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The purpose of this research is to enhance students‘ micro skills of

writing, focusing on the students‘ ability of cohesive devices uses, by using

OneNote. The research examines (1) whether the use of OneNote can enhance

students‘ cohesive devices uses; and (2) how the use of OneNote affects the class

climate in teaching cohesive devices.

This chapter is aimed at presenting research findings as the answer of the

problems stated in the first chapter. It involves situation of pre research condition,

description of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. For each cycle, it describes planning the

action, implementing the action, observing the action, reflecting, and revising

plan. At the end of this chapter, the discussion is presented.

A. Pre Research Condition

It is clearly stated in the curriculum of SMP Negeri 1 Bukateja that

the competence standard of writing for students to achieve is the ability to

express meaning in functional and simple short essay in written narrative

and recount text to interact to their nearest environment. Furthermore, the

basic competence on writing states that students are able to interact with

their nearest environment, students express the meaning in the form of

written narrative and recount text fluently, accurately, and acceptably.

A week prior to the actual study, the researcher made pre test, pre

questionnaire, pre-interview, and pre-observation. These were conducted


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mainly for the following purposes: (1) to identify any problem the students

suffer from (a) using cohesive devices namely references, conjunctions, and

lexical cohesions; and (b) cohesive devices class condition; (2) to examine

whether the use of OneNote can enhance students‘ cohesive devices uses;

(3) to identify teaching process by using OneNote in enhancing students‘

cohesive devices uses; and (4) to examine how the use of OneNote affects

the class climate in teaching cohesive devices.

The results of the pre research could be described as the mean score

of the students‘ cohesive device uses that they got as follows: (1) the mean

score of reference uses was 67.60; (2) the mean score of conjunction uses

was 68.13; and (3) the mean score of lexical cohesion uses was 67.88. The

data informed that the students‘ cohesive device uses were still low. The

indicators were: (1) the students could not use reference properly; (2) they

could not use precise conjunctions; and (3) they could not skilfully use

lexical cohesions. Table 4.1. shows the result of the Pre Test in detail.

Table 4.1. The Result of Pre Test

Reference Conjunction Lexical Cohesion

Average 67.60 68.13 67.88

Highest 80.00 80.00 88.00

Lowest 50.00 40.00 48.00

In addition, there were some problems from the class situation.

They were: (1) the students had low motivation in joining the class; (2)

there were limited students‘ participation so that the students had little


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practice in writing; and (3) there were no significant interactions among

students and teacher so that the students did not get meaningful feedbacks.

All the indicators made the activity of learning process boring and


Based on the result above, it can be said that the students have not

mastered the cohesive device uses. Most of the students failed to achieve the

―KKM‖ of 70. The mean score of cohesive devices uses was 67.84. The

cohesive device uses and the learning process become the main problems of

the learning process and need treatment in order to achieve the ideal


The problems above can be caused by teacher, students, and the

teaching-learning process. The causes from the teacher are: (1) the teacher

used inappropriate medium in teaching cohesive devices, so it is difficult to

give sufficient examples; (2) he gave less portion of teaching cohesive

device uses than the other micro skills; and (3) he did not give meaningful

feedbacks to the students‘ writings so that the students could not learn from

the mistakes they made.

The causes from the students are: (1) they had poor knowledge of

cohesive devices (reference, conjunctions, and lexical devices); (2) they did

not have adequate time to practice cohesive device uses; (3) they tended to

translate word by word from Indonesian in doing writing process so that

they often misused cohesive devices (references, conjunctions, and lexical

cohesive); and (4) they did not understand the teacher‘s feedbacks and

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corrections for their misuses of cohesive devices from which they could


The causes from the teaching learning process are: (1) the learning

process still used traditional medium i.e. whiteboard so that the teacher

couldn‘t give more sufficient examples of cohesive devices uses; (2) the

teaching-learning process focused on general writing; and (3) there was no

helpful medium which assisted the students when they got problems in

using cohesive devices. Figure 4.1 reveals that the writing activity using

whiteboard before the research did not provide enough space for the

students to practice.

Figure 4.1. The Writing Activity Using Whiteboard

Based on the description above, the researcher intended to make a

better condition in teaching and learning process on enhancing students‘

cohesive devices uses. The first thing to do is that the teacher should

motivate students in learning process by giving clear guidance and

meaningful feedbacks. The teacher should choose the proper and

appropriate medium to teach cohesive devices that help students in writing

and help the teacher to facilitate students to use cohesive devices correctly,

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to monitor students‘ activities and writing progress, and to give meaningful


Realizing the students‘ problems of class VIII B of SMP Negeri 1

Bukateja and the causes of the problems of the cohesive devices uses, the

researcher has a good way to solve the problems. In this case, the researcher

believes that Microsoft Office OneNote is able to enhance the students‘

cohesive devices uses.

To address the above problems, OneNote is considered as a suitable

medium to teach cohesive devices. (1) Using template design. (a) Template

of sentence patterns. In OneNote page as interactive and flexible

whiteboard, teacher elicits this template to explain the essential concepts of

the references and conjunctions uses. Students use this to practice the

concepts of the references and conjunctions uses. The template is used in

reordering words or gap-filling activity. (b) Template of narrative text

pattern. Students use this to practice the use of cohesive devices in a

narrative text. (2) Equipping OneNote Menus. (a) to search synonym,

antonym, or general words, click Thesaurus button; (b) to search an

appropriate reference and conjunction, click Thesaurus button or go to

‗Teacher‟s Page‘; and (c) to find the meaning of cohesive devices, click

Translate button. (3) Using OneNote as a word processor. It is easy to copy,

paste, delete, or revise a word, a sentence, or a text when reordering jumbled

words and sentences; or filling a blank of a sentence or a text. (4) Using

OneNote‟s interface page as interactive and flexible whiteboard. To ask

questions in Joining Session, click ‗Teacher‟s Page‘ and write questions on

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the page. Pay attention to Teacher‘s Box on ‗Students Page‘ to see teacher‘s


To achieve successful learning in the class, it concerns on two

aspects: the teaching learning process and the students‘ cohesive device uses

and it is described in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2. Criteria of Success, Data Source, and Instruments

The Criteria of Success Data Source Instrument

A. The students‟ cohesive

devices uses :

The average of 85% students

is equal or above the minimum

passing criterion, which is 70.

1. The score of the students‘



B. The class climate

1. 95% students of Class

VIII B are motivated

during the action

2. 95% students of Class

VIII B participate actively

during the implementation

of OneNote in learning


3. 75% students of Class

VIII B have significant

interaction among them

and teacher during the


1. The students‘

involvement in class


2. The students‘ responses

during the

implementation of

OneNote in writing class.

3. The students‘ statements

about their attitude toward

the implementation of

OneNote in learning


1. Questionnaire

2. Observation



field note,


3. Interview

B. Cycle I

Based on preliminary reflection, it could be concluded that the

students faced problems in micro skills of writing in the use of cohesive

devices namely reference, conjunction, and lexical cohesion. Therefore, the

researcher applied OneNote with its beneficent menus to solve the problems.

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In Cycle I, the researcher did a set of activities that consisted of

action, implementing the action, observing the action, reflecting, and

revising the plan. This cycle was carried out in four meetings and followed

by post-test. Each meeting involved three main stages of writing process

i.e.: pre writing, while writing (controlled writing, guided writing, free

writing), and post writing (revising, editing, publishing).

Each of the meetings was provided with folklores fostering on the

enhancement of cohesive devices uses.

1. Planning the Action

Before implementing the action, the researcher gave the students

a pre test. The aim of the test was to know the students‘ prior knowledge

in using cohesive devices uses. In the end of the cycle, the students got a

post-test to know whether there was a progress or not after the

implementation of the action.

Some preparations were initially done by the researcher and the

observer, before implementing the action, as follows: lesson plans,

instruments, observation sheets, and writing exercises for the students. In

the lesson plan, the teaching medium used is Microsoft Office OneNote

2010. The medium was applied to teach cohesive devices in writing

narrative text, which is explained in detail in the lesson plan.

In the first cycle, the researcher applied the three stages of

writing process; pre writing, while writing (controlled writing, guided

writing, free writing), and post writing (revising, editing, publishing).

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The pre writing stage involved extensive reading to observe the cohesive

device uses in running text of a film or printed text examples;

brainstorming about ideas of cohesive device uses in a text; discussing

the importance of cohesive device used; questioning a text as a whole

and what cohesive devices used in a text; model analysis of how cohesive

devices tie or create meaning; and clustering lexical cohesion used in a

text. In this case, the researcher taught certain cohesive devices through a

text. The researcher provided more time for this stage.

In controlled writing, the students manipulated fixed patterns

from substitution tables. In guided writing, the students imitated model

texts. In free writing, the students used the patterns they had developed to

use cohesive devices in writing a story. In the post writing, there are two

major activities in the class. Firstly, the students are instructed to edit

their friends‘ works that had already been done. Having done it, some of

them were invited to present their editing guided by the teacher to avoid

miss editing.

This cycle was carried out in four meetings and followed by a

post-test. The materials and the worksheet were prepared and designed

based on indicators that have been determined.

The observation sheets were prepared to obtain data of students‘

activities for every meeting. There are two kinds of data obtained from

this sheet: numerical and verbal data.

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2. Implementing the Action

Applying OneNote was conducted in cycles. Each cycle

consisted of planning, acting, observing, reflecting, and revising plan.

Cycle I was conducted in four meetings and one post-test. Every meeting

was conducted by three main stages of writing process namely pre

writing, while writing (controlled writing, guided writing, free writing),

and post writing (revising, editing, publishing).

Before handling the class, the researcher had a preparation on

OneNote page. (a) Creating ‗a loose template‟, as can be seen in Figure

4.2., in OneNote page in which learners includes cohesive devices lists,

format of sentences structure, format of narrative text structure, and

blank pages on which students may write their tasks. A teacher box was

also attached in this page in which teacher gave feedback for students‘

works. (b) Creating a „front page‟ in OneNote to introduce the materials

of cohesive devices and uses it as a reference for learners, a study guide

on the purposes and uses of the notebook, how to find information, and

on providing links to online resources.

Figure 4.2. The Loose Template

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In pre-writing stage, the researcher conducted the learning

process as follows: (a) getting examples of cohesive device uses could be

done by reading text on OneNote page and reading running text of a

cartoon film; (b) analysing how cohesive devices work in the text could

be done by underlining or bolding and classifying or grouping ; and (c)

exploring lexical cohesion could be done by clustering with a key word

with words web.

In while-writing stage, the researcher divided the learning

process into controlled writing, guided writing, and free writing. The

controlled writing involved sequencing jumbled words to practice

references and conjunctions uses; completing sentences by using

appropriate reference, conjunctions, and lexical cohesion; and gap-filling

sentences/paragraphs by using appropriate reference, conjunctions, and

lexical cohesion. The guided writing involved two activities; (a) writing

similar composition to the example text i.e. changing the main character

so that students have to change the reference, changing the conjunctions

so that students have to change the plot, and changing the adjectives so

that students have to change the character, the plot, and the conjunction;

and (b) writing based on cued words. Students write a story based on

words list (temporal conjunction list, synonym list of verbs of a text,

adjectives list of a character of a text) in OneNote and they compose

sentences or texts by considering cohesive devices uses. The free writing

involved two activities: (a) Doing a strip-story activity that involved (1)

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providing the first sentence of a story; (2) adding two sentences of their

own; and (3) passing the stories around in small groups for additional

sentences; (b) Writing in response to a situation. Students reorder

jumbled sentences for the first paragraph in OneNote and continue the

story by using their own words by considering cohesive devices uses.

