel Prize-winning

experiment ever conducted.”

Professor Esaki’s dedication to science is matched

by his commitment to giving something back to his

homeland, powerfully expressed through his role as

educator. In 1992, he assumed the presidency at the

University of Tsukuba, which is considered Japan’s most

technologically advanced university. During his six-year

tenure there, he made great contributions to the reform

and internationalization of the Japanese education

system. He was chosen Chair of the country’s National

Commission on Educational Reform, making him a

driving force behind this important catalyst for change.

He became President of the Shibaura Institute of

Technology in April 2000.

Professor Esaki has an impressive list of accolades.

In addition to his Nobel Prize, he received the American

Physical Society International Prize for New Materials

in 1985, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers Medal of Honor in 1991, and the 1998 Japan

Prize, among others. He is a Fellow of the American

Physical Society, the Insti tute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers and the American Academy of

Arts and Sciences; a Member of the Physical Society of

Japan, the Max-Planck-Gessellschaft, the American

Philosophical Society, and the Italian National Academy

of Science; a Foreign Associate of the US National

Academy of Sciences and the US National Academy of

Engineering; and a Foreign Member of the Russian

Academy of Sciences. He is Chairman of the Science

and Technology Promotion Foundation of Ibaraki.

For anyone wanting to realize their creative

potential, Professor Esaki has “five golden rules” to offer:

Don’t allow yourself to be trapped by the

constraints of your past experience.

Don’t become overly attached to any authority

in your field.

Don’t hold on to what you don’t need.

Don’t avoid confrontation.

And finally-

* Don’t forget your spirit of childhood curiosity,

a vital component of the human imagination.

Professor Esaki himself is a living example of these

golden rules. Indeed, creativity and a pioneering spirit

have been the guiding light in his work as both scientific

researcher and educator, and the recurring themes in

the messages he communicates to people over the


Mr Pro-Chancellor, I have the honor to present to

you, on behalf of the University, Professor Leo Esaki,

President of the Shibaura Institute of Technology and

Nobel Laureate in Physics, for the degree of Doctor of

Science honoris causa.


Professor Leo ESAKI

Mr Pro-Chancellor, Mr Chairman, President Chu,

Council members, distinguished guests, faculty

members, fellow students, ladies and gentlemen:

On the occasion of the 10“ anniversary of the Hong

Kong University of Science and Technology, it is a great

privilege and pleasure for me to be awarded an honorary

doctorate. I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation

for t he honor bestowed on me. I also wish to

congratulate all present on the successful completion

of the first decade since the foundation of this


May I salute all of you-faculty, Council, staff and

students-who have brought this institution to the

forefront of the great technological universities of the

world in a very short period of time.

May I salute especially the two presidents, founding

President Professor Chia-Wei WOO, and the new

President, Professor Paul Ching-Wu CHU. In any type

of organization, how a leader steers the organization is

of profound importance to its fate. Professor Chia-Wei

Woo has made a great contribution to the development

of the University by recruiting and retaining high-

quality faculty members and keeping a proper balance

between science and technology. I had an opportunity

to witness for myself the remarkable progress this

University made under his leadership, serving as a

Council member in the period from August 1993 to

July 1998.

One of my favorite books is The Uses of the

University written by Clark Kerr, former President of


the University of California at Berkeley. I would like to

quote the following sentence from his book:

“The issue is whether the president should be leader

or office holder; educator or caretaker; creator or

inheritor; initiator or consensus-seeker; the wielder of

power or the persuader; ‘pump’ or ‘bottleneck’ .”

There is no question that the founding President,

Professor Chia-Wei Woo, proved himself a first-rate

leader, educator, creator, initiator, wielder of power

and “pump”, not a “bott1eneck”at all.

You are also fortunate to have Professor Paul Ching-

Wu Chu as your new President, an outstanding solid-

state physicist who played a key role in opening up the

new frontier of high-temperature superconductivity.

The numerous awards Professor Chu has received attest

to his great contribution to the art and technology of

high-temperature superconductivity.

In the history of science and technology, you will

notice that scientific breakthroughs or technological

innovations occasionally occur and that opens up new

scientific or technological frontiers. The discovery of

the high-temperature superconductor in 1986 is

considered to be one such event. The invention of the

transistor in 1947 was also such an event. It significantly

impacted human civilization, sparking the computer

revolution that has transformed our society into one

that is information-oriented.

Science is an institutionalized art of inquiry,

creating knowledge for a systematic understanding of

the physical and human environment, while technology

is the application of scientific knowledge to resolving

social and economic problems.

It is entrepreneurial venture that puts knowledge

to practical use and so transforms knowledge into

wealth. A helping hand in this process from a university

can often play an important role in facilitating the

incubation of business start-ups. This constitutes a

worthwhile contribution to society on the part of the


There is a tendency, especially in mature and stable

societies, to assume that the future will simply be a

natural and linear extrapolation of the past through

the present. However, nowadays i t is scientific

breakthroughs and technological innovations that

shape and form the future. It is the power of intellectual

creativity that plays the decisive role in the process of

forming singularities and cusps in the historical space-

time continuum.

The powers of the human mind can be divided into

two major categories. One is the power of the judicious

mind (discretion), which allows us to analyze, understand,

select and make fair judgment. The other is the power of

the creative mind (imagination), which allows us to create

new ideas through the activity of the intellect. It is this

form of intellectual creativity that provides the engine for

progress and that has stimulated and sustained the advance

of human civilization.

We must therefore be aware of an important issue.

Academic education, as provided by most schools today,

is aimed primarily at nurturing the judicious mind. This

means a special effort may be required to develop the

creative mind in an environment that combines freedom

and discipline in such a way that they do not oppose each


Chinese people and the Chinese society have

always valued education and dedicated themselves to

its enhancement. For the well being of the nation, it is

necessary to foster more creative Chinese citizens who

can play a major role on the international stage.

This University has been performing very well in

its mission: education, research and contribution to

society. I sincerely hope that your young, dynamic and

well-organized University will continue to grow under

the leadership of the new President, Professor Paul

Ching-Wu Chu, and will meet all of our mutual hopes

and aspirations in the IT (information technology)-

driven society of today and tomorrow.

Address by the Graduate Representative o f the School o f Engineering

Ms Yee Man SZETO BEng in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

(Transportation Logistics Management)

Council Vice-chairman, President Chu, professors, parents and fellow graduates:

Good afternoon! It is my great honor, standing in fiont of so many distinguished guests, to say a few words on behalf of my fellow graduates.

Time truly flies. Three years ago, when I entered HKUST, I knew nothing about the University and my major, engineering. I was perplexed and I encountered many dif5culties. Life was full of challenges and surprises at that time with new schoolmates, new teachers and a new environment.

Today, I am pleased to tell you all that in the past three years, with the help and assistance of all kinds from the University and our respected professors and lecturers, I have gained the utmost ability and have enjoyed much fkom my university life.

Have you ever seen the movie “Mr Holland’s Opus”? In the film, Mr Holland met a group of students who showed no interest in their own studies and were indifferent to his teachings. But he never gave up, and in the end, through his sincerity and patience, his students were changed. He successfully aroused his students’ learning initiative and inspired thousands of students.

What happened is not only the plot of a movie. Like those students in the movie, I, and probably my fellow students, were once without direction. As Mr Holland did in the movie, all the teaching staff at HKUST did their utmost to nurture and educate us to be better, more competent people. Professors helped me build up my self-confidence, develop my potential capability to a level of distinction, and widen my horiion by giving me chances to explore the world. Without the unremitting effort, guidance and support fkom all the teaching staff of the University, we surely would not have learnt and gained so much during these three years. What our teachers have taught us, and the other things that we have gained, will always be in our hearts.

On behalf of all graduates, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to our respected teachers, to thank them for

composing a great song for all of us to play harmoniously together.

To our dearest parents, you have given us all your love. Mere words cannot express our gratitude for these two decades of your care and support. Sometimes, we do not meet your expectations. But no matter what happens, you still consider us the most wonderful boys or girls in your lives, and devote your entire lives to take care of us. So, we will use the rest of our lives to return our love to you.

To our fellow schoolmates, we have gone through the bittersweet and tough yet exciting university life together. Thanks for your support and sharing. You are the shining light in my unforgettable university life.

These three years have become a harmonious song at HKUST. Our background music is the innovative teaching methods, comprehensive equipment and attractive campus. The guidance of a highly distinguished network of people has enabled us to follow a modern tempo. Thank you for the teaching. We are now key notes in this symphony. Without your efforts in these past years, our symphony could not be played in harmony. You are due the credit for all the hard work and dedication that has helped bring us to this day.

In the future, there may be times when our path seems too narrow or crooked, and the light at the end of the tunnel may not be in sight. But if we work through every obstacle with our heart, we can reach an unexpected and wonderful place. With our strength and talent, you can compose a renowned symphony for our family, our alma mater, and for society.

Finally, let me once again express my deepest gratitude to all the teaching staff of the University. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is already 10 years old, and has successfully coached thousands and thousands of students to contribute to our society.

I wish our alma mater fruitful and successful decades to come and that this will extend forever. Thank you.

_____ - Address by the Graduate Representative o f the School o f Engineering

__ __ ____

Ms Linda Lok-Wan CHOW MPhil in Mechanical Engineering

Council Vice-chairman, President, teachers, parents, fellow graduates, ladies and gentlemen:

Good afternoon. After six years at HKUST, first as an undergraduate, then as a graduate student and currently as a research assistant, I feel privileged to take this opportunity on behalf of my fellow graduates to express my sincere gratitude to you.

Now, everybody talks about “IT’: Information technology apparently is treated as equivalent to science and technology. I am not computer science major, but “IT” holds three Merent meanings to me.

Education usually means “Information Transfer’: the first meaning of“1T”for me. Teachers lecture while students listen. If students have not learned, teachers tend to get the blame. But we have learned, so our teachers should get the credit. Thus our first thanks should be given to our a h a muter, HKUST, and especially to the graduate school. Here we have learned that knowledge acquisition should be an “ Intelligent Transformation ”of information. Thus this second“1T”is filled with value-added and creative elements.Then, what are the keys? They are my third “IT’: “Inspiration and Tolerance”.

Bringing these “IT” keys to us are our devoted professors. Research is usually considered impractical by industry. Yet even in such tightened circumstances as we have today, our professors’ inspiration and perseverance have produced many research results that have been published in top journals, developed into products or patents, and become entrepreneurial ventures. Professors, your efforts are truly appreciated!

We are also indebted to our visiting scholars from the Chinese Mainland. Their inspiration and persistence exempethe spirit of conducting march to us. Even through daily contact, not only do they help us learn Putonghua, but also teach us about Chinese culture and customs.

Our thanks should also go to our laboratory technicians for their dedication and tolerance, fine-tuning equipment for some extreme test conditions, and testing machmes repeatedly. Without their work, we would not have been able to conduct

our research experiments so smoothly.

We also cannot forget to thank the supportive staff of our University. Do you remember, just six years ago, we had to bring a 3.5 inch boot disk to operate a 486 PC in the computer barn? Now, we can simply drop by any Express Station for web surfing. No one can fail to appreciate our well-equipped and beautiful campus. Just pick a window seat in the library, and you can enjoy the shining morning sun, the glow of a reddish sunset, the tranquility of platinurr-like full moon on the sea, or even the roaring of the waves in a typhoon.

While overnight experiments, piles of abstruse papers and reference books, and heated arguments among peers seemed to make the research road steeper, postgraduate Me nonetheles leaves us many sweet memories. We enjoyed many great times with our friends in lab, had lunch together, played ball games, watched movies and had fun at birthday parties. One example that stands out was the Trailwalker event, where I was inspired by my teammates’ determined will and strong mutual support.

As teaching assistants, we had hours and hours of homework to mark weekly, Every lab demonstration or tutorial took arduous efforts in preparation. Once we stepped into the classroom, though, seeing the expression on students’ faces change from confusion to determination and then satisfaction would recharge us for the next lesson. Presenting papers overseas, meeting with worldwide experts and even sightseeing were really precious and fruitful experiences.

Last but not the least, we express our love to our dearest parents. They always inspired us to face any challenge bravely, and tolerated our temper when we were frustrated with experiment failures, or when we were stressed under examination pressure. That must be the best “chicken soup for the soul” in the world! I hope we can learn how to make that “soup from our parents some day.

Recently, we seem to hear one piece of bad news after another. Threat of a world recession has forced us to stren&en ourselves within our areas of expertise. May we keep our inspiration on wing, turn crisis into opportunity, and soar with HKUST! Thank you!

Address by the Graduate Representative of the School o f Business and Management

Mr Tony Nang CHAN BSc in Economics and Finance

Dr Lo, President Chu, Professor Chan, members of the faculty, graduates and their families, ladies and gentlemen:

Let me begin by expressing my appreciation for the very deep honor that you have conferred upon me. Recently our Business School has been moving up the international rankings and has attained recognition as one of the best business schools in the world. As one of its graduates, I feel excited and honored.

In the past three years, I am lucky to have studied in this young and dynamic university, an institute with energy and vision. Nowadays, top government officials and business leaders are urging university students to gain in te rna t iona l experience by working in multinational corporations and by participating in exchange programs. This is exactly what HKUST Business School has been actively developing and implementing from its initial years, as they foresaw the need of society for students with international exposure. HKUST students have long been enjoying all these opportunities.

Thanks to these programs, I was able to study in the US as an exchange student for one semester, and to work in Morgan Stanley as a student intern. In an international case competition, I worked with three other schoolmates to formulate a strategy for a US consulting firm and competed with students from Ivy League universities. All these experiences have greatly widened my international perspective, and enriched my university life. I would like to thank the administration of the Business School. Your efforts have been much appreciated.

I believe that many of my schoolmates have had similar wonderful experiences in the past three years. But what’s next? Of course, I myself don’t have a simple answer. But I have acquired some of the aspirations of our professors.

Everybody knows that we have a world-class faculty here. But it seems to me that not every one of us can appreciate their sense of mission to contribute to society. Take the Departments of Economics and Finance, which I belonged to, as an example. Our professors all come from prestigious universities and many of them could well be headhunting targets of Wall Street firms. However, they choose to devote themselves to teaching and academic research. They advise on various social issues via different channels. They help improve the infrastructure of the local financial markets with cutting-edge knowledge in finance they have learned from leading universities like Harvard o r Stanford, and they educate small investors through newspapers or TV on a daily basis. I first learned the meaning of the word “globa1ization”as the ultimate solution to a well-diversified portfolio in their finance classes; but I understood the meaning of it from their actions: as an approach to improve our own region by learning the latest knowledge of other countries and by avoiding the painful mistakes they have made. I believe that even though we may not enter the field of academic research after graduation, their sense of commitment to society is something we should learn.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents and my family members for their everlasting love and care. Also, I would like to say that I am happy to have made many good friends here, who have advised me when I was lost. Finally, I thank the Almighty God for arranging all these for me.

My fellow schoolmates, we will be heading for our dreams and targets now. Let us work hard together to contribute to our society with a sense of mission for Hong Kong, and make ourselves proud of being graduates of HKUST. Thank you.

