Dear Abby Advice Column


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8/8/2019 Dear Abby Advice Column 1/5

Dear Abby Advice Column Chris Waters

Abby On: Medical Care

Dear Abby; my husband is very sick and noting I am doing is seems to help. Should I take him to

the hospital or to the village healer? I¶m so torn because the hospitals seem so unsafe; however 

the village healers are condemned for witch craft.

Dear scared and confused, I love that you asked this, it¶s a very good question and I hope

that my response will help other families who are having similar issues with making this

decision. Doctors are trained professionals, who have studied rigorously to understand how the

 person¶s body works, however many parents do not usually like to go to the local hospital due to

fear of new aliments and the poor sanitation of the places. While a apothecary¶s methods may be

medieval in comparison to them they are time tested. This controversy is more or less a matter 

of what you feel more comfortable doing, the old practices are starting to become condemned by

modern science which is however new and not well tested. In my opinion the Medical

advancements are not quite safe enough yet to be used for the flu or other sickness. Go to the

local healer and ask how they would fix the problem.

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Dear Abby On: Diet

Dear Abby: with all the new food that has arrived from the new world people are eating all sorts

of things now, however the rich are still eating all the meat and it does not seem fair. My family

has little money can you help us with our diet?

Yes the rich do get to eat much venison and pork and other meats but in my opinion too

much of once thing cannot be all that good for you. You say that you are poor and are not able to

afford the food of the wealthy; well I don¶t think that you need it. Most farmers have what I think 

is a better diet than that of the wealthy. There is nothing to back this but most agrarian people are

very strong and hearty. I think it is due to their wide range of vegetable¶s and other things that

they eat. I will tell you a secret, I love potatoes! Yes, take no shame in eating potatoes even

though society has branded them as the food of the devil I find that it can be a filling supplement

to soups and can be eaten many ways and can grow almost any wear. So my answer is that you

should have the most variety in your diet as possible. Stay away from sugar, something that

sweet and good cannot possibly be good.

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Dear Abby On: Schools

Dear Abby; my eldest child is now old enough to go to school or start working, my husband

thinks he should learn a trade but I want him to get an education.

These are progressive times dear, more and more people are starting to become literate in

this new ³Age of Enlightenment´. The nobility and the wealthy middle class are not the only

ones to become educated now. Leaps and bounds are starting to be taken in the form of public

education for children. In the country of Prussia they are trying to compete with other nations so

they have made it that primary school is now compulsory. The newest generation of Prussia is

going to be better educated and will become a new wave of elite children. It is better that the rest

of us do not fall behind, send your child to school. They will have time to work on the farm and

get some trade skills once they learn their basic arithmetic, so tell that husband of yours that your 

children are going to have a better life if they are sent to school for a few harvests not working in

the fields. With there being a wide range of reading materials the newly literate will be able to

learn many new things from what they read, this age of enlightenment nothing more than a

revolution in thinking.

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An Over View of the Enlightenment

The eighteen hundreds are an age of advancement that has not been seen for hundreds of 

years, with the new Baconioan method of thinking. The world mysteries are being deduced from

 propr experience and intuition, which in turn is put into journal¶s and newspapers which the

common person in able to read. With the literacy rates staring to sky rocket people are able to

 become exposed to new ways of thinking. Many people say that the enlightenment was sparked

 by the protestant reform, causing people to question things and creating more individuals in


These newly educated people are starting to create a name for themselves as they go out

and postulate not only changes in ways that things should be perceived but some of the things

have real world repercussions. Using a form a trial and error one man created a vaccine for small

 pox using the cow pox¶s, he did this by taking the ideas from a man named Francis Bacon who

 published several books explain how deductive reasoning works and how to use it to solves

every day occurrences. In Bacons journals he wrote how to take a hypothesis and test it, and

that¶s just what that one man did and he found the cure for small pox.

Child care up till this point had been a cycle of neglect leading to disease or malnutrition

which causes the death of the child, reinforcing the social dogma that one should not become

emotionaly bonded to a child until they had reached a proper age. However the philosopher 

Rousseau, with his new journals discussing the new approach to child rearing being to nurture

them, this created a new wave of support for this method and caused the mortality rate to drop

slightly as parents began to take better care of their children.

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In this several hundred year time period there are several revolutions, agricultural,

religious and lastly Social. The Social revolution is the Enlightenment where education becomes

more wide spread and new ideas begin to flow through the general public and it is debated in the

local coffee shops and tea houses.