Cross-Failure Bug Detection in Persistent Memory Programssmk9u/liu_xfd_asplos2020.pdf · Persistent...


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Cross-Failure Bug Detection in Persistent Memory Programs

Sihang LiuUniversity of Virginia

Korakit SeemakhuptUniversity of Virginia

Yizhou WeiUniversity of Virginia

Thomas WenischUniversity of Michigan

Aasheesh KolliPenn State UniversityVMware Research

Samira KhanUniversity of Virginia

AbstractPersistent memory (PM) technologies, such as Intel’s Optanememory, deliver high performance, byte-addressability, andpersistence, allowing programs to directly manipulate per-sistent data in memory without any OS intermediaries. Animportant requirement of these programs is that persistentdata must remain consistent across a failure, which we referto as the crash consistency guarantee.

However, maintaining crash consistency is not trivial. Weidentify that a consistent recovery critically depends not onlyon the execution before the failure, but also on the recoveryand resumption after failure. We refer to these stages as thepre- and post-failure execution stages. In order to holisticallydetect crash consistency bugs, we categorize the underlyingcauses behind inconsistent recovery due to incorrect inter-actions between the pre- and post-failure execution. First, aprogram is not crash-consistent if the post-failure stage readsfrom locations that are not guaranteed to be persisted in allpossible access interleavings during the pre-failure stage —a type of programming error that leads to a race that werefer to as a cross-failure race. Second, a program is not crash-consistent if the post-failure stage reads persistent data thathas been left semantically inconsistent during the pre-failurestage, such as a stale log or uncommitted data. We refer tothis type of bugs as a cross-failure semantic bug. Together,they form the cross-failure bugs in PM programs. In this work,we provide XFDetector, a tool that detects cross-failure bugsby automatically injecting failures into the pre-failure ex-ecution, and checking for cross-failure races and semanticbugs in the post-failure continuation. XFDetector has de-tected four new bugs in three pieces of PM software: oneof PMDK’s examples, a PM-optimized Redis database, and aPMDK library function.

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CCS Concepts. • Hardware → Memory and dense stor-age; • Software and its engineering→ Software testingand debugging.Keywords. Persistent Memory, Crash Consistency, Testing,Debugging

ACM Reference Format:Sihang Liu, Korakit Seemakhupt, Yizhou Wei, Thomas Wenisch,Aasheesh Kolli, and Samira Khan. 2020. Cross-Failure Bug Detectionin Persistent Memory Programs. In Proceedings of the Twenty-FifthInternational Conference on Architectural Support for ProgrammingLanguages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS ’20), March 16–20, 2020,Lausanne, Switzerland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages.

1 IntroductionPersistent memory (PM) technologies feature high perfor-mance, byte-addressability, and persistence. PM modules areplaced on the memory bus and accessed through a load/storeinterface, thereby blurring the boundary between memoryand storage. As Intel has released Optane DC PersistentMemory [21], this technology has finally become availableto the industry, researchers, and developers. The arrival ofPM has spurred the development of file systems [14, 33,34, 44, 64, 68, 71, 72], databases [4, 25, 37, 49], key-valuestores [9, 69, 70], and custom programs that directly man-age persistent data [8, 12, 20, 57, 73]. All of these softwaresystems are expected to recover to a consistent state and beable to resume execution in the event of a failure (e.g., powerfailure or system crash). We refer to the ability to restore toa consistent state as the crash consistency guarantee.

Due to the volatile caching and reordering of writes withinthe memory hierarchy, programs need to carefully managethe order in which a write becomes persistent when imple-menting a crash-consistent program. For example, in thecommonly used undo logging mechanism [11, 23, 31], a logof data values must be written to PM before a correspondingupdate happens. Therefore, PM systems have introducednew instructions (e.g., CLWB and SFENCE from x86 [26], andDC CVAP from ARM [3]) to enforce such an ordering, andfurther provided higher-level abstractions (e.g., transactionallibraries [11, 23, 31, 65]) for better programmability. How-ever, it is still not trivial to guarantee crash consistency,as programmers need to have a good understanding of thehardware primitives and/or the semantics of libraries.

Recent works have implemented testing tools for PM pro-grams and detected bugs due to misuse of low-level primi-tives and libraries when the program is updating persistentobjects [22, 42]. Required by the crash consistency guarantee,that is a program returns to a consistent state and resumesthe execution after a failure, a testing tool is expected todetect inconsistencies during the entire procedure of execu-tion, recovery, and resumption. As such, only testing the partof the execution before a failure happens is insufficient. Inthis work, we identify that a crash-consistent program mustensure a correct interaction between the execution stagebefore and after the failure. Therefore, a program first needsto correctly implement certain crash consistency mecha-nisms (e.g., undo/redo logging [5, 6, 10, 23, 28, 31, 65], check-pointing [30, 60], or shadow paging [13, 56]) to ensure dataconsistency before failure. And second, after failure, the as-sociated recovery procedure must properly restore PM toa consistent state. We refer to the stages before and afterthe failure as the pre-failure and post-failure stages. The pre-and post-failure stages are required to work collaborativelyto guarantee crash consistency. If the interaction betweenthe two stages is incorrect, the program might not recoverto a consistent state. In the previous undo logging example,even if the program correctly maintains undo logs duringthe pre-failure stage, the post-failure execution might stillread inconsistent data if the recovery procedure does notcorrectly roll back incomplete updates according to the undologs. Hence, both the pre- and post-failure execution stagesare critical to the crash consistency guarantee. In this work,we seek to test the crash consistency guarantee holistically,considering both the pre- and post-failure execution stages.In order to holistically detect crash consistency bugs, we

first need to precisely define the incorrect interactions be-tween the pre- and post-failure execution stages. In thiswork, we categorize such interactions into two classes: (1)cross-failure race, and (2) cross-failure semantic bug. Next,we explain both scenarios in detail.

The most common incorrect interaction is that the post-failure executionmay read data that is not guaranteed to havepersisted in all possible interleavings during the pre-failurestage. Analogous to data races in multithreaded programs,the post-failure execution acts as a “thread” that executes“concurrently” with the pre-failure execution. Without prop-erly orchestrating the “concurrent execution” by enforcingthe persistence and the ordering of writes to PM, the post-failure execution might read from locations that were notpersisted before the failure. We refer to this scenario as across-failure race. However, not every cross-failure race leadsto a crash consistency issue. Instead, much like races on syn-chronization primitives that are inherent, cross-failure racesare sometimes necessary to enable a correct recovery. Forexample, suppose the validity of an undo log is indicated bya valid bit. During the post-failure execution, the recoverycode must read this valid bit to check whether the undo log

needs to be applied to overwrite a potentially inconsistent lo-cation. The pre-failure write that sets the valid bit inherentlyraces with the post-failure read, but the recovery outcome iswell defined for all possible scenarios of the race. We referto such intentional races as benign cross-failure races, as theydo not lead to crash consistency issues.Even in the absence of cross-failure races, the program

can still be semantically incorrect and cause inconsistenciesacross the failure. For example, under the checkpointing-based recoverymechanism, the post-failure execution shouldread only from data in themost recent committed checkpoint.Data in earlier checkpoints have been persisted, and accessesto it during recovery do not race, yet these data differ fromthe latest checkpoint. As such, reading from older check-points during the post-failure stage violates the semantics ofthe crash consistency mechanism. Similar to the cross-failurerace, this buggy scenario can only be detected in the eventof a failure. However, the difference is a cross-failure racereturns a non-deterministic outcome but such a scenario isalways buggy if the program fails at a certain point. There-fore, we refer to the second type of incorrect interaction asa cross-failure semantic bug.

