Diary Entry From David




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Diary entry from David

Our house maid Marie fell very ill today, I asked her how long she had been feeling this way and the answer was different to what I expected. She replied “for a little while.” Why didn’t she just go home? Dad said that he would call my uncle Frank, he’s a doctor and could probably fix Marie. While they were on the phone dad said that Marie didn’t want to see frank, because she didn’t trust him, I heard laughing from dad and he thanked and said goodbye to his brother. Maybe Marie’s boyfriend Ronnie will come and look after her. Ronnie is so cool I want to be like him when I grow up, he’s so good at sports but he didn’t get into college. He must’ve gotten an injury so the collegiate teams didn’t want him. That’s really sad that Ronnie didn’t get in, he could’ve been really good. I hope Marie gets better soon, but I trust my uncle frank, he has done so well at so much that he will be able to help Marie without any troubles. Ok I am going to bed now.