Address by the Graduate Representative o f the School o f Business and Management ~- - -

Ms V i v h Yun ZHUO MBA

Dr Lo, Professor Chu, Professor Chan, Dr DeKrey, distinguished guests, fellow students, ladies and gentlemen:

I appreciate very much the honor to represent my class -“the Class of Financial Times” to give a speech on this exciting occasion.

Dr Steve DEKREY, Associate Dean and Director of MBA/EMBA/MSc Programs, called us “the Class of Financial Times” as our class coincided with the start of world recognition of the quality of HKUST’s MBA program. On 22 January this year, the School was listed in the Financial Times’ world top 50 league; on 3 August it was ranked No. 1 in Asia-lnc’s business school ranking. Each member of the School’s administration, faculty, staff and students has a role in the bittersweet story behind the great success that this 10-year-old Business School has attained.

10 years’ time changed the School and two years’ time changed us. We’ve learned how to understand and respect differences, how to challenge our own limits while remaining unfazed by frustrations, how to maximize outputs by fostering teamwork, and more importantly, we’ve learned to be sensitive to change.

The world is full of changes. The burst of the IT bubble has tipped the global technology sector and rattled the world economy. The recent tragic events in the US have created a short-term impact on major financial markets and the related uncertainties are set to affect the longer- term economic development of the world. The Asian dragons-Singapore and Taiwan-have been experiencing sluggish growth, and South Korea is slowing down considerably after its magical recovery from the Asian financial crisis in the 1990s.

But the world is not without a bright spot. For example, China’s GDP is growing at about 7% a year and India’s at 5%. China has overtaken the US as number one in the world in terms of the number of mobile phone users, amounting to 120.6 million at the end of July. The number of Internet users in China has been growing at a double-

digit rate over the past three years and stood at 26 million in June this year. What does that all mean? The world is fast changing. Slumps give us the chance to turn around and initiations bring new opportunities. Young executives, like us, are required to be dynamic and able to reinvent ourselves in the new era.

It is the HKUST MBA program that has provided us with the solid technical knowledge and valuable business experience in an efficient way. Professors with diverse international exposure in various academic fields shared with us the essence of their vast knowledge. The MBA office arranged internship opportunities for us. Through working in a real business environment we were able to practise what we have learned. We also participated in international contests and won prizes. We attracted scholarships and fellowships from big multinationals like Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. Thanks to HKUST’s first- rate student exchange program, we were sent to various top world business schools, working with the most talented international students, immersing ourselves in different cultures and taking home with us the leading- edge knowledge in information technology and business management. Today we’ve obtained the tools to locate real opportunities in a more integrated and globalized economy.

The first year in this new millennium sees the graduation of our class. It is one of the most significant milestones in my career and I believe it’s also true for all my classmates. As we graduate from the HKUST Business School, we all look forward to starting our new endeavors with much enthusiasm. To quote a Chinese saying, we are now “on the crest of the waves”. The two years of training and development along this beautiful coast of Clear Water Bay have enabled us to sail on to the bigger ocean, managing the ups and downs and moving toward our desired direction.

Lastly, on behalf of a dynamic, enthusiastic and intelligent class, I wish all of you all the best in your study and career. Thank you.

Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Science

Ms On On LEE BSc in Biology

Mr Pro-Chancellor, President Chu, professors, guests, parents and fellow students:

Good afternoon. Today, I am honored to be able to deliver this speech on behalf of this year’s graduates in the School of Science. First of all, welcome all of you to our graduation ceremony to share our happiness. We, comrades-in-arms, having walked shoulder to shoulder for three years, are now, once again gathered on this beautiful campus. Reminiscing about bits and pieces of our university life in the past three years, different bittersweet feelings come to our minds.

University life began with orientation camp. To a new student, the three days of O’Camp was pretty much a challenge of courage, wisdom and endurance. Thanks to the University, who provided all students the hall space so that we could share our life experience. We have learned to act independently and socialize with others. In addition, participating in different clubs and societies in the University enriched our campus life.

Some may say that HKUST is an institution full of stress and tension. Tight class schedules, endless assignments, tests and exams ... etc, can sometimes make us depressed. However, I would say that our University is a high technology and well-equipped academic center full of energy and innovation. Meanwhile, everything in this University, such as the library, lecture theaters, computer barns, classrooms and.even the grass and trees on campus, is carefully designed and placed with great thought, in order to provide a comfortable environment for us to learn and study.

HKUST is not only an education center but also a leading institution that excels in cutting- edge research. The success in mass-producing hEGF protein, in creating the world’s smallest single-walled carbon n a n o t u b e s a n d d i s c o v e r i n g t h e y e x h i b i t superconducting properties, and in culturing Cordyceps sinensis in the laboratory, are just highlights of HKUST’s achievements which benefit our education, the economy and society.


Today, we have graduated! Apart f rom the continuous hard work done by the students, I deeply believe that much of HKUST’s success is the fruit of years of dedication of our professors here. So, on behalf of all the graduates, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for their guidance, inspiration and encouragement. As well, dear parents and family members, without your unconditional care, love and support, we would not be able to gather here. Heartfelt thanks to you all. It is difficult t o express my thankfulness to everybody in such a short time. We will remember these three years of university life throughout our lives.

Three years ago, I always dreamed about this moment; but now that my dream has come true and so quickly, I am at a loss. Sometimes, we can’t help feeling a little anxious about the uncertainties in the future. However, I am confident that, with the three years of training here, HKUST’s graduates will be capable of facing up to difficulties, and will take off and soar high. To conclude my address, I wish all of you the best and success. God bless all of you. Thank you!

Address by the Graduate Representative o f the School o f Humanities and Social Science - _ _ ____

Dr Shuk Wah POON PhD in Humanities

Mr Pro-Chancellor, Mr Chairman, President Chu, fellow graduates, ladies and gentlemen:

I am Shuk Wah POON, a new PhD from the Division of Humanities at HKUST. On behalf of all the graduates of 2001, I thank you all for coming to our Congregation this afternoon.

I am honored and delighted to have been given an opportunity to share with you my life during my six years of study at HKUST. This experience has changed my life, not only because I met my husband here, but also because of the stimulating learning environment nurtured by the commitment and efforts of my professors, classmates, and the staff of the University Library.

My intellectual pursuit in the last few years has been accompanied by ups and downs, excitement and discouragement. But I am so grateful that whenever I felt confused and frustrated especially while I was struggling with my dissertation, my professors in the Division of Humanities were always at my side, giving me advice and encouragement. I feel blessed by their loving care and intellectual inspiration. I am also grateful for the spirit of academic freedom that they have been nurturing at HKUST.

We are encouraged to form our own ideas, to question, to challenge, to problematize, instead of going after conventional wisdom or theories. Academic achievements will never be possible without respect for academic freedom. Here, let me thank my professors for this healthy environment in which we learn how to sharpen our intellectual vision and develop our critical thinking skills.

I am also fortunate in that I have met so many talented students at HKUST. They shared with me their enthusiasm for knowledge and their determination to enhance the academic atmosphere of Hong Kong. The exchange of ideas in seminars and in the postgraduate students’ office was a rewarding and enjoyable

experience. I also want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the staff of the University Library, who have been so dedicated in providing us with an excellent research and study environment.

The attack in New York less than two months ago and the ensuing military response vividly show us that if technological advance is not accompanied by human i sm and the will t o improve cu l tura l understanding between peoples, the results can be catastrophic. Only through humanistic training can we transcend cultural, ethnic, political and economic differences, and develop respect for mankind as a whole.

In this University, a university of science and technology, the Division of Humanities has been playing an important role in promoting cross-cultural perspectives. I am glad that as a graduate of the Division, I have learnt the appreciation of humanity, and am ready to pass it on to the next generation.

The academic training at HKUST can broaden our intellectual horizons. Certainly it has broadened mine, enriched my life and instilled within me even higher intellectual aspirations. The learning experience at HKUST has given me a good beginning for my future intellectual pursuits, and made me more determined to help bring about a world with greater cultural understanding. Thank you.

Nin th Congregat ion











7 November 2001

The Council Vice-chairman declares the Congregation open.

The President addresses the Congregation.

The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING.

The Graduate Representative of the undergraduate programs addresses the Congregation.

The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY

The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

The Graduate Representative of the postgraduate programs addresses the Congregation.

The Council Vice-chairman declares the Congregation closed.

Mace carried by

Professor Yeo u - Ko u ng Tu ng

M U J K by

S t Ronaventure College Zj. High School

44 1 3 h $91 9Mmf% NINTH CONGREGATION


Undergraduate Degrees ;rP: $4 % b 43

Academic Achievement Awards Y , % & $ ? t %

Mr CHU, Hon Chiu Mr WAN, Nam Fung Ms TO, Sin Yam Mr WONG, Man Cheung Ms NG,YuKwan Mr HO, Ka Lung Mr WONG, Wan Ching

Bachelor o f Engineering in Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering 1% _t ( G T 1 E&9 R $t $$ I @% )

Mr CHUNG, Kam Wing $!@I$%

Bachelor o f Engineering in Chemical Engineering 1&9+(WF I:@%)

Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr MY Mu

* Ms Mu Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr

CHAN, Jason Alexander K. CHAU, Kit Fong CHING, Wing Hun CHUNG, Hon Lung KWAN, Chun Yu KWONG, Yat Yeung LAM, Ho Sing LAM, Nga Sze LAU, Fung Yee LAU, Wai Ngar LAW, Shu Kin LAW, Wing Yuet LEUNG, Yat Lai Adrian LIN, Sze Wai LIU, Tung Wah MAK, Grace MUI, Wai Yin NG, Hoi Yan SZETO, Yim Ting TANG, Chung Kei LVONG, Kit Man YEUNG, Kin Ming YEUNG, Kwok Keung

BEng(C1VL) BEng(C1VL) BEng(CPEG) BEng(CPEG) BEng(C0MP) BEng(CS1E) BEng(CS1E)

Bachelor o f Engineering in Chemical and Environmental Engineering I%+( 1 k 3 R ~ % ; r W F )

Mr Ms Mu Mu Ms Mu Mr Ms Ms Mr

* Mr Ms

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mu Mu Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr

AU, Wai Kwong AU YEUNG, Ka Wah CHAN, Pak Wai CHENG, Chi Hang CHOW, Kit Yin CHOW, Yuk CHUI, Wai Man FUNG, Ka Tsai HAR, Yuk Yee HO, Hung Hei KWOK, Kui Sing LAI, Ka Man LEE, King Yin Alex LEE, Man Yiu LEUNG, Ka Ming LIU, Hon Cheung LO, Kwok Fu LUI, Chi Ming MA, Siu Yan TAI, Chun Fung TANG, Hing Kai Marcus TANG, Hiu Wan TSANG, Hin Kit WONG, Tak Ming YEUNG, Ho Yin YUEN, Kwong Yung

# Academic Achievement Awards 9 % I& ,ik 42 * First Class Honors FI B Q %

Bachelor o f Engineering in Chemical and Polymer Engineering I%%k(ik@Bm-F I+Z%)

Mr HUI, Sin Pang Mr LAI, Tung Yu Ms M U , Shui Yan Rebecca Ms LI, Si Wan Ms YU, WaiShan

Bachelor o f Engineering in Civil and Structural Engineering 1% tr ( *. * 23 % R E E 3)

# Mr # Mr

Mr Mr Mr

* Ms * Mr

Ms Mu Mr Mu Mu Mr Mr

* Mu Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr

CHU, Hon Chiu WAN, Nam Fung

AU, Kar Ho CHAN, Chung Yie CHAN, Ho Kin CHAN, Ho Yee CHAN, Ka Ming CHAN, Ka Yee CHAN, Tsun Kei CHAN, Wai Hang CHAN, Wai Hung CHENG, Wai Man CHENG, Wing Tung Andrew CHEUK, Chun Kit CHEUNG, Sai Hung CHEUNG, Wai Leung CHIU, Wai Kei CHIU, Wing Chong CHOW, Chong Kei CHOW, Wing Fook CHU, Ka Fai CHU, Kwun Kit CHUNG, Ching Hin Edmond CHUNG, Wai Hang FOK, Chun Sing Dennis FOK, Ling Yin FUNG, Ka Wa Patrick FUNG, Kwun Man HO, Chung Yee HO, Hung Yat HO, Ka Man HO, Man Lee

Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Mu Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Ms

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr

* Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr

* Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

HO, Wing Kit HUNG, Hsiao Fai HUNG, Ka Ki HUNG, Tat Chi Alan [P, Mei Ha KEUNG, Wing Yam KO, Chi Hung KONG, Wing Man KWOK, Chris KWONG, Tin Ki LAI, Kon Ting LAM, Ching Ping LAM, Kam Man LAU, Yee Mei LEE, Kai Pong LEE, Lok Nin LEE, Wing Hong LEUNG, Chi Hang LEUNG, Chi Ho LEUNG, Hon Yan IEUNG, Wai Bong LEUNG, Wai Lun LEUNG, Wai Yin LEUNG, Yiu Fai LI, Oi Yin LI, Wai Hung LO, Wai Yeung LU, Lyn Wade Leslie MAK, Chin Yeung MAK, Wan Hung MAN, Ho Cheong MAN, Ka Ming MAN, Kai Chun NG, Ka Fai NG, Lai Ip NG, Ming Chuen PUN, Lai Shan SHEK, Man Pong SIT, Ming Cheung Alvin SO, Yik Wah SU, Chu Fung SZE, Cheung Yeung TAI, Pik Ying TAI, Pui Lung TAM, Chi Fai TAM, Ho Ming TANG, Yu Cheung TONG, Ngai

Ms Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

TONG, Sze Yin TSE, Chung Yi TSE, Kin Hon TSE, Wai Luen William TSE, Yiu Wai WAN, Kai Tai WONG, Chi Hung WONG, Chun WONG, Hiu Mei WONG, Kin Ming WONG, Ming Hoi WONG, Ming Yan WONG, Tak Yuen WONG, Yi Wai Eric WONG, Yuk Fung YEUNG, Wing Kin YEUNG, Wing Sun YU, Mong Kit YUEN, Ka Wai

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering 1% It( i l*BE%IfW)

Ms Mr Mr Ms Mu Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr

AU, Ming Chu Julie AU, Yat Hin CHAN, Ka Kwan FUNG, Hau Yan KWAN, Chi Wai LAU, Ho Lun LEE, Ka Cheong LEE, Wing On Samson LUK, Wai Yun Connie NG, Kwan Ho WONG, Yick Sin YEUNG, Chi Ho

Bachelor o f Engineering in Computer Engineering 1%*(8m%I%,%)

# Ms TO, Sin Yam +A. s IE # Mr WONG, Man Cheung %*#

Mr AU, Wing Hang Mr CHAN, Chi Kin Mr CHAN. Hau Tat


Mu Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr

* Mr Mu Mu Mr

* Mr * Mr

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr

CHAN, Ho Kai CHAN, Hung Chau CHAN, Ka Lo Carol CHAN, Ka Lok CHAN, Ka Lok CHAN, Kin Hon CHAJS, Kwok Ho CHAN, Ping Kin CHAN, Pok Wai CHAN, Tat Kwong CHENG, Man Chun CHENG, Sai Lok CHEONG, Kam Hung CHEUNG, Chun Horn CHOI, Chun Yi CHONG, Wing Hong David CHOW, Chun Keung CHOW, Ming Tak CHI!, Heung Wing CHI!, Kain Hung Hannah CHIJI, Lok Sum Rod CHIJI, Sze Man FONG, Ka Lok HO, Chun Yin HO, Nam Kong HO, Tin Hong HSIEH, Man Hong HUANG, Chun Kiu HUI, Kwan Lok HUNG, Chit Hoi HUNG, Yik Kai Edgar HWANG, Wai Mei IP, Cheuk Lam IP, Wing Kin J 0 , C h u n W a h KEI, Chuen Lam KO, Chi Fun KO, Ka Ming KO, Yat Tung LAI, Hoi Suet LAI, Siu Kei LAM, Kin Ying LAM, Wai Yeung LAI:, Chun Chung LAIJ, Yuen Kwan Iris LAW, Hin Man LEE, Chi Hang LEE, Ho Fung

