Dairy Development Corporation, Kathmandu, Nepal pathyakram.pdf · Non-Linear Model, Semiconductor...


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b'Uw lasf; ;+:yfg

s]Gb|Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

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# 306f

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Syllabus for Economist

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-%) x @ = !))_ 1. Overview of Current Nepalese Economy

1.1 Nepalese Economy 1.1.1 Foundations of the Nepalese Economy: Natural Resources, Human Resource,

Agriculture, and Tourism

1.1.2 Issues in Nepalese economy (unemployment, poverty, inequality, social


1.1.3 Infrastructure: Economic infrastructure (Transportation, Communication and

Electricity, Irrigation), Social Infrastructure (Education, Drinking water, Health

and Sanitation)

1.1.4 Trade: Direction, Composition, and Diversification, Current strategies of trade

competitiveness Status of Trade Facilitation WTO, SAFTA, BIMSTEC Service

Trade (Remittance) Recent trade policy

1.1.5 Price level and its determinants: situation, causes and consequences

1.2 Government Finance, Development Plans, Economic Reform and


1.2.1 Revenue

1.2.2 Expenditure

1.2.3 Resource Gap

1.2.4 Characteristics of current budget

1.2.5 Budget formulation process

1.2.6 Overview of development plans

1.2.7 Objectives and strategies of the current Plan

1.2.8 Plan and economic policies

1.2.9 Liberalization and privatization

1.2.10 Economic diplomacy

1.3 Agricultural Economics

1.3.1 Role of agriculture in Nepalese economy

1.3.2 Structural characteristics of Nepalese Agriculture

1.3.3 GoN's long-term and periodic plans and policies on agricultural development

1.3.4 Problems and prospects of agricultural development in Nepal.

1.3.5 Characteristics of farming as a business

1.3.6 Tools of Farm Management Analysis - Farm Planning

- Farm Budgeting

1.3.7 Farm Business Analysis - Farm Records and Accounts

- Farm Inventory: Valuation and Depreciation Techniques

1.3.8 Concept and role in agricultural development

1.3.9 Grading, packaging, standardization: present situation in Nepal

1.3.10 Export Marketing of Nepalese agricultural produce

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1. Micro-economics 1.1Consumer's Behavior

1.1.1 Demand and Supply: Concepts, Determinants, Elasticity, and Applications

1.1.2 Cardinal and Ordinal utility analysis

1.1.3 Applications of indifference curve analysis

1.2 Production and Product Pricing 1.2.1 Theory of production

1.2.2 Law of variable proportions and returns to scale

1.2.3 Equilibrium in the Product market: Perfect Competition, Monopoly and

Monopolistic competition

1.2.4 Price discrimination, dumping, tying

1.3 Theory of Factor Pricing and Welfare Economics 1.3.1 Factor pricing

1.3.2 Rent: Ricardian Theory of Rent and Modern Theory of Rent

1.3.3 Wages: Marginal Productivity Theory of Wages

1.3.4 Welfare economics: Pigouvian Welfare Economics Maximization of Social Welfare Pareto Optimality Welfare Maximization of Perfect Competition Concept of Consumer's surplus and Producer's surplus

2. Macro-economics 2.1National Income (NI) Accounting and Income Determination

2.1.1 Concepts of NI, Measurement and Difficulties

2.1.2 Keynesian theories of consumption, investment and saving

2.1.3 Concepts of various Multipliers

2.1.4 Classical Vs Keynesian economics

2.2 Economic Growth and Development 2.2.1 Concepts of Economic Growth and Development

2.2.2 Calculation of growth rates

2.2.3 Harrod Domar model

2.2.4 Solow model

2.2.5 Indicators of Development

2.2.6 HDI and its components

2.2.7 Determinants of Development

2.2.8 Obstacles to development

2.2.9 Theories of Development (Rostow’s model, Lewis’s model)

2.2.10Economic stabilization, monetary policy and Inflation

3. Economic Planning and Research 3.1 Concept, Types and Tools and Techniques of Economic Planning

3.1.1 Concept and importance of Planning with reference to interventionist,

institutionalist and New –liberalist approach

3.1.2 Perspective and periodic plans

3.1.3 Macro and Micro Planning

3.1.4 Local/Regional development Planning

3.1.5 Planning in capitalism, socialism and mixed economy

3.1.6 Cost Benefit Analysis

3.1.7 Capital-output Ratio

3.1.8 Project Appraisal (Stages and Components)

3.1.9 Perspectives of Milk Production in Nepal: Production, Demand, Prices and

associated Risks

3.1.10 Concept of Monitoring and Evaluation

3.2 Research and Statistics 3.2.1 Elements of Research Proposal

3.2.2 Data collection, analysis and presentation

3.2.3 Measurement scales of variables

3.2.4 Descriptive statistics

3.2.5 Correlation and regression

3.2.6 Sampling theory (Importance, types of probability and non-probability sampling

3.2.7 Confidence interval and hypothesis testing

3.2.8 Time series analysis

3.2.9 Software package for statistical analysis (SPSS)

3.2.10 Report writing

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v08 – s -@ x !% = #)_

Rules Regulations

1. Corporation Act 2021

2. Personnel and Financial Regulation of DDC

3. Consumer Protection Act of Nepal

4. Labour Act of Nepal

5. History of constitutional development in Nepal and present constitution.

---The End---

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k|yd r/0f — lnlvt k/LIff of]hgf (Examination Scheme)

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1. Basic Electrical Engineering:

Network Analysis, Circuit Differential Equation, Circuit Dynamics, Laplace Transform, Transfer

Function, Fourier series and Transform Frequency Response of Network, One –port Passive

Network, Two ports Passive Network.

2. Electronics Devices:

Non-Linear Model, Semiconductor Diode, Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), BJT biasing and

Thermal Stabilization, The Small Signal Low Frequency Analysis, The High Frequency model

of BJT, The junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), The Metal oxide Semiconductor Field

Effect Transistor (MOSFET), Clippers, Clamper and Rectifiers.

3. Electronics Circuits:

Low Frequency, Transistor Amplifier Circuits, Untuned Amplifiers, Large Signal Amplifiers,

Feedback Amplifiers, Oscillators, Differential Amplifier, Operational Amplifiers, Logarithmic

Amplifier, A/D and D/A conversions, Regulated Power Supply.

4. Engineering Material:

Dielectric Properties in Static Fields, Dielectric properties in Alternating Fields, Insulating

Materials, Dielectric Breakdown, Magnetic Properties of Materials, Conductive Materials,

Semiconductors, Materials for Direct Energy Conversion Devices, Materials for refrigeration and

air –conditioning.

5. Logic Circuits:

Introduction, Number System and Codes, Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates, Simplification of

Boolean Function, Combination Logic, MSI and LSI Components in Combinational Logic

Design, Sequential Logic, Registers, Counters and Memory Unit, Arithmetic Logic Units.

6. Control System:

Introduction, Mathematical Modeling of Physical System, System Transfer Functions and

Responses, State-Variable Analysis, Stability, Time-Domain analysis of Control Systems, Root

Locus Technique, Frequency Domain (Response) Method, Control System Simulation using

MATLAB* and TUTSIM, Performance specifications for control Systems, Design of Control


7. Microprocessor:

Introduction, 8 Bit Microprocessor and Programming, 16 Microprocessor and Assembly

language Programming, Bus Structure and Memory Devices, Input/Output Interfaces, Interrupt,

Introduction to Advanced Microprocessor Architecture.

8. Instrumentation:

Instrumentation System, Theory of Measurement, Transducer, Electrical Signal Processing,

Transmission and Telemetry of data, Analog-Digital and Digital –Analog Conversion, Output

Devices, Mechanical Instruments.

9. Power Electronics:

Introduction, Power Semiconductor Diodes, Diodes, Circuits and Rectifiers, Thyristors, Thyrister

Communication Techniques, Controlled Rectifiers, Power Transistor, DC Choppers, Power

Supplies, DC Drives Controller, Protection of Devices and Circuites.

10. Power System:

Introduction, Single Phase and Three Phase Power System, Generating Plants, Transmission

System, Distribution System, Power System, Load Flow Study, Power System Stability.

11. Power System Control and Protection:

Introduction, Fault Calculation, Principle of Power System Protection, Foses Isolators and

Contractors, Circuit Breakers, Current and Potential Transformers, Earthing and Protection

against over Voltage, Relay and Protection Schemes, Power/frequency Control, Voltage/var


l4lto kq M– v08 s= 8]/L d]lzg/L ;DalGw

-& x !) = &)_ Maintenance & Dairy Machineries

1. Machine:

Introduction, Transformer, DC Machines, DC Motors, DC Generators, Synchronous and

Induction Machines, Fractional Horsepower (FHP) Drives, DC Drives, AC Drive.

2. Safety Engineering:

Introduction, Effects of Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Fields on Human, Electrical Shock

Hazards, Earthing and Shilding Techniques for Electrical Equipments, Electrical induction into

Communication and other System near Transmission Lines, Lightning Protections, Chemical and

Radiation Hazards, Fire Hazards and Fire Fighting Techniques in Electrical Equipments.

3. High Voltage Engineering:

Introduction, High Stress Electrical fields, Introduction to High Voltage Testing, High Voltage

Aspects of Terminal Station Equipments, High Voltage Transmission Lines, High Voltage

Power Cables.

4. Electrical Energy System Management:

Electrical Power Utility Organization, Economic Analysis and Control of Power Utility,

Prediction of Electric Load Levels and Changes, Scheduling to meet Utility, Prediction of

Electric Load Levels and Changes, Scheduling to meet Generation Requirements, Real-time

Economic Generation and Energy Dispatches, System Reliability.

5. Dairy Equipments: Milk Equipment:

Milk Analyzer, Milk Bottle Filter, Milk Tanker, Air Compressor, Shrink Packing Machine, Ink-

jet Dating Machine,

6. Cheese Equipments:

Cooking Mixer, Cheese Cutting Press, Cheese Cutter, Cheese Pump, Cheese Desk, Processing

Machine, Can Seaming Machine, Yoghurt Equipment: Homoqeniser, Cream Separator,

Pasteurizer, Centrifugal Pump, Milk Reception Power Mixing, Batch Pasteurizer, Cooling

Room, Fermentation, Vacuum Evaporation, Yoghurt Filling Machine,

7. Butter Equipment:

Butter Churn, Cream Pasteurizer, Butter Forming Machine, Butter Packing Machine, Cream

Pump, Butter Trolley, Butter Table, Vacuum Packing.

8. Breakdown & Preventive Maintenance system

Section B -@ x !% = #)_ Rules Regulations

6. Corporation Act 2021

7. Personnel and Financial Regulation of DDC

8. Consumer Protection Act of Nepal

9. Labour Act of Nepal

History of constitutional development in Nepal and present const

b'Uw lasf; ;+:yfg

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k|yd r/0f — lnlvt k/LIff of]hgf (Examination Scheme)

kq ljifo k"0ff{Í pQL0ff{Í k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof x

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# 306f

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1.1 Livestock sector in Agricultural Perspective Plan (APP), Agriculture Development

Strategy and current Three Year Interim Plan (TYIP)

1.2 Animal health and livestock services Act, 2055 and Regulation, 2056

1.3 Animal slaughterhouse and Meat Inspection Act, 2055 and Regulation, 2057

1.4 National Dairy Development Board Act, 1992

1.5 Livestock development approaches


2.1 Functions of water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in animal body

and their requirements for different species of livestock - their sources and deficiency


2.2 Intake, digestion, utilization and metabolism of various nutrients by ruminants and non-


2.3 Factors affecting nutritive value of feed stuffs

2.4 Feed additives – antioxidants, antibiotics, probiotics, antifungal, coccidiostat and growth


2.5 Utilization of crop and industrial by-products in livestock

2.6 Feeds and feeding standards for each livestock species at different stages


3.1 Morphology of pasture and fodder crops

3.2 Classification of different types of pasture and fodder species

3.3 Agronomical management of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate species of grasses and

legumes such as stylo, berseem, oat, rye grass, soybean, sorghum, Para grass, broom grass,

Centro, Napier, desmodium, vetch, clover, teosente, molasses, cowpea, velvet bean and

kudzu etc.

3.4 Nursery management of fodder tree species

3.5 Agronomical management of fodder trees such as Badahar, Kutmiro, Tanki, Leucaena,

Khannyo, Kimbu, Kabro, Pakhuri, Dabdabe, Bakaino etc.

3.6 Different methods of forage conservation- hay, silage and their nutritive values

3.7 Agro-forestry / Silvi-pasture in community and leasehold forestry, fruit orchard

3.8 Principles and practices of forage seed production

3.9 Seed (foundation and certified) production of different pasture and fodder species

including fodder trees in different eco-zones

3.10 Quality management of seed and methods of estimation


4.1 The cell and cell division

4.2 Segregation and recombination of genes

4.3 Expression of genes – additive and non-additive gene action, causes of variation in gene


4.4 Heritability and repeatability estimates

4.5 Breeding values, measure of genetic and phenotypic relationships

4.6 Principles of selection: Selection differential, selection response, selection intensity,

generation interval, phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlation and genetic


4.7 Indigenous and exotic breeds of livestock and poultry and their characteristics

4.8 Types of breeding: inbreeding, line breeding, outcrossing, outbreeding, crossbreeding

4.9 Anatomy of male and female reproductive organs of different species of livestock

4.10 Hormones of reproduction and their functions – estrous cycle, ovulation, fertilization,

gestation and parturition; induction and synchronization of ovulation

4.11 Reproductive disorders and their corrective measures


5.1 Housing and space requirement of different livestock

5.2 Different types of record maintenance of farm animals

5.3 Management of different stages of animal (young, pregnant, lactating, dry etc)

5.4 Management of livestock breeding stocks

5.5 Hygienic milk production


6.1 Sanitation and prophylactic measures

6.2 External and internal parasites - their control measures

6.3 Symptoms, prevention and control measures of common livestock diseases – Calf scour,

mastitis, H.S., FMD, Calf pneumonia, bloat, PPR, black quarter, enterotoxaemia, foot rot,


6.4 Zoonotic diseases and their importance to public health


7.1 Milk secretion phenomenon

7.2 Constituents and gross composition of milk of different species and breeds of milch


7.3 Density and specific gravity of milk, effect of various processing variables on the density

and specific gravity of milk.

7.3 Factor affecting the composition of milk and milk quality

7.4 Nutritive value of milk with respect to different milk constituents

7.5 Physical and chemical properties of milk

7.6 Pasteurization and homogenization of milk

7.7 Legal standard of different dairy product in Nepal


8.1 Hygienic milk production system; microbial quality of milk produced under organized v/s

unorganized milk sector in Nepal

8.2 Microbial and non microbial contaminants, their sources and entry points in milk during

various stages of production;

8.3 Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) during milk production operations Microorganisms

associated with raw milk; morphological and biochemical characteristics of important

groups and their classification;

8.4 Significance of different groups of bacteria i.e. psychrotrophs, mesophiles, thermodurics,

and thermophiles in milk.

8.5 Impact of various stages like milking, chilling, storage and transportation on microbial

quality of milk with special reference to psychrotrophic organisms;

8.6 Direct and indirect rapid technique for assessment of microbial quality of milk.

8.7 Role of microorganisms in spoilage of milk; souring, curdling, bitty cream, proteolysis,


j:t'ut ax'pQ/ gd"gf k|Zgx? (Sample questions)

1. At the end of APP period, the contribution of livestock sector in AGDP will be

(A) 30% (B) 35% (C) 40% (D) 45% Correct Answer:- (D)

2. Which of the following is perennial forage legume?

(A) Berseem (B) Vetch (C) Stylo (D) Cow pea Correct Answer:- (C)

3. Heritability estimate of milk is generally

(A) 0.05 (B) 0.15 (C) 0.25 (D) 0.35 Correct Answer:- (C)

4. Space requirement of poultry brown layer in deep litter system is

(A) 1-1.50 sq.ft. (B) 1.51-2.0 sq.ft (C) 2.1-2.50 sq.ft ( D) 2.51-3.0 sq.ft. Correct

Answer:- (C)

5. Coccidiosis is caused by

(A)Bacteria (B) Virus (C) Protozoa (D) Fungi Correct Answer:- (C) PSC

låtLo kq M b'Uw k|lawL tyf k|;f/ ;DaGwL ljifo k"0ff{°M !))

Section A -& x !) = &)_ 1. ANIMAL NUTRITION

1.1 Conventional and non-conventional feeds

1.2 Nutritional contents of different species of pasture, fodder, fodder trees including indigenous species,

agricultural and industrial by-products

1.3 Anti-nutritional factors in feeds and fodders

1.4 Different methods of nutritional analysis of livestock feeds and fodder

1.5 Computation and evaluation of ration for different livestock species

1.6 Utilization of wastes in animal feeding


2.1 Soil fertility evaluation- soil testing, plant analysis, deficiency symptoms and biological test in

relation to pasture and fodder species

2.2 Soil organic matter and organic manure in relation to pasture and fodder species

2.3 Agronomical management of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate species of grasses and legumes

such as stylo, lucern, berseem, oat, rye grass, soybean, sorghum, paragrass, broomgrass, centro,

napier, desmodium, vetch, clover, teosente, molasses, cowpea, valvet bean and kudzu etc.

2.4 Pasture and rangeland management practices in different eco-zones

2.5 Utilization of crop residues – improvement of nutritive values

2.6 Agro-forestry / Silvi-pasture in community and leasehold forestry, fruit orchard


3.1 Concept of genetic resistance to diseases and parasites

3.2 Methods of selection- independent culling, tandem, and selection index

3.3 Collection, processing, evaluation and storage of warm and frozen semen

3.4 Artificial insemination technique, heat synchronization and pregnancy diagnosis

3.5 Embryo-transfer technology in livestock development

3.6 Formulation of breeding plan for various livestock species


4.1 Standardization of milk, cream and other milk products

4.2 Methods of preparation, types, nutritive value of yoghurt, butter, ghee, cheese, paneer, khuwa, ice

cream and chhurpi

4.3 Milk borne diseases in brief

4.4 Packaging and storing of milk and milk products

4.5 Costing of different dairy products

4.6 Schedule for maintenance of mini dairy plants

4.7 Development and project planning of mini dairy plant


5.1 Current awareness on quality and safety of dairy foods; consumer awareness and their demands for

safe foods;

5.2 International standards - quality (ISO 9001:2000) and food safety (HACCP) system and their

application during milk production and processing.

5.3 National and international food regulatory standards in controlling the quality and safety of dairy


5.4 Rapid assessment of dairy food for microbial and non‐ microbial contaminants;

5.5 Enumeration Principles in detection of predominant spoilage organisms and pathogens like indicator

organisms, E.coli, salmonella, shigella, staph aureus, Bacillus cereus and non microbial contaminants

like antibiotic residues, aflatoxin, pesticides other inhibitors etc from.

5.6 Microbial quality of water and environmental hygiene in dairy plant; chlorination of dairy water

supply, quality of air. Personnel hygiene, treatment and disposal of waste water and effluents;


6.1 Functions and tools of farm management

6.2 Relationship between livestock production and marketing

6.3 Types of markets for livestock and livestock products

6.4 Factors affecting the livestock markets

6.6 Livestock market promotion and sustainable management

6.7 Economics of livestock (cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, pig, and rabbit) farming


7.1 History, philosophy, principles, approaches and objectives of extension education

7.2 Present status of extension and rural Development programmes in Nepal

7.3. Teaching/learning process, Extension Teaching Methods, classification and selection of teaching


7.4 Identification of rural leaders, their characteristics, roles and functions in rural development, training

of rural leaders. Definition of groups, natural types, principles of working with groups and their


7.5 Conceptual orientation about different terms, like PRA, RRA, IVLP/TAR, ATMA, ATIC, PTD etc.

Group Discussion Technique, Developing Communication and Overall Skills, Brain storming

Technique for developing the Decision making Process, Interview technique (s), Identification of

problems of village farmers through interview method.

7.6 Leadership skills and qualities of good leader

7.7 Conflict management and negotiation skills

Section B -@ x !% = #)_ Rules Regulations

1. Corporation Act 2021

2. Personnel and Financial Regulation of DDC

3. Consumer Protection Act of Nepal

4. Labour Act of Nepal

5. History of constitutional development in Nepal and present constitution.

ljifout gd"gf k|Zgx? (Sample questions)

1. Give stepwise pasteurization procedure for milk and cream

2. Explain the importance of crop residues in animal feeding and how would you improve the nutritive value

of rice straw?

3. Write short notes on a) Heat synchronization b) Progeny testing PSC

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] clws[t :t/ tx ^ k|zf;g ;]jf æ n]vfÆ ;d"xsf] ;xfos n]vf clws[t÷gfoj

vhf~rL tyf æk|zf;gÆ ;d'xsf] zfvf clws[t÷;xfos ahf/ clws[t kbsf] nflu x'g] v'Nnf tyf

cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd .

o; kf7\oqmdnfO{ tLg kqdf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 h;dWo] k|yd kq / låtLo kq k|zf;g tyf

n]vf ;d'xsf b'a} ;d'xsf] nflu Pp6} x'g]5 / t[tLo kqsf] kf7\oqmd b'a} ;d'xsf ljleGg kbsf] nflu kb

cg';f/ a]Unfa]Un} tf]lsPsf] 5 .

lnlvt kl/Iffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL x'g]5 .

kf7\oqmdsf] :j?k M–

kq ljifo

k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof c+sef/

k|yd kq ;fdfGo 1fg

&) @ 306f 5f]6f] 5f]6f] pQ/ @) &)

låtLo kq ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf]


&) #

306f ljifout

-s_ nfdf] pQ/

-v_ 5f]6f] pQ/





t[tLo kq ;]jf ;DaGwL &) #

306f ljifout

-s_ nfdf] pQ/

-v_ 5f]6f] pQ/





lj:t[t M–

k|yd kq M– ;fdfGo 1fg

!= g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts, /fhg}lts / ef}uf]lns 1fgÙ P]ltxfl;s 36gf / JolQmTjx?Ù ;flxTo, ;+lut,

wd{, snf / ;+:s[ltÙ v]ns"b Pj+ dgf]/~hg, /fhg}lts Joj:yf, cfly{s tyf a}1flgs pGglt,

k//fi6« gLlt, cGt/fli6«o ;DaGw Pj+ ;d;fdlos 36gfx? .

@= l5d]sL d'n'sx?sf] ef}uf]lns, P]ltxfl;s, ;fdflhs, wfld{s, ;f+:s[lts, cfly{s, a}1flgs,

/fhg}lts / v]ns"b Pj+ ;d;fdlos 36gfx? .

#= ;fs{ ;DaGwL .

$= ljZjsf P]ltxfl;s tyf ;d;fdlos 36gf ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .

låtLo kq M– ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] Joj:yfkg

!= g]kfndf ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo, pTklt, ljsf; / o;sf] pkfb]otf .

@= g]kfndf ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] p2]Zo, dxTj / ljsf; .

#= ;fj{hlgs pQ/bfloTjsf lsl;d, r'gf}tL / pQ/bfloTj j9fpg] pkfox? .

$= g]kfnsf] ;+u7gfTds k|zf;lgs 9fFrf .

%= g]kfnsf] ;+j}wflgs cËx? / tL lgsfox?sf] e"ldsf .

^= ;+u7gsf] lg0f{o ug]{ k|lqmof .

&= of]hgf th'{df, sfof{Gjog / d"Nof+Íg .

*= b'Uw pBf]udf ;+s6 Joj:yfkg .

(= åGb Joj:yfkgsf] cy{, åGbsf sf/0f, o;sf ;sf/fTds tyf gsf/fTds kIfx? / ;dfwgsf

pkfox? .

!)= tgfj Joj:yfkgsf] k|s[lt, sf/0f, >f]t / ;dfwfgsf pkfox? .

