Coach Isi's Jumpers Workout



Workouts and training for long and triple jumpers in track & field.

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You will need this list of equipment:

-Yourself-A jump rope

I will assume the jumpers already have a running regimen, so do the bounding in place of your leg lifts (no more than twice a week). I would suggest doing the warm-up every day regardless. A little jump rope never hurt anybody. Bounding/plyos and core workouts are going to work many of the same things as weights, and the coordination gained will yield more results.

Warm-up (Anybody):5-10 minute jog/exercise bikeJump Rope:-100 regular reps-20 alternating leg reps-10 same leg reps (each)-10 high-knee while skipping (each)2 x 10 above head wide arm squats, no weight (get deep and work on balance)Any of your regular skips and stretches

Bounding (Jumpers):-Do these on grass or sand, avoid concrete or a track surface for now.-Wear your running shoes or something with a sole.-If you have no experience start them from a standing position.-Work your way up to being able to do them from a 20m running start.-Start easy, think light and quick. Don't pound or stomp your feet into the ground.-Drive your knees up and out. Your thigh should be parallel to the ground and foot under the knee.-Whenever you repeat a jump off the same leg, put emphasis on cycling your leg in mid-air so that the next bound is equally powerful and speed is not lost. Quickness and coordination is key.-The first time around only do one set of each, increase to two sets when you have figured them out.

R = Right leg, L = Left leg. Each line = one set (ex. RRRRR is 5 right leg bounds)


Videos for reference:

Abs/Core (Anybody):25 Knee Tucks10 Single leg V-Ups (each leg)25 Bicycles (each leg)25 Flutters (each leg)10 1 Inch Crunch10 V-Ups10 Rockys (full sit-up then twist body both ways so each elbow touches opposite knee)10 Supermans (lay on stomach, raise outstretched arms and legs off ground at the same time)10 Side crunches (each side)10 Toe touches (legs in air)2 x 10 Push-ups2 x 10 BurpeesLeg Raise (5 degrees off ground) - hold for 30sLeg Raises - 90 degrees, 45 degrees, 5 degrees (each position 5 times, hold for 3s)

Plank (Choose one, try other next time)Circuit 1:-Front plank (20s), then lift right/left leg (10s each)-Right plank (20s), lift left leg (10s)-Back plank (20s), then lift right/left leg (10s each)-Left plank (20s), lift right leg (10s)Circuit 2:-Front plank (20s)-Extend right/left arm (10s each)-Lift right/left leg (10s each)-Extend right arm/left leg then left arm/right leg (10s each)-Extend right arm/right leg then left arm left leg (10s each)-Back plank (20s)

Videos for reference:Plank:




Side crunches: