Chapter Eleven Crisis Communications and Public Relations Messages McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright ©...


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Chapter Eleven

Crisis Communications

andPublic Relations


McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Learning Objectives

LO11.1 Explain how crisis communications and public relations messages impact organizational reputation.

LO11.2 Describe the nature of crisis management in today’s organizations.

LO11.3 Apply the AIM planning process to crisis communications.

LO11.4 Construct effective and responsible crisis messages.LO11.5 Explain how to handle external complaints and

negative rumors.


Learning Objectives

LO11.6 Review crisis communications for fairness and effectiveness.

LO11.7 Describe the role of public relations messages in today’s organizations.

LO11.8 Apply the AIM planning process to public relations messages.

LO11.9 Construct effective and responsible public relations messages.

LO11.10 Review public relations messages for fairness and effectiveness.


Crisis Communication Messages

Companies should operate under the assumption that crises will occur

To minimize and correct damage to victims and avoid excessive reputation loss, companies should excel at all stages of crisis management


The Stages of Crisis Management


Stakeholder Groups


Idea Development for Crisis Communications

Preventable crisis, stakeholders believe

the company is to blame and is completely responsible for the damages and losses to stakeholders


Creating Crisis Messages

Once crisis communication teams have planned their messages, they must act under significant time pressures to compose them.

They must also act quickly to modify them for various media: letters, emails, web pages, blogs, texts, radio and television broadcasts,


Reviewing Crisis Messages

During the crisis response stage, you will likely be pressed for time

In these tense moments, rereading your written crisis communications is essential

Pay special attention to accuracy


The Role of Public Relations Today

Corporate reputation an intangible asset that allows the company to

better manage the expectations and needs of its various stakeholders, creating differentiation and barriers vis-à-vis its competitors


Complete the Campaign Cycle


Social Media Teams

1. Develop formal social media policies2. Monitor internal and external communities3. Engage online communities4. Act as first responders by acknowledging



Tools for PR Messages: Information Age Audiences and Social Age Audiences


Audience Analysis for Public Relations Messages

From what sources do they get information about you and your competitors?

Through which communication channels can you best reach them?


Matching Influence Techniques to Public Relations Efforts