In post-writing stage would mainly focus on feedback and

correction activities on the uses of cohesive devices. This stage involved

revising, editing, and publishing. In revising, students share their works

to the class to receive feedbacks or suggestions on the uses of cohesive

devices. In editing, students checked their cohesive devices uses and then

edited for the mistakes. In publishing, students wrote in the best cohesive

device uses and then shared the composition with the class in Join


a. First Meeting

The first meeting was held at Wednesday, 1st May 2013. It

started at 07.00 a.m. for the first and second period. The researcher

handled the class to teach in front of the class and the observer took

a seat at the back of the class. He would like to help the researcher to

observe all activities happening in the writing class. Thirty-two

students were ready to study sitting behind twenty set computers.

The students sat in pairs for a computer set.

The focus of the first meeting was on the uses of personal

pronouns, temporal conjunction (then, next, after that, next day, until

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then, at the same time, at this point), and repetition or reiteration by

equipping ‗The Goldilock and Three Bears‟ as the learning material.

This story was a simple text in conflict with which students could

understand easily.

1) Opening of Activity

After greeting and calling the roll, the researcher asked

the students about their favourite story. He explained the learning

objectives that focused on writing narrative text. He also

explained the advantages of learning writing to other skills of

English. Then, he explained the procedure of using OneNote by

using an LCD projector. The class was divided into sixteen pairs.

The researcher asked the students to click OneNote icon to open

the program. Most of the students succeeded in doing this. Some

of them needed a help from the researcher or their friends. To

start teaching by OneNote, the researcher asked the students to

join the researcher‘s session by typing session address and


This step needed more time than predicted before,

because most of the students had not been familiar with

OneNote. It was difficult for them to search the OneNote file or

to recognize the OneNote icon on desktop. The others did not

understand how to type the session address and the password.

Class became noisy. The researcher clapped hands and shouted

loudly, ―Class!‖ The students replied, “Yes...!‖ Then the

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researcher explained the procedure of joining OneNote session


2) Pre Writing

Pre writing is the first stage of the writing process and

the point at which students discover and explore their initial

ideas about cohesive devices. Pre writing helps them to get their

ideas on cohesive devices used in a text. In the first meeting, the

researcher focused on exposing students‘ uses of pronoun and

lexical devices.

In this stage, the researcher engaged the students by

showing a movie telling a story entitles ‗The Goldilock and

Three Bears‟. He reminded the students to pay their attention to

the running text at the bottom of the movie, as can be seen from

Figure 4.3. The use of showing the movie was aimed at

attracting students‘ attention, giving examples of cohesive

devices uses, and providing context in exploring cohesive


Figure 4.3. The Goldilocks and Three Bears Movie

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He guided the students to analyse the uses of cohesive

device in the text. The students wrote personal pronouns,

temporal conjunction, and repetition words used in the text on

OneNote page. In this case, the class discussed how a word links

to another and create meaning of the story, or how cohesive

devices link a sentence to the next sentences, so that readers

may comprehend the story as a whole.

The researcher explored more students‘ lexical

cohesion. He asked the students to cluster with a key word by

using the templates, as can be seen from Figure 4.4., provided

on the OneNote page. By repeating some personal pronouns

orally, he asked the students to write as many verbs as possible.

The students got a help by using Thesaurus Button. Students did

this in a group of four. The researcher wrote score for each

group on OneNote page.

Figure 4.4. Template of Words Web

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3) While-writing

a) Controlled writing

The students practiced the uses of personal pronouns

by completing sentences. To practice the uses of

conjunctions, the researcher asked the students to have ‗drag

and drop‘ to reorder jumbled words into meaningful


b) Guided writing

In this stage, the researcher focused on the uses of

lexical cohesion by equipping language features of the

narrative text. The researcher asked the students to underline

the action verbs in the text. He together with the students

listed the verbs by eliminating the meaningless ones. He

accordingly asked the students to write sentences based on

the cued words and appropriate conjunctions on their

OneNote page. The student did this activity in pairs.

c) Free Writing

The researcher asked the students to leave the

session and then asked them to write a new story on their

OneNote page by using the sentences they had written. He

reminded them to use the appropriate pronouns and

conjunctions. This activity was done in pairs.

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4) Post-writing

a) Revising

The next stage was revising. The students were

asked to join the OneNote session. They shared their writing

in this session. They were asked to revise their writing each

other by underlining the misuses of pronouns and

conjunctions. In this session, the researcher also wrote note

for correction of the students‘ writing on each students‘

OneNote page.

b) Editing

In the editing stage, the students left the OneNote

session and then they edited their revised writing. They

considered teacher‘s corrections and suggestions to edit.

c) Publishing

The students were asked to join OneNote session

again. The researcher displayed some students‘ writing on

LCD and discussed for the best or the worst of the cohesive

devices uses. In this stage, the researcher locked students‘

computer from the server‘s computer so that students could

not do any activities using the computers and could focus on

teacher‘s explanation on publishing students‘ writing

products. The best cohesive device uses was given applause.

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5) Closing Activity

The researcher and the students pointed out the

conclusion of the material discussed. The researcher announced

the best of students‘ writing. He asked the students some

difficulties in using cohesive devices (personal pronouns,

temporal conjunctions, and reiterations). He gave extensive

writing of the cohesive device uses. Finally, he introduced the

material for the next meeting.

b. Second Meeting

The second meeting was held at Thursday, 2nd

May 2013.

The second meeting started at 10.10 a.m. for the sixth and seventh

period. After greeting and calling the roll, the researcher told the

focus to learn and explained the steps of teaching.

In this meeting, the researcher applied the three stages of

writing process, namely: pre writing, while writing (controlled

writing, guided writing, free writing), and post writing (revising,

editing, publishing). The focus of the second meeting was on the

uses of demonstrative pronouns, additive conjunctions (or, nor, and),

and synonym (super ordinate, sub ordinate) by equipping ‗Jack and

the Beanstalk‟ as the learning material.

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1) Pre Writing

In this stage, the researcher displayed a movie telling

‗Jack and the Beanstalk‘ on LCD projector. The students

focused on the running text at the bottom part. In this case, the

students examined the examples of cohesive devices uses.

The researcher guided the students to analyse the uses

of cohesive device in the text. The students wrote demonstrative

pronouns, additive conjunctions, and synonym used in the text

on OneNote page. In this case, the class discussed how a word

links to another and creates meaning of the story or how

cohesive devices link a sentence to the next sentences.

The researcher explored students‘ lexical cohesions. He

asked the students to complete a word web by using the

templates provided on the OneNote page. He asked the students

to write as many words as possible relating to one verb. This

activity was to expose the use of synonym. Students did this in a

group of four. The teacher asked them to use Thesaurus on


2) While-writing

a) Controlled writing

The students practiced the uses of demonstrative

pronouns by underlining. They underlined demonstrative

pronouns used in a sentence on OneNote page. To practice

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the uses of additive conjunctions, the researcher asked the

students to have ‗Drag and Drop Game‘ to reorder jumbled

words into meaningful sentences. Figure 4.5 shows the game.

Figure 4.5. Drag and Drop Games

The researcher played the movie once more. The

students were asked to pay attention to the running text under

the movie. They were asked to list action verbs in the movie.

After that, the researcher confirmed the students‘ verb list by

exposing them to retell the story orally using the verb list.

First, he asked them to complete his incomplete

sentences. Then, he asked them to build a sentence by using

the cue words he gave to foster the uses of demonstrative

pronouns, additive conjunctions, and synonym. He delivered

this task to every group of four. This activity was also aimed

at modelling of the text.

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b) Guided writing

The researcher asked the students to leave the

OneNote session, and then he asked them to write sentences

based on the verb list on their OneNote page. By using their

own words list, the students write their own story.

c) Free Writing

The researcher asked the students to find the

synonym of the verbs list by using Thesaurus Button on their

OneNote page. Based on their verb list, they wrote their own

new story. He reminded them to use the appropriate pronouns

and conjunctions. This activity was done in pairs.

3) Post-writing

a) Revising

The next stage was revising. The students were

asked to join the OneNote session. They were asked to revise

their writing each other by underlining the misuses of

cohesive devices (demonstrative pronouns and additive

conjunctions). In this session, the researcher also wrote a note

to give correction and feedback to the students‘ writing on

each student‘s OneNote page.

b) Editing

In the editing stage, the students left the session and

then they edited their revised writing.

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c) Publishing

The students were asked to join OneNote session.

The researcher displayed some students‘ writing on LCD and

discussed for the best or the worst of the cohesive device

uses. The best writing was given applause. In this stage, the

researcher locked students‘ computer from the server‘s


At the end of the meeting, the researcher and the students

pointed out the conclusion of the material discussed. The researcher

announced the best of students‘ writing. He asked the students some

difficulties in using cohesive devices (demonstrative pronouns,

additive conjunctions, and synonym). He gave extensive writing of

the cohesive device uses. Finally, he introduced the material for the

next meeting.

c. Third Meeting

The third meeting was held at Wednesday, 8th

May 2013.

The third meeting started at 07.00 a.m. for the first and the second

period. The focus of this meeting was on the uses of relative

pronouns (who - nominative, whom - objective, whose - possessive),

adversative conjunctions (but, however, in fact, rather), and lexical

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collocation. In this meeting, the researcher provided ‗The Boy Who

Cried Wolf‟ as the learning material.

After greeting and calling the roll, the researcher explained

the topic and the steps of teaching by using an LCD projector.

1) Pre Writing

In this stage, the researcher displayed a movie telling

‗The Boy Who Cried Wolf‟ on LCD projector. The students

focused on the running text at the bottom part. The researcher

asked the students examine the uses of relative pronouns,

adversative conjunctions, and lexical collocation.

The researcher guided the students to analyse the uses

of cohesive device in the text. The researcher asked the students

whether they knew about ‗The Boy Who Cried Wolf‟ or not.

Suddenly, a student at the back sang, ― Tolong...tolong.. ada

srigala di sini.‖ ―Yup! You watched it on „Upin Ipin‟, didn‟t

you?‖ the researcher responded.

The researcher and the students discussed the use of

relative pronouns. The researcher displayed the title of the story

on LCD projector, ‗The Boy Who Cried Wolf‟. Then he asked

the students to read it loudly. ―Do you know the meaning of the

title?‖ he accordingly asked. A student replied, ‖Anak laki-laki...

siapa... menangis serigala. Kok...?‖ The student thought that it

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was a strange meaning. Then the class discussed the use of

―Who‖ in the sentence.

In exposing lexical collocation, the researcher asked the

students to cluster with the word ―shepherd‖ as a key word by

using the templates provided on the OneNote page. He asked the

students to write as many words as possible relating to the story.

The students were allowed to use Thesaurus Button to do this

activity. The students did this in a group of four.