!!= sDKo"6/ ;DaGwL Jojxfl/s 1fg .

t[tLo kq M– ;]jf ;DaGwL - n]vf ;d"xsf]_ ;xfos n]vf clws[t kbsf] nflu _

!= ;+ul7t ;+:yfx?sf] ah]6 th'{df / ;f] ;DaGwL cfwf/e"t a'Fbfx? .

@= g]kfnsf] a}lsË Joj:yf, sfof{no tyf a}+sx? aLr ;/f]sf/ kg]{ ljifo / sfo{x? .

#= ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] ljQLo n]vf k|0ffnL .

$= sDKo"6/ n]vf k|0ffnL ;DaGwL Jojxfl/s 1fg .

%= Joj;flos n]vf ;DaGwL ;}åflGts Pj+ Jojxfl/s hfgsf/L . o;df Jojxfl/s k|Zg klg ;f]Wg

;lsg] 5 . ljz]if u/L hg/n ef}r/, 6«fo]n Jofn]G;, gub k|jfx, k"FhL k|jfx -Cash and Fund

Flow ), Jofkf/ jf pTkfbg vftf, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa, jf;nft, d"No ljZn]if0f / n]vf

kl/If0fsf l;åfGt Pj+ pknJwLd"ns n]vf k/LIf0f ;DaGwL k|Zgx? ;dfj]z x'g]5g\ .

^= dxfn]vf k/LIfs / dxfn]vf lgoGqssf] sfof{nosf] sfd st{Jo / clwsf/ .

&= P]g lgodx? M—

-s_ g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L

-v_ ;/sf/L /sd c;'n km5\of}{6 P]g, @)@%

-u_ n]vf k/LIf0f P]g, @)!*

-3_ ;+:yfg P]g, @)@!

-ª_ d'n'sL P]g,@)@) -sfuh hfFr, af+sL gltg]{sf], hdfgLsf] / cbfntL aGbf]j:tsf dxnx?_

-r_ k]ZsL km5\of}{6 lgodx?, @)#!

-5_ ;+:yfgsf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL ljlgodfjnL, @)^^

-h_ ;+:yfgsf] sd{rf/L k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL @)^# -;+zf]wg ;lxt_

-em_ ;/sf/L /sd c;'n km5\of}{6 lgodx?, @)@&

-`_ e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g, @)%(

-6_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g @)^# tyf lgodfjnL

t[tLo kq M– ;]jf ;DaGwL - k|zf;g ;d"xsf] ;xfos ahf/ clws[t÷zfvf clws[t kbsf] nflu _

!= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfgsf] p2]Zo / lqmofsnfkx? .

@= sd{rf/L k|zf;g ;DaGwL 1fg - ;+u7g, cg'zf;g, tflnd, g]t[Tj, pTk|]/0ff (Motivation) cfrf/

;+lxtf, tna ;'ljwf, a9'jf / cjsfz .

#= e08f/ tyf ahf/ Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL 1fg .

$= g]kfnsf] cfly{s ljsf;df b'Uw pBf]usf] e"ldsf .

%= g]kfnsf] cfjlws ljsf; of]hgfsf] hfgsf/L .

^= b'Uw pBf]usdf ;xsf/L ;+nUgtf / ;DefJotf .

P]gx? M–

-s_ d'n'sL P]g, @)@) - sfuh hfFr, af+sL gltg]{sf], hdfgLsf] / cbfntL aGbf]a:tsf dxnx? _

-v_ g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L

-u_ ;+:yfg P]g, @)@!

-3_ sDkgL P]g, @)^#

-ª_ e|i6«frf/ lgjf/0f P]g, @)%(

-r_ :yflgo k|zf;g P]g, @)@*

-5_ ;+:yfgsf] sd{rf/L k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL, @)^# -;+zf]wg ;lxt_

-h_ :yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g P]g, @)%%

-em_ ;fj{hlgs v/Lb P]g, @)^# tyf lgodfjnL

-`_ g]kfnsf] ;+j}wflgs ljsf;qmd

-6_ cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL ljlgodfjnL @)^^

t[tLo kq M – ;]jf ;DaGwL - n]vf ;d'xsf] vhf~rL pk ;d'xsf] gfoj vhf~rL kbsf] nflu _

efu -v_ – ;]jf ;DaGwL

!= Jojxfl/s n]vf k|0ffnL - ef}r/, r]s a's, n]h/ _ af/]sf] 1fg .

@= a}+lsË sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL - a}+s vftf, r]s 8«fˆ6, 6«fG;km/ hdfgt _ 1fg .

#= sDKo'6/ n]vf k|0ffnL ;DaGwL Jojxfl/s 1fg .

$= d'r'Nsf, jfl/;gfdf, /l;b, ekf{O{, uf]Zjf/f ef}r/sf] 1fg .

%= ;+:yfg P]g, @)@!

^= ;+:yfgsf] sd{rf/L k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL, @)^# -;+zf]wg ;lxt_

^= ;+:yfgsf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL ljlgodfjnL, @)^^

&= ;fj{hlgs v/Lb P]g, @)^# tyf lgodfjnL

*= g]kfnsf] ;+j}wflgs ljsf;qmd

(= g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L

›i6Jo M of] kf7\oqmdsf] t[tLo kqdf k/]sf] P]g kl/Iffsf] ldlteGbf # dlxgf cuf8L ;+zf]wg ePsf] vf/]h ePsf]

hltsf] xsdf ;+zf]lwt jf vf/]h e} sfod /x]sfnfO{ o; kf7\oqmddf k/]sf a'‰g' kb{5 .

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx % k|zf;g ;]jf æk|zf;gÆ ;d'xsf] jl/i7 k|zf;g ;xfos÷jl/i7

ahf/ ;xfos kbsf nflu x'g] v'Nnf tyf cfGtl/s k|of]ufTds lnlvt kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt kl/Iffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL x'g]5 .

lnlvt kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd M–

kq v08 ljifo k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof c+sef/

k|yd kq -s_


;fdfGo 1fg

;fdflhs cWoog

&) %) ldg]6 j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_

5f]6f] 5f]6f] pQ/





låtLo kq -s_


;]jf ;DaGwL

;+:yf ;DaGwL



@ 306f






Kff7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M–

k|yd kq M – ;fdfGo 1fg / ;fdflhs cWoog

-s_ ;fdfGo 1fg M–

— g]kfnsf] P]ltxfl;s 36gf, e"uf]n, /fli6«o lje"lt, dxfk'?if, g]kfnsf] ;flxTo, snf, ;+:s[lt,

v]ns"b, kj{tf/f]x0f, ;fs{ / b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .

— ljZjsf dxTjk"0f{ ;d;fdoLs 36gf / lj1fgsf dxTjk"0f{ pknJw ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L.

-v_ ;fdflhs cWoog M–

— g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, hn>f]t, kxf8, vfgL / hnjfo' .

— g]kfnsf] /fhg}lts ljsf;qmd

— hg;+Vof tyf jftfj/0f ljsf;

låtLo kq M – ;]jf tyf ;+:yf ;DaGwL M–

v08 -s_ – ;]jf ;DaGwL

kmfOlnËsf l;åfGt / kmfO{lnË ug]{ tl/sf, kl~hsf, kq d:of}bf, hg;Dks{, l6Kk0fL, cfb]z, lan, ekf{O{,

/l;b, d'r'Nsf, e08f/ tyf laqmL ljt/0f Joj:yf / clen]v /fVg] tl/sfx? af/]sf] 1fg .

v08 -v_ – ;+:yf ;DaGwL

!= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfgsf] pTklt, ljsf;, dxTj, p2]Zo / lqmofsnfk .

@= ;+:yfgsf] sd{rf/L k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL @)^# -;+zf]wg ;lxt_, cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL

ljlgodfjnL @)^^ / ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g @)^# tyf lgodfjnL

#= P]gx? M – -s_ g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L

-v_ ;+:yfg P]g @)@!

-u_ d'n'sL P]g - sfuh hfFr, afsL gltg]{sf] / hdfgLsf] dxnx? _ – @)@)

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx % k|zf;g ;]jf æn]vfÆ ;d"xsf] n]vfkfn kbsf nflu x'g] v'Nnf tyf cfGtl/s

k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt kl/Iffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL x'g]5 .

lnlvt kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd M–

kq v08 ljifo

k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof c+sef/

k|yd kq

låtLo kq





;fdfGo 1fg

;fdflhs cWoog

;]jf ;DaGwL

;+:yf ;DaGwL




%) ldg]6

@ 306f

j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_

5f]6f] 5f]6f] pQ/










kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M–

k|yd kq M– ;fdfGo 1fg / ;fdflhs cWoog

-s_ ;fdfGo 1fg M–

– g]kfnsf] P]ltxfl;s 36gf, e"uf]n, /fli6«o lje"lt, dxfk'?if, g]kfnsf] ;flxTo, snf, ;+:s[lt, v]ns"b, kj{tf/f]x0f,

;fs{ / b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .

– ljZjsf dxTjk"0f{ ;d;fdoLs 36gf / lj1fgsf dxTjk"0f{ pknJw ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .

-v_ ;fdflhs cWoog M–

– g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, hn>f]t, kxf8, vfgL / hnjfo'

– g]kfnsf] /fhg}lts ljsf;qmd

– hg;+Vof tyf jftfj/0f ljsf;

låtLo kq M– ;]jf tyf ;+:yf ;DaGwL M–

v08 -s_ ;]jf ;DaGwL M–

!= ;+:yfgx?sf] ljQLo n]vf k|0ffnL tyf sfof{no sfo{ljlw ;DaGwL 1fg .

@= Jojxfl/s n]vf k|0ffnL - ef}r/, r]sa's, n]h/, hg/n n]h/, ;Gt'ng k/LIf0f _ af/] ;}åflGts Pj+ Jojxfl/s

1fg / ;d:of ;dfwfg .

#= n]vf k/LIf0fsf] p2]Zo, k|sf/ / l;åfGt .

$= Jojxfl/s n]vf k|0ffnLdf lhG;L n]vfsf] l;åfGt / dxTj .

%= a}lsË sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL -a}s vftf,r]s 8«fˆ6,6«fG;km/,hdfgt af/]_ ;}åflGts Pj+ Jojxfl/s 1fg .

^= e08f/ tyf lhG;L >]:tf ;DaGwL 1fg .

v08 -v_ ;+:yf ;DaGwL M–

!= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfgsf] pTklt, dxTj, p2]Zo / lqmofsnfk .

@= ;+:yfgsf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL ljlgodfjnL, @)^^, ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g @)^# tyf lgodfjnL tyf

sd{rf/L k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL @)^# -;+zf]wg ;lxt_

#= P]gx? M– -s_ g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L

-v_ ;+:yfg P]g @)@!

-u_ d'n'sL P]g - sfuh hfFr, afsL gltg]{sf] / hdfgLsf] dxnx? _ –@)@)

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx $ k|zf;g ;]jf sDKo'6/ ck|]6/ kbsf] v'Nnf÷ cfGtl/s

k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd .

k/LIff of]hgf

!= k|yd r/0f M lnlvt k/LIff k"0ff{Í M %)

@= l4tLo r/0f M -s_ k|of]ufTds k"0ff{Í M %)

-v_ cGtjf{tf{ k"0ff{Í M @)

k|yd r/0f lnvt k/LIff of]hgf M–

ljifo k"0ff{Í plQ{0ff{Í

k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof X



sDKo"6/ ;DaGwL %) @) a:t'ut ax'pQ/ %) X ! $% ldg]6

l4tLo r/0f k/LIff of]hgf M–

ljifo k"0ff{Í plQ{0ff{Í

k/LIff k|0ffnL ;do

k|of]ufTds k/LIff %) @) k|of]ufTds $% ldg]6

cGtjf{tf{ @) – df}lvs –

प्रथम चरण लिखित परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम (कम्पयटुर सम्वन्धी) 1. History

History of computer


Charles babbage's engine

2. Classification of computer

Analog computer

Digital computer

Mainframe and Mini computers

3. MS Word

Opening, creating and saving documents

Page setup, previewing and printing documents

Autocorrect, spell and grammar checking and using Thesaurus

Using bullet and numbering

Using Border and Shading.

Creating and manipulating tables.

password protection of documents

4. MS Excel

Opening , creating and saving workbooks

Entering data and selecting cells

Formatting cells and rows

Using formulas and basic functions

Creating charts

Validating cell entries, sorting, conditional formatting

Page setup, previewing and printing documents

5. MS PowerPoint,internet, email, networking, safety and security सम्वधी सामान्य जानकारी

प्रयोगात्मक परीक्षाको प्रश्न संख्या लिम्िािसुार हिेुछि ्।

S.N Topics No. of question Marks Time(Minutes)

1 Devnagari Typing and


1 15 10

2 English Typing and


1 5 5

3 MS Word 1 10 30

4 MS Excel 1 10

5 MS Powerpoint 1 5

6 Email, internet and


1 5

Total 5 50 45

१। English typing skill test को िालग २२५ शब्दहरु भएको एउटा Text टाइपको िालग ददइिेछ र मूलयांकि देहाय अिसुार गररिेछ :

८ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -१ अंक

८ वा सो भन्दा वढी र १६ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -२ अंक

१६ वा सो भन्दा वढी र २४ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -३ अंक

२४ वा सो भन्दा वढी र ३२ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -४ अंक

३२ वा सो भन्दा वढी र ४० भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -५ अंक

२। देविागरी typing skill test को िालग २०० शब्दहरु भएको एउटा Text टाइपको िालग ददइिेछ र मूलयांकि देहाय अिसुार गररिेछ :

७ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -१ अंक

७ वा सो भन्दा वढी र १४ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -४ अंक

१४ वा सो भन्दा वढी र २१ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -७ अंक

२१ वा सो भन्दा वढी र २८ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -१० अंक

२८ वा सो भन्दा वढी र ३५ भन्दा कम शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -१३ अंक

३५ वा सो भन्दा वढी शदु्ध शब्द प्रलत लमिेट (Correct Words/Minute) वापत -१५ अंक

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx % k|zf;g ;]jf æjl/i7 sDKo'6/ ck/]6/Æ kbsf] nflu x'g]

v'Nnf÷cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

k|yd r/0f

efu ljifo k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL kZg ;+Vof c+sef/

-s_ sDKo'6/ ck/];g ;DaGwL

;}4flGts 1fg

#) $% ldg]6 j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_ ! X #)= #) #)

-v_ sDKo'6/ ck/];g ;DaGwL

ljifout 1fg

$) #) ldg]6 ljifout $X!)= $) $)

l4tLo r/0f

-s_ k|of]ufTds k/LIff $) $% ldg]6 k|of]ufTds $X !)= $) $)

-v_ cGt{jftf{ #) df}lvs

kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M–

-s_ ljifo M sDKo'6/ ;DaGwL ;}4flGts 1fg / ljifout 1fg M

!= ;+:yfgsf] sd{rf/L k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL @)^# / cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL ljlgodfjnL @)^^

2 EDP ( Electronic Data Processing ) Concept :

­ Introduction to computers

­ Definition of Computer

­ Applications

­ Computer Generations

­ Computer System – An overview

­ Organisation of Computer System

­ Classification of Computers : Digital, Analog & Hybrid.

­ Digital Computers : Special Purpose, General Purpose.

­ Input, Output & CPU ( Central Processing Unit )

­ Basic Concept

­ Storage

Magnetic Tapes

Magentic Disks

Optical Disks

Floppy Disks

Hard Disks

­ Memory Unit

Bits, Bytes, Kilo Bytes, Mega Bytes, Gega Bytes

3. Computer Operation and Disk Operation System ( DOS)

­ Definition of DOS

­ Types of DOS Command

­ Definition of internal and External DOS Commands

­ Concept of DOS Commands like Date, Time, Format, Copy, Disk copy, Vol, Ver,

Del, Type, Ren, Dir, Backup, Mkdir, Rmdir chdir, cls, Sys, Tree, Restore,

Undelete, chkdsk, Recovery, Attrib, copy con, create Auto exce, Bat file etc.

