Chari, Srinivasa. The Philosophy of the Vedāntasūtra



Summary of the Vedanta Sutra with a favor for Ramanuja.

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  • 194 Bibliography


    Alavandar, Siddhitraya, ed. R.. Chari, Annamalainagar 1972. '

    Citsukha, Tattvapradipika, ed. Pandit Raghunath Sastry, sec. ed., Bombay, 1931.

    Madhusudana Sarasvati, Advailasiddhi wlth the commentaries, ed. N.S. Ananthakrishna Sastry, Bombay, 1917.


  • Index'

    abhn,am, Brahman as 20 abhLdnSru!i 99,150,151,162, 177 alkda (also ablvdaviidn) 78, 81, 82,149,

    167,175,176, 178 adhillarafJ4. definition and nature of xx;

    number of xx .. w. also individual listing of the names of

    AdfsyavtadhikaraJ.la36,6O.104 55. 78, BI, 112.

    169, 176; view of M. reg. 81 ajiiiina. See avidJii akiiia, as Brahman 2223 Akiiadhilat"al'a 22 akhn')4iinhn 6, 146 akfara, as Brahman 35. 36, 37. 39, 40; its

    description in negative terms 39. 143 ~"dhibra~. 36. 39, 60 Amiinava Pu~a 135 ariria.ftvaas 110,168, 177; its implication

    ace. S & R. 110, Ill; view ofM. reg. IIl;viewofBMaclyaQareg. 112. 177

    amsawflfnsi bhava 80. Ill, 112, 168, 177. See also iariroSariribhiiva

    A_dhikarana 81,110,168,176,177 iinandamaya. Brahman as 13, 14; inter

    pretation of the tenn by S. 15-16; its explanation ace. M. 16

    Anandamayadhikarat)a 10,103 ananyaJ'I.Nl. the concept of, its implication

    ace. S., R. & M. 74-77, 169 anlnJlU.Qniya. the concept of 85, 156 antaryiimin, Brahman as 33, 34 . . walso

    Brahman Antaryami BmhmafJa 33-34, 112, 128, 149,

    151,156, 167, 178 AntaryamyadhikaraJ.la33,104

    apahalapiipma, as anribule of Brahman 52, 57, 64. 105; as attribute of )iva 125, 130, 131

    apnra Brahma. Se' Brahman afN'lrrl vid,a37, 65,142, 171 almmkyajriiina xxiv, 37. 161; view of M.

    reg. 117,123, 161,170 a/JrthaJuutdhi, also integral relation Ill.

    113, 177 Arambha~adhikara~a 74, 78, 81, 82, 86,

    169, 177; view ofM. reg. 77; view of S. reg. 75; view of R. reg. 7~76

    arciradi.ynQrgtl 124, 135, 137. 161, 171 asfUkiiryavlida 75,82.147, 153 Asmarathya xix, 4~, 106-9. 149. 167 "!!iinga-yoga 12223 Alman, as Paramiilman. .'Y,. Brahman as

    iiviUman 88. See also jiva iilmaikyajiiQ1JIl (also Olmajiiiinn) , asdirecl

    means to ~a 114,116-17,119.20, 123,135,160,170-71

    attn, Brahman as 31 31. 104 Auc;lulomi xix, 81, 106-9, 124, 129-30.

    149, 167 avacclu:dn.viida 110 avibhiiga., ;iva's relation to Brahman as

    113,12729 Avihhagena.Q!1tatv.idhikaraJ)a 124.127 avidyii See ma,a Avirodhadhyaya xxi

    BadarayaJ)a (also Vyasa) passim; as author of Vediinla.rUlrn xix

    Badari xix. 43, 81, 124.133, 13~36 biidhiirtha siimimiidhiAartl1)-,a 156

    *R denotes for Ramanuja, S for Samkara, M for Madhva, and reg. is used for regarding. I (t

    I I

    hhfllcti-yfJgR 173 8hiimnli xxviii, 40, lOB, 110 Bhaskara 151,175 IHudiiblwla (also bMdiilMaviida) 78-79,