2) While-writing

a) Controlled writing

In this stage, the students practiced in using relative

pronouns. The researcher gave a similar sentence to the title

of the story. He said, ―A farmer is somebody who cultivates

rice field. A shepherd is somebody who looks after sheep. A

teacher is somebody ... bla...bla...bla ... teaches students.‖

―Who...,‖ some students shouted loudly. ―A classroom is a

place where students study. A river is a place ....‖ the

researcher paralleled the other relative pronoun. ―Where

em...a fish lives,‖ a student responded. The researcher thought

that the students could understand the use of relative

pronoun. He explained the others relative pronoun like when,

where, why, and how and elaborated what they refer to. He

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asked the students to complete sentences as the example

given in OneNote page.

Then the students practiced in using adversative

conjunctions. They did the task on OneNote page. They

continued some unfinished sentences containing adversative


The students practiced the collocation uses by

predicting and writing some words relating to words list on

OneNote. They used Thesaurus Button to do this activity.

b) Guided writing

The researcher asked the students to underline

action verbs in the text. The researcher together with the

students listed the verbs by eliminating the meaningless ones.

In this step, the researcher tried to expose the students to

retell the story by using students‘ own words orally. He said,

‖Ok. Class! Let‟s retell the story together.‖ In this activity,

the researcher exposed the use of temporal conjunctions and

interrogative pronouns. By shouting the adversative

conjunctions and relative pronouns, he guided the students to

accomplish the text. Then, he asked them to write some

sentences based on the verb list on their OneNote page.

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c) Free Writing

In this stage, the researcher asked the students to

leave the session and then asked them to rewrite ―The Boy

Who Cried Wolf‘ on their OneNote page. They used the

sentences they have written in previous stage. He encouraged

them to use appropriate relative pronouns and adversative

conjunctions. This activity was done in pairs.

3) Post-writing

a) Revising

In revising stage, the students were suggested to use

Spelling Button to check whether there were misuses of

cohesive devices or not. Then, the students were asked to join

the OneNote session. They shared their writing in this

session. They were asked to revise their writing each other by

underlining the misuses of cohesive devices. The researcher

also gave correction and feedback on the students‘ writing on

each student‘s OneNote page.

b) Editing

In this meeting, the editing stage could not be done.

The electricity was switched off suddenly. This made the

researcher so nervous that all students made loud noises.

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c) Publishing

For the accident, the students were asked to write the

story on a piece of paper. Some students looked confuse

because they forgot some key words of the story. Therefore,

the researcher told the story again and reminded them the key

words. When the time ended, he asked them to submit their


At the end of the meeting, the researcher and the students

pointed out the conclusion of the material discussed. The

researcher announced the best of students‘ writing. He asked the

students some difficulties in using cohesive devices (relative

pronouns, adversative conjunctions, and collocation). The class

was ended by giving homework i.e. writing five sentences by using

relative pronouns, adversative conjunctions, and collocation. Then,

he introduced the material for the next meeting.

d. Fourth Meeting

The fourth meeting was held at Thursday, 9th

May 2013. It

started at 10.10 a.m. for the sixth and seventh period. Focus of the

fourth meeting was on the uses of indefinite pronouns, causal

conjunctions, and antonym. In this meeting, the researcher prepared

‗The Boy with the Long Name‘ as the learning material.

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1) Pre Writing

In this stage, the researcher displayed a title of a

narrative text on LCD projector, ‗The Boy with the Long Name.

Then he asked the students, ―Do you know where the story

comes from? There were no students who answered the

question. Then he told the name ―Tikki tikki tembo nosa rembo

chari bari ruchi pip pen pembo.” Some of the students smiled

and laughed after hearing the name. He repeated the question

again. Some students tried to guess by saying Hawaii, Papua,

Brazil, and others.

The researcher asked the students to open OneNote file

containing the story ‗The Boy with the Long Name‘ on their

computers‘ desktop. Then the researcher asked to students to

read the story in their OneNote page. He guided the students to

analyze the uses of indefinite pronouns, causal conjunctions, and

antonym in the text.

In exposing antonym, the researcher asked the students

to write the antonym of a list word from the story. The students

were allowed to use Thesaurus Button to do this activity. The

students did this in a group of four.

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2) While-writing

a) Controlled writing

The researcher asked the students to mention the

appropriate call name for the long name. He asked the

students to browse some indefinite pronouns by using

Thesaurus button. He guided them to the indefinite and

possessive pronouns uses by guessing the sex of the

character. ―Is it a boy or a girl? He or she? His name or her

name?” The class began noisy positively. The researcher

still kept the name mysterious. Then, he guided the students

to create a mysterious call name with indefinite pronoun by

asking,‖ Somebody? Someone? Something? Any body?

Anything? Every body? Everything?” Some students said,‖

Sesuatu banget...‖ The class became noisier. Then, the

researcher asked the students to practice the indefinite

pronouns by completing sentences.

Then the students practiced in using causal

conjunctions. They did the task on OneNote page. They

reordered some jumbled words containing causal


In exposing antonym, the researcher divided the

class into male and female groups. The first step, the two

groups had to list appropriate adjective for their story

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character (male or female) by using Thesaurus button. The

researcher asked the male group to mention an adjective and

asked the female group to mention the antonym of the

adjective mentioned, and then vice versa for the next

adjectives. The second step, the group had to list appropriate

verb for the story character. Then, the researcher asked the

female group to mention a verb and asked the male group to

mention the antonym of the verb mentioned, and then vice

versa for the next verbs.

By using the words group of male and female, the

students were asked to compose five sentences by

considering the uses of indefinite pronouns and adversative


b) Guided writing

The researcher asked the students to copy ―The Boy

with the Long Name‘ to other space of OneNote page. He

asked them to breakdown the text into sentences based on the

sentences that contained action verbs. He gave an example

first. Then they rewrote the sentences by using indefinite

pronouns and causal conjunctions.

c) Free Writing

In this stage, the researcher asked the students to

leave the session and then asked them to rewrite ―The Boy

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with the Long Name‘ on their OneNote page by using their

own words. He encouraged them to use appropriate pronouns

and conjunctions. This activity was done in pairs.

3) Post-writing

a) Revising

In revising stage, the students were suggested to

check their cohesive device uses. Then, the students were

asked to join the OneNote session. They shared their writing

in this session. They were asked to revise their writing each

other by underlining the misuses of cohesive devices. The

researcher also gave correction and feedback on the students‘

writing on each student‘s OneNote page.

b) Editing

In the editing stage, the students were asked to leave

the session and then they edited their revised writing.

c) Publishing

The students were asked to join OneNote session.

The researcher displayed some students‘ writing on LCD and

discussed for the best or the worst of the writings. The best

writing was given applause and marked by number of stars.

In this stage, the researcher locked students‘ computer from

the server‘s computer.

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The researcher and the students pointed out the conclusion

of the material discussed. The researcher announced the best of

students‘ writing. He asked the students some difficulties in using

cohesive devices (indefinite pronouns, causal conjunctions, and

antonym). He gave extensive writing of the cohesive device uses

i.e. writing sentences by using interrogative pronouns, causal

conjunctions, and antonym. Finally, he introduced the material for

the next meeting.

3. Observing the Action

In this case, the researcher as a teacher and the collaborator as

observer did observation during the learning process. The observer

involved in observing actions and interactions, by sitting in a corner of

the classroom, silent, but attentive. The observer focused on the

students‘ activities, the researcher‘s activities, and the learning process.

In this step, the teacher was assisted by a collaborator to observe

the result of the applying OneNote in the class. He collected two kinds of

data, namely numerical and verbal data. The numerical data were

obtained from the students‘ score and some parts of observation sheet

that consist numerical data. The information showing the students‘

attitude and the whole part of teaching learning activity during the

implementation of OneNote was represented in the verbal data. He also

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collected the students‘ opinion toward this implementation through

classroom observation sheet provided.

The finding of the study, which is described in this part, deals

with two parts. They are students‘ cohesive devices uses result and

situation of the class when OneNote was implemented. In more detail,

the finding describes information about (1) some patterns which could

be as evident during the instructional process; (2) what occurred in the

classroom; (3) how the teacher responded; (4) how the teacher monitored

and assessed progress; (5) how the teacher accommodated diverse

learning styles; (6) whether some noticeable changes in student

behaviour as a result of teacher behaviours or actions; (7) where the

teacher seemed particularly strong; (8) the teacher's potential or existing

areas of weakness; and (9) how well has the teacher met the objectives

of the lesson.

There was some information about occurrences in the teaching

cohesive devices using OneNote as follows:

a. The Enhancement of Cohesive Devices Use

There are three indicators of cohesive devices uses, which are

developed in this research. They are reference, conjunction, and

lexical cohesion uses. The average of writing in the post test which

has been obtained is (1) the mean score of reference uses was 80.00;

(2) the mean score of conjunction uses was 78.44; and (3) the mean

score of lexical cohesion uses was 69.75, and compared to the result

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of post test in cycle I, there is an enhancement as it is explained at the

next paragraphs, and the criteria of success of students‘ in writing is

70. However, individually, seven students had not reached the

criteria. Figure 4.3 reveals the achievement of the students‘ cohesive

device uses.

Figure 4.6. The Score of Post Test in Cycle 1

The first indicator is reference. From the result of the test, the

average of this indicator is 80.00, and two students were below the

criteria of success in which a student was reaching 63.3, and for the

other he only obtained lower than that score. In other words, this

could be enhanced to achieve KKM.

The second indicator is conjunction use. The result obtained

from this test is that the average reached 78.44, which is higher than

the previous indicator, 68.13. There was a student got score under the

criteria of success, 70. He got 50 in this indicator. Similar to the

previous description, this has to be enhanced to make all students

achieve the good result in writing test.

80.00 78.44


93.3390.00 92.00














Reference Conjunction Lexical Cohesion




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The third indicator is lexical cohesion. The result gained from

this test is that the average reached 69.75, which is higher than the

previous indicator, 67.88. Fourteen students achieved the criteria of

success. In addition, five students got 68.00 in this indicator, and the

rest of them reached lower than 68.00. This has to be enhanced to

make all students achieve the good result in writing test, specifically

in lexical cohesion.

b. The Enhancement of Class Climate

After observing the learning process of cycle 1, there were

enhancements of class situation. They are:

1) The students‘ motivation in joining the class improved.

2) The students‘ involvement in the class improved.

3) The interaction among students and between students and teacher


4) The teaching learning process became interesting.

5) The students‘ anxiety decreased.

c. The Description of Learning Process

1) Pre-writing stage. It was easy for teacher to give, to change, to

revise, or to delete some examples of the cohesive devices uses.

The students could expand ideas of cohesive device uses by

watching films or reading a text and then analyzing cohesive

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devices uses in the example texts. However, at first, it was

difficult to monitor students to keep them focusing on the

teacher‘s elaborations. Some students modified teacher‘s

examples on OneNote page by moving them to other side of the

page, revising them, or even deleting them. This occurred

because they did not know which one was their page and which

one was teacher‘s page. In this case, the researcher gave

instruction on how to recognize their pages and then reminded

them some rules of class. A student asked me to allow him to

turn on music on their computer. The researcher suggested him

to use head set.

