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    Guidance Mr. A. S. ThakurCompilation Santosh VermaSupport CTIL-CBG, IT Team

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    Topics Page No


    (2) COURSE METHODOLOGY 04 - 04



    (5) VIRUS 25 - 25

    (6) DOs & DONTs 26 - 27

    (7) OPERATING SYSTEM 28 - 38

    (8) NETWORKING CONCEPT 39 - 41




    (12) USING INTERNET 68 - 79

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    - 1 -

    Objectives of Orientation Programme

    This training programme aims to impart introductory and operational

    knowledge to users who are directly or indirectly involved in computer

    operation at work. Main objective behind this programme is to make the user

    competent to work and operate the computer in better way using GUI

    (Graphical User Interface) technology i.e. Windows XP based software under

    networking environment.

    Basic emphasis is given in Hardware, Operating System, Word Processing,

    Spreadsheet and Presentation Graphics to perform their work independently

    and efficiently.

    At the end of this training programme, participated candidates can work

    speedily and efficiently in various standard software i.e. MS-Word, MS-Excel

    and MS-PowerPoint and they understand and appreciate the computer

    application at their work.

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    - 2 -

    Course Methodology

    This course will follow multimedia caching technique with emphasis on

    practical training. The focus is on sharpening the skills of users. To achieve

    this Learning by Practice technique will be adapted.

    Therefore this course will be

    Learning by self study.

    Inviting the participants to come out with suggestions.

    Utilise the Computer to maximum extent for learning.

    Doubts clearing session by the co-ordinator.

    Added to hands on training on computers, teaching aids like OHPs will be part

    of training.

    To end, the success of this training programme will largely depend on the user

    enthusiasm and participation.

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    - 3 -

    Introduction of Computerisation of CTIL-CBG

    Earlier in CTIL-CBG, having different legacy ERP system as per their need,

    which was not similar in contrast to software and technologies, let us havebrief of systems were existing in different plants

    1. Century Cement - Oracle 9i & Developer 6i

    2. Maihar Cement - Oracle 9i & Visual Basic 6

    3. Manikgarh Cement - Oracle 10g & Developer 6i

    For standarisation of systems of all plants it has been decided to put all the

    system in one platform hence the Century Textiles & Industries Cement

    Business group have implemented SAP ECC 6 with big bang implementation.

    Our Sap implementation project is named Sanjeevani. It started on

    23/02/2009 and within 6 months we achieved the goal as per our schedule

    the work has been completed uptill 22/09/2009 and data migration work was

    started and finally went for go-live on 05/10/2009.

    Following modules have been implemented

    1. MM Material Management

    2. FI-CO - Finance & Control

    3. SD - Sales & Distribution

    4. HR-PY - Human Resource & Payroll

    5. PP-QM - Production Planning & Quality Management

    6. PM-PS - Plant Maintenance & Project System

    Our DC (Data Centre) is decided to be located in Maihar Cement, which caters

    information to all our Cement Plants and Sales Depots. DR (Disaster

    Recovery) is located at Century Cement.

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    - 4 -

    Introduction to Computer

    For performing any task, certain process has to be followed. Lets prepare a

    cup of tea for understanding it. At the very beginning we have to collect all

    ingredients required i.e. Stove, Kettle, Tea leaf, Sugar, Water and milk. Then

    flame the stove burner and put kettle with water and tea leaf on it and boil it.

    Then add sugar and milk as desired, now tea is prepared. Have a sip and

    enjoy it. If you are observing above process carefully, then you can easily

    conclude the activities which can be grouped into three steps

    1. Collection of materials to be used - Input

    2. Boiling water with tea leaf and adding sugar and milk - Process

    3. Sipping and enjoying tea - Output

    Same activities are performed in computer also. To perform any task in

    computer, initially you have to feed data in it (i.e. input) and as per

    requirement it is processed (i.e. process) and finally you can get the report in

    desired format (i.e. output). For above activities you require 3 devices -

    Input Device - Keyboard, Mouse etc.

    Process Device - Central Processing unit (CPU)

    Output device - Monitor, Printers etc.

    According to above discussion, we can simply define the computer as -

    Computer is an electronic device, in which data is entered and after certain

    process output is taken in required format.

    Why Use Computer ?1.Memory capacity is much higher than human beings.

    2. Faster than a person.

    3. Accurate calculation.

    4. Tireless machine to work repetitive job.

    5. Versatile to perform various jobs by single computer.

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    Though there are so many advantages of computer but still few drawbacks are

    there -

    1. It does nothing without user instruction. Does not have decision making

    ability.2. It can not dictate person , it only accept order from user and perform the

    task If it can understand the command given by user irrespective the out

    put of task.


    At 2000 BC a computer was invented in China named ABACUS, which was

    used to perform simple arithmetic operations. This is nothing but colours of

    pebbles strung on series of wires.

    First mechanically operated device developed by Mr. Blaise Pascal was named

    Pascaline machine. Then first break through come when the Analytical engine

    was developed by famous mathematician Charls Babbage, who is known as

    father of computer. His assistant Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace who wrote

    programs for his computer is known as mother of programming.

    Then in turn of this century, a scientist Herman Hollerith invented electrically

    processing of data in a computer. It contained huge valves and had to be

    cooled down after every hour to keep it functioning. But it was a break

    through as it laid foundation for our latest computers. This was the only

    machine in which first time storage media was used named punched cards.

    After this breakthrough, technology raced. Transistors replaced huge valves

    thus reducing the heat generated and size of the computers (a transistor

    consisted 100s of valves to a considerable extent. It was upgraded with

    integrated circuit chips containing thousands of transistors on it. Next step

    was VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology which contained millions

    of transistors on a single chip.

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    Now a days we are using PC (personal computers) having microprocessor

    chips, quality and cost vary on its. These days we use Pentium III or Pentium

    IV with enormous speed.

    The growth of computer is so fast, that yesterdays knowledge becomesoutdated today. In this scenario the world is awaiting next generation. Could it

    possibly replace the humans? We have to wait and watch.

    Anatomy of Computer

    Hardware - Physical component or tangible part of the computer is

    known as hardware. E.g. Your TV, Antenna and Remote Controller

    are treated as hardware.

    Software -Functioning or working process of computer comes under

    software. E.g. Network Programme, News etc.

    Liveware -To make the computer functioning, a human being is required for

    operating and making programs. This comes under liveware


    C O M P U T E R


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    Architecture of Computer





    CPU - Central Processing Unit

    CU - Control Unit

    ALU - Arithmetic & Logic Unit

    MU - Memory Unit

    Data inserted through input unit directly goes to CU, which controls during

    process on all over the units. If any arithmetical or logical calculation is

    required then it goes to ALU and proceed to MU to give output or to store into

    storage device.Types of Computers

    Classification of computer is categorised into 2 groups -

    1. Purpose wise

    2. Size wise

    Purpose wise Classification

    1. Digital Computer - These types of computer directly counts and calculates

    digits. e.g. Electronic Calculator, Electronic Watch etc.

    2. Analog Computer -These types of computers measures physical values

    and unit fall along with it. e.g. Thermometer,

    Milometer etc.

    3. Hybrid Computer - Comprehensive feature of digital and analog computer

    combined together forms it. e.g. ECG machine,

    Electronic Thermometer etc.

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    Size wise Classification

    1. Mainframe Computers - As term mainframe, it is huge in size and has

    enormous processing capabilities with greater storage

    media that is magnetic taps. Mostly used for on-linedata processing. e.g. IBM mainframe.

    2. Mini Computers - As term mini, it is smaller than mainframe and

    capabilities also lesser than mainframe but higher than

    PCs. Mostly used for multi-user environment. e.g. Sun

    Supermini, Supermax mini computer.

    3. Super Computer - Used for special purposes, when lengthy or complex

    scientific calculation is needed. It is multiprocessor

    based non von neumenn architecture computer. e.g.

    CRAX-XMP installed at Delhi Doordarshan for weather

    forecasting. First Indian super computer PARAM was

    invented by CDAC (Centre for Development of

    Advanced Computing), Pune.

    4. Micro Computer - Microprocessors are used in PCs, so it comes under

    micro computer category. Small in size von

    architecture based computer. e.g. Personal Computer

    (PC). According to processing capability it is divided

    into following categories -


    PC-XT (Extended Technology)

    PC-AT (Advanced Technology)

    PC-AT 80286

    PC-AT 80386

    PC-AT 80486

    PC-AT Pentium I

    PC-AT Pentium II

    PC-AT Pentium III

    PC-AT Pentium IV

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    Memory Concepts

    Computers memory is classified into 2 categories -

    1. Internal Memory

    2. External Memory

    Primary Memory

    Also known as Internal or Main memory and it is same as brain is of human


    RAM - Random Access Memory is volatile memory used to store data

    temporarily but it is main memory of computer, switching off the

    computer will cause to lose of data from memory.

    ROM -Read Only Memory is non volatile memory provided by manufacturers.

    From it memory can be read but cant be written into it. Now a days we

    use PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) in which program can be

    done but prewritten things cant be erased. One more ROM named

    EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) are also used in

    which read, write and erase of program can be done.

    Secondary Memory

    Information are stored in secondary storage or auxiliary storage for further

    reference, and as per requirement data can be read, written and erased from

    it. These devices are used as backup devices and are used to store software

    and utilities to work. Generally we use 2 types of storage media

    1. Magnetic Tap - Is known as sequential (serial) access storage device

    like audio or video cassettes. Data is stored sequentially in it

    and reading process also done sequentially. It is slow

    storage media but large volume of storage capacity and

    lower price makes it ideal for backup of data.

    2. Magnetic Disk - Is very popular and frequently used media for backing

    up data and storing application software, known as direct

    access storage device, consisting of 2 types -

    1. Hard Disk

    2. Floppy Disk

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    Hard Disk - Fixed storage media to store data and application software

    which are used frequently this can not be transported frequently.

    Because of high storage capacity, high operational speed and

    security this is considered as ideal for large operations. Hard disk

    comes in various capacities from 20 MB to 80 GB.

    Floppy Disk - These are the most widely used storage media for backup. It

    is popular because of its transportability and privacy, it provides.

    Floppies comes in different storage capacities as follows -

    360 KB 5 Double Sided Double Density

    1.2 MB 5 Double Sided High Density

    720 KB 3 Double Sided Double Density

    1.44 MB 3 Double Sided High Density




    Century CementLabel

    Write Protect


    H ub

    Index Hole


    Read / Write


    Protector Jacket

    Floppy Disk (Size 5 )

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    These are to cater to the need of varied requirements. The major

    demerits in using floppy disks are its relatively low storage

    capacity and the low speed of operation.

    Data MeasurementData take place in computer in binary digits (0s & 1s) only. Stored data in

    memory or storage media is measured in following units -

    1 BIT = 0 or 1

    1 NIBBLE = 4 Bits

    1 BYTE = 2 Nibbles / 8 Bits / 1 Character

    1 KILO BYTE = (2)10 Bytes / 1024 Bytes

    1 MEGA BYTE = (2)10 KB (Kilo Bytes) / 1024 KB

    1 GIGA BYTE = (2)10 MB (Mega Bytes) / 1024 MB

    1 TERA BYTE = (2)10 GB (Giga Bytes) / 1024 GB

    1 PETA BYTE = (2)10 TB (Tera Bytes) / 1024 TB

    1 EXA BYTE = (2)10 PB (Peta Bytes) / 1024 PB

    1 ZETTA BYTE = (2)10 EB (Exa Bytes) / 1024 EB

    1 YOTTA BYTE = (2)10 ZB (Zetta Bytes) / 1024 ZB

    5. Central Processing Unit

    This is heart of the computer. All arithmetical and logical processes are done

    here. Mostly used CPUs of micro computers are Intel 8088 / 80286 / 80386 /

    80486 / 80586 / Pentium I / Pentium II / Pentium III / Pentium IV etc. The

    capability of CPU is represented by number of instructions it can execute out

    in one second; it is usually measured in millions. CPU is the basic component

    of the computer is connected with other components through electrical wires.

    Devices which are connected with CPU are called peripherals.

    Input Devices

    1. Keyboard - Similar as typewriter machine with alpha and numeric keys,

    with some special keys for particular functions. This is commonly

    used input device.

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    2. Mouse -Pointing device for fast operation in computer software. Mostly

    used in GUI based software like MS-Windows and Apple Mac etc.

    Drawing and sketches are easy to make using this device.

    3. Scanner -This device is used to scan pre developed photographs, pictures

    and make it computer readable file format for further processing.Output Devices

    Output is taken using two medias, first one is called Soft Output, where output

    is taken on monitor. Second one is called Hard Output, where output is taken

    on paper through printers.

    1. VDU (Visual Display Unit)

    Also called monitor. Depending upon the requirement we use monochrome or

    colour monitors. Display of monitor is controlled by DCC (Display Controller

    Card) fixed in CPU. Quality of display depend upon the type of monitor and its

    display controller card. Commonly used DCC names are given below -

    MGA - Monochrome Graphics Adapter

    CGA - Colour Graphics Adapter

    HGA - Hercules Graphics Adapter

    EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapter

    VGA - Video Graphics Array

    SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array

    PGA - Professional Graphics Array

    APGA - Advanced Professional Graphics Array

    MPEGA - Moving Picture Enhanced Graphics Adapter

    2. Printers

    Printers are divided into two categories -

    A. Impact Printer - Which prints through hammer strike onto paper before

    ribbon. These are noisy printers. Following printers

    comes under this category -

    a. Daisy Wheel (Electronic Typewriter)

    b. Dot Matrix

    c. Drum Printers

    d. Line Printers

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    B. Non-Impact Printer - These printers are silent printers, based on

    inkjet or laser technology. Such as -

    a. Ink Jet Printers

    b. Laser Jet Printers

    c. Photo Copier Machine.

    CPU (Central Processing Unit)

    These may be called as brain of a system. All the computation and logical task

    is begun performed in the CPU itself on the behalf of user request. It has got

    some internal part like Hard Disk (Main Storage Device), Processor, Data bus,

    Memory (RAM and ROM), FAN, Sound Card, Display Card, Network Card etc.

    and some external part which is the interface to these internal part are Power

    Switch, Floppy Drive Switch, CD Drive Switch.

    Following screen will display all the external features of a CPU.

    This screen display the Power button of CPU. By pressing this button we can

    switch on our system.

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    This screen shows the button which is meant for making CD drive operative.

    This screen shows the button which is meant for operation of Floppy drive.

    Apart from these switches in the front there are some USB(Universal Serial

    Bus) port meant for connecting external devices like Pen Drive, Projector,

    Cameras and Printers in the front cabinet of the CPU. This screen shows those

    USB connection port.

