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20 Questions to Help You Expand Your Business without

Frustration or Overwhelm©

Congratulations for downloading this workbook! You’ve taken a positive step toward deciding to expand your business and increase your income. In addition to this workbook, you’ll get tips and resources in my weekly e-newsletter and on my blog. You can find my blog at

I work with two types of business owners – those who are just beginning and those who have been in business for a while but need to expand their visibility, client or customer base, and income.

No matter which describes you, the questions in this workbook will help you sort out where you are right now and point you in the right direction for your business.

Here’s how to use this workbook. Set aside a few hours over the next week and work through the 20 questions. You can do this all alone and with almost no cost. See where it points you. I’ve left space in this workbook for your answers and ideas. And if you want someone to bounce your answers off of, I invite you to chat with me about coaching by going to this link:

If you already know you’d like an hour with me, you can skip the quick chat and book a single hour with me here: Copyright © 2015. Confident Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 2

1. How many weeks a year do you want to take off? Note these weeks on your calendar.





2. How many weeks in the year are left in which you will work?





3. How many hours of those weeks are you absolutely committed to work in your business?



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4. How much income do you want from your business in the next 12 months?

Monthly: _________________

Annually: ________________

5. Make a list of your business costs for the next 6 months and put an estimated cost by each, then total this up.








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6. How much money can you afford to invest in your business each month for the next 6 months?







7. If there’s a shortfall of needed money, what can you do to get it together?







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8. Describe the support (or lack) from your spouse, family, and friends toward your business.








9. Describe in no more than 2 sentences what you want to sell in your business (products, services, or both).






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10. Describe in one solid paragraph who you think will buy your product(s) and/or service(s).









11. Describe what happens to your target market (or ideal client) when they do not buy your product or service.






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12. Get someone who owns a small business and is making enough money to support herself with it to review what you’ve written down for #1 through #11.

(Ask a successful business owner or a business coach like me – but not your best friend who doesn’t own a business and not your spouse who doesn’t think you should be in business at all. Use the space below to record their feedback.)













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13. Figure out a business model that will work for your product(s) and/or service(s) – how will you package your offers, where will you sell, how will you price your offers?

















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14. Using your business model as a guide, give your best estimate at how much you will sell in months 1-6.

Month One __________________ Month Two _________________

Month Three _________________ Month Four _________________

Month Five ___________________ Month Six __________________

Total estimated sales months 1 through 6 _________________

15. Take your figure from #5 above and compare it to your estimates income (#14).

Your estimated monthly income (#14) __________________

Your estimated monthly costs (#5) _____________________

Do you estimate that you can cover your monthly costs with your income?

Yes _______________ No __________________ Copyright © 2015. Confident Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 10

16. Evaluate if you need to raise your prices, change your business model, or change the mix of what you are selling to make the money you want.















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17. Write down at least 3 ways you are willing to market your product(s) and/or service(s).










18. Block off time in at least one hour increments to work on your business. These business “hours” are your priority.




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19. Stay away from those who doubt you or are scared of what you are doing – they will sabotage you. List them here.






20. Commit to following up, consistent action, and personal growth for yourself. Write below what you can do to help yourself when you don’t want to follow-up.








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R When you have your target market (or ideal client) (from #10) identified, call at least 5 people you know who are like your ideal client. Ask them about your product or service. See if they are in need of it, how much problem it is for them without your offer, what they would pay to have your solution.

R You will get where you want to be faster and with less mistakes if you have a simple, written business plan that includes a marketing plan for each of your product(s) and/or service(s). And guess what? You can use what you’ve written in this workbook as a basis for your business plan. You’re already off to a good start.

I work with business owners who truly want to create a life and business that makes them happy, wealthy, and wise. If that’s you and you need help you can set up a time to chat with me by going to this link: Copyright © 2015. Confident Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 14

About Sue Painter Sue Painter works with self-employed professionals and small business owners who have a burning desire to create a financially successful business along with a lifestyle that works for them. She is especially adept at helping professionals whose work is transformative for their clients find their niche and build a stable income and client list. Many of her clients are very expert and gifted at what they do, but don’t have the business or marketing background they need to grow their business. Sue herself has stepped out on her own, knows the path, and can guide others down it successfully.

Often called a marketing wizard by her clients, Sue can identify the core issues that keep a client from moving forward in as little as 60 minutes. Sue’s work with her clients is hands-on, straightforward, encouraging, intuitive, and structured step-by-step. One of Sue’s own coaches started calling her a “marketing therapist” and the title has stuck.

Sue strongly believes that a business coach should have a history of building a financially successful business, and must do her own inner and outer work before coaching others.

Sue’s built two very successful buinesses of her own, selling the first one in 2010. In fact, Sue first business – a massage clinic -- did so well that she was personally booked a year in advance!

For her own inner and outer work, Sue personally has been coached by renowned business leaders Ali Brown, James Roche, David Neagle, Fabienne Fredrickson, Carrie Wilkerson, Paul Evans, and Michael Port. Internationally known spiritual leaders including Ram Dass, Krishna Dass, Susan Thesenga, Jacqueline Small, Christine Page, and Carolyn Myss are among those who also helped Sue with her inner work.

Sue is known for being wise, business savvy, and committed to her clients. She has identified niche markets and profitably met those markets for over twenty years. Sue is a former contributing writer for Massage Magazine, where she specialized in writing about practice building and marketing, the former Business Editor of Tradebank International’s member newsletter, and has written articles about marketing and business development for her blog since 2008 while publishing her own books on Amazon’s Kindle platform. You can find her as an expert author for, an expert at, and a contributing member to many private Facebook forums for small business owners.

While being a certified Book Yourself Solid coach, Sue currently coaches for Inc 500 business owner Ali Brown in Ali’s Elevate program as well as in her own business, The Confident Marketer. Sue works with clients across the U.S, in Europe, and Australia.

A lifelong learner, Sue holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s from Auburn University, and worked toward a Ph.D. at the University of Colorado. Sue is an avid traveler, starting her adventures while in high school as an exchange student to Colombia. Her time spent in other cultures often sparks new ideas for her own business and for her clients. Sue is married to her college sweetheart, Bill. She currently splits her time between homes in Nashville and on Florida’s Gulf Coast.