4 Word Processing Package Concept

­ Save a file, Retrieve a file, copy a file, Rename a file, Delete a file, Print a file,

Designing fonts in the respect of size and appearance, Merger, Password, Indent,

Reveal codes, Thesaurus, Speller, Flush, Right, Exiting from WP. Define the

columms, Math, Flush left, Flush Centre etc.

5 Spread Sheet Package :

­ Spread Sheet Fundamental Concepts, Uses and limitation

­ Entering Data/Records in Work sheet.

­ Inserting/Deleting Rows & Columns in Worksheet.

­ Formatting Worksheet

­ Moving Coping & Deleting Cells & range of cells

­ Using Financial, Statistical & Mathematical Functions

­ Designing Database, Performing sort, Queries and Creating frequency table

­ Creating Graph, Formating Graph

­ Printing Worksheet & Graph

6 Data Base Management Concepts

7 Programming Language Concept

8 Basic Concept of LAN

9 Basic Concept of E-mail and Internet

-v_ k|of]ufTds k/LIff M

lgDg ljifox?df b]jgfu/L / c+u|]hLdf Data Entry ug{ / k|f];]l;Ë u/L l/kf]6{ lk|G6 cfp6 ;d]t

ug{ lbO{g]5 .

1. DOS ( Disk Operating System )

2. Word Processing Package

3. Spread Sheet Package

4. E-mail & Internet

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx % k|fljlws ;]jf æ OGhLlgol/Ë Æ ;d"xsf ;'k/efOh/ æOGhLÆ kbsf nflu x'g]

v'Nnf÷cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL cyjf c+u|]hL x'g]5 .

lnlvt k/LIff ;DaGwL ljj/0f M–

kq ljifo

k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof c+sef/

k|yd kq 8]/L lj1fg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo 1fg &) %) ldg]6 j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_ #%


låtLo kq ;]jf, ;d'x ;DaGwL 1fg &)

@ 306f ljifout M

5f]6f] 5f]6f] pQ/

nfdf] pQ/





kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M–

-s_ k|yd kq M– 8]/L lj1fg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo 1fg M

1. Importance of milk in human diet.

2. Development of dairy industry in Nepal.

3. Measurement of heat.

4. Work, energy and power.

5. Density and specific gravity.

6. Freezing and boiling.

7. Different forms of matter.

8. Different types of equipment used in milk chilling and processing.

9. Milk tankers.

10. Processing technologies used in dairy industry.

11. Traditional and western milk products.

-v_ l4tLo kq M– ;]jf ;d'x ;DaGwL 1fg M

1. Electricity generation using Generators.

2. AC & DC current and its properties.

3. Measurement of electrical load.

4. UPS, stabilizer and invertors.

5. House wiring and industrial wiring.

6. Motor rewinding.

7. Motor controls, starter and contactors, MCB & MCCB.

8. Lathe Machine and its use.

9. Welding, gas and Arc.

10. Refrigeration system.

11. Freeze, deep freeze, cold storage.

12. Air conditioning.

13. Different types of refrigerants and its application.

14. Different types of compressors and its use.

15. Condensers, evaporators, expansion valves and other accessories used in refrigeration


16. Different types of motor and pumps.

17. Boiler and hot water generators.

18. Preventive maintenance and its importance.

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx $ k|fljlws ;]jf æ kmf]/Dofg Æ kbsf nflu v'Nnf÷cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds

kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd .

o; kf7\oqmdsf] cfwf/df lgDgfg';f/ tLg r/0fdf k/LIff lnOg] 5 M

k|yd r/0f M

lnlvt k/LIff k"0ff{Í M ^)

l4tLo r/0f M

k|of]ufTds k"0ff{Í M $)

t];|f] r/0f M

cGtjf{tf{ k"0ff{Í M @)

k|yd r/0fsf] lnlvt k/LIff of]hgf M–

ljifo k"0ff{Í pQL0ff{Í k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg


c+sef/ ;do

;]jf ;DaGwL

^) @$ j:t'ut ax'pQ/

Multiple Choice

#) @ c+s $% ldg]6

l4tLo r/0f M–

ljifo k"0ff{Í pQL0ff{Í k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg


c+sef/ ;do


$) !^ k|of]ufTds $ !) c+s @ 306f

t];|f] r/0f M–

ljifo k"0ff{Í pQL0ff{Í k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg


c+sef/ ;do



@) – df}lvs – – –

k/LIffsf ljifox? M–

1. Safety Practices -;'/Iff ljlwx?_

1.1 Importance of Safety

1.2 Types of Safety

1.2.1 Personal Safety

1.2.2 Machine's Safety

1.2.3 Tools Safety

1.2.4 Workplace Safety

1.3 Knowledge of Industrial safety and hygiene

1.4 Safety tools and devices

2. General Workshop Practices -d]sflgsn as{zk ;DaGwL 1fg_

1.1 Basic knowledge of measuring system and calculation

2. Bacic knowledge of measuring tools and equipment

2.2.1 Scale, Try square, Bevel, Protector

2.2.2 Vernier Caliper, Micrometer, Gauges

2.3 Basic knowledge of hand tools and special tools used in general mechanical,

refrigeration, auto and electrical.

2.3.1 Files, Hacksaw, Chisels, Hammer, Marking Tools, Screwdriver, Wrenches, Torque


2.3.2 Tube Cutting, Flaring, Gauge manifold, Vacuum pump

2.3.3 Tester, Multi meter, Clamp on meter

2.4 Material Joining

2.4.1 Arc welding – Principle, Tools, Equipment, Welding procedure

2.4.2 Oxygen-acetylene welding – Principle, Tools, Equipment, Procedure

2.4.3 Soldering – Principle, Tools, Equipment, Procedure

2.5 Plumbing

2.5.1 Marking, Cutting, Threading, Joining of GI Pipes

2.5.2 Marking, Cutting, Welding Joining of Copper Pipes

2.5.3 Marking, Cutting, Joining and Sealing of PVC Pipes

2.6 Basic knowledge of lifting devices used in workshop and their operation

2.6.1 Chain pulley

2.6.2 Jacks

2.6.3 Fork

3 Maintenance System -dd{t ;Def/ k|0ffnL_

3.1 Importance of maintenance

3.2 Basic knowledge of maintenance system

3.3 Preventive & Breakdown

4. Basic Drawing -cfwf/e't 8«OË ;DaGwL 1fg_

4.1 Scale and dimensions

4.2 Symbols

5. Record keeping -clen]v /fVg] sfo{_

5.1 Improtance of record keeping

5.2 Basic knowledge of maintenance job card

5.3 Bacic knowledge of operation log sheet

6. Fuels and Lubricants -O{Gwg tyf n'lj|s]G6;\_

6.1 General knowledge of different types of fuels and lubricants used in machinery,

automobiles and generator.

6.2 Knowledge of application and changing intervals of lubricants

7. General knowledge on maintenance of automobiles components

-c6f]df]jfOnsf sDkf]g]G6 dd{t ;Def/ ;DaGwL ;fwf/0f 1fg_

7.1 Engine, Gear Box, Clutch, Brake, Differential, Wheels and Axles

7.2 Electrical system, Hydraulic system, Lubrication system, cooling system, Fuel system,

Suspension system, Steering system, Instruments and controls.

8. Basic knowledge of various dairy machineries

-b"w pTkfbg ug]{ d]lzg ;DaGwL ;fwf/0f 1fg_

8.1 Milk Chilling Equipments

8.2 Cream Separator

8.3 Plate Heat Exchanger

8.4 Milk Pump

9. Basic maintenance based mechanical knowledge on production line/assembling line in

Industries. (d{dt ;Def/;+u cfwfl/t pBf]usf] k|f]8S;g / P;]DjnL nfOg ;DaGwL 1fg_

9.1 Pulleys and conveyor belts

9.2 Pumps

9.3 Refrigeration

9.4 Boiler and Generator

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx $ k|fljlws ;]jf æ 8]/L PS6]G;g P08 ck/]zgÆ ;d"xsf] h'lgo/

6]lSgsn cl;i6]G6 kbsf nflu x'g] v'Nnf÷cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL cyjf c+u|]hL x'g]5 .


k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof

kb;+u ;DaGwLt ljifosf] 1fg &) %) ldg]6 j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_ #%

kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t M

kb;+u ;DaGwLt ljifosf] 1fg

!= g]kfn clw/fHodf kfOg] ljleGg kz'x? -ufO{, e}+;L tyf rf}/L_ sf] ;+Vof jf/] tYofÍ .