We collectively refer to these two classes of programmingerrors as cross-failure bugs. In both cases, the program readsfrom PM locations that are regarded as inconsistent, eitherbecause the update to the location is not guaranteed to bepersisted before failure, or it is treated as invalid by the se-mantics of the crash consistency mechanism. The goal ofthis work is to build upon our definitions of the cross-failurebugs to provide a tool that automatically detects these bugsand validates a PM program’s crash consistency guarantee.We propose XFDetector (Xross-Failure Detector) that detectsinconsistencies across both the pre- and post-failure stages.At the high-level, XFDetector takes two steps in detection.First, at runtime, XFDetector traces PM operations in boththe pre- and post-failure stages. Second, XFDetector replaysthe two traces and updates a shadow PM to reflect the statusof each PM location based on the operations in the trace,such as whether updates have been persisted and data issemantically consistent. The status then enables the detec-tion of cross-failure bugs. In order to generate both the pre-and post-failure traces for testing, XFDetector atomicallyinjects failure points into the PM program. Based on ourobservation that a program can only enter a consistent stateafter an explicit writeback to PM (e.g., a CLWB followed byan SFENCE), XFDetector only injects failures to such pointsto reduce the number of post-failure executions.

The contributions of this work are the following:• This work shows that the crash consistency guaranteerelies on the correct interaction between the pre- andpost-failure stage of a PM program.

• We categorize the incorrect cross-failure interactions intotwo classes: (1) cross-failure race, where the post-failure


execution reads from non-persisted data, and (2) cross-failure semantic bug, where the post-failure executionreads from semantically inconsistent data.

• Based on the categorization and definition, we implementXFDetector1, a tool that automatically injects failures intoprograms, and detects cross-failure bugs by replayingtraces of the pre- and post-failure stages.

• XFDetector has detected four new bugs in three pieces ofPM software: one of PMDK’s examples, a PM-optimizedRedis [25] database, and a PMDK library function [23].

2 Background and MotivationIn this section, we first introduce programming for persistentmemory (PM) systems and its difficulties. Then, we discussthe cause of inconsistencies across failure.

2.1 Programming for Persistent Memory is HardPersistent memory (PM) technologies, such as Intel’s Op-tane DC Persistent Memory [21], allow programs to directlymanage persistent data in memory. Without the OS indirec-tion, programs can fully leverage the high performance andpersistence of PM systems. On the other hand, the burdenof maintaining the consistency of data in PM lies on pro-grams. We refer to the ability of recovering to a consistentstate after failure (e.g., power outage or system crash) as thecrash consistency guarantee. A crash-consistent program isexpected to recover from a failure and resumes its execu-tion as if the failure has never happened. While, due to theprocessor’s caching and buffering in the volatile memoryhierarchy and reordering of writes to memory, the order awrite becomes persistent can be different from the intendedprogram order. For simplicity, we refer to the act that a writebecomes persistent as a persist. To guarantee the persistenceand the ordering of writes, PM systems provide instructions,such as CLWB and SFENCE from x86 [26], to ensure a writeto PM has been properly persisted and ordered with otherpersists. We use a persist_barrier()to refer to a sequenceof “CLWB; SFENCE” that writes back a selected cache line andorders it before future persists. Built upon these low-levelinstructions, there are also high-level libraries, such as Intel’sPMDK [23], that abstract away the low-level instructionsfor better programmability. Both levels of support allow pro-grams to enforce the persistence and the correct ordering ofwrites to PM, and thereby, guarantee crash consistency.

However, it is not trivial to guarantee crash consistency,as programmers need to have a good knowledge of the prim-itives and/or PM libraries. Prior works have implementedspecialized testing tools for PM programs and found bugs dueto misuse of these hardware primitives and library functionswhen the program performs updates to PM [22, 42]. How-ever, only testing the normal execution stage is insufficient as

1XFDetector is available at

crash consistency has two fundamental requirements: (1) theprogram needs to correctly follow crash consistency mech-anism to ensure data consistency before a failure happens,and (2) the recovery code needs to correctly restore the PMstatus back to a consistent state after a failure and resumethe previously preempted execution. For simplicity, we re-fer to the phase before failure as the pre-failure stage, andafter failure as the post-failure stage. Next, we will show twoexamples that fail to meet these requirements.

void recover_alt() { ... // Apply undo logs int count = 0; // Traverse list and get length node_t cur_node = list.head; for(; cur_node; count++) cur_node = cur_node->next; // Overwrite inconsistent length list.length = count;}

void append(node_t* new_node) { TX_BEGIN { new_node->next = head; TX_ADD(list.head); head = new_node; list.length++; } TX_END}


void recover() { ... // Apply undo logs}

void pop() { TX_BEGIN { if (list.length) { TX_ADD(list.head); list.head = head->next; list.length--; } } TX_END }






Correct Post-Failure

Figure 1. An example of an inconsistency in program’spost-failure execution.

Example 1: Inconsistency in the post-failure execution.Figure 1 shows a snippet of code that appends a new_nodeto a persistent linked list. To guarantee crash consistency, itwraps the updates in a transaction (indicated by TX_BEGINand TX_END). Within the transaction, it adds the current PMobject to an undo log with a TX_ADD() function (line 4), suchthat if a failure happens in the middle of the transaction,the recovery program can roll back the logs and restore to aconsistent state. However, the program does not add lengthto the undo log. As a result, if a failure happens between line6 and 7, it is unknown if the length of the linked list hasbeen persisted. Whether or not this inconsistent length canlead to a bug depends on the post-failure execution.

In the naive implementation, the program executes the fol-lowing steps after the failure: First, it executes the recover()function (line 9) that rolls back the incomplete transactionwith undo logs. Second, it resumes the program’s normalexecution. Let’s assume the next operation on the linkedlist is pop() (line 13-21), which removes the head node anddecrements its length. As the length was not added to thetransaction in the pre-failure execution, the resumption exe-cution keeps using the inconsistent value (as indicated by thered arrows). If the linked list was initially empty before call-ing the append() function and the updated length (equalsto 1) happens to be persisted before the failure, the resump-tion execution can even have a segmentation fault as the “if”statement at line 15 becomes “true” and tries to remove anode from the empty linked list.


To recover the linked list to a consistent state withoutrequiring the logged length, recover_alt() traverses thelinked list and gets the number of nodes (line 26-28) after ap-plying the undo logs. Then, it overwrites the lengthwith thecorrect value (line 30), making the variable length consis-tent. During traversal, the program reads from the consistentvalue of head as it has been backed up by the transaction(indicated by the green arrow). And, after executing therecover_alt() function, the function pop() also accessesa consistent version of length that has been overwrittenduring the recovery (indicated by the green arrows). Notethat the update to length at line 30 does not need to becovered by a transaction because its value always gets resetduring recovery. Compared to adding length to the transac-tion during the pre-failure stage, this fix is more efficient asthe recovery procedure only happens once for each failure.Thus, we refer to this example as an inconsistency in thepost-failure stage. However, even with a correct implementa-tion of recover_alt(), existing works in crash consistencytesting [22, 42] can report a false positive as they only checkthe pre-failure stage.

void update(int idx,item_t new_item) {

backup.idx = idx; backup.val = arr[idx]; persist_barrier(); valid = 0; persist_barrier(); arr[idx] = new_item; persist_barrier(); valid = 1; persist_barrier();}



void recover() { if (valid) { arr[backup.idx] = backup.val; }}


...valid = 1;...valid = 0;...Correct Pre-Failure

Figure 2. An example of an inconsistency in program’spre-failure execution.

Example 2: Inconsistency in the pre-failure execution.Figure 2 shows a snippet of code that updates a location idxin a persistent array (arr). To guarantee crash consistency,the update() function first backs up the old data and the up-dated index (line 3-4). Then, it issues a persist_barrier()towriteback the backup and sets a valid bit (line 6). After writ-ing back valid with another persist_barrier(), it per-forms the in-place update to the array (line 8). And finally,it persists the updates and resets the valid bit (line 9-11).Even though this example places a persist_barrier()atthe correct places, the pre-failure code is still semanticallyincorrect as valid is set to wrong values (corrections areshown in the green box). As a result, the recovery functionalways performs the wrong operation: If a failure happensbefore the in-place update has been written back (line 8), therecovery program observes a valid = 0 and does not rollback the potentially non-persisted update. And, if a failurehappens after the update() function (line 12) has completed,the recovery program rolls back with the stale data that issemantically inconsistent. Although the bug fix can apply to

both pre- and post-failure stages, the more appropriate wayis to change the values in the pre-failure stage as the variablevalid refers to the validity of the backup. For this reason, werefer to this bug as an inconsistency in pre-failure stage. Asthe consequence of this bug appears after the failure, priorworks [22, 42] cannot detect the bug either.

