Chapter 1-2.doc


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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1-2.doc


    Chapter 1

    Modeling: the process of identifying the principal physical

    dynamic effects to be considered in analyzing a system, writing

    the differential and algebraic equations from the conservation

    and property laws, and reducing the equations to a convenient

    differential equation form.

    System: a system is a set of interacting components connected

    together in such a way that the variation or response in the state

    of one component affects the state of the others.

    Static system: a system that has an output response to an inputthat does not change with time.

    Dynamic system: a system that has a response to an input that is

    not instantaneously proportional to the input or disturbance and

    that may continue after the input is held constant. Dynamic

    systems can respond to input signals, disturbance signals, or

    initial conditions.

    We will study four major types of dynamic systems:

    Mechanical systems: systems that possess significant mass,

    inertia, and spring and energy dissipation components driven by

    forces, torques, displacements, and velocities. Eamples would

    include cars, airplane, bicycle suspensions, etc.

    Electrical systems: systems that include electrical circuits withresistive, capacitive, and!or inductive components ecited by

    voltage or current.

    Fluid systems: systems that employ orifices, restrictions, control

    valves, accumulators "capacitors#, long tