Chapter · Example 1. F After attending ... italicized word or group...


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    Chapter 1: UTHE SENTENCEU Pg 48 - 69 (S.B) DATE: ______________

    UIDENTIFYING SENTENCES AND SENTENCE FRAGMENTUS: Identify each of the following groups of words as a sentence or a sentence fragment. On the line provided, write S for sentence or F for fragment. Example 1. F After attending the film festival. 2. S The film festival begins Monday.

    1. _____ As they traveled farther. 2. _____ Last night there were about six television commercials every half-hour.

    3. _____ What a thrilling adventure we had!

    4. _____the old building by the lake UIDENTIFYING COMPLETE SUBJECTS AND SIMPLE SUBJECTSU:In each of the following sentences, underline the complete subject once and the simple subject twice. (Reminder: A simple subject may be compound.) Example 1. Making large vapor trails in the sky were UtwoU jets.

    5. Each year the teams in Latin America play toward a season championship.

    6. Fresh mozzarella cheese and tomatoes make up her favorite Italian salad.

    7. The all-American sport has been very popular there for a long time.

    UIDENTIFYING COMPLETE PREDICATES AND SIMPLE PREDICATESU: In each of the following sentences, underline the complete predicate once and the simple predicate twice. (Reminder: A simple predicate may be compound.) Example 1. Frozen food is kept U outdoors.

    8. Once a year the people of Pang receive their groceries.

    9. This small village is near the Arctic Circle.

    10. Villagers also must hunt and fish for much of.their food.

    11. Some of these accounts are quite humorous.

    12. When did he begin to paint?e IDENTIFYING SUBJECTS AND VERBS In each of the following sentences, underline the simple subject once and the verb or verb phrase twice. (Reminder: A subject, a verb, or both may be compound.) Example 1. In the refrigerator is a special Utreat U for you.

    13. As a soldier, he was loyal and courageous.

    14. He did not look directly at her.

    15. The train to Baltimore must have left the station at exactly 12:03 P.M.

    16. Have you met Marisa and her younger brother?

    17. Rows of wheat and corn sprouted and grew in the rich soil. UCLASSIFYING AND PUNCTUATING SENTENCEUS: Classify each of the following sentences by writing DEC for declarative, IMP for imperative, INT for interrogative, or EXC for exclamatory on the line provided. Add the correct end punctuation to each sentence. Example 1. IMP Quick, catch him !

    18. _______Have you been to Arizona 19. _______ Daniel, find out how many miles per hour a rabbit can hop 20. _______ How exciting it is to visit new places

    21. ______ Meteor Crater is interesting, too. TEACHERS SIGN: _______________

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    UCH 2: PARTS OF SPEECHU PG 70 - 95 DATE: ____________ UIDENTIFYING TYPES OF NOUNSU: In each of the following sentences, underline each noun that is the type indicated in parentheses. (Reminder: There may be more than one type of noun in a sentence.) Example 1. Some people have expressed Uconcern U and UregretU that traditional ceremonies in Africa

    seem to be disappearing. (abstract)

    1. Each day huge crowds visit the Lincoln Memorial, which is in Washington, D.C. (common abstract)

    2. As you can see in the photograph, the inside of the Lincoln Memorial is a large marble hall. ( common,


    3. Pacific coastal forests extend from central California to Alaska. (Proper)

    4. The Lincoln Memorial was designed by a noted architect of the time, Henry Bacon. (common, abstract) UIDENTIFYING TYPES OF PRONOUNS: U In each of the following sentences, underline the pronoun that is the type indicated in parentheses. (Reminder: There may be more than one type of pronoun in a sentence.) Example 1. UManyU of his clients regularly order Usomething U every month. (indefinite)

    5. The council member whom the reporter wants to interview is out of town today. (relative)

    6. Who may I say is calling?(interrogative)

    7. Somebody has given Benno the Dalmatian a bath. (indefinite)

    UIDENTIFYING ADJECTIVESU: In each of the following sentences, underline each adjective. Then, write each adjective and the word or words it modifies on the lines below. (Reminder: A sentence may have more than one adjective.) Example 1. UThis U ship is part of a UNorwegian U line. adjective word or words modified This ship Norwegian line


    Despite his bad luck, he remained hopeful. _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________

    9. Exhausted but happy, Santiago sailed toward shore. _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________

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    10. For eighty-four days, Santiago had not caught a single fish.

    _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________


    UIDENTIFYING NOUNS, PRONOUNS, AND ADJECTIVESU Each of the following sentences contains an italicized word or group of words. Identify the part of speech of each italicized word or word group by writing above it N for noun, P for pronoun, or A for adjective.

    P Example 1. What is the first sound that you usually hear in the morning?

    12. This new UcomputerU program makes printers work twice as fast.

    13. UOne U of the trees still has all its leaves.

    14. Well start paintingU that Usection next.

    15. Give me some iced Ulemonade U, please.

    16. Included among the worlds leading religions is UIslam U.

    17. UEveryone Uliked one painting or the Uother.

    18. Hobbies take up so Umuch U time that they often become work.

    19. USome UKomodo dragons are eleven feet long and weigh more than five hundred pounds.

    20. UWhichU of the otters caught the first fish?

    TEACHERS SIGN: _________________

    11. Does the story have a happy ending? _____________ ______________

    _____________ ______________

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    CH 3: PARTS OF SPEECH OVERVIEW PG 96 - 123 DATE: ________ IDENTIFYING VERBS AND VERB PHRASES Underline the verb or verb phrase in each of the following sentences. Then, place parentheses around all helping verbs. Example 1. Next week, we (Uare) studying U communication among Plains

    Indians. 1. Some people have been working as messengers. 2. With a little imagination, anyone can find an unusual job. IDENTIFYING TYPES OF VERBS Identify the italicized, underlined verb or verb phrase in each of the following sentences as a linking verb, a transitive verb, or an intransitive verb. Above the verb or verb phrase, write LV for linking verb, TAV for transitive action verb, or IAV for intransitive action verb. IAV Example 1. When did you practice, Freda? 3. School Ucan be U fun sometimes. 4. They Uworked Ualongside Mexican, American Indian, and European American trail hands. 5. When the day was done, they UenjoyedU each others company 6. Often they also Usang Uaround the campfire 7. They Uate U the same food and did the same hard jobs. UMake sentences for the following verbs: 1. play: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. cook: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. move: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. run: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

    IDENTIFYING ADVERBS In each of the following sentences, underline each adverb. Then, write each adverb and the word or words it modifies on the lines below. (Reminder: A sentence may have more than one adverb.) Example 1. We UrarelyU picnic UhereU, even though it is Urather U close to our

    house. adverb word or words modified rarely picnic here picnic rather close

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    8. The team is extremely proud of its record. _____________ ______________ 9. The coach said we were too careless during the play. _____________ ______________ 10. I have been a fan of mystery stories since I was quite young.