2) While writing stage, it was easy to make sure that all students do

the activities and tasks. By clicking, the students‘ OneNote page,

the researcher could also monitor and assess to what extent the

students could accomplish the tasks. In this stage, most students

looked enjoyed their activities. They kept their eyes on

computer monitor or discussed with their partners. A student

asked the researcher whether he could use a digital dictionary on

computer to know the Indonesian translation of a word after he

browsed the synonym, antonym, or subordinate by using

thesaurus button on OneNote. However, at the backside of the

class, some students looked browsing movie on a website. Then

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by displaying teacher‘s computer screen (the server) on LCD

projector, the students knew that they were monitored.

3) Post Writing

a) In revising stage. Some students could use Language Button

on OneNote effectively. They could check whether there

were misuses of cohesive devices or not. However, the

OneNote facilities could not help the students in any cases.

Teacher‘s feedback was very important to overcome this.

Therefore, the teacher should always monitor students‘

progress to write his feedbacks on the students‘ OneNote

page. Then the teacher displayed some students‘ writing to

the whole class so that they could learn from friends‘

mistakes; and give feedback and correction. A student

exclaimed, ‖Jangan punya saya Pak! Jelek.‖ He reminded

the researcher not make them ashamed in front of their

friends. Therefore, the researcher explained the main

purpose of the stage and its advantages for the students.

Some students were confident to propose their works to be

displayed on LCD projector.

b) In editing stage, the teacher clicked the students‘ OneNote

pages to check the students‘ final form and gave suggestions

or correction. Some students complained that it was not easy

to edit their text on OneNote. They might move or delete

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their text unconsciously. They have not been familiar with

the easiness and flexibility of OneNote.

c) In publishing stage. The researcher got problem with the

limited time to display the students‘ writing. Some students

were still busy with their works. Problems of electricity

circuit and computer sets washed the time in the first

meeting and fourth meeting. The electricity blackout was the

other problem in the fourth meeting. However, it did not

make the students lost their works. The students did not need

to save files in OneNote. It saved them automatically.

However, the teacher should deliver papers to the students to

write their works.

4. Reflecting

The result of teaching and learning process of cohesive devices

uses using OneNote enhanced significantly. There was enhancement in

the indicators compared with the result of pre test. There was also

enhancement in class climate. However, some weaknesses should be

notice as recommendations for the next cycle.

After doing action in cycle 1, the researcher and the collaborator

reflected the result of cycle 1. There were some strengths and

weaknesses, which were found.

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a. The Strength of Cycle I

1) The Cohesive Devices Uses Indicators

a) The students‘ mean score of reference uses enhanced from

67.60 in pre test to be 80.00 in post test cycle 1.

b) The students‘ mean score of conjunction uses enhanced from

68.13 in pre test to be 78.44 in post test cycle 1.

The enhancement of the students‘ cohesive device uses

during Cycle 1 can be seen from Table 4.4.

Table 4.4. The Enhancement of Cohesive Devices Uses in Percentage

Indicator Pre Test Post Test

Cycle 1 Enhancement

Reference 67.60 80.00 12.40

Conjunction 68.13 78.44 10.31

Lexical Cohesion 67.88 69.75 1.88

Table 4.5 reveals that there were 87.5% students who

achieved the passing grade of 70, while the rest, 12.5% students

were under passing grade. It means that this study was successful,

because more than 85% students‘ result achieved above passing


Table 4.5. The Enhancement of Passing Grade in Percentage

No Description Passing


Number of Students Mean Percentage

Researcher Collaborator

1. Score Above



70 27 28 28 87.5

2. Score Under



70 5 4 4 12.5

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2) The Class Climate Indicators

Structured observations using tally was used to collect

data of the students‘ activities. It is difficult to observe all

students‘ behaviour, the observer focused on specific behaviours

by using Tomal‘s observational checklist (2010: 43). The

students‘ activities in Cycle 1 can be drawn in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6. The Students‟ Activities in Cycle 1 in Percentage

Take Note Ask

Questions Responses







93.75 84.38 81.25 95.63 87.50 18.75

The enhancements of class climate indicators are as


a) The students‘ motivation in joining writing class enhanced.

b) The students‘ involvement in writing class enhanced.

c) The interaction among students and between students and

teacher enhanced.

d) The students‘ anxiety decreased.

3) The Learning Process

a) OneNote varied the three stages of writing process.

b) OneNote eased the learning process through the stages.

c) The teaching learning process became interesting.

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b. The Weaknesses of Cycle I

1) The Cohesive Devices Uses Indicators

a) The students‘ mean score of lexical cohesion enhanced from

67.88 to 69.75 but below the passing grade or under KKM 70.

The students got difficulties in super ordinate and sub

ordinate. Instead of using these, they did repetition for

some words.

Some students still tried to translate word by word they

did not understand. This spent their time more.

2) Teaching learning process

a) Some students have not been familiar with OneNote so that

they could not use OneNote‟s facilities well and they might

disturb each other when joining OneNote session.

b) It was easy for the teacher to organize projects and

presentations efficiently; to give feedback and corrections; but

it was difficult to control the students‘ activities, especially to

control the quick learners when they had accomplished their

tasks and then did browsing on internet or playing game on

their computers.

c) Due to the students focused on their computers very much, the

teacher‘s direct instructions might be less effective.

d) Since the language laboratory is a complex electricity

network, the teacher had some extra works to prepare before

and while teaching learning process.

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To handle the problems appeared in cycle 1, the researcher

and the collaborator revised the plan to eliminate or reduce the

weaknesses of the implementation of OneNote in cycle 1. It was

expected that the revised plan would relinquish the weaknesses.

C. Cycle 2

Based on reflection cycle 1, the students faced problems in micro

skills of writing in the use of cohesive devices namely (1) The students were

still confused in using indefinite pronoun; (2) The students were still

confused in using lexical collocations. In class climate, the problems were

(1) the students have not been familiar with OneNote so that they might

disturb each other when joining OneNote session; (2) it was difficult to

monitor the students‘ activity, especially to control the quick learners when

they have accomplished their tasks and then did browsing on internet or

playing game on their computers, (3) the teacher‘s direct instructions might

be less effective; and (4) the teacher had some extra works to prepare the

computer sets before learning process and to monitor and to give feedback

while learning process was going on.

In cycle 2, the researcher did a set of activities that consisted of

action, implementing the action, observing the action, reflecting, and

revising the plan. This cycle was carried out in four meetings and one post-

test. Each meeting involved three main stages of writing process i.e.: pre

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writing, while writing (controlled writing, guided writing, free writing), and

post writing (revising, editing, publishing).

1. Planning The Action

Based on the result of the reflecting cycle 1, the researcher

arranged the action plan for the cycle 2 to enhance the students‘ cohesive

device uses and to solve the problems in cycle 1.

The problem, solutions, and revised plan offered are outlined in

Table 4.7, as follows:

Table 4.7. Students‟ Problems in Cycle 1 and Solutions

Students’ Problems in Cycle 1 Solution in Cycle 2

1. Students’ Cohesive Devices

Uses Problems

a. The students were still confused

in using lexical collocations.

a. Giving more practices of synonym

antonym, super ordinate, subordinate

b. Maximizing the use of Thesaurus Button on


b. Some students got problem in

indefinite pronouns uses

c. Maximizing teacher‘s feedback in which

OneNote facilities could not work well

2. Class Climate Problems

a. The students have not been

familiar with OneNote facilities

so that they could not get

benefits and might disturb each

other when joining OneNote


a. Giving more explanation of using OneNote

b. It was difficult to monitor quick

learners‘ activities

a. Outlining precise and detailed teaching


b. Giving extra tasks/enrichment tasks

c. Maximizing server‘s control by using Net

Support School Program

c. The teacher‘s direct instructions

might be less effective

a. Giving written instruction using teacher‘s

box on students‘ OneNote page

b. Maximizing server‘s control by using Net

Support School Program

d. The teacher had some extra

works to prepare the computers

before and while teaching

learning process.

a. The researcher would be assisted by a


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Due to the teacher‘s direct instructions was less effective, the

researcher created students‘ section in OneNote, as the ‗loose template‘

for the second cycle, to give precise outline of teaching steps. He

provided the outline of teaching steps in pages. The pages were outlined

as follows:

1. Pre Writing Activity

a. Reading

b. Discussion/Analysing

c. Clustering

2. While Writing Activity

a. Controlled Writing Activity

b. Guided Writing Activity

c. Free Writing Activity

3. Post Writing Activity

a. Revising

b. Editing

c. Publishing

2. Implementing the Action

Cycle 2 was conducted in four meetings and one post-test. Every

meeting was conducted by three main stages of writing process namely

pre writing, while writing (controlled writing, guided writing, free

writing), and post writing (revising, editing, publishing).

In pre-writing stage, the researcher conducted the learning

process by reading a text to provide the example of cohesive devices uses

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and then by analyzing the cohesive devices uses. The activity was

followed by clustering with a key word. For example, the researcher

could display a picture of a hunter and then he asked the students some

questions as follows:

a. What is a...? (to expose the uses of reference and lexical conjunction)

b. Describe the.... ( to expose noun phrase, super ordinate, sub ordinate,

synonym, antonym)

c. Where does...? (to expose lexical cohesions about setting of place)

d. What do they do? (to expose the uses of lexical cohesions of action


In while-writing stage, the researcher divided the learning

process into controlled writing, guided writing, and free writing. The

controlled writing involved completing sentences, parallel sentences, and

transformation writing. The guided writing activities involved writing

based on cued words and writing based on provided information. The

free writing activities involved writing about pictures and writing in

response to a situation.

In post-writing stage would mainly focus on feedback and

correction activities. This stage involved peer editing, revising, and


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a. First Meeting

The first meeting was held on Wednesday, 22nd

May 2013.

It started at 10.10 a.m. for the sixth and seventh period. The

researcher handled the class to teach in front of the class. The

observer sat at the back of the classroom. In Cycle 2, the observer

helped the researcher as the technician to cope with problems of

electricity might occur. The students sat in pairs for a computer set.

The focus of the first meeting was on the uses of possessive

pronouns, temporal conjunction, and hyponymy by equipping ‗The

Red Riding Hood‟ as the learning material.

1) Opening of Activity

After greeting and calling the roll, the researcher asked

the students about their favourite story. He explained the learning

objectives and the learning advantages. He explained the

procedure of using OneNote by using an LCD projector. Then

the researcher asked the students to click OneNote icon to open

the program. All of the students succeeded in doing this. To start

teaching by OneNote, the researcher asked the students to join

the researcher‘s session by typing session address and password.

2) Pre Writing

In this stage, the researcher displayed a movie telling a

story entitles ‗The Red Riding Hood‘. He reminded the students

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to pay their attention to the running text at the bottom of the

movie as seen in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7. The Little Red Riding Hood

He guided the students to analyse the uses of cohesive

device in the text. The students wrote possessive pronouns,

temporal conjunction, and hyponym used in the text on OneNote

page. The class discussed how the cohesive devices build the


In exploring students‘ hyponym, the researcher gave a

chained word quiz. He asked the students to search the hyponym

of a certain word by using Thesaurus Button. The students did

this in pairs.

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3) While-writing

a) Controlled writing

The students practiced the possessive reference uses.

The researcher asked them to complete some sentences on

OneNote. They typed their answer on the blank spaces.

