CM Palestine #a?ette - · CONTENTS. ( Continued) Notices under the Town Planning...


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C M Palestine #a?ette N o . t 2 9 ( j / THURSDAY, 23RD SEPTEMBER, 1 9 4 3 8 4 7

- C O N T E N T S Page


Interpreta t ion (Amendment) B i l l , 1943 - ~ - - 849 G O V E R N M E N T N O T I C E S

Official Communique - - 851 - - - ־ Free Transpor t of Eggs, F r u i t and Vegetables 852 - - - ־ Notice regarding P r o h i b i t i o n of Sale and Slaughter of Cat t le - 853 - ־ Magistrates appointed to sit as Judges of D i s t r i c t Cour ts 854 - ־ Appointments , etc. - - - - - - 854 Person inscribed on the R o l l of Advocates - - - - 854 M e d i c a l Licences granted - - - - - 854 Dentists ' Licences granted . - 8 5 ־'.- - - - 4Nurse graduated - - - - - 854

• State Domains to be let by A u c t i o n - - - - - 855 Sale of State Domains—Notice of Extens ion of - - 856 - . ־ A i r M a i l s to L i b y a , Tun i s , A l g e r i a and Morocco - - - - 856 Palest ine Post Office Savings B a n k Deposi t Book lost - - - 85G Statement of ,Currency Reserve F u n d ' - - - - 856 Clui^ns for M u t i l a t e d Currency Notes - - - - 856 Tender ״and A d j u d i c a t i o n of Contracts - - - 857 Ci t a t i on : Orders 859 - - • - - ־

R E T U R N S '

Quarant ine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 861 Sale of Unc la imed Goods - - - - 861

N O T I C E S R E G A R D I N G C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S , A B A N K R U P T C Y , I N C O R P O R A T I O N O F C O M P A N I E S , R E G I S T R A T I O N O F P A R T N E R S H I P S , E T C . . - ־ _' -862 . " • • ' ־

S U P P L E M E N T N o . 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published i n Supplement N o . 2 which forms part of this Gazette: —

Proc lamat ion N o . 6 of 1943, under the Forests Ordinance, p roc l a iming certain State D o m a i n Lands to be a Forest Reserve under the Con t ro l and Management of the Government - - - - .

Order N o . 56 of 1943, under the Forests Ordinance, declar ing a specified P a r t of a Forest Reserve to be a Closed Forest A r e a ־' - -

Ves t ing Order N o . 104, under the T r a d i n g w i t h the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, vesting certain P rope r ty i n the Cus todian of E n e m y Proper ty ־

Ves t ing Order No . 105, under the T r a d i n g w i t h the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, revoking Ves t ing Order N o . 90 dated 13th M a y , 1943, and published i n G a z e t t e N o ; 1267 of 20th M a y , 1943, so far as i t concerns the Proper ty of a certain Person - - 860

Notice of Requis i t ion of certain Lands by a Competent A u t h o r i t y , under the Defence Regulat ions, 1939 - - - - - - 861

H a i f a (Carmel Section) Conservation Rules, 1943, under the F l o o d i n g and S o i l E r o s i o n (Prevention) Ordinance, 1941 - - - - - 861

Acre (Dra ins , Sewers and Cesspits) By-laws, 1943, under the M u n i c i p a l Corporat ions Ordinance, 1934 - - - - - - 863

Notice under the Press Ordinance, g ran t ing a P e r m i t to keep a P r i n t i n g Press - 865 Notices under the Press Ordinance, g ran t ing Permi ts to publ ish Newspapers - 865 Notice under the Town P l a n n i n g Ordinance, 1936, g ran t ing A u t h o r i t y to modify an Out­

l ine Scheme w i t h i n the Jerusalem Town P l a n n i n g A r e a - - - 865 Notice under the. T o w n P l a n n i n g Ordinance, 1936, r egard ing the Deposi t of a P a n e l ­

l a t i on Scheme w i t h i n the Jerusalem Town P l a n n i n g A r e a - - - - 866 (Continued)



P R I C E : 6 5 M I L S .

C O N T E N T S .

( Continued)

Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Parcellation Schemes within the Lydda District Regional Town Planning Area

Notice under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, regarding the Revision of Assess­ment in certain Urban Areas on Account of the Year. 1944-45 -

Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in the Urban Areas of Jaffa and Lydda, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 ־ - -

Customs Porterage (Jerusalem Railway Station) (Amendment) Rules, 1943, under the Customs Ordinance - - ־ ־ • ־ • ־ ־

Notices under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, regarding the Seizure of certain Goods when an Attempt was made to smuggle them • out of Palestine, and their Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine -

Food Control (Alcoholic Liquors) (Restriction of Manufacture) Order, 1943, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 ־ - - - -

Food Control (Control of Livestock) Order, 1943, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 Food Control (Cattle) (Restriction of Sale and Prohibition of Slaughter) Order, 1943,

under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - -Defence (Food Control) (Amendment) Regulations, 1943, under the Emergency Powers

(Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 -

Notices under Article V I of the Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet dated 1st January, 1932, appointing Major A. Saunders, C .M.G. , O.B.E. , M.C. , Inspector General of Police, and R . E . H . Crosbie, Esq., C .M.G. , O.B.E. , District Commissioner, Lydda District, to be provisionally Members of the Executive Council of Palestine - - - - ־

Notification of Intended Settlement in respect of Lands of E t Tira Village, Haifa Sub-District, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance

Notice of Posting of Schedules of Claims to Land in Bureij and Es Samakiya (Talhum) Villages, Jerusalem and Tiberias Sub-Districts, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance ־־' - - ־ ־ •

Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in certain Villages in Ramie and Haifa Sub-Districts, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance







870 871







23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290 849

N O T I C E .

The f o l l o w i n g D R A F T O R D I N A N C E i s made p u b l i c p r i o r t o enactment i n a c c o r d ­ance w i t h A r t i c l e 17(l)(d) of t h e P a l e s t i n e O r d e r i n C o u n c i l , 1922, as amended by A r t i c l e 3 of t h e P a l e s t i n e { A m e n d m e n t ) O r d e r i n C o u n c i l , 1923.

R O W A N R E E V E S Cleric to the Advisory C o u n c i l .

D R A F T .

A N O R D I N A N C E T O A M E N D T H E I N T E R P R E T A T I O N O R D I N A N C E .

B E T T E N A C T E D by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof: —

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Interpretation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1943, and shall be read as one with the Interpretation Ordinance, hereinafter referred to as "the principal Ordinance".

2. Section 3 of the principal Ordinance shall be amended by the re­peal of the definition of the term "District Commissioner" occurring therein and .by the substitution therefor of the following definition: —

" "District Commissioner" means a District Commissioner in charge of any district proclaimed to be a district under the provi­sions of Article 11 of the Palestine Orders in Council, 1922 to 1939, and includes, and shall be deemed always to have included, a Deputy District Commissioner or Assistant District Commissioner posted to that district."

Short title.

Cap. 69.

Amendment of section 3 of the principal Ordinance.

O B J E C T S A N D R E A S O N S .

The object of this B i l l is, by amendment of section 3 of the Interpretation Ordinance (Cap 69), the principal Ordinance, to repeal the existing definition of "District Com­missioner" occurring in the section quoted and replace such definition to provide that the expression "District Commissioner" shall in Ordinances also mean and include Deputy District ,Commissioner or Assistant District Commissioner.

W. J . F I T Z G E R A L D Attorney G e n e r a l .

23rd September, 1943 ' T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290 t 851

O F F I C I A L C O M M U N I Q U E .

Some weeks ago the public were invited through representative bodies to make proposals to Government for combatting the inflationary tendencies evident in the economy of Palestine and which have been in particular illustrated by the steady rise in the cost of living. This invitation was made as a preliminary to the initiation of a further and comprehensive ex­amination by Government of all ways and means of checking the inflationary course.

As a result of this examination Government has reached conclusions touching a variety of aspects of economic policy certain of which it is now possible to make public. Further an­nouncements wi l l be made as it becomes possible to introduce new measures or extend those already in force.

P U B L I C R E P R E S E N T A T I O N .

The most important measure lies in the sphere of j>ublic relations. In order to provide a means of closer collaboration between Government and the public in the framing *and execution of war-time economic measures, Government wi l l establish a body representative of public opinion with advisory functions which wi l l be available for consultation by Government and which wil l , on the one hand, provide a focus for the expression of the views of the public on these measures and, on the other, foster a clearer understanding of Government's actions.

This body wi l l be the War Economic Advisory Council to which the High Commissioner wil l appoint members of the public and it wi l l sit under the chairmanship of a Govern­ment Officer.

The terms of reference of the Council have not yet been precisely framed but it wi l l be clear from the foregoing that the objects of its establishment can only be achieved i f the Council is encouraged to take a broad view of its responsibilities. This is Government's intention.

A further announcement wi l l be made as soon as possible regarding the membership of the Council and its terms of reference.

S U P P L I E S .

The public may be assured that problems of food supply engage the Government's continuous attention and that the closest possible contact is maintained not only with supply countries overseas through the M . E . S . C . but also with the responsible authorities in other Middle Eastern territories.

Dependent as Palestine is upon imports, the effect of war conditions on shipping space and rai l communications and road transport make it inevitable that shortages of particular com­modities should occur from time to time. It is Government's policy to ensure that restrictions thus occasioned are equally spread, that distribution of available supplies is fair and that shortages in one commodity are offset, whenever possible, by the importation of others. As an example, stringent measures to conserve the beef supply are the subject of a separate announce­ment issued today. On the other hand, this country is deriving benefit by the import of cereals from oversea countries and from Egypt, Trans-Jordan and Iraq, vegetables and fruit now coming forward from the Lebanon, and fish supplies from Turkey. A further benefit w i l l be derived from the arrival of substantial quantities of milk powder and dried eggs following ar­rangements recently made with the United Kingdom authorities.

In so far as the objective can be achieved without detriment to the points system, i t wi l l be Government's policy to issue straight rations of basic commodities wherever, circumstances per­mit, that is to say, where the commodity is required in more or less the same degree by all sections of the community and where the regular supply of adequate stocks is assured. In the implementation of this policy, a fixed ration of sugar has already been re-introduced. In the meantime, having regard to the wide variations in the habits of consumption of the population, it is also intended, so far as circumstances permit, to extend the points rationing scheme to all the main consuming centres and to include within it as many as possible of those foodstuff's which are under full control and not suitable for distribution by straight rationing.

Particulars wi l l be announced shortly of a project concerning the marketing of milk, the execution of which should be greatly facilitated by the forthcoming supplies of milk powder.

With the cooperation of the catering trade, steps are being taken to establish Palestine Res­taurants where standarised meals wi l l be obtainable at reasonable cost.

The high prices of eggs, vegetables and fruit are a special hardship and concern to all con­sumers but the control of these commodities has presented particular difficulties in all countries. Vigorous treatment of this problem is accordingly necessary and a far reaching scheme, details of which are concurrently announced, has therefore been formulated for bringing supplies of these articles within the reach of consumers at reasonable prices. The scheme involves the con­veyance of eggs, vegetables and fruit to centres fixed by the Municipalities free of transporta­tion charges for a period, and for their sale under supervision, "ceiling" prices being fixed for each commodity. It wi l l be clear that the success of this highly important innovation requires the close cooperation of local authorities and recognition by consumers of their interest in sup­porting it to the fullest extent.

P R I C E C O N T R O L .

Experience gained in the fixation of prices in the past wil l be used to tighten control over all essential commodities and the existing regulations and procedure are under further ex­amination with this end in view. The consumer's benefit wi l l be the paramount consideration in Government's policy and prices wi l l generally be determined by the most efficient method of importation, production and distribution.

852 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290 23rd September, 1943.

Government has welcomed the establishment of associations in several branches of industry but, it wi l l be evident that with a prior policy as defined above, such associations must always be able to justify their position under competitive conditions i f the public's interest is to be safeguarded.

Arrangements are being made for the Price Controller to publish• a monthly price list of all controlled commodities.

N A T I O N A L I Z A T I O N .

Government attaches the utmost importance to the rationalization of local industries which are engaged in the manufacture of commodities essential to the community and has noted with satisfaction the initiative of a number of trades and industries to introduce measures of rationalization of their own volition. Government wi l l extend every assistance so far as may be within its power to further this development and intends shortly to appoint an Adviser on Rationalization to assist this policy.