    _____________ ______________ 11. The class was unusually quiet today. _____________ ______________ 12. Those fajitas seem much spicier than these.

    _____________ ______________ 13. If I like a story, I almost never put it down until I finish it.

    _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________ UIDENTIFYING PREPOSITIONS, PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES AND THEIR OBJECTS, CONJUNCTIONS, AND INTERJECTIONUS Each of the following sentences contains at least one italicized word. Above each italicized word, identify its part of speech. Use the following abbreviations: PREP for preposition, CONJ for conjunction, INT for interjection. If the italicized word is a preposition, underline the prepositional phrase, and place parentheses around the object of the preposition. PREP Example 1. Have you ever done any volunteer work at your (school)?

    14. OhU, there are many opportunities and jobs for eager volunteers. 15. African clothing is fashionable today for Uboth U men UandU women in the United States. 16. When the twins were adults, they tried building a city Uon U the site where they had been rescued. UIDENTIFYING PARTS OF SPEECHU Identify the part of speech of the italicized word or word group in the following sentences. Write the part of speech above the italicized word or words. Use the following abbreviations: ADJ for adjective, ADV for adverb, N for noun, V for verb, PRON for pronoun, PREP for preposition, CONJ for conjunction, INT for interjection. N Example 1. The jump was not difficult for the young athlete. 17. Neither Carlos nor Jan wanted to go UveryU far into the water. 18. These large tires are made especially UforU that kind of mountain bicycle. 19. Where Uhave you been puttingU the corrected papers? 20. James Ubecame U impatient, but he waited quietly. TEACHERS SIGN: ______________________

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    UCH 4: COMPLEMENTSU PG 124 -139 Date: __________ IDENTIFYING SUBJECTS, VERBS, AND COMPLEMENTS In each of the following sentences, underline each subject once, underline each verb twice, and place parentheses around each complement. (Reminder: A subject, verb, or complement may be compound.) Example 1. UDoloresU sent a (brochure) and newspaper (article) about an exciting festival.

    1. These include educational and sporting activities.

    2. Thousands of people attend the October festival.

    3. The Globe Theatre was a building with eight sides.

    4. My family and I are enthusiastic travelers.

    IDENTIFYING DIRECT OBJECTS AND INDIRECT OBJECTS Underline each direct object once and each indirect object twice in each of the following sentences. Example 1. The jury sent the judge UnotesU at three different times.

    5. Did you pick any of the blueberries yourself?

    6. Everyone thanked me for a job well done.

    7. Are you recycling bottles and cans?

    8. The class asked the author many questions about her popular book.

    9. The art teacher displayed the students paintings.

    10. The coach praised the students for their school spirit.

    IDENTIFYING SUBJECT COMPLEMENTS In the following sentences, underline each subject complement, and identify it as a predicate nominative or a predicate adjective. Above each complement, write PN for predicate nominative or PA for predicate adjective. (Reminder: A complement may be compound.) Example 1. The birthday present that Aunt Jill gave me was Uwhat I truly wantedU.

    11. The downtown mall appeared especially busy today

    IDENTIFYING COMPLEMENTS Each of the following sentences contains an italicized word or word group that is a complement. Identify each of these italicized complements by writing above it DO for direct object, IO for indirect object, PN for predicate nominative, or PA for predicate adjective. PA Example 1. How beautiful the sunrise is!

    12. The coach awarded UherU a varsity letter.

    13. The rules allowed Uus Uonly ten minutes.

    14. The bananas feel Usoft Uand U squishy.

    15. Did you hear the Unews?

    16. The sun grew UhotterU as the day went on.

    17. My sisters room is always UneaterU than mine.

    18. Some perfumes smell Uhorrible U, in my opinion.

    19. Ms. Rosada will be our Spanish UteacherU this fall.GRAMMAR

    20. Josh often looks UtiredU on Monday mornings. TEACHERS SIGN: ______________________

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    IDENTIFYING AND CLASSIFYING PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES In each of the following sentences, underline each prepositional phrase and place parentheses around the word it modifies. Then, classify each prepositional phrase by writing ADJ for adjective phrase or ADV for adverb phrase above the phrase.

    Example ADJ ADV 1. Skyler, our (cat) Ufrom the animal shelterU, (joined) our family shortly Ubefore

    our moveU.

    1. A misunderstanding over some innocent remark may cause trouble.

    2. She often played among the luggage.

    3. A small brown tabby cat, she was good at hiding.

    4. The food is fantastic beyond belief.

    5. None of the items on the menu are too expensive for most people.

    6. During the day the wagon train traveled slowly over the mountains and across plains and deserts.

    IDENTIFYING VERBALS Each of the following sentences contains a verbal (a participle, a gerund, or an infinitive). Underline each verbal. Then, tell what type of verbal it is by writing PART for participle, GER for gerund, or INF for infinitive above the word. GER Example 1. In some cases, Umaking U quilts apparently was serious business.

    7. My sister has always enjoyed riding horseback.

    8. Studying usually pays off in higher scores.

    9. For three weeks, we went to my house to practice. IDENTIFYING VERBAL PHRASES Identify the italicized verbal phrases in each of the following sentences by writing PART for participial phrase, GER for gerund phrase, or INF for infinitive phrase above the phrase. INF Example 1. The number to call in an emergency is 911.

    10. We sat back and enjoyed Uthe slow rocking of.the boat.

    11. Our greatest victory will be Uwinning the state championship.

    12. We used machine oilU to lubricate the chain.

    13. Myths are wonderful stories Upassed on from generation to generation.

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    IDENTIFYING APPOSITIVES AND APPOSITIVE PHRASES Underline the appositive or appositive phrase in each of the following sentences. Example 1. Allen, Uthe best guitarist in the bandU, is only eighteen

    years old.

    14. Ill have a sandwich, tuna salad on a rye bread, please.

    15. Be sure to bring the exact change, fifty cents.

    16. Please order me a drink, a small glass of orange juice.

    17. Pasta, a favorite meal at our house, is quick and easy to prepare.

    18. Have you seen my cat, a long-haired Persian with yellow eyes?

    IDENTIFYING PHRASES For each of the following sentences, identify the italicized phrase by writing PREP for prepositional, PART for participial, GER for gerund, INF for infinitive, or APP for appositive. PART Example 1. Seated in the front row, we could see perfectly.

    19. We saw the raccoon escaping through the backdoor.

    20. To finish what you have started is an accomplishment.

    TEACHERS SIGN: __________________________________

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    Ch 6:U THE CLAUSE U Pg 164 - 183 UDate: _________________

    IDENTIFYING INDEPENDENT AND SUBORDINATE CLAUSES For each of the following sentences, identify the clause in italics as independent or subordinate. Above the clause, write IND for independent or SUB for subordinate. SUB Example 1. When Jeff was in Cub Scouts, he rode on a train for the first time.