From these two examples, we conclude that it is hard toguarantee crash consistency, not only because PM program-ming requires a good knowledge of PM low-level instruc-tions and libraries, but also because the pre- and post-failurestages in the program need to work seamlessly. The inabilityto implement a correct crash consistency mechanism for thepre-failure execution leaves inconsistent data in PM, makingit impossible for post-failure execution to restore PM to aconsistent state. On the other hand, an incorrect recoveryand resumption execution is unable to consistently restorePM. Figure 3 summarizes these two buggy scenarios wherethe inconsistencies can be due to the pre-failure and/or post-failure execution. Prior works [22, 42] have provided testingtools to detect crash consistency bugs in the pre-failure stage(the shaded area). However, without performing an end-to-end test with both stages involved, it is impossible to coverall buggy scenarios.

Pre-Failure Post-Failure

XFDetector (This Work)

Prior Works [22, 42]

Figure 3. Causes of inconsistency.

2.2 Causes of InconsistencyWe categorize the incorrect interactions between the pre-and post-failure execution into two classes. The first classof bugs happens when the post-failure execution reads fromdata that may have not been persisted before the failure.Prior works have suggested that there is a similarity betweenmultithreaded programs and the recovery in certain crash-consistent programs. Lucia et al. model intermittent com-puting in energy-harvesting devices as concurrency [45, 46].Chakrabarti et al. make an analogy between races in mul-tithreaded programs and buggy scenarios in their failure-atomic programming model [5]. We further generalize thisinteraction in PM programs — the execution before and aftera failure can be modeled as a writer and a reader from twoconcurrent threads. In the conventional data race, a racehappens when at least one of the concurrent accesses tothe same memory location is a write [35]. In PM programs,although the pre- and post-failure execution cannot performreal concurrent accesses as they happen in different times,this contentious interaction is still similar to a data race asthe value returned by the read after a failure is indeterminate,depending on when the failure happens. Therefore, such a








undo_log ...

Figure 4. Cross-failure bugs from the example of(a) Figure 1 and (b) Figure 2.

read from a potentially non-persisted location may causeundefined behaviors afterward. We refer to reading data thatis not guaranteed to be persisted in the post-failure stage asa cross-failure race. Figure 4a illustrates the cross-failure race(indicated by the red arrow) between the pre- and post-failurestages in the example of Figure 1. Due to a post-failure bug,the program fails to overwrite the potentially non-persistedlength modified by the pre-failure “writer”, and thus, thepost-failure “reader” can access a non-deterministic value.The second class of bugs happens when the post-failure

program reads semantically inconsistent data. Different fromthe cross-failure race, where the persistence of data is un-known, this type of cross-failure interaction is always incor-rect as the actual implementation violates the semantics ofthe intended crash consistency mechanism. Therefore, wename the act of reading data that is semantically inconsistentduring the post-failure stage as a cross-failure semantic bug.Figure 4b shows the cross-failure semantic bug in the exam-ple of Figure 2. Due to the pre-failure bug that incorrectlysets the values of valid, the post-failure recovery programreads from a semantically inconsistent backup. Because thevalid bit is incorrectly set by the program implementation,the status after the recovery is always incorrect.Together, we refer to these two classes of programming

errors as cross-failure bugs. We refer to data on a PM locationas inconsistent if it contains updates that are not guaranteedto be written back before a failure, and/or it is semanticallyinconsistent according to the crash consistency mechanism.A cross-failure bug happens due to the post-failure stagereading data from such inconsistent PM locations that aremodified during the pre-failure stage. The goal of this workis to detect cross-failure bugs in PM programs by consideringboth the pre- and post-failure stages holistically.

3 Cross-Failure BugsIn order to detect both types of cross-failure bugs, we firstneed to precisely define the buggy scenarios. Therefore, inthis section, we provide definitions for the cross-failure raceand the cross-failure semantic bug.

3.1 Cross-Failure RaceDefinition: The post-failure execution reads from datamod-

ified by the pre-failure execution that is not guaranteed to bepersisted before the failure.

The first type of cross-failure race covers the most generalcase of inconsistent data on PM — it happens when writesto PM are not guaranteed to be written back before a failure.As data may not be persistent, the post-failure execution canread incompletely updated data, leading to inconsistenciesafter failure. Reading the variable length during post-failurerecovery in Figure 1 is a typical example of a cross-failurerace as length is not guaranteed to be persisted before fail-ure. Its unknown persistence status can lead to uncertaintiesduring the post-failure stage. To formalize the cross-failurerace, we first define the following notations:

•Wx : A write to the PM location x .• Rx : A read from the PM location x .•Mx : A read/write from/to the PM location x .• F : A failure point that preempts execution.

We then define the following ordering notations:•Mx <hb F :Mx happens before the failure F .•Wx ≤p Wy :Wy may not persist beforeWx is persisted.•Wx ≤p F :Wx has been persisted before the failure F .

Therefore, we define a pre-failure writeWx as:Wx <hb F ,and a post-failure read Rx as F <hb Rx . A read Rx has across-failure race withWx iff:

Wx <hb F∧

F <hb Rx∧

¬(Wx ≤p F

). (1)

In other words, if a write is not guaranteed to be persistedbefore the failure, reading its location during the post-failureexecution can cause a cross-failure race. Next, we introducea special case of the cross-failure race that does not lead toinconsistencies but is necessary for recovery.

BenignCross-FailureRace: Aprogram intentionally readsfrom potentially non-persisted data modified by the pre-failureexecution, without causing inconsistencies.

Cross-failure races can cause inconsistencies, however, notall cross-failure races lead to inconsistencies. Instead, it issometimes necessary to read potentially non-persisted datato correctly recover from a failure, analogous to the inherentdata races on synchronization primitives. We refer to such in-tentional reads to inconsistent data as the benign cross-failurerace. For example, reading the valid bit of undo logs duringthe post-failure recovery is regarded as a benign race, as thevalid bit enables the recovery program to determine whichversion is consistent. The checksum-based recovery mecha-nism (last row in Table 1) is another example of the benigncross-failure race, as the post-failure recovery needs to readpotentially non-persisted data and its associated checksumto verify data consistency. In these scenarios, a write to suchlocation inherently races with the post-failure read, whilethe outcome is always well defined and thus, does not causeany inconsistency. Benign cross-failure races are typicallyused to determine the consistency status of other PM objects.


Mechanism Description Data Consistency

Undo logging[11, 18, 23, 39, 43]

Keeps a backup of the old data before performing the in-place update. If afailure happens during the transaction, the recovery mechanism revertsthe update with the backup.

If the transaction has been committed, theupdated data is consistent. Otherwise, thelog is consistent.

Redo logging[16, 65, 67]

Performs updates to the log instead of updating in place. If a failurehappens during the transaction, the recovery mechanism discards theincomplete redo log.

If the redo log has not been committed, theexisting data is consistent. Otherwise, thecommitted log is consistent.

Checkpointing[17, 30, 60]

Creates a checkpoint (i.e., snapshot) of persistent data periodically. After afailure, the recovery mechanism reverts to the last committed checkpoint.

Data in the latest committed checkpoint isconsistent.

Shadow paging[19, 38, 56]

Performs copy-on-write such that data under modification has a separatecopy. Once all updates to the shadow object are completed, themechanism swaps the original data with the shadow object (e.g., byatomically updating a persistent pointer).

If the shadow object has been committed,data in the shadow object is consistent.Otherwise, the old data is consistent.

Operationallogging [48, 51]

Logs operations instead of data. If a failure happens during the operation,the recovery mechanism re-executes the logged operation to overwritethe incomplete operation.

Logged operations are consistent.