    USB Port

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    This screen shows the switches and ports available at the back of the cabinetof CPU. There are port for connecting CPU to Printer (Serial Port Printer, eg.Dotmatrix Priter), Monitor, Mouse, Sound Box, Network Card and off coursepower code point. The size of these port appropriately meant for each deviceand its not possible to make any error while connecting these device as it will

    get fit into other device port.

    Power Port

    Mouse Port Sound box Port Printer port Keyboard Port Monitor Port

    Network Port Sound box Port

    Monitor Monitor are of two type , first is General CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Colour

    Monitor and Other is LCD( Liquid Crystal Display ) Monitor. The quality of the

    resolution of picture in LCD monitor is far better than CRT monitor.

    This screen display a CRT Colour monitor having following switches. We need

    to press the power button in monitor to make it online and there is other

    small button is there to adjust its display .

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    Adjustment Button Power Button

    Mouse Nowadays all the software are graphical based and for easy operation all

    operating system is provided the facility so that by double clicking at the

    icons, we will be able to run any program. To click at any program we have

    mouse. By sliding mouse over any suitable platform we are able to move a

    pointer to any location in monitor. And to click run a program we need to

    bring the pointer to the icon or program point and then click left trigger in the

    mouse to run that program. To see the properties of any particular selected

    thing we can right click at mouse after first locating that thing and then

    pressing once only at that item.

    Left Button

    Scroll Button

    Right Button

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    Keyboard We have keyboard as an interface to send some command to CPU to execute

    a program or to write anything for us in word processing tools or to make

    program. Common feature of a keyboard are as defined below.

    There are numeric and alphabetic key in keyboard which is meant for typing

    these particular characters . Other keyboard function details are as follows :-

    Esc :- To escape from any program.

    F1 :- To Help the User

    F2 :- To see screen layout of current programe.

    F3 :- Find or Search any word or File

    F4 :- To know the properties of current selected item.

    F5 :- To Refresh the System

    F12 :- To Save any Document

    Tab :- To create paragraph a fixed size in Document

    Caps Lock :- To enable capital letter writing .

    Shift :- By pressing shift key we can type upper sign defined in


    Ctrl :- If we have any problem in system then we can press

    Ctrl+Alt+Del together to switch the system.

    To copy any item we can select and the by pressing

    CTRL+C we can copy that item and by pressing

    CTRL+V we can paste that item.

    Left Key :- To move to left.

    UP Key :- To move to up .

    Right Key :- To move to right.

    Down Key :- To move to down.

    Num Lock :- Enable o/s to right something.

    Print Scrn :- To take current screen printout.

    Page Up :- To go page up in any documents.

    Delete :- To delete selected items.

    End :- To got to end of a line

    Page Down :- To go page down in a documents.

    Space Bar :- To move to right without typing anything.

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    Printer Generally we are using 3 kind of printers in Century Cement , one is DOT

    MATRIX and INK JET and LASER PRINTER . Now we will see the operation of

    various printers.


    Paper Tray Pitch Setting Key Online Key Paper Tear Key Load Paper Key

    Power Switch of printer.

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    Power Switch of Ink jet Printer Paper Tray of Ink Jet Printer

    Other part of a System is software which consist of Operating System and

    Application Software .

    User request the task to Operating System and Operating System dictate task

    and allocate resource to Application Program to complete the task.

    Details of the software will be studied elaborately in the next phase .

    Now we will learn some common problem identifying features which

    are mention below:-

    (1) Suppose we switch on the system and its start making continuous bip

    sound then it suppose to be know as due problem in RAM (Read and write

    memory), may be there is some loose contact or may be due to dust problem

    or may be due to corruption in the slot where these Ram is being fixed.

    (2) If system is not getting booted then we have to check whether there is

    any problem in battery of the system. If it is found to be ok then it suppose to

    consider that there is any problem in ROM(Read only memory ) of mother

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    board. In this case there can be nothing done but to replace system


    (3) If system is successfully passing the boot stage but is not able to do

    anything after that mean there is error in reading hard disk then it is to beconsider that hard disk is performing.

    (4) If System is reading hard disk but unable to load operating system then its

    due to problem in operating system rather than problem in hardware.

    (5) If system is not getting the network access then we have to check

    whether light is glowing in network code point or not if it is glowing then there

    is problem in software else if it is not glowing then we must consider that

    there is problem in network card.


    Command - Instruction to the computer.

    Program - Set of Commands put together to perform an operation.

    Software - Set of Programs put together to perform a task.

    Package - Set of individual software put together to perform various tasks.


    System Software Application Software




    Single Purpose

    Application S/WGeneral Purpose

    Application S/W


    Windows 95

    Unix etc.



    Virus Scanner

    Disk Doctor etc.



    Custmised S/W





    RDBMS S/W etc.

    Figure 1

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    System Software

    This is preliminary software for the computer. When you start and make your

    computer ready for work, you require an operating system otherwise system

    will not function. Memory management, data backups, disk management, data

    recovery and job controls are done by the system software.Application Software

    This is end user software. User directly interacts with application software to

    perform their tasks. When any special application is performed by the

    software, it comes in single purpose application software i.e. Financial

    Accounting, Inventory control and Payroll etc. The software which is used by

    every type of users and perform general tasks such as letter writing, making

    analysis table, keeping records in an organised way, comes under general

    purpose application software.

    Programming Languages

    These are development tools to develop software.

    1. Machine Language -

    Only 0s and 1s are used in programming, to put any instruction it has to be

    converted into machine readable format. This is first generation language.

    2. Assembly language -

    Very similar to machine language, only difference is mnemonic codes, which

    are used in this language. Mnemonic codes are prewritten codes for specific

    operation. It is directly not interpretable by computer, to make it machine

    readable format, it has to be assembled through assembler. This language

    comes under second generation.

    3. High Level language -

    Very near to english language, because commands are of these languages are

    in plain english language, so programmer can easily and efficiently write and

    understand the programming sequences. These are categorised under third

    generation language. E.g. BASIC, COBOL, Pascal, FORTRAN, C etc.

    4. 4GLs -

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    Fourth generation languages are the language where no good programming

    skills are required. Through placing plane and simple english type of

    commands, lot of processes can be done, so no need to write large programs

    for performing a great job. RDBMS engines comes under this category like

    Oracle, Sybase, MS-SQL, Informix and Paradox etc.

    Language Translators

    Writing program using any language must be converted into machine readable

    format, then only it works.

    1. Interpreter -

    It converts high level language instructions into machine readable format in a

    sequence. In case of any error in any line of program it halts there. It wont

    generate any object code for machine. E.g. Basic language interpreter.

    2. Compiler -

    Same as interpreter but it converts high language instructions into machine

    readable format at once and generates an object code. Execution is faster

    than interpreter. E.g. COBOL, C, Pascal compilers.

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    - 5 -


    Abbreviation of virus is Vital Information Resources under Seas. Computer

    virus is similar to biological virus. Biological virus replicates automatically and

    parasites and distress cells of human body. Computer virus also replicates and

    parasites and distress our precious data. Virus is nothing but a hidden

    program which executes automatically as you start functioning any software in

    your computer.

    How do you find that your computer is virus infected ?

    1. Machine gets slow in processing2. Some junk characters or any unwanted instructions coming frequently.

    3. Software is not functioning properly.

    4. Any unwilling obstructions come while working with computer.

    5. If data gets corrupted or distorted.

    6. Not showing proper memory space.

    As well as you find any of the above or any other virus symptoms occurring,

    immediately arrange to cure the machines data through latest virus scanner

    disk, because new versions of viruses comes frequently.

    How to cure virus infected machines -

    1. Boot machine through fresh and virus cleaned bootable floppy disk.

    2. Scan and clean viruses through original and latest virus scanner.

    How to prevent virus insertions -

    1. Always use original and licensed version of software.

    2. Do not use pirated software from any illegal source.

    3. Dont insert or use any virus infected floppy disks.

    4. Always check for viruses before using any floppies in your machine.

    5. Dont remove write protect notch from your clean bootable and virus

    scanner floppy.

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    - 6 -

    DOs and DONTs in Computers and Peripherals

    1. Computer should be kept out of direct sunlight.

    2. Keep the computers and peripherals out of vibrating environment.

    3. Computer system should be kept 6 inches away from the wall side.

    4. Computer and peripherals should be kept atleast 3 feets away from CVTs

    or Stabilisers.

    5. Try to avoid as much dust and hot environment as possible.

    6. Input AC voltage should be 230 volts 5%.

    7. Computers or peripherals should not be connected directly on electric

    power supply board, it should be through CVT /UPS.8. Please see to it that computers are attached to separate in-coming AC

    environment. This incoming AC lines should not be attached to any air

    conditioner, lift or any other heavy machinery/equipment.

    9. As far as possible, do not use multiple plugs extension to avoid loose

    connections and over heating of electrical outlet points.

    10.Maintain proper air circulation in computer room.

    11.Never plug in or out any cables during power on condition.

    12.Dont switch off computer while it is functioning with any software,

    otherwise data and software may corrupt, shutdown it properly then switch


    13.Do not disturb the CMOS set up.

    14.Do not close the floppy drive door lever without inserting a floppy, this

    may damage drive.

    15.To prevent accidental erase of your floppy contents always insert the

    floppy after you switch on the computer power and remove it before switch

    off the power.

    16.Do not throw your usable floppies into the drawer, please keep it into a

    box, specifically provided for the purpose.

    17.Please check all your floppies for virus before using it.

    18.Always keep two sets of backup.

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    19.Do not use paper feed knob while printer is on.

    20.Do not roll the ribbon cartridge knob while printer is on

    21.Never try to initialise the head position with hands.

    22.Do not install unlicensed software in your computers.

    23.Do not use outside Floppies / Hard Disks / CD ROM / Zip Disks / MagneticTapes or any other storage media.

    24.Please follow the instruction properly before using computer and software.

    25.Keep your computer room immaculately clean to work in healthy


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    - 7 -

    Operating System

    Without operating system you can not think to switch on your computer. It is

    preliminary interface between user and computer. Earlier text based operating

    systems were used, today is GUI (Graphical User Interface) age, so we use

    GUI based operating system such as Apple Mac, Linux and Windows XP etc.

    These are the main works which are taken care by an operating system -

    1. File Management

    2.Disk Management

    3.Memory Management

    4. Job Controls

    Internally file retrieval, updation, writing into disk and its log is controlled by

    an operating system, simultaneously it updates FAT (File Allocation Unit)

    where addresses of all files are stored, through which files can be accessed.

    An operating system manages disk cache and fragments and manipulates

    memory space whenever any application functions. In case of multitasking

    and multiprogramming system it maintains individual job sessions and its


    Booting Process

    Booting means getting ready for the work, while booting it checks computer

    components entirely.








    Figure 2

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    When you switch on computer, very beginning it checks its internal

    components for correct functioning which is called POST (Power On Self Test),

    then it checks the functionality or connection of basic input and output devices

    with CPU which is called BIOS (Basic Input Output System). After that it

    control goes to operating system and communication program to interact withinput and output system is loaded, which is IO.SYS file in Windows XP and

    MSDOS.SYS file which is called boot strap program is loaded. While booting it

    configures the computer through CONFIG.SYS file which can be created by

    user also as per requirement. Then COMMAND.COM file which is called

    command processor takes place in computers memory for command

    interpretation. And as per wish of user pre created AUTOEXEC.BAT is executed

    where all necessary command are written as per need. Now computer is ready

    for response.

    File Name Concepts

    Whatever data contents are there, should be kept into a container for further

    use, which is called file and to distinguish it, name should be given, called file

    name. As per nature of file the file name is consisted into two parts -

    1. Primary File Name

    2. Secondary File Name


    In MS-DOS mode Primary File Name should not have more than 8 characters,

    but atleast 1 character, in case of Secondary File Name (Extension) it should

    not have more than 3 characters. File names can not contain any blank spaces

    or any other special characters such as +, -, *, /, [, ], {, }, |, \, @, #, %, ^,

    &, = etc.


    Primary File Name Secondary File Name (Extension)

    Figure 3

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    In Windows XP file name can be given upto 255 characters, blank spaces and

    other special characters are possible here.

    Sub Directory (Folder) Concepts

    It is a container of different group of files. You generally store Sales relatedfiles in Sales folder, Purchase related files in Purchase folder and so on. There

    is a main directory named root directory made by system, which contains all

    these sub directories.

    GUI (Graphical User Interface)

    Graphical User Interface is an interface where there is no need of typing

    commands and reading instruction often. Through iconic or pictorial elements

    instructions can be understood and command can be given through mouse

    pointer. As per requirement graphical and drawing work can also be done

    using this interface. For better presentation and multimedia aids GUI is

    essential. Now a days we use GUI based operating systems such as Apple

    Mac, Linux and Windows XP etc.

    Windows XP

    Windows XP is multitasking and multiprocessing operating system. Various

    tasks can be processed simultaneously. It can be made a client of Windows NT

    networking operating system. So many utility software come with Windows XP

    C:\ (Century)





    Directory Tree

    Root D irectory

    Sub Directories

    Figure 4

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    for certain purposes such as Note Pad, Word Pad, Paint, Calendar, Calculator


    Startup and Shutdown Procedure

    If Windows XP is already installed into computer, then by switching on thecomputer Windows XP automatically loads into memory, after few seconds

    screen will display as shown in Figure10. Windows XP operating system having

    so many great features, but at the same time being

    delicate also, machine should not be switched off directly when Windows XP is

    loaded into memory, otherwise system may be crashed. So system should be

    properly shutdown then switched off. One arrow pointer symbol is displayed

    on the screen which is called mouse pointer, through which any object or

    option on the screen is selected. Windows XP is event driven operating

    system, according to function and process mouse pointer, screen layout and

    other options changes. There are generally three buttons on mouse, mostly

    left and right buttons of mouse are used. Left button for option selection or

    activation and right button for shortcut menu or options.

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    To shutdown the system click the mouse pointer on Start button of Windows

    XP, which is called gateway button of Windows XP. Then start menu appear on

    the screen like given picture below after next paragraph.

    Select shutdown option through mouse and click left button then again yousee the following screen, select First option of radio buttons and click on Yes

    button. The Windows XP will get shutdown after a movement. Now you can

    switch off the machine.

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    Terminologies of GUI

    Icon - A tiny pictorial element option for certain process.

    Status Bar - Mostly appear at the bottom of the screen with start button

    and displays the status of programs executed or opened currently.

    Desk Top - Preliminary screen of Windows XP or the folder where basicWindows XP elements are stored.

