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Facts About Pregnancy Prevention

750,000 teens become pregnant each year

Sperm can live from 3-6 days in the female reproductive tract

Sometimes females can ovulate before their first menstruation

Combination of sperm life and ovulation means pregnancy can occur during menstruation

It only takes one

Sperm cannot be flushed out of the vagina by urinating

Facts Continued Sperm cannot be flushed out by douching

It can just take a few minutes for pregnancy to occur

Withdrawal is not an affective method


Semen deposited near vagina

Self Control

Contraception Contraception-prevention of pregnancy

Only one 100% method=Abstinence

4 Categories of Contraception:

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM)

Barrier Methods

Hormonal Methods

Permanent Methods

Fertility Awareness Methods FAM=methods of contraception that involve determining the fertile days of the female’s menstrual cycle, and avoiding intercourse those days

These methods are about 80% effective

Teen’s menstruation cycle is irregular, less easy to predict

Basal Body Temp Method- Uses body temperature to measure ovulation

Cervical Mucus Method- Checking the mucus levels, clear, stringy, slippery means ovulation is nearing

Once ovulation is determined to be near the couple will refrain from sexual intercourse for 6-7 days before and 3 days after ovulation

Menstrual Cycle must be regulated, no protection against STD’s

Barrier Methods Barrier methods are devices that prevent the sperm from reaching the egg either physically or chemically.

Male Condom- a thin sheath of latex, plastic, or animal tissue that is placed on the erect penis to catch semen. Some are coated with spermicides.

Female Condom- a polyurethane pouch that fits inside the vagina.

*No petroleum based products should be used with condoms

*No heat, especially when storing

The Sponge A disc-shaped polyurethane device that contains spermicide

Must be placed in the vagina prior to sexual intercourse

Works for up to 24 hours

Cannot be removed for up to 6 hours

Must be removed by 30 hours

The Diaphragm and Cervical Cap

Have to be obtained through prescription

Diaphragm- a soft latex or silicone cup with a flexible rim that covers the entrance to the cervix

Must be placed in before sexual activity and left in for 6 hours after, but no more than 24

If sexual intercourse occurs again must reapply spermicides without removing

Cervical Cap-a thimble-shaped, soft latex cup that fits snugly over the cervix. Spermicides are applied to both sides before insertion.

Must be filled 1/3 with spermicides, Stay in at least 6 hours after, but not more than 48

Both come in different sizes, so a pelvic exam is required

Must be resized after birth, weight gain, weight loss

Spermicides Foams, Jellies, Creams, and Tablets are non-prescription forms of birth control that contain spermicides

Usually applied using an applicator deep into the vagina near the cervix

To be affective must be applied 5 to 90 minutes before intercourse

Must remain in place from 6-8 hours after, do not wash

Hormonal Methods Work by suppressing ovulation or preventing fertilization or implantation

Oral contraceptives, patches, vaginal rings, injections, and implants

The Birth Control Pill Oral Contraceptives- hormone pills that, taken correctly, create changes in the female body that prevent pregnancy.

Prescribed by a doctor

Contain synthetic versions of estrogen and progesterone

Must be taken everyday to be effective- 99.9%

Missed pill=Another form of contraception

The Pill Side Effects Nausea

Weight Gain

Mood Swings

Changes in Menstrual Cycle

High Blood Pressure, Blood Clots, and Stroke- Not for Overweight or Smokers

The Patch Is hormonal contraceptive by releasing estrogen and progestin to stop ovulation

Prescription only

Worn on the lower abdomen, buttocks, or upper body

Replaced once a week for three weeks

Higher risk for blood clots

Vaginal Contraceptive Ring Prescribed by the doctor

Releases estrogen and progestin to stop ovulation

A flexible ring that is placed in the vagina for three weeks and then removed during menstruation

Must be in place for 7 consecutive days

If removed more than 3 hours then another form of contraception should be used

Contraceptive Injection A injection that female receives every three months to prevent ovulation

Prescription Required

Contains progestin.

Thickens cervical mucus as well as prevents ovulation

Not to be used long term due to high levels of progesterone

Usually started during or a few days after a menstrual cycle

Contraceptive Implants A thin rod that is placed under the skin on the upper arm by a doctor

The rod releases progestin which thickens the cervical mucus preventing sperm from traveling too far

It can also prevent ovulation altogether

Permanent Methods Methods that involve surgical procedures that make a male or female incapable of reproducing

Vasectomy- A sterilization procedure for males in which each vas deferens is cut and sealed

Permanent method in which sperm are separated from semen

Sperm still produced

Takes 15-20 ejaculations to clear all semen of sperm

Reversal should not be planned

Tubal Ligation Sterilization process for females in which the fallopian tubes are cut and tied or clamped to prevent sperm from reaching the ova

An ova is still released, but will just dissolve

Requires hospital stay

No reversal should be planned

Abstinence The only 100% effective method

Also effective against STD’s