    1. If he doesnt get here soon, UIm leaving.

    2. I have not seen him Usince the football game ended.

    3. My dad says never to trust strangers Uwho seem overly friendly.

    4. Free samples were given to Uwhoever asked for them.

    IDENTIFYING ADJECTIVE CLAUSES Identify the adjective clause in each of the following sentences by underlining it once. Then, place parentheses around the relative pronoun or relative adverb in the adjective clause. Finally, underline twice the word or word group to which the pronoun or adverb refers.

    Example 1. There is the house (Uwhere) I spent my childhood U.

    5. The school presented a special award to the student whose work had improved most.

    6. A friend is a person whom you can trust.

    7. The astronauts, to whom travel in the space shuttle is almost routine, must always keep in shape.

    8. The problem that worries us right now is the pollution of underground sources of water.

    9. Coco Chanel is the woman for whom the perfume Chanel no.5 is named.

    IDENTIFYING ADVERB CLAUSES Identify the adverb clause in each of the following sentences by underlining it once. Then, place parentheses around the subordinating conjunction, and underline twice the word or word group to which it refers.

    Example 1. Samuel was treated quickly (Uwhen) he was admitted to the emergency clinicU.

    10. These children once used many natural objects in games since no toy stores existed there at the


    11. The children made balls out of materials such as wood and tree roots before they started playing.

    12. We waited a while until the test results came back.

    13. Apparently, he had simply pulled a muscle while we were playing basketball.

    Teachers Sign: _____________________________

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    IDENTIFYING NOUN CLAUSES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS In each of the following sentences, identify the noun clause by underlining it once. Then, above the noun clause, tell how the noun clause is used by writing S for subject, PN for predicate nominative, DO for direct object, IO for indirect object, or OP for object of a preposition.

    IO Example 1. Please hand Uwhoever has a couponU a free jar of salsa.

    14. Do you know what happened to the rest of my sandwich?

    15. Whoever takes us to the beach is my friend for life.

    16. When Marta wants to get her haircut is up to her.

    17. Whoever wins the student council election will have a great deal of responsibility.

    IDENTIFYING AND CLASSIFYING SUBORDINATE CLAUSES Underline the subordinate clause in each of the following sentences. Then, classify each subordinate clause by writing above it ADJ for adjective clause, ADV for adverb clause, or N for noun clause.

    ADJ Example 1. Japan is one of the few major world powers Uthat still has a royal familyU. 18. The museum contains books, letters, and documents that tell about Roosevelts public life.

    19. Did you get the package that your mother sent?

    20. In the morning they gathered their belongings and left before the sun rose.

    TEACHERS SIGN: _______________________________

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    Chapter 7: SENTENCE STRUCTURE Pg 184 - 199 Date: _____________________ IDENTIFYING SUBJECTS AND VERBS IN SIMPLE SENTENCES In each of the following simple sentences, underline the subject once and the verb twice. (Reminder: The subjects and verbs may be simple or compound.)

    Example 1. UHorses, zebras, donkeysU, and UburrosU are all equines.

    1. Some warriors used shields of wood or animal hides.

    2. By 1800 B.C., the Greeks had made the first metal armor out of bronze.

    3. These were definitely his favorite gifts.

    4. You can see the tiny steel links of the chains in this picture.

    5. For fun after school now, Gabriel and Nathan ride and groom Neige and Jacques.

    IDENTIFYING SUBJECTS, VERBS, AND CONJUNCTIONS IN COMPOUND SENTENCES In each of the following compound sentences, write S above each subject and V above each verb. If the clauses in the sentence are joined by a conjunction, write C above the conjunction. If the clauses are joined by a conjunctive adverb, write CA above the conjunctive adverb.

    Example S V 1. In 1999, Sheila Sisulu was appointed South Africas first female ambassador C S V to the United States, so she prepared to move to Washington, D.C., to begin her work.

    6. According to him, the workers in charge of properties are usually alert and careful; however, they still make mistakes sometimes.

    7. In the early days, her qualifications as a teacher were not recognized by the government; consequently, she taught students in an alternative program.

    8. Audiences at theaters-in-the-round can also be a problem, for they sit very close to the stage 9. During another mystery drama, a spectator became too involved in the play; he leaped up on the

    stage and tackled the villain. 10. Directors cannot always predict the reactions of the audience, nor can they always control the


    Teachers Sign: ___________________________________

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    IDENTIFYING INDEPENDENT CLAUSES AND SUBORDINATE CLAUSES IN SENTENCES In each of the following sentences, underline each independent clause once and each subordinate clause twice. (A sentence may have more than one independent clause and more than one subordinate clause.) Above the subject of each clause, write S, and above the verb in each clause, write V.

    S V S S V V Example 1. As soon as the rain began, Uthe tent U we had Ubegan to leakU, and

    S V Uwe ran U Uto the van. 11. Mrs. Lee is our former neighbor whom we visit when we are in town. 12. When I have time, I hope to read that book that both you and my uncle recommended. 13. Most people who are truly happy enjoy their work. 14. The train trip that I want to take crosses the Rockies, so it should be very scenic. 15. After my brother locked his keys in his car, he had to call for help, which arrived quickly. IDENTIFYING SENTENCE STRUCTURES On the line provided, identify each of the following

    sentences by writing S for simple, CD for compound, CX for complex, or CD-CX for compound-complex. Example 1. CD-CX Although many book reviewers ignored J. K.

    Rowlings first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone,

    readers paid attention, and it became a hit. 16. _______ The book became popular with readers of all ages, and excitement about it


    17. _______ Yoko said that this would be the shortest route, but I disagree. 18. ________ Nobody is worried about that, for it will never happen. 19. _______ That seems to me like the answer to the first problem.

    20. _______ When the rabbit saw us, it ran into the bushes.

    Teacher's Sign: ________________________

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    Chapter 8: AGREEMENT Pg 200 - 229 Date: ______________________ IDENTIFYING VERBS THAT AGREE IN NUMBER WITH THEIR SUBJECTS In each of the following sentences, underline the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Example 1. The alligators at the wildlife park ( UsleepU, sleeps) most of the day.

    1. The swarm of bees (have, has) deserted its hive.

    2. My spelling lessons and science homework sometimes (takes, take ) me hours to finish.

    3. Evenings (is, are) the best time to visit her.

    4. Physics or mathematics (is, are) the subject you should study.

    5. Neither our guava tree nor our fig tree (bears, bear) fruit if we experience a drought.

    6. Either Sylvia or her brothers (scrubs, scrub) the kitchen floor.

    7. The curtains or the bedspread (is, are) on sale.

    8. Most children (likes, like) volcano - shaped pastries known as volcanes.

    9. (Does, Do) your parents know about the new schedule?