U T I L I T Y P R O G R A M M E . .

The range and quantities of civil consumers' goods now included in the utility programme will be extended under conditions which wi l l ensure a strict limitation of profit, economy of cost and the closest supervision of production and sale. To this end the number of shops licensed to deal in utility articles wil l be restricted to the minimum required for efficient distribution and those licensed for this purpose wi l l not be permitted to deal in non-utility goods of the same category.

It is emphasized that Government wi l l not hesitate to use its powers to requisition stocks of raw material, i f required to execute its programme of production, or commodities which may be necessary to ensure success of its plan.

C O N C L U S I O N .

In arriving at conclusions directed to the strengthening of its war-time economic policy, of which examples have been given above, Government is greatly assisted by representations received from the public. Good citizens of all sections of the community and of branches of industry and commerce, wi l l readily realize that continued public cooperation is indispensable to the success of measures designed to stabilize the cost of living and to ensure a fair distribution of consumers needs. It is equally indispensable in defeating the activities of those who set private gain above the public interest and do not shrink from attempting to achieve their personal advantage by illegal and corrupt means.

N O T I C E .

F R E E T R A N S P O R T of׳ E G G S , F R U I T A N D V E G E T A B L E S .

The public are hereby notified that, as part of its campaign against the high cost of living, Government has decided on a scheme whereby the cost of transporting eggs, fruit and vege­tables to approved markets by motor vehicle or train wi l l be provided free by Government for a period of not less than three months.

The scheme, from which consumers wi l l derive great benefit, wi l l be brought into force so soon as it has been possible to make final arrangements with municipalities for the central. marketing of fruits and vegetables in their municipal areas.

The operation of this scheme wi l l entail the following: — (1) The transport of eggs, fruit and vegetables by motor transport or by train wi l l be

prohibited without a movement permit. (2) Severe penalties wi l l attach to the movement of eggs, fruit and vegetables by motor

transport without a permit. (3) In order to obtain free transport producers or merchants, who may wish to move eggs,

fruit or vegetables wil l first have to arrange with owners of motor transport to take their produce to egg purchasing centres or approved Municipal market places.

(4) Having engaged the necessary transport, application wi l l have to be made for movement permits at the District Food Control Office of the district in which movement is to originate.

(5) Movement permits wil l be valid for one day only; but, in order to facilitate matters for the public, it w i l l be possible to apply for several permits at a time to be valid for use on any specified day within a fortnight of the day of issue.

(G) The District Food Control Office wi l l issue the original and duplicate of the licence . to the applicant and both original and duplicate wi l l have to be carried by the lorry driver.

(7) The driver wi l l have to obtain a receipt on both the original and duplicate of the permit from the Egg Purchasing Centre or from the Food Control Inspector stationed at the Municipal vegetable market where the produce is delivered.

(8) The driver wi l l have to take both the original and the duplicate permit, duly receipted, to the District Food Controller's Office of the district in which the produce has been delivered. . . .

(9) The District Food Controller wi l l send the permits to the Government Transport Agency for payment at the prescribed freight rates, which wi l l be announced later.

23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No . 1290. 853

(10) Payment w i l l be made B Y P O S T to the owner of the l o r r y i n respect of which the permi t is issued.

(11) Importers of these commodities w i l l come under the same movement control from the frontier and w i l l be able to derive s imi l a r freight benefits.

A s a l l freight charges w i l l be met by Government i t w i l l be possible to introduce a flat ce i l ing price throughout the country to consumers i n those M u n i c i p a l Areas which par t ic ipa te i n this scheme. This w i l l be achieved without causing producers or t ransport to suffer any loss a r i s i n g f rom the former cost and pr ice differentials which were occasioned by the v a r y i n g distances of markets f rom product ion areas.

The ce i l ing prices which w i l l be i n force on the inaugura t ion of this scheme w i l l be as fo l lows: —

P r o d u c e r s M a x i m u m Vonsumers M a x i m u m Vegetables S e l l i n g P r i c e s : ' B u y i n g P r i c e s .

M i l s per K g . M i l s per K g .

Caul i f lower 17 23 Leeks 17 23 Onions 17 23 Potatoes 40 50 Spinach 9 15 Carrots 17 23 Peas (unshelled) 17 23 B r o a d Beans (unshelled) 11 17 G a r l i c 17 23 Radishes 9 15 Marrows 9 15 Eggp lan t 9 15 Cucumbers 17 23 French Peas (green) 17 23 Cabbages 17 23 Tomatoes 17 23 Beetroots 11 17 T u r n i p s 10 16 Pumpkins 9 15 Sweet Potatoes 17 23

F r u i t s .

Grapes 42 , 4 8

Bananas 114 120 Olives, green preserved 132 138

K . C. TOURS 21st September, 1943. Acting F o o d Controller.

N O T I C E . The attention of the publ ic is inv i t ed to the Order , published i n Supplement No . 2 to this

Gazette, which prohibi ts the sale and slaughter of cattle. The necessity for this Order is due to the fact that the difficulties, which have been experienced d u r i n g the past year i n obta in ing imports of cattle, are now such that Government has not an adequate supply under control to enable a f a i r d i s t r ibu t ion to be arranged.

N o issue of cattle w i l l be made this week i n order that an issue may be made towards the end of September to cover the per iod of the forthcoming Feasts. Af te r that the supply w i l l aga in cease u n t i l adequate stocks have been b u i l t up.

The present posi t ion has been aggravated by the fact that local dealers have been r a i s ing their prices for cattle sold to Government, which is already subsidising beef heavily, and i t is felt that the l i m i t of concession to these dealers has now been reached. I t is, therefore, i n the interests of the consumers to ensure that no encouragement is given to the black market as, the sooner stock becomes available to Government, the sooner i t w i l l be possible to put beef regu la r ly on the market again.

Camel has now been placed on the market at a price of 250 mi ls a k i logramme and is avai lable i n considerable quant i ty . Consumers are advised that, i n order to prevent explo i ta t ion of the pub l ic over the sale of this meat, special shops have been opened i n Jaffa, Jerusalem and H a i f a which may not sell meat other than camel meat, while the sale of such meat i n other shops, ent i t led to sell beef or mutton, is prohibi ted.

The attention of consumers is inv i t ed to the fact that very considerable quantit ies of* camel meat have been sold and eaten d u r i n g the past year. The meat is good and available i n con­siderable quant i ty . ,

I n so far as is practicable, sheep w i l l replace the cattle quota, but on a modified scale, due regard being given to the needs of the various communities.

21st September, 1943. K . C. TOURS

Acting F o o d Controller.

854 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290. 23rd September, 1943

N O T I C E .

I T I S H E R E B Y N O T I F I E D for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4)(6) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has ap­pointed the following Magistrates to sit as Judges of the District Courts:

M a g i s t r a t e C o u r t P e r i o d of A p p o i n t m e n t

H A S S A N E F F . K A T I B K H A L I L E F F . S H E H A D E H

18th September, 1943. (Gaz/5/40)

Jaffa Haifa

From 15th to 25th September From 1st to 16th October.

L . A. W . ORR C h i e f Registrar.

A P P O I N T M E N T S ' , E T C . A P P O I N T M E N T S .

The High Commissioner has appointed: M R . J . T A Y L O R to be Assistant Traffic

Superintendent, Palestine Railways, with effect from the 8th June, 1943.

M R . D . H . C R O X F O R D to be Superintendent of Police, Police and Prisons, with effect from the 9th August, 1943.

M R . F . E . G . C A S W E L L to be Superintendent of Surveys, Department of Surveys, with effect from the l7׳th July, 1943.

A C T I N G A P P O I N T M E N T S .

The High Commissioner has appointed: M R . R . F . J A R D I N E , C . M . G . , O . B . E . , Deputy

Director of Land Settlement and Water Com­missioner, to act as Director of Land Settle­ment in addition to his substantive duties, with effect from the 14th September, 1943, until further order.

M R . D. S T E D M A N D A V I E S , Deputy Director of Agriculture and Fisheries, to act as Director of Agriculture and Fisheries, with effect from the 13th September, 1943, until further order.

M R . H . K A M A L , Assistant Veterinary Officer, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, to act as Veterinary Officer, Nablus, with effect from the 11th September, 1943, until further order.

M R . I . J . F A N O U . S , Postal Clerk, Telegraphist and Telephonist, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, to act as Postmaster, with effect from the 29th August, . 1943, until further order.

D R . J . M A C Q U E E N , Deputy . Director of Medical Services, Department of Health, to act as Director of Medical Services, with effect from the 14th September, 1943, until further order.

D R . W . J . V I C K E R S , Senior Medical Officer, Department of Health, to act as Deputy Director of Medical Services, with effect from the 14th September, 1943, until further order.

M R . F . I . H A D D A D , M . B . E . , Inspector of Pharmacies and Assistant Controller of Medical Supplies (Drugs), to act as Controller of Medical Supplies (Drugs),, with effect from the 14th September, 1943, until further order.

T E R M I N A T I O N O F A C T I N G A P P O I N T M E N T S .

The acting appointment of M R . A . H . C O U Z E N S , Deputy Director, Department of Labour, as Director of Labour, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1285 of the 19th August, 1943, ceased with effect from the 13th September,. 1943.

The acting appointment of M R . N . M E H O U D A R ,

Assistant Postmaster, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, as Postmaster, published in Pales­

tine Gazette No. 1255 of the 18th March, 1943, ceased with effect from the 29th August, 1943.

R E S I G N A T I O N .

M R . A . A T A L L A , Judge, District Court, Judicial Department, resigned from the public service, with effect from the 16th September, 1943.

N O T I C E . Notice is hereby given that the name of Mr.

Anton Atal la was inscribed on the Roll of Ad­vocates on the 16th September, 1943, under section 5(2) of the Advocates Ordinance, 1938. 16th September, 1943. M . COTRAN

Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court. (Gaz/o/40) Officer in Charge, Roll of Advocates.

N O T I C E S . I.

M E D I C A L L I C E N C E S . Licences to practise medicine granted during

the month of August, 1943, by the Director of Medical Services under section 4(2) of the Medical Practitioners Ordinance. L i c e n c e N o . Name A ddress

D E , 3369 Gershon Zusmanovitch Tel Aviv DR.3370 . Maurice Hanna Bisharat Jerusalem DE.3371 Ibrahim Henry Najib

Habiby Shafa 'Amr DR.3372 E l l i Rzeszewski Freund Jerusalem

II . D E N T I S T S ' L I C E N C E S .

Licences to practise dentistry granted during the month of August, 1943, by the Director of Medical Services under section 5 of the Den­tists Ordinance. L i c e n c e N o . Name

D.956 Faek A. Sfeir D.957 Marko Salmona D.958 Jean Sahyoun 14th September, 1943. J .



Jerusalem Jerusalem Haifa.

H . P O T T I N G B R for Director, Medical Services.

N O T I C E . D E P A R T M E N T O F H E A L T H .

The undermentioned nurse has completed a three years' course of training and successfully passed the final examination in nursing pre-, scribed by Government Regulations, and her name has been entered in the Government Re­gister of Graduate Nurses on the date shown against her name, in virtue whereof she is en­tit led to al l the rights and privileges of gradu­ate nurses in Palestine.

Name of Nurse,

T r a i n i n g Centre


N o . Date

820 3.8.43 Eva Kempinsky Shaare Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem

13th September, 1943. J . H . P O T T I N G E R (Gaz/23/40) for Director, Medical Services.

23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1290. 855

N O T I C E S . \


I .

Notice is hereby given that the fo l lowing State properties i n Beisan Sub-Dis t r i c t w i l l be let by publ ic auc t ion : —

N o . of Location Description Govern­ment


Bloch Parcel Area Term Property Location of Property


Share N o . N o . Ds. MS F r o m To

G־F/10/5(74) Tel el Husn, Beisan

Land (Antiquity site)

In whole 27 7 3.942 23.10.43 22.10.44

GP/10/5(75) Tel el Husn, Beisan

Land (Antiquity site)

In whole .27 8 40.669 23.10.43 22.10.44

The outbidding l i s t w i l l be open at the D i s t r i c t Offices, Beisan, f rom 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 23rd September, 1943, to 12 noon on F r i d a y , the 22nd October, 1943, unless extended.