Checksum-basedrecovery[33, 59, 65]

Determines the consistency status of the modified data using checksums.If a failure happens, the recovery program first reads the data in place andthen uses its checksum to determine the consistency.

Data protected by the correspondingchecksum is consistent.

Table 1. Data consistency requirements in different crash consistency mechanisms.

3.2 Cross-Failure Semantic BugDefinition: The post-failure execution reads from data up-

dated during the pre-failure stage that is semantically incon-sistent according to the program.The second type of cross-failure bug covers inconsisten-

cies defined by the program semantics. PM programs typ-ically follow certain crash consistency mechanisms. Evenif a PM location is persisted before failure, it can still be se-mantically inconsistent if it violates the corresponding dataconsistency requirements. Table 1 lists the data consistencyrequirements of common crash consistency mechanisms.Among these different mechanisms, we identify that mostcrash consistency mechanisms keep two versions of data: aconsistent version for recovery and another for the currentupdate. The version that is regarded as consistent by thecrash consistency mechanism can be safely read during thepost-failure execution. Whereas, the inconsistent versionshould be discarded or overwritten. These mechanisms typi-cally use a commit variable to indicate whether a set of PMaddresses belongs to a consistent version. Data in a set ofPM addresses are regarded as consistent only if they wereupdated between the last two updates to the associated com-mit variable. For example, in the undo logging mechanism,the program first logs the original data and sets the commitvariable (a valid bit) of the log. Then, it performs the in-placeupdate and unsets the commit variable. If a failure happensafter the last update to the commit variable, then the in-placeupdate is the consistent version, as it was modified betweenthe last two updates to the commit variable.We formalize this commonly used version-based crash

consistencymechanism by introducing some extra notations:• Cxi : The i-th write to the PM address x that alters the

consistency status of other PM addresses. We refer to thewrite as a commit write and variable onx as a commit variable.

• Sx : A set of PM addresses, i.e., {}, associatedwiththe commit variable on x .In programs that consist of more than one commit variable,their associated PM address sets need to be disjoint, i.e., giventwo commit variables on address x and y, then

Sx ∩ Sy = ∅. (2)Let the last commit write be the n-th write to x , i.e.,Cxn , ThePM addresses in S are semantically consistent iff:

∀mi ∈ Sx ,Cxn−1 ≤p Wmi

∧Wmi ≤p Cxn . (3)

3.3 SummaryThe Venn diagram in Figure 5 summarizes the two classesof cross-failure bugs. The first class of cross-failure bug isthe cross-failure race that reads data not guaranteed to bepersisted before a failure, unless it is an intended benigncross-failure race. The second class is the cross-failure se-mantic bug that reads semantically inconsistent data. As thefocus of this work is to detect crash consistency bugs due tocross-failure interactions, we do not consider other types ofbugs. Next, we describe our key ideas for detection based onthe definition of these cross-failure bugs.

Cross-Failure Semantic Bugs

Cross-Failure RaceBenign Cross-Failure Race

Other Bugs

Figure 5. Two classes of cross-failure bugs.


4 Key Ideas of XFDetectorSo far, we have described the definitions of the cross-failurebug. It would be greatly helpful to programmers if there is away to detect them. In this work, we propose XFDetector, aXross-Failure Detector. At the high-level, XFDetector tracesPM operations in both the pre- and post-failure stages, andthen detects inconsistencies due to buggy interactions be-tween these two stages. In the design and implementationof XFDetector, we answer two research questions: (1) Whatis a proper approach to determine data consistency in orderto detect cross-failure races and semantic bugs? (2) What isan efficient way to inject failures into the program to coverall cross-failure interactions?

4.1 Data ConsistencyChallenge. Detecting inconsistencies across the failure

requires determining whether data read by the post-failureexecution is consistent. However, data consistency is notself-contained by data but depends on program’s manipula-tion of persistent data. The challenge is to determine dataconsistency based on the program execution.

Solution. The consistency status of persistent datachanges as the program performs updates to PM. Therefore,to capture the updates, XFDetector traces PM operations(e.g., WRITE, CLWB and SFENCE) in the pre- and post-failureexecution stages. To detect cross-failure bugs, XFDetectorimplements a shadow PM that records the status of each PMlocation. XFDetector first replays the pre-failure trace andthen the corresponding post-failure trace. XFDetector up-dates the status of the shadow PMwhile replaying the traces,and checks if the post-failure accesses satisfy the conditionsdescribed in Section 3.


WRITE 0x10

CLWB 0x10


Semantic Consistency


(a) (b)

Inconsistent Consistent

Time Time

Not Persisted Persisted

0x10 0x50 0x900x10

WRITE 0x50

CLWB 0x50


WRITE 0x90

CLWB 0x90


Update to Commit Var

Figure 6. Examples of detecting (a) a cross-failure race and(b) a cross-failure semantic bug based on the data

consistency status of PM locations.

Figure 6a shows an example of detecting a cross-failurerace based on the persistence of data. A PM location, 0x10,first gets modified and then the persistence status becomesnot persisted as this update is not guaranteed to be writtenback. Then, a sequence of CLWB and SFENCE writes back thislocation and thus, changing the status to persisted. Figure 6bshows another example that detects cross-failure semanticbugs by determining the data consistency status accordingto the updates to the commit variable (indicated by the bluearrows). There are two updates to the locations 0x50 and

0x90 that have been persisted before the failure. However,being persistent does not mean the locations are consistent.As the location 0x90 is last modified between the last twoupdates to the commit variable, it is regarded as semanticallyconsistent, while the other location 0x50 is not.

4.2 Failure InjectionChallenge. XFDetector needs to inject failures during the

program execution in order to trigger both the pre- and post-failure stages. We refer to such injected failures as failurepoints. To capture all incorrect cross-failure interactions, thenaive solution is to inject failure points for all possible in-terleavings of PM updates, considering the PM status canchange after each update. However, this exhaustive methodis extremely costly as XFDetector needs to perform post-failure execution for every failure point.

Solution. We observe that updates to PM are not guaran-teed to be persisted until explicitly written back (e.g., usinga persist_barrier()). We refer to a point in the programthat explicitly writes back data to PM before any future PMoperations as an ordering point. As such, persistent data canonly transition from an inconsistent state to a consistentstate after an ordering point. Therefore, it is only necessaryto check the consistency status immediately before each or-dering point. Based on this observation, XFDetector onlyinjects failure points before each ordering point2. The or-dering points that XFDetector concerns about include bothlow-level operations (e.g., SFENCE) and high-level functionsthat enforce writeback (e.g., TX_ADD() in PMDK [23]).

5 Implementation of XFDetector5.1 An Overview of XFDetector

Detection ResultsAnnotation For Each Failure Point

Offline Online: Frontend Online: Backend

Pre-Failure Trace

Post-Failure Trace

❶ ❸❹

❻Failure Point


Program XFDetector❷


Figure 7. An overview of XFDetector.

Figure 7 shows an overview of XFDetector’s detectionprocedure that consists of three steps: (1) an offline step thatrequires annotation of the region-of-interest (RoI) in boththe pre- and post-failure stages, (2) an online frontend thatinjects failure points and generates traces, and (3) an onlinebackend that detects and reports cross-failure bugs basedon the traces. The following is an overview of the detectionprocedure: First, the programmer annotates the source codeand compiles it with XFDetector library (step ➊). Second,XFDetector automatically instruments the program with2Checksum-based mechanism is an exception that data consistency relies onthe verification of the checksum. We briefly discuss how to inject additionalfailure points for this mechanism in Section 5.5.


failure points before its execution begins (step ➋). Duringexecution, it follows a procedure of execute pre-failure stage –suspend at the failure point – execute the corresponding post-failure stage, until it completes or reaches the terminationpoint (step ➌). During execution, it generates both the pre-failure (step ➍) and post-failure traces (step ➎). Finally, asthe frontend is tracing, the backend performs detection andreports the detection results (step ➏).

