CSE 501N Fall ‘09 10: Introduction to Collections and Linked Lists 29 September 2009 Nick...



3 Arrays The shortcomings Fixed size Insertion into the middle of a contiguous array Removal from the middle of a contiguous array

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CSE 501NFall ‘0910: Introduction to Collections and Linked Lists

29 September 2009Nick Leidenfrost


Lecture Outline

Data Structures Linked List Iterators


ArraysThe shortcomings

Fixed size Insertion into the middle of a contiguous

array Removal from the middle of a contiguous



Data Structures

Objects whose purpose is to organize data (primitives or other objects)

Allow us to store large amounts of information when it is not desirable to do so with an array

Can grow and shrink as needed Can be more efficient to search than arrays in

certain cases


Data StructuresJava Libraries

Java provides several data structures in its librariesContained in the java.util package

[ To the JavaDoc, Batman! ] In the next few weeks we will be exploring

some of these Data Structures and learning their strengths and weaknessesWhen it is appropriate to use a particular



Linked Lists One of the most basic data structures is the

linked list A linked list is a data structure which consists of

a number of nodes, each of which has some contents and a reference to the next node

(storage) (storage) (storage) (storage)


Node Node Node Node


Linked ListsCode View

A linked list is a data structure which consists of a number of nodes (instances of a Node class), each of which has some contents (instance variable) a reference to the next node (instance variable)

Object storage;Node next;

class Node

Object storage;Node next;

Object storage;Node next;

class SinglyLinkedList

Node head;


Linked Lists vs. Arrays Adding and removing elements in the middle of a linked list is efficient

Visiting the elements of a linked list in sequential order is efficient

Random access is not efficient

Lists can grow arbitrarily large (Resizing is efficient)


Linked ListsImplementation

To keep it simple, we will look at implementing a singly-linked list Called “Singly Linked” because Nodes only

know about the Node after them (References, or links only go in one direction)

You will be asked to implement a Doubly Linked List in Lab 4


Linked ListsImplementation Node class

Holds a reference to the next Node Holds a reference to the Object it is storing

SinglyLinkedList class Holds a reference head to the first node

(storage) (storage) (storage) (storage)


Node Node Node Node


ListsIn Code

public class Node {

Object contents; Node nextNode;

public Node (Object contents) { this.contents = contents; }

}public class SinglyLinkedList {

Node head;

public SinglyLinkedList () { this.head = null; }



Adding a New First Element When a new Node is added to the list

It becomes the head of the list The old list head becomes its next Node

public class SinglyLinkedList {

// . . .

public void addFirst (Object add) { Node newNode = new Node(add); newNode.next = this.head; this.head = newNode; }



Removing the First Element

When the first element is removed The data of the first node are saved and later

returned as the method result The successor of the list head becomes the

list headThe old node will be garbage collected when

there are no further references to it


Removing the First Element The removeFirst method

public class SinglyLinkedList {

// . . .

public Object removeFirst() {

if (head == null)

return null;

Object obj = this.head.contents;

this.head = this.head.next;

return obj; } }


Getting an Element by Index The getNth method

public Object getNth (int index) {

Node search = this.head;

for (int i=0; i<index; i++) {

if (search == null)

return null;

search = search.next;


return search.contents;



Iterating Over Data Structures Iterating over a Linked List

We could just use a regular for loop:

But what is this doing internally?[ Example on Board ]

Very inefficient

for (int i=0; i<list.getSize(); i++) {

Object nth = list.getNth(i);

... // Do something with ‘nth’



IteratorsHelpers for Stepping through Data Structures

Let’s define a way for users to iterate through our data structure (SinglyLinkedList), one element at a time Internal Iterator

[ Example on Board ] But what if multiple different entities want

to iterate over the Data Structure?Position is invalidated for other users


IteratorsSafely Exporting State

What we need is a way to encapsulate (package up) and export a position in the Data Structure…Allow multiple different simultaneous iterators

over the Data StructureWe need to have a trusted way of providing a

reference to our internal representation Exporting our internal representation

How is this done?