Pa r t i cu l a r s of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained, on appl ica t ion , from the D i s ­t r i c t Offices, Beisan Sub-Dis t r ic t .

15th September, 1943. (Gaz/1/40)

R, S. J A R D I N E Acting Director of L a n d Settlement.

I I .

Notice is hereby given that the fo l lowing State property i n H a i f a Sub-Dis t r ic t w i l l be let by publ ic auc t ion :—

N o . of Location Description Govern­ment


Block Parcel Area Term Property

Location of Property


Share N o . N o . Ds. M i F r o m To

D/Hai/59 Ard el Ivhilweh, Haifa Town

Land In whole 10816 1 & 39 4.800 1.11.43 31.10.44

The outbidding l is t w i l l be open at the D i s t r i c t Offices, H a i f a , from 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 23rd September, 1943, to 12 noon on F r i d a y , the 22nd October, 1943, unless extended.

Pa r t i cu l a r s of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained, on appl ica t ion , from the D i s ­t r i c t Offices, H a i f a Sub-Dis t r ic t .

17th September, 1943. (Gaz/1/40)

R. F . J A R D I N E Acting Director of L a n d Settlement.

I I I .

Notice is hereby given that the fo l lowing State D o m a i n properties i n Acre Sub-Dis t r ic t w i l l be let by publ ic auction : —

N o . of Location Description Govern­ment share

Block Parcel Area ־ _ Term Property

Location of Property

Govern­ment share N o . N o . Ds. M i . F r o m To

AC/4(114) 'Aliya, Police Post, Tarshiha

village, Acre S/D

Cultivable land part 'A' .

In whole — — 20.390 25.10.43 24.10.44

AC/4 (114) 'Aliya, Police Post, Tarshiha

village, Acre S/D.

Cultivable land part 'B' .

In whole 21.172 25.10.43 24.10.44

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Acre, from 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 23rd September, 1943, to 12 noon on Friday, the 22nd October, 1943, unless extended.

Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained, on application, from the District Offices. Acre Sub-District.

20th September, 1943. (Gaz/1/40)

R. F . J A R D I N E Acting Director of L a n d Settlement.

856 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No . 1290. 23rd September, 1943

N O T I C E S . E X T E N S I O N O F S A L E B Y A U C T I O N O F S T A T E

D O M A I N S .

I .

I t is hereby notified that the sale by auction of State D o m a i n N o . G P / 5 / l 7 ( 5 ) , Pa rce l 42 of Block 7913 of ' A t t i l Detached Lands, notice of which was published i n Palest ine Gazette No . .1270 of 3rd June, 1943, and extended i n Pales­tine Gazette N o . 1278 dated 22nd J u l y , 1943, is hereby extended for a further per iod of three months ending on the 30th day of October, 1943.

16th September, 1943. E . F . J A E D I N E (Gaz/1/40) A c t i n g D i r e c t o r of L a n d Settlement.

• I I .

I t is hereby notified that the sale by auction of State D o m a i n N o . GP /5 /32(3) , Parce l 10 of Block 8142 of T u l k a r m Lands, notice of which was published i n Palestine Gazette No . 1278 dated 22nd J u l y , 1943, is extended for a further per iod of two and a ha l f months ending on 31st clay of October, 1943.

16th September, 1943. E . F . J A E D I N E (Gaz/1/40) A c t i n g D i r e c t o r of L a n d Settlement.

N O T I C E S . D E P A R T M E N T O F P O S T S A N D T E L E G R A P H S .

I .

A i r M a i l s to L i b y a , Tunis , A l g e r i a and Morocco.

I t is notified for in format ion that a i r m a i l services to L i b y a , Tunis , A l g e r i a and Morocco have now been resumed.

The postage rates are : — Letters : 40 mi ls per 10 grammes. Post Cards : 20 mils .

15th September, 1943.

I I . Palestine Post Office Savings B a n k

Deposit Book lost.

The fo l lowing deposit book is reported to have been lost : —

Deposit B o o h Office N o . N a m e of Depositor

T e l A v i v 1100 Josef Buchbut

A s the book is valueless to any person other than its owner the finder is hereby requested to re turn i t to the Postmaster General (Savings Bank) , General Post Office, Jerusalem.

P A L E S T I N E C U R R E N C Y B O A R D .

S T A T E M E N T O F T H E C U R R E N C Y R E S E R V E F U N D A N D O F S E C U R I T I E S F O R M I N G T H E I N V E S T M E N T P O R ­T I O N O F T H E C U R R E N Y R E S E R V E F U N D O N T H E 31 S T

M A R C H , 1943.

£. s. cl. Tota l A m o u n t of Currency

Reserve F u n d on 31st M a r c h , 1943

A m o u n t of Investment Re­serve Account

Securities forming the I n ­vestment P o r t i o n of the Currency Reserve F u n d : —

27,060,295. 2. 4.

476,402.15. 6.

N o m i n a l Va lue Cost P r i ce Va lue at M a r k e t P r i ce

on 31st M a r c h , 1943

Tota l Currency i n C i r c u ­la t ion at 31st M a r c h , 1943 (details of which were published i n Pales­tine Gazette N o . 1260 of 8th A p r i l , 1943)


22,498,500. 0. 0. 23,020,452.12. 2.

22,818,183.15. 0.

26,487,674.500 mi ls .

A. L . P E T E E S C u r r e n c y Officer.

P A L E S T I N E C U E E E N C Y N O T E S . Payment of the value of the following mutilated cur­

rency notes has been claimed by the persons named. Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect of any of these notes should communicate at once with the Currency Officer, Jerusalem.

N u m b e r of N o t e V a l u e N a m e of C l a i m a n t




D.010555/ D. 575721 E . 448872/ E.512796 E.747896


E . 199927 F. 491883 D. 17-5595/

E . 386182



F. 213564 M.888063 M.019364

500 Mils Barclays Bank (D. C. & O.), Jerusalem

500 Mils Mr. David Zirin, 39, Genla Street, Tel Aviv

L P . l Mr. S. Buckenstein, Mt. Canaan, near Safad

500 Mils Mr. Menache* H . Eliachar, Jerusalem

500 Mils Mr. Shaul A. Pevsner, Haifa

500 Mils Sadeq Eff. Mohd. Shunnar, Nablus

500 Mils Mr. Maxwell Gibson, Haifa

L P . l Mr. Zalman Asmin, Haifa L P . l Mr. Elias Kour, Jaffa

500 Mils Officer i/c Accounts, . E . A . S.C. (E.F.I.), M . E . Area (Northern), Levant

L P . l Mr. Abraham Shoshana, Haifa

500 Mils Hassan Eff. Musbah Na־ bulsi, Nablus

500 Mils Mohammad Eff. Fouhaid j El-Madhoun, Majdal

L P . l \\ Barclays Bank (D. C. & L P . l i) O.), Jerusalem.

26th August, (Gaz/14/40)

1943. A. L . P E T E E S C u r r e n c y Officer.

P A L E S T I N E C U E E E N C Y N O T E S .

Payment of the value of the following mutilated currency notes has been claimed by the persons named. Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect of any of these notes should communicate at once with the Currency Officer, Jerusalem.

N u m b e r of N o t e V a l u e N a m e of C l a i m a n t

D.389115/ D.607352

500 Mils Mr. Joseph Vigderson, Aviv


C.393170 500 Mils Mrs. Bella Sibirsky, Aviv


D.062806 500 Mils Mrs. Bertha Kweczer, rusaient


D.562408 500 Mils Fares Eff. Habib Fares, Acre.

31st August, 1943. (Gaz/14/40)

A. L . P E T E E S C u r r e n c y Officer.

23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No . 1290. \


T E N D E R . D E P A R T M E N T O F H E A L T H .

Tenders are inv i t ed for the supply of calves to the Cen t ra l Laboratories, Department of Hea l th , between 1st November, 1943, and the end of A p r i l , 1944.

2. The calves w i l l be suppl ied weekly i n groups of 25 or thereabouts. A max imum of 350 may be required.

3. They must be healthy, free from disease, scratches or abrasions and external parasites.

4. They must be not less than 8 and not more than 12 months old.

5. They must be accompanied on the day of supply by •a certificate from a Government Ve te r ina ry Officer showing that they have been s t r i c t ly isolated for a week p r i o r to delivery and are healthy and free from disease on the day of delivery.

6. The contractor shal l supply food for the calves d u r i n g the per iod i n which they are required to be accommodated i n the stables of the Cen t ra l Laboratories (120 hours).

7. The contractor shall remove the calves from the stables of the Cen t ra l Laboratories when called upon to do so,' and shal l arrange for their slaughter at an approved slaughter house immediately after removal.

8. More detailed informat ion may be ob­ta ined on app l ica t ion to the Officer i / c Govern­ment Cen t ra l Laboratories, Jerusalem.

9. Tenders should be submitted i n sealed en­velopes and addressed to the Di rec tor of Medic ­a l Services together wi th a B a n k guarantee approved by Government i n the amount of £P.350 w i t h each tender mentioned above and should reach the office of the Department of Hea l th , Jaffa Road , Jerusalem, not later than 10 a.m. on Monday , the 11th October, 1943.

10. The Di rec tor of M e d i c a l Services does not b i n d himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the r igh t to himself of accepting any tender whol ly or i n part .

J . M A C Q U E E N (Gaz/23/40) Acting Director, M e d i c a l Services.

A D J U D I C A T I O N O F C O N T R A C T S .

The contract for the supply of 250 mattresses for the Commissioner for C i v i l Defence has been awarded to Messrs. E . Nussbaum L t d . , Te l A v i v , at £P.2.245 per mattress.

Pe r iod of contract is 4 weeks.

The contract for the supply of 386 pi l lows for the Commissioner for C i v i l Defence has been awarded to Messrs. Volshchik & Lowinger , Te l A v i v , at 400 mils per p i l low.

Pe r iod of contract is 2 weeks.

The contract for the supply of 2,000 towels for the Inspector General , Palestine Pol ice Force, has been awarded to Messrs. Pa l t ex L t d . , Te l A v i v , at 182 mi l s per towel.

P e r i o d of contract is 6 weeks.

The contract for the supply of 200 blankets for the Direc tor of Surveys, Ja f fa , has been awarded t o :

(a) Messrs. E t u n , Te l A v i v , (b) Messrs. A . B . D . , Tel A v i v , (c) M r . L . F r i edmann , T e l A v i v ,

j o in t ly and severally, at £P.2.100 per blanket. Pe r iod of contract is 8 weeks.

The contract for the supply of 500 caps for the Inspector General , Palestine Pol ice Force, has been awarded to M r . I . Buchman, J e ru ­salem, at 620 mils per cap.

Pe r iod of contract is 4 Aveeks.

A M E N D M E N T .

The fo l lowing amendment is to be made i n the notice regarding the adjudicat ion of the contract for the supply of 12500 yards of brown d r i l l published on page 237 of G a z e t t e No. 1255 of the 18th of M a r c h , 1943: The quant i ty should read "13260 y a r d s " instead of "12500 y a r d s " .

W . T. H . M U L F O K D (Gaz/64/42) Acting C o n t r o l l e r of L i g h t Industries.

A D J U D I C A T I O N O F C O N T R A C T S . 1. The contract for the extension of the

Benei Beraq Fever H o s p i t a l has been awarded to M r . M . Darch insky of Te l A v i v at £P.2,229. 300 mi ls . P e r i o d of contract is 10 weeks.

2. The contract for the supply of 4,250 m 3 of 1st class ha rd broken stones to K m s . 51.500— 60.000 of the Lydda—Wilhe lma—Petah T i q v a R o a d has been awarded to M r . Mohamad A w a d T u n i s of Ramie at £P.0.735 mi l s per m 3 . Pe­r i o d of contract is 3 months.

3. The contract for the supply of 2,000 m 3 of the best ha rd stone chippings 2 cms. size along the Lydda—Wilhe lma—Petah T i q v a R o a d be­tween K m s . 52—64 has been awarded to M r . M u h a m a d A w a d Y u n i s of Ramie at 745 mils per m 3 . Pe r iod of contract is 3 months.

