Definitions of Quality 1. Characteristic elements; 2. Basic nature, kind; 3. The degree of...


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Definitions of Quality

1. Characteristic elements; 2. Basic nature, kind; 3. The degree of excellence. Goal Of A Quality Written Map

Map readers do not need map writer or writers present to correctly interpret map


Collecting Ongoing Data … The Beginning

Teachers in each building begin to input practice-writing map months/units (Projected Map/Diary Map) based on a pre-determined content area/discipline* via selected mapping system.

*Quality Map Writing Practice Projected/Diary Map

One discipline (Elementary), One period (Middle or High

School), One grade level (Specialist),

One or two fully-included students or One pull-out

group (SpEd)

Choose one key content

discipline for initial K-12 focus to maximize

districtwide articulation.

Unit Broad Term or Phrase

Think … Title on a Binder



Kits) They are RESOURCES. Curriculum must be designed based on analyzed state

and/or other standards.

Unit is general. Content is specific. September

Unit names not only serve as “binders on shelves,” they serve as database organizers. It is therefore recommended that before designing Consensus Maps/Essential Maps unit name signifiers are developed (usually by a K-12 task force) to aid in the vertical articulation of the planned-learning housed in your selected mapping system.

– Discipline-specific standards’ strand names may work as unit name signifiers:


Or a conceptual term/phrase befitting the enduring understanding contained within a unit and unit series:



Concept = What Students Must KNOW

Sentence statement that embraces understanding and transferability.

Grade 7 Social Studies History Unit• In order to promote the general welfare,

the government has attempted to balance the need to let the market operate freely with the need to regulate in order to safeguard public interests. (UbD Jay McTighe)

Grade 1 Math• Patterns are repeating sequences that can be

created or happen naturally in our world.

Content = What Students Must KNOW

Noun/Noun Phrase: Descriptor

Think … Table of “Content”

3-D Shapes (needs a descriptor) 3-D Shapes: Sphere, Cone, Cylinder

PoetryPoetry Comparisons: Haiku, Diamante

Haiku: Syllabication Write each word starting with a capital letter as

if writing a proper title.

Content Noun/Noun Phrase: Descriptor

3-D Shapes: Sphere, Cone, Cylinder

Poetry Comparisons: Haiku, Diamante

Fundamental Techniques: Passing, Catching

Graphs: Double-Bar Vertical/Horizontal, Up to 6 Variables

Time: 5 Minute Increments Whenever possible (in any element), use numeral instead of number word for 0-9. It is easier on the eye/mind to locate information quickly.

Content Skills AssessmentNUMBER SENSE VA. Number Recognition: 0-100Resources--Chapter 4, pp.65-78--Dry Erase Number Line Strips--Teacher-Created Worksheets

B. Place Value: 0-100Resources--Base 10 Blocks

A1. Count orally and in writing up to 10-number sequence forward and backward from any given numberA2. Skip count in writing by 2s, 5s, 10s starting with any given number

B1. Exchange manipulatively 1 set of 10 1s for 10 1sB2. Identify in writing value of any digit in given numeral

A1-A2. 25 Item TestA1. Oral Performance Task (Evaluation: Teacher Ob/ Checklist)

B1. FOR Individual Performance Task (Evaluation: Teacher Ob/ Checklist)

Intra-alignment Coding Using Letters/Numbers

Skills = What Students must DO in relationship to the


There are technically three parts to a quality written skill statement:

• Measurable Verb• Target (regarding how learning is

measured) • Descriptor (provides clarity/detail

regarding the KNOWing)

Do not begin with: The student will…

1. Measurable Verb

Not Measurable Verbs = Demonstrate, Understand, Know, Show, UseUse standard-grade beakers to measure solutions

☺Measure solutions using standard-grade beakers

Also, no Practice… Review… since these verbs indicate activities.

If using Apply… Apply to what?

Apply mean, median, mode, range, quartiles to summarize data sets

If state standard verbs are not measurable, or struggling with verb selection, Bloom’s Verbs may prove helpful, but should not become a crutch. Bloom’s Verbs were intentionally developed for lesson planning (activities—assessments).

2. Target The measurement mode(s) … In other words,

“how” learning is assessed. in writing, orally, visually, aurally,

kinesthetically, manipulatively, manually, electronically, digitally

• Identify visually and orally location of state capitals on political map

• Distinguish in writing 3 differences between…

• Diagnose aurally flat lifter, loose timing chain, loose rod

• Tell in writing time using analog/digital faces

Some choose to begin writing map units without targets and add them in later during intermediate/ advanced mapping. This protocol should to be explored during your CM prologue.

2. Target

Important Note: Sometimes a measure verb does not need a target.

Obvious: Recite… Write… Memorize… (Memorize needs to be “married” to another skill[s])

Mathematics: Solve … Find… Calculate… and other math-specific actions/abilities are considered to be in writing unless otherwise noted

P.E.: Throw… Run… Execute… Lift… and other movement actions/abilities are considered to be kinesthetically unless otherwise noted

Universal Verbs: Such as Identify… Compare and contrast… do need a target or targets

ClassifyCompareCommunicateContrastConvertCorrelateCriticize CritiqueDefineDescribeDetermine



*This is a sample list and is therefore not comprehensive.