    CHOOSING CORRECT PRONOUNS AND IDENTIFYING ANTECEDENTS In each of the following sentences, underline the correct pronoun in parentheses. Then, place parentheses around its antecedent. Example 1. The (class) made up (its, Utheir U) own proverbs after hearing recorded

    passages from Ashley Bryans book.

    10. The trees lost several of (its, their) branches in the storm.

    11. One of my uncles always wears (his, their) belt buckle off to one side.

    12. The flock of ducks flapping (its, their) wings gracefully overhead made very little noise.

    13. When you are finished, be sure to put the scissors back where you found (it, them).

    PROOFREADING SENTENCES FOR SUBJECT-VERB AND PRONOUN-ANTECEDENT AGREEMENT Most of the following sentences contain an error in agreement. Underline each incorrect verb or pronoun, and write the correct form above it. If a sentence is correct, write C on the line provided. is Example 1. The president and chief executive officer UareU Carlos Perez.

    14. _______People in Switzerland has four national languages.

    15. _______ One of Switzerlands larger cities are actually divided between two languages.

    16. _______ Visitors in search of an Italian lifestyle enjoys the Italian-speaking city of Lugano, in the south.

    17. _______ Tom and Mike meet every Friday with his teammates to discuss strategy.

    18. _______ Each club has their own service project.

    19. _______ People who film an animal in its natural habitat face many problems.

    20. _______ All of the students shouted his or her approval.

    Teacher's Sign: ______________________

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    Chapter 9: USING VERBS CORRECTLY Pg 230 - 259 Date: ______________ PROOFREADING SENTENCES FOR CORRECT VERB FORMS Most of the following sentences contain errors in the use of verbs. Draw a line through each incorrect verb form, and write the correct form above it. If a sentence is already correct, write C on the line provided. hid Example 1. The ferret ran into the bedroom and ShidesS under the bed. 1. _____________ Back then, readers founded his stories amazing. 2. ______________ Some people believe that he seen into the future. 3. _____________ We sitted down, and the waiter brought our menus. 4. _____________ Have you ever drunk water with lemon slices in the glasses? 5. ______________My little sister Emilia taked two helpings of salad. 6. _____________ In some of his novels he telled about space exploration and boats that traveled underwater. 7. _____________ I have been write you a letter. 8. _______________ My big brother Mark, drived us there in my Moms car. USING THE DIFFERENT TENSES OF VERBS In each of the following sentences, change the tense of the verb to the tense indicated in parentheses. Underline the original verb form, and write the new form above it. has been cutting Example 1. Lori Uhas cut U hair since the age of eight. (present perfect progressive) 9. James wrote three e-mails to his friends. (future perfect) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. The team knew what to do to win the game. (present) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Miss Devoe told funny stories. (present emphatic) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Teachers Sign: ___________________________

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    IDENTIFYING ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE Decide whether the verb in each of the following sentences is in the active or the passive voice. On the line provided, write AV for active voice or PV for passive voice. Example 1. PV Saris have been worn by women in India for centuries. 12. ____________________________ Saris traditionally have been made of silk. 13. _______________________________ Trees were being blown over by the wind. 14. ______________________________ The snow drifted over the fence and across the road. 15. ______________________________ Mom was amazed by the message. SPECIAL PROBLEMS WITH VERBS: IDENTIFYING THE CORRECT FORMS OF SIT AND SET, LIE AND LAY, RISE AND RAISE Underline the correct verb in parentheses in each of the following sentences. Example 1. Theresa has (lain, UlaidU) the charcoal sketches on the

    desk. 16. Will you (lie, lay) the grass mats on the sand so that we can lie on them? 17. The sun (rises, raises) later each morning. 18. Since I have grown taller, I have (rose, raised) the seat on my bicycle. 19. I had been (sitting, setting) there all day. 20. They had (sat, set) there for fifteen minutes without saying a word to each other.

    Teacher's Sign: ______________________

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    Chapter 18: Worksheet # 1 UWRITING EFFECTIVE SENTENCES U UPg: 480U Date: ________ URevising Fragments and Run-on Sentences DIRECTIONS Decide whether the following word groups are fragments or run-ons. Then, revise each word group to make it clear and complete. Remember to add correct capitalization and punctuation. , the Example 1. After they won the game SThe S team celebrated.

    1. The hunter at the snake when he heard its rattle. __________________________

    2. Leonardo da Vinci was an important Renaissance artist, his drawings reveal that he was also interested in science. ________________________________________

    3. Even though the fire had gone out. _______________________________

    4. Was towed away because it had been parked in a fire lane. ________________________

    5. It snowed last Tuesday we went skiing. ______________________________________

    UCombining Sentences DIRECTIONS Combine the following sentence groups to make one clear and complete

    sentence. Remember to add correct capitalization and punctuation. Use the headings to the left of each set of sentences to guide you.

    who Example 1. Today the term Renaissance person is applied to gifted individuals SThe

    people S are interested in many fields.

    6. UInserting Words U George Washington believed in developing the western United States. His belief was strong.


    7. UInserting Phrases U George Washington rejected the idea of kingship. He later became the

    first president of the United States.


    8. UInserting Phrases U Sammy Sosa started playing major league baseball with the Texas

    Rangers. He started playing major league baseball in 1989.


    9. UInserting Phrases U Next week, Katys uncle will visit. He is a fisherman. ___________________________________________________________________________


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    10. UForming Compound Subjects and Verbs U Manatees live in Floridas Everglades. Panthers live in Floridas Everglades.


    11. UForming Compound Subjects and Verbs U Maria visited the museum with her French

    class. She bought a postcard of the Mona Lisa. ___________________________________________________________________________

    _______________________________________________________________________ 12. UForming Compound Sentences U Lena loves Mexican food. She does not order dishes that

    are too hot and spicy. ___________________________________________________________________________

    _______________________________________________________________________ 13. UForming Compound Sentences U The circus came to town. All of my friends bought

    tickets. ___________________________________________________________________________

    _______________________________________________________________________ 14. UUsing Subordinate Clauses to Combine Sentences U Michelangelo was a Renaissance

    artist. He is famous for painting the Sistine Chapel. ___________________________________________________________________________

    _______________________________________________________________________ 15. UUsing Subordinate Clauses to Combine Sentences U The students ate at an outdoor caf.

    They could watch the boats on the James River. _____________________________________________________________________________

    _____________________________________________________________________ UImproving Sentence Style DIRECTIONS The following sentences are Ustringy or wordy U. Identify them a stringy or wordy and revise each one to improve sentence style. Remember to use correct capitalization and punctuation.

    EExample We went to the store Sand then we wentS to the movies and Sthen we wentS to a restaurant.