4. The contract for the manufacture and fix­i n g of doors and windows at the Food Con t ro l ׳ -ler's Offices and Department of Stat ist ics near the Jesui t L i b r a r y , Jerusalem, has been award­ed to M r . M . Cohen of Jerusalem at £ P . 18.200 mils . P e r i o d of contract is 12 days.

5. The contract for the supply of 200 m 3 of stone chirpings 2 cms. size along K m s . 33-43 of the Jaffa—Jerusalem R o a d has been award­ed to M r . Moshe No t tman of Rehovot at 820 mi ls per m 3 . P e r i o d of contract is 10 days.

6. The contract for the supply and del ivery of 400 m 3 of stone chippings 2 cms. size along Sa lama—Wilhe lma R o a d between K m s . 56-58 has been awarded to M r . Moshe Not tman of Rehovot at 900 mi l s per m 3 . P e r i o d of contract is 3 weeks.

7. The contract for the supply of 2 cms. size stone chippings along Sa lama Road , between H a t T i q v a and junc t ion of B e i t D a j a n — W i l ­helma Road , K m s . 58-68, has been awarded to M r . Moshe Not tman of Rehovot at 900 mi l s per m 3 . P e r i o d of contract is 3 weeks.

8. The contract for the supply of 150 m 3 of stone chippings 2 cms. size to short-cut between Sa lama—Wilhe lma R o a d has been awarded to M r . S. H o l l a n d of H a i f a at 850 mi l s per m 3 . P e r i o d of contract is 9 days. ^Gaz/15/40) .


A D J U D I C A T I O N O F C O N T R A C T . The contract for the supply of food to the Boys ' and G i r l s ' Reformatory Schools i n P a l ­

estine for the per iod 1st October, 1943, to the 31st M a r c h , 1944, has been awarded to F u a d EfL Shihadeh Azzouni of Jerusalem, at the rates quoted i n the Schedules hereunder. L I S T O F A R T I C L E S A N D P R I C E S F O R B O Y S ' R E F O R M A T O R Y S C H O O L A N D I T S T W O S E C T I O N S A T R I S H O N L E

Z I O N , A C R E A N D T H E G I R L S ' R E F O R M A T O R Y S C H O O L , J E R U S A L E M .

S C H E D U L E " A " .




Rishon le Z i o n


Acre J erusalem

' M i l s M i l s M i l s M i l s

Bread 81 33 31 31 Rice 33 35 35 35 Whole lentils 50 80 80 ' 80 ־ Crushed lentils 80 100 100 100 Humous 70 100 100 100 Lubia 70 70 70 70 Burghul (whole) 10 20 20 20 Burghul (crushed) 1 0 60 60 60 Onions 2 5 35 35 35 Garlic (Tomeh) 400 400 400 400 Potatoes 30 50 50 50 Olives 5 0 50 50 50 Olive oil, or s 100 135 135 135 Sesame oil (Sirij) 100 135 135 135 Salt 1 2 12 12 12 Ducca 1 0 0 400 400 400 Pepper 350 350 350 350 Samneh (substitute) . 150 150 150 150 Vegetaline 140 160 160 160 Margarine 160 160 160 160 Tea 750 800 800 800 Coffee 4 0 0 400 400 400 Halawa 110 110 110 110 Sugar 34 34 34 34 Tahini 84 85 85 85: Dried figs 100 100 100 100 Dates 70 100 100 100 Dibs 100 100 100 100 Haricot beans 6 0 . 60 60 60 Macaroni (Local loose) 8 2 82 82 82 Lakerda 240 240 240 240 Local jam 200 200 200 200 Soda Bi-carbonate 300 300 300 300 Oranges per 100 200 200 200 200 Water melons per ton LP.5 LP.5 LP.5 LP.5

S C H E D U L E " B " .

Beef (without bone) 390 390 390 390 Beef (with bone) 300 300 300 300 Mutton (without bone) 300 300 380 300 Mutton (with bone) 250 250 310 310 Beef (Kasher without bone) 458 458 458 458 Mutton (Kasher without bone) 458 458 458 458 ׳ Fresh milk 30 60 60 60 Sour milk (Laban) 100 100 100 100 Cheese (native) 150 185 185 185 Labaneh in oil 360 360 360 360 ־ Fresh vegetables 15 5 5 30 Fruits 20 20 20 20 Lemon fresh 60 60 60 60 Condensed (tomato juice) 250 250 250 250 Eggs (each) 16 16 16 16

25th August, 1943. (Gaz/16/40)

23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290. 859

C I T A T I O N S F O E O R D E R S O F S U C C E S S I O N .

I .

IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF J E R U S A L E M . Prob. 126/43.

In the matter of the succession to Abraham Eskayo, also known as Abraham Menahem Eskayo, deceased.

P e t i t i o n e r : Sophie Eskayo, daughter of Shalom Hayek, represented by A. Rand, Bar-rister-at-Law, of NeAV Russian Building, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem.

Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Sophie Eskayo, daughter of Shalom Hayek, has applied to the District Court of Jerusalem for an order declaring the succession to her husband Ab­raham Eskayo, also known as Abraham Mena­hem Eskayo, deceased, and that her application wi l l be heard at the District Court of Jeru­salem on the 18th day of October, 1943, at 9 a.m.

A l l persons claiming any interest must ap­pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order wi l l be made as to the Court seems right.

Dated this 17th day of September, 1943. E . K H O U R Y

(Gaz/39/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t C o u r t , Jerusalem.


Succession F i l e No. 83/1943. In the matter of the succession to Zvi Yacub

Lorburbuim of Safad, deceased. P e t i t i o n e r : Mary, daughter of Zvi Yacub

Lorburbuim of Safad.

Let all persons take notice that Mary, daughter of Zvi Yacub Lorburbuim, has ap­plied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring the succession to Zv i Yacub Lorburbuim of Safad, deceased, and that the said application wi l l be heard at Haifa on the 4th day of October, 1943, at 9 a.m.

A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order wil l be made as to the Court seems right.

Dated this 10th day of September, 1943.

D. H . Y O U S E F (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t C o u r t , H a i f a .

I I I .

IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF H A I F A . Succession F i l e No. 84/1943.'

In the matter of the succession to Khaya Yacub Bahr of Safad, deceased.

P e t i t i o n e r : Mary, daughter of Zvi Yacub Lorberbuim of Safad.

Let all persons take notice that Mary, daughter of Zvi Yacub Lorberbuim, has ap­plied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring the succession to Khaya Yacub Bahr of Safad, deceased, and that the said application wi l l be heard at Haifa on the 4th day of October, 1943, at 9 a.m.

A l l persons claiming any interest must ap­pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order wi l l be made as to the Court seems right.

Dated this 10th day of September, 1943. D . H . Y O U S E F

(Gaz/37/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t C o u r t , H a i f a .

I V .


I n the matter of the succession to Jakob F e l -senbach of B i n y a m i n a , deceased.

Petitioner : M r s . Gisela Richheimer, n é e F e l ­senbach, of B i n y a m i n a , represented by D r . W . J . Buchsweiler, advocate of H a i f a .

Let a l l persons take notice that M r s . Giselar Richheimer, n é e Felsenbach, has appl ied to the Dis tr ic t C o u r t of H a i f a for an order declaring the succession to Jakob Felsenbach of B i n y a ­mina , deceased, and that the said applicat ion, w i l l be heard on the 4th day. of October, 1943, at 9 a.m. "

A l l persons c la iming any interest must ap­pear at the said place and or before the abovementioned date, otherwise such order wi l l be made as to the Cour t seems right.

Dated this 10th day of September, 1943.

D. H . Y O U S E F (Gaz/37/40) - Registrar, D i s t r i c t C o u r t , H a i f a .


Succession Case No. 86/43. In the matter of the succession to W a t f a ,

daughter of A l i E l - K h a t i b , of Y i r k a village, Acre Sub-District , deceased.

Petitioner: Sal ini ' Rash id K h e i r of K a f r Y a s i f village, i n his capacity as guardian over his minor children W a f i k a and K h e i r , through his attorney J a m i l L . K h o u r y , advocate.

Let a l l persons take notice that S a l i m Rashid K h e i r of K a f r Y a s i f has appl ied to the Dis tr ic t Cour t of H a i f a for an order declaring the succession to W a t f a, daughter of A l i E l - K h a t i b , of Y i r k a village, Acre Sub-District , deceased, and that the said appl icat ion wi l l be heard at the Dis tr ic t Cour t of H a i f a on the 5th day of October, 1943.

A l l persons c la iming any interest must appear at the said'place and time, otherwise such order wi l l be made as to the Court seems right.

Dated this 14th day of September, 1943.

D. H . Y O U S E F (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t C o u r t , H a i f a .


P.P. 87/43. In the matter of Rafael Segal, deceased. Petitioner : R i w k a Segal, represented by

Messrs. N . Heth , D . Tovbin and J . Strausmah, adATocates, H a i f a .

Let a l l persons take notice that R i w k a Segal of H a i f a has appl ied to the Dis tr ic t C o u r t of H a i f a for an order declaring the succession to Rafae l Segal, deceased, and that the said ap­pl icat ion wi l l be heard at the Di s tr i c t Court , H a i f a , on the 6th day of October, 1943, at 9 a.m.

A l l persons c la iming any interest must ap­pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the C o u r t seems right.

Dated this 16th day of September, 1943.

D. H . Y O U S E F (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t C o u r t , H a i f a .

860 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290. 23rd September, 1943


P . P . 88/43. In the matter of the succession to Jawhara

Selim Far of Haifa, deceased. Let all persons take notice that Raja Lutf

Nawa of Haifa has applied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring the suc­cession to his mother Jawhara Selim Far of Haifa, deceased, and that the said application wi l l be heard on Wednesday, the 6th day of October, 1943, at 9 a.m.

A l l persons claiming any interest must ap­pear on or before the abovementioned date and place, otherwise such order wi l l be made as to the Court seems right.

Dated this 16th day of September, 1943.

D. H . YOUSEF (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t Court, H a i f a .


P r o b a t e 290/43. In the matter of Chaim KrolJ, deceased. P e t i t i o n e r : Beila K r o l l , through her attor­

ney D . Matussevich, Barrister at Law, ad­vocate, of 40, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv.

Let all persons take notice that Beila K r o l l has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to the estate of Chaim K r o l l , deceased, and that the said application wi l l be heard at the above Court on the 11th day of October, 1943, at 9 a.m.

A l l persons claiming any interest must ap­pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order wil l be made as to the Court seems right.

Dated this 13th day of September, 1943.

B. SHITREET (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.

C I T A T I O N S F O R O R D E R S O F A D M I N I S T R A T I O N .


U . A . Cane N o . 193/43. In the matter of the estate of Itzhak Grabler

of Tel Aviv, absentee. P e t i t i o n e r : Mazal Grabler, through Messrs.

Seligman and Co., advocates, Tel Aviv. In virtue of an order of the District Court

of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court on Thursday, the 7th October, 1943, at 9 a.m., and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights and credits of the abovenamed absentee should not be' granted unto Mazal Grabler, the petitioner, as, in default thereof, the Court wi l l proceed to grant the same accordingly. .׳

Dated this 13th day of September, 1943. B. SHITREET

(Gaz/18/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.


P r o b a t e Case N o . 303/43. In the matter of Moritz Abraham Kiewe, de­


! In virtue of an order of the District Court ! of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here-! by cite all and all manner of persons to appear I in the said Court in ten days from the date of

publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights, credits and mir i immovable property of Moritz Abraham Kiewe should not be granted unto

| Mrs. Chana Chaja Kiewe, represented by M r . | Yitshaq Hacohen, advocate of 116, Allenby | Road, Tel Aviv, as, in default thereof, the

Court wi l l proceed to grant the same accord­ingly.

B. SHITREET (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.

C I T A T I O N F O R A N O R D E R O F G U A R D I A N S H I P .

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. C i v i l Case N o . 192/43.

In the matter of an application by Herbert Victor Algernon El l i s of Haifa, represented by Mr . E . N . Koussa, advocate of Haifa, for his appointment as- guardian over the persons and property of his minor children, Wil l iam Ernest Charles El l i s and Florence Mary El l is .

