Club Presentations 2_4s 2013_2014




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2-4s - 2013-2014

Little London Pipera – Romanian School & British Etiquette Str Tudor Arghezi 3D, Pipera Voluntari, Ilfov Tel: 021/267.41.34, Fax: 0372.87.16.77, Mobil: 0733.689.472,

Asociaţia Fabiola Hosu Şos. Pipera-Tunari, nr. 120 D, Oraş Voluntari, Jud. Ilfov

CIF 31901571, IBAN: RO08INGB0000999903761651

Brain Gym

Brain Gym is a programme of physical movement that enhances learning and performance in ALL areas. Brain Gym includes easy and enjoyable targeted activities that integrate body and mind to bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in: concentration, memory, organizing, listening, physical coordination and more. This collection of fun, scientifically-based Brain Games provide a balanced workout across the 5 Major Brain Areas: Memory, Concentration, Language, Visual & Spatial, and Executive Functions. Your brain is a muscle. Like every other muscle it needs exercise. Brain gym is one way to exercise your mind so that you can learn better. Research shows that structured physical movement can enhance our readiness for learning. Physical movement increases the oxygen in the blood stream and leads to improved concentration. In addition, adding a movement or physical action to a learning point will help recall.

Age range interest 2-3s & 3-4s

Alina Caladiev

I am a happy and loving person, patient and supportive towards children in transition. I have a wealth of experience from a variety of cultural backgrounds. On repeated occasions I have traveled to Great Britain as part of professional exchanges that offered rich opportunities to observe and participate in the implementation of the British Curriculum. On one of these occasions I have attended training sessions regarding the practical aspects of “Birth to Three Matters” section of the curriculum. My hobbies are listening to music, watching old movies and taking long walks in the park. I take great pleasure in traveling abroad and discovering new places and cultures.

Little London Pipera – Romanian School & British Etiquette Str Tudor Arghezi 3D, Pipera Voluntari, Ilfov Tel: 021/267.41.34, Fax: 0372.87.16.77, Mobil: 0733.689.472,

Asociaţia Fabiola Hosu Şos. Pipera-Tunari, nr. 120 D, Oraş Voluntari, Jud. Ilfov

CIF 31901571, IBAN: RO08INGB0000999903761651

Messy Creative

Support learning by making a mess, thus building a brain! Little London Pipera Nursery School now supports learning through sensorial play! In order to grow and learn, the human mind needs to be stimulated by sensory experiences that take place within a rich and varied environment. A child needs to see, touch, hear, taste and smell, to play, explore and experiment, and above all, to feel loved. There are many stimulating multi-sensory activities that can enhance a toddlers’ brain development. Here are some of the things we shall have fun with on our stimulating sensory table: flubber (borax, glue and water or PVC, vinegar + food colouring), gloop (cornflour and water), stretchy dough (flavoured, scented and sparkly), play dough, mud, shaving foam, polenta, boiled pasta/rice, jelly and porridge. All ‘spiced up’ with food colouring, essences, glitter, coffee beans or seeds.

Age range interest 2-3s & 3-4s

Alina Soţu

I believe that teaching is not a job, but a profession based on inner calling. My aim is to share the knowledge achieved so far and help children grow as responsible individuals who will gladly embrace the task of improving the world we live in. Among my favourite activities in nursery school is messy play - all kinds of projects that stimulate children’s creativity. I also love to teach through singing, and try to fit a song into each and every activity in nursery school. In time, I came to understand there is no bigger responsibility, and yet a relationship with a child can bear the greatest rewards. And I don't remember who said this, but there really are places in the heart you don't even know exist until you love a child. My twins showed me that.

Little London Pipera – Romanian School & British Etiquette Str Tudor Arghezi 3D, Pipera Voluntari, Ilfov Tel: 021/267.41.34, Fax: 0372.87.16.77, Mobil: 0733.689.472,

Asociaţia Fabiola Hosu Şos. Pipera-Tunari, nr. 120 D, Oraş Voluntari, Jud. Ilfov

CIF 31901571, IBAN: RO08INGB0000999903761651

Rhythm and movement

Young children learn by being active. If young children learn naturally by being active in engaging in a range of exploratory experiences, then the primary responsibility of the school or early years setting is to plan opportunities that facilitate and support these instinctive strategies. This club offers children a wonderful experience through physical exercise, music and movement. Children, even at this fragile age, find the best communication in music and movements. They need the opportunity to engage with a range of materials and stimuli. They need time and space to explore, investigate and question.

Age range interest 2-3s & 3-4s

Andreea Rîncioagă

Since I joined Little London Pipera Nursery School, I was lucky enough to follow two directions in my career: I am a medical nurse and a teacher at the same time – and I love them both. In 2008 I joined Little London Pipera as a pediatric nurse, following a career of 6 years exclusively in the medical field in both public and private systems. I attended various pediatric care courses, the most important being PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support). I also trained to become a nurse in the USA. As I have experienced working with children in the friendly climate provided by the application of the British curriculum, and as a result of various training sessions in the educational field, I have decided to join the teaching staff on the position of a Teaching Trainee in 2009. I came to realize that I enjoy teaching children, in addition to caring for their health. Here, I learned to focus on the “care” aspects (the general well-being of children: health, clothing, food etc.), important aspects in a child’s development. One important aspect of healthcare being physical exercise, I decided to design a program for our youngsters that would exercise both their bodies and their minds. I have come to a point that I now even want to improve my skills to follow my career path in the field of education. That is why I have registered to the Faculty of Pedagogy that starts in October.