    OLE - Object Linking & Embedding is a utility through which

    objects of an application can be linked or embedded into another


    Clipboard - A utility program which holds the recent operated object

    from any of the application. This is the only object container

    through cut and paste of objects possible.

    Tool Buttons - Miniature iconic buttons for fast manipulation of document

    items of any application.

    Check Box - Multi selection options, rectangular box with cross


    Radio Button - Circular button for single option selection.

    Push Button - rectangular embossed button for final selection at

    completion of work.

    Popup - Option list for selection by clicking mouse button on popup window.

    List Items - Same as popup but options are listed below of list item

    window and accepts user typed option also.

    Spinner - For selection of natural numbers from a series, user also can

    type the number as required. Numbers can be increased and

    decreased by operating up and down triangular buttons on it.

    Dialogue Box - Container of various option for specific operation in child

    window. E.g. Font Dialogue box.

    Application Window - Main window of any application program opened

    currently, which contains menu options and tool buttons.

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    Document Window - Work area or window containing user file. It is inside

    the application window.

    Minimise Button - First button of 3 buttons in extreme top right corner of

    window used to shrink down the window and put the signature on

    status bar.Maximise Button - Second button as rectangular box of extreme top right

    corner on window used to expand window throughout the screen

    from minimised window or from restored window.

    Restore Button - When window is already in expand mode then second

    button of extreme top right corner of window will change into two

    overlapped rectangular box, which is used to restore window in its

    previous or original size.

    Close Button - Last button as cross symbol in top right corner buttons, is

    used to close the window.

    Accessing an Application and Closing Up

    As we know that operating system is an interface between user and computer,

    hence any of the application is opened or executed from an operating system

    only. If you wish to work in DOS based or text based application such as

    Word-Star, Lotus 1-2-3, FoxPro etc. First you come out to DOS prompt by

    clicking DOS Prompt option from program menu or icon and give appropriate

    command to execute it.

    If you wish to work on any of the windows based applications such as MS-

    Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint or any other windows based application. If

    icon is available on desktop of Windows-XP , select appropriate icon and

    double click left mouse button, remember there should not be long time

    distance between double clicks. If icon is not available then trace it from

    Program menu. Select Start button from the status bar and get Start Menu,

    select Program option,, here names of folders and applications are listed.

    Select appropriate application and click left mouse button, application will get


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    Let us see how to run an application named MS-Word -

    1. Click on Start button and get Start menu.

    2. Select Program option, then automatically program menu appears.

    3. Select MS-Word option from it and click left mouse button and get

    application opened.4.Write a letter as you wish and save it through clicking left mouse button on

    Save tool button.

    5.File Save dialogue box appears, type appropriate file name at appropriate

    place and click on OK button. File is saved in given name.

    6. If you wish to close this application click on close button (cross symbol),

    which is given in extreme top right corner of the application window.

    File Manipulation with Windows ExplorerWindows Explorer is a user friendly application for file management. Using

    File option of it, new folder (sub directory) can be created, changed, renamed,

    moved and deleted, same can be done for files also. Shortcut icons for

    applications can also be created. Different views of file and folder names can

    be seen using View option of Windows Explorer as in following figure.

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    Paint : Using This bitmap pictures are drawn and pre created pictures can be


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    Word Pad : In case of non-availability of other word processing

    application, Windows XP provides its own word processor for

    typing manuscripts and other details in proper page format, which

    is not possible in Note pad

    Calendar : Regular or prescribed assignment details are managedaccording to date and time and can be accessed.

    Calculator : As per requirement calculation of digits are done. General

    and scientific calculator available in it.

    DOS Commands

    DOS commands are also used in Windows XP but in DOS Prompt mode , few

    useful commands are given below -

    Command : DIR

    Function : Lists either all the files / sub directory in the directory those for

    specific files.

    Syntax : DIR /P /W

    Command : COPY

    Function : Copies one or more files to the specified destination.

    Syntax : COPY

    Command : REN

    Function : Changes the name of the specified files.

    Syntax : REN

    Command : DEL

    Function : Erases specified file.

    Syntax : DEL

    Alert : To be used at most care.

    Command : MD

    Function : Creates sub-directory on the disk.

    Syntax : MD \

    Command : CD

    Function : Changes the current directory to the desired directory.

    Syntax : CD \

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    Command : RD

    Function : Removes specified directory but directory must be empty.

    Syntax : RD \

    Command : CLS

    Function : Clears the screen.Syntax : CLS

    Command : DATE

    Function : Displays system date and asks for new date.

    Syntax : DATE

    Command : TIME

    Function : Displays system time and asks for current time.

    Syntax : TIME

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    - 8 -

    Networking Concept

    Interconnectivity of computers and its resources is called networking. There

    are so many advantages behind computer networking -

    1. Remote data accessing.

    2. Resource sharing.

    3. Easy data migration.

    4. Time and cost saving in information exchange.

    There are three types of network -

    1. LAN - Local Area Network

    2. MAN - Metropolitan Area Network

    3. WAN - Wide Area Network.

    LAN : Network connecting computers of an organisation in a limited area or in

    a premise within near about 10 KMs. Area. E.g. Century Cements

    Computer Network, Maihar Cements Network, Manikgarh Cement


    MAN :Network connecting components around a town or city wider than LAN.

    E.g. Cable TV network.

    WAN :Network connecting components around a country or world wide, comes

    in this category. E.g. Internet.

    LAN Topologies

    The architectural layout is called LAN topology; following types of LAN

    topologies are there

    1. Bus Topology

    In this topology all computers are connected in serial, hence there is a start

    node and there is a end node, hence both ends there must me terminator,

    here if one node is fail then entire network will be failed.

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    2. Ring Topology

    Its forms a ring while connecting nodes, hence there is no start and no end.

    3. Star Topology

    In star topology, there is a central controller and all nodes are connected with

    it, the biggest advantage of this is, if any node stocked then rest network will

    be ready to use.

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    4. Tree Topology

    Its basically combination of star topology, when there are many central

    controller of different star topology, which are connected with each other

    forms tree. Eg. Our Century, Maihar and Manikgarh LAN is based on tree

    topology only.

    4. Mesh Topology

    When all nodes are connected with each other forms mesh topology, the best

    example is our telephone network.

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    - 9 -

    WORD PROCESSOR (Microsoft Word)

    The software which is used to perform text processing, writing letters,

    manuscripts etc. comes under Word Processors.

    Basically the Word Processor does same things what typewriter does, only

    difference is, it does all things electronically, further editing and printing is


    Microsoft Word is GUI based word processor and used in Windows

    environment only. page set up, page layout, editing, text merging and

    embedding is quite easy. Drawing objects like pictures, diagrams, lines, circles

    etc. can also be drought easily with letters.

    Following are the main features of Microsoft Word -

    WYSIWYG (What You Is What You Get)

    Find and replace of words.

    Linking and embedding of text, pictures and other files.

    Auto correction of misspelled words.

    Table handling using grids.

    Macro writing for special functions and texts.

    Mail merge facility.

    Spelling check using any Standard English languages such as UK, US,

    Italian etc.

    Drawing object handling with letters. User friendly sensitive help facility.

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    Invoking Process of Microsoft Word

    Click left mouse button on Start button and get start menu, select

    Program option and get application list, select Microsoft Word option and

    click it to get it opened.

