Dear Parents/Carers, · Read all letters/messages/updates sent from the school ... advice in place...


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Dear Parents/Carers,

I would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding at this time. Reopening school in

September safely and in line with guidance set out by the Department for Education has required thorough

planning and risk assessment.

To ensure that we reopen safely and to comply with guidance set out by the government, we have had to

make changes to the way that the school operates. All measures that we have put into place are for the

health, safety and wellbeing of all members of our school community, including our families. We have

produced an Information Booklet for Parents and Carers that sets out the new operations for the school day.

The documents are designed to give families all the information that is needed in preparation for September

and also to ensure new routines and systems are understood and followed correctly. These documents are

lengthy so please do take time to read them fully. An additional, updated Home School Agreement will be

sent to families for you to confirm you have received and understood the information.

Key Information

Below is some key information for September. Please also read the Parents / Carers Information

Booklet for more information and details.

Dates for Pupil Return

Year Group Start Date Entry Gate Gate Opening

Year 6

Year 4

Year 2

Monday 7th September Spurling Road 8.40am – 8.55am

Year 5

Year 3

Year 1

Tuesday 8th September Spurling Road 8.40am – 8.55am

Reception Individual dates given in


Shortcroft Road 9.00am – 9.10am

Nursery Individual dates given in


Shortcroft Road 9.00am – 9.10am

Morning Arrival - Years 1-6

There will be a ‘soft’ opening from 8.40am to 8.55am. All families should enter through the Spurling Road

gate and follow the one way system that will be in place. Pupils will then be dropped at their allocated Year

Group point. After dropping, parents/carers should continue along the one way system in the playground

leaving the premises via the Shortcroft Road gate. There will be no entry to the site through the Shortcroft

Road gate.

The gate will be open at 8.40am and will close at 8.55am.

Staff will be on hand to assist and guide parents/carers when needed.

Morning Arrival - Nursery and Reception

Nursery and Reception pupils will enter the site via the double gates in Shortcroft Road and follow the one

way system to the EYFS garden. After drop off, parents will continue around the one way system back out

through the Shortcroft Road gate.

The gate will be open at 9.00am and will close at 9.10am.

Staff will be on hand to assist and guide parents/carers when needed.

End of Day Collection - Years 1-6

There will be a ‘soft’ closing system from 3.15pm. All parents/carers should enter through the Spurling

Road gate and follow the one way system that will be in place. Pupils will then be collected at their

allocated Year Group point. After collection, parents/carers should continue along of the one way system

leaving the premises via the Shortcroft Road gate. Parents/carers should collect children promptly and then

leave the premises to avoid large gatherings.

The gate will be open at 3.15pm.

Staff will be on hand to assist and guide parents/carers when needed.

End of Day Collection - Nursery and Reception

Nursery and Reception parents/carers will enter the Site via the double gates in Shortcroft Road and follow

the one way system to the EYFS garden. After collection, parents will continue around the one way system

back out through the Shortcroft Road gate.

The gate will be open at 3.15pm.

Staff will be on hand to assist and guide parents/carers when needed.

Items from Home

Pupils will need to bring to school daily:

Water bottle with a sports lid

Lunch box if having a packed lunch from home

Reading Book – in a plastic wallet provided by the school

Children will not be permitted to bring in other items from home.


All pupils have the option of bringing in a packed lunch from home or purchasing a school lunch. Our

school catering provider, CaterLink, will provide a cold, packed lunch option for the Autumn Term. This

service will be reviewed throughout the Autumn Term based upon Public Health and Health and Safety ad-

vice with the intention of moving to hot school dinners.

Children in Years 3-6 will need to pay for school lunches via ParentPay. All lunches will be eaten in class-

rooms or outside. The Dining Hall will not be used for pupils.

Our intention with all our new systems is to make school as safe and secure as we can for everybody. Your

patience and support of these processes will allow school to function effectively. We understand that new

routines and processes take some time to adapt to. Our staff will be on hand to guide and assist you when


Many thanks for your continued support.

Mrs L Pearce


Parsloes Primary School Additional Home School Agreement 2020

The school will:

Ensure the school has been risk assessed in response to COVID 19 adopting control measures as outlined by the DfE and Local Authority

Follow social distancing guidance as set out by the Government where possible Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that supports pupil wellbeing and academic

needs Contact parents if your child displays symptoms of COVID 19 Follow all Government and Local Authority guidance if a member of the school

community tests positive for COVID 19 Update families through notices, newsletters, text, email and the school website

Signed on behalf of Parsloes Primary School staff

Parents/carers will: Keep children home from school, inform 111, follow guidance and inform the school if

anyone within the household develops any of the key symptoms of COVID 19 Ensure that if children display symptoms of COVID 19 at school, they are collected

immediately and follow all guidance given by 111 Remind children of social distancing rules Adhere to social distancing rules on the way to and from school and on the school

premises Ensure pupils arrive at school on time and are collected from school on time

Leave the premises as swiftly as possible to avoid social gathering Remove and dispose/take home all face masks worn on the way to school before

entering the premises Understand that if I wish my child to wear a face mask at school, they must be able to

use these independently as staff cannot assist them with this Understand that the office will be closed to parents/carers during this time and all

communication will be via phone or email Read all letters/messages/updates sent from the school

Inform the school of any changes of information (contact numbers, medication, etc) as soon as possible

Understand that if my child breaks health and safety and puts others at risk, they will be sent home

By sending my child to school, I confirm and agree to the above

Pupils will: Follow all class and school rules to keep myself and others safe

Adhere to social distancing rules where possible Wash my hands thoroughly and regularly throughout the day Tell an adult if I feel unwell Only bring into school my water bottle, lunch box if needed and my reading book Not bring in any additional items from home Only use equipment provided

Enter and exit the school at the correct gate and follow the one-way system Follow the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ routine for coughing and sneezing

By coming to school, I confirm I will follow the above


for Parents and Carers

Welcoming our families back to school!

Plans for the wider reopening of school 2020

At Parsloes we are RESPECTFUL, UNDERSTANDING and with a

POSITIVE attitude towards life, we ASPIRE to achieve well here and beyond

2020 has been the most unique of years.

Due to COVID 19, schools across the country closed to the majority of pupils on Monday 23rd March 2020. From this date, Parsloes has remained open for our families that have needed us. From Monday 8th June 2020, as instructed by the Government, school reopened to pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. These unprecedented times have raised many challenges and everyone in our school community has united to overcome these challenges. As the Headteacher, I am extremely proud of our school community. Our parents/carers have supported the school wonderfully. Our pupils have engaged with home learning, Twitter challenges and phone calls with their teachers. Our staff, in all roles across the school, have ensured that school remains a low risk environment, supported families when needed and continued to ensure that our pupils had access to education. As September approaches, it is finally time to welcome everybody back to school! From September 2020, in line with Government guidance, Parsloes will be reopening for ALL pupils in ALL year groups. This Information Booklet for parents and carers will outline the measures that we have put into place to ensure the safest reopening of our school. We have dedicated time before and after the summer holidays for further planning and preparation. During this time, our Risk Assessment, that has been in place since March 2020, will be reviewed and updated in line with guidance issued from the Department of Education and the Local Authority.

Current Guidance

The DfE guidance outlines an aspiration that all schools will return to school full time from the beginning of the Autumn Term. However, currently there is still public health advice in place to minimise the risk of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools. Parsloes will be making changes to the way it operates in September 2020 to keep children and staff as safe as possible. These changes are outlined in the sections below.

In summary, the DfE guidance plans some key ways to limit transmission of the virus:

Ensuring pupils remain in consistent groups (known as 'bubbles') wherever possible, thereby minimising the number of contacts between different people across the school. The new guidance says ‘schools may (now) need to change the emphasis on bubbles within their system of controls and increase the size of these groups’

By maintaining distance between individuals wherever possible - 'social distancing'. (It is acknowledged that this is harder for children in EYFS (Nursery and Reception) and there are different arrangements and guidance for children of this age).

By promoting personal health and hygiene routines such as ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill’ and regular and thorough hand washing

Health and Hygiene

Preventive Hygiene

Our Risk Assessment, that has been in place since March 2020, outlined good practice in this area. Staff are familiar with the requirements for preventative hygiene and carry this out with the children they currently work with. Children will be required to:

Clean hands thoroughly and more often than usual. We will spend time in the first weeks back ensuring that children understand the importance of cleaning their hands regularly, including when they arrive at school, when they return from breaks, before and after eating, as well as before they go home.

Undertake the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ approach.

We will continue to have sanitiser by every door and in all classrooms across the school. Tissues and additional bins are available in each class to support children and staff to follow the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ approach’.


Both staff and children will be allowed to wear PPE (face masks and gloves) if they wish to. Staff and children must discard PPE worn on their journey to school before entering the school premises. On entry to the school, PPE must be replaced with new PPE before entering the building. Staff cannot help very young children with masks or gloves and if children cannot manage these independently we would suggest that parents do not send children in with them. The school will not be able to provide PPE for children. Staff will wear face shields at the start and end of the day in the playground. Face shields will be clear and transparent so that faces can still be seen.

Enhanced Cleaning

Since June 2020, all schools have been subject to enhanced cleaning and have also been repeatedly deep cleaned. We have increased our cleaning rotas to ensure that much more cleaning goes on during the school day, particularly for toilets and other highly used areas. The cleaners are also paying particular attention to those surfaces that are frequently touched like door handles. School staff not normally involved in these duties like teachers and support staff have also been helpful in keeping their own classrooms clean and extra materials have been provided for this purpose. We anticipate these arrangements will stay in place until further notice.

Good Ventilation

Windows and doors will be left open in most cases even as the weather gets colder. Where possible teachers may take the opportunity to move some subject teaching or groups outside to their allocated outdoor space.

School Organisation Attendance Children in Years 1-6 will be welcomed back to school from Monday 7th September 2020. Information regarding Nursery and Reception will be given during the first Stay and Play session. The Government have made it clear that attendance is compulsory. We appreciate for some of our families this return will still come with worry and concern and we will try to support you where we possibly can. However, the Government does explain the following for schools to share with parents/carers:

parents’ duty to secure that their child attends regularly at school where the child is a registered pupil at school and they are of compulsory school age;

schools’ responsibilities to record attendance and follow up absence;

the availability to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices in line with local authorities’ codes of conduct.

Please help us by preparing your children in good time for their first day back.

It is imperative that children arrive at school on time.

School Uniform School uniform should be worn as normal. Please see our school website for our uniform policy. We ask that parents continue to wash uniform more regularly than normal in order to attain the highest levels of hygiene within the school. On PE days, pupils will be able to wear their PE Kit to school to avoid changing and additional items being brought in from home. The PE Kit will consist of red shorts, plain white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms, black jumper/zip, black trainers. Start and End of the Day The school have looked at a series of options to how we can reduce the amount of people entering the site at one time, therefore from September we shall be operating a ‘soft’ opening and collection along with a one-way system. The gate will open at 8.40am and close at 9.00am. All pupils from Years 1-6 will enter the site through the gate in Spurling Road and follow the one-way system around the school. Each year group will have a designated

drop off point. As pupils are dropped, parents/carers will continue to move through the school playground and exit the site through the Shortcroft Road gate. All pupils in Nursery or Reception will enter the site through the gate in Shortcroft Road at 9.00am. Children will then be dropped off at the nursery gate, where the EYFS staff will be waiting.

At the end of the day, the same approach will be taken, with parents/carers collecting children from the designated year group points from 3.15pm. Teachers will begin to get ready for the end of the day in good time to avoid children massing in corridors or shared spaces. At dismissal points staff will be advised to wear face shields in order to protect them as much as possible, they are clear in colour so faces can still be fully seen. Staff will be stationed around the school to assist where needed. In a change to our established practice, we do ask that parents do not speak at length to teachers at the start and end of the day and that if parents need to talk to the teacher to contact the school office via email or telephone. Children and parents should leave the school premises promptly and without congregating with others. It is of great importance that all pupils arrive and are collected on time. This will ensure that our Risk Assessment is adhered to and reduce risk to the school.

Travel to and from school

In accordance with our current risk assessment and DFE advice, we encourage par-ents, staff and pupils to walk, use a scooter or cycle to school if at all possible. Children should avoid travel to or from school with other children or with another family outside of their ‘‘bubble’’. Face coverings are required at all times on public transport (including for children over the age of 11). If pupils arrive on scooters/bikes, they can be stored in the Bike Shed or taken home by parents.