    16. We had to cancel the picnic due to the fact that it rained. __________________________ 17. The amusement park had two roller coasters and one was called The Skyscraper and the other was called The Widow Maker. __________________________________

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    18. When the mailman delivered the package, Vanessa had to sign a receipt that showed that she had received what she had been sent. ________________________________ 19. Lester invited us to his computer party and we played video games and we ate spaghetti. _______________________ 20. People travel to Nags Head, North Carolina, and people sun on the beach and people like to fish and leave from nearby Oregon Inlet to go deep-sea fishing. ________________________

    URevising a Passage DIRECTIONS The following passage contains sentences that need to be improved. Using what you have learned, revise the underlined portions. Make your corrections in the space between the lines. Look for sentence fragments run-on sentences stringy sentences wordy sentences and Example Colonel Guion Bluford, Jr., studied hard SHe S became an astronaut.

    21. UGuion Bluford, Jr., the First African American Astronaut

    [1] UAfrican Americans have made important contributions to Americas space program, the

    first African American to travel in space was Colonel Guion S. Bluford, Jr. U [2] UColonel

    Bluford a crew member of the space shuttle Challenger. U He participated in the first night

    launch of a spacecraft.

    Colonel Bluford was born on November 22, 1942, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [3] UAs a

    young boy, he read about airplanes. And built models of them. U In school, he was interested in

    aeronautical engineering. [4] UThe school counselor discouraged Blufords interest in

    aerospace and told him to go into auto mechanics and he also told him to try carpentry. U

    Colonel Bluford was determined to pursue his childhood dream. He earned his Ph.D. in

    aerospace engineering at Penn State University and became a mission specialist for NASA in

    1970. [5] UConducted scientific experiments while on board spacecraft. U When the space shuttle

    Challenger lifted off on August 30, 1983, Colonel Blufords dream came true.

    Teacher's Sign: _____________________________

  • 21

  • 22

    CH 20: UBEAR IN THE FAMILY U DATE: ______________ Worksheet# 1 UREADING SELECTION, Pg: 531, 533, 534

    A personal narrative is a story of an experience in someones life. It focuses on the detailsthe smells, sights, and sounds associated

    with the experience UInformation questions:

    1. What is a personal narrative? A:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. How does the author express his or her thoughts and feelings about the experience? A:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. What do most pet owners have? A:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    UVOCABULARY: U (Write the words 2 times and make your own sentence.)

    WORDS MEANINGS OWN SENTENCES 1. mournful sad The sound of the boy crying was very mournful.

    a. b.

    2. lumbers Walks heavily Most big animals lumber when they move. a. b.

    3. insatiable unsatisfied The little girls thirst for knowledge was insatiable a. b.

    4. cowered Scared and hid The child cowered behind her mother on seeing the tiger in the zoo.



    5. reclusive Keep away from others The handicapped child became too reclusive. a. b.

    6. clambered climbed The athlete clambered on top of the a. b.

    U Write True or False for these sentences:

    1. Buffy cries the first night and sucks the pads of his feet the way a baby would suck its thumb. [ ]

    2. Buffy behaves as an adult. [ ] 3. The event is important to the author as it explains how Buffy came to trust the author. [ ] 4. A wild male black bear was tearing at Buffys pen. [ ] 5. The author became his guardian and provider. [ ]

    TEACHERS SIGN: ________________________________

  • 23

    UCH 20: Worksheet # 2 COMPREHENSION PASSAGE ( Known): U DATE: __________ UBear in the Family Uby Ben Mikaelsen

    The twenty-pound, sixteen-week old rascal who joined our family caught us unprepared. The first night, I lay in bed listening to his haunting cry, a lost, mournful little sound. I crept out and sat near him in his den. After a few minutes he crawled on my lap and sucked the pads on his front feet, voicing his fear with a high pitched clucking sound. I began to hum and rock him. When he finally fell asleep, I tucked him into the straw. The first six months that Buffy lived with us, I rocked him to sleep every night. I spent hours feeding him, playing with him, observing him. At first, every utterance and gesture puzzled me. Because Buffys muscle structure and coordination resembled that of a human, his play was very humanlike. Emotionally the puzzle was much more complex. One moment he would stand and shake his head playfully at a neighbors Angus bull. The next moment he cowered behind me at the sight of a small bum lamb. Originally Buffy nursed from a bottle. When I tried to wean him, he refused to switch over to solid foods. Melanie solved the problem by substituting water. Buffy took one suck and angrily threw the bottle across the pen. Then he ran to retrieve it and sucked hopefully. A second time he flung it. By that night he had abandoned his beloved bottle. . . . Our friendship with Buffy grew painfully slowly. His distrust made him reclusive. I realized that friendship depended on us somehow joining him in his world. That opportunity came all too soon.

    UAnswer in full sentence: 1. How old was the baby bear?

    A:________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did every utterance and gesture of Buffy puzzle the author?

    A:________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did Buffy nurse originally?


    UFind words from the passage which means U:

    1. sad = _______________________________________ 3. simple # _________________________________________ 2. scared = ________________________________________ 4. happily # ___________________________________

    UWhom does the pronoun refer to in the passage: I= _________________________________________________________________________________________________ He= _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    UChoose the best answerU:

    1. Buffys muscle structure and coordination resembled that of a a. human b. bear c. animal ( )

    2. Our friendship with Buffy grew a. fast b. slowly c. painfully ( )

    3. When I tried to wean him, he refused to switch over to a. milk b. water c. solid foods ( )

    UWrite True (T) or False (F):

    1. The first six months that Buffy lived with us, I rocked him to sleep every night. [ ] 2. Melanie solved the problem by substituting solid foods. [ ] 3. On the first night, he crawled onto the authors lap and cried mournfully. [ ]

    TEACHERS SIGN: _________________

  • 24

    CH 20: Worksheet # 3 UGRAPHIC ORGANIZER U Pg: 536 DATE: ________

    UIdentifying the Implied Main Idea Identify the implied main idea in Bear in the Family, which begins on page 533, and make a graphic organizer.

    Supporting Supporting details from details from second section first section

    implied main idea of


    Supporting Supporting details from details from third section fourth section UPg 540: Identifying Implied Main Ideas Read the following passage and identify the implied main idea? Bats have many helpful features. Since bats have a good sense of smell, they can easily find food and their roosts. While some bats can see to move about and find food, other bats that cannot see well depend on echoes. As they fly, the bats that use echoes make high frequency sounds that bounce back to them, telling them the locations of objects around them. Five hook-like claws on each foot allow bats to hang safely from rocks and trees. Although bats have a reputation for being dangerous, they tend to be shy. They come out only at night, and they live in dark places. Bats use their special features to avoid contact with predators. Bats stay away from predators such as cats, snakes, and owls by hanging from their claws in high places. Which of the following is the implied main idea of the passage? A. Bats are dangerous to humans. B. Bats are well equipped to survive in the wild. C. Bats are vulnerable because they cannot see or smell. D. Bats are afraid of most other living things.

