Creating a Fierce Social Media Mix by KZS


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Creating a Fierce Social Media Mix: Using Social Media

to Create Customer Loyalty

Facilitator: K. Zaheerah Sultan & Darryl C. Davis, Contributor

This hands-on workshop is designed to familiarize BTN members with ways to enhance and support their productions, careers, and overall communication. Ways to utilize Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Blogging, and Pinterest will be discussed in-depth with special attention given to members who are novices to social media.

Creating Social Media Leverage

With over 900 million active users worldwide as of May 2012, Facebook is by far the most popular social network on the planet.

According to the U.S. Census, nearly 290 million Americans access the Internet from some location.

More than half of them have Facebook accounts.

Lesson1 :

Twitter –I am eating banana pudding

Facebook –I like banana pudding

YouTube –Here I am eating banana pudding

LinkedIn – My skills include banana pudding eating

Instagram- Here’s a vintage photo of my banana pudding

Blog – Here’s my banana pudding eating experience

Pinterest – Here’s a banana pudding recipe

Foursquare- This is where I eat banana pudding

Twitter - Small Bite on the Spot Updates -

With more than 500 million users worldwide, Twitter is the second most popular social networking site in the world.

Since its launch in March 2006, it has been one of the 10 most visited websites on the Internet.

Why Tweet?

Twitter allows a 140 letter character limit. # hashtag small bites 83% of users reported seeing news on Twitter. Additionally, a bulk of users are located in urban areas. The best time to post on Twitter is Monday through Thursday between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. The worst time is after 3 p.m. on a Friday. To tweet large articles and picture you can shorten the article by using Bitly at

The Facebook advantage…

Unlike Facebook, Twitter does not:

Allow detailed information to be posted directly to profile.

Provide detailed traffic statistics.

Advertise to target audience.

Facebook - Creating Social Media Leverage -

With over 900 million active users worldwide as of May 2012, Facebook is by far the most popular social network on the planet.

According to the U.S. Census, nearly 290 million Americans access the internet from some location.

More than half of them have Facebook accounts.


Invite email contacts, Facebook friends or connections from other social networks to ‘like’ our page.

Share pictures, video and external links, conduct polls, schedule events, mark milestones and send/receive individual messages.

Controlling our content…

What can Facebook do for us?

Connect and cross-promote with local businesses and organizations.

Provide detailed statistics about who’s viewing our page.

Advertise to preset target audience and other likely visitors.

Let’s get connected!

Facebook ranks as the most popular social network, used by 71% of respondents, proves particularly appealing to women (76%), 18-29-year-olds (84%), and those with household income of less than $50,000 per year (76%). Penetration rates appear to be slightly below-average among those with a college degree (68%), while adoption among the 65+ crowd has grown by 10% points in about a year’s time to reach 45%.


LinkedIn give you the advantage of being the place for white-collar professionals to network, meaning its population is highly desirable since it is a high-income and highly educated user base. The best time to post on LinkedIn is Tuesday through Thursday, when professionals are either beginning or finishing their workday.

Blogging - How to Blog, Sites to Review and Content in/out -

Share extensive updates about XYZ Theatre Company and those involved through blogging platforms such as Blogger or Wordpress.

Entries could include but are not limited to:

Theatre performances

Individuals in the theatre company .

Event promotion/recap.

News and notes from the theatre communities

INSTAGRAM Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networking services.

It is most popular among 18-29-year-olds (37%), and is right around average among 30-49-year-olds (18%). As with Twitter, Instagram proves particularly appealing to non-Hispanic blacks (34%). Unlike Twitter’s user base, though, Instagram penetration is much greater among Hispanics (23%) than whites (12%). Instagram also tends to appeal more to urban (22%) and suburban (18%) than rural (6%) respondents.


Pinterest users already account for 48.2% of all social media sharing on tablets. Women are 4 times more likely than men to use Pinterest (33% vs. 8%). There is little variation by race and ethnicity, with big gains in the past year among blacks (20%) and Hispanics (18%) putting them just below the 21% average. Interestingly, 18-29-year-olds (27%) have moved ahead of 30-49-year-olds (24%) in adoption, Suburban respondents are more likely than urban respondents to use Pinterest (23% vs. 19%)

YouTube - Product Promotion, Any Programs Offered,

Workshops and Classes -

Educational Programing - Touring Production -

“Dream Tunnel” by Dr. Von Washington

“Contribution” by Ted Shine

YouTube - Product Promotion, Any Programs Offered, Workshops and Classes -

Product Promotion:

- Play Productions

- Workshops

- Classes

So what is the perfect media mix for me?