In virtue of the order of the District Court of Haifa, bearing date this 15th day of Sep­tember, 1943, I do hereby cite al l and all man­ner of persons to appear in the said Court on Saturday, the 2nd day of October, 1943, at 9 a.m., and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of guardianship should not be issued appointing Herbert Victor Algernon El l is of Haifa as guardian over the persons and prop­erty of his minor children, namely, Wil l iam Ernest Charles El l i s and Florence Mary El l i s , in accordance with the petition filed in the said Court, as, in default thereof, the Court wi l l proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Given this 15th day of September, 1943.

D. H . YOUSEF (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, D i s t r i c t Court, H a i f a .

C I T A T I O N S F O R O R D E R S O F P R O B A T E .


P r o b a t e Case N o . 125/43. In the matter of the wi l l of Rose (also known

as Reisel) Winograd, deceased. P e t i t i o n e r s : Rabbi Shlomo Zimbalist, Rabbi

Michal Shlapobersky and Mordechai Shulman, all of Jerusalem, through their attorneys Dr. Alexander J . Amdur and Dr. B. Shereshewsky, advocates, Jerusalem.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do here­by cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in < ten days" from the date hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, ׳why the last wi l l of Rose (also known as Reisel) Winograd, deceased, should not be proved, ap­proved and registered, and probate thereof granted unto Rabbi Shlomo Zimbalist, Rabbi Michal Shlapobersky and Mordechai Shulman, named therein, as, in default thereof, the Court wil l proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 14th day of September, 1943.

E. KHOURY (Gaz/39/40j Registrar, D i s t r i c t Court, Jerusalem,

23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No . 1290. 861

I I .

IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OP T E L AVIV. Probate File No. 304/43׳.

I n the matter of M e i r Moshe M e i r , deceased.

I n v i r tue of an order of the D i s t r i c t Cour t of T e l A v i v , bearing date this day, I do here­by cite a l l and a l l manner of persons to appear in the said Cour t i n ten days from the date of publ ica t ion hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why the last w i l l of M e i r Moshe M e i r , deceased, should not be proved, ap­proved and registered, and probate thereof granted to Messrs. Joseph Hayoo and Mena-she H i l l e l , named therein, as, i n default there­of, the Cour t w i l l proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 15th day of September, 1943.

(Gaz/18/40) B. S H I T R E E T

Registrar, D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.


For week ending midnight 18.9.43

1. Quarantine Restrictions.

The following restrictions are at present in force:-

D a t e Against Port restrictions


Cholera Arrivals from Calcutta by air routes 9.9.36

Cholera Arrivals from Allahabbad by air route 4.8.43

Cholera Arrivals from Cawnpore by air route 4.8.43

Smpllpox Arrivals from Calcutta by air routes 19.2.38

Smallpox Arrivals from Iraq by land and air routes 11.11.40

Smallpox Arrivals from Bombay By air routes 9.2.40

Smallpox Arrivals from Iran by air and land routes 1.7.42

Smallpox Arrivals from Syria and the Lebanon by air, sea and land routes 22.11.42

Smallpox Arrivals from Turkey by land, sea and air routes 13.5.43

Smallpox Arrivals from Delhi by air routes 7.6.43

Smallpox Arrivals from Egypt by land, sea and air routes 26.5.43

2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine,


Place Typhus spinal M e n i n ­

D a t e notified


Nazareth 14.9.43 1 • —• .• ־

Safad la 1 18.9.43

a) Imported from Tiberias.

N O T I C E . The fo l lowing unclaimed goods l y i n g i n the Customs Stores, H a i f a , w i l l be sold i f not cleared

w i t h i n one week of the date of this notice.

N a m e of is Steamer, etc.

ft u

D a t e of a r r i v a l Description Consignee Whence

3.11.42 12.11.42 18.12.42

7.1.43 13.1.43


20.2.43 23.2.43 25.2.43

25.2.43 25.2.43 6.3.43 7.3.43

16.3.43 20.3.43 20.3.43 27.3.43 21.2:43 21.2.43 21.2.43


1 bundle woollen thread 2 packets baking powder 4 packages paper 3 boxes saws 2 packages tape

49 packets needles 1 motor car tyre 1 motor car tyre 1 motor car tyre 1 motor car tyre 1 used car battery 2 fan belts 2 pairs baby shoes 1 packet powder 1 gallon "Shemen" oil 1 lady's dress 1 screen wiper 1 bottle Arak 1 rubber tube 1 motor car part 8 tubes tooth paste 7 oil condensors 6 pairs artificial silk

stockings 2 speed bands 4 auto pump parts 1 bundle veneer wood 4 boxes printing ink and

paints 2 boxes insuline 3 pieces tricot underwear 1 khaki shirt 1 tin printing ink 1 tin Arak 5 bottles'Arak 5 bottles liquors 1 valise tobacco leaves

G. Haram I. Gubteh M . Kakeh E . Cherkesli S. Shami A. Kayal S. Imam Ibrahim A. K . Hejazi A-, Shahin Y . Karkour A. A. Khaled

E . Boulabian M . Aleili N . Audi

N. Audi N. Audi M . Bilani B. Lewithan

E . Haddad M . M . Hage M . M . Hage M . Salahian C. Calmay C. Calmay C. Calmay S. Aw ad

862 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290. 23rd September, 1943

C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E .

N O T I C E P U R S U A N T T O S E C T I O N 59(«׳) .

N O T I C E I S H E R E B Y G T V E N that at the exp i ra t ion of three months from the date of this notice the names of the undermentioned societies w i l l , unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the societies w i l l be dissolved: —

Name of Society Year of

R e g i s t r a t i o n O f f i c e


" Y a ' a r E z y o n " A g u d a Shetufit L i m i t e d 1936 A g u d a Zarchani t Shetufit Hatoren H a i f a L i m i t e d 1939 H a l v a ' a Vehisachon be Havazelet Hasharon A g u d a 1941

Shetufit L i m i t e d Tel L i t v i n s k y A g u d a Shetufit L i m i t e d 1941 A g u d a Zarchani t Shetufit Zfat L i m i t e d 1941 " M a z o n " Zarchaniya Shetufit shel I r gun H a ' o v d i m 1942

H a z i o n i m H a k l a l i y i m be Te l A v i v L i m i t e d A g u d a Tzarchani t Shetufit "Hamesapek" L i m i t e d 1942

, Survey Officers Consumera' Cooperative Society 1943 L i m i t e d

loth• Septeruber, 1943. (Gaz/2/40)

Tel A v i v H a i f a Havatselet hash

Sharon Tel L i t w i n s k y Safad Tel A v i v

Tel A v i v Te l A v i v

A. F . NAYTON Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E . N O T I C E O F C O M P L E T E D A M A L G A M A T I O N U N D E R

S E C T I O N 13.

Notice is hereby given that the two societies named below have, Avith my approval, comple­ted their amalgamation as a single society on

:27th August, 1943׳(1) Meshek Sarid Kibuz Hashomer Hazair

Kvuzat Poalim Lehityashvut Shetufit Limited; ,

(2) Kibuz Hashomer Hazair Erez Yisrael "He" Kvuzat Poalim Lehityashvut Shetufit Limited.

The amalgamated society shall be known by the name of Meshek Sarid Kibuz Hashomer Hazair Kvuzat Poalim Lehityashvut Shetufit Limited. V

15th September, 1943. A. F . N A Y T O N (Gaz/2/40) Registrar of Cooperative Societies. '

may act in accordance with the provisions of subsection 2 of the above section.

17th September, 1943. A. F . N A Y T O N (Gaz/2/40) Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E . N O T I C E O F C O M P L E T E D A M A L G A M A T I O N U N D E R

S E C T I O N 13.

Notice is hereby given that the two societies named below have, w i th my approval , comple­ted their amalgamation as a single society on 3rd September, 1943:

(!) A ta ro t Moshav O v d i m . Lehi tyashvut Shetufit L i m i t e d ; . .

(2) " A s h r a i H a k l a i " A g u d a Shetufit H a k l a -i t A ta ro t L i m i t e d .

The amalgamated society shall be known by the name of A ta ro t Moshav Ovd im Lehityash­vut Shetufit L i m i t e d .

15th September, 1943. A. F . N A Y T O N (Gaz/2/40) Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

B A N K R U P T C Y O R D I N A N C E . N O T I C E O F I N T E N D E D D I V I D E N D .

D e b t o r 1 $ Name : Reuben Hassidoff . A ddress : 22, A l i y a h Street, Te l A v i v . D e s c r i p t i o n : Contractor . C o u r t : D i s t r i c t Cour t of Jerusalem. N o . of M a t t e r ; No . 105 of 1938. Last Day f o r Receiving P r o o f s : 9th October,

1943. Name of Trustee: D a v i d Aboula f i a , advocate,

Shibber's B u i l d i n g , 23, Ben-Yehuda Street, Jerusalem.

H . K A N T B 0 V I T G H Administrator General. Official Receiver. (Gaz/33/40)

C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E . N O T I C E O F I N T E N D E D A M A L G A M A T I O N U N D E R

S E C T I O N 13.

Notice is hereby given that the two societies named below intend to amalgamate as a single society on the 23rd December, 1943: —

(1) A g u d a Zarchani t Y a z r a n i t Shetufit " M e r -hav" L i m i t e d ]

(2) H a l v a a Vehisachon C h a k l a i Agudah H a -dadi t Merhav ia L i m i t e d .

Dissent ing members and objecting creditors


C O M P A N I E S O R D I N A N C E .

The p a r t i c u l a r s given below c o r r e s p o n d w i t h the f o l l o w i n g headings: — 1. Name of Company.

\ 2. D a t e of i n c o r p o r a t i o n . , 3. Objects of the Company, , 4. Share C a p i t a l : :

I t . The •Huleh. Arab Bus Co. L t d . ^ 2. 13th August , 1943. 3. To acquire the passenger omnibuses operat­ing on the routes E l Huleh-Safad, and H a i f a -Tiberias and the licences and permits re la t ing thereto, and from time to time to acquire or obtain such further or other omnibuses and trucks, licences, permits and other such rights and carry on the business of r u n n i n g motor omnibuses and trucks, of a l l k inds and trans­port passengers and goods, and generally to carry on the business of common carriers. 4. £ P . 16,000.— d iv ided into 160 shares of £P.100.— each. ( F i l e N o . P.C . /1746).

A h m a d Hassan E l -Shakaa L t d . 2. 15th August , 1943. . 3. To trade, by wholesale and re ta i l , i n a l l k inds of o i l , caustic soda and soap; and to manufacture soap and a l l materials a r i s ing .from soap industry.

23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290 803

4. £P.15,000.— div ided into 4,000 ord inary " A " shares and 11,000 ord inary " B " shares of £ P . l . — e a c h . ( F i l e No . P.C./1747).

1. Sercam, Indus t r i a l and T r a d i n g Company L t d . . 2. 17th August , 1943. 3. To carry on and undertake any business transactions or operations commonly carr ied on by financiers, industr ia l is ts , manufacturers, builders, contractors of publ ic and other works, traders, merchants, agents, importers, export­ers, carriers of passengers and goods by land, sea or a i r , concessionaires and promoters of companies, and to deal wi th and manufacture goods or articles which the company may deem fit. 4. £P.1,000.— div ided into 100 shares of £P.10.— each. ( F i l e No . P.C./1748)..

II. H a n a y a L t d . 42. 19th August , 1943. 3. To erect, establish, hold, manage, construct, ma in t a in p a r k i n g . places for automobiles, motor-cars and other vehicles, garages and workshops, and carry on the business of watch service, repai r service and other services i n connection wi th motor-cars and other vehicles. 4. £P.2,000.— div ided in to 2,000 shares of £ P . l . — each. ( F i l e N o . P.C./1749).

1. Y . D . W . L t d . 2. 22nd August , 1943. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the fol lowing properties and develop and t u r n same into acconut: 1. Pa rce l 18, Block 6920, of an area.of 576.30 sq. ms., registered i n the L a n d Registry, Te l A v i v . 2. Parce l 14, Block 6157, Salama, of an area not exceeding 55 square dunums, w i th a l l that is erected there­on, registered i n the L a n d Registry, Jaf fa . 4. £P.1,000.— div ided into 1,000 shares of £ P : l . — each. ( F i l e N o . P.C./1750).