# Acadernic Achievement Awards Z1 X JJ& rh +2 * First CLass Honors V f 65 C

Mr Mr Mu Mu Mr

* Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu MY Mr Mu Mr Mr Ms Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr

LEE, Kin Yip LEE, Siu Kui LEE, Wing Kin LEIJNG, Cheuk Pan LEUNG, Chin Pang LEUNG, Lap Fai LEIJNG, Pak Yiu LEUNG, Shiu Wah LEIJNG, Tat Pong LEUNG, Wing Fai LI, Cheung Hei LI, Ka Wing LI, Wing Hong LI, Yuet Wing LO, Ching Chi LUI, Chi Hang MAN, Lai Pan MOK, Chi Chiu MOK, King Yin MOK, Kwok Yui NG, Ho Lun NG, Wai Leung NG, Yat Kiu NGAN, Tsz Yeung PANG, Ming Sum PONG, Chi Chiu POON, Ka Kit PUN, Ho Yuen SHUM, Kwok Fung Wilson SIU, Cho Hua SZE, Tim Kam TAI, Ling TAM, Wing Kin TANG, King Man TSE, Chi Ming TSE, Chun Fung TSE, Yeung TSOI, Yau Chat TSUI, Hip Lun TSUI, Tak Kwan TSUI, Yung Ho WONG, Chi Fung WONG, Chin Man WONG, Hing David WONG, Kin Ip WONG, Kwok Yan WONG, Tsz Yan WONG, Wing Kin Jacky

Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

WU, Cissy Cheuk Lam WU, Hang Fan YAU, Chun Chi YAU, Man Kit YAU, Tak Chiu YEUNG, Ming Ho YIU, Yau Ning YUEN, Man Chun YUNG, Kin Lun

Bachelor o f Engineering in Computer Science r:&F+($tB%a't6)


Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mu Ms Mr Mu Mr Mr Ms Mu Mr Mr Ms M S

Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr M u

NG, Yu Kwan

AU, Kin Chung CHAN, Chi Chuen CHAN, Fung Mei CHAN, Hok Leung CHAN, Ka Lok CHAN, Ka Wai CHAN, Kam Tim CHAN, Ki Lok CHAN, Kim On CHAN, Min Min CHAN, Tsz Chung CHAN, Wing Chi CHAU, Ho Man CHENG, Chi Kit CHENG, Ngai Fei CHEUNG, Hong Hoi CHEUNG, Ka Ki CHEUNG, Wai Yin CHIU, Lai Mei CHIU, Suk Chun CHOI, Hung Sang CHU, Ming Pong Bond CHUI, Yiu Wing FONG, Kwong Kit FUNG, Cheuk Luk HO, Cheuk Lam HO, Man Lee HO, Yu Lam IF, Tin Chu KO, Hin Shu KWOK, Wah On LAM, Fu Yin

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

* Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mu

LAM, Ka Yin LAM, Wai Man LAU, Pak Ming M U , Pui Kin LEE, Chin Pong LEE, Chun Bong LEE, Chun Wing LEE, Sze Lok LEUNG, Lai Hong LEUNG, Sze Yan LEUNG, Wai Fung LEUNG, Wing Sze LI, Yuen Wing LING, Wing Chuk LO, Chi Yung LUK, Yeung MA, Hei Lun MOK, Ho Gwen NG, Ching Yu NG, Ka Ki NG, Ka Man POON, Kam Hung SO, King Hang SO, Wing Yan SUEN, Kin To SUM, Chi Wing TAI, Ka Yee TAM, Po Ki TONG, Chun Ming Vincent TONG, Ka Lun TONG, Sio Chun TSOI, Hon Tung TSUI, Man Fung WONG, Chiu Wah WONG, Chun Keung WONG, Chun Lap WONG, Ka Ho WONG, Kai Tung WONG, Kin Shing WONG, Wing Wai WONG, Yee Wah WOO, Wing Chi WU, Wai Kit YAU, Yeuk Tak YIP, Hau Yan YIU, Chi Wing YIU, Kit

Bachelor o f Engineering in Computer Science and Computer Engineering 1% dI ( a 3$ %++% R st % I 1 %%)

* Mr * Mr

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

* Mr Mr

CHAN, Ho Ming CHAN, Wing Cheong LEUNG, Cheuk Yung LI, Yiu Kei LIU, Loi Ying MO, Yiu Fai TANG, Wai Kit TSANG, Hing Yeung Anthony YEUNG, Siu Yin YUEN, Yiu Keung

Bachelor o f Engineering in Computer Science (Information Engineering) T.%+(?t %%&% -!&iflJl%)

# Mr # Mr

Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr

HO, Ka Lung !iJ % % f * A WONG, Wan Ching Zfl

CHAN, Kim Fung CHAN, Po Man CHAN, Tsz Cheung CHEUNG, Pak Lun CHOW, Ah Chung CHU, Pui Lam CHUNG, Wing Chi HUI, Sui Yuen KONG, Lin Yeung KUNG, Ching Chung MI, Cheok Kei Tony LAU, Chun Sing LAU, Wing Ming LEE, Kin Pong Frank LEUNG, Man Wai LEUNG, Yiu Tong LI, Chi Pan LI, Lung Wah Bruce LI, Sun Lung NG, Ka Ming 0, Shek Hung SEK, Chi Wai Eddie TAM, Kong Lin TANG, Kin Kwok Dick

# Academic Achievement Awards P #. J J ~ X‘h; F * First Class Honors FT % d W

Mr * Mr

Mr Mu Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr

TSANG, Tak Lun TSANG, Wai Hung TSE, Kam Lung WEI, Ho Man WONG, Chun Ho WONG, Hoi Yan WONG, Hon Wah WONG, Kin Kwan WONG, Siu Man WONG, Yee Man YAU, Chun Wai YUEN, Ka Wing

Bachelor o f Engineering in Electronic Engineering 13 k(fTL@%)

Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

* Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms

* Mr * Mr

Mr Mu

* Ms * Mr

Mr Mu Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

AU, Chun Yee Amy AU, Siu Pan AU, Wing Hei CHAN, Chi Wa Ken CHAN, Chiu Kong CHAN, Chor Kin CHAN, Kam Fai Alton CHAN, Kwun Kit CHAN, Man Tat CHAN, Pak Jin Jackie CHAN, Siu Man CHAN, Suet Ngan CHAN, Wai Kwong CHAN, Wing Chun CHAN, Yiu Kei CHANG, Andy CHAU, Yin Pan CHENG, Kin On CHENG, King Hei CHEUNG, Chung Yan CHEUNG, Kam Fai CHEUNG, Ngai Ki Kathy CHEUNG, Yuk Lung CHIANG, Man Chung CHILI, Shung Cheong CHOI, Chit Wai CHONG, Chi Wai CHU, Man Kit CHUNG, Wai Lap FOK, Siu Pong FONG, Cheong Ming

MS Ms Mr Mu Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr

* Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Ms

* Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr

HUI, Wai Yin HUNG, Nam Nam KO, Ka Hiu KWAN, Hoi Sang KWOK, Tinq Yee LAI, Yee Man LAI, Yin Hing LAM, Chak Kam LAM, Suk Hun LAM, Yat Hei LAU, Chi Chuen LAU, Kin Wah Kenneth LAW, Chun Kit LEE, Ho Kai LEE, Ming Wai LEE, Shui Lun Louis LEE, Wai Hung LEUNG, Chi Tak LEUNG, Chi Yat LEUNG, Hoi Yan LEUNG, Ting Pong LEUNG, Wan Ki LEUNG, Wing Yee LI, Chak Fai LIU, Man Kin LIU, Wing Lok MA, Peng Seng MAK, Chi Sun MAK, Chun Ming MAK, Wai Chung MAN, Siu Chun MAN, Tsz Yin MOK, Wan Kam Winnie NG, Ka Lok NG, Karn Tong NGAN, Chi Leung OR, Wai Kin POON, Lit Keung SHIU, Kwoh Hing SIU, Wai On SIU, Wang Leong SOON, Kwok Fai SUNG, Ho Yan SZE, Heung Yeung TAM, Yu Hin TAN, Yuen Ho TO, Chi Shun TSANG, Hing Chuen

% ~ ~ E % ~ Q B E $ + w NINTH CONGREGATION 1 51

_. - - __-- _-_ - - -I--- -. -

Mr Ms Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mu Mr

* Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr

TSANG, Ka Lok @'&* TSANG, Yuen Ting TSE, Wing Tat Neddy TSUI, Kin Pun Kenneth WONG, Ho Yin WONG, Kar Yiu WONG, Kin Kwok WONG, Kwok Kei Kevin WONG, Pui Yan WONG, Wing Kei MIONG, Wing Lun WONG, Yu Tung WU, Man Kit WU, Wai Man YAN, Fu Wing YEIJNG, Wing Lee YEUNG, Yick Ming YU, Chung Wah YUEN, Ching Chung YUEN, Kam Hung YUEN, Sze Wing

Bachelor o f Engineering in Electronic Engineering (Information and Communication Engineering) 1 9 t-(a f I w$-f;,5>R%;fl E@)

Mr Mr Ms Mu Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

CHAN, Cheuk Hay Derek CHAN, Wing Cheong CHEONG, Hye Yeon CHEUNG, Chun Miu CHEUNG, Hing Cheung CHU, Chun Kong HO, Ka Chung HO, Phyllis Wai Ching HO, Wing Kin HUI, Kwan KEUNG, Pui Chun KO, Ying Leung KWAN, Ka Fai LAM, Chan Wong LAM, Chun Man LAU, Kwan Leung LEE, Chi Seng LEE, Lung Chun LEUNG, Kwok Kay LO, Chun Chung LO, Wai Chun

Mr Mr Ms Mu Ms Mr Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Ms

* Mr Ms

LUI, Kai Yan LUNG, Wing Ho NGAI, Ming Shan PANG, Wing Ho SO, Shin Yuk TAI, Ho Yin TAM, Yat Tao Rico TANG, Chi Kit TSANG, Kong Chau WONG, Ho Cheong WONG, Hoi Tung WONG, Kwok Fai Tony WONG, Steven YEUNG, Him Mo YU, Wing Kei YU, Yuk Chun YUEN, Siu Yu ZENG, Ho Ting Sandy

Bachelor o f Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 1% i:( 1 R r f ~ ~ m w w )

Mr Ms Mu Mu Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr

* Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr

CHAN, Shang Hin CHAN, Wai Kwan CHE, Siu Ki CHENG, Lap Hang CHEUNG, Chui Chui CHEIJNG, Kai Lam CHEUNG, Man Kin Keith CHEUNG, Suet Fan CHEUNG, Wing Sze CHEUNG, Yiu Ming HUI, Tik Kai K A N , Ka Chun KE, Ching Kai KWAN, Chin Pang KWOK, Chi Yin KWOK, Fong Kwan Edna LAM, Ping Yu LAU, M7ai Man LEE, Yuk Tat LEUNG, Shun Ming LEIJNG, Wing Lam LI, Chi Fai LI, David LI, Ming Yan

# Academic Achievement Awards 9 f 1% X $!

* First Class Honors IT f $5 +Y

Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms

LIN, Chung Ngai LING, Yui Kong LIU, Wan Lung Jonathan LUK, Cora NG, Chin To SO, Siu Bong SY, Wing Woon TANG, Yee Kan TONG, Chi Kuen TONG, Koon Man WONG, Chi Keung WONG, Ching Yi WONG, Wing Kin WU, Ka Ho YEUNG, Hang Ting YEUNG, Ka Chun YEUNG, Wing Hang YU, Wing Chun YUNG, Pui Sze

Bachelor o f Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (Transportation Logistics Management) E , y f ( I % El%?$ I +?E3T%-@&mfie3?2)

Ms Ms Mu

* Mu Mr Mu Ms Mr

* Mu Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mu Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr

CHAN, Hoi Wai CHANG, Ka Chu CHENG, Chi Lun CHEUNG, Hiu Lung Alan CHONG, Ka Tat CHOW, Kin Wai CHUNG, Lai Kwan HO, Pak Kin HWE, Siu Kei LAI, Ming Wai MI!, Kit Yan LEUNG, Wai Yee OR, Ka Lun SHA, Kwok Wai SO, Hon Sum SZETO, Yee Man TAM, Wing Chi TANG, Wing Kin TING, Tsz Ying TSE, Chi Kin WONG, Yiu Fai Peter YEUNG, Sing Keung

Ms YEUNG, Wai Chi Mr YUEN, Chun On

Bachelor o f Engineering in Mechanical Engineering I: 3 + ( # t& I d ? 3)

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Ms Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mu Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu

AU, Ping Fai CHAN, Chi Fai CHAN, Ho Yin CHAN, Kong Hoi CHAN, Kwok Cheung CHAN, Siu Wai CHAN, Tin Yi CHAN, Tze Hang CHAN, Yu Hin CHENG, Kung Chun CHEUNG, Chok Ming CHEUNG, Chung Wai CHOW, Chun Kin CHU, Man Wai Christine CHU, Sai Hon CHU, Wing Hang CHUM, Chi Chung FAN, Cheuk Lun HEUNG, Kin Ming HO, Ka Wo HO, Man Chung KWAN, Ting Kan Kennedy KWOK, Kong Hung KWOK, San Chin LAI, Chung Lam LAI, King Kwan LAI, Kwan Keung LAM, Mei LAW, Wai Shun LAW, Yi Kei Owen LEE, Wai Lim LEE, Wai Yin LEE, Yiu Kui LEUNG, Kar Lai Regina LEUNG, King Lok LFUNG, Siu Kei LEUNG, Wai Hang LEUNG, Yeuk Ngai LIE, Ho Ming LIU, Chi Hong LOK. Ka Fai

MS Mr Mr Mr MS Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr MS Mr Mr MS Mr MS Mr Mr Mr MS

* Mr Mr MS Mr

* Mu Mr

LUI, Tung Ching NAH AVAN D I, Kurosh NG, Chung Kiu NG, Kwok Yiu NG, Lok Fu NG, Tsz Kit NG, Wai Kwok NGAI, Chi Hang SHING, Wai Ming SHUM, Hoi Bong SIN, Ka Fai SO, Ho Fai TAI, Kai Lam TAM, Siu Kin TANG, Wai Chong Eunice TSANG, Ka Yui TSANG, Ling Ping TSE, Wan Sze TSUI, Yat Kit WAN, Ka Man Carmen WONG, Karn Hung WONG, Kam Hung WONG, Karn Sing WONG, Ngar Sze Alice WONG, Yiu Yan YEUNG, Ming Lok Benjamin YEUNG, Wing Yee YU, Ching Ming YU, Tak For YUNG, Ka Wah

