Critical Thinking Reading Text



Two texts to compare

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Critical Thinking

Ask students to read the first report. (This is from a blog) Discuss the story. Get the participants reaction to the piece, but at this stage steer them away from thinking about the source, focus instead on the issue of self defence and the right to carry arms and when is murder manslaughter etc. From the way the piece is written, the choice of vocabulary and the information included / excluded is designed to engender sympathy for Davis Carlson.

Read the second piece (from the liberal New York Times newspaper). How have their views of the case changed? What significant information did they come across that altered the story ? ( rape / underage consensual sex. Sanches lunged/ attacked or moved forward etc. )

Can they trust either source?

The blog was written by Bob Owens, the President of the Rifle Association which is a very strong supporter of the rights for Americans to carry guns.The New York Times is a vociferous member of the anti-gun lobby.

Hero kills fugitive rape suspect but since its New York, hes been charged with murderPosted byBob Owenson October 19 at 9:31 am

David Carlson shot and killed a wanted rape suspect after heavily-armed teams of police chased the violent criminal out of the woods near his homeBut it isnt just a shooting; its an act many here consider to be heroic a defence of the community. It has now set the stage for a trial that could help define the limits of deadly force when an armed citizen is facing a fleeing criminal suspect .New York State, of course, doesnt let you defend yourself so hes beingcharged with second degree murder. Under New Yorks pro-criminal laws, Carlson was supposed to turn his back and flee into his home with a rapist in pursuit. Acosta-Sanchez had been staying in a small cabin on Old Plank Road near Carlson's home; Carlson had befriended him, offering meals and paying him to do odd jobs, until Acosta-Sanchez revealed that he was wanted by police for the rape of a child. Carlson contacted police and agreed to help them apprehend the fugitive as he worried for the safety of his family. On Tuesday, arrangements were made with Deerpark police: Carlson would get Acosta-Sanchez in his car and speed, and the police would pull him over and arrest Acosta-Sanchez. Carlson said he tried, driving 65 on Route 42 as he was told, but the police didn't show up because of a shift change.The next day, he tried again, getting Acosta-Sanchez in the car under a pretence. This time police stopped the car and took Acosta-Sanchez with them, but didn't handcuff him. Carlson said he went home, thinking it was done. But when Acosta-Sanchez convinced police to let him return to the cabin to get his identification, he fled out the back and got away by swimming across a reservoir."They had like 50 cops out there Wednesday. I don't know how they didn't catch him," Carlson told the investigators.Carlson said he kept in touch with police, as Acosta-Sanchez made two more appearances at the cabin. Carlson was increasingly afraid that the police would be unable to apprehend him. The morning of the shooting, Carlson said, the wanted man banged on his door saying the police were chasing him. He was angry that Carlson had tried to turn him in. This time, Carlson got his shotgun and told Acosta-Sanchez to give himself up. Carlson said he was afraid when Acosta-Sanchez suddenly realised that Carlson intended calling the police on a neighbours phone. Carlson thought he was going to attack him so he fired two shots in self- defence. Neighbours have expressed support for Carlson, 43, including one who used her home to help Carlson post the $100,000 bond. The David Carlson Fund was set up to help with legal expenses and support his family.

Lake schoolenquiries@englishinoxford

Police have charged 47 year old Daniel Carlson with the murder of Nathaniel Acosta-Sanches. Late last summer, Acosta-Sanchez was doing odd jobs on Carlson's property. But when Carlson learned Acosta-Sanchez was being sought on charges of having consensual sex with a 15-year-old girl in Ramapo, Carlson contacted police and demanded they apprehend the fugitive. Police pulled over Carlson's car on a supposed traffic stop and took Acosta-Sanchez into custody. But when Acosta-Sanchez convinced police to let him return to the cabin to get his identification, he fled out the back and got away by swimming across a reservoir. The police felt Acosta-Sanches posed no immediate threat and would be apprehended in due course.Acosta-Sanchez continued living in the cabin on the day of the killing Carson had twice telephoned the police informing them of his whereabouts. He witnessed Acosta-Sanchez coming out of the woods, so Carlson pulled out a shotgun and walked him down the road to get a neighbour to call police. He had Acosta-Sanchez get down on the ground and claimed he shot him, first in the arm, then in the head, when he got up and moved toward him. The police testified about their conversation

with Carlson on the day of the killing. One officer, state Police Investigator William Young, testified that he asked Carlson several times whether Acosta-Sanchez had been coming at him and that Carlson repeatedly responded that he hadnt.He had been heard ordering Acosta-Sanchez to sit, and yelled for the neighbour, but no one was home. Acosta-Sanchez rolled on his side and refused to get up, so Carlson fired a shot into the ground to prompt him. He went to the neighbour two houses down and ordered Acosta-Sanchez to lay down. As he turned his head to yell for help, he said, Acosta-Sanchez got to his knees,Young: "He's kneeling down in front of you, youre facing him, you take your attention away to call (the neighbour), the next thing that brings your attention to him is he's now lunging toward you."Carlson: "Pretty much lunging, I couldn't say like a leopard but he was getting up." Neighbours testified that Carlson had warned them that there was a rapist in the cabin and he had told them to stay indoors until he and the police had hunted the dog downThe trial continues.