    81,1079,149,151,167,175-76 Iwd. (also blvdaviida) 81,99, 103-5, 107,

    112, 14950,175 bMlaSru!is 99,150,177 Bhilma, as Brahman 47; meaning and

    implication of the term 4750 47 bimiJa.pmtibimiJaviida 110 Bodhayana 173 129, 132 Brahman (also Pammatman) passim;

    doctrine of 1. 140; meaning and definition of the term 14.6; as God of Religion 23; as jagal.lfiirQ7J(l2, 4.5; as anandamaya 13--16; as nnanda sUflru/)(J 16-17; a, Sentient Being If).. 13; as distinct from ;ivii.lman and celestial deities 13, 15, 1721 ; as distinct from protlhiinaand other non sentien(entities 10..11. 2225; asa.\fam 3~37; as antaryiimin 33-35; as alia 31 ; as rlyalann 4347; as Bhiimii 4750; as tlahitriikiiJa 5Q.-53; as sarviilmi; 27-2'9; as .fII'flI4Ktlia 30; as Miiviinam 41-43; two modes of 6()..61; theory of Imra (higher) and apam (lowe .. ) 15. 30, 46, 54-55, 140-41; as lvyal".atyanVt.a ace. R. 56-57, 64, 146; as nirvi.k.~a (Ni'!(U~a) ace. S. 36, 38-39, 49, 54, 56. GO, 143-6; as SIl~a (SaguTJD) acc. R. 3, 13,29,36-38,42,50,5254,56-57.143,145-6; as ubhnJalingrz 55--57, 166; as ulJiidiinfl. and nimitla hiim1lfl 67-68, 166 .!.laBrahma 70,76,91 . 174 nt. See .1iviilman (individual self)

    flahariiAiHa, as Brahman 5 1, 52; meditation on 51

    DaharadhikaraJ.la5()"'51,105 dhyiina (meditation). meaning of the

    term 120, 122; as pan of ]ogiingru 12J . See also nitlirlhyiisana

    Index 197

    Dvaita Vedanta (also Dvaitavida) xxii. J64, 171.174. See also bMlaviida 44,104

    rlcaiva. implication of the term 82, 112


  • 198 Index

    KiSakftsna xix, 81,107, 167; his view on jiva's relation (0 Brahman 1OB-9, 167

    kmma-mukLi,lh('! lheoryof 135-6, J71 Kftsnaprasaktyadh 71 , 73

    Madhyamika. Buddhism 159, 172 Mailr"i nrilhma1Ja 107, 109 maya (also avidyii and the

    doctrine of 73, 85, 152. 156-7; ilS equation with Prakrli 85-86, 159; dream object .. as 86: criticism of the theory of 157-8; R's explanation o f the term 86, 159

    miiyiillooa 173-74 meditation . See ulJii..I'anjj nwk.PJ. See tJammflIJUru.~iirlJuL Monism. idealistic 139. 172. 175; theistic

    139,173 mukllltmii (also mukta ;iV(A) 12:>--27 Mlirtarnurta Brahmal)a 61, 153

    nididhyiisana. See IJ/JiifQnll nimiUa kiira7!a, BI-ahman as 67, 69; of M.

    view on 69 Nirgu~UI (n~). Brahman as, Cliticism

    of the theo l)' of 58-60, 65 Nirgu:f}U Srutis 145

    para Brahman. See Brahman parama PUru.f(lrlha (Supreme Goal), the

    doctrine of 124,161; the nature of 124-27, 170; view of S. reg. 125, 162; view of R. reg. 128, 162; view of M. reg. 131-2

    Pammalman (also iSlJam) passim. ,VI' Brahman, as abiding in )iua 109; as anlaryiimin of all sentient and non-sentient cnlitics 34

    ParmniYolis, as Brahman 125 parii vidyii 37,65,142 pmi1JlimlJ,ofBrahman 68; its cxplanatkm

    acc. S. 69-70, 73; viewofR. on 70-72; viewofM. on 71

    /mrlmiir).tluiida 73,85 paro~aj7ianIl37, 65, 42 Phaladhyaya xxi, 124, 161

    Imulhlj,w (also l+fJll..rti) , as cause of universe ace Sankhya 11. 44; as distinct from Brahman 10; as material cause of universe acc. M. 68