5.2 Software InterfaceXFDetector provides a C/C++-compatible interface as listedin Table 2. XFDetector has two types of functions. The firsttype controls the detection procedure and allows program-mers to select the region-of-interest (RoI) for detection. Thesecond type is used for annotating the source code to supportdetection. For trusted code (e.g., implementation of libraryfunctions), programmers can choose to skip the injectionof failure points and bug detection. Programmers can alsoadd additional failure points on demand. To expose crashconsistency semantics in programs directly built on low-level primitives, XFDetector allows programmers to registerthe commit variable and its associated PM objects. By de-fault, if there is only one commit variable and no objectis specified, it covers all PM locations. During the execu-tion of XFDetector, reads from the selected commit variablesare marked as benign cross-failure races, without being re-ported as bugs. Both types of functions take two arguments,condition and stage, which allow programmers to man-age when the function takes effect. It is worth pointing outthat programmers only need to use the functions to selectthe region for detection, without any need for additionalannotation when testing programs that are built on top ofPM libraries. The functions for annotation are needed onlywhen testing programs that directly use low-level primitivesor the implementation of PM libraries.

Function Description


trol RoIBegin(condition, stage) Mark a region for

XFDetector detectionRoIEnd(condition, stage)completeDetection(condition, stage) Terminate detection



ot. skipFailureBegin(condition) Mark a region that

skips failure pointsskipFailureEnd(condition)addFailurePoint(condition) Add additional failuresskipDetectionBegin(condition, stage) Mark a region that

skips detectionskipDetectionEnd(condition, stage)addCommitVar(variable) Mark a commit variable

and associated addressaddCommitRange(variable, addr, size)Table 2. XFDetector software interface.

5.3 Tracing MechanismXFDetector’s tracing mechanism generates a trace of low-level instructions, including PM reads and writes, fences, andwriteback operations. XFDetector leverages PMDK’s addressderandomization option to map PM locations to a prede-fined virtual address range to distinguish PM operations,

and keeps the virtual address of each PM object the sameacross different executions to simplify the detection process(by setting the PMEM_MMAP_HINT environment variable [24]).Due to the high performance overhead from tracing at suchfine granularity, XFDetector optimizes the tracing procedurefor programs built on PMDK [23] by skipping the trace ofinternal implementation but only maintaining a trace of li-brary function calls, such as PM transactions and allocations.This way, the user code is traced at instruction granularityand internal library code is traced at function granularity. Inthe trace entry, XFDetector keeps track of the operation’sinstruction pointer, and the source/destination addresses andtheir sizes. The instruction pointer is used for backtracingthe bug, and the address and size differentiates PM objects.

5.4 Detection ProcedureThe detection procedure in XFDetector consists of two parts:a frontend that injects failures and traces PM operations, anda backend that detects bugs based on the traces.


Pre-failure RoI

Post-failure:Post-failure RoIPM











Pre-failure Trace

Post-failure Trace

Write ...

Read ...



Check consistencyUpdate consistency

Send Trace Send Trace


➑Shadow PM

Next failure point


Figure 8. XFDetector’s (a) frontend and (b) backend.

Frontend. We implement the frontend based on Intel’sPin [47] to perform tracing and failure injection. In orderto inject failures for testing, before executing the program,the frontend first locates all ordering points in the binaryand then instruments the binary with failure handlers be-fore each ordering point (as described in Section 4). Afterinstrumentation, the frontend performs tracing and failureinjection during execution (as shown in Figure 8a). In thepre-failure stage, XFDetector collects a trace of PM writesand library functions (step ➊). When encountering a fail-ure point (i.e., failure handler) within the RoI, XFDetectorsuspends the program (step ➋), makes a copy of the cur-rent PM image (a pool file on PM) (step ➌)3, and spawnsits post-failure execution (step ➍). Then, in the post-failurestage, XFDetector generates another trace (step ➎) until itreaches the annotated termination point (or naturally termi-nates). Then it continues the pre-failure execution andmoves3The copy of PM image contains all updates (including those not persistedbefore the failure point). XFDetector maintains a shadow PM to track whichlocations have been persisted for the purpose of detection.


Figure 9. Transitions of the persistence state.

on to the next failure point (step ➏). During the remainingpre-failure execution, XFDetector incrementally traces newoperations instead of starting over from the beginning forbetter performance. While tracing, the frontend sends the al-ready completed trace to the backend (through a pre-failuretrace FIFO and a post-failure trace FIFO) for detection. Thisway, the detection procedure can overlap with tracing. Next,we describe the backend detection mechanism.

Backend. XFDetector maintains a shadow PM with thefollowing fields for each PM address to record their status: (1)a persistence state field that can be unmodified (U), modified(M), writeback-pending (W), and persisted (P), (2) a consis-tency state field that can be consistent (C) or inconsistent (IC)according to program semantics, and (3) a timestamp Tlastthat indicates the last time the address was modified. XFDe-tector uses the PM state field to detect the cross-failure race,the consistency state field to detect the cross-failure seman-tic bug, and the timestamp to update the consistency statebased on the commit variable. Each commit variable keepsanother timestamp Tprelast that indicates the pre-last timeit was modified. Each timestamp is obtained from a globaltimestamp that increments after each ordering point.During the detection procedure, XFDetector replays the

traces in the order of pre-failure and post-failure:Pre-failure Trace: XFDetector’s backend replays the pre-

failure trace by updating the shadow PM for each write andeach library function that modifies PM (step ➐). XFDetectorupdates both the persistence state and consistency state accord-ing to the operations in the trace. For the persistence state ofa PM location, XFDetector follows the finite-state machinein Figure 9. In brief, a WRITE changes the state to modified, aCLWB changes the modified state to writeback-pending, andfinally, an SFENCE changes the state to persisted4. For consis-tency state, this work supports common crash consistencymechanisms that use commit variables and those that arebuilt on PMDK transactional functions5. Figure 10 shows theconsistency state transition of a PM locationm according tothe updates to its associated commit variable x (Cx refers toa write to the commit variable), where the locationm canbe inconsistent in two ways: being uncommitted or stale. Inbrief, an uncommitted location becomes consistent after anupdate to the commit variable, and a stale location first gets

4XFDetector also handles non-temporal writes and other types of fence.5We reserve an extensibility as discussed in Section 5.5 to support othercrash consistency mechanisms.









WRITE x (Cx) WRITE x (Cx)

Figure 10. Transitions of the consistency state.

updated and then becomes consistent after being commit-ted. XFDetector handles PMDK transactional functions in asimilar way to PMTest [42], where objects that have beenadded to the transaction are regarded as consistent. Dur-ing the update of the shadow PM, XFDetector also reportsperformance bugs that use unnecessary PM operations (e.g.,redundant writebacks as indicated by the yellow edges inFigure 9), and unnecessary library functions (e.g., duplicatedTX_ADD() functions for the same PM object).

Post-failure Trace: XFDetector then replays the corre-sponding post-failure trace (step ➑). Different from process-ing the pre-failure trace, writes in post-failure change theconsistency status to consistent as they overwrite the old data.Inconsistencies introduced by these writes will be tested laterwhen this code region runs as the pre-failure stage. For eachread, XFDetector first checks the consistency state and thenthe persistence state of the target location, as reading a consis-tent location is certainly bug-free, while reading a persistedlocation can still be semantically inconsistent. Reading a com-mit variable is a benign cross-failure race and not regardedas a bug. On detection of a cross-failure bug, XFDetectorreports the file name and the line number of the reader andthe last writer that cause the bug. Next, we illustrate thedetection procedure with an example.

Example. Figure 11 demonstrates the detection proce-dure, where Figure 11a, 11b, and 11c show the pre- and post-failure trace, the shadow PM, and the code, respectively. Thevalid variable is marked as a commit variable because itdecides the validity of the backup and the in-place update.

WRITE 0x100 16 WRITE 0x110 4 CLWB 0x100 64 SFENCEWRITE 0x200 16



Addr Persis. State

READ 0x110 1 READ 0x100 16...