A . M . E . C . I . M i d d l e East Chemical Industries L t d . 2. 22nd August ־ .1943 ,3. To car ry on the business of manufacturers of, and dealers i n , chemicals, gases, drugs, medicines, gypsum, plasters, disinfectants, ferti l izers, salts, acids, foodstuffs, oils, isin­glass, colours, glues, gums, pigments, varnishes, compositions, dyes, brushes, toilet requisites, perfumes, laboratory reagents, and chemical, photographic, electric, surgical , hospital , labor­atory and scientific furni ture , equipment, apparatus and materials. 4. £P.4,000.— div ided into 4,000 shares of £ P . l — each. ( F i l e N o . P.C./1753).

1. Precis ion L i m i t e d . / 2 22nd August , 1943. V . ' 3 To carry on the business of mechanics, and i n par t icu lar , precision mechanics i n a l l its branches, and for that purpose to acquire by purchase or otherwise and take over, as a go­i n g concern,' the business now carr ied on as a mechanical workshop by M r . H i r s c h Barasch, 16, Stanton Street, H a i f a , under. the style of "P rec i s i on" . 4. £P.2,001.— d iv ided into 1 cont ro l l ing share of £ P . l . — , 2 founders' shares of £P.400.— each and 24 o rd inary shares of £P.50.— each.

(F i l e N o . P.C./1754).

Ar ieh ' s Estates L t d . 2. 23rd August , 1943. 3. To acquire l and and immovable property and develop and t u r n same into, account; to develop and prepare l and for settlement and housing and for:• a g r i c u l t u r a l . _and indus t r i a l purposes, and undertake and execute a l l k inds of transactions connected therewith. 4. cSP.5,000.— div ided in to 5,000 ord inary shares of £ P . l . — each. ( F i l e N o . P.O./1765).

1. L i b r a L t d . / • • ' • : -.: 2. 25th August ' ־••._ ' .1943 ,3. To transact, establish, carry on and work the business i n a l l or any of its branches of proprietors, publishers, editors, agents and distr ibutors of newspapers, journals, maga­zines, books and other l i te rary works and undertakings. 4. £ P . 1,000.— div ided into 10 founders' shares, 490 ord inary shares and 500 redeemable non-cumulative preference shares of £ P . l . — each:

( F i l e No . P.C./1756);

1. M . K a p l a n L t d . . / 2. 25th August , 1943/ 3. To acquire and.take over as a going concern the business now carr ied on at Te l A v i v under the style of M . K a p l a n , and car ry on the busi­ness of merchants i n ya rn , cotton, f lax, hemp, cotton, jute and wool, and of cotton spinners and' doublers, f l ax hemp and jute spinners, l inen manufacturers, wool combers, ' worsted spinners, bleachers and dyers and makers of v i t r i o l bleaching or dyeing materials and deal generally i n the abovementioned materials and any other fibrous substances,• goods and fabrics, whether textile, felted, netted or looped, and carry on the business of drapers, furnishers and general warehousemen i n a l l its branches. 4. £P.6,020.— div ided into 6,000 ord inary shares and 20 management shares of £ P i l . — each. ( F i l e N o . P.C./1757).

v , 1. " H a c h a y a l " Watchmen Service of Ex-Ser ­vicemen Co. L t d . 2. 25th August , 1943. ' 3. To watch, inspect and take care of bui ldings , dwel l ing houses, business houses, stores, fac­tories, workshops, ports, ra i lways, ׳ canals, groves and any other property whether mov­able or immovable. 4. £P.100.— d iv ided into 25 founders' shares and 75 o rd inary shares of £ P . l . — each.

/ ( F i l e N o . P.O./1759).

1- Palestine Colours Manufac tu r ing (Pa lco l ) Company L t d . 2. 26th August .־ .1943 ,3. To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers and exporters of, dealers i n , mixers, s t andard izes and packers of, compounds, oils, paints, pigments, varnishes, compositions, dyes, chemicals, cosmetics, drugs, powders, arid ge­neral ly to carry on the business of manufac­turers, buyers and sellers of, and dealers i n , a l l k inds of chemical apparatus whether patented, licensed or otherwise. 4. £P.100.— div ided into 100 shares of £P . l .—-

ach. ( F i l e No . P.C./1760).

1. S u p p l y and Import Syndicate L t d ׳ .29 .2th August , 1943,

3. To carry on the business as dealers i n , and producers of, garden, fa rm and da i ry produce

864 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 129/). 23rd September, 1943

of a l l k inds, and i n par t icu la r f ru i t , veget­ables, eggs and poul t ry , mi lk , cream, butter and cheese. 4. £P.6,000.— div ided into 330 " A " , shares, 396 " B " shares,' 270 • " C " shares and 204 " D " shares of £ P . 5 — each. ( F i l e No . Y . C . / i m ) .

1. K i r y a t Hayeshiva L t d . 2. 30th August, 1943. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of a l l or any of the properties known as Parcels 165, 4, 12, 13, 14, 16 i n Block 6188, Parcels 29 ,32 ,8׳,

7 ,30 i n Block 6190, Parce l 19 i n Block 6123, Parce l 14, i n Block 6124, and registered i n the L a n d Registries of Te l A v i v and Jaf fa , and also Parcels 291, 292 and 296 i n Block 6190, E l K h e i r i y a , and establish settlements of rel igious Jews, Rabbis, T a l m u d students and especially settlements i n connection w i t h the "Ponevez Yesh iva" . 4. £ P . 1,000.— div ided into 1,000 shares of £ P . L — each. ( F i l e No . P.C./1762).

1. N o y L t d . 2. 12th August , 1943. 3. To acquire the factory of card-board, generally, known as papier mache managed by Messrs. Michae l Sheinfeld and Samuel Grod -zinsky, and carry on the business of manu­facturers of, and dealers i n , papier mache card­board and any other by-product and deal generally i n the manufacture of, and trade i n , a l l k inds of card-board and paper. 4. £P.6,260 d iv ided into 616 ord inary shares of £P.10.— each, 100 founders' shares of £P.0.500 each and 100 preference shares of £P.0.500. ( F i l e No . P.C./1745).

• N O T I C E O F R E G I S T R A T I O N O F A F O R E I G N C O M P A N Y U N D E R T H E C O M ­

P A N I E S O R D I N A N C E .

N a m e of C o m p a n y : The U n i o n M a r i n e and General Insurance Company L t d .

D a t e o f R e g i s t r a t i o n : 23rd August , 1943. P l a c e of I n c o r p o r a t i o n : E n g l a n d . O b j e c t s of t h e C o m p a n y : To make or effect

insurances on ships and vessels, goods, merchandise, specie, bu l l ion , and other pro­perty, freights or hire of ships and vessels, respondentia and bottomry interest, commis­sion, profi ts and other objects of insurances; to make a l l and every insurance appertain­ing to or connected w i t h marine r isks of t ransi t or navigat ion, whether by l and or water; to make loans and advances at interest or under discount and generally carry on the business of underwritei-s and insurers, and of insurance brokers, and to purchase and take over such business from companies or private ind iv idua ls .

N a m e of P e r s o n a u t h o r i s e d t o c a r r y o n business a n d a c c e p t s e r v i c e of p r o c e s s o n b e h a l f of t h e C o m p a n y . D a v i d J . Hackmey, Te l A v i v .

( F i l e No . 299/F).

N O T I C E S .

I - L

\ \ M A S S K I T L T D . Notice is hereby given that the abovenamecl

company was on the 20th August , one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, registered as

I a private company, pursuant to section 255 of ! the Companies Ordinance. ; ( F i l e No . P.C./1751).

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H Administrator General. Registrar of Companies.

v i H A M A K C H I L C O M P A N Y L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the abovenamecl company was on the 20th June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, registered as a pr ivate company, pursuant to section 255 of the Companies Ordinance.

( F i l e N o . P.C./1667).

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H Administrator General. Registrar of Companies.

N O T I C E S . 1.

הוצאת ,,תלמוד״ בע״מ.Notice is hereby given that הוצאת ״ת?מוד״ בע״ס

has on the 28th M a y , 1943, changed its name i n accordance with section 25 of the Companies Ordinance by the addi t ion thereto as an alternative an add i t iona l name of the E n g l i s h version thereof, namely :

Ta lmud Pub l i sh ing L t d ׳ .( F i l e No . 1366).

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H Administrator General. Registrar of Companies.

1 ן ¡1 1 • I d M K T A F A K , F I R S T J E R U S A L E M F O U N D R Y L T D ׳." .

Notice is hereby given that Metafar , F i r s t \ Jerusalem Foundry L t d . has on the 28th M a y , | 1943, changed its name in accordance wi th I section 25 of the Companies Ordinance by the | addi t ion thereto as an alternative or : addi-| t iona l name of the Hebrew version thereof, 1 namely : ! ״מטפד״ ביח״ר ראשון ליציקה בירושלים בע״מ. !) ן F i l e No. P.O./1120).

! 16th Sept ember, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H ' i Administrator General. Registrar of Companies.

j N O T I C E S . j

| . I .

» / P A L E S T I N E D I S C O U N T B A N K L T D . I v • ' i j Notice is hereby given that the nominal | capi ta l of the Palestine Discount B a n k L t d . | has been increased by the addi t ion thereto of j the sum of £P.300,000.— div ided into 20,000

shares of £ P . l . — each and 28,000 shares of £P .10 .— each, beyond the registered capi ta l of £P.200,000— div ided into 60,000 ord inary shares of £ P . l . — each and 14,000 ord inary shares of £P.10.— each. ( F i l e N o . 703). 16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H ;

Administrator General. Registrar of Companies.

! \ ! • I L ' '

P A L A L U M , P A L E S T I N E A L U M I N I U M A N D O T H E R M E T A L P R O D U C T S F A C T O R Y L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the nominal capi ta l of P a l a l u m , Palestine A l u m i n i u m and Other M e t a l Products Factory L t d . has been increased by the add i t ion thereto of the sum

23rd September, 1043 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1290. 865

of £P .20,000.— divided into 5,000 shares of £ P . l . — each and 15,000 preference "A" shares of £ P . l . — each, beyond the registered capital of £ P . 10,000.— divided into 10,000 ordinary shares of £ P . l . — each. (File No. P .C. /247) .

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H A d m i n i s t r a t o r G e n e r a l . R e g i s t r a r of Companies.

III. P R I P E R I C O M P A N Y L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of Pri Peri Company Ltd. has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.25,000.— divided into 25,000 ordinary shares of £P.l .— each, beyond the registered capital of £P.20,000— divided into 20,000 shares of £P.L— each. (File No. P.C./261).

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H A d m i n i s t r a t o r G e n e r a l . R e g i s t r a r of Companies.


IV. E C K M A N N L I M I T E D .

Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of Eckmann Limited has been in­creased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.6,000.— divided into 6,000 preference shares category "A" beyond the registered capital of £P.4,000.—divided into 4,000 shares of £P.l .— each. ־ , (File No. P.C./964).

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H A d m i n i s t r a t o r G e n e r a l . R e g i s t r a r of Companies.

\ v. 4 " L E S H E M " G L A S S M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of "Leshem" Glass Manufacturing Co. Ltd. has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P. 11,999 divided into 3 manage­ment shares and 11,996 "A" ordinary shares of

~£P.l.— each, beyond the registered capital of £P.3,001— divided into 3,000 "A" ordinary shares and 1 " B " share of £P.l .—

(Fiie No. P .C ./1526).

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H A d m i n i s t r a t o r G e n e r a l . R e g i s t r a r of Companies.

VI. " O R O T H " L E A T H E R F A C T O R Y L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of "Oroth" Leather Factory Ltd. has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.2,997, divided into 2,997 ordinary shares of £P.l ,— each, beyond the registered capital of £P.7,003.— divided into 6,991 ordin­ary shares and 12 founders' shares of £P.l .— each. (File No. P.C./1558).

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H A d m i n i s t r a t o r G e n e r a l . R e g i s t r a r of Companies.