Bachelor o f Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Mr MS MS Mr Mr Mr MS MS Mr Mr Mr MS

CHAN, Ming Hong CHENG, Po Yee CHEUNG, Ka Yan CHOI, Wai Hong CHUNG, Wai Kei FUNG, Wing Lun HO, Choi Ha Cherry HUNG, Wai Shun KWONG, Ka Lam LAI, Hon Sing LAI, Kam Fat LAI, Kit Ying

Mr Mr MS Mr Mr Mr MS MS MS

* Ms Mr

* Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr MS MS MS Mr Mr

LAI, Ping Man LAM, Ho Cheung LAM, Yuen Ching LAW, Chun Fai Ivan LEE, Yin Cheung LEUNG, Ho Chiu LEUNG, Ka Mun LEUNG, Yuet Ying LI, Yee Lam LIN, Yu Feng LUN, Yiu Chung MA, Ming Sum Rosie MAN, Kin Kau NG, Ka Wah SIN, Chi Ho TANG, Kwong Chi TO, Ka Yam TSAM, Pik Yan WONG, Cheuk Yan WONG, Hoi YU, Ming Shing

# Academic Achievement Awards % $5 !I!?. Fk 8%

* First Class Honors 'P 8 % -!&

Postgraduate Degrees # F % ! ! k 9 B

Master o f Science in Chemical Engineering 39%@*( 1 k % I E % )

Mr CHENG, King Man Mr CHEUNG, Kwong Fai Mr HUNG, Kwang Hse Clarence Ms TSE, HoYan

Master of Science in Civil Engineering 3994iRIt( k.$If9%)

Mr Mr Ms Mr Mu Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr MS Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms

AU YEUNG, Kin Ho Kenneth CHAN, Karn Kit CHAN, Shuk Ying CHAN, Wan Loong William CHANG, Kar Seng CHEN, Enny CHENG, Kin Ming CHEUNG, King Fat CHOW, Man Chung CHOW, Ying CHUNG, Shan Shan HO, Kin Fai Junny HO, Tat Ming KUO, Tung Ming LO, Wen Shin Celia LUK, Fong Tin NG, Wai Ki WONG, Chi Yui WONG, Wan Chi WOO, Yuen Yi Eddy

Master of Science in Computer Science 39%@3*(~t%%#4@)

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr

CHAN, Ka Ming CBAN, Mang Fai CHENG, Yu Wang FUNG, Tin Wan Raymond HO, Jonathan Marcus HSIEH, Ding Fei IP, Ting Pong LAM, Ho Pun LAM, Ka Wing

Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr

LAU, Wing Hon LI, Yuk Hin LO, Ming Cheung LO, Pui Ching Florence LUI, Sze Ming MAK, Ming Fai Ivan NG, Yan Kin TIN, Ying Kit Allen TUNG, Tsan Kwan WONG, Sze Hang WONG, Tsz Ming YAN, Kin Ho YIP, Keung YUEN, Ming Hon

Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ~ 9 % ~ R d - ( Z ~ ~ Z ~ IiW

Mu Mu Mr Mr Mu Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr

HO, Siu Hung HUNG, Wai Ming LAM, Wo Tak LUI, Cheuk Kwan LUK, Kwok Hong MOK, Ping Chan POON, Yee Shing SIU, Hing Suen SO, Wan Yun SZE, Oi Kwan

Mr TAM, Cheuk Hung Charles

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering 3996RIt(E?%I?9;.)

Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mu Mu Mr

CHAN, Karn Chung CHAN, Mei Pou CHUI, Ka Chun Wallace CHUNG, Chi Yip HO, Yuen Han KAN, Sun W a KOON, Kin Kee KU, Yiu Yee LAI, Siu Pan M U , Wang Wa

Mu Mu Mu Mr Mu Ms Ms Mr

SZE, Chi Keung SZE-TO, Wai Tun TSOI, Marshall Hau Cheung WONG, Chi Wai WONG, Kwok Keung WU, King Yan YAU, Mei Wan YIP, Chi Hung

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management a w a t( I % 1 ?!I2 I a E a - Y )

Mr CADOUX, Antoine Ms DUFFY, Colleen Michelle

Mr LE GOFF, Tom Mr KWAN, Kin Wing M e %

Mr LIU, Yong Ping 81 %Y

Master o f Science in Mechanical Engineering Bf9 bR + ( I%# T 8 9 1 )

Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mu Mu

CHAN, Ding Bong CHAN, Kwok Wai CHAN, Yuk Fung CHENG, Koon Tung CHEUNG, Kin Kuen HUNG, Chi Ping LAM, Wing Keung LEE, Chun Kit Jackie LEUNG, Wai Kwan LEUNG, Ying Kit LI, Chun Pong David PO, Chi On PONG, Wing On SETO, Chi Shing SIN, Chi Wai TING, Tsz Kit WAN, Tak Chi WONG, Kim Man WONG, W u n Kei John

Master o f Philosophy in Chemical Engineering EYiifi t(aL* 7 $?&+)

Ms AU, Tak Yin Louisa Lzl @?ljf

Mr Mr Ms Ms Mu Mr Ms Ms Mr

CHAN, Hok Chung CHAN, Kin Ngai CHAN, Sze Chi CHENG, Yuen Shun LAI, Chun Kit LAM, Leung Yuk Frank LAW, Kit Shun Sharon SI, Yingtao WANG, Qiang

Master o f Philosophy in Civil Engineering j6%%.+( t + Eta%)

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms

CABKAL,Sandro Valerio De Souza CHAN, Chi Chung CHENG, Pak Cheung CHEUK, Chi Yin KO, Chi Pui LAM, Tsz Hang LEE, Shung Kee LILT, Chun Pong LO, Ka Kan MO, Hau Kwok NIP, Chung Nga TANG, Ka Wa Danise WANG, Qian WONG, Ho Fai WONG, Yin Fun Andrew XU, Ying YIP, Chun Wing ZHOU, Wen Wen

Master of Philosophy in Computer Science fG,96# + ( x F$ % $49)

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu M r Mr

CHAN, Chi Wai CHAN, Kin Ching CHEUNG, Kin Man CHEUNG, Tin Wo CHOI, Chi Yin CHOW, Calvin CHU, Siu Hang CHUNG, Po Loi FUNG, On Tik Andy FUNG, Wai Kwok IF, Kin Fai Epsilon

Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr MY Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr

JIANG, Ying KWOK, Ki Wan LAU, Wai Kay LEE, Tak Wan Angus LEUNG, Kai Kin LEUNG, Yiu Cho LIU, Alan MANTZOUROGIANNIS, Marios POON, Kin Man SHIU, Hoi Nam SUN, Yuxiang SZE, Tsz Wo TAM, Yik Cheung TONG, Wai Shun Dickson WONG, Ka Cheong WONG, Yung XU, Zhendong YANG, Yi YIN, Li YIP, Ming Ho Anthony

Master o f Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic Engineering B%%+(%&ZZ? E@%)


Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

BOUBAKER, Nejib Benmedhedi CHAN, Hei Lung Michael CHAN, Ho Yin CHAN, Ngar Loong Alan CHANG, Hnn Peng CHAU, Chun Keung CHEN, Wei CHEN, Yang CHENG, Chun Fai CHENG, Hui CHEUNG, Hung Yan CHEUNG, King Sau CHU, Ka Lun HE, Ming HUANG, Xiaolong KUMAR, Shivani KWOK, Ka Chun LAI, Chak Shun LAM, Kin Hung LAM, Sang LAM, Wai Leung William LEE, Cheung Fai

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr M s Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr M s

LEUNG, Hang Ching Jason LEUNG, Kwok Hang LEUNG, Tat Chung LIU, Yichen MA, Chi Yuen NG, Kwan Wah SFAR, Sana SHARIF, Md. Raihan SHEN, Hongxia SHUM, Siu Man TANG, Jing Jung TAO, Wai Yuk William IhTANG, Rongxin WONG, Ka Wing Paul Ka-pui WONG, Kwan Wai XU, Chen YIM, Chi Ho YIP, Chun Kwan YIU, Chun Lai YUEN, Kin To ZAN, Lei ZHANG, Baolong ZOU, Peiqing

Master o f Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management ?m':au ( w I +~m-wmeq


Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms

AU, Yim Lee CHAN, Chun Yan FU, Ke GUAN, Yongpei KONG, Chi Wah KURNIAWAN, Agustino LEUNG, Tin Chak Gilbert LIN, Wuqin LU, Yumao NG, Elsie Oi Sze NG, Pun Wai WU, Qun YIN,Changyu

Master of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering ?5,WR f (%M r89)

Mr CHAN, Sau Kam rn'>+&

Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mu Ms Mr Mr

CHAN, Yiu Wai CHOW, Lok Wan HAU, Lap Wing HE, Yongjun HO, Chun Hang IP, Chee Wang Rodney LEE, Wing Yin LEE, Yuk Kwan Sylvanus LEUNG, Yun Yuen LU, Xiong QIN, Wu Bi TSE, Ka Kan Kenith WAT, Ching On Iva WONG, Hon Leung WONG, King Fai YAN, Liling YU, Lingfeng YUEN, Ka Keung

Doctor o f Philosophy in Chemical Engineering B-5@H*(lk%IE-5@)

Mr CHAU, Lik Hang Joseph El I3 YT Mr CHEUNG, Chun Wai %@@ Mr CHOY, Kim Hung SnXll&I Mr FENG, Jiyun 1% ,@ z

- ) P

Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering E%#f(f-*IE@)

Mr ATANDA, Adeyemi Israel Mr CAI, Zhengyin @ZrZa Mr CHAU, Chung Kong w L!R mll Mr CHIU, Chung Fai H l+%@ Mr LEI, Guohui Z;u@ Mr MING, Haiyan W >@ % Mr ZHANG, Nianquan %,&A

Doctor o f Philosophy in Computer Science E -5@ # t ( $t 3$ IW%)

Mr HUNG, Chak Kuen Patrick W$%

Mr NGO, Chong Wah $igft# Mr SUN,Yong 5% w

Ms KAFEZA, Eleana


Mr WANG, Lixin Mu ZHANG, Weihong

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic Engineering -B%t@k(ZImZTIE%)

Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

CHAN, Wing Chung Victor CHEN, Zhiheng CHENG, Po Wing CHOI, Kin Kwan GUO, Chunbing GUO, Zihua MAHENDER, Kumar SHEN, Guo Bin TAN, Yue TANG, Shu Tuen TOURAFIS, Alexandros WONG, Kai Kit ZHANG, Zhao Feng ZHU, Chunxiang

Doctor o f Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management -B%#-fi.(l.%I@.EIEE@-5@)

Mr HANG, Dejun bit% @ Mr LIU, Hancong @I% %t! Mu LUXIMON, Arneersing Mr NG, Siu Wa J+q Mr PANG, King Wah 5j@%p Mr SCHREYER, Henning Matthias

Doctor o f Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering E%B f. ( & M I @%)

Mr CHEN, Faliang Mr JIA, Wangcun Mr LU, Guoqiang Mr SIU, Wing Ming Mr SUN, Jianhong Ms XUE, Pu Mr ZHANG, Dongliang

N i n t h Congrega t ion



8 November 2001

1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open.

2. The President addresses the Congregation.

3 . The Acting Dean of Business and Management presents candidates for the Degrees of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and BACHELOR OF SCIENCE.

4. The Graduate Representative of the undergraduate programs addresses the Congregation.


6. The Acting Dean of Business and Management presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

7. The Graduate Representative of the postgraduate programs addresses the Congregation.

8. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed.

Mace curried by

Professor James C Westland

Mu,lr by

S t Honaventure Colfege tr High School


Undergraduate Degrees zk $4 !& % if^

Ms LAM, Yin Ching Mr MAK, Sin Yue Michael Ms SZE, Ting Ting Ms YJM, Wei Ming

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Economics

r-i%$$x$% -!pLm.@%)

Mr LAM, Hon Yan Hammy

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance T_ I%$$X9% k( gTiit-3 R HtT9i.9)

Mr TAI, Wing Keung

Academic Achievement Awards +% $$ bfi $i $

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Management o f Organizations 1 El E 593 t ( t $t q 2 %3E% B.rF%)

Ms CHAN, Lai Na Ms IP, Wing Hang Ms YEUNG, So Yee

Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics and Finance I w ex93 + ( %iB$B N% 9)

* Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms MY Ms Mr Mr

AU, Wing Yee AU-YEUNG, Ka Yee CHAN, Kwok Kit CHAN, Sum Ki CHAN, Wai Kei CHANG, Lui CHEUNG, Ka Keung CHEUNG, Siu Yin CHEUNG, Wai Leung CHOW, Nga Hong

Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms

* Ms Mr

* Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr

FAN, Ka Ho HUNG, Man Ki KAM, Hin Yeung KOOK, Ching Kit LAI, Hoi Yeung LAM, Ho Tung LAM, Wai Fong LEE, Wai Yee LEUNG, So Ping LEUNG, Wai Man Mandy LI, Pui Kwan LIIJ, Yee Lee LO, Hoi Yan LO, Wing On MA, Wing Tak MAK, Wing Hei NC, Yiu Ki SHIN, Wai Shing SHUM, Lai SO, Ching Yim TIN, Ming Kit TSANG, Yee Yeung WONG, Chi Kin WONG, Kwok Lun WONG, Leung Fai WONG, Mei Shan Dorothy YAN, Wing Tak YEUNG, Ping Pui YIM, Chi Wai YU, Chi Kong


Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics and Information Systems 1: fi EW$C t: (% iBF B g ZflZ %*)

Ms MA, Hoi Ling Irene ,R) 2, ,@

# Academic Achievement Awards GJ Y. bk +k %t * First Class Honors Y % % %

Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics and Management of Organizations I@jEf%y k( 2$@%2,%l,$itEfH.)

Ms CHENG, Chun Miu Ms KENT, Chung Ming

* Ms LAM, Yiu Ting Ms LI, Sau Fung Mr TANG, Kam Hing Ms YEN, GeeYee

Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics and Marketing I fiEf2%+-(2m%$ R*f%%)

Ms CHAN, Yuen Kwan Mr FOK, Wing Kai Mr NG, Kai Fung Clark Ms TSE, Wai Ching

Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Information Systems I: fiEfT% *( F$?%F 2 g :fig $&%)

Mr Ms

* Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mu Mr Ms

CHENG, Hon Wing CHIU, Wai Man DRUMMOND, Sarina LAW, Peggy Bik Ki LEE, Ka Ying LEE, King Sun LEE, Yue Ting LILJ, Ka Ming NG, Siu Ching SUN, Ping Cheung TAM, Ho Sze WU, Ling Fung YIU, Kit Yee

Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Management of Organizations I E E39g f- ( !I$%% 2 4m!iB $99)

Ms CHAN, Po SIU RzT9 Ms CHAN, Wai Tak Veda m ,% 7k Mr CHIU, Tin Yau @ R it?

Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms

CHOI, Wing Sze HUI, Ngai Hing Abbie KWAN, Kwok Kei Angus LEE, Sheung Ngai LEUNG, Tze Cheuk LI, Chun Wai Derek LI, Sau Man Jenny LI, Ying Kin LIU, Kwan Hiu hWK, Ho Kai John PANG, Joah Wah Eva SUM, Kai Chung Ronald WONG, Ka Man Carmen MIONG, Po Kwan Michelle YIP, Lai Chuen

Bachelor o f Business Administration in Finance and Marketing l.@jEfF% +(Fm%Blti%-3)

Ms KO, MiuYee Mr LEUNG, Wai Shing Mr MOK, Wai Kin Ms MiU, Hiu Mei May

Bachelor o f Business Administration in Finance and Operations Management

I w E $9 % f ( Rt%% B B@ Ef9 8)

Ms Mr Mu Ms Mr Ms

* Ms Ms Mr

* M u Mr Mr

CHAU, Shuk Man CHEUK, Yiu Chung FON, Wai Wah FUNG, Kwok Ching HO, Kam Lung HO, Shuk Han KWOK, Wai Ping LAM, Wai Ching LIN, Miei LO, Chi Wai TANG, Wai Lun WONG, Kai Yip

Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems and Marketing I E %? a4 It ( g 83 z5 %% R rFi t23)

Ms HUNG, Wai Ping g f$$$

Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems and Operations Management IiGE59-F k( W"A5%?ktt3 BeEB59F)

Ms NGAN, Ying Lee Ms YUEN, SeeTing

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management of Organizations and Marketing IaEx9-%t(,%i&R59%R $t$?l%)

Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms

* Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mu Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms

CHAN, Hiu Hung CHAN, Hiu Kwan CHAN, Karina CHAU, Kwai Chi Jessica CHIU, Ka Lai Carol HO, Wing Hang IP, Salina LAI, Ka Man LAI, Yee Ting LEE, Suk Yin LEE, Wing Sze LEUNG, Lap Ching LEUNG, Wai Chi Gloria LEUNG, Yi Man LEUNG, Yuen Chi LIU, Wing Yin LO, Wing Kei Grace LUK, See Man Simone MOK, Lai Sze Louise NG, Hon Man TANG, Wing Yan TONG, Hoi Yin Dora WIELAND, Reto WONG, Kam Ho WONG, Sze Man YIM, Mun Yee YU, Hoi Ling Kelly

Bachelor o f Business Administration in Marketing and Operations Management

I rbt2%BB@E3%%)

Ms WONG, Pui Ying Ms YIP, Selene

Bachelor of Business Administration in Operations Management and Management of Organizations I@jEE@ t - ( , ~ ~ E f ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ )

Ms M A N , Yin Ki Ms YU, Shing Chee

Bachelor o f Business Administration in General Business Management Ei%iEIF% I (,%ei%%E5w)

Mr CHENG, Ka Ho Ms MU, KaYi Mr SHONG, Chi Wai

Bachelor o f Business Administration in Accounting 1 i%iEE!% t:(&it%)

Ms Mu Ms Ms

Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Mu Ms Mr

LAM, Yin Ching MAK, Sin Yue Michael SZE, Ting Ting YIM, Wei Ming

AU, Ka Man CHAN, Chi Fung Leo CHAN, Ching Ting CHAN, Chun Leung CHAN, Chun Pang CHAN, Chun Yip CHAN, Ha CHAN, Hiu Man CHAN, Ka Yi CHAN, Kin Kwong CHAN, Kwun Nam CHAN, Lai Ming CHAN, Lester Theodore

# Academic Achievement Awards ? 3 I J ~ R * First Class Honors If1 :, B ?+

Mr * Ms

Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr

* Ms Ms

* Ms Ms Ms Ms

* Mr Mr Ms IMS

M s Ms Mr Mr Mr M s

M s Mr Mr M S

M u * Ms





Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms

CHAN, Leung CHAN, Man Ki CHAN, Man Ying CHAN, Mei Ki Maggie CHAN, Nga Hang CHAN, Shui Fan CHAN, Sze Kit CHAN, Tsui Shun CHAN, Tuen CHAN, Wah Yung CHAN, Wai Man CHAN, Wing Sze CHAN, Yuk Shuet Eunice CHAU, Ming Fai CHENG, Man Wah CHENG, On On CHENG, Tung Hung Emily CHENG, Wing Lam CHENG, Yue Lee CHEUNG, Ka Lam CHEUNG, Kat Cheung CHEUNG, Kwok Keung CHEUNG, Sau Wai CHEUNG, Shuk Man CHEUNG, Yuen Yu CHEUNG, Yuk Wah CHIE, Kwong Wing CHIU, Lorenso CHU, Kun Shun CHU, Man Yan Janice CHUI, Mo Sze CHUNG, Chun Tat CHUNG, King Hung Desmond CHUNG, Kit Ling CHUNG, Ming Kit CHUNG, Yee Man CHUNG, Yi Yan FU, Sim Fung FUNG, Hiu Wni HAN, Pui Yu HON, Wai HUI, Lok Yee Winnie HUI, Shiu Hong HUI, Wai Shan HUI, Wing Yan KAM, Wing Kwok KOO, Ka Cheung KUNG, Pui Mei Monique

Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms

* Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Mu Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms

* Mr Mr M s Ms

* Mr

KWAN, Bik Ying KWOK, Luk Ha KWOK, Man Wai KWOK, Sheung Man LAI, Ka Shun LAI, Shing Chi LAM, Churn Tak LAM, Chi Wai LAM, Hiu Kwan LAM, Hoi Yin LAM, Lam Tin LAM, Pak Kan LAM, Wai Kwan LAU, Ho Tung LAU, Kwan Ming LAU, Wang Mei LEE, Hung Hing LEE, Kwan Lim LEE, Ling Ling Lilian LEE, May San LEE, Mo Yin Vivian LEE, Sheue Yi LEUNG, Chung Yan LEUNG, Hoi Yan LEUNG, Ka Man LEUNG, Po Ling LEUNG, Pui Man LEUNG, Shuk Ying LEUNG, Suk Kau LEUNG, Wai Man LEUNG, Wing Wing LI, Wai Shan LIM, Ching Jenny LIN, Chun Yung LO, Ka Ling LUI, Fu Hua Robert LUI, Li Lok Ronald LUK, Ka Lun LUK, Yuen Han MA, Ho Yee MAK, Wai Yan MAK, Wing Chi MAK, Yee Wah MOY, Yee Wo Matthew NC, Ka Ho NG, \Nai King OR, Pui Yin PAN, Ka Ming


* Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms

* Ms Ms Ms

* Ms Mr Mr Ms

* Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms

* Mr * Mr

Ms Mr Ms Ms

* Ms * Mu * Ms

Mu Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms

PANG, Mansion PANG, Tony PAU, Yee Ling POON, Wai Chi PO ON, Wendy SHUM, Sung Yin SHUM, Wing Sze SIU, Ngai Yan Careen SO, Wing Chi SUEN, Yu May Sammi SZE, Wing Ting SZETO, Kin Fai TAM, Ka Lung TAN, Hoi Yan Fian TANG, Ying Wah TO, Ka Wai TONG, Sze Man TSANG, Hing Ling TSANG, Hoi Yan TSANG, Siu Wah TSANG, Tat Yeung TSE, Cheung Ying Jenny TSE, Wai Hung WAN, Sin Yu Cindy WONG, Chi Lan Edna WONG, Ka Man WONG, Ka Nok WONG, Lai Kuen WONG, Man laun WONG, Man Wai WONG, Pui Yan WONG, Wai Hing WONG, Wai Lam WONG, Wai Yee Eva WONG, Yee Ling WONG, Yee Wan WONG, Yeuk Shuen WONG, Yuk Ki YAU, Fung Men YEUNG, Ho Sum YEUNG, Koon Ying YIM, Wing Yee YIP, Hiu Kwan YIP, Wai Man YUEN, Wing Man

68 1 ”,. ‘P h ,I $ Bms% NINTH CONGREGATION

Bachelor o f Business Administration in Economics 1.wgxg+ +( %$@)

Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mu Mr Mr Mu Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms

CHAN, Ching Yee CHAN, Choi Ha CHAN, Siu Kei CHIU, Yuk Ha HO, Ka Wai HO, Tze Tsun Terry KWOK, Kin Hung LEE, Ying Wai LEUNG, Chun Yin LI, Shirley MIRPURI, Manesh Vashi PANG, Siu Ling SHUM, Ka Ling WONG, Lai Sha YIU, Chi Fung YIU, Ming Yu

Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance A. w @I!#! 3 + ( R%%)

Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mu Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr

AlJ, Pui Yee AlJ, Siu Leung CHAN, Chun Cheung Andrew CHAN, Ka Lam CHAN, Woon Hing CHAN, Yin Cheung CHAN, Ying Kin CHAN, Yuen Yan CHAU, Chin Li CHAU, Kiu Lin Lillian CHEN, Ying Yu CHENG, Hon Ki CHENG, Ngar Man Sally CHEUNG, Wai Ying CHOI, Sum Shing CHOW, Ngai Ki CHUN, Wing Yan FLING, Wai Man HO, Chi Yan HO, Ka Lun HO, Nga Yan HO, Ngar Yee Elle HO, Tuet Yu HLJI, Hau Wing

# Academic Achievement Awards * First Class Honors tfl 17; % 8

Ms Ms

* Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms

* Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Mu Ms Mr Mr Ms Mu Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms

* Ms Ms

* Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr

HUI, Wai Man HUI, Wing Fun KWAN, Yee Ha LAI, Ho Chong LAM, Li Nor Lina LAM, So Yi LAM, Sum LAM, Sun Ho LAU, Chin Wah LAU, Ka Man LAU, Ka On LAW, Yin Ting LEE, Hau Kwan LEE, Ka Hung LEE, Lung Ka Hing LEUNG, Ho Wing LEUNG, Hong Sze LEUNG, Ka Ka LEUNG, Ka Man LEUNG, Kwok Wai LEUNG, Sin Yee LEUNG, Tak Chi LEUNG, Wing Kin LI, Lui LUI, Wang Chau MIAO, Yin Ching Ada MOK, Hoi Yan MOK, Man Chi MOU, Chun Man NG, Wai Yan NG, Yin Fun NGAI, Fung Shu OA YANG, Ching Fong PENG, Hoi Kain PUN, Ngai Man SHIN, Ching Mei SHING, Sze Kei SIN, Chun Wai SUNG, Ting Yan TAM, Wai Ling TANG, Antoine TANG, Kin Wai TANG, Wing Yee TING, Kit Man TSANG, Chin Pang TSANG, Yin Man TSO, Pok Ho

Mu TSOI, Pang Fai

Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Mu Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms

WONG, King Chung WONG, Kwan Lai WONG, Lai Fan WONG, Lok Ming WONG, Ming Yeung WONG, Sui Ki WONG, Wing Cheung WONG, Wing Yee WU, Chun Cheung Calip YAU, Sui Luen YEUNG, Chui Ting YEUNG, Ngar Wan YIP, Wan Man Jennifer

Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems I i%ERqf(e.; fM%%)

Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms M u Ms Ms Ms Ms

’ Mu Ms

’ Ms * Mr

Mr Ms Mu Ms Ms Mr M S

Mr M S

Ms Ms Mr

AU, Cheuk Yin AU, Kam Lun AU, Lisa CHAN, Hing Sum CHAN, Hok Ching CHAN, Kin Tai CHAN, Lai Ki CHAN, Sau Ching Crystal CHAN, To Kei CHAN, Wai Yan CHAN, Wing Man CHAU, Lai Man Alison CHENG, Ming Ah Mina CHEUNG, Chi Lik Eric CHEUNG, Ching CHEUNG, Cho Wan CHEUNG, Ho Man CHEUNG, Kwok Tang CHEUNG, On Ting CHEUNG, Pak Yin CHEUNG, Wing Yin Winnie CHEUNG, Yu Fong CHOI, Hoi Wai CHOW, Ching Huen CHOW, Lai Shun Nelson CHOW, Wai Sze CHOW, Wing Chi CHUI, Wai Sheung CHUK, Yiu Fai


Ms Ms Mr

* Mr * Ms

Ms Mr Ms Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr M s MS

* Mr Mu M s Ms

* Mu M s Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms

* Mr * Ms

Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr M u Ms MS

* Mu Ms Ms M S

Ms * Mr

Mu Ms MS

CHUNG, Ho Ki CHUNG, Siu Ying FONG, Wang Wah HOO, Geoffrey HUI, Yuen Man Jacinta HUNG, Yin Man IF, Hon Kee KWAN, Ho Ying LAI, Ho Yin LAM, Ari LAM, Shing Sing LAM, Wai LAU, Chi Ying LAU, Ka Wai William M U , Ka Yeung Garry LAU, Wing Yan Alice LAW, Yik Ki LEUNG, Chun Fai LEUNG, Wai Ho LI, On Ki L1, Yee Tsui Joyce LIM, Yu Tin LIN, Shan Shan LO, Siu Fan LOU, Ngai San LOU, Wing Ki LUI, Ka Wai LUK, Ngai MUI, Wai Ki NG, Cheuk Wing NG, Hiu Hong NG, Ka Wai Janet NG, Mei Ling NG, Pui See Bethia NG, Yin Lam PAIJ, Chi Fung PONG, Lok To POON, Hiu Yin SIE, Yi Hung TANG, Yu Chung TO, Yee Man TSANG, Ching Yi TSANG, Yuen Kei WONG, Chi Yin WONG, Ho Wang WONG, Kin Ming WONG, Ling Yin WONG. Wai Man

Ms WONG, Wing Lung * Ms WONG, Yeuk Ha

M s WONG, Yuen Kwan Mr YIP, Chi Ho Mr YIP, Shan Wah Ms YU, Mei Wai Ms YUK, Lo Sze

Bachelor of Business Administration in Operations Management [ I%iF.tF%Y(B@E.tF%)

* Ms M s Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms M s M S MS Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms MS Ms Mr Mr M S

M r Ms Ms MS Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr

CHAN, Cho Yee CHAN, Fung Yee CHAN, Hon Wan CHAN, Ka Ka Brenda CHAU, Wing Kei Vicky CHEUK, Sau Lan CHEUNG, Ka Ki Daniel CHEUNG, Lai Ling CHEUNG, Siu Wai FUK, Siu Luen Codia HO, Wai Ching HUI, Hiu Ngai HUI, Yat Ling LAM, Ka Yuk LAM, Yin Shan LA", Kai Bun LALr, Kar Man Carmen LAL', Yee Man LEE, Sze Lam LEONG, Susan LEUNG, Suk Man LEUNG, Wai Sze LI, Chun Kit Joseph LI, Fuk Hong LI, Ka Yu LIU, Kin Wai LIU, Ngai Wing NG, Hiu Yan OR, Yin Ping PANG, Ka Li PANG, Kit Ha SI, Shuk Wni TAN, Yee Man TJIK, Siu Ling TSANG, Hon Leung Vernon

70 1 ~ h m ~ i i B * U i B NINTH CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards '3 K lili 81k R * First Class Honors 'P ?+ X: %

Ms TSE, Hiu Yan Karen Mr WONG, Ching Leong Ms WONG, Sze Man Ms WONG, Wing Shun Ms WONG, Wing Yan Ms WONG. Yee Man

Bachelor o f Business Administration in Management o f Organizations I rgi Bf 9 3 * ( $H% R f T g)

Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr

* Ms Ms Ms Mu Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms MS

Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms

CHAN, Lai Wa CHAN, Wing Yi CHAN, Ying La Christina CHAU, Yu Ka Jasmine CHEUNG, Kwan Wing CHEUNG, Pui San CHING, Yuk Yin CHIU, Ho Yan CHOI, Wood Yiu CHUCK, Wai Lam CHUNG, Ka Him FONG, Marlie HO, Siu Yee HUANG, Chiu Kan Amy IQBAL, Pewez KC, Wai Yin KU, Wai Man Mandy KWOK, Hoi Yee LAM, Wing Man LAM, Yin Lai Amita

LEE, Britta Mailynn LEE, Chiu Wan LEE, Ka Wang LEE, Oi Yan LEIJNG, Kwok Cheung LEUNG, Po Shuen LI, Pui Ki MA, Wai Yin MAN, Sze Nga MOK, Yee Man NG, Kwok Ming Clifton NG, Wai Keung NG, Wing Sze NG, Yuen Sze PUN, Chi Me1


Ms SHIH, LucyY J fib@ 4rr Mr TSE, Man Wai w* @ Ms M'AI, Man Kwan Judy 7.; I A ?3 Mr M'ONG, Ka Ho ?I?'&. g Ms M'OP-S, Man Chi %@j 2 Ms M'ONG, WaiYing ;I: ,E) @

Ms YAU, On Nei l$%

Bachelor o f Business Administration in Marketing

Mr Ms Ms M s

Ms M S

Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr M s Mr Ms IMS



Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mu M S

Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr M r

CHAN, Chuen Hop CHAN, Lai Kwan CHAN, Lai Ping CHAN, Nga Yan CHAN, Ping CHAN, PuiYee CHAN, Wing Shun CHAN, Wing Tsz CHAN, Ying Hung CHEN, Suk Kwan Cici CHENG, Tsz Him CHENG, Wai Yi CHEUNG, Kei Sun CHEUNG, Kit Shun CHEUNG, Pik Ling CHING, Eva CHOW, Chee Ching Emily CHIT, Kwok Ngai Corum CHU, Man Ho Michael CHU, Yik Tan CHUE, Man Ying Connie FONG, Tsui Ming FUNG, K i t Man FUNG, Wai Ki HA, Man Leung HO, Oi Ling HON, Sze Man Catherine KWAN, Wai Keung KMiAN, Wing Kuen LAM, Chui Yuk LAM, Gigi LAM, Hin Chun Samuel LAM, Pui Man LAM, Ting Yuk LAU, Chi Kin LAU. Honcord

Mr Ms Ms Mu Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms M s M s Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms

LAU, Kwun Tang LAU, Lai Kwan Quinny LAU, Wing Hun April LAW, Hing Chor LAW, Hiu Kwan LAW, Kam Hung Victor LEE, Sin Yee Monica LEE, Wing Lai LEUNG, Chung Yin LEUNG, Kam Tak LEUNG, Kit Sum Sally LEUNG, On Ki LEUNG, Sau Him LEUNG, Tak Kin LI, Chui Wa LI, Pui Yan LI, William LIU, Yan Ki Flora LO, Suk Chong LO, Yee Lam LO, Yee Wah Phoebe LOW, Mei Tak LUNG, Ching Sze MAK, Wing Man MAN, Sze Ki MO, Yuen Shan MOK, Hoi Lam Karen NG, Hoi Yan NG, Lai Nga NG, Man Lei NG, Wai Wah NG, Wing Man PAK, Suet Shum Angela SHIU, Wing Shan Alice SO, Koon Sai Quincy SO, Mei,Ki Maggie SUEN, Li Chung SUEN, Sui Nar TAM, Hoi Ling TAM, Wai Sze TANG, Ka Yan TANG, Wai Sin TSANG, Ching Yan TSANG, Yi Ling WA, Fong Fong Karen WONG, Hiu Yan WONG, Ka Wai WONG, Kwan May

Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms

WONG, Lai Shun WONG, Man Ying WONG, Wai Lylian WONG, Wing Lok WONG, Yuk Lin WU, Cynthia Sze-wei WIJ, Kwong Ming YEUNG, Hoi Kit YEUNG, Sheung Fong YIP, Kit Wah YIP, Yuen Fai YU, Wai Chuen Caroline YUNG, Ka Chun YUNG, King Yee Queenie

Bachelor o f Science in Economics 3 m + ( 3 m $ % )

Ms CHU, KaYee Ms LO, Wing Shan Mr YIP, Ka Leong

Bachelor o f Science in Economics and Finance Bg 3- (%iB R a.lf%%)

Mr Mr Ms

* Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms

CHAN, Nang HO, Chun Yu FOK, Pik Lin LAM, Sum LAU, Wing Yan LEE, Ka King SHEK, Chun Wa WONG, Shek Chuen YIU, Siu Yuk YU, Pik Kei

# Academic Achievement Awards Y X h!i. % I * First Class Honors T X Q %

Postgraduate Degrees @ F % & E P f $ Y

Master o f Business Administration/ Master o f Science in Investment Management T w Ea bB +/39% fig! 4- (?? g E- 59%)

Mr CHIU, Wing Fai Mr YIU, Chin Ming

Master of Business Administration,' Master of Science in Information Systems Management I r%i E39 fig k/B% aEi rt ( ks 34 z6 %ex!?%)

Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Mu Mu

CHAN, Wai Yee Carrie CHAN, Yuen Fan CHAT, Heung Wing CHAU, Man Bun Raymond HO, King Wah HUNG, Hing Lap HUNG, Man Ching LAM, Wai Man Angela LEE, Bik Sai Ida LUI, Yat Ching Daphne TAM, Kin Chung TAM, Wai Yan Vivian WONG, Chun Lam Victor YIP, Tak Shing

Master of Science in Economics 59% fiR+ (%%m)

Mu CHAN, Wai Hong Ms CHEN, Shan Ms CHEUNG, Suet Mui Gloria Mu CHOW, Kin Fung Mu CHUI, Mun Mr LI, King King

Master o f Science in Investment Management 593bB+(EBBa9)

Mr CHAN, Philip mJ@ % Mr CHENG, Chi Wai $!I> A I&

Mr CHUNG, Chun Hung Simon 9% 8 R % Mr DUNNE, Alan Joseph

Mr Mr Mu Mu Ms Ms Mr Ms

FONG, William Chi Wai ir,k@ MU, Siu Tak STACKELBERG, Fredrik

yJ 4 b f,g

TSANG, Siu Tung Tony L,:$ j i&

WONG, Cecilia Doris &Bm WONG, Sau Yee A 9; {$$ WU, Hon Yuen Ivan { i f ] jyi ~@:

ZHENG, Juan $F tii

Master of Science in Information Systems Management R 34% fr ( !& ;fig % B39 3)

Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Mu Mr Mu Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mu Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mu

CHAN, Kin Yip CHAN, Oi Yung CIIENG, Ka Chun Gary CHENG, Man Wai Billy CHEUNG, Yu Ngai David CHEUNG, Yu Wing CHOI, Wai Kuen CHOI, Yi Tak CHOW, Pik Ha CIILJNG, Mandy Yuk Ying FOK, Wing Kai FONG, Yat Cheung Lawrence HO, Kai Wing Kevin HO, So Han HO, Tai Yuen HO, Wai Luen Pauline KONG, Ka Wai KOO, Chi Wai KWOK, Ka Fu LAU, Chi Hang M U , Mei Fan Ginny LEE, Hoo Cham LEE, Kwok Wah LEE, Won Hung Vivian LEUNG, Ho Yin LEUNG, Kwan Lui Simon LEUNG, Ting Yuk LO, Chung Ming LLJI, Pui Yee Michelle MOK, Kam Shing NG, Cho Ki NG, David NG, Shou Lun Anthony

Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr

NG, Siu Po Mabel NG, Wai Lun NG, Ying Yeung Patrick PANG, Mabel SHIU, Pui Ho Andy SINN, Chung Ming Anthony SIU, Ping Kwong SO, Kam Kiu SUM, Wan Ming VELUPILLAI, Kavi Raj WONG, Chuen Leung WONG, Kai Ho WONG, Wing Man Catherine WONG, Wing Yan Patrick YAN, Yuk Ping YOUNG, Koon Hay Simon

Master o f Philosophy in Accounting E36Ei I-( QZf 3)

Ms DAI, Xiaoyan Mr DING, Hongbo

Master o f Philosophy in Economics g ar f- ( $3 ~$@)

Ms CHAN, Ting Yee Mr SHAO, Enchuan Ms SUN, Meng Mr WONG, Chi Tat Ms ZHOU, Hailan Ms ZHOU, Xia

Master o f Philosophy in Finance %Fmk(

Mr KWOK, Siu Man

Master o f Philosophy in Operations Management B $41 4lH + ( 2% @@ 3)

Ms KWOK, Wing Yan Susanna $li ”$ El Ms TING, Lei Lam Olivia 1 kiJi#

Ms WU, Mun Yee Queente kB hi? t%

Master of Philosophy in Management o f Organizations 3 Bari t- ( ?H ?&E f93)

Mr ZHONG, Chenbo 9ifi I2 I&

Executive Master o f Business Administration h @ A R I $lEBfiR+

Mu Mr Mr Mr Mr M r M s

Mr Ms MI. Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr MY Mr Mr M1-

CAVATONI, Joseph Roland CHAN, Shek Yiu Patrick CHAN, Sze Tong CHAN, Wing Hing CHAU, Christopher K CHEN, Feng CHEN, Ji Zhou Lilly CHENG, David Chit Man CHENG, Margaret Wai-Ching COX, Steve Edwin DA CUNHA MIRANDA, Mario Joao DA ROZA, Andrew John GLOVER, Dean Joseph HUI, Hau Keung Teddy JOFFE, Robin Arthur JUANG, Wenlin KEH, Arlene Chan KHOR, Poh Hoon KING, Thomas Michael KOH, Chin Chye LAU, Ralph Kim Ming LEONARD, Ralph Joseph LEUNG, Kwai Fong LI, Wallace Chin Hung LIN, Arthur Chung LYONS, Michelle Ann MAHAPATRA, Debasis Roy MAK, Polly Mei-Yan NG, Charles Siong Kwong NG, Patrick Pak Wing NIU, Yanna ORK, Joseph Wai Shing SLlIK, Raymond Michael SUEN, Hon Pia SUTCH, Barry Taylor TAGLIEKE, Daniel Gerard URQLTHART, Michael Drew WANG, Jin


Mr YANG, Sung Sik Mr YAU, Gary Kin Man Mr YEUNG, Tak Bun Allen

Master o f Business Administration I lFleJY6R+

Mr Ms Ms Mr Mu Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mu Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms M r M S


AGRAWAL, Nikhil All, Shui Lin Grace CHAN, Chun Lee Janny CHAN, Ho Ming CHAN, Leung Ming CHAN, Pui Kuen CHAN, Sarah Shui Wah CHAN, Tor Kiu Linda CHAN, Yuk Ling Ada CHEN, Ka San Carissa CHEUNG, Man Tat CHEUNG, Ngan Yee Audrey CHEUNG, So Fan CHIU, Kung Ming CHOI, Wing Lan CHONG, Siu Hung CHONG, Yet Seng CHOW, Wai Kei Ricky CHOY, Koon Lun CHU, Chun Ho CHUNG, Pok Man Anthony CHUNG, Siu Kei FUNG, Chu Leung Derek FUNG, Lai Kin Sammy GEE, Yung Wai GROVER, Akashdeep HUI, Yok Man KWAN, Lai Ying KWOK, King Man LAI, Chi Kam LAM, Benjamin Bun LAM, Frances LAO, Anny LAU, Chung Sing LAU, Ka Yee Katherine LAU, Pak Hong LEE, Pui Man Delphine LEE, Sheung Wah LEUNG, Fung Kuen LEUNG, Ka Chun Henry

Ms Ms M S



Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr I\/I S

Mr M S

M r Mr Mr Mr M S M S



Mr Mr M S

Ms Mr M S

Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr M S


Ms Ms M S

Mr Mr Mr MS

Ms M S M S



LEUNG, Shui Yu LI, Kei Ll, Lai Ling Lily LI, Suk Ling Selene LI, Wing Hang Amanda LI, Yan LIU, Chi Sang LO, Chi Hang LO, Kit Yee Grace LO, So Lan LUK, Wing Fai LY, Esther MA, Kam Hung Kenneth MA, Man Kuen Alice MA, Shiu Ki David NG, Chiu Chun NG, Kwan Keung NG, Wai Lee NG, Wai Yee NG, Wai Ying NIP, Wai Hun POON, Cheuk Narn Miranda SCHMIDT, Marko SHAO, Heng SUN, Nam Phoebe TAI, Ka Yuk Virginia TAM, Hon Kwong TAM, Po Lin TSANG, Lap Keung WAN, Yim Mei Viola WAN, Yun Fai WANG, Zhicong WONG, Chong WONG, Kong Meow LVONG, Lai Yin WONG, Man Fung Serene WONG, Pui Fong WONG, Siu Woo LVONG, Yee Shuen Regina WU, Feng WU, Shuo Ting WU, Yan Mo YAM, Sin Man Bronwyn YIP, Wai Ming YUEN, Pik Lai YlrEN, Yee Ann YlrNG, Yee Kwan ZEE, Wai Kay Victor

Ms ZHANG, Xin Ms ZHUO, Yun

Doctor of Philosophy in Finance ?3 % t@ tr ( F.%% )

Mr LI, Xia

Doctor of Philosophy in Management of Organizations E ,Y t@ + (.w& E @ 89)

Mu WANG, Duanxu

Nin th Congregat ion

9 November 2001 3%?-w--AhEl



9 November 2001

1. The President addresses the Congregation.

2. The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE.

3. The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY

4. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF ARTS and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY.

5. The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

6. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

7. The Graduate Representative of the School of Science addresses the Congregation.

8. The Graduate Representative of the School of Humanities and Social Science addresses the Congregation.

9. The President presents Dr Lau Wah-Sum, GBS, JP for the Degree of DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION honoris causa.

10. The President presents Professor Leo Ou-Fan Lee for the Degree of DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES honoris causa.

11. The President presents Professor Wang Debing for the Degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE honoris C I I U S I I .

12. The President presents Professor Leo Esaki for the Degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE honoris causa.

13. Professor Leo Esaki addresses the Congregation.

14. The President presents the “Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching,

15. Mr Anthony K C Cheong presents the “Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body”.

16. The Pro-Chancellor declares the Congregation closed.

Citations fur honorary degrees read by Professor Gary C Biddle Professor Li Fen Chen

Professor H Benjamin Peng Professor Bradley A Foreman

Mace carried by

Professor Guang Z h u

M u s i c by

St Bonaventure College & High School


UndergraduateDegrees ii-~ $t !& 3 B Academic Achievement Awards

* % & & %

Ms LEE, OnOn Mu TAI, Man Tang Mr NG, Tsz Fai Jack

Bachelor o f Science in Biochemistry 599 t. (Y %I k 9)

Mr * Mu

Mu Mr Mu Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mu Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mu Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr

* Mr * Mu

Ms Ms

AU, Chi Yung CHAN, Chun Fung CHAN, Chun Kit Ben CHAN, Chun Yeung CHAN, Hong Lok CHAN, Kim Ying CHAN, Wai Kit CHENG, Wan Mei CHEUNG, Ching Fung CHEUNG, Kwok Kuen CHIU, Po Yee CHOI, Ka Kin CHOI, Yuk Chi CHOW, Pak Hong Jeremy CHOW, Po Shun CHOY, Yuen Fun CHU, Wai Tak CHU, Wai Yee CHUNG, Shun Kei FUNG, June HON, King Yin HUI, Chun Kit HUNG, Hiu Wai HUNG, Ming Wai HUNG, Siu Chun KEI, Mun KWOK, Yuen Shun LAI, Wing Wai LAM, Kin Ying LAM, Wing Yin LAU, Fung Han LAU, Kit Shun LEE, Chi Wai LEE, Hing Cheong LEE, Hui Kwan Rebecca LEE, Kwan Yi

Mu Mr Ms Mr Ms Mu Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mu Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms

LEE, Tsz Ki LEUNG, Kin Chung LEUNG, Oi Yi LEUNG, Wai Chung LEUNG, Wan Yan LI, Shun Hau LI, Wai Tong LO, Chi Hang LO, Ka Lok LO, Wing Sze LUI, Pik Ha MA, On Ki MA, Wai Yee MAN, Kai Yin MOK, Tsz Shun NG, Chui Shun NG, Chun Lap NG, Siu Kin NG, Wai Lam NGAI, Sze Ki SHUM, Ka Yee SIT, Wai Kin TSANG, In Ling Merlina TSE, Wai Har WAN, Ka Wai Jessica WONG, Sheung Ho WU, Wai Chi Jamie YEUNG, Wing Sze YL, Kai Man YUE, Wai Ming


Bachelor of Science in Biology a% f ( Y % %)

Ms LEE, On On F 2 ' E

Ms CHAN, KaYu Ms CHAN, Po Yan

# Academic Achievement Awards % f bk Fk $2 * First Class Honors EF] W Q Q

Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms

* Mr Ms Mr MY Ms MY Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mu Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr

CHAN, Pui Man Sarah CHAN, Tsz Wai CHENG, Tsz Kwan CHEUNG, Kin Chung CHEUNG, Kin Fai CHEUNG, Kin Lok CHEUNG, Lap Hing CHIU, Nai Ying CHO, Wai CHO, Wing Sze CHOI, Man Chi CHOW, Wing Keung CHU, Shuk Chun CHU, Yin Nei CHUI, Ngai Hang CHUNG, Cheuk Yu CHUNG, Hang Tung FAN, Cho Leung FONG, Pui Ling HO, Chun Fai HO, Ming How HO, Tsz Wan HO, Tung Leung HO, Yam Tat HUNG, Ka Lok HUNG, Karn Sing IP, Shing Fat KONG, Wing Yi KWAN, Sau Ngor KWOK, Mei Wah KWONG, Fung Mei KWUN, Yee Man MI, Hoi Ngan LAI, Sze Wai Dora LAM, Chui Shun LAM, Ka Sin LAU, Karn Kit LAU, Wing Lam LAW, Yuen Kwan LEE, Chum Ching LEE, Fung Kwan LEE, On Ki Angela LEE, Po Wing LEE, Sui Fa LEE, Sze Lai LEUNG, Chui Man Carol LEUNG, Chun Tao LEUNG, Ka Wa

Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms

* Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr MS MS

* Mr Mu

* Ms Mu Mu Mu Ms Mu Ms MS Ms Ms Ms Ms

* Ms * Mu


LEUNG, Siu Kei LEUNG, Tak Yi L1, Ka Man LI, Miu Ying LI, Wai Wai LI, Wing Yan LIN, Mei Yu LO, Ka Wah LOO, Boon Lub Bernard MAK, Chiu King MAN, Chui Lai MOK, Ho Lam NG, Lai Sheung PAU, Wai Pan POON, Chun Ki POON, Pui Wa SEI, Kwong Lee SIN, Wing Hong SO, Mei Ying SO, Woon Mei TAI, Chi Pang TAM, Chung Nga TAM, Ka Yan TANG, King Yiu TANG, Pak Ho TSANG, Ka Man TSE, Tak Yee TUNG, Kwok Kwan WAN, Ho Yin WONG, Ho Yan WONG, Hon Tik WONG, Kai Lun WONG, Lap Kong WONG, Man Yee WONG, Sing Fai Edwin WONG, Toi Pan WONG, Wing Yan WONG, Wing Yee WU, Wing Sze YEUNG, Hoi Yan YEUNG, Yuet Mui YIN, Shuk May YIP, Chin Wing YIP, Chun Kit YU, Ying Ying

Bachelor o f Science in Chemistry @-5F k ( 1 k& )

Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms

* Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms

* Ms Ms Mr

* Ms Ms Mr

* Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms

AU, Wai Leung CHAN, Chun Shing CHAN, Po Yi CHAN, Yuk Lun CHAU, Shu Mei CHENG, Ka Yee Linda CHENG, Siu Sum CHEUK, Ming Wai CHEUNG, Ka Man CHEUNG, Ka Man CHEUNG, Kwok Wa CHEUNG, Kwok Wai CHEUNG, Siu Kwan CHOI, Hung Fai CHONG, Shing Chuen Anfernee CHONG, Yan Tat CHOY, Kai Chung CHUNG, Ching Yin FONG, Chi Wai FUNG, Kit Fong loan HEUNG, Lai Bing HO, Ka Yee HO, Kar Kei HO, Wing Kay HO, Wing Yan KU, Wing Wah Cuby KUIT, Ching Yam LAI, Lo Ming LAI, Mei LAM, Ho Yee LAM, On Hing LEE, Chin Pang LEE, Siu Kong LEE, Sze Chung LEE, Tin Wai LEE, Yuen Sai LEUNG, Bo Man LELTNG, Chin Wan LEUNG, Lai Man Zoe LEUNG, Yee Pin LI, Cheuk Lun Dominic LI, Siu Fai LIU, Ho Yan LIU, Wai Yin LOU, Ka Yan

Mu Mr

* Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr

* Ms Mr Mr Mr

* Ms Mr Mr Mu

* Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

LUK, Hoi Ming LUK, Lam MA, Yee Man NG, Nga Chun NG, Wai Man PAAU, Hiu Ngan SIN, Pui Yi SO, Kai Tai SUEN, Wai Lun SZE, Kai Cheong SZE, Mei Yee TAI, Ka Chun TANG, Wing Yin TONG, Ka Pui TSANG, Lai Ping TSUI, Wu Kak WONG, Chung Him WONG, Ho Ning WONG, Hon Ho Michael WONG, Ki Wai WONG, Kin Hang WONG, Ling Wai WONG, Sin Tak WONG, Wai Kin WU, Man Ngok WU, Wai Shing YANG, Lai Hung YEUNG, Mei Yu YEUNG, See Ki YIM, ShukYan YIM, Tsz Wai YIP, Chi Hong Ricky YU, Kai Man YU, Michael YUEN, Yat Chung ZHOC, Pui Foon

Bachelor o f Science in Mathematics WE k ( %% )

k Mr TAI, Man Tang % *at

Mu AU, Kin Wai Ms AU, Sze Yan Ms AIJ, Wing Ha Mr AU,YuiKan Mr CHAN, Chi Kit

# Academic Achievement Awards % f hti % 82 * First Class Honors 91 3 45 C

Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr

* Ms Mr Mu Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mu Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Mu Ms Ms Mr

* Mu Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms

CHAN, Fun Yung CHAN, Ka Wa CHAN, Kar Wai Kevin CHAN, Oi Ping CHAN, Tat On CHAN, Wing Keung CHENG, Tsz Man CHEUNG, Chin Pang CHEUNG, Hoi Yi CHEUNG, Ka Yan CHEUNG, Wai Man Michelle CHEUNG, Wing Yue CHEUNG, Yan Lee Jenny CHIM, Lai Fong CHIO, Man I CHOI, Kwok Leung CHONG, Ching Yee CHOW, Shui Tung CHOW, Tak Pui CHU, How Yin Agnes HO, Chi Yeung HO, Hon Pong HO, Ka Man HO, Kai Yin HO, Suk Fan HO, Wai Mun HUI, Chi Sum HUI, Ming Lung KAM, Chui Fai KAN, Yat Kuen KO, Wai Yan KOH, Hau Hang KONG, Yin Wa KWOK, Hau Wan KWOK, Tsz On LAM, Chi Yin LAM, Wai Yuk LAM, Wing Chun LAM, Wing Sum LAM, Yuen Pun LAU, Chi Lun LAU, Hon Sum Ray LAW, Man Yui LEE, Oi Sun Michelle LEE, Pui Shun LEE, Sau Man LEE, Yee Man LEUNG, Ho Yee

Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms

* Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr

* Ms Ms Mr Ms

* Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms

* Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr

LEUNG, Man Fai LI, Yan LIU, Wai Yan LIU, Yuen Wa LO, Hong Wai Honora LO, Sau Man LOK, Wan Chi LUK, Wai Yin MA, Pik Kwan &'LA, Po Yee MAK, Ho Yuk MAN, Ming Yan MOK, Ka Po MOK, Kit Ying MUI, Sze Ning Luck NG, Yim Mo Alan PAT, Ka Ho SHE, Wing Ki SIU, Kwan Choi SUEN, Lok Hang Yokie TAM, Sau Chun TANG, Hon Fai TANG, Sze Nga TONG, Wing Hang TSANG, Chor Shun TSANG, King Po TSANG, Mei Lin TSANG, Sau Ling TSE, Nga Man TSE, Wing Hong Vivian TSUI, Ka Cheung TSUI, Yu Sang WONG, Chi Him WONG, Ka Ki Andrew WONG, Ming Lai WONG, Pui Shun WONG, Wai Ho WONG, Wai Wan WONG, Yee Chun WOO, Man Kei WU, Sze Man WU, Wing Man YAU, Pui Sze YEUNG, Hau Man YEUNG, Hoi Ha YUNG, Chung Ming YUNG, Ho Wai Alex YUNG, Wai Sang

Bachelor of Science in Physics B% f ( w a%)

* Mr Mu Ms Ms Ms Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms MS MS


Mr Ms MS

* Mr Mr

* Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Mr Mr

CHAN, Chiu Lun CHAN, Chun Man CHAN, Hoi Yan CHAN, Ka Man CHENG, Kit Yee CHEUNG, Hiu Yin CHIU, Chun Yip CHUNG, Wai Man FONG, Him Shun HO, Ka Ming HUANG, Pong Lai HUI, Kai Yat HUNG, Man Yeung KAN, Chi Leung KUBOYAMA, Tatsuiki KWONG, Kar Ho LAI, Tsz Kwan LAM, Po Hei LAM, Wai Sum LAU, Chau Nan LEE, Ka Yuk LEE, Pik Yu LEUNG, Kin Man LEUNG, Yuk Ping LI, Wai Hong LO, Chun Fung LO, Kwok Fai LO, Man Hon LO, Yui Man MA, Chi Hang PANG, Chi Ming PANG, Ling Ho SHAM, Chun Kit SHIU, Kai Pong SHIU, Wing Yung Yolanda SO, Tak Ki TANG, Wai Lit TSANG, Cheung Tai TSO, Lik Man Silas WONG, Chung Ting WONG, Hon Fu WONG, Shui Lun Alan YU, Yan Kit


Bachelor o f Science in Applied Physics X@&t(IH@JE6)


Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Mr Ms MS Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr

NG, Tsz Fai Jack

CHAN, Ching Po CHAN, Ka Hang CHAN, Kwok Wai CHAN, Ming Kim CHENG, Chun Kwong CHU, Chun Tat HO, Chung Wai Sammi IP, Man Ho KWOK, Chi Bun Ronald KWONG, Wai Kuen LAI, Chi Chung LAU, Koon Chi LEE, Frederic LEE, Man Kit LEIJNG, Ka Yan LI, Ying Kin LIN, Chun Yu LING, Chung Hang LIU, Chak Bun Alfred MAN, Po Kong NG, Hon Yin NG, Ka Kay PANG, Pui Yin SHUM, Yu Wang Guinness TAM, Hon Kit TAM, Kin Man TANG, Lap Ming TANG, Yen Man TSE, Ming Yee WONG, Hon Kwan YIP, Wun Yung

# Academic Achievement Awards B 2K @. % @ * First Class Honors rP % 45 g

Postgraduate Degrees @ F % * 9 f t L

Master o f Science in Biotechnology B%6R* ( Y $@?IIw R )

Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mu Ms

CHAN, Ka Yun CHOW, Lok Yuen KO, Lung Sang LOK, Ka Chun TING, Chun Man TSANG, Hing Wai WU, Kim YU, Wai Yin

Master of Science in Environmental Science 59% 6R f- (333% 84%)

Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms MS

Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Mr Mr Mr

CHAN, Ka Ki Richard CHANG, Kim Ho CHAU, Pui Fong CHENG, Tse Kiu CHOW, Chi Kwong CHU, Yan Yan Winnie FANG, Tsz Kam HO, Bik Fai HO, Chak Ming HUANG, Wei LAM, Fung Ming LAM, Tung Wan Dorothy LAU, Chi Wai LAU, Wan Keung Ken LEE, Shui Yee LEE, Wai Chung LEE, Wai Man Phoebe MA, Chor Keung NG, Cheung Chuk NG, Kar Men Carmen TSANG, Ka Man TSANG, Man Wai WONG, Chun Wah WONG, Hiu Lam YIM, To Hang

Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering 5L#%:bBf( +f+W+% lit l-.@.%)

Mr CHAN, Tai Tong Tony Ms CHIU, Ka Wai a % g

Ms JEU, Wun Man Mandy Mr LEUNG, Wai Hou Joseph Ms WU, Yi Chen Mu YEUNG, Siu Cheong

Master of Science in Mathematics 39% !$it ( %%)

Mr CHENG, Ki Wun Mr LAM, Wan Yin Alan Mr LEE, Lap Kuen Mr TSE, Chun Tung Mu YUEN, Kai Lun

Master of Science in Physics 39% 63. f ( rn 5 m )

Mr LEUNG, Chung Kit Anthony Mr TSUI, King Hong William

Master of Philosophy in Biochemistry B968 k( 3. rn ik%)

Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr MS

Ms Mr Ms Mu

CHENG, Yuen Shan LAM, Yee Hong Brian LAU, Tao Yin LEUNG, Ka Man LEUNG, King Wong LI, Hoi Ming LI, Kam Ming TIAN, Yaji TSANG, Fan Cheung XU, Ke XU, Qing

Master o f Philosophy in Biology %%6!3It ( +: %!I 59)

Ms Mr Mr Mr Ms Ms Ms Ms

CHAN, Sze Man CHENG, Wai Ming Anthony GAO, Wenhua KAM, Wan Lung LEE, Michelle LO, Hau Yi Paulisally SIOW, Lam TONG, Yu Kwan


Ms XU,Yan Mr YIP, Chun Hung Ms ZHOU, Jing

Master of Philosophy in Chemistry 8 4% f (1 k %)

Ms CHAN, KaYee Mr LAM, SumWai Mr LAU, Man Kit Mr MU, Yan Kin Mr LO, Wing Shiu Mr WAN, Karn Lok Ms YANG. Chen

Master of Philosophy in Mathematics Ti 4% f (%I%)

Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

CHAN, Man Hong CHEN, Cheng DAI, Shouxin LAM, Pui See LEUNG, Shing Yu LI, Jun LUO, Shangzhen PEI, Lai Kwan SIU, Chin Ho Henry TSE, Ka Chun WANG, Ke YU, Chun Ling ZHANG, Hu

Master of Philosophy in Physics '6 3aFi tr ( 4339% )

Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

AU, Suk Yee CHAN, Siu Keung CHAN, Wai Lun CHAU, Tat Chung CHEUNG, Ho Yin CHEUNG, Sai Kit CHEUNG, Wai Yuen DU, Yaojun FENG, Haidong FONG, Lai Yin LAI, Leung Sing LAU, Kai Chi LAW, Chi Kong

Mr LEE, Fuk Kay Ms NAM, Chau Kwan Mr SO, Lau Loi Mr WU, Chi Wai Marcus Mr YU, Karn Fung Ms ZOU, Lu

Doctor o f Philosophy in Biochemistry '64#k(Lk%ik%)

Mr FAN, Jingsong Mu LA1,KwokOn Mr LAM, Tin Long Mr YAM,Hoi Mr ZHANG, Qiang

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology B@t@k(Y:%%)

Mr HAGENBEEK, Dirk Mr LAU, Chun Kwan Stanley @IE@J Ms MAK, Ka Kan Sally %%Jh

Doctor o f Philosophy in Chemistry +T%%k(1k+)

Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr

LAW, Sui Chun LO, Shu Tak SUNG, Ho Yung TRAU, Dieter Wilhelm WANG, Bao Xing WANG, Suhua XU, Kaitian YANG , Wenjun YE, Wencai YU, Zhixiang

Doctor o f Philosophy in Mathematics %St@* (%%)

Mr CHOW, Kim Chiu Mr SUN, Yeshun Mr WONG, Hoi Ying Mr YEE, Tat Leung

Doctor o f Philosophy in Physics B% $3 * ( 4333% )

Mr LUO, Peixun


Master of Arts in China Studies *-%5Rzk(+!a6%%.)