Shadow PM:




void update(int idx, item_t new_val) { backup=arr[idx]; valid=1;//commit var persist_barrier(); arr[idx]=new_val; persist_barrier();...}

void recovery() { if (valid) { arr[idx]=backup; } ...}



Consist. Tlast


❻ F1/F2



❶M ❸W IC❷M

❶ 0❸W ❹P



IC❷ 0❺ 1

➐ F1







➐ F2

Trace:<op> <addr> <size>

Figure 11. (a) The pre- and post-failure traces, (b) the statesin the shadow PM, and (c) the code demonstrating the steps

of the detection procedure.


XFDetector injects a failure point before each of the two or-dering points (F1 and F2 before each persist_barrier()),and each failure point triggers their corresponding post-failure execution. We take the first two entries (line 6 and 7)from the post-failure trace for demonstration. Initially, theglobal timestamp is 0 and all PM addresses in the exampleare unmodified. Next, we demonstrate the detection step-by-step. Line 1: creates backup and updates its PM statusto modified. Line 2: sets valid and updates its PM status tomodified. As there is no update before the commit timestamp,XFDetector does not change the consistency state of any PMlocation. F1: the first failure triggers the post-failure execu-tion. Line 6 (F1): reads from valid (the commit variable).Line 7 (F1): reads from backup for rolling back. However, asthe PM state of backup is modified, XFDetector reports across-failure race. Then, it continues pre-failure executionfrom F1. Line 3: writes back a cache line that contains bothbackup and valid, and updates both PM status to writeback-pending. Line 4: places an SFENCE to make sure previouspending writebacks are complete, and increments the globaltimestamp. Line 5: updates the variable arr in-place and thepersistence status becomes modified. F2: the second failuretriggers the post-failure execution. Line 6 (F2): reads fromvalid (the commit variable). Line 7 (F2): reads from backupfor rolling back. However, as the consistency state is incon-sistent, XFDetector reports a cross-failure semantic bug. Thisbug is due to backup not being updated before the last updateto the commit variable (valid). In summary, XFDetector re-ports a cross-failure race at the first failure point (F1), and across-failure semantic bug at the second failure point (F2).

Optimizations. XFDetector takes the following optimiza-tion strategies for better efficiency without degrading itsdetection capability. (1) Eliminate unnecessary consistencychecks: In the post-failure stage, there can be multiple readsfrom the same PM location that was modified during thepre-failure stage. XFDetector only checks the first read andskips the rest as the result would be the same. (2) Eliminateunnecessary failure points: In the pre-failure stage, there canbe two ordering points without any PM operations in be-tween (e.g., two consecutive calls to PM library functionswith ordering points). XFDetector does not inject a failurepoint in the middle for better performance.

Complexity. Assuming there are F failure points in thepre-failure stage, and each corresponding post-failure execu-tion has P operations on average, the complexity of the detec-tion procedure is O (F · P). We observe that the post-failureexecution in most crash consistency mechanisms takes asmall, constant number of steps to recover from the failure.For example, an undo logging mechanism only recovers thelast incomplete transaction. Therefore, the detection timescales linearly with the number of failure points in most sce-narios. We evaluate XFDetector’s scalability in Section 6.2.2.

5.5 ExtensibilityThis section describes the extensibility of XFDetector tosupport other PM systems and detect other types of bugs.

Extending Operation Tracing. XFDetector decouplesthe frontend tracing from the backend detection. The fron-tend of XFDetector is built on Intel’s Pin [47] for fine-grained,automated tracing. Although Pin is limited to user-spaceprograms and Intel processors, the backend of XFDetectorcan be attached to other tracing frameworks, such as thesoftware-directed tracing in WHISPER [53] and PMTest [42].

Extending Detection Capability. We summarize thepossible approaches for extending XFDetector as the follow-ing points. First, XFDetector functions (Table 2) can work asbuilding blocks to support other PM libraries. Take our imple-mentation as an example, we skip the detection of PMDK’sinternal transactions but instead explicitly add a failure pointfor each library function that contains ordering points. Thisway, XFDetector only needs to handle programmer’s code.Second, if the target program applies a crash consistencymechanism that does not follow the approach described inSection 3.2, programmers may need to modify the tool andprovide extra annotations. For example, to support a version-basedmechanism that does not take the latest copy but uses aspecific one in the log, programmers need to add extra times-tamps to track when the log was committed. The checksum-based mechanism is another example, where the consistencystatus is not determined by a commit variable but uses a pairof data and its associated checksum. To test the correctnessof the checksum implementation, programmers may manu-ally place a failure point using XFDetector’s library functionor modify the failure injection mechanism to automaticallyadd more failure points between ordering points. Third, if across-failure bug is beyond the capability of XFDetector, thefailure injection framework can work in cooperation withconventional debugging techniques. For example, bugs thatdepend on data values, such as creating a log using incorrectdata, cannot be detected because XFDetector does not trackdata values. To detect such bugs, programmers may placeassertions to check data values in the post-failure code andthen use XFDetector’s failure injection mechanism to triggerthe post-failure execution.

6 Evaluation6.1 MethodologyCPU Intel Xeon Gold 6230, 2.1GHz, 20 coresPM 2×128GB Intel DCPMM, App Direct, InterleavedDRAM 4×16GB DDR4, 2666MT/sOS Ubuntu 18.04, Linux kernel 4.15Tools & Libs gcc/g++-7.4, Pin-3.10, PMDK-1.6, ndctl-61.2

Table 3. The evaluated system.

We evaluate our tool, XFDetector in a real system (Ta-ble 3) with Intel’s Optane DC Persistent Memory Module


(DCPMM). PM is mounted with the DAX option to bypassOS indirections [27]. Table 4 lists the evaluated PM programs,including 5 micro benchmarks from PMDK [23] examplesand 2 real-world workloads: Redis [25] and Memcached [37].The transaction-based programs are built with PMDK’s libp-memobj, and the low-level ones are built with libpmem. Weannotate the source code with XFDetector interface for cross-failure bug detection. Table 4 lists the lines of code (LOC)of the original version and our annotation. We modify theMakefile to link the test program with the shared objectof XFDetector’s interface for all workloads. We mark theentire program as RoI (both pre- and post-failure) for themicro benchmarks, and select the code region that performsupdates to PM objects as the pre-failure RoI and the regionthat performs recovery as the post-failure RoI for larger real-world workloads.

Lines of code (LOC)Name Type Original Annotation


nch B-Tree


981 4C-Tree 698 4RB-Tree 855 4Hashmap-TX 741 4Hashmap-Atomic Low-level 837 5

Real Memcached 23k 10

Redis Transaction 66k 6Table 4. The evaluated PM programs.

6.2 Performance6.2.1 Execution Time. This experiment evaluates the ex-ecution time of XFDetector. We run each workload with onetransaction/query that performs an insertion, and anotherone for each failure point. Figure 12a shows the wall-clocktime (seconds) of XFDetector for each workload. XFDetectortakes an average of 40.6 seconds to analyze one insertionoperation. We further break down the execution time intotwo parts: the pre- and post-failure stages. We observe thatthe post-failure takes the majority of the execution time asXFDetector spawns the post-failure execution for each failurepoint. We further compare the execution time of XFDetec-tor with a “Pure Pin” configuration where the Pintool onlytraces the PM read/write operations, and the original pro-gram that runs without any tool (Figure 12b). On average


























n T


(s) Post-Failure Pre-Failure




























Over Pure Pin Over Original


Figure 12. Performance of XFDetector: (a) wall-clock timeand (b) slowdown over pure Pin and original program.

(Geo. mean), XFDetector is 12.3× slower than “Pure Pin” and400.8× slower than the original program. We conclude thatthe repeated post-failure execution is the major bottleneck,and Pintool is the secondary bottleneck. However, the post-failure executions are independent as they operate on a copyof the original PM image, and therefore, can be parallelized.We leave the parallelized detection as a future work.