    Prakrtaitavat1Yddhikara~a 55, 60, 87, 194; viewofM. reg. 64; viewofS. & R_ I"(~g. 62-61

    Prakrlyadhikal"""d~a 66-67, 82; view orM. reg. 68-69

    Pral) 22; view of M. reg. 24 l"ii1]". as Brahman 23; as jivn 48 l'rt.hagadhikara~a 95, 9l:1; view of M. reg.

    99 Puru~nhadhikaral)a 11 5- 16, It8

    J/ui-a..wui-lJiulkf/tJ-n, concept of 85 .widhnna (also u/)iiYrl, means) passim;

    doctrine of 114, 159; (onfliClingviews n:g. nature of lJ4 , I Hi. I(K), 170; nature and components of 118-23: prerequisilt':s of the 118-19. See al so U/JiifllM

    S~dhanadhyaya xxi. 114 Sagu"1}t1 Brahman (also .mvi."'-.FI). Se(!


    SIl1fU7Ja Srutis 145 ,~amiin(idhikfJm~lfJ viiJryfJ J 46 . mmanvaya, meaning and implication of

    8 SamanvayadhikaraI)a 7; view ofM. reg. 9 Samanvayadhyaya xx, 9 Sampa{ly3virbhavadhikara~a 124: view of

    M. reg. 126 samvrti, concept of 159, 172 Sandhyadhikara~a 87 Jarim-{nriri-bhava 80, Ill, 129. 178 .fIlrvilimii. See Brahman ~arvatra-rrasiddhyadhikara~a 27, 101 Sastra, meaning of 7; as source of

    knowing Brahman 7, 9 .m.llrfu(ry!i 21; as fJ11lnry(ilniriryfi acc. M. 22 .mikiiryaviidf,7R,82, 147, 153 .fIllyamnJu,llm, as attribute of Brahman

    29,52,57. 130; as an t!ssential quality ofJiva52.126.131

    .siitm passim; definilion of xix; nature of xxiv; total number of xix. See also Vl'flii1l1(l.lUtJ'(l


    I I , I


    ---------- -------------,-

    Ta~adhikaral).a 100

    uiJhayalinga, Brahman as 55; implication of the term acc. S. & R. 56-57; view o f M. reg. 57-58

    Uhhayalingadhikaral)a 55 lIniv~rse (jagfJ/) passim: dochine of 66.

    151; its relation to Brahman 74, 76-78. 80-81, 151, 169; its ontOlogical status 66, 82-87, 168; as mit},yiJ (illusory) acc. S. 75. 82. 86-87, 152, 168; c riticism of milhJfllVil of 83-85. 87,154-56

    ll/){Viiina klJratJ-a (material calise), Brah-man as 66-68; explanation ofS. & R. reg. 70; view of M. reg. 69

    Upani~ pas.0; nature and components of 118-23 . See also sadhana

    ul/rriinli94, 124. 16J Utkrantyadhikaral)a 93 , 94

    Index 199

    IJ(W1JflntITil, as Brahman 41-42; as ele-mental fire 42

    vakyanvayadhikara~a 81.106, 167 , 176 Vltkyiirllmjiiiinll 120 Vedanta passim; meaning of the term

    xix; as a system of philosophy (tlllrinTln) xix, J38-39; fundamental doctrines of xxiv, 138, 164; major controve rsial issues in xxi-xxvi, 16. 139-40; principal sc:hoolsofxxii, xxvii, 164-5, 171, 17~76

    VnliJ"lmulm (also IJmlmul.tUlm) passim; as basic lllanllal of Vedanta xix, 139; cenu'll theme of xx. I, 140, 165; commentaries on xxvii; its division into (lflhy;iyll.~and /Nvlasxx; its relation to Upani~ads xxii , J:-J8, 164

    VUlyfi, a.