Then the students practices temporal conjunction

uses. The researcher equipped some sentences in the story to

be jumbled. Then, the students were asked to sequence the

jumbled words. The students did this in ‗drag and drop‘


The researcher explained the hyponym in the example

text. He and the students listed the hyponym. Then he asked

the students to write some sentences by using the list words.

b) Guided writing

In this step, the students practiced the possessive

pronouns, temporal conjunctions, and hyponym. The

researcher asked the students to complete a passage by using

possessive pronouns, temporal conjunctions, and hyponym

provided in their OneNote page. The students did this activity

by cutting and pasting the words.

c) Free Writing

In this stage, the researcher devided the class into

eight group of four. He opened a new blank OneNote file.

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The students were asked to join the session. The researcher

asked the students to do the strip story. He wrote a sentence

as the beginning of a story. Then he asked the first group to

write the next sentence for the story. The next groups got

their turn to write a sentence to accomplish the new story. In

this case, the groups criticized each other. They gave

comment on other group‘s writing. The researcher facilitated

the discussion, so that it runs to the learning objectives.

However, the class became noisier.

4) Post-writing

a) Revising

The next stage was revising. The students were asked

to examine the cohesive device uses. The researcher

displayed the students‘ writing. He asked the students to give

suggestions to their friends‘ cohesive device uses. Focus of

the revising was on the lexical cohesion uses.

b) Editing

In the editing stage, the students left the OneNote

session and then they edited their revised writing.

c) Publishing

The students were asked to join OneNote session

again. The researcher displayed some students‘ writing on

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LCD and discussed for the best or the worst of the writings.

In this stage, the researcher locked students‘ computer from

the server‘s computer so that the students could focus on

teacher‘s explanation. The best writing was given applause.

5) Closing Activity

The researcher and the students pointed out the

conclusion of the material discussed. The researcher announced

the best of students‘ writing. He asked the students some

difficulties in using cohesive devices (possessive pronouns,

temporal conjunctions, and hyponym). He gave extensive writing

of the cohesive device uses. Finally, he introduced the material

for the next meeting.

b. Second Meeting

The second meeting was held on Thursday, 23rd

May 2013.

It started at 07.00 a.m. for the first and second period. After greeting

and calling the roll, the researcher told the focus to learn and

explained the steps of teaching.

In this meeting, the researcher applied the three stages of

writing process: pre writing, while writing (controlled writing,

guided writing, free writing), and post writing (revising, editing,

publishing). The focus of the second meeting was on the uses of

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relative pronouns, additive conjunctions, and synonym by equipping

‗The Princess and the Dragon‟ as the learning material.

1) Pre Writing

In this stage, the researcher displayed a movie telling

‗The Princess and the Dragon‟ on LCD projector. He reminded

the students to pay their attention to the running text at the

bottom of the movie. The use of showing the movie was aimed at

giving examples of cohesive devices uses, and providing context

in exploring cohesive devices.

He guided the students to analyse the uses of cohesive

device in the text. The students wrote relative pronouns, additive

conjunction, and synonym used in the text on OneNote page.

The researcher exposed the students‘ lexical cohesion,

synonym. He gave a chained word quiz. He asked the students to

search synonym of a certain word by using Thesaurus Button.

The students did this in pairs.

2) While-writing

a) Controlled writing

The students practiced the uses of relative pronouns

by completing sentences. To practice the uses of

conjunctions, the researcher asked the students to have ‗drag

and drop game‘ to reorder jumbled words into meaningful


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The researcher and the students listed the action verbs

and adjective used in the movie on OneNote page. Then the

researcher asked the students to search the synonym of the

word list by using Thesaurus button.

b) Guided writing

The researcher asked the students to leave the

OneNote session, and then he asked them to write sentences

based on the words list on their OneNote page.

c) Free Writing

The students were asked to rewrite the story and

choose their own ending. Figure 4.9 shows the choice of the

story ending. In writing the story, they were asked to use

appropriate relative pronouns, additive conjunctions, and the

list of synonym of the verbs.

Figure 4.8. The choice of the story ending

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3) Post-writing

a) Revising

The next stage was revising. The students were

suggested to use Review Ribbon to check their cohesive

device uses. Then they were asked to join the OneNote

session. The researcher discussed a student‘s story and gave

correction and feedback to the story.

b) Editing

In the editing stage, the students left the session and

then they edited their revised writing.

c) Publishing

The students were asked to join OneNote session. The

researcher displayed some students‘ writing on LCD and

discussed for the best or the worst of the cohesive device

uses. The researcher gave a reward to the best writing. In this

stage, the researcher locked students‘ computer from the

server‘s computer.

The researcher and the students pointed out the

conclusion of the material discussed. The researcher announced

the best of students‘ writing. He asked the students some

difficulties in using cohesive devices (personal pronouns,

temporal conjunctions, and reiterations). The class was ended by

giving homework, an extensive writing of the cohesive device

uses. Finally, he introduced the material for the next meeting.

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c. Third Meeting

The third meeting was held on Wednesday, 29th

May 2013.

It started at 07.00 a.m. for the first and second period. The focus of

this meeting was on the uses of indefinite pronouns, additive

conjunctions, and synonym. In this meeting, the researcher provided

―Hansel and Gretel” as the learning material.

1) Pre Writing

To examples cohesive device uses, the researcher asked

the students to watch a movie telling ‗Hansel and Gretel‟ on

LCD projector. He reminded the students to pay their attention to

the running text at the bottom of the movie. After that, he guided

the students to analyse the uses of cohesive device in the text.

The students wrote pronouns and conjunction used in the text on

OneNote page. Then the class discussed the uses of indefinite

pronouns and additive conjunctions.

Then the students were asked to answer some questions

to explore lexical cohesion.

a. What is a woodcutter? A woodcutter is one who cuts wood.

b. Describe the woodcutter.

c. Where does a woodcutter live?

d. What is a forest?

e. What are the woodcutter‘s activities?

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The students used Thesaurus Button to do this activity.

They did this in pairs.

2) While-writing

a) Controlled writing

The students practiced the uses of indefinite pronouns

by completing sentences. For example, ―The woodcutter did

not have any food to eat, but just a little.‖ To practice the

uses of additive conjunctions, the researcher asked the

students to have ‗drag and drop‘ to reorder jumbled words

into meaningful sentences.

The researcher and the students listed the action verbs

and adjective used in the story on OneNote page. Then the

researcher asked the students to search the collocation of the

word list by using Thesaurus button.

b) Guided writing

The researcher asked the students to write sentences

by using the list of collocations.

c) Free Writing

In this stage, the researcher asked the students to leave

the session and then asked them to rewrite ‗―Hansel and

Gretel” on their OneNote page. He encouraged them to use

appropriate indefinite pronouns and causal conjunctions. This

activity was done in pairs.

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3) Post-writing

a) Revising

In revising stage, the students were suggested to use

Review Ribbon in OneNote to check their cohesive device

uses. Then, the students were asked to join the OneNote

session. They shared their writing in this session. They were

asked to revise their cohesive device uses each other by

giving suggestions. The researcher also gave correction and

feedback on the students‘ cohesive device uses on each

student‘s OneNote page.

b) Editing

In the editing stage, the students were asked to leave

the session and then they edited their revised writing. Two

students asked what the teacher‘s feedback meant.

c) Publishing

The students were asked to join OneNote session. The

researcher asked some students to present their story in front

of the class by using LCD. The others gave suggestions and

appreciation. In this stage, the researcher locked students‘

computer from the server‘s computer.

The researcher and the students pointed out the

conclusion of the material discussed. The researcher announced

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the best of students‘ writing. He asked the students some

difficulties in using cohesive devices (indefinite pronouns, causal

conjunctions, and lexical collocation). He gave extensive writing

of the cohesive device uses. Finally, he introduced the material

for the next meeting.

d. Fourth Meeting

The fourth meeting was held on Thursday, 30th

May 2013.

It started at 10.10 a.m. for the sixth and seventh period. The focus of

the meeting was on the uses of indefinite pronouns, adversative

conjunctions, and antonym. In this meeting, the researcher prepared

‗The King‟s New Suit‟ as the learning material.

1) Pre Writing

In this stage, the researcher displayed a movie telling

‗The King‟s New Suit‟ on LCD projector. He reminded the

students to pay their attention to the running text at the bottom of

the movie. The use of showing the movie was aimed at giving

examples of cohesive devices uses, and providing context in

exploring cohesive devices.

He guided the students to analyse the uses of cohesive

device in the text. The students wrote indefinite pronouns,

adversative conjunctions, and antonym used in the text on

OneNote page.

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The researcher guided the students to explore synonym.

He gave a chained word quiz. He asked the students to search

synonym of a certain word from the text by using Thesaurus

Button. The students did this in pairs.

2) While-writing

a) Controlled writing

The students practiced the uses of indefinite pronouns

by completing sentences. For example, “The king was very

rich. He had everything. ‖To practice the uses of adversative

conjunctions, the researcher asked the students to have ‗drag

and drop‘ to reorder jumbled words into meaningful


The researcher helped the students explore

collocation. He gave a chained word quiz. He asked the

students to search the collocation of a certain word by using

Thesaurus Button. The students did this in pairs.

b) Guided writing

The researcher asked the students to copy a paragraph

of ‗The King‟s New Suit‟ to other space of OneNote page. He

guided them to change the subjects with appropriate

indefinite pronouns. Then he guided them to combine two

sentences by using causal conjunction.

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c) Free Writing

In this stage, the researcher asked the students to leave

the session and then asked them to rewrite ‗The King‟s New

Suit‟ by using their own words on their OneNote page. He

encouraged them to use appropriate and various words. This

activity was done in pairs.

3) Post-writing

a) Revising

In revising stage, the students were suggested to use

Review Ribbon to check their cohesive device uses. Then,

they were asked to join the OneNote session. They shared

their writing in this session. The researcher also gave

correction and feedback on the students‘ cohesive device


b) Editing

In the editing stage, the students were asked to leave

the session and then they edited their revised writing.

c) Publishing

The students were asked to join OneNote session. The

researcher displayed some students‘ writing on LCD and

discussed for the best or the worst of the cohesive device

uses. The best writing was given applause and marked by

number of stars. In this stage, the researcher locked students‘

computer from the server‘s computer.

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The researcher and the students pointed out the

conclusion of the material discussed. The researcher announced

the best of students‘ writing. He asked the students some

difficulties in using cohesive devices (indefinite pronouns, causal

conjunctions, and collocation). He gave extensive writing of the

cohesive device uses. Finally, he introduced the material for the

next meeting.

3. Observing the Action

The researcher as a teacher and the collaborator as observer did

observation during the learning process. The observer involved in

observing actions and interactions, by sitting in a corner of the

classroom, silent, but attentive. The observer focused on the students‘

activities, the researcher‘s activities, and the learning process. In Cycle

2, the observer helped the researcher as the technician to cope with

problems of electricity might occur.

In this step, the teacher was assisted by a collaborator to observe

the result of the applying OneNote in the class. He collected two kinds of

data, namely numerical and verbal data. The numerical data were

obtained from the students‘ cohesive device uses score and some parts of

observation sheet that consist numerical data. The information showing

the students‘ attitude and the whole part of teaching learning activity

during the implementation of OneNote represented in the verbal data.