6.2.2 Scalability. This experiment scales the number oftransactions performed in the pre-failure stage during detec-tion. As real-world workloads execute upon query, we scalethe number of pre-failure transactions in micro benchmarksand keep the post-failure constant (one transaction). Theprimary axis in Figure 13 indicates the execution time (wall-clock time) of detection with variable numbers of pre-failuretransactions, and the secondary axis indicates the number offailure points in the pre-failure stage. This experiment showsthat the execution time increases linearly as the number offailure points increases.















50 1





50 1





50 1





50 1





50 #



re P






n T

ime (



Execution Time #Failure Points

C-TreeB-Tree RB-Tree Hash-AtomicHash-TX

Figure 13. The execution time of micro benchmarks withvariable numbers of pre-failure transactions.

6.3 Detection CapabilityIn this section, we first validate the debugging capability ofXFDetector, and then demonstrate the new bugs we found.

PMTest Bug Suite AdditionalName R S P R S

B-Tree 8


2 4

/C-Tree 5 1 1RB-Tree 7 1 1Hashmap-TX 6 1 3Hashmap-Atomic 10 2 3 4

Table 5. The synthetic bugs for validation(R: cross-failure race, S: cross-failure semantic bug,

and P: performance bug).

6.3.1 Validation. Table 5 summarizes the synthetic bugsthat we have validated using XFDetector. We first validateXFDetector’s detection capability with the bug suite fromPMTest [42]. As cross-failure semantic bugs are beyondPMTest’s scope, we create additional synthetic, cross-failuresemantic bugs on top of the Hashmap-Atomic example whichis built on low-level primitives.We do not create cross-failuresemantics bugs for other workloads as the commit variablesare managed by their transactional library functions. We alsocreate other cross-failure race bugs for better validation. The


validation shows that XFDetector is effective in detectingthese synthetic bugs and covers more types of bugs thanexisting works [22, 42].


int util_pool_create_uuids(){ ... // set pool metadata util_poolset_create_set();}


Without protection by transaction, post-failure can read inconsistent num_dict_entries.

void hash_atomic_insert(...){ ... hash_map->count++; pmemobj_persist(...); hash_map->count_dirty=0; ...}

10111213141516 Post-failure can read from

potentially uninitialized count.

PMEMobjpool* pmemobj_createU(){ ... util_pool_create(...);//create ...}void util_pool_create(...) { util_pool_create_uuids(...);}



Failure happens during metadata initialization.

void initPersistentMemory(void){ ... // open pool and get root root->num_dict_entries = 0; ...}



void create_hashmap(...){ // initialize hashmap->seed = seed; hashmap->hash_fun_a = rand(); ... POBJ_ALLOC(...); // allocate PM ... pmemobj_persist(...);}


Updates to hashmap metadata may not persist. Post-failure can read inconsistent hash functions.

Figure 14. New bugs detected by XFDetector in(a) Hashmap-Atomic, (b) Redis, and (c) libpmemobj.

6.3.2 New Bugs. XFDetector found new bugs that havenot been identified by prior works.Bug 1 is found in a PMDKexample, Hashmap-Atomic (hashmap_atomic.c:132-138)that uses the low-level operations to ensure crash consis-tency. The initialization function (create_hashmap) assignshashing functions and their seed as part of the hashmap’smetadata (line 3 and 4 in Figure 14a). These updates are notprotected by any crash consistency mechanism. Therefore,if a failure happens before they are written back (line 8), thepost-failure program can read from invalid function pointersand an invalid seed value that are not completely persistedto PM, leading to a cross-failure race. Bug 2 is also foundin the Hashmap-Atomic example (hashmap_atomic.c:280),where the program accesses a potentially uninitialized PMlocation (count). The program allocates a piece of PM whencreating the hashmap (line 4 in Figure 14a). If a failure hap-pens right after the allocation, the post-failure program canread the variable count (line 12) that may not be initialized.This example happens to use an allocator that implicitly ini-tializes the location with zeros. However, with a differentallocator, the implicit initialization is not guaranteed, andtherefore, can lead to a cross-failure race as the pre-failureprogram creates an unmodified PM location that is read bythe post-failure execution. We only annotated a commit vari-able, count_dirty, to detect these two bugs. Bug 3 is foundin Redis [25] (server.c:4029), where the Redis server ini-tializes PM (Figure 14c). Similar to the previous bug, theinitialization procedure is not protected by a transaction,and therefore, a failure in the middle of the initialization

can lead to a cross-failure race. We did not manually ex-pose any program semantics to detect such bug as Redisis transaction-based. Bug 4 is found in PMDK’s libpmem-obj library (obj.c:1324). The PM pool creation function,pmemobj_createU(), initializes a region of PM and sets itsmetadata (through util_pool_create_uuids()) as demon-strated in Figure 14c. All data have been persisted at the endof the creation function, however, there is no consistencyguarantee in the middle. A failure point injected in the mid-dle of the creation process can cause the created PM pool tohave incomplete metadata. Then, the post-failure programtries to open the pool for recovery but fails. Although thepost-failure open() operation is a syscall and out the scopeof tracing, XFDetector’s failure injection mechanism makesthis bug observable. We conclude that XFDetector is effectiveat detecting cross-failure bugs with minimum annotation.

7 DiscussionIn this section, we discuss the assumptions and the scope ofthis work.

Detection Scope. XFDetector can detect cross-failurebugs due to reading non-persisted or semantically inconsis-tent data. The detection mechanism takes into account theaddress and the order of PM updates instead of data values(except for commit variables that can affect the procedures inthe post-failure stage). Therefore, programming errors suchas writing incorrect data values to non-commit variables(e.g., log incorrect data) are out of the scope. Section 5.5 hasdescribed the way to extend the capability by incorporatingconventional debugging methods with XFDetector.

Multithreaded PM Programs. The frontend of XFDe-tector is thread-safe by using thread-local storage and Pin’slocking primitives, and the backend runs in a separate pro-cess without being interfered by the multithreaded workload.Therefore, programmers do not need to adjust XFDetector totest multithreaded programs. The concurrent threads in ourworkloads perform PM operations on independent tasks (e.g.,each thread takes a different request), and therefore, we donot implement cross-failure bug detection for collaborativeupdates to PM from concurrent threads. However, XFDetec-tor can be extended to support such scenarios by sharinga global timestamp among multiple threads and introducemore program-specific rules for consistency checking.

External Dependency. XFDetector executes the post-failure stage on a temporal copy of the original PM image.Therefore, external events (e.g., I/O) can possibly cause vari-ation among different post-failure executions. However, wedid not observe any external events that change the PMstatus in the evaluated workloads.


8 Related WorksCrash Consistency Mechanisms. Prior works have pro-

vided a variety of crash consistency mechanisms to ensurethe consistency across failure. In general, there are two typesof methods. The first type of mechanisms proposes new hard-ware features for PM system. For example, ATOM [29], Kiln[75], and DudeTM [38] provide efficient hardware trans-actions, ThyNVM [60] and PiCL [55] propose transparenthardware-based checkpointing, DPO [32] and HOPS [53]introduce new persistency models, and SCA [40], Osiris [74],and Janus [41] provide efficient and crash-consistent PMsystems with security guarantees. The second type of mech-anisms provides software and library support for existingPM hardware. For example, PMDK [23], NV-Heaps [11], andMnemosyne [65] provide PM libraries, and PMFS [14], NOVA[71], and BPFS [13] implement PM-optimized file systemsto manage persistent data. There are also works that extendmultithreading synchronization to the persistence domain,such as Atlas [5], SFR [18], and iDO [39]. XFDetector canbe extended with new PM library functions and low-levelprimitives to detect cross-failure bugs in these PM systems.

Crash Consistency Testing. There have been works thatdetect inconsistencies in conventional file systems that runon hard drives [7, 15, 50, 52, 63]. Due to the fundamentaldifference between the hard drive and the byte-addressablePM, these methods are not applicable to PM programs. Thereare also toolchains specifically designed for PM. PMTest [42]and Pmemcheck [22] test crash consistency in custom PMprograms. However, they only consider the pre-failure stagewithout testing both the pre- and post-failure stages holisti-cally. Therefore, XFDetector has better debugging capabilitythan these works. Yat [36], a tool that validates Intel’s PM-optimized POSIX-compliant file system (PMFS [14]), consid-ers both stages by running the recovery code in PMFS andthen checking data consistency. However, Yat’s approachdoes not apply to generic programs as it relies on file sys-tem check (fsck) to detect inconsistencies. In comparison,XFDetector supports custom PM programs.