VII. M I S H M A R H A M I F R A T Z ( K V U T Z A T Z I F Z I F ) L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of Mishmar Hamifratz (Kvutzat Zifzif) Ltd. has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.4,000.— divided into 10 redeemable preference shares of £P.400.— each, beyond the registered capital of £P.26,001.— divided into 1 founder's share of £P.l .— and

65 redeemable preference shares of £P .400 .— each. (File No. 1082).

16th September, 1943. H . K A N T E O V I T C H A d m i n i s t r a t o r G e n e r a l . R e g i s t r a r of Companies.

REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS. The p a r t i c u l a r s g i v e n b e l o w c o r r e s p o n d w i t h

t h e f o l l o w i n g h e a d i n g s : —

1. Names a n d addresses of p a r t n e r s . 2. F i r m name of p a r t n e r s h i p ) . 3. N a ? 7 i e s of p a r t n e r s a u t h o r i s e d ' t o a d m i n i s t e r t h e p a r t n e r s h i p a n d t o s i g n , f o r i t ׳ .4. B a t e of commencement a n d t e r m i n a t i o n . 5. O b j e c t .

1. Yehuda Bajayo, Ohel Shlomo Quarter, Jerusalem. Haim Nahom, Sansur Building, Jerusalem. 2 "Noam" Restaurant. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 25th July, 1943, for a period of two years, subject to one month's notice for determination. 5. Restaurant. (File No. 5636).

1. Hanania Jardinowski, 9, Droyanov S'treet, Tel Aviv. Jacob Jardinowski, 96, Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv. Azriel Jardinowski, 4, Beilin-son Street, Tel Aviv. Arie Levin, 9, Droyanov

\ Street, Tel Aviv. ¡2• "Hamavrik", Manufacture of Chemical Products. 3. All partners severally. 4. From the 15th July, 1943, for an unlimited period. 5. Manufacture of chemical products.

(File No. 5637).

1. N. Yoshah, 44, 'Emeq Yisrael Street, Tel Aviv. Y. Rosenwein, ]6, George Elliot Street, Tel Aviv.

J2. "Shoe Omanut". 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 1st July, 1943. If no, notice is given on the 6th of June every year by one or both partners requiring the dissolution of the partnership, the same remains automatically in force for another year, and so on. 5. Shoe factory. - (File No. 5638).

1. Mohamed Ali Arafe Sowan, Manshieh, Jewish Quarter, Jaffa. Ali Hassan Kouka, Manshieh, Jewish Quarter, Jaffa. Mahmoud Hassan Kouka, Manshieh, Jewish Quarter, Jaffa.

J2. Kouka & Söwan. ׳ 3. Ali Hassan Kouka and Mohamed Ali Arafeh So wan jointly. 4. From the 1st August, 1943, for an unlimited period. 5. Manufacture and sale of all kinds of sweets and halva and similar articles. (File No. 5639).

1. Ahmed Mohamed Kouka, Hassan Bey Street, Manshieh, Jaffa. Mohamed Darwish Kouka, Hassan Bey Street, Manshieh, Jaffa. Mahmoud Mohamed Kouka, Hassan Bey Street, Man­shieh, Jaffa. Abdel Razzak Mohamed Kouka, Hassan Bey Street, Manshieh, Jaffa. 2. Mohamed Kouka & Sons. 3. Mohamed Darwish Kouka alone. 4. From the 1st August, 1943, for an unlimited period. ׳•:,-, ׳


5. Manufacture and sale of a l l k inds of sweets and halva and s imi la r articles. (F i l e N o . 5640).

1. Omar Bash i r E l Bazz, K i n g George Avenue, Jaf fa . A l i Bashi r E l Bazz, K i n g George Avenue, Ja f fa . A d n a n E l Bazz, K i n g George Avenue, Jaf fa . "Othman Bash i r E l Bazz, King-George Avenue, Ja f fa . M a r w a n Ben A l i E l Bazz, K i n g George Avenue, Jaf fa . 2. E l Bazz Bros. 3. A l i and Othman Bash i r E l Bazz severally. 4. F r o m the 15th August , 1943, for an un l imi t ed period. 5. Manufacture and sale of a l l k inds of cho­colates and sweets. ( F i l e N o . 5641).

1, Gott l ieb K o h n , 18, Bezalel Yafe Street, Te l A v i v . Israel Cohen, 65, Yehuda H a l e v i Street,

I Te l A v i v . \ j 2. I. Cohen and Company.

3. Each partner severally. 4. F r o m the 15th August , 1943, for an un l imi ted period. 5. Importers, exporters, agents and steamship agents. I ( F i l e N o . 5642).

l : Zdzis law Wacholder, 12, Jerusalem Street, H a i f a . M e i r Goldinger , 7, Ba l four Street,

/ H a i f a . V 2. Wagol T a x i Service.

3. Bo th partners jo in t ly . 4. F r o m the 15th J u l y , 1943, for an un l imi ted p e r i o d ; to be dissolved by a two months' notice i n w r i t i n g served by the partner in tending to leave. 5. D r i v i n g of a t ax i belonging to the f i r m .

j . ( F i l e N o . 5643). • f v

1. E l iczer Ber l inger , 17, Geulah Street, H a i f a . ! A r t h u r Luss, 26, He rman Street, H a i f a .

J 2. I t tuf, Fac tory of Paper Bags, C a r d B o a r d Boxes and Other K i n d s of Paper Goods. 3. Bo th partners jo in t ly . 4. F r o m the 13th August , 1943; to be automa­t i ca l ly extended for an addi t iona l year each time, i f . n o three months' notice is given. 5. Fac tory of paper goods. ( F i l e N o . 5644).

1. H a r r y E g o n Markovi t s , 1, Stanton Street, H a i f a . F r e d d y K u r t Markov i t s , 1, Stanton

i Street, H a i f a . J 2. Markov i t s Brothers.

3. Each partner severally. 4. F r o m the 1st August , 1943, for an un l imi ted pe r iod ; may be terminated by each partner by a three months' notice i n w r i t i n g . 5. Electro-mechanical workshop.

( F i l e No . 5645).

1. Samuel K r i s t a l , 116, Haknesset Street, Tel A v i v . Jacob Crys ta l , 48, Maze Street, Te l A v i v . M a x L ipsh i t z , 108, Rothschi ld Boulevard, Te l Aviv. M r s . Grete Ruebner, 65, S'hlomo Hamelech Street, Tel A v i v . 2. "Laeo" . 3. The partnership shal l be bound by the jo int signatures of M r . Samuel K r i s t a l or Jacob C r y s t a l together w i th M r . M*ax L ipsh i t z or M r s . Grete Ruebner. The r ight to sign cheques is given only to M r . Samuel K r i s t a l and M r . Jacob Crys t a l severally. 4. F r o m the 1st August , 1943; to be extended automatically every year for another year, unless notice of dissolution is given three

G A Z E T T E No . 1290. 23rd September, 1943

months before the end of the year by any of the partners. ׳ . : 5, Manufacturers , exporters and importers of, and traders i n , gloves. ( F i l e No . 5646).

1. E issa Ibrahim Ighnem Zarour , M u s r a r a , Jerusalem. Youssef M i k h a i l M i k e l , L a t i n Patr iarchate Road, Jerusalem. Jami leh B i n t Ghanem Totah, Mus ra r a . M i k h a i l Youssef

! M i k e l , L a t i n Patr iarchate Road , Jerusalem. 4 2 . Youssef M i k e l & Co. Grocer.

3. Youssef M i k h a i l M i k e l and M i k h a i l Youssef M i k e l severally. 4 . F r o m the 19th August , 1943, for an un l imi ted period. ׳

! 5. Wholesale and re ta i l merchants. : ( F i l e No . 5647).

1. Dov Waldfogel , 52, Shekhunat N o r d a u , Te l A v i v . Abraham Shargel , 20, S'hekhunat H a r a -kevet, Tel A v i v . J u d a Grod j insk i , 2, K o r d o v a Street, Te l A v i v . Z v i Wank, 4, L o r d B y r o n Street, Te l A v i v . Pesah Mays , 12, Gott l ieb /Street, Tel A v i v .

J2. "Hashachar" , Painters Co. 3. Dov Waldfogel , Abraham Shargel and J u d a Grod j in sk i jo in t ly . 4 . F r o m the• 8th August , 1943, for an un l imi ted pe r iod ; terminable by a 2 months' notice by the major i ty of the partners at the end of each year of the commencement of the partnership. 5. C a r r y i n g out of a l l kinds of pa in t i ng works ; pa in t ing and whitewashing of bui ldings , coat­ing of roofs wi th p i tch and p a i n t i n g of furni ture. ( F i l e No . 5648).

| 1. Nissan Swerdlow, H e r m a n Shapi ro Street, Kerass ik B u i l d i n g , Ramat G a n . Nachum Ben Menachem, K a r p Orange Grove, Benei Beraq. Shmuel Weicen, Sokolov Street, Singerman B u i l d i n g , Benei Beraq . Itshak K i r s h , 26, F l o -rent in Quarter, Te l A v i v .

J2. "Ramat G a n " Transpor t Service. 3. Bo th of M r . Nissan Swerdlow and Nachum Ben Menachem jo in t ly only. 4 . F r o m the 20th J u l y , 1943, for an un l imi ted

j per iod. ; j 5. Transport service. ( F i l e No . 5649).

j 1. Charles Gou ld , 11, S'h. L e v i n Street, Te l j A v i v . Samuel Solomonidis, 3, K h e n Boulevard ,

Tel A v i v . Iacob Lecker, 23, A . M a p u : Street, »Tel A v i v . <

h . "Lecker & C o m p . " 3. A n y two of the three partners jo in t ly . 4. F r o m the 6th August , 1943, for an un l imi ted per iod. '•!' 5. Col lect ion of, and trade i n , i ron , metals and machines. ( F i l e N o . 5650).

j 1. Josef Neuwahl , K e f a r Y e d i d i a . j Israel ji Barber, K e f a r H a i y i m . ץ 2 . Barber & Neuwahl . . : I 3. Both partners jo in t ly . j 4 . F r o m the 1st J u l y , 1943, for an un l imi ted I period. j 5. Truck service. ( F i l e N o . 5651).

1. Zahava Rubinste in , 14, H e r z l Street, Te l i A v i v . E d m u n d Hol lander , 14, H e r z l Street, Te l |, A v i v . |\2. Cafe Shor, Ho l l ander & Co. ! i 3. Zahava Rubins te in alone.

23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No . 1290. 867

4. F r o m the 1st August , 1943, for an un l imi ted period. 5. Cafe, restaurant, bar and club.

• . ( F i l e No . 5652).

1. H a n n a H a j , Bustros B u i l d i n g , Ja f fa . \Youssef Nawas, Russ ian B u i l d i n g , Jerusalem. 42. The A r a b Commission and Insurance Co.

3. Bo th partners jo in t ly and severally. 4. F r o m the 1st August , 1943, for an un l imi ted per iod. 5. General agency and a l l k inds of insurance.

( F i l e No . 5653).

1. Marce l Iancu, 9, D r . G l i k s o n Street, Tel A v i v . J u l i n Iancu, H e r z l i y a . 2. Iancu Bros. 3. Marce l Iancu only. 4. F r o m the 1st August , 1943, for an un l imi ted per iod. Terms of dissolution—as per law. 5. Contractors and architects. ( F i l e N o . 5654).

1. A r i e Trachtman, Qi rya t Motzk in . Mordechai Grabov, H a n k i n Street, Ra 'anana . Leo Neufeld, 4, Y i t shaq Street, H a i f a . S'hmuel A b a Sheinzvit , 26, 'Emeq Y i z r a e l S'treet, Tel A v i v . Shimon Shveitzer, 26, 'Emeq Y i z r a e l Street, Te l A v i v . Alexander Perlberger, 32, Shalom Aleichem Street, T e l A v i v . A h a r o n Shechter, 8, Petah T i q v a Road , Te l A v i v . A r i e Feder, 8, Petah T i q v a Road, Te l A v i v . 2. " Ihud -Bur ska im" , Leather Factory , Te l A v i v . 3. A r i e h Trachtman jo in t ly w i t h Shmuel A b a Sheinzvit or Aha ron Shechter or Alexander Perlberger. 4. F r o m the 5th J u l y , 1943, for an un l imi t ed period. M a y be dissolved by a resolution duly passed i n accordance wi th the exis t ing part­nership agreement. , 5

5. Manufacture, purchase and sale of leather. ( F i l e No . 5655).

1. El ieser Shermann, 7, Rash i Street, Te l A v i v . Dow Piwowes, 34, Melchett Street, Te l A v i v . 2. A m a l , Sherman & Piwowes. ־-3. Bo th partners jo in t ly . 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for an un l imi ted period. 5. Ta i lors . ( F i l e No . 5656).