    TEACHERS SIGN: ______________________

  • 25

    CH 20: Worksheet # 4 UWRITINGU: Choosing Relevant Details Date: __________

    URelevant details U help readers focus on the main idea. Pg 545

    U Irrelevant detailsU take readers away from the main idea. Identify at least five details in the following paragraph. Using the steps above, classify each detail as relevant or irrelevant. Last Tuesday, my friend Marikas birthday, we went on a field trip to the aquarium. Inside the aquarium it was gloomy. The only light came from the fish tanks, which were like giant, silent TV screens. My grandmother eats fish on Friday. Hammerhead sharks soared across the tank in front of us. Our class quietly watched the eerily gliding twenty-foot fish. RELEVANT DETAILS

    1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    IRRELEVANT DETAILS 4. _________________________________________________________________________


    5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    TEACHERS SIGN: ________________________________

  • 26

    CH 20: Worksheet # 5 UDESCRIPTIVE LETTER (UPg 557 ) Date:__________________

    Write a letter to a friend describing a pet in detail. You may describe your own or someone elses pet, or the pet you wish you had. STEP 1: Read the prompt at least twice. (I should write a letter to my friend describing a pet.) STEP 2: Identify the task. (My audience is a friend. My purpose is to describe something. The format for this response is a letter.) STEP 3: Use your own experiences STEP 4: Write your response.

    ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEACHERS SIGN: ________________________________

    Smooth white fur

    Soft, fluffy tail


    My kitten

    Actions Walks between legs

    Sips milk and eats meat

    Use the conceptual map to develop details and put them in an order that makes sense, such as spatial order or order of importance.

  • 27

    CH 20: Worksheet # 6 UGRAMMAR U Pg: 533 Date: ______________

    Using and Punctuating Dialogue Punctuating dialogue can be tricky. Here are some rules to help you handle some typical problems with dialogue. A persons exact words go inside quotation marks, and so do commas and periods. Question marks and exclamation points go inside quotation marks only when what the person said is a question or an exclamation. Nonsense! said my mother. What? I cried. Can you believe she said Do it now? A sentence in quotation marks is often interrupted to identify who is speaking. The second part of the quotation begins with a lowercase letter. You wont get much business until lunch, said my mother, and then Ill help you. When the second part of an interrupted quotation is a complete sentence, it begins with a capital letter. Nonsense, said my mother. You can do it. On your own paper, revise the following sentences by adding quotation marks and correcting capitalization where necessary. Example: 1. Let me help you, Ms. Muoz said. I can teach you an easy way to make change. 1. Let me help you, Ms. Muoz said. I can teach you an easy way to make change.

    1. I can do this, I thought. __________________________________________________________________________

    2. Would you like cream, I asked, or sugar in your coffee? __________________________________________________________________________

    3. He said, I need a napkin to wipe up this spill. __________________________________________________________________________

    4. Here is your change, I said. Thank you for coming and enjoy your day. __________________________________________________________________________

    5. What will I call my future restaurant? I wondered aloud. __________________________________________________________________________

    Teachers Sign: _____________________________

  • 28

    UACTIVITYU: UCREATE A WORLD U Pg: 561 Date: ___________

    Create a photo collage of an important event in your life. Collect images that fit the event from magazines and newspapers, and arrange them in an eye catching way. Share your experience with other classmates by explaining how the images tell the story.

    TEACHERS SIGN: ________________________________

  • 29

    CH 20: Worksheet # 7 USPELLING & VOCABULARYU Date: __________________

    1. URearrange the lettersU: A. n/n/c/y/o/a/ __________________________ B. m/u/l/r/e/b __________________________ C. h/r/s/a/e/e/c/r _________________________ D. l/u/d/z/p/e/z ___________________________ E. t/e/b/t/l/o ____________________________

    2. UFill in the missing letters:

    a) mo___rn____ul b) in___atia____le c) co___e____ed

    d) re____lu____ive e) cla___ber____d f) lu___be____s

    3. UChoose the correct spellingU: a) Homurous, Humorous, Humurus, Homores b) Stranger, strainjer, strangar, staranjar c) Uttaerunce, Utterans, Utterance, Uterence d) Crawled, Crauld, Craylud, Srauled e) Reclucive, Riclusave, Reclusive, Recluecive

    4. UFill in the blanks with the correct word:

    a. The author had an insatiable fascination for ( rabbit, bears, cats, parrots). b. I lay in bed listening to his haunting cry, a lost, (mournful, happy, small,

    angry) little sound. c. Because Buffys muscle structure and coordination resembled that of a human,

    his play was very (humanlike, animal like, playful, complex) d. When he finally fell asleep, I (tucked, threw, clambered, fell) him into the


    ********************END OF CHAPTER 20 **************************** TEACHERS SIGN: ________________________________,r:5,s:11,i:104,r:5,s:11,i:104,r:5,s:11,i:104,r:5,s:11,i:104,r:5,s:11,i:104

  • 30

  • 31

    EGYPTIAN MUMMIES: DATE: ______________ CH 21: Worksheet# 1 UREADING SELECTION, Pg: U563, 565, 566 UInformation questions:

    1. Where do you find answers to basic questions? A:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. What is a complex process? A:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. What is the need to examine a complex process? A:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    UVOCABULARY: U (Write the words 2 times and make your own sentence.) WORDS MEANINGS OWN SENTENCES

    1. elaborate Thoroughly worked out

    The teacher elaborated the lesson for the students.

    2. embalming The methods of placing a dead

    body in oil.

    The Egyptians preserve the dead bodies by embalming them

    3. anatomy Cutting up a body.

    Doctors study about anatomy of the human body.

    4. disfigure To destroy the

    form of The accident disfigured her face.

    5. recognizable 1TAble to be known from a previous


    Her attempts to improve her language skills were recognizable from the test results.

    6. preoccupied Completely possessed My father is preoccupied with his job.