Ms AU, Ho Ping Ms SUNG, Cho Ling Ms WONG, Pui Ling

Master o f Arts in Chinese Studies A%@+( . P t H % )

Ms CHAN, Chung Hay Ms CHEUNG, Ho Tsit Mr KIM, Yu Young Mr LEUNG, Tai Kee

Master o f Arts in Humanities *@:aR+.(AE%:)

Mr CHAN, Kwong Wing Ms CHENG, Lai Mei Mr CHOO, Kwok Chun Ms HUI, Ho Wan Julitta Ms LAM, Wai Yan Mimi Ms TAM, PakYi Ms WONG, Mei Yin

Master of Arts in Social Science * 3 aJ3 lk (Pc &+4%)

Ms Mr Mr Ms

Mr Mr Mr Ms

CHAU, Ho Ka CHAU, Man Chao FU, King Wa S CHIFFMANN OSTROG NAI, Carmen Christine SHIH, Fung Daniel WONG, Yau Tak YAU, Chit Fai Benjamin YEUNG, Shuk Wai Suzanne

Master o f Philosophy in Humanities %@5R+( A*%)

Ms CHAMBERS, Erica Ms CHU, Fung Ting Esther Ms HAO, Ying Ms HUI, Kwok Wai Ms TING, Chun Chun Mr YIP, Man Fung Ms YIU, Yuk Man Carine

Master of Philosophy in Social Science R 9:aR It ( $+ P $4 3)

Ms LAI, WanWa Ms L1, Shun Shun Ms TSANG, Yuk Ching Christina

Doctor o f Philosophy in Humanities B@t%+(A*@)

Ms POON, Shuk Wah Mr SUN, Weiguo Mr WONG, Wing Ho

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Science +?Bt%It(+k&$+%)

Ms LI, Qiong Mr ZHOU, Fei Zhou


BSc (Biochemistry) BSc (Biology) BSc (Chemistry) BSc (Mathematics) BSc (Physics) BSc (Applied Physics) MSc (Biotechnology) MSc (Environmental Science) MSc (Materials Science and Engineering) MSc (Mathematics) MSc (Physics) MPhil (Biochemistry) MPhil (Biology) MPhil (Chemistry) MPhil (Mathematics) MPhil (Physics) PhD (Biochemistry) PhD (Biology) PhD (Chemistry) PhD (Mathematics) PhD (Physics)

School Total


BEng (Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering) BEng (Chemical Engineering) BEng (Chemical and Environmental Engineering) BEng (Chemical and Polymer Engineering) BEng (Civil and Structural Engineering) BEng (Civil and Environmental Engineering) BEng (Computer Engineering) BEng (Computer Science) BEng (Computer Science and Computer Engineering) BEng (Computer Science-Information Engineering) BEng (Electronic Engineering) BEng (Electronic Engineering-Information and

BEng (Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management) BEng (Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management-

BEng (Mechanical Engineering) BEng (Mechanical Engineering-Building Services) MSc (Chemical Engineering) MSc (Civil Engineering) MSc (Computer Science) MSc (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) MSc (Environmental Engineering) MSc (Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management) hZSc (Mechanical Engineering) MPhil (Chemical Engineering) MPhil (Civil Engineering) MPhil (Computer Science) MPhil (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) MPhil (Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management) MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) PhD (Chemical Engineering) PhD (Civil Engineering) PhD (Computer Science) PhD (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

Communication Engineering)

Transportation Logistics Management)

90 , % h ~ % i l ~ f @ B ~ % NINTH CONGREGATION

6 6 9 6 81

lo:! 4:3 3 2

H 2 t i

6 5

11 11

1 :i 19



10 4 1

> 2.



1 23 26

5 99 1 2

110 8 0 10 38


39 43

24 71 33

4 20 23 11 18 5

19 10 18 31 45 13 19 4 7 6


PhD (Industrial Engineering and Engmeenng Management) PhD (Mechanical Engineenng) fT%R k(%MLE$%)

School Total %%?!!A%


M ~ I $ k( LZ r m t EWE%)


BBA (Accounting and Economics) BBA (Accounting and Finance) BBA (Accounting and Management of Organizations) BBA (Economics and Finance) BBA (Economics and Information Systems) BBA (Economics and Management o f Organizations) BBA (Economics and Marketing) BBA (Finance and Information Systems) BBA (Finance and Management o f Organizations) BBA (Finance and Marketing) BBA (Finance and Operations Management) BBA (Information Systems and Marketing) BBA (Information Systems and Operations Management) BBA (Management of Organizations and Marketing) BBA (Marketing and Operations Management) BBA (Operations Management and Management of Organizations) BBA (Accounting) BBA (Economics) BBA (Finance) BBA (General Business Management) BBA (Information Systems) BBA (Management of Organizations) BBA (Marketing) BBA (Operations Management) BSc (Economics) BSc (Economics and Finance) MBA/MSc (Investment Management) MBA/MSc (Information Systems Management) EMBA MBA MSc (Economics) MSc (Investment Management) MSc (Information Systems Management) MPhil (Accounting) MPhil (Economics) MPhil (Finance) MPhil (Management of Organizations) MPhil (Operations Management) PhD (Finance) PhD (Management of Organizations)

School Total ZW2?8A%


MA (China Studies) MA (Chinese Studies) MA (Humanities) MA (Social Science) iUPhil (Humanities) MPhil (Social Science) PhD (Humanities) PhD (Social Science)

School Total


6 7


1 1 3

40 1 6 4

13 18 4

12 1 2

27 2 2

158 16 85

3 84 43 98 41

3 10

2 14 41 90

6 1 2 49 2 6 1 1 3 1 1


3 4






Doctor o f Philosophy in Biochemistry FAN, Jingsong. Structure-function studies of the 8-kDa dynein light

chain: A multifunctional regulatory protein. LAI, Kwok On. Expression of eph receptors and ephrins in skeletal

muscle and their localization at the neuromuscular junction. LAM, Tin Long. Studies, optimization, and application of protein

excretion in escherichia coli. YAM, Hoi. Regulation of cyclin A by phosphorylation and by

ZHANG, Qiang. Biochemical and structural characterization of interacting proteins.

PDZ domain related proteins.

Doctor o f Philosophy in Biology HAGENBEEK, Dirk. Studies on abscisic acid signal transduction

in rice (oryza sativa) protoplasts by quantitative dual-colour flow cytometry.

MU, Chun Kwan Stanley. The chemical nature of bacteria-derived larval settlement cue(s) for the marine polychaete hydroides elegans (haswell).

MAK, Ka Kan Sally. Expression of a single chain antibody, DB3 VHR100/K in the cyanobacterium synechocystis PCC 6803.

Doctor o f Philosophy in Chemistry LAW, Sui Chun. Hydrothermal synthesis of organically modified

LO, Shu Tak. Organometallic chemistry and catalytic properties of dihydrogen complexes.

SUNG, Ho Yung. Hydrothermal synthesis of organically modified metal phosphates and borates.

TRAU, Dieter Wilhelm. New strategies for the encapsulation of biomaterials and hydrophobic low molecular weight substances.

WANG, Bao Xing. Chemically modified electrodes with nanocatalysts and their layer-by-layer self-assembled nanothin films: Preparation, characterization and application.

WANG, Suhua. Synthesis and characterization of nanorods, nanowires, and nanocomposites.

XU, Kaitian. New methodologies for construct ion of hyperbranched organic and organometallic polymers.

YANG, Wenjun. Nanoengineering of layer-by-layer assembled thin films and the applications in bioanalysis.

YE, Wencai. Phytochemical studies on medicinal plants: euphorbia ebracteolata, pulsatilla chinensis, and gymnema sylvestre.

W, Zhixiang. Theoretical studies of organic reactions.

transition metal vanadates.

Doctor o f Philosophy in Mathematics CHOW, Kim Chiu. Moving spiral structure in tropical cyclones. SUN, Yeshun. Some topological properties of Julia sets of rational


1 % h E f h f % ? R g NINTH CONGREGATION

WONG, Hoi Ying. Multivariate path dependent option pricing

YEE, Tat Leung. Singularities of differential equations and complete models.


Doctor o f Philosophy in Physics LUO, Peixun. Theory of noisy learning in nonlinear perceptrons:

the cavity approach.


Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering CHAU, Lik Hang Joseph. Design and fabrication of zeolite macro-

CHEUNG, Chun Wai. Modeling the mass-transport processes in

CHOY, Kim Hung. Modeling the diffusion of acid dyes on activated

FENG, Jiyun. Carbon black (CB)-filled conductive polymer

and micromembranes.

the sorption of metal ions onto bone char.


composites: CB distribution and electrical properties.

Doctor o f Philosophy in Civil Engineering ATANDA, Adeyemi Israel. Towards ductility enhancement of RC

structures in regions of moderate seismicity: Hong Kong case study.

CAI, Zhengyin. A comprehensive study of state-dependent dilatancy and its application in shear band formation analysis.

CHAU, Chung Kong. Durability enhancement and assessment of concrete.

CHIU, Chung Fai. Behaviour of unsaturated loosely compacted

LEI, Guohui. Behaviour of excavated rectangular piles (barrettes) in granitic saprolites.

MING, Haiyan. Fully-coupled earthquake response analysis of earth dams using a critical state sand model.

ZHANG, Nianquan. A computer-based environment for preliminary structural design, design collaboration and debign automation of tall buildings.

weathered materials.

Doctor o f Philosophy in Computer Science HUNG, Chak Kuen Patrick. Secure workflow model. KAFEZA, Eleana. Temporal aspects in workflow management

NGO, Chong Wah. Analysis of spatio-temporal slices for video

SUN, Yong. Dynamic routing and wavelength assignment in all-

WANG, Lixin. Multimedia access protocols for shared medium


content representation.

optical networks.


ZHANG, Weihong. Algorithms for partially observable Markov JIA, Wangcun. Study of spray cooling by advanced optical

LU, Guoqiang. A fundamental study of transport processes in pulse decision processes. diagnostics.

Doctor o f Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

tube refrigerators. SIU, Wing Ming. Discrete formulation using thermal resistance

for conduction heat transfer analysis of sphere packmgs. ., SUN, Jianhong. Flapping turbulent plane jets in shallow water and

XUE, Pu. Cellular textile composites: Large deformation

ZHANG, Dongliang. Efficient algorithms for cloth simulation.

CHAN, Wing Chung Victor. Fabrication of three dimensional integrated circuit using recrystallized large grain polysilicon film.

CHEN, Zhiheng. A direct-conversion CMOS radio receiver for high

CHENG, Po Wing. Characterization and optimization of silicon

CHOI, Kin Kwan. Analysis of Cartesian stiffness in robotics

GUO, Chunbing. A monolithic 900-MHz CMOS wireless

GUO, Zihua. Multiuser detection for wideband CDMA communications.

MAHENDER, Kumar. 3-D SO1 BiCMOS technologies with excellent cross-talk isolation for RF system-on-a-chip (SOC) applications.

interacting with surface waves.

mechanisms and energy absorption behavior. speed paging.

light valves for high-definition projection display.




Doctor of Philosophy in Finance LI, Xia. Essays on option valuation: A quasi-parametric method

for pricing options and testing the parametric option pricing models.

SHEN, Guo Bin. High efficiency imagehide0 coding techniques. TAN, Yue. SO1 RF integrated power amplifier for wireless

Doctor o f Philosophy in Management o f communication applications. Organizations


TANG, Shu Tuen. Polarization optics of liquid crystal and its

TOUWIS, Alexandros. Optimization techniques for block based

WONG, Kai Kit. Single and multi-user MIMO antenna systems

ZHANG, Zhao Feng. CMOS radio frequency integrated circuit

ZHU, Chunxiang. Novel low temperature polysilicon thin-film

WANG, Duanxu. EmploYment and firm performance:


motion estimation in video coding.

for wireless communications.

Evidence from the People’s Republic of China.


design for direct conversion receivers.

Doctor o f Philosophy in Humanities . . transistors for system-on-glass large area microelectronic applications. POON, Shuk Wah. Refashioning popular religion: Common

people and the State in Republican Guangzhou, 191 1-1937. SUN, Weiguo. Choson’s revering the Zhou and longing for the

Ming: The influence of Ming China on Choson Korea, 1637- 1800.

WONG, Wing Ho. Markets and the State: A case-study of the grain markets of Xiangtan and Changsha in Hunan Province, 1894- 1919.

Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management HANG, Dejun. Dynamic routing problems with service time

LIU, Hancong. Improving supply chain management with

LUXIMON, Ameersing. Foot shape evaluation for footwear fitting. NG, Siu Wa. Contributions to lot-sizing and inventory control

PANG, King Wah. A process planning and optimization system

SCHREYER, Henning Matthias. Systematic software design for


statistical quality methods. Doctor o f Philosophy in Social Science LI, Qiong. Self-group relationships under positiveness and

distinctiveness threats: The role of ingroup identification and cultural variations.

ZHOU, Fei Zhou. From handicrafts to putting-out: The role of institutional change in the rural industrialization process in Republican China.


for laminated object manufacturing application.

PLC operated automation systems.

Doctor o f Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering CHEN, Faliang. On dynamic plastic failure of structures under