T I C U L A R S O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I P : — M . S H M U E L O F F . 1

k C o .

A . Change : i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any par tner : The fo l lowing persons joined the par tnersh ip : 1. Itzhaq Shemoeloff, Business Centre, S'hema Quarter, Jerusalem. 2. Yaacob Shemoeloff, Business Centre, Shema Quarter, Jerusalem. 3. Z ion Shemoeloff, K h a y a t Street, H a i f a . B . Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : Mordechai Shemoeloff and M a t a t i a Shemoeloff severally arc authorised to sign, on behalf of the part­nership. ( F i l e No . 239/28) Date of Change: 1.8.43.

S T A T E M E N T O F N A T U R E O F C H A N G E S I N T H E PAR­T I C U L A R S O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I P : — T H E H A I F V

P O R A T H C O M P A N Y , J

A . Change i n the partners or i n the name of any par tner : Pischinger Company left and Jacob Pora th , 27, Jerusalem Street, H a i f a , joined the partnership.

B . Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the par tnersh ip : On ly the sole signature of Abraham Pora th Peres shall b ind .the partnership.

( F i l e N o . 5178) Date of Change: 8.7.43.

S T A T E M E N T O F N A T U R E O F C H A N G E S I N T H E P A R ­

T I C U L A R S O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I P : — F O O D P R O D U C T S

F O R T R A D I N G A N D j C O M M I S S I O N , H A S S A N E L

K A T T A N & C O . J

Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner : Abdel Rahman H a j Mahmoud E l Daoud and Mohamed S a i d H a j EI Daoud left the partnership.

( F i l e N o . 5129) Date of Change: 27.7.43.

S T A T E M E N T O F N A T U R E O F C H A N G E S I N T H E P A R ­T I C U L A R S O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I P : — S H I M O N T Y S S E R k S O N .

A . Chauge i n the f i r m name: P r e v i o u s name: Shimon Tysser & Son. F e w name: Tysser & E louashwi l i .

B. Change i n general nature of the business: G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as ,previously c a r r i e d o n : Trade i n texti le goods, manu­facture of shirts, underwear and shirts. G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as now c a r r i e d o n : Manufacture of, and trade i n , underwear and ladies' dresses.

C . Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any par tne r : Raphae l E louashwi l i , 45, HayarkOn Street, Te l A v i v , joined the partnership.

D . Change i n the term or character of the par tnersh ip : P r e v i o u s t e r m : F r o m the 14th M a y , 1943, for an un l imi ted period. •'New t e r m : F o r one year w i t h renewal for another year and so on, i f no notice of dissolution is given 3 months before the end of every year. E . Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf• of the par tnersh ip : Raphael E louashwi l i j o in t ly w i t h Shimon Tysser or P h i l i p p M a x Tysser. - . . ( F i l e N o . 5482) Date of Change :19.8.43.

S T A T E M E N T O K N A T U R E O F C H A N G E S I N T H E P A R ­

T I C U L A R S O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I P : — E X P O R T ,

I M P O R T A N D C L E A R I N G A G E N C Y K H A L I L S ' H I H A

& Co.

Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any par tne r : Youssef K a t t a n left and Ibrah im Shiha , Nuzha Quarter, Jaf fa , joined the partnership. -(F i l e No . 5425) Date of Change: 25.8.43.

N O T I C E S . . .. •: L : . 1• .־..

J K A S H L O R T A A S I A H C H E M I T . ,

Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published i n the Palestine Gazette N o . 1261 of the 15th A p r i l , 1943, has been dissolved as from the 5th August , 1943, by consent of the partners.

( F i l e N o , 5226).

868 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290. 23rd September, 1943

II. ^ S l J A L H E V E T H .

Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published i n the Palestine Gazette No . 758 of the 17th February, 1938, has been dissolved as from the 1st M a y , 1943, and that a l l assets and l iab i l i t i es have been taken over by H i l l e l Speisman alone.

( F i l e N o . 2964).

V׳ H A S H E M & O S M A N .

Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 546 of the 24th October, 1935, has been dissolved as from the 31st July, 1943. (File No. 883)'.

; I V .

J O F N A .

Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1148 of the 4th December, 1941, has been dissolved as from the 21st August, 1943, by mutual consent of the partners.

(File No. 4117).


T h e f o l l o w i n g notices a r c published a t the risk of the advertisers a n d t h e i r p u b l i c a t i o n does not imply any c e r t i f i c a t e as to correctness or a u t h o r i t y .

I. G R O W E R S & M E R C H A N T S O F P A L E S T I N E C I T R U S ,

J L T D .

/ (in Voluntary Liquidation). Notice is hereby given that a general meeting

of the members of the abovenamed company will be held at the office of the liquidator, Bovis House, New Business Centre, Haifa, on Thursday, 28th October, 1943, at 4 p.m. precise­ly, to receive the account of the liquidator, showing how the winding-up of the company has been conducted and its property disposed of, to hear any explanations that may be furnished by the liquidator and to pass an extraordinary resolution as to the disposal of the books and papers of the company and by the liquidator.

Dated this 13th September, 1943.

P. M A E G O L I N , Advocate, L i q u i d a t o r .

I I .

T H E G E N E R A L M O R T G A G E B A N K O F P A L E S T I N E L I M I T E D .

Repayment of 5% Debentures Series V and W. Notice is hereby given that all outstanding

5% Debentures series V and W will be paid off at par on 2nd January, 1944, at the offices of the Bank and of its paying agents against surrender of these debentures with all subse­quent coupons.

After the above date interest on these debenures wi l l cease to accrue.

By Order of the Board of Directors. A. J . M O Y A L



J Dov L I M I T E D .

Notice is hereby given that at the first general meeting of the above company held on the 19th July, 1943, the following persons were elected as directors of the company: M r . Mayer Jagermann, Mrs. Chaja Wolkowyski-Fajngold and Mr . Mendel Wolkowyski.

It was further resolved that the signature of Mr. Mayer Jagermann together with the sign­ature of either Mr . Mendel Wolkowyski or Mrs. Chaja Wolkowyski-Fajngold shall bind the company on any documents and papers.

Mr. Mayer Jagermann wi l l be entitled to appear together with either Mrs. Chaja Wolkowyski-Fajngold or Mr . Mendel Wolko­wyski on behalf of the above company before any Government, Municipal and any other

| institutions and before the Land Registry | Offices in Palestine and to sign on behalf of j the company on deeds of sale, purchase, pledge,

mortgage, discharge of mortgage, etc., in regard to the property of the company.


^ Y . D . W . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that at the first general meeting of the above company" held on the 23rd August, 1943, the following persons were elected as directors of the company: Mrs. Chaja Wolkowyski-Fajngold, Mr . Mendel Wolkowyski and Fejga Zelmanowicz.

It was further resolved that Mrs. Chaja Wolkowyski-Fajngold alone or M r . Mendel Wolkowyski and Mrs. Fejga Zelmanowicz to­gether shall sign on behalf of the company on any documents and papers.

Mrs. Chaja Wolkowyski-Fajngold alone or Mr . Mendel Wolkowyski and Mrs. Fejga Zelmanowicz together shall be authorised to appear on behalf of the above company before any Government, Municipal and any other institutions and before the Land Registry Offices in Palestine and to sign on behalf of the company on deeds of sale, purchase, pledge, mortgage, discharge of mortgage, etc., in regard to the property of the company.


| J W O L V E S C O . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that at the extraordin­ary general meeting of the company which was held on the 17th May, 1943, the following were elected as directors of the company: Mr. Wolf Brzezinski, Mr . Wolf Kaufman, M r . Joseph Reitman and Mr. Joseph Tancman.

Mr. Isac Bercovici was elected as attorney for M r . Joseph Reitman, and Mr . Bercu Schwartz was elected as attorney for Mr . Joseph Tancman.

It was resolved that the following signatures wil l bind the company : 1. The signature of Mr. Wolf Kaufman toge­ther with either the signature of Mr . Joseph Reitman or his attorney, or the signature of Mr. Joseph Tancman or his attorney. 2. The signature of Mr . Wolf Brzezinski to­gether with either the signature of Mr . J . Tancman or his attorney or the signature of

\ Mr, Joseph Reitman or his attorney.

23rd September, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1290. 869

4 C H . O. F . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that at the first general meeting of the above company held on the 18th August, 1943, the following persons were elected as directors of the company: Mrs. Chaja Wolkowy ski-Fa jngold, Mr . Mendel Wolkowyski and Fejga Zelmanowicz.

It was further resolved that Mrs. Chaja Wolkowyski-Fajngold alone or Mr . Mendel Wolkowyski and Mrs. Fejga Zelmanowicz to­gether shall sign on behalf of the company on any documents and papers.

Mrs. Chaja Wolkowyski-Fajngold alone or M r . Mendel Wolkowyski and Mrs. Fejga Zelmanowicz together shall be authorised to appear on behalf of the above company before any Government, Municipal and any other institutions and before the Land Registry Offices in Palestine and to sign on behalf of the company on deeds of sale, purchase, pledge, mortgage, discharge of mortgage, etc., in regard to the property of the company.

A V I I .

\ T H E C A R M E L S T A T I O N C A R S C O M P A N Y L T D .

H A I F A .

Notice is hereby given that at the annual general meeting of the above company held on the 5th day of September, 1943, the following persons were elected to the Board of Directors: 1. Hanna A s f o u r — C h a i r m a n 2. Yousef T o b a s s i — Y i c e - C h a i r m a n 3. Nadim S i l b a c k — S e c r e t a r y 4. Far id K a r k a b i — M e m b e r 5. Far id E l - A r m a l i — M e m b e r 6. Yousef Elias — M e m b e r and that the signatures of any three members

•of the Board shall jointly bind the company or the signatures of the Chairman together with the signature of any one member of the Board shall bind the company. * Mr . George A . Khadder, Public Accountant and Auditor, was elected Yas auditor of the company.

V I I I .

^ H A M A N H I L C O . L T D .

At the annual general meeting of the com­pany held on the 14th September, 1943, Dr . S.F. Bialoblocki was elected sole director of the company.

The sole signature of the above shall be bind­ing upon the company in every respect.

ix . | " Z I O N " L E A T H E R S W O R K S L I M I T E D . \J

Notice is hereby given that at the first general meeting of the company which was held on 16th September^ 1943, the following were elected as directors of the company: Mr . M . Bunim, Mr . Walter S'chwerzentzer and Mr . Jacob Goldberg.

It was resolved that the- joint signatures of any two directors (out of the three) on behalf of the company shall bind the company in all affairs and business without any restriction.



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Notices of registration of Companies, Cooperative Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not be accepted for publication unless submitted through the appropriate Eegistrar.

Orders with regard to the administration of the estate of deceased persons or probate of wills, and any orders issued under the Companies Ordinance, or in accordance with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and notices of registration and dissolution of partnerships will not be inserted unless passed for publication by the Court or Eegistrar.

Notices of dissolution of partnerships will not be accepted unless signed by the partners named therein or by their legal representatives.

The signature or representative character of a signa­tory must be verified by a declaration made by an advocate.

A notice of dissolution of partnership not signed by all the partners or by their legal representatives must be accompanied by a sworn declaration made by an advocate to the effect that the notice is given in pur­suance of the terms of the partnership to which h relates.

The following notices and advertisements will be published in the Gazette at the risk of the advertisers and will not imply any certificate as to correctness or authority:

• Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc.

Notices concerning meetings, appointments of Di­rectors, redemption of bonds and kindred matters from Companies or Cooperative Societies.

No notice or advertisement concerning a Company or Cooperative Society, other than a notice published by Order of the Court or of the Eegistrar, will be inserted unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate that to the best of his knowledge the statement made in the notice or advertisement is true.

P R I N T E D AT T H E G O V E R N M E N T P R I N T I N G P B E S S , J E R U S A L E M .