    Selection of Printer

    First you decide the printer name (printer media) using which you are going to

    take print out, because page size, alignments and character objects formation

    are different in various print media, suppose you have set up dot matrix

    printer and done the text alignment according to it, and you wish to get print

    out in ink jet printer, it will not come in proper manner, you have to realign it

    according to new printer. So before typing texts, you should define the printer

    name or media which you are going to use.

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    Page Set Up

    Select Page Set Up option from File menu and get page set up dialogue

    box. First set the paper size in which output will be taken. For dot matrix

    printer and continuous stationary, we use generally Fanfold 8.5 * 12 and

    for ink jet printer we use A4 size paper to get printout. According torequirement set top, bottom, left and right margins, if header / footer is given

    set header and footer margins as per need.

    Editing Document

    When you move mouse pointer around document area, pointer changes into I-

    beamshape which indicates only text editing is possible. Start typing from

    insertion point (cursor | ), when one line is over, text automatically flows into

    next line, which is called word wrapping. Line length is set according to paper

    size and left / right margin you have used earlier. Pressing Enter key indicates

    the end of paragraph. Left and right margin can be set temporarily using left

    and right indent tabs locating on the left and right corner of ruler line. Left

    triangle symbol is used for paragraph indent (hanging indent). Drawing

    objects such as lines, rectangle, circles and other pictures and shapes can also

    be embedded into document, but in Layout View only which can be selected

    from View menu. There are two main views of a document

    1. Normal view : Drawing objects cannot be used, only text editing is


    2. Page Layout View : Text as well as drawing editing possible.

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    Text Selection

    Selecting text is essential, if you want to perform any operation on it, such as

    changing fonts, size, alignments, cut, copy etc. Put insertion point before the

    text, which you want to select and hold on the shift key and press right arrow

    keys or other arrow keys to select direction. Up or down arrow keys for line

    wise selection. Through mouse also text can be selected, put I-beam pointer

    before text, which you want to select and hold on left mouse button and drag

    according to select direction, releasing shift key or left mouse button will be

    end of selection.

    Cut, Copy & Paste

    Some times you wish to erase selected text. So select the text which you

    want to delete and click on Cut tool button took like scissors or select cut

    option from Edit menu from menu bar. If you want to move this text than

    put insertion point to desired location and click on Paste tool button or

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    Paste option from Edit menu. Now you see the text which was cut,

    appearing in the desired location, some times you need to copy particular text

    from one location to another location, above same process will be performed

    but in place of Cut option Copy to be selected.

    When you cut or copy text or any drawing object, Immediately takes place in

    Clipboard Viewer which is already elaborated in Windows XP session. The text

    which is there in Clipboard can be embedded in any of the application file or

    in same file as per need.

    Bullets & Auto Numbering

    Which you need to emphasis the lines with bullets or put serial numbers

    before each paragraph or line, bullets and numbering facility is available. First

    select the paragraph or lines and click on Bullets or Auto Numbering

    button, or select Bullets and Numbering option from Format menu and

    select appropriate bullet or numbering style. Now entire selected text come

    with bullets or numbers.

    Changing fonts

    Alphabets and numerals can be written in various styles known as font. If

    available you can use Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and any other fonts also. Few

    fonts generally available with MS-Word such as Times New Roman, Algerian,

    Script, Arial and San Sarif etc.

    If you wish to change fonts of text, select the text and click on font popup

    from format tool bar and select font name as you desire then click on font size

    popup to change the size and width of letters. As per requirement make it

    bold, italic or underlined, through selecting appropriate tool buttons. Same

    operation can be performed through selecting Font option of Format menu.

    Some more features are also there in Format - Font menu option like

    changing underline styles, changing character styles such as superscripts (e.g.

    10th), subscripts (e.g. H2SO4). Even text colours can also be changed.

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    Paragraph Alignment

    By default paragraphs are left aligned. There are 4 types of paragraph

    alignments -





    Left Alignment : Aligns text from left margin.

    Center Alignment : Aligns text in centre of the line.

    Right Alignment : Align text from right margin.

    Justified Alignment : Aligns text from both left and right margins.

    To align the text, text has to be selected first and select appropriate alignment

    button from format tool bar and click the left mouse button, then entire

    selected text will be aligned according to button selected. Same can be done

    through Paragraph option of Format menu, here you can specify line

    spacing and paragraph spacing also.

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    Spell Check

    Before checking spelling of text, you should assure the language in which

    spelling should be checked because spelling of a word can be different in

    various english languages such as UK english, US english, Australian english

    etc. So you select the appropriate language from Language option of Tools

    menu in which spelling would be checked. Then put the insertion point at the

    place from where spelling will be checked and select Spelling option from

    Tools menu and get the right suggestions of misspelled texts, as per your

    wish select the appropriate option or ignore it.

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    Table Handling

    Some times as per requirement you wish to split the text into rows and

    columns, this time table feature is used and works are done accordingly.

    Choose Insert Table option from Table menu and specify number of rows

    and columns required then a blank table will be inserted with dotted gridlineswhich will not be printed while printing. This gridlines can be hidden through

    removing check mark (a) from Gridlines option of Table menu. Mouse

    pointer or tab key is used to move from one cell to another cell in table. Rows,

    columns or cells can be removed or added as per requirements through the

    option of Table menu.

    Border & Shading

    Select the columns and rows of the table and choose Border & Shading

    option from Format menu and select the type of border , border line, width

    and shading style from Border and Shading dialogue box and click on Ok

    button and get border around table.

    Mail Merge

    Mail merge is the great feature of Microsoft Word using it different addresses

    can be merged with a main document file. If you wish to send invitation to

    your hundreds of friends, names and addresses of friends are different and

    invitation matter is same for all. In this case no need to make hundreds of

    files for individual friends. Create two files, one of matter and another of

    addresses. And use the mail merge feature -

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    1. Create one document file using table feature to put addresses of your

    friends and save it giving appropriate file name.

    2. Create another document file and type the invitation matter and save it.

    3. Select Mail Merge option from Tools menu and get a mail merge

    dialogue box.4. Select first option Main Document and click on Create button then

    select Form Letter from popup list, and specify name of the document

    file, which you treat as matter file.

    5. Select second option Data Source and click on Get Data button and

    select Open Data Source. If address file is already created, otherwise you

    can select Create Data Source option. After selecting Open Data

    Source, specify the name of file which is already created as address file in

    tabular format.

    6. Come out to main matter document file from mail merge dialogue box.

    7. Now you will see few more tool buttons appeared on the tool buttons

    palette, which are mail merge tool buttons.

    8. Put insertion point (cursor) in appropriate location of document and click on

    Insert Merge Fields tool buttons and select desired fields and place in

    certain location of the main document.

    9. If you wish to have a look of document with merged data click on View

    Merged Data () button and through record number buttons see

    the different addresses with main document file.

    1. Then as per requirement click on Mail Merge button and select either

    option Merge to New Document or Merge to printer.

    Name Address1 Adrress2 City

    P. Sankar 24,


    Venkatapura Bangalore

    S.N. Mahajan 12/4, Sadar


    Dharampeth Nagpur



    71/4 (East) Nehru Nagar Bhilai

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    Select Print option from File menu and specify the printer name through

    which you wish to print the document, page numbers can also be selected for

    specific page printing and click on Ok button to start printing the file.

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    - 10 -

    SPREADSHEET (Microsoft Excel)

    What is Spreadsheet

    Any grid or array of numbers and/or text in rows and columns is called a

    spreadsheet. This array or grid is a place to write down numbers and calculate

    them easily.