    UPut ( T ) or ( F ) :

    1. People did not want to be recognized as themselves in the After- life. ( ) 2. The unused jars served as symbols rather than as tools. ( ) 3. The step of removing the internal organs needed to be done last. ( ) 4. Different craftsmen, artists, and workers need not work at the same time to meet

    the deadline. ( ) 5. Only people who were rich and happy in the present life were interested in

    mummification. ( ) TEACHERS SIGN: ________________________________

  • 32

    UCH 21: Worksheet # 2 COMPREHENSION PASSAGE ( Known):U Pg 565, 566 DATE: ____________ UEGYPTIAN MUMMIES

    The method of embalming, or treating the dead body, that the ancient Egyptians used is called mummification. Using special processes, the Egyptians removed all moisture from the body, leaving only a dried form that would not easily decay. It was important in their religion to preserve the dead body in as life like a manner as possible. The mummification process took seventy days. Special priests worked as embalmers, treating and wrapping the body. Beyond knowing the correct rituals and prayers to be performed at various stages, the priests also needed a detailed knowledge of human anatomy. The first step in the process was the removal of all internal parts that might decay rapidly. The brain was removed by carefully inserting special hooked instruments up through the nostrils in order to pull out bits of brain tissue. It was a delicate operation, one which could easily disfigure the face. The embalmers then removed the organs of the abdomen and chest. . . . They left only the heart in place, believing it to be the center of a persons being and intelligence. The other organs were preserved separately, with the stomach, liver, lungs, and intestines placed in special boxes or jars today called canopic jars. These were buried with the mummy. In later mummies, the organs were treated, wrapped, and replaced within the body. Even so, unused canopic jars continued to be part of the burial ritual.

    UAnswer in full sentence:U 1. What is mummification? A:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What did special priests work as? A:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How are the other organs preserved? A:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    UGive the synonyms or antonyms for the following words: 1. Treating the dead body = ____________________ 3. alive #_____________ 2. Cutting up a body =___________________ 4. external #_______________ UChoose the best answer U: 1. The mummification process took _______________ days.(seventy, twenty, sixty) 2. Special ______________worked as embalmers, treating and wrapping the body. ( Egyptians, priests, mummies) 3. The _____________was removed by carefully inserting special hooked instruments. (brain, intestines, liver) U Write True ( T ) or False ( F ) U: 1. The first step in the process was the removal of all internal parts that might decay

    rapidly. ( ) 2. It was important in their religion to preserve the dead body in a lifelike manner ( ) 3. They left only the lungs in place, believing it to be the center of a persons being and intelligence. ( )

    Write your own sentences: 1. Religion:________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Intelligence___________________________________________________________________________________

    TEACHERS SIGN: ________________

  • 33

    CH 21: Worksheet 3 UChronological OrderU Pg 569 Date: ________________

    Chronological Order Most process pieces are written in chronological order to explain the steps of a process in the order in which they take place. To tell whether an article is written in chronological order, look for signal words or transitions such as these: After before first once until as during next second when at last finally now then while These signal words or transitions can help you put together the small parts of the big picture. Finding Chronological Order Look for words that signal chronological order in Egyptian Mummies on pages 5153. Then, make a time line showing the steps in the process of mummification, in chronological order. WORDS: _________________________________________________________________________________________



    Consider the passage below and the question that follows it. In 1999, archaeologists discovered three perfectly preserved Incan mummies high atop a volcano in the Andes Mountains of Argentina. Unlike many other mummies, these mummies were preserved by nature, not by the efforts of humans. The extreme cold of the mountains freeze-dried the boy and two girls 500 years ago. Buried with the mummies were valuable artifacts, including gold and silver statues, beautiful fabrics, and pots of food. Ancient cultures as far away as Siberia and Egypt surrounded their mummies with similar treasures. Based on the passage, what do the frozen Incan mummies have in common with mummies preserved by humans? A. Five hundred years ago, people were creating both kinds of mummies. B. Both methods of mummification were used by most ancient cultures. C. Both were considered important enough to be buried with valuable objects. D. Children, as well as adults, were made into both kinds of mummies.

    Teacher's Sign: ___________________

  • 34

    CH 21: Worksheet 4 Eliminating Jargon Pg 577 Date: ________ Jargon is specialized vocabulary used in a particular field. You might have trouble understanding jargon if you know little about the field. Eliminating jargon is important in writing about a complex process.

    Here are two ways you can help readers understand technical terms. _ Add a definition, either right before or right after the term. _ Eliminate the jargon by stating the idea in words your audience will understand. Clarify the meaning of the italicized word in each sentence by either adding a definition or rephrasing the idea. You may check a dictionary to define unfamiliar terms.

    1. Ancient bacteria can be revived because their spores have survived in amber. _____________________________________________________________________________________________



    2. Workers at the motorcycle plant true the wheels and then adjust the spokes. _____________________________________________________________________________________________



    3. A rainbow is formed when light passing through water droplets is refracted. _____________________________________________________________________________________________



    4. The success of the football team will depend on the effectiveness of its red zone defense. _____________________________________________________________________________________________



    5. The bats sonar, which makes it an excellent hunter, is more accurate than the navys. _____________________________________________________________________________________________



    Teacher Sign: __________________________

  • 35

    CH 21: Worksheet # 5 UWRITINGU Pg 590 Date: __________________

    Write a letter to a younger child explaining how to do something that helps you succeed in school. Explain the steps involved and provide details that elaborate on each step. Skills that help me succeed in school: making friends, using time between classes efficiently _ finishing homework on time. Time line for finishing homework on time 1. Write due date. 2. Put work in notebook. 3. Do work before watching TV. 4. Bring work on due date. Possible elaborations: Step 1: Tell students to do this so they will not forget when assignments are due. Step 2: Explain that they should do this to keep from losing assignments. Step 3: Tell them that doing homework right away will be easier than trying to do it late at night when they are sleepy. Step 4: Explain that this will keep them from losing points for late work.



















    Teachers Sign: ________________________

  • 36

    CH 21: Worksheet # 6 UGRAMMARU Pg 585 Date: _____________ Punctuating Introductory Words and Phrases When you use chronological order, you will often start sentences with introductory words and phrases. To determine if you need to use a comma to separate these words and phrases from the rest of the sentence, follow these rules.

    1. If the meaning of the sentence is clear, the comma is optional. Comma In two weeks, the county will Optional pave the road.

    2. Use a comma after a short phrase if the sentence might be misunderstood without it. Comma In the winter, snow often Needed causes delays in road work.

    3. Use a comma after introductory words such as yes, no, and well. A comma lets readers pause where a speaker would.

    Incorrect Yes the road is now ready. Correct Yes, the road is now ready.

    4. Use a comma after any long phrase that begins a sentence. A comma separates a sentence into chunks of meaning.

    Incorrect After the wear and tear of several years of traffic the road will need to be resurfaced. Correct After the wear and tear of several years of traffic, the road will need to be resurfaced.

    Correct the following sentences by adding commas where necessary. Write a C next to sentences that are already correct. For each sentence, note which rule you are applying.

    1. Clearly eating a meal is only the first part of the digestive process. ________________________________________________________________________________

    2. To move food along the esophagus contracts. ________________________________________________________________________________

    3. For several hours food is digested in the stomach. ________________________________________________________________________________

    4. Through tiny openings in the walls of the small intestine nutrients enter the bloodstream.


    5. Finally you have the energy you need.


    Teacher's Sign: ___________________

  • 37

    CH 21: Worksheet # 7 UCREATING GRAPHICS U Date: _______________ Identify which graphic might help readers understand a process better and which might confuse readers.