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The finding of the study, which was described in this part deals

with two parts, students‘ cohesive device uses result and situation of the

class when OneNote was implemented. There was some information

about occurrences in the teaching process using OneNote as follows:

a. The Enhancement of Cohesive Devices Use

There are three cohesive devices uses indicators developed in

this research i.e. reference, conjunction, and lexical cohesion. The

average of cohesive devices uses in the pre-test which has been

obtained is (1) the mean score of reference use was 67.60; (2) the

mean score of conjunction uses was 68.30; and (3) the mean score of

lexical cohesion use was 67.88, and compared to the result of post

test in cycle 2, there is an enhancement as it is explained at the next

paragraphs, and the criteria of success of students‘ cohesive devices

uses is 70. However, individually, there were eight students who had

not reached the criteria. The clear and more detail results will be

drawn into the following paragraphs.

The first indicator is reference. From the result of the post test

cycle 2, the average of this indicator is 81.02, and 4 students were

below the criteria of success in which 3 students were reaching 66.67,

and for the rest he only obtained lower than that score.

The second indicator is conjunction use. The result obtained

from this test is that the average reached 81.88, which is higher than

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the previous cycle, 78.44. There was no students got score under the

criteria of success, 70.

The third indicator is lexical cohesion. The result gained from

this test is that the average reached 72.38, which is higher than the

previous cycle, 70.00. There were 15 students were having score

under the criteria of success, 70. In addition, seven students got 64 in

this indicator, and the rest of them reached lower than 64 in this

indicator. To provide clarity of the result, it is drawn in Table 4.9


Table 4.8. The Average of Test in Cycle 2


Reference Conjunction Lexical Cohesion

Average 81.04 81.88 72.38

Highest 93.33 90.00 92.00

Lowest 60.00 70.00 52.00

b. The Enhancement of Class Climate

After observing the learning process of cycle 2, there were

enhancements of class situation. They are:

1) The students‘ motivation in joining writing class enhanced.

2) The students‘ involvement in writing class enhanced.

3) The interaction among students and between students and teacher


4) The students‘ independency enhanced.

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c. The Description of Learning Process

1) Pre-writing stage. By having word games in a group competition,

the students looked more enthusiastic. All of the students got

involved in the activity and dare to join the competition. In

brainstorming lexical cohesions, most students still tried to

translate the meaning of some words. In this case, OneNote

default setting does not have Indonesian translator, but it has

online translation. However, some students were more familiar

with Google Translator, so they translated the meaning of some

words by using it. This activity wasted more students‘ time.

2) While writing stage. It was easy to make sure that all students do

the activities and tasks. In live sharing session, the researcher

asked the students to join the existing session. Now the researcher

could monitor the students‘ OneNote page and assessed to what

extent the students could accomplish the tasks. In this stage, most

students looked enjoy their activities. They kept their eyes on

computer monitor or discussed with their partners. A student

asked the researcher whether he could use a digital dictionary on

computer to know the Indonesian translation of a word after he

browsed the synonym, antonym, or subordinate by using

Thesaurus button on OneNote. Some other students typed their

stories on Google Translator, copied the texts, and then pasted

them on OneNote page. In this case, the researcher reminded

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them to check the cohesive device uses. However, at the backside

of the class, some students looked browsing movie on a website.

To overcome this, the researcher displayed the students‘ computer

screen on LCD projector so that they knew that they were


3) Post Writing Stage

a) In revising stage, most of the students said that the Review

Ribbon of OneNote was very helpful. The teacher displayed

students‘ writing to the whole students so that they can learn

from friends‘ mistakes; and give feedback and correction. The

teacher‘s feedbacks were important to help the students in

using references and conjunctions in which the Review

Ribbon could not work well.

b) In editing stage, the teacher clicked the students‘ OneNote

pages to check the students‘ final form. The students could

easily edit their text on OneNote. Some students edited their

texts in word program, and then they sent them to OneNote or

pasted them on OneNote page.

c) In publishing stage, the researcher asked the students to have

presentation of their works by using LCD projector.

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4. Reflecting

The result of teaching and learning process of cohesive devices

uses using OneNote enhanced significantly. There was enhancement in

the indicators compared with the result of pre test. There was also

enhancement in class climate.

After doing action in cycle 2, the researcher and the collaborator

reflected the result of cycle 2. There were some strengths and weaknesses


a. The Strength of Cycle 2

1) The Cohesive Device Uses Indicators

a) The students‘ mean score of reference use enhanced from

80.00 in cycle 1 to be 81.04 in post test cycle 2.

b) The students‘ mean score of conjunction uses enhanced from

78.44 in cycle 1 to be 81.88 in post test cycle 2.

c) The students‘ mean score of lexical cohesion use enhanced

from 69.75 in cycle 1 to be 72.38 in post test cycle 2.

The enhancement of students‘ ability during the teaching

learning process in cycle 2 can be describes in the Table 4.9.

Table 4.9. The Enhancement of Passing Grade in Percentage

No Description Passing


Number of Students Mean Percentage

Researcher Collaborator

1. Score Above



70 30 30 30 93.75

2. Score Under



70 2 2 2 6.25

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From the result above, it can be concluded that there

were 93.75% students who achieved the passing grade of 70,

while the rest, 6.25% students who were under passing grade. It

means that this study could be successful, because more than 85%

students‘ result above passing grade, 70.

2) The Class Climate Indicators

a) OneNote enhanced the students‘ motivation.

b) OneNote enhanced the students‘ involvement in the writing


c) OneNote enhanced the interaction among the students and

between the students and teacher.

d) The students‘ independency enhanced. This appeared

especially when they were given the students‘ section file

containing the teaching outlines, so they knew what should

they do and to what extended they had to accomplish the


e) The researcher could easily monitor students‘ activities by

using Net Support School Program. By using this program, as

seen in Figure 4.9, the teacher‘s computer was as a server in

which the teacher could display students‘ screen monitor, lock

them, or turn them on and off.

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Figure 4.9. The Server‟s Screen Displaying Students‟ Computers Screen

By using Tomal‘s observational checklist (2010: 43), the

students‘ activities of Cycle 2 can be drawn in Table 4.11, as


Table 4.10. The Students Activities of Cycle 2 in Percentage

Take note Ask

Questions Responses







98.13 81.25 95.63 97.50 97.50 4.38

3) The Learning Process

a) OneNote varied the three stages of writing process.

b) OneNote eased the learning process through the stages.

c) OneNote worked well as interactive whiteboard.

b. The Weaknesses of Cycle 2

1) The Cohesive Device Uses Indicators

The students‘ mean score of lexical cohesion enhanced from

69.75 in cycle 1 to be 72.38 in post test cycle 2, but far from the

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achievement of other indicators: reference and conjunction uses.

The students got difficulties in sub ordinate and super ordinate.

2) The Teaching Learning Process

The students focused on the tasks in their computers very much,

therefore the students‘ independency enhanced but the direct

interaction between the students and the teacher decreased.

The problems or the weaknesses that still occurred in

cycle 2 will be proposed as recommendations in the next chapter.

D. Summary of the Findings

The use of OneNote enhances the students‘ cohesive device uses.

Based on the average, there was a significant enhancement or progress of

the students‘ cohesive devices uses in writing narrative using OneNote. It

was indicated on their enhancement of cohesive devices uses (reference,

conjunction, and lexical cohesion). The Table 4.12 can draw the fact in


Table 4.11. The Enhancement of Cohesive Device Uses

No. Indicator Pre Test Cycle 1 Cycle 2

1 Reference 67.60 80.00 81.04

2 Conjunction 68.13 78.44 81.88

3 Lexical Cohesion 67.88 69.75 72.38

4 Cohesive Devise Uses 67.84 74.56 76.88

The use of OneNote enhances the class climate involving students‘

motivation, participation, and interaction. The questionnaire and interview

covered learner preferences for using OneNote over a more traditional

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medium in writing process. The judgement is supported by evidence from

student questionnaires as can be seen from Table 4.12 in which‘ 96.8% of

the class stated that the use of a variety of OneNote enhanced their

motivation, all students involved in the learning process, and OneNote

engaged 87.50% of the students in the learning process. 93.75% of the

students stated that OneNote made the learning process more or a lot more

interesting and enjoyable than they expected.

Table 4.12. Summary of the Post Research Questionnaire

No. Questions %

1 OneNote enhances students‘ motivation 96.88

2 OneNote enhances students‘ participation 100

3 OneNote enhances students‘ interaction 87.50

4 OneNote makes learning process interesting 93.75

The enhancement was also observed based on the indicators of the

students‘ activities during the learning process involving taking note of

teacher‘s explanations or students‘ draft, asking questions about some topics

to the teacher; responding the teacher‘s explanations, feedbacks, or

corrections; working cooperatively in doing tasks; giving answer to the

teacher‘s spoken or written questions; and looking confused while listening

to the teacher‘s explanations, doing tasks, responding teacher‘s feedbacks,

or giving answer. The research finds that the students‘ anxiety decreases. It

can be seen from Table 4.13 where the numbers of students who look

confused decrease significantly. Table 4.13 can draw the students‘ activities

in detail performing class climate enhancement.

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Table 4.13. Summary of the Observational Checklist

Aspect Description Pre Test Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Motivation Look Confused 34.38 81.25 95.63

Participation Take note 55.00 93.75 98.13

Work Cooperatively 67.50 95.63 97.50

Interaction Ask Questions 16.88 84.38 81.25

Responds 38.75 81.25 95.63

Give Answer 55.63 87.50 97.50

Based on the indicators of the students‘ activities above, the

enhancement of the class climate can be presented on the table 4.14 showing

the enhancement of students‘ motivation, participation, and interaction.

Table 4.14. The Enhancement of Class Climate

Stage Pre Test Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Motivation 34.38 81.25 95.63

Participation 61.25 94.69 97.81

Interaction 47.19 84.38 96.56

E. Discussion

In this part, the researcher provides the overview of the research

findings of the OneNote use in teaching cohesive device. This involves (1)

the enhancement of the students‘ cohesive devices uses and (2) the

enhancement of class climate. Some significant further findings will be

discussed as other findings at the end of the Chapter.

Some previous studies had examined the impact of word processing

on students‘ writing. Morris et al. (1991) studied lexical cohesion computed

by thesaural relations as an indicator of the structure of text. Bangert-

Drowns (1993) examined a meta-analysis of word processing in writing

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instruction. Lewis et al. (1999) studied the improvement of the writing skills

of students with learning disabilities by using word processors with spelling

and grammar checkers useful. Cunningham (2000) who attempted to

integrate CALL into the writing curriculum. Goldberg et al. (2003) studied

writing with computers vs. paper-and-pencil. Qi Li and Shepherd (2005)

studied the use of Microsoft OneNote 2003 at Athens Academy Evaluation

Report. Seileek (2006) studied the use of word processor for teaching

writing to EFL Learners in King Saud University. Turner (2011)

investigated the use of Microsoft OneNote for collaborative vocabulary

notebooks in the academic English classroom. Purcell et al.‘s (2013)

handled a survey of digital technologies on students‘ writing in middle and

high school students.

Some studies examined cohesive devices namely Khalil (1989)

studied of cohesion and coherence in Arab EFL College students writing;

and Ghasemi (2013) investigated into the use of cohesive devices in second

language writings.

1. The Enhancement of Students’ Cohesive Devices Uses

The descriptive statistics shows that by using OneNote, the

student‘s cohesive devices uses in writing narrative texts in the post test

is higher than the pre test. The results are in agreement with Goldberg et

al. (2003) demonstrating the comparison between k–ı2 students writing

with computers vs. paper-and-pencil. Significant mean effect sizes in

favour of computers were found for quantity of writing and quality of

writing. Purcell et al.‘s (2013) survey of 2,462 teachers found that digital

technologies are shaping student writing in myriad ways and have

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become helpful tools for teaching writing to middle and high school


a. What cohesive devices uses are enhanced?

The finding of this research shows that OneNote use in

writing class successfully enhanced students‘ cohesive devices use.

Reference and conjunction, which are example of grammatical

cohesion, are affected most significantly by such overt writing

instruction. Table 4.15 shows the frequency of the cohesive device


Table 4.15. Summary of the Cohesive Devices Used in Percentage

Stage Reference Conjunction Lexical


Pre Research 43.44 30.32 26.24

Cycle 1 42.36 31.22 26.42

Cycle 2 40.52 30.69 28.80

At the end of the research, reference is the highest frequency,

which is 40.52% of the total cohesive devices used. Conjunction

occurs 30.69%, while lexical cohesion is the least used. The cohesive

devices are not significantly correlated with the quality of the

students‘ essay. However, the number of cohesive devices used are

not significantly correlated with the quality of the students‘ writing.

The finding reveals that the most common form of

reference used by the students in their narrative text is the personal

pronoun (he, she, they, his, her, it, their), article ‗the‖, other, and

someone. The most common form of conjunction used by the

students to write narrative text in the research is additive conjunction

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(and, also) and temporal conjunction (then, next, after that, next

day). Adversative conjunction (but, though) and causal conjunction

(so, because) are the least used. The most common form of lexical

cohesion used by the students in the research is synonym, antonym,

and lexical collocations. Table 4.16 reveals the most common form

of cohesive devices used by the students in their narrative text.

Table 4.16. Frequency of the Cohesive Device Used

Cohesive Devices Pre Test Post Test 1 Post Test 2

Reference Personal 200 378 407

Demonstrative 2 2 1

Comparative 0 0 0

Conjunction Additive 83 182 196

Adversative 9 15 14

Causal 4 4 11

Temporal 45 79 88

Lexical Cohesion Repetition 2 2 12

Synonym 57 100 81

Super-ordinate 0 0 10

Collocations 63 135 187

Similar with the finding above, Alarcon and Morales (2011:

114-127) found that reference had the highest frequency which was

90.67% of the total cohesive devices. Conjunction occurred 9.08%,

while substitution was the least used type of cohesive device. The

result of the study revealed that the cohesive devices used were not

significantly correlated with the quality of the students‘ essay.

Lexical cohesion is affected positively; the impact of overt

instruction in this case, however, is not as significant as for reference

and conjunction. The impact of overt instruction in lexical cohesion,

however, is not as significant as for reference and conjunction. In

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this case, most of the students still need to know the meaning of

certain words. Some of them search the meaning on Google

translation and some others use digital dictionary on their computer.

Consequently, this often makes the students misuse lexical item and

overuse other lexical item. Khalil‗s (1989: 368) analysis showed that

the EFL students overused reiteration of the same lexical item as a

cohesive device, but underused other lexical and grammatical

cohesive devices.

This is what has been found by Ghasemi (2013: 1620) in his

research that the participants preferred repeating words rather than

using synonyms and antonyms to describe the main points of their


Mahlberg (2009: 107-108) gave a reason of difficulty in

using lexical device that a list of cohesive devices will be

manageable, because the number of grammatical word classes is

limited. In contrast, lexical items can be less clearly grouped into

categories. Repetition and the use of synonyms or antonyms are

some of the lexical possibilities to create cohesive links, and the

number of words that can illustrate such cohesive links is endless.

Therefore, an overview of lexical cohesion has to be fairly abstract

and restricted to selected examples.

b. Why can OneNote enhance the students‟ cohesive devices uses?

OneNote is considered as a suitable medium to teach

cohesive devices in writing a narrative text. By providing template

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design of sentence patterns, the teacher explains the essential

concepts of the references and conjunctions uses. The students use

the template to practice the concepts of the references and

conjunctions uses. The template is used in reordering words or gap-

filling activity. By providing template design of narrative text

pattern, the students practice the use of cohesive devices in a

narrative text. By equipping Thesaurus button, Translate button, and

‗Teacher‟s Page‘, the students get a help to search lexical cohesions,

reference, and conjunction. This finding is in agreement with

Bangert-Drowns (1993) concluding that more effective uses of word

processing as an instructional tool might include adapting instruction

to software strengths and adding metacognitive prompts to the

writing program. Lewis et al. (1999) found in their study involving

106 elementary and secondary students with learning disabilities and

97 typical peers that students who used spelling and grammar

checkers were more successful than transition group students in

reducing mechanical errors, particularly non-real-word spelling

errors, and in making positive changes from first to final drafts.

By using OneNote‟s interface page as interactive and flexible

whiteboard, the students visit ‗Teacher‟s Box‟ to see teacher‘s

feedback and corrections for their cohesive devices uses. This kind

of reflective, active response to a teacher‘s feedback can contribute a

great deal to a student‘s writing development (Hayland, 2003: 170).

By using OneNote as a word processor, it is easy to copy,

paste, delete, or revise a word, a sentence, or a text when reordering

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jumbled words and sentences; or filling a blank of a sentence or a

text. As a word processors, OneNote provide composing

environments which facilitate writing by making drafting, revising,

and editing much easier and quicker; and obviously offers

opportunities for learners to engage with the creative process of

construction; and for teachers to help make their writing processes

more transparent and effective (Hyland, 2003: 145).

c. How can cohesive devices uses enhance the students‟ writing?

Cohesive devices play an important role in teaching writing,

as the students need to be aware of the links that hold chunks of text

together and that contribute to the creation of a text as a unit of

meaning. Cohesion can contribute to the readability of a text and

have an impact on the comprehensibility and clarity of the argument.

Additionally, the way in which links between textual chunks are

signalled reflects genre-specific properties of texts. Thus, an

appropriate use of cohesive devices is essential for language learners

to develop a native-like competence of text production and reception

(Mahlberg, 2009: 104-105).

By using reference, the students tie word's interpretation

depending on some other item (a word, phrase, clause, or sentence)

to which it refers. The presence of conjunctions measures the logical

sense that a narrative makes (connective terms in four categories

ranging from the simple such as `and' to the temporal such as `then')

by Hudson (1991: 96).

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In a text, lexical cohesion is the result of chains of related

words that contribute to the continuity of lexical meaning. These

lexical chains are a direct result of units of text being "about the

same thing," and finding text structure involves finding units of text

that are about the same thing.

According to Morris and Hirstt (1991: 23), there are two

major reasons why lexical cohesion is important for writing skill

namely: (1) lexical chains provide an easy-to-determine context to

aid in the resolution of ambiguity and in the narrowing to a specific

meaning of a word; and (2) lexical chains provide a clue for the

determination of coherence and discourse structure, and hence the

larger meaning of the text.

Rassouli and Abbasvandi‘s (2013) study investigated the

effectiveness of explicit teaching of cohesive devices on Iranian EFL

learners‘ use of these features and the extent to which it can improve

the learners‘ writing quality. It was found that the instruction could

promote the learners' use of cohesive devices; it could help the

learners develop more cohesive writings.

d. How can cohesive devices support writing narrative text?

The teaching cohesive devices in the research foster narrative

texts. Some folklore is equipped to provide examples of cohesive

device uses. In this case, by analysing a narrative text, the researcher

explains how cohesive devices tie a word or a sentence to another

one; and how cohesive devices build the story.

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The study shows that by understanding reference,

conjunction, and lexical cohesion uses, the students understand how

to reorder jumbled words or sentences, or compose the next

sentences or paragraph. By reading the narrative text before writing

activity, the students do not come from a blank idea when they are

asked to compose a sentence or a passage.

According to Mahlberg (2009: 107), cohesive links are genre-

specific. It is one of the reasons why a single text to illustrate a

variety of cohesive devices is hard to find. The narrative texts

equipped in the research could provide the cohesive links to learn.

For instance, Mahlberg (2009: 107) explains that narrative texts that

deal with a central character can provide many examples of

reference and chains of reference items.

2. The Enhancement of Class Climate

a. The students‟ motivation

There is a significant improvement in the motivation of the

majority of the students involved in this study. Most of students

come to the class earlier than before using OneNote. In particular,

the students are more enthusiastic to begin tasks and this enthusiasm

was sustained for their duration. The judgement is supported by

evidence from student questionnaires in which‘ 96.88% of the class

state that OneNote enhances their motivation and 93.75% of them

state that the use of a variety of OneNote make their English lessons

more or a lot more interesting and enjoyable than they expected. A

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further 90.68% of the students state that OneNote helps them in

writing. The data is in agreement with Goldberg (2003) stating that

on average, students who used computers when learning to write are

motivated in their writing.

Learning with OneNote‘s interface helps students to have

collaborative learning. Peer collaboration with OneNote relinquishes

the high anxiety and boring and monotonous class climate; and bears

joyful learning process. Teacher can also vary learning activities and

materials easily.

By using OneNote in the learning process, the students

become active learners and their anxiety decreased. They are

encouraged to do the tasks in relaxing class, because they feel free to

manage their own tasks in their ‗private‘ area. Some other students

said that they could listen to music by using head set while joining

the class. Most of the students agree that the movies that are

displayed in pre writing activities make the writing class interesting;

help them to get examples of cohesive devices uses; and provide

sufficient lexical cohesions that they could acquire joyfully.

This finding is in agreement with Cunningham (2000)

showing that students found the computer-based writing class to be

challenging and comfortable. The students believed that word

processing helped them to improve their performance in writing.

They also reported that using the word processor benefited them in

concentrating their attention on certain aspects of their writing such

as grammar, word choice, and organization. The results that were

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reported by Cunningham indicated that the word processor was

positive and contributed to improve writing abilities by increasing

willingness to write and revise, and sharing ideas with others.

b. The students‟ participation

The use of OneNote in the classroom can affect student

participation. Based on the observation result, the students are so

busy with their task, so that they have no time to chat. Most of the

students are engaged in presentation session where they publish their

works to the class. The result of questionnaire shows that 100% of

the students actively participate in the learning process.

In a research, Allred and Swenson (2006) created a learning

tool called the ‗‗Random Selector Model‘‘ to increase student

participation through an interactive software program where the

instructor is able to ‗‗randomly select‘‘ students and groups of

students to participate in class. The study found positive student

feedback and encouraged instructors to use this model as a

supplement to their own courses.

Girgin and Stevens (2005) noted that ‗‗student presentation

with class discussion‘‘ was the most involved. These strategies were

effective in increasing participation and recommended using them in

other cultures as well. Students wrote a term paper with a partner,

gave a presentation on it, and then earned part of their course grade

based on the discussion that ensued from their presentation.