@= :yflgo tyf ljb]zjf6 k}7f/L ePsf ljleGg hftsf kz'x? -ufO{ tyf e};L_ sf] u'0f .

#= afR5f afR5L x'sf{pg], Jofpg] ufO{ / k|hgg of]Uo /f+uf] ;f+9]sf] x]/ ljrf/ ug]{ tl/sf .

$= kz'x?df nfUg] d'Vo d'Vo /f]ux? / To;nfO{ /f]syfd ug]{ pkfox? .

%= g]kfndf kfOg] ljleGg k|sf/sf 3f+; tyf 8fn] 3f+;sf] gfp+ / To;sf] v]tL ug]{ t/Lsf .

^= kz'x? lrGgsf] nflu nufOg] ljleGg k|sf/sf lrGxx? .

&= ljleGg kz'x?sf] nflu pko'{Qm uf]7 tyf 7fp+ jf/] 1fg .

*= b"w ;+sng ug]{ tl/sf .

(= b"w lr:ofpg'sf] cfjZostf / o;sf] ljleGg tl/sfx? .

!)= ufp+ 3/ tyf b'Uwzfnfjf6 z'4 b"w pTkfbg ug]{ tl/sfx? tyf b"w / b'Uw kbfy{sf] kl/If0f ljlw

!!= b"w k|zf]wg ug'{sf] cfjZostf / o;sf] dxTj .

!@= b"wjf6 ;g]{ ljleGg /f]ux? .

!#= b'Uwzfnf tyf o;df h8fg ePsf d]lzg/L, pks/0f / k|of]u x'g] ef+8fsf] ;/;kmfO{ ug]{ 1fg .

!$= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfgsf] lqmofsnfk jf/] hfgsf/L .

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx $ k|fljlws ;]jf ærLhÆ ;d"xsf] rLh d]s/ kbsf nflu x'g]

v'Nnf÷cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL cyjf c+u|]hL x'g]5 .


k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof

kb;+u ;DaGwLt ljifosf] 1fg &) %) ldg]6 j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_ #%

kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t M

kb;+u ;DaGwLt ljifosf] 1fg

!= g]kfn clw/fHodf kfOg] ljleGg kz'x? -ufO{, e}+;L tyf rf}/L_ sf] ;+Vof jf/] tYofÍ .

@= s[lqd uef{wfgsf] kl/efiff, To;jf6 x'g] kmfO{bf j]kmfO{bf tyf s[lqd uef{wfg ug]{ ljleGg

t/Lsfx? .

#= :yflgo tyf ljb]zjf6 k}7f/L ePsf ljleGg hftsf kz'x? -ufO{ tyf e};L_ sf] u'0f .

$= kz'x?df nfUg] d'Vo d'Vo /f]ux? / To;nfO{ /f]syfd ug]{ pkfox? .

%= g]kfndf kfOg] ljleGg k|sf/sf 3f+; tyf 8fn] 3f+;sf] gfp+ / To;sf] v]tL ug]{ t/Lsf .

^= kz'x? lrGgsf] nflu nufOg] ljleGg k|sf/sf lrGxx? .

&= ljleGg kz'x?sf] nflu pko'{Qm uf]7 tyf 7fp+ jf/] 1fg .

*= b"w ;+sng ug]{ tl/sf .

(= b"w lr:ofpg'sf] cfjZostf / o;sf] ljleGg tl/sfx? .

!)= ufp+ 3/ tyf b'Uwzfnfjf6 z'4 b"w pTkfbg ug]{ tl/sfx? tyf b"w / b'Uw kbfy{sf] kl/If0f ljlw

!!= b"w k|zf]wg ug'{sf] cfjZostf / o;sf] dxTj .

!@= b"wjf6 ;g]{ ljleGg /f]ux? .

!#= b'Uwzfnf tyf o;df h8fg ePsf d]lzg/L, pks/0f / k|of]u x'g] ef+8fsf] ;/;kmfO{ ug]{ 1fg .

!$= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfgsf] lqmofsnfk jf/] hfgsf/L .

!%= pQ/L e]udf r/0f tyf vs{ ;DaGwL 1fg .

!^= rf}/L kfng ;DaGwL 1fg .

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx $ k|zf;g ;]jf æk|zf;gÆ ;d"xsf ahf/ ;xfos tyf k|zf;g

;xfos kbsf nflu x'g] v'Nnf tyf cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL x'g]5 .

kf7\oqmdsf] :j?k M–

kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t M–

-s_ ;fdfGo 1fg – @) cÍ -@) k|Zg_

g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts Pj+ /fhg}lts e"uf]n, g]kfnsf] P]ltxfl;s 36gf / /fli6«o lje"ltx?, dxfk'?if,

g]kfnsf] ;flxTo, snf, ;+:s[lt, v]ns"b, dgf]/~hg Pj+ kj{tf/f]x0f tyf b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg ;DaGwL

;fdfGo hfgsf/L .

lx;fj – !% cÍ

P]lss lgod, Jofh, k|ltzt, cf}ift, bzdnj .

-v_ sfof{no sfo{ljlw / ;+:yf ;DaGwL – #% cÍ

!= btf{ rnfgL, kmfO{lnË, k+lhsf, d'r'Nsf, jfl/;gfdf, /l;b, ekf{O{, kq d:of}bf, clen]v /

hg;Dks{ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L .

@= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfgsf] pTklQ, ljsf; tyf cfjZostf .

efu ljifo

k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof

efu -s_ ;fdfGo 1fg




!% ldg]6

#) ldg]6

j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_



$ dWo] #

efu -v_ sfof{no sfo{ljlw /

;+:yf ;DaGwL

#% ! 306f ljifout % dWo] $

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx $ k|zf;g ;]jf æn]vfÆ ;d"xsf gfoj n]vfkfn÷;xfos vhfGrL

kbsf nflu x'g] v'Nnf tyf cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL x'g]5 .

kf7\oqmdsf] :j?k M–

kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t M–

-s_ ;fdfGo 1fg – @) cÍ -@) k|Zg_

g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts Pj+ /fhg}lts e"uf]n, g]kfnsf] P]ltxfl;s 36gf / /fli6«o lje"ltx?, dxfk'?if,

g]kfnsf] ;flxTo, snf, ;+:s[lt, v]ns"b, dgf]/~hg Pj+ kj{tf/f]x0f tyf b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg ;DaGwL

;fdfGo hfgsf/L .

lx;fj – !% cÍ

P]lss lgod, Jofh, k|ltzt, cf}ift, bzdnj .

-v_ n]vf tyf ;+:yf ;DaGwL – #% cÍ

!= uf]Zj/f ef}r/, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fj, jf;nft / bf]xf]/f] n]vf k|0ffnL tyf n]vf ;DaGwL

;fdfGo hfgsf/L .

@= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfgsf] pTklQ, ljsf; tyf cfjZostf .

efu ljifo

k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof

efu -s_ ;fdfGo 1fg




!% ldg]6

#) ldg]6

j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_



$ dWo] #

efu -v_ n]vf tyf ;+:yf


#% ! 306f ljifout % dWo] $

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx % k|fljlws ;]jf æ 8]/L PS6]G;g P08 ck/]zg Æ ;d"xsf 6]lSgsn

cl;i6]G6 kbsf nflu x'g] v'Nnf÷cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL cyjf c+u|]hL x'g]5 .

lnlvt k/LIff ;DaGwL ljj/0f M–

kq ljifo

k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof c+sef/

k|yd kq 8]/L lj1fg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo 1fg &) %) ldg]6 j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_ #%


låtLo kq ;]jf, ;d'x ;DaGwL 1fg &)

@ 306f ljifout M

5f]6f] 5f]6f] pQ/

nfdf] pQ/





kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M–

k|yd kq M 8]/L lj1fg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo 1fg M

!= b"wdf kfOg] z'Id hLjf0f'x? .