    ULabel the types of graphics shown below :

    1. _____________________ 2. ______________________ 3. _________________________

    UIdentify the title, label & caption for the picture below:

    ___________________________ Teacher s Sign: _________________________

    Engineers can raise the water level inside the lock chamber to the higher water level or lower it to the lower water level to allow ships to pass.

  • 38

    CH 21: Worksheet # 8 USPELLING & VOCABULARYU Date: _______________ URearrange the lettersU: A. n/e/l/i/n _______________________ B. r/u/l/e/f/a/n _______________________

    C. s/i/a/u/t/l/r _______________________ D. c/b/a/e/h/m/r _______________________

    UFill in the missing letters:U a) e__ba___ming b) a___at___my c) di___fig__re d) rec___gni___able e) ela___or___te f) pr___occ___pied UChoose the correct spellingU: a) Ancient ansient anciant - anchient b) Peresirve Presave- Preserve- Perserve c) Preists Prests Periests - Priests

    d) Ceremony Serimony Ciremany - Ciremny e) Barials Burials Buryals Puriels

    Memorize this poem (Pg 588)

    An Elephant Is Hard to Hide by Jack Prelutsky

    An elephant is hard to hide, its rather tall, its fairly wide, it occupies a lot of space, you just cant put it anyplace. Its quite an unrewarding chore to try and cram it in a drawer, a closets somewhat better, but youre apt to find the door wont shut. An elephant beneath your bed will manifest1 both tail and head, and in the tub, theres little doubt that it will soon be singled out. An elephant wont simply sit, it tends to move about a bit, this trait, when coupled with its size makes it a nightmare to disguise. An elephant, if kept around is almost certain to be found, your parents may suspect ones near when peanuts start to disappear. An elephant is hard to hide, I know its so, because Ive tried, my family should detect it soon . . . TEACHERS SIGN: ________________________________ I brought it home this afternoon.

  • 39

  • 40

    CH 22: U I Can't Hear You!U Worksheet# 1 UREADING SELECTION, Pg: 601, 602 U DATE: ___________ UInformation questions:

    1. What helps you explore the world from two angles? A:_______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What does cause and effect generate? A:_______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What helps us to make sense of the world around us? A:________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does a cause and effect relationship show? A: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    UVOCABULARY: U (Write the words 2 times and make your own sentence.) WORDS MEANINGS OWN SENTENCES

    1. pulsating Regular beat

    2. shrill Piercing or high-pitched

    My sister has a shrill voice.

    3. impaired Not working

    Her hearing was impaired because of the loud sound.

    4. susceptible Easily affected

    The little baby is susceptible to infection.

    5. amplified 1TTo become louder or

    stronger The amplified sound of the stereo was too disturbing.

    6. auditory To do with hearing The auditory organ in human beings is the ear.

    1. What physical effects does Kate link to her hearing loss? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    UPut ( T ) or ( F ) : 1. Loud noises we live with everyday do not cause hearing loss. ( ) 2. Americans cause their own hearing loss by playing music too loudly. ( ) 3. Years of listening to loud music caused hearing loss in many people over twenty. ( ) 4. People can prevent hearing loss by turning down the volume of music they listen to. ( ) UArrange the four linked events, which describe hearing loss, in order. a. Cells attached to the damaged cilia die. [ ] b. Hearing loss results. [ ] c. Loud sound waves damage the cilia in the cochlea by bending and breaking them. [ ] d. The death of these cells damages the process of sending signals to the brain. [ ]

    TEACHERS SIGN: ________________________________

  • 41

    UCH 22: Worksheet # 2 COMPREHENSION PASSAGE ( Known):UPg 601- 602 DATE: ____________ UI Cant Hear You!

    Kate, seventeen, suffers from tinnitus, a constant ringing in her ears. She says the disease has built up gradually over years of listening to loud noises, including shrill machinery at a factory where she worked, and blaring music. Audiologists, or hearing specialists, identify both as leading causes of hearing problems. Americans, they say, play their personal and car stereos too loud, expose themselves to gun blasts too often, and fail to complain about uncomfortably loud work environments. As a result, twenty-eight million Americans suffer from impaired hearing. . . . Many rock-and-rollers over forty have been diagnosed with hearing loss and have begun wearing hearing aids. . . . A hearing loss in middle age is bad enough. But now even teens are developing hearing problems. Kate first noticed her tinnitus when she was thirteen. Four years later, she says that the ringing is worse and that she often has difficulty hearing what people say. Especially loud noises, like the rock concert, actually cause her pain.

    UAnswer in full sentence:

    1. What does Kate suffer from? A:_________________________________________________________________

    2. Who are audiologists? A:__________________________________________________________________

    UFind the words from the passage for the following words and then make a sentence of your own:

    1. Constant ringing in the ears = _________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. High- pitched = __________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    UChoose the best answerU:

    1. As a result, twenty-eight million Americans suffer from impaired ________________. a. speech b. hearing c. sight ( )

    2. ______________________ play their personal and car stereos too loud. a. Americans b. Africans c. Nepalese ( ) 3. A hearing loss in __________________ is bad enough. a. boys b. middle-age c. ladies ( )

    UWrite True (T) or False (F):

    1. Loud noises, like the rock concert, actually cause pain. [ ] 2. Kate, seventeen, suffers from tinnitus, a constant ringing in her eyes. [ ] 3. Audiologists are hearing specialists. [ ]

    TEACHERS SIGN: ________________

  • 42

    CH 22: Worksheet # 3a Cause-and-Effect Relationships Pg: 604, 605 DATE: __________

    Causes Only: This type of explanation focuses on two or more causes of one effect. Ex: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UEffects OnlyU: This type of explanation focuses on two or more effects of one cause. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UCause-and-Effect Chain U: In this explanation, one cause leads to an effect, which causes another effect, and so on. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Teachers Sign:___________________________ CH 22: Worksheet # 3b Cause-and-Effect Relationships Pg: 607 DATE: __________

    A cause is an action or event that makes something else happen. An effect is the result of a cause. Cause-and effect articles explain _ why or how one thing leads to another. _ what happens as a result of a certain action or event.







    Effect Effect/ Cause Cause

  • 43

    TEACHERS SIGN: _____________________

    Finding Causes and Effects In I Cant Hear You! Bob Hugel explores the causes of hearing loss. In the graphic organizer that follows, analyze the cause and effects and fill in the chain.

    Loud stereos

    Cells attached to cilia eventual-ly die.

    effect / cause effect / cause effect / cause Effec


  • 44

    CH 22: Worksheet # 4 UWRITINGU: Pg 614, 616 Date: _________

    U Writing a Cause and Effect Essay U

    Help Box : With the help of the help box given below, Write a cause and effect essay. Write the main idea statement. Give a proper title for the essay.