    Advantages of an electronic Spreadsheet

    1. Large spreadsheets can be stored in a single file.

    2. Entering data is faster and easier.

    3. Making changes is simpler.

    4. Retrieving meaningful information is easy.

    5. Calculations on the electronic spreadsheet are almost error free.

    6. Automatic calculation.

    Features of an Electronic Spreadsheet

    1. Worksheet - Work area of spreadsheet program.

    2. Graph - According to data, various types of graph can be plotted.

    3. Database - Records manipulation is easy.

    Starting Microsoft Excel

    We first have start Windows and then invoke Microsoft Excel. In order to do

    so, carry out the following steps -

    1. Click on the Start button.

    2. Choose the option Program3. Choose the option Microsoft Office

    4. Click on the option Microsoft Excel

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    Cell Width & Height Adjustment

    Some times the contents goes beyond the cell, that time we need to adjust

    width and height of cells.

    To change Width/Height of Cells1. Select the cells of which width would be adjusted.

    2. Select Columns or Rows option from Format menu.

    3. Select Width or Height option and put the desired length/height of cells

    in number.

    Then you see Cell Width/Height will increase or decrease according to number

    you have give.

    Auto Fit Selection

    Some times we wish to adjust the string in a cell according to its length, font

    and size. Select the cells which you wish to adjust and select Cell option of

    Format menu and choose Column option and click on Auto Fit Selection

    option. You will see the entire text will be adjusted in a cell.

    Fill Handler

    If a series of numbers, weekdays or months names require to list on sheet, no

    need to type it all, Fill Handler feature is used for it.

    1. Type first two consecutive numbers in a series in any of two cells across or

    in vertical manner.

    2. Click on small rectangle of selected pointer (Fill Handler) and drag it

    vertical or accross as you need to generate the numbers.

    3. Now you see numbers are automatically generated over the sheet.

    4. Same operation you can perform for weekdays and months also.

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    Cell Format

    Value of cell can be displayed in various format such as numbers into date,

    time, currency or in decimal places etc.

    Type values in cells and select it, then choose Cells option from Formatmenu, you will see a dialogue box with various tab headings such as Number,

    Alignment, Font, Border etc.. As per requirement select appropriate tab and

    perform the operation.

    Let us take Number tab and select date option and date style as you require

    and click on Ok. Selected value format will be changed. Same can be done

    in Borders, fonts and Alignments tab as per need.

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    Pivot Table

    Pivot table is tool to prepare a meaningful report with the help of excel or any

    other database, with drag and drop facility, it automatically changes when

    data changes in database.

    Select Data option from main menu and select Pivot Table wizard option, then

    you will get following dialogue box, here you select Microsoft office Excel list

    or database radio button, then click on next button. It will ask the range for

    which you want to create pivot table, here you give the range.

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    After this it will ask for location, where the report has to be plotted, here you

    specify the location.

    Here you select finish button then the screen will look like this

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    Here as per requirement, you just drag and drop the fields required in column

    and row manner as per below screen.


    If formulae is written using values such as (10+20+30), result will always be

    60, if all these values are written in different cells such as cells A1, A2, A3 and

    formulae is written =A1+A2+A3 in A4 cell, the value will be 60, if any values

    are being changed in above cells the result of formula will automatically

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    changed. Before typing formulae an equals to sign (=) has to put as prefix

    with it.

    There are three types of formulae

    1. Relative Formulae - If a formula is copied into another cell and the resultgets change accordingly (relatively), is called relative


    E.g. - If a formulae (=A1+A2+A3) is typed in A4 cell and

    you copy the contents of A4 cell to B4, the formulae will get

    copy as (=B1+B2+B3).

    2. Absolute Formulae- If you copy a formulae from one cell to another and

    result doesnt change accordingly, so this formula is

    considered as absolute formulae. To make the formulae

    absolute a dollar sign ($) has to be put as prefix with

    column letter and row number such as =$A$1+$A$2+$A$3.

    3. Mixed Formulae - While copying the formulae some times you wish to

    change the result value relative to column or row, then

    mixed formulae is used, which is combination of relative and

    absolute formulae.

    E.g. =$A1+$A2+$A3

    In this case result of columns will be fixed and rows will be



    In this case result of rows will be fixed and columns will be


    In Built Functions

    Few ready made functions in Excel is elaborated here which are commonly


    1. =SUM(cell range)

    Is used to add all the numbers given in cell range.

    E.g. =SUM(A1:A5)

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    It will sum the numbers from A1 to A5 cells, colon ( : ) sign denotes


    2. =AVERAGE(range)

    It calculates average number from given range.

    E.g. =AVERAGE(A1:A5)Result will be (A1+A2+A3)/3

    3. =PRODUCT(range)

    It returns multiplied values of given range.

    E.g. =PRODUCT(A1:A3)

    Result will be A1*A2*A3

    4. =SQRT(exp.)

    It returns square root of given expression.

    E.g. =SQRT(81) Result will be 9.

    5. =MOD(exp1, expt2)

    It returns remainder value, if exp1 is divided by exp2.

    E.g. =MOD(13,5) Result will be 3.

    6. =INT(exp1)

    Returns integer value of specified exp1.E.g. =INT(10.45) Result is 10.

    7. =ROUND(exp1,exp2)

    Returns rounded value of exp1 up to exp2 decimal place.

    E.g. =ROUND(100.567,2) Result is 100.57

    8. =STD(range)

    Returns standard deviation of given range.

    E.g. =STD(A1:A5)

    9. =VAR(range)

    Returns variance value of given range.

    E.g. =VAR(A1:A5)

    10. =SLN(cost, salvage, life)

    Calculates depreciation using straight line method according to specified



    11. =DDB(cost, salvage, life, period)

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    Calculates depreciation using double declining balance method for given

    period according to cost of machine, its salvage value after estimated


    E.g. =DDB(10000,1000,10,3)

    12. =PMT(rate, period, sales value)Calculates instalment amount, if you have purchased any commodity

    under instalment scheme for specified period, if certain rate of

    compound interest is charged.

    E.g. =PMT(10%,12,24000)

    13. =PV(rate, period, payment)

    Calculates present value of an investment which you are making under

    recurring scheme for certain period and specified rate of interest is

    provided by investment company.

    E.g. =PV(10%,12,1000)

    14. =FV(rate, period, payment)

    Calculates future value of an investment which you are making under

    recurring scheme for certain period and specified compound rate of

    interest is provided by investment company.

    E.g. =FV(10%,12,1000)

    15. =RATE(period, payment, pv)

    Returns compound interest rate, if equal payment of specified period

    and present value of investment is known.

    E.g. =RATE(12,1000,10000)

    Vlookup Formulae

    This is used, when a database is there in excel and other details of same

    database is given in different sheet with key field. Eg. Series of roll numbers

    are given with marks obtained by students in English, Hindi and same roll

    numbers are given in different sheet with marks obtained by student in

    Mathematics, Science and you wish to create a mark-sheet with marks of all

    the subjects, then here you have to user VLOOKUP as per following screen.

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    Here in this dialogue box four columns are asked, first Looking value in our

    case the roll number, then table array, in our case the range of roll numbers

    with mathematics and science marks, then column index number, in our case

    second column after roll number i.e. mathematics and thirds column for

    science subject. Once the value is copied then copy the same formulae for all

    cell where related marks are required as per roll number.