@= b'Uwzfnfdf h8fg ePsf] d]lzg/L, pks/0fx? tyf tLgsf ;/ ;kmfO{df k|of]u x'g] Chemicals

Detergents ;DaGwL 1fg .

#= b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{d k|of]u x'g] Packaging Materials

$= b"wdf kfOg] lrNnf] /lxt 7f]; kbfy{ tyf 3[tf+zsf] lx;fj ug]{ t/Lsf .

%= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg ;DaGwL hfgsf/L .

^= rLh pTkfbgdf Rennets and Starter Culture ;DaGwL 1fg .

&= g]kfn clw/fHodf kfOg] ljleGg kz'x?sf] b"wsf] jgfj6 / kf}li6s dxTj .

*= rLh, cfO:qmLd, w"nf] b"w, dvg, Wo", bxL ;DaGwL lj:t[t 1fg .

(= g]kfn ;/sf/jf6 lgwf{/Lt b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{x?sf] Go"gtd u'0f:t/ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L .

!)= b"wjf6 ;g]{ ljleGg /f]ux? .

l4tLo kq M ;]jf ;d'x ;DaGwL 1fg M

!= b"wsf] kl/ro, agfj6 / o;sf] kf}li6s dxTj .

@= b"wsf] jgfj6df k|efj kfg]{ tTjx? (Factors Affecting the Composition of Milk)

#= b"w k|zf]wg ug]{ ljlwx?, k|zf]wg ug'{sf] cfjZostf / o;sf] dxTj .

$= b"w ;+sng ug]{ tl/sf .

%= b"w lr:ofpg'sf] cfjZostf / o;sf ljleGg tl/sfx? .

^= b"w lr:ofpg] s]Gb|df ul/g] ljleGg kl/If0fx? .

&= b"w lr:ofpg] s]Gb|df h8fg ePsf d]lzg/L, pks/0f / ltgsf ;/ ;kmfO{ ;DaGwL 1fg .

*= b"wdf kfOg] z'Id hLjf0f'x? .

(= b'Uw k|of]uzfnfdf ul/g] b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{x?sf] ljleGg kl/If0fx? -ef}lts, /;folgs tyf

z'IdhLjf0f's, ljiff0f's_ .

!)= b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{df k|of]u x'g] Packaging Materials

!!= bxL / kgL/ pTkfbg tyf e08f/0f ljlw .

!@= cfO:s[d pTkfbg tyf xf8]{lgË (Hardening) / e08f/df x'g] kl/jt{gx?, Overrun Control

!#= rLh pTkfbg tyf /fOlklgË -Ripening) / e08f/0fdf x'g] kl/jt{gx? .

!$= j6/ / Wo" pTkfbg tyf e08f/0f ljlw .

!%= kmn]a/ ldNs, dxL, ljleGg k|sf/sf ld7fO{x?sf] pTkfbg tyf e08f/0f ljlw .

!^= b"wdf kfOg] lrNnf] /lxt 7f]; kbfy{ tyf 3[tf+zsf] lx;f jug]{ tl/sf .

!&= HACCP sf] Dairy Industry df dxTj / pkfob]otf .

!*= /]g]6; (Rennets), :6f6{/ sNr/ (Starter Culture), :6]ljnfOh/ (Stabilizers) / ODo'lnl;kmfo/

(Emulsifiers) ;DaGwL lj:t[t 1fg .

!(= vfB P]g cg';f/ b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{x?sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] lgwf{/Lt u'0f:t/ .

b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg

s]G›Lo sfof{no, n}grf}/

;+:yfgsf] ;xfos :t/ tx % k|fljlws ;]jf æ8]/L PS6]G;g P08 ck/]zgÆ ;d"x rLh pk;d'xsf

l;lgo/ rLh d]s/ kbsf nflu x'g] v'Nnf÷cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds kl/Iffsf] kf7\oqmd .

lnlvt k/LIffsf] dfWod /fi6«efiff g]kfnL cyjf c+u|]hL x'g]5 .

lnlvt k/LIff ;DaGwL ljj/0f M–

kq ljifo

k"0ff{Í ;do k/LIff k|0ffnL k|Zg ;+Vof c+sef/

k|yd kq 8]/L lj1fg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo 1fg &) %) ldg]6 j:t'ut -ax'pQ/_ #%


låtLo kq ;]jf, ;d'x ;DaGwL 1fg &)

@ 306f ljifout M

5f]6f] 5f]6f] pQ/

nfdf] pQ/





kf7\oqmdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M–

k|yd kq M 8]/L lj1fg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo 1fg M

!= b"wdf kfOg] z'Id hLjf0f'x? .

@= b'Uwzfnfdf h8fg ePsf] d]lzg/L, pks/0fx? tyf tLgsf ;/ ;kmfO{df k|of]u x'g] Chemicals

Detergents ;DaGwL 1fg .

#= b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{d k|of]u x'g] Packaging Materials

$= b"wdf kfOg] lrNnf] /lxt 7f]; kbfy{ tyf 3[tf+zsf] lx;fj ug]{ t/Lsf .

%= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfg ;DaGwL hfgsf/L .

^= rLh pTkfbgdf Rennets and Starter Culture ;DaGwL 1fg .

&= g]kfn clw/fHodf kfOg] ljleGg kz'x?sf] b"wsf] jgfj6 / kf}li6s dxTj .

*= rLh, cfO:s[d, w"nf] b"w, dvg, Wo", bxL ;DaGwL lj:t[t 1fg .

(= g]kfn ;/sf/jf6 lgwf{/Lt b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{x?sf] Go"gtd u'0f:t/ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L .

!)= b"wjf6 ;g]{ ljleGg /f]ux? .

l4tLo kq M ;]jf ;d'x ;DaGwL 1fg M

!= g]kfn clw/fHodf kfOg] ljleGg kz'x? -ufO{, e};L tyf rf}/L_ sf] ;+Vof jf/] tYofÍ .

@= b"wsf] kl/ro, agfj6 / o;sf] kf}li6s dxTj .

#= b"wsf] jgfj6df k|efj kfg]{ tTjx? (Factors Affecting the Composition of Milk)

$= b"w k|zf]wg ug]{ ljlwx?, k|zf]wg ug'{sf] cfjZostf / o;sf] dxTj .

%= b'Uw ljsf; ;+:yfgjf6 lgwf{/Lt b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{x?sf] Go"gtd u'0f:t/ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L .

^= b"w ;+sng ug]{ tl/sf .

&= b"w lr:ofpg'sf] cfjZostf / o;sf] ljleGg tl/sfx? .

*= b"w lr:ofpg] s]Gb|df ul/g] ljleGg kl/If0fx? .

(= b"w lr:ofpg] s]Gb|df h8fg ePsf d]lzg/L, pks/0f / ltgsf ;/ ;kmfO{ ;DaGwL 1fg .

!)= b"wjf6 ;g]{ ljleGg /f]ux? .

!!= b'Uw k|of]uzfnfdf ul/g] b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{x?sf] ljleGg kl/If0fx? -ef}lts, /;folgs

z'IdhLjf0f's tyf ljiff0f's_ .

!@= bxL / kgL/ pTkfbg tyf e08f/0f ljlw .

!#= cfO:qmLd pTkfbg tyf xf8]{lgË (Hardening) / e08f/df x'g] kl/jt{gx?, Overrun Control

!$= rLh pTkfbg, Ripening / e08f/0fdf x'g] kl/jt{gx? .

!%= j6/ / Wo" pTkfbg tyf e08f/0f ljlw .

!^= kmn]a/ ldNs, dxL, ljleGg k|sf/sf ld7fO{x?sf] pTkfbg tyf e08f/0f ljlw .

!&= pQ/L e]usf] r/0f tyf vr{ ;DaGwL 1fg .

!*= rf}/L kfng ;DaGwL 1fg .

!(= rLh pTkfbgsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ d]lzg, pks/0fx? Pj+ ;/ ;kmfO{ ;DaGwL 1fg .

@)= b"wsf] ef}lts tyf /;folgs u'0fx? .

@!= vfB P]g cg';f/ b"w tyf b'Uw kbfy{x?sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] lgwf{/Lt u'0f:t/ .