Since March 2020, our pupils attending school have been taught in ‘bubbles’. These ‘bubbles’ are groups of children that remain together. ‘Bubbles’ do not mix with each other. DfE guidance states that these ‘bubbles’ can now be widened to much larger groups. At Parsloes, we will have year group ‘bubbles’. For the majority of their time in school, the children will be with their own teacher, in their own classroom. However, at playtimes and lunchtimes, children from the year group will be together. Each year group has an allocated outdoor space that will be used by that year group only. For the majority of the time a consistent group of adults will support each ‘bubble’. Adults will endeavour to maintain a 2 metre distance from each other, and from the children as the adults are statistically at a higher risk. PPA (teacher release time) will continue to be covered by specialist teachers who will also adhere to these guidelines to minimise risk.

Each year group has an allocated additional work space for small group work. This space will be used by that year group only. Breakfast and After School Clubs

First Class Kids Club will move to booked places only in Autumn Term to avoid children coming and going and to ensure consistent staffing. Wherever possible Kelly and her team will try to keep children within their year group ‘bubble’. However, this cannot be guaranteed and children are likely to mix with a limited number of children outside their ‘bubble’ in the Breakfast Club and parents should be aware that this will heighten their risk. The Senior Leadership Team made the decision that this was justifiable given that the alternative is no provision at all for working parents. Kelly and her team will explain new arrangements (e.g. if certain year groups will be in different locations) for arrivals and collection in due course. There will be no outside providers for activity clubs during the Autumn Term. School Office

The school office will remain closed to visitors at this time. All communication should be done by telephone or e-mail.

If there is an emergency, meaning that their child needs to be collected at a different time, parents/carers should telephone the school office first. Office staff will then arrange to meet parents with their child at the gates.

Parents should do all they can to ensure that children have all that they need for the day at the start of the day. It may not be possible to deliver forgotten items to pupils once they are in their ‘bubble’’.

Items from Home

Due to the risk of ‘bubbles’ coming into contact with each other’s belongings, the only items that children will need to bring to school each day are their coats, lunch boxes, water bottles and their plastic wallet for Reading books (these will be provided by the school). The children will hang their coats on the back of chairs and lunchboxes will be assigned spaces within the rooms for them to access in an ordered fashion. Water bottles will be kept on individual desks where possible.

School lunches

All pupils have the option of bringing in a packed lunch from home or purchasing a school lunch. All lunches will be eaten in classrooms or outside to ensure ‘bubbles’ remain separate from each other. Children will have the opportunity to wash their hands thoroughly before lunch

Our school catering provider, CaterLink, will provide a cold, packed lunch option that will be delivered to classrooms or an agreed collection point. This will enable school to keep their existing bubbles. This service will be reviewed throughout the Autumn Term based upon Public Health and Health and Safety advice with the intention of moving to hot school dinners. All Infant children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to a universal free school meal. Year 3 parents should be aware that universal free school meals do not apply in Key Stage 2 (Juniors) and that payment may be required. If parents are unsure about whether they need to pay or not they should contact the school office. Availability of water on site All pupils should have their own school water bottle that is untouched by other children or staff. Water is available in school to refill children’s own water bottles. Please ensure that your child has a water bottle daily. No water fountains are currently available at school. Toilets Toilets will be cleaned regularly throughout the day, for both staff and children. Toilets will be assigned to ‘bubbles’ where possible and toilet breaks will be allocated to avoid large numbers of people gathering. Parent Meetings During the Autumn Term, our school Parent Meetings will be replaced by videos or presentations that will be sent to parents via ParentMail or accessed through our school website. We will use Google forms where possible to gather parent feedback. Behaviour An addendum to our behaviour policy was formulated in June 2020 and remains in place. Please see our school website to view the full policy. In addition, and in order to keep everyone ‘safe, healthy and happy’, children must be aware of the new requirements in the addendum upon arrival at school. Namely that they must:

Follow social distancing rules in the classroom and around the school

Follow the one way system around the school site and enter through your

year group gate

Not climb on or hold onto the new red barriers

Stay with your parent at all times until you are inside the school building

Not bring anything from home except a coat (if needed), a packed lunch (if

needed), a water bottle and their reading wallet

Not ride a bike or scooter in the school grounds. Leave at the bike shed upon

arrival at school

Wash or sanitise hands on entry to school building

Not share any food or drink

Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds using soap and water

Never spit

Never lick objects or others

Classroom Set Up

As directed by the Government, pupils in Years 2-6 will be seated for the Autumn Term side-by-side in rows or in a double horseshoe. Children will enter and leave the classroom in an orderly fashion to assist with social distancing measures. Children in EYFS and Year 1 will be following a free flow, play-based curriculum. To reduce contact, there will be a limited number of children sat on the floor on marked spaces and others seated in chairs. All pupils will face the front. It is not required to enforce social distancing measures with children in EYFS. We will be grouping the children to assist with the track and trace measures when the children are engaging with their learning. This does mean that children will come into contact with all the children in their class and they are likely to come into contact with all the children in the year group. Staff will endeavour to maintain a 2 metre distance from each other, and from the children as the adults are statistically at higher risk. All classrooms will be well ventilated as mention above. Learning Resources

For individual and very frequently used equipment, such as pencils and pens, staff and children will have their own items that are not shared. Classroom based resources, such as books and games, can be used within the class/year group bubble. These will be cleaned regularly, along with all frequently touched surfaces. KS1 and KS2 (Years 1 – 6) resources that have been commonly shared between classes prior to COVID-19, such as sports, art and science equipment will be allocated to year groups and shared on rotation within the year groups given the appropriate time to be left before re-use. Equipment will continue to be cleaned frequently and meticulously. Assemblies There will be no traditional whole school or key stage assemblies during the Autumn Term and these will be replaced by ‘Virtual’ assemblies which will be watched by children in multiple classrooms on SMART boards.

Curriculum Information It is important to remember that children have not been in a full time education setting for many months. This will undoubtedly have an impact on their behaviour for learning. On our return to school, our initial work with our children will be around re-establishing relationships and routines. Lockdown has been a unique experience for us all and we are very aware that our children will be returning to school with very different experiences linked to this time. We are aware that some of our pupils would have experienced bereavements amongst friends or family and also those who have experienced stress and anxiety during this time. There will also be some anxiety and concern about returning to school life. As a school, we will continue to support our pupils and families in the best way possible using our Parent Support Worker, SENDCo and Safeguarding Lead as well as signposting to other agencies and organisations who can offer support. Curriculum We will continue to deliver our normal broad and balanced curriculum in all subjects during the Autumn Term, but there will be flexibility within the curriculum to ensure that key skills in Reading, Writing and Maths can be secured. Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) release time This is time teachers are given in order to carry out their roles each week. The Government’s advice makes it clear that adult staff members can now work across groups of pupils as they are able to regulate their behaviour and maintain an appropriate, safe distance from pupils. PPA and class cover arrangements which may bring additional adults into contact with groups of pupils will continue. In these cases, staff will maintain an appropriate distance from the children for their own and the children's safety. Assessment In September, teachers across the school will be assessing children to see what has to be learned rather than sticking to our usually long term plans. Where there are gaps in their knowledge, these will be addressed. Teachers will establish starting points for their pupils and plan and teach accordingly. Specific plans are already in place for Reading, Writing and Maths to ensure key skills are revisited and built upon. Computing Due to the risks associated with pupils from different year groups sharing equipment, all technology (Ipads, Chromebooks, ICT Suite) will be split between year groups and will not be shared. These will all be cleaned thoroughly between uses. Library The school library will be closed at the present time. PE PE will be taught on one day of the week. To avoid the need for changing and bringing in additional items from home, children can wear their PE kits (red shorts, white t-

shirt, black jogging bottoms, black jumper/zippy, trainers) to school on their allocated PE day. We will continue to use our school sports coach as allowed in the guidance. We will encourage additional outdoor games sessions across the week. All PE and games sessions will be taught with staff socially distanced from pupils. Swimming

Year 4 pupils will not be taking part in swimming lessons during the Autumn Term. School trips

We are not planning any school trips during the Autumn Term. Reading Books Children will be allowed to take reading books home to continue with the Accelerated Reader Programme. We will be providing a plastic zippy wallet for the book to be stored inside. Please keep the book inside the wallet unless it is being read. Books that are returned will be cleaned thoroughly and placed in quarantine for the required amount of time before being used again. Pupils with Additional Needs

We are aware that for some children with additional needs, returning to school after lockdown may cause additional anxiety or stress. Children with additional needs will be supported by our SENDCos to ensure a smooth transition when returning to school. To ensure a shared understanding of pupils' pastoral needs, staff will share information prior to transition and appropriate plans will be put in place where required. In some cases, children with additional needs may require bespoke planning. This will be completed with input from the class teacher, child, parent/carer and the SENDCo. Staff will continue to be responsive to the needs of individual pupils and additional support will be provided where necessary. Small group or 1:1 support may take a different form in the Autumn Term so that adults and children remain safe, for example, sitting side-by-side; wearing face shields; staff and pupils working at a greater distance from each other and working in different parts of the school building. Staff who are in close contact with individual children may wear PPE. Physical contact, such as guiding a child will be kept to a minimum and all staff working with children requiring such support are familiar with the use of preventative hygiene, including regular hand washing. Referrals to external agencies such as Speech and Language, CAMHS and the Educational Psychologists will continue. We will also support families by signposting them to organisations who may be able to provide support during this time, including staff members of our inclusion team such as the Parent Support Worker or SENDCo.

Contingency for Further School Closure As a school, we have learnt a lot from the initial national lockdown and feel that we are now better prepared should a further lockdown be advised. We have surveyed our families to gain greater understanding of the digital capacities of our pupils and listened to feedback from parents / carers on the home learning provided over the last few months. The school is developing further digital learning platforms to assist with home learning and adapting its approach to home learning in the future. This will ensure the best access to education for our pupils should there be further school closures. If the school has a confirmed case of COVID 19, the school will follow all guidance set out by the Government. The school will work with the Local Authority and Public Health England to ensure the correct procedures are carried out effectively and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Returning to Parsloes Primary School in September 2020

What does my child need to bring to school?

A named water bottle with a covered mouth piece A named lunch box if they are not having a school packed lunch Coat Clear reading wallet with reading book and reading record (these will be provided by

the school) No other items will be allowed into school. Book bags are not necessary. How do I enter and exit the school? Pupils from Years 1-6 will enter via the Spurling Road gate between 8.40am and 9.00am, walk around the school site and exit via the Shortcroft Road gate. Nursery and Reception will enter via the Shortcroft Road gate at 9.00am. At the end of the day, all parents will enter via the Spurling Road gate from 3.15pm, walk around the school site and exit via the Shortcroft Road gate. If I live on Shortcroft Road, can I enter via that gate with my child from Year 1-6? No, all parents will be directed to enter the school via the correct gate and follow the one-way system. If you drive to school, please remember to park in a safe place and allow time for parking. Please be considerate of our neighbours when you park. Can my Year 5 or Year 6 child walk to and from school on their own? In September, we would invite parents/carers to accompany their child where possible. If you wish your child to travel to and from school by themselves, please ensure you respond to a ParentMail that will shortly be sent regarding this. Can my Year 5 or Year 6 child bring their mobile phone to school? If your child is walking to school without an adult (see above), you may wish for them to have a mobile phone. If this is the case, you must respond to the ParentMail regarding this. The phone must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class and all phones will be stored securely in the classroom. Can my child bring their scooter or bike? Yes, however adults and children still need to maintain physical distancing when leaving bikes and scooters. The bikes and scooters must be collected by the parent/carer on collection and not ridden around the school site. My husband and I would like to attend on their first day at school, is this possible? No, due to space restrictions and limiting social interaction, only one parent will be able to drop off their child at school. Parents should exit the site as soon as they have dropped their child off.