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    Chart (Graph)

    Creating chart is a great feature of Microsoft Excel. According to data various

    types of chart can be plotted, such as line, bar, pie, doughnut, radar etc.

    Chart creating procedure -1. Select data area for which you wish to draw chart.

    2. Select Chart option from Insert menu.

    3. Select On This Sheet, if you wish to plot chart in same sheet, where data

    is located, otherwise select As New Sheet.

    4. Then you will get data range dialogue box, where you can alter data range.

    5. In second dialogue box, you have to select chart type.

    6. Then chart style dialogue box will come and this will be related to previous

    chart type selection dialogue box.

    7. In next you will get a preview of chart, here you can select data orientation

    either row type or column type.

    8. In next dialogue box, chart title, X axis and Y or Z axis title and legend can

    be specified.

    Spell Check

    Same as Microsoft Word, select the cells of which spelling has to be checked

    and select Spelling option of Tools menu.


    First set the page selecting Page Set Up option from File menu and set the

    page size according to printer selected then select Print option of File

    menu and put parameters according to print requirement.

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    - 11 -

    Presentation Graphics (Microsoft PowerPoint)

    A presentation is actually a type of communication where you put your

    thoughts, ideas and feelings across to an individual or to a group so that they

    are accepted by the entire group. Presentation Graphics are application

    software available to design the matter impeccably readable and attractive

    format. The package allows the user to -

    Design charts

    Arrange the matter in a impeccably readable format

    Add pictures in the charts to make them more meaningful and attractive.

    Change the appearance of the alphabets on the charts and

    Print these charts

    The charts thus created can be printed on transparent sheets of plastic called

    transparencies. These transparencies can be seen by a large groups of people

    if used with an overhead projector or an OHP. The computer can be attached

    to a device called a display adapter or a data show, which in turn is attached

    to an OHP. This allows the charts or transparencies to be displayed to a large

    group of audience without printing them, straight from the computer, such

    presentations are called online presentation.

    Loading PowerPoint

    1. Click on the Start button (which shows a symbol of Microsoft Windows)

    2. Point on Program group icon.

    3. In the corresponding list, point on Microsoft Office group icon.

    4. And within it click on Microsoft PowerPoint.

    Then a screen appears like Figure 30.

    Opening New/Blank Presentation

    Click on Blank Presentation radio button, then you will get more information

    on layout. From Auto Layout dialogue box select an appropriate layout

    design according to requirement and click on Ok button, then you will get

    slide view as Figure 31. Now you can start designing the matter.

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    Setting fonts is same as Microsoft Word/Excel. Select the text and click on

    Format menu and choose Font option , then you will get Font Dialogue

    Box and from there font type, style, size can be selected as per wish.

    Spell Check

    Select the text and opt Spelling option from Tools menu. It will check the

    misspelled words and give correct suggestions.

    Inserting Clipart Picture

    Click on Clipart option from Insert menu and get clipart picture dialogue

    box where pictures are listed in various categories, select appropriate picture

    and click on Ok button. Now selected picture inserted into your slide.

    Afterward the size of picture can be adjusted, dragging different corners of

    picture frame.

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    There are 5 views of presentations -

    Slide View : Where edit is done in slide.

    Outline View : In this view, only text can be seen and edited, pictures and

    drawing objects will not be displayed.

    Slide Sorter View : You can create so many slides in a single file. All slides or

    any number of slides you wish to see to align the sequence

    or putting transition effects over them, are done in this


    Notes Pages View : Here you can write notes for oration for individual slides.

    Slide Show View : Here a slide is displayed on screen as a whole with

    transition effects.


    Before taking print out of PowerPoint slides, first make the slide set up using

    Slide Set Up option from File menu, then select Print option of File

    menu and set the parameters as needed and get printout.

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    - 12 -

    Using Internet

    Nowadays internet is one of the best and cost effective medium for corporate

    or personnel communication . There are several benefits of Internet and some

    of them which can be useful to our kind of industry is given below :-

    (a) Internet Mail for communication :- For the communication with other

    corporate bodies we can always use internet mail. This is the most effective

    and efficient tools for communication.

    (b) Enhance commercial and technical knowledge :- As there are lot of

    knowledge base sites are there which are build for satisfying various queries

    related to commercial and technical people, we can always these sites to

    enhance our knowledge regarding commercial activities and get updated in

    latest technology in respective areas of technical field.

    (c) Inter Office Memo :- All though for sending Inter Office Memo does not

    required any dial up connection but it will require internet tool like outlook

    express to generate such memo. Benefit of these memo that as long as any

    one log in to his system all memo send in his id will be displayed automatically

    and department who has sent that memo will get confirmation as soon as

    person see that memo. So it will save lot of manpower utilized in sending

    these documents.


    Pre-requisite of using internet facilities is to have a dedicated leased line

    connection or to have a dialup connection. In Century Cement Baikunth, weare not having any dedicated leased line facility , hence we are using dialup

    connection for using internet.

    Before using internet first we have to finish dialup connection then only we

    can go for using internet facility.

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    (a) First we will learn how to make dialup connection.

    First we will have to locate icon for making a dialup connection . As shown in

    the menu we can locate it on desktop itself or we can located by clicking at

    following path .

    Startup Setting Network Connection Satyam or Any ISP Name

    Location of finding dialup connection in Systems.

    To make dial up connection we have click at this icon and then we have to

    specify password The screen is displayed below :-

    (b) After getting dialup connection then the next pre-requisite to have an

    internet account in any mailing sites to make use of internet mail facility

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    otherwise to enhance knowledge , there is no need to have a email account in

    any mail sites available.

    To create an account in any mail sites we have to follow following steps which

    are given below. We are taking example of Yahoo Mail Sites.

    First we have to type in the internet explorer address

    option and then press enter button or we can click right arrow button in the

    internet explorer address option.

    To open an account we have to first click at

    Then next screen will appear for getting registration of a user account , we

    have to fill the mandatory details marked with red star and then press I agree

    button .

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    After getting an user account we can log in to the yahoo mail by specifying

    user name and password in the following screen

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    Then next screen will appear which will be having following features such as

    Inbox,Compose,Draft etc. By clicking at Inbox we can see all the mail received

    in our mail box and unread mails are marked as bold letter. By clicking at

    inbox we can see the mails also.

    By clicking at mail we can see the mail contents.

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    By clicking at reply we can reply to the mail , here we will not have to specify

    mail id of the person or organization we need to sent. If we want to attach

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    some file in mail then we have to press at attach file option and then following

    screen will appear. There we have to specify the name and path of file

    selecting it from browser. Then we have to press attach file option there in

    this screen.

    After files are being attached we will get confirmation as in the following

    screen .

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    Then we have to press continue option there to got to main screen.

    Then in the main screen we have to specify send option to send that mail. Like

    that we can compose a mail , in composing a mail we need to specify mail id

    and subject is not mandatory , then we have to specify mail contents and we

    can attach any file as specified in above section.

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    To changed password in yahoo mail we have option section as specified in

    below screen . we have to click at that.

    Then next screen will as below. There we need to click at account information.

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    Next screen will appear as below there we need to specify password again to

    enter into password change screen.

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    After specifying password we will move into next screen , there we need to

    click at change password option .

    Next screen will appear and there we will have to first specify current

    password and then twice we have to specify new password then we need to

    confirm it by pressing save. It will change our loging password.