Multithreading and Persistence. Prior works havemade an analogy between the recovery of PM programs andmultithreaded programs. Atlas [5] proposes failure-atomicsections (FASEs) as a crash-consistent programming modeland introduces the concept of restart-race-freedom of FASEsthat guarantees a correct recovery after a failure. DINO [46]models the intermittent execution in energy-harvesting de-vices as concurrency and proposes atomic tasks to overcomeunexpected behaviors due to “races”. The concepts of “race”introduced by these prior works only support their specificprogramming models. In comparison, this work systemati-cally defines such racing scenarios for generic PM programsand guarantees the correctness of crash consistency mecha-nisms based on the definitions.

Conventional Data Race. There has been a myriad ofworks on formalizing [1, 54] and detecting [2, 58, 61, 62, 66]data races in multithreaded programs. The cross-failure racein this work are analogous to the data race, as the valuereturned by a read is indeterminate and hence the readermay access incorrect data in both scenarios. However, cross-failure races differ in two fundamental ways: (1) the writeand the read are separated by a failure without actually beingperformed concurrently, and (2) the relevant happens-beforerelations are with the persistence of writes instead of theirvisibility to other threads.

9 ConclusionsIn this work, we show that both the pre- and post-failurestages are equally critical to ensure the crash consistencyguarantee. We categorize two classes of cross-failure bugsdue to incorrect interactions across the failure: the cross-failure race, where the post-failure execution reads from anon-persisted data, and the cross-failure semantic bug, wherethe post-failure execution reads from data that violates thecrash consistency semantics. We provide XFDetector thatdetects both classes of cross-failure bugs by holistically con-sidering both the pre- and post-failure stages. XFDetectorhas detected four new bugs in three pieces of PM softwareg:one of PMDK’s examples, a PM-optimized Redis database,and a PMDK library function.

A Artifact AppendixA.1 AbstractThis artifact provides the source code of XFDetector, a test-ing tool that detects crash consistency bugs in programs forpersistent memory (PM) systems. It also provides a set ofexample workloads and necessary dependencies. At the high-level, out tool, XFDetector detects crash consistency bugsin PM programs by injecting failures during program execu-tion and replying the traces of both the pre- and post-failureexecution. As XFDetector is designed for PM systems, this ar-tifact requires real or emulated PM system and a compatibleLinux distribution.

A.2 Artifact Check-list (meta-information)• Program: The testing tool of XFDetector.• Data set: Open-source workloads from Intel and Lenovo.• Hardware: A system with a real or an emulated PM.• Output: Bug reports for test programs.• Experiments: Bug detection and execution time.• Publicly available?: Yes.• Code licenses: BSD.• Archive DOI:

A.3 DescriptionA.3.1 How delivered. We archived the source code atZenodo: For the lat-est version, please check our GitHub page:


A.3.2 Hardware Dependencies. XFDetector supportssystems with a real (e.g., NVDIMM and Intel DCPMM) or anemulated PM. For PM emulation, please see PMDK’s docu-mentation for detailed instructions: Note that PM (real or emulated)must be mounted as a DAX file system.

A.3.3 Software Dependencies. The following is a list ofsoftware dependencies for XFDetector and the test work-loads (the listed versions have been tested, other versionsmight work but not guaranteed).• OS: Ubuntu 18.04 (kernel 4.15)• Compiler: g++/gcc-7.4• Libraries: libboost-1.65 (libboost-all-dev), pkg-config(pkg-config), ndctl-61.2 (libndctl-dev), daxctl-61.2(libdaxctl-dev), autoconf (autoconf), and libevent(libevent-dev). Other dependent libraries for the work-loads are contained in this repository.

A.3.4 Data Sets. Our evaluated workload are as follows:• Five PMDK [23] example workloads (B-Tree, C-Tree, RB-Tree, Hashmap-TX and Hashmap-Atomic).

• Intel’s Redis implementation for PM [25].• Lenovo’s Memcached implementation for PM [37].

A.4 InstallationThis artifact is organized as the following structure:• xfdetector/: The source code of our tool.• driver/: The modified driver function for PMDK examples.• pmdk/: Intel’s PMDK library, including its examples.• redis-nvml/: A Redis implementation (from Intel) based onPMDK (PMDK was previously named as NVML). This folderwill be created after executing the script

• memcached-pmem/: A Memcached implementation (fromLenovo) based on Intel’s PMDK library.

• patch/: Patches for reproducing bugs and trying our tool.

To build XFDetector and the test workloads, please usethe following commands:

$ cd <XFDetector Root>$ export PIN_ROOT=<XFDetector Root>/pin−3.10$ export PATH=$PATH:$PIN_ROOT$ make

Our tool and test programs also have separate makefiles.Please follow the instructions on our GitHub page if need tobuild them separately.

A.5 Experiment WorkflowFigure 7 describes the high-level workflow of XFDetector.The programmer annotates the test program with XFDetec-tor’s interface. When the testing begins, the programmerfirst executes the XFDetector and then executes our Pintool.

During execution, our Pintool sends the PM trace entries toXFDetector for testing. We refer to this period as the pre-failure stage. Once a trace entry triggers a failure point, ourPintool suspends the pre-failure execution, and lets XFDetec-tor copy the PM image and perform the post-failure execution(also uses our Pintool for tracing). The post-failure program,sends a PM trace to XFDetector for cross-failure bug detec-tion during execution. In this artifact, we provide scripts thatautomate these steps.

A.6 Evaluation and Expected ResultBefore running any program, please execute the followingcommands under the root directory of XFDetector:

$ export PIN_ROOT=<XFDetector Root>/pin−3.10$ export PATH=$PATH:$PIN_ROOT$ export PMEM_MMAP_HINT=0x10000000000

The environment variable PMEM_MMAP_HINT sets a prede-fined virtual address for PM allocation. XFDetector dependson this functionality to identify PM accesses.

PMDK Examples. We provide patches that create buggyPM programs and their inputs that trigger the bugs. Thepatches are under xfdetector/patch folder. Please executethe following commands to run our examples:


- WORKLOAD: The workload to test.- INITSIZE: The number of data insertions when initializ-ing the PM image before testing starts.

- TESTSIZE: The number of data insertions when runningthe program with XFDetector.

- PATCH: The name of the patch that generates bugs forWORKLOAD. If empty, the script tests the original program.The following example reports a cross-failure race bug

(patch named as btree_race1.patch) in btree, where theprogram inserts 5 items during initialization and 5 moreitems during testing:

$ ./ btree 5 5 race1

For a complete list of tests and corresponding input pa-rameters, see You can also directly run thescript to execute all available tests.

Redis. Use script under folderxfdetector/ to run Redis:


- TESTSIZE: The number of database insertions for testing.

Memcached. Use script under folderxfdetector/ to run Memcached:



- TESTSIZE: The number of database insertions for testing.

Output. XFDetector reports all detected bugs after testingis complete. The output is dumped to the screen and thecorresponding <WORKLOAD>_<TESTSIZE>_debug.txt file.

A.7 Experiment CustomizationXFDetector provides an interface for annotating programsand PM libraries. Please see Table 2 for the usage. Whencompiling the programs with XFDetector annotation, pleaseadd compiler flags following this example:LIBS+= −L<XFDetector Root>/xfdetector/build/lib \

−Wl,−rpath=<XFDetector Root>/xfdetector/build/lib \−lxfdetector_interface

CFLAGS+= −I<XFDetector Root>/xfdetector/include

AcknowledgmentsWe thank our anonymous reviewers, Akhil Indurti, andSuyash Mahar for their valuable feedback. This work is sup-ported by NFS and the SRC/DARPA Center for Research onIntelligent Storage and Processing-in-memory (CRISP).

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