What happens if my child is distressed and does not want to come into school? Although we will do our best to encourage your child and ensure they are happy, we will follow social distancing guidelines. We ask that you prepare your child for their return over the summer holidays. Will my child have a school dinner? Due to COVID-19, CaterLink will be providing a cold, packed lunch that will be delivered to all classrooms. All children from Reception to Year 2 are entitled to a universal free school meal. For children moving from Years 2 to 3 please be mindful that the free meal is not available to all juniors and may need to be paid for. Can my child have a packed lunch? Yes, your child can bring a packed lunch. This will be stored at their desk. Will the children have PE lessons? Teachers will be promoting physical activity as much as possible throughout the school day, including through the use of the Daily Mile. Physical Education lessons will be delivered by a specialist coach and will take place outdoors where possible. Children will wear their PE kit (white top, red shorts, black jogging bottoms, black jumper and black trainers) on the days they have a PE lesson. Can my child change their reading book? Yes, children will be provided with a clear wallet for their reading book and reading record. All books will be quarantined for the appropriate time period before being passed on to another child. Will my child have access to fruit and water during the day? All children need to bring in a named water bottle every day as sharing of cups is not permitted. These can be refilled during the day as necessary. Children should bring in fruit or a cereal bar for a snack and these can be placed in their lunch box or a plastic container. At this time we are not able to provide fruit for children in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2. Will the children still have milk? Milk is free for children under the age of 5 and will be provided. If you wish to purchase milk for an older child, please contact the school office for further information. Can I send my child into school wearing PPE? Both children and staff are allowed to wear PPE if they wish to. Staff and children must discard PPE worn on their journey before entering the school site and replace it. We will not be able to help very young children with masks or gloves. If your child can not manage these independently, we would suggest that parents send children in without them.

Will staff be wearing PPE? Staff can wear PPE if they choose to. At the beginning and end of the day, staff in the playground will be wearing clear face shields. When a child requires first aid that needs adult intervention or when intimate care is needed, the staff member will wear full PPE. Will hand washing take place? Yes, children will wash their hands thoroughly on entry to the school, before and after breaks/lunch and before leaving. Is the breakfast and afterschool club available to children returning to school? Yes, but places must be booked in advance. What if my child uses medicine to treat an allergy? Medicine must be brought into school on the first day your child returns. Please help us by ensuring the medication is in date and the instructions are clearly labelled on the box. If you have any questions about this, please contact the school office. My child has been diagnosed with a new medical condition over the lockdown period. What should I do? Please contact the school office immediately. If my child requires an Epipen or asthma pump, how will I return it and where will it be stored? Please email the school office for further advice. What if my child requires first aid during their time at school? With guidance from a First Aider, some cuts and scrapes can be cleaned with a wet tissue by the child (depending on age). Where intervention by a First Aider is required, the staff member will wear full PPE. I have forgotten to give my child their glasses, coat or lunchbox. What should I do? Please ensure that your child has all of the items they require for the school day. It may not always be possible for items to be dropped off later in the day. I am late to drop off or collect my child. What should I do? It is crucial that children are on time for school and that they are collected promptly. If you are late you must telephone the school office and they will allocate a time slot to collect / drop off your child at the school gate. This will not be able to happen immediately so if you are late you will need to wait before your child can be taken into school.

If my child has an EHCP, will their provision remain the same? Where a child has an EHCP, reasonable adaptions may be made to the provision outlined in their plans, to ensure the safety of the children and staff. These adaptions will ensure that the key skills and targets can continue to be worked on whilst following health and guidelines. Can I go to the school office? Due to health and safety guidelines, you will need to phone or email the school office. You can only attend in person if you have a pre-arranged appointment. What happens if my child or someone in my family is shielding or self-isolating? The guidance from the Department for Education states: We now know much more about coronavirus (COVID-19) and so in future there will be far fewer children and young people advised to shield whenever community transmission rates are high. Therefore, the majority of pupils will be able to return to school. You should note however that:

a small number of pupils will still be unable to attend in line with public health advice because they are self-isolating and have had symptoms or a positive test result themselves; or because they are a close contact of someone who has coronavirus (COVID-19).

shielding advice for all adults and children will pause on 1 August. This means that even the small number of pupils who remain on the shielded patient list can return to school, as can those who have family members who are shielding.

some pupils no longer required to shield but who remain under the care of a specialist health professional may need to discuss their care with their health professional before returning to school (usually at their next planned clinical appointment).