Levels of EncapsulationExporting State Safely

We want the internal structure (Nodes) of the linked list to be as protected as possible

We want to be able to export some notion of a position within the list The easiest way to do this would be a reference to a Node

But we don’t want to expose the Node object itself Write an encapsulation for the behavior we want to



Packages and Access ModifiersClasses that Work Together Closely

Put our SinglyLinkedList, our Node, and our ListIterator classes inside of package

Declare Node head in SinglyLinkedList with the protected access modifier

ListIterator can access protected fields of the List, because List and ListIterator are in the same package

Make the constructor of ListIterator protected so that it must be created via the SinglyLinkedList



ListIterator type Gives access to elements inside a linked list Encapsulates the concept of a ‘position’

anywhere inside the linked list Protects the internal structure of the linked list

while giving access


A List Iterator


List Iterator Think of an iterator as pointing between two elements

in a data structure Analogy: like the cursor in a word processor points

between two characters

The iterator method of the SinglyLinkedList class gets a new ListIterator Points to the beginning of the list

SinglyLinkedList employeeNames = new SinglyLinkedList();

ListIterator iterator = employeeNames.iterator();


A Conceptual View of a List Iterator


List Iterator

Initially, the iterator points before the first element

hasNext returns true if there is a next element

The next method moves the iterator and returns the current item

Object next = iterator.next();

if (iterator.hasNext()) iterator.next();


List Iterator

The next method returns the element that the iterator is passing

while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object obj = iterator.next(); // Do something with obj}


LinkedListIterator The LinkListIterator class

package listutil;

public class LinkedListIterator {

Node previous, position;

List list;

public LinkedListIterator(List list) {

this.list = list; this.position = null; this.previous = null; }




Linked List Iterator hasNext Method

The next method should only be called when the iterator is not at the end of the list If hasNext returns true

The iterator is at the end if… the list is empty (list.head == null) there is no element after the current position

(position.next == null)


The Linked List IteratorhasNext Method

private class LinkedListIterator { //. . .

public boolean hasNext() { if (position == null) return (list.head != null); else return (position.next != null); }

//. . .}


The Linked List Iteratornext Method

position: reference to the last visited Node previous: reference to the Node before position

next method: position reference is advanced to position.next

Last position is remembered in previous If the iterator points before the first element

of the list, then the previous is null and position must be set to list.head


The Linked List Iteratornext Method

public Object next() { if (!hasNext()) return null; previous = position; // Remember for remove

if (position == null) position = list.head; else position = position.next;

return position.contents;}


The Linked List Iteratorremove Method

If the element to be removed is the first element, call list.removeFirst

Otherwise, the node preceding the element to be removed needs to have its next reference updated to skip the removed element


The Linked List Iteratorremove Method

public void remove() {

if (previous == position) return; // Invalid state!

if (position == list.head) { list.removeFirst(); }

else {

previous.next = position.next;


position = previous; }


Removing a Node From the Middle of a Linked List


The Linked List Iteratorremove Method: Caveats

If the previous equals position: Then the call to remove does not immediately follow a call to next Method cannot execute properly

(throw an IllegalArgumentException) It is illegal to call remove twice in a row remove sets the previous reference to position


The Linked List Iteratorset Method

Changes the data stored in the previously visited element

The set method

public Object set (Object obj) {

Object contents = null; if (position != null) {

contents = position.contents; position.contents = obj;


return contents;}


The Linked List Iteratoradd Method

add inserts the new node after the current position

The most complex operation is the addition of a node

Sets the successor of the new node to the successor of the current position


The Linked List Iterator's add Method

public void add(Object obj) { if (position == null) { list.addFirst(obj); position = list.head;

previous = null; } else { Node newNode = new Node(obj); newNode.next = position.next; position.next = newNode;

previous = position; position = newNode; }



Adding a Node to the Middle of a Linked List



Lab 3 assigned todayArrays & IterationLab 2 due by midnight I will be in lab now