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OneNote helps them as autonomous learners. Some students

said that they felt comfortable to sit behind the computers as their

‗private‘ area in which the teacher did not monitor them directly.

They can also help themselves when get problems with cohesive

devices by using Review Ribbon. Goldberg (2003) found that on

average, students who use computers when learning to write are

more engaged in their writing.

c. The students‟ interaction

Based on the observation, it can be explained that by using

OneNote as interface medium, the students can intensively interact

each other by sharing their draft, giving suggestions or corrections to

their friends‘ writing. It is difficult to do when the learning process

uses whiteboard or worksheet paper. In the publishing stage, the

students can be more actively interact with their friends. The result

of questionnaire shows that the 87.50% students agree that OneNote

enhances their interaction.

Goldberg (2003) found that the writing process is more

collaborative, iterative, and social in computer classrooms as

compared with paper-and-pencil environments. While, Hooper et al.

(1993) reported that the students working cooperatively with a

learner-controlled lesson supported each other's feelings and

generated more ideas; students working alone were frustrated, took

more time, and could not master the lesson.

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3. The Description of Teaching Learning Process

The finding of this study shows that the use of OneNote

enhances the quality of teaching writing process. The overall overview

can be described as follows:

a. OneNote helps the teacher provide the teaching materials covering a

wide range of cohesion skills to cope with students‘ different

proficiency levels.

b. OneNote helps the teacher vary the teaching techniques to help meet

the needs of students with different abilities and learning styles.

c. The teaching and learning tasks can be graded and varied in the large

classes of different abilities and skills.

d. The feedback practices can combine both types of oral (in publishing

stage) and written feedback (in while writing stage) be promptly

given to students in nature to challenge students and help them

develop the different cohesion skills.

e. It is efficient to have formative and summative assessment practices.

The formative assessment practices can be regular, insightful, and

guiding in the end of every meeting. The students‘ portfolio as good

practices can be saved, examined, and managed easily. The

summative assessment practices can be done and then marked

promptly and easily.

This finding is in agreement with Ahmed‘s (2010: 211-221)

study investigating students‘ cohesion and coherence problems in EFL

essay writing. The study found that the teaching process should consider

(1) the wide range of teaching materials; (2) the various teaching

techniques to help meet the needs of students with different abilities; (3)

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the graded and various teaching and learning tasks to help students make

the most out of them; (3) the oral and written feedback should be

promptly given to students, be critical and constructive in nature to

challenge students and help them develop the different cohesion and

coherence skills; and (4) the formative and the summative assessment


The description of teaching cohesive devices in writing

narrative in each stage is as follows:

a. Pre-Writing Stage

The use of OneNote in this stage enables the teacher to vary

learning activities easily. The activities involve (1) getting examples

of cohesive device uses can be done by reading text on OneNote

page and reading running text of a cartoon film; (2) analysing how

cohesive devices work in the text can be done by underlining or

bolding and classifying or grouping; and (3) exploring lexical

cohesion can be done by clustering with a key word with words web.

In this stage, the teacher did not need to distribute printed

worksheet of text for extensive reading activity. He could display the

text on OneNote page or students copied the text to their own

OneNote pages.

The students could generate their ideas easily and without

getting nervous in brainstorming session. They could brows lexical

cohesion (nouns, verbs, adjectives) by using Thesaurus button and

then write them on OneNote page easily. They could also write their

ideas or suggestions anonymously. Modelling and analysing model

of texts were available for each of the students in which they could

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copy the text and the table of analysis. Thesaurus button of OneNote

encouraged the students to cluster with a key word by using the

words tree on the OneNote page joyfully.

b. While-Writing Stage

The learning process in this stage involves controlled

writing, guided writing, and free writing. The controlled writing can

be done by writing a similar composition in the use of cohesive

devices involving sequencing jumbled words, completing sentences,

and gap-filling sentences/paragraphs. The guided writing activities

can be done by writing several compositions involving writing based

on cued words and writing based on provided information. The free

writing activities involve writing in response to a situation. The first

activity, the students do a strip-story activity i.e. (1) the teacher

provides the first sentence of a story, (2) the students add two

sentences of their own; (3) the students pass the stories around in

small groups for additional sentences; (4) the students read what was

written before their turn. The second activity, the students reorder

the first paragraph of a story, (2) the students continue the story of

their own.

In this stage, it was easy to monitor each of the students in a

large class and to make sure that all students do the activities and

tasks well. The interface OneNote page helped the teacher do this


c. Post-Writing Stage

This stage focuses on feedback and correction activities.

This involves peer revising, editing, final draft, and publishing. The

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activity can be done by (1) underlining the cohesive elements of

students‘ story and check with classmates and (2) identify which

story in each group has the best flow and explain why.

By joining group session on teacher‘s OneNote, the students

could share their writing to other peer group. The students could also

check their writing by using grammar checker and thesaurus

facilities in OneNote.

a) In revising stage, students could go back and reread their earlier

drafts in timed writing. The teacher could show students‘

writing to the whole class so that they could learn from friends‘

mistakes; and give feedback and correct to each of the students‘


b) In editing stage, the teacher did not need to walk around the class

to check the students‘ final writings. He could examine them by

clicking the students‘ pages. Whole class editing could also be

done by seeing them projected onto the screen of LCD.

c) In publishing stage, the students could share story with the whole

class, created a class book, and personal portfolio in OneNote.

Owston et al. (1992: 249-276) examined the influence of word

processing on the writing quality and revision strategies of eighth-grade

students who were experienced computer users. Analysis of the screen

recording data revealed that students were more apt to make

microstructural rather than macrostructural changes to their work and

that they continuously revised at all stages of their writing (although

most revision took place at the initial drafting stage).

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4. Other Findings

a. The students‟ independency

Based on the observation result, the students look so busy

with their task, so that they have no time to chat. OneNote helps

them as autonomous learners. Some students said that they felt

comfortable to sit behind the computers as their ‗private‘ area in

which the teacher did not monitor them directly. They could also

help themselves when got problems with cohesive devices by using

Review Ribbon.

Seileek (2006) found that the word processor has an effect

on the process of teaching and learning the skill of writing. EFL

learners have a facility that provides a chance for self-learning,

which helps them to be more independent on teachers. They are also

able to discover and correct their errors because the word processor

enhances language learning, makes writing more organized, and aids

in the mechanics of language. The students can not only use the

word processor in the classroom under the control of the teacher, but

also they are able to utilize it anywhere or anytime outside the


b. The students productivity

The use of OneNote enhances also the students‘

productivity and creativity. The students produce written work that

is greater length than before the research. Table 4.16 shows the

enhancement of the word used.

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Table 4.16. Summary of the Mean of the Words Used

Pre Research Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Mean of the

Words Used 132.38 174.22 205.44

The descriptive statistics as can be seen from Table 4.16

shows that the students produce more words and of course, more

length of text in the end of the research than in the pre test. The

results are in agreement with Purcell et al.‘s (2013) survey found

that these 2,462 teachers see the internet and digital technologies

generally facilitating teens‘ personal expression and creativity,

broadening the audience for their written material, and encouraging

teens to write more often in more formats than may have been the

case in prior generations. Goldberg (2003) also agreed that

computers helped students produce written work that is of greater

length and higher quality.

c. The effectiveness of teacher‟s feedbacks

It was difficult for the students to understand the teacher‘s

written feedback on their worksheets. The teacher usually gave

written feedback by giving red marks or code on the students‘

worksheets without any explanation. The teacher‘s handwritten

feedbacks might be the next difficulty to understand.

This finding is in agreement with Rahimpour and Jahan

(2011: 120-127) stating that additional effort is required of teachers

in the aspects of materials, class control and effective feedback so

that learners would have adequate information on their progress; and

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there should be effective use of student/student feedback as well as

genuine interest in the students‘ development.

The use of OneNote made the feedbacks more personalised

to the students, because the teacher delivered them to the students‘

private OneNote page. OneNote flexible interface made the teacher

easy to deliver his feedbacks and corrections on each student‘s

pages. The teacher could give more sufficient feedbacks so that the

students could easily understand them.

As an interface program, OneNote enhanced the

effectiveness and efficiency of teacher‘s feedbacks and corrections.

Purcell et al.‘s (2013) survey shows that digital technology gives

constructive feedback on other students' work. The teacher could

deliver his feedbacks and corrections as soon as needed by the

certain students without waiting the writing process ended. Timely

given feedback is more effective means that in general, the greater

the delay between assignment and feedback, the less improvement


In reference to feedback, Kurt & Atay‘s (2007) study found

that the peer feedback group of prospective teachers experienced

significantly less writing anxiety than the teacher feedback group as

they received opinions from their classmates to elaborate on, and this

collaboration helped them look at their essays differently and lessen

their writing anxiety.

Tangkiengsirisin (2010: 402) investigated that feedback

should be personalised to bring positive results as more precise

cohesive elements were used in the students' revised drafts and later

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essays. Written feedback should be delivered and customised to

satisfy each individual student's linguistic needs. Meaningful

feedback that focused primarily on the use of cohesion did increase

the students' attention to the linguistic elements that could facilitate

the flow of ideas in a text.

d. The effectiveness of time

Before having the research, the use of whiteboard was of

course; time consuming, because the teacher needed more time to

give explanation and example by using an ineffective media. After

using OneNote, the students had more time to practice in using

cohesive devices, because they had their ‗private‘ area with the

computers before them, so they became more autonomous. The

teacher could also give more practice and effective explanation, so

the students had more time to practice cohesive device uses.

By using OneNote in teaching process, it is found that the

researcher could give adequate portion for teaching cohesive devices

without relinquishing the other sub skills. The reasons are as

follows: (1) Review Ribbon is helpful media in providing cohesive

device resource material; (2) by attaching the teaching outline on

OneNote page, the teacher can follow stages and steps of teaching

cohesive devices consistently; and (3) teacher can teach writing by

giving listening activities through watching movie and extensive

reading activities as pre writing.

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e. The effectiveness of teaching medium

OneNote helps teacher as flexible whiteboard. OneNote can

work as interactive and flexible whiteboard with which teacher gives

presentations, examples of cohesive device uses, and exercises. It is

easy for teacher to examine students‘ tasks, to give effective

feedback, or to evaluate students cohesive device uses. OneNote

makes students easy to edit, revise, and publish their works. Purcell

et al.‘s (2013) survey states that 50% say today‘s digital technologies

make it easier for them to shape or improve student writing.

Students‘ works can also be saved and stored automatically as

portfolios. In this case, Rahimpour and Jahan (2011: 120-127) found

that there should be effective use of student/student feedback,

teacher/student conferencing, and use of portfolio as well as genuine

interest in the students‘ development.

The elaboration above corresponds to Qi Li and Shepherd

(2005: i)‘s survey of students and faculty at Athens Academy show

interest in using OneNote. They reported that OneNote could

increase the effectiveness of taking, editing, distributing, and

organizing electronic school notes. OneNote can also alleviate the

burden of taking classroom notes in multiple mediums (e.g., separate

course notebooks, electronic notes written in Microsoft Word, mind

maps, etc.) by organizing all notes within an electronic notebook of

unlimited size. In this case, Turner (2011: 51) agreed that learners

seemed to value OneNote for three reasons: ease and flexibility of

use, storage, and access of information, and peer collaboration.