3. Descriptors add clarity/details to the aligned content listing, not duplicate it.

Not Yet QualityContent Addition: 2-Digit With RegroupingSkillsAdd addition problems

QualityContentAddition: 2-Digit With RegroupingSkillsSolve horizontal and vertical problemsSolve 2-step word problems

A skill statement starts with a capital letter, but needs no period at the end of the statement

3. Descriptors add clarity/details to the aligned content listing, not duplicate it.

Helpful Quality Map Writing Hint

When the content’s descriptor and aligned skill statements’ descriptors are written with clarity/detail a map reader can design an assessment that truly measures the intended learning without guidance from the map writer regarding the assessment.

Noun/Noun Phrase: Descriptor for content listing

Measurable verb—target—descriptor for each skill statement

Noun/Noun Phrase: Descriptor for content listing

Measurable verb—target—descriptor for each skill statement

A skill is what students must be able to do.

An activity provides practice concerning a particular skill’s

development or reinforcement.

A bit of “fine tuning” is oftentimes needed. Teachers may have difficulty (at first)

differentiating between SKILL and ACTIVITY.

No: Review times tables No: Practice editing marks

No: Walk around room and interview…

Assessment = Product or Performance An Assessment title is recorded as a

Defined Noun Think … Naming the Assessment

There is no way, nor would it be appropriate map-wise, to record ALL of the students’ assessments in a curriculum map.

• Summative = The sum of the learning; verification of the learning up to that point “Formal” Assessment (officially graded and affects report card)

Assessment OF Learning

Assessment = Product or Performance

There is no way, nor would it be appropriate map-wise, to record ALL of the students’ assessments in a curriculum map.

• Formative = An informal check of learning to inform student and teacher; students’ interaction/ motivation are critical for progress in learning

“Informal” Assessment (not officially graded)

Assessment FOR Learning

Assessment = Product or Performance There is no way, nor would it be appropriate

map-wise, to record ALL of the students’ assessments in a curriculum map.

• Practice Exercises = Everyday, informal “checkpoints” to inform teacher (and students) if students are beginning to comprehend current learning (stand alone learning or relational to other current or prior learning)

Very Informal Assessment (not graded) Spur of the moment (or planned) activities

and exercises (e.g., discussions, games)

Think of the three assessment levels in a unit of study as providing evidence of three stages of measuring student learning.

Fundamental Drill and Practice = Everyday informal assessments (if including at all, record in Activities field) Heavy Teacher Support

Scrimmages = Formative Assessments (if including, recorded in Assessment field) Medium Teacher Support

Big Games = Summative Assessments (recorded in Assessment field) No Teacher Support

Assessments and Evaluations One must be aware of the difference between an assessment (product or performance) and an evaluation (a judgment and the given value for the product or performance).

25 MC Test Vs TestDoes not need evaluation/process included in map

Self-Selected Topic 5 Paragraph Essay Vs EssayDoes need a descriptive evaluation/process attached to map (eventually).

If map readers cannot determine how students will be/were evaluated, or a teacher is not yet able or ready to technologically attach information,

the map writer includes a simple informative statement in parentheses (Evaluation: ___________) directly

after the assessment name.

Penny Hardness Lab (Evaluation: Teacher Ob/Journal Entry/Checklist)

Self-Selected Topic Dissuasive Essay (Evaluation: Peer Discussion/6-Traits Rubric)

FOR 25 Item (MC/FinB/Short Answer) Quiz (Evaluation: Self-Critique/Teacher Feedback)

FOR = Indicates Formative rather than Summative, which does not need a symbolic representation


Intra-alignment coding using letters/numbers continues and represents the connections between

content/skill statements and aligned assessments.

A1-D1. 50 Item (MC/FinB/Short Answer) Unit Test

A1-A2. FOR Owls Article Roman Numeral Outline (Evaluation: Teacher Ob/Student Feedback)

A1. 10 Statement Matching Quiz

B1. FOR 10 Item Cloze Exercise

B3. Endangered Species Research Project (Evaluation: Teacher- Student Ob/Checklist/Rubric)

C1, D1. Species Awareness Podcast (Evaluation: Public Listeners Ob/Listeners’ Survey Feedback)

Intra-alignment coding using letters/numbers continues and represents the connections between

content/skill statements and aligned assessments.

A1-D1. 50 Item (MC/FinB/Short Answer) Unit Test

A1-A2. FOR Owls Article Roman Numeral Outline (Evaluation: Teacher Ob/Student Feedback)

A1. 10 Statement Matching Quiz

B1. FOR 10 Item Cloze Exercise

B3. Endangered Species Research Project (Evaluation: Teacher- Student Ob/Checklist/Rubric)

C1, D1. Species Awareness Podcast (Evaluation: Public Listeners Ob/Listeners’ Survey Feedback)

A comprehensive assessment measuring multiple skills is listed first in the Assessment field regardless of when assessment is actually given.

A comprehensive assessment measuring multiple skills is listed first in the Assessment field regardless of when assessment is actually given.

High above the hushed crowd, Rex tried to remain focused. Still, he couldn’t shake one nagging thought:

He was an old dog and this was a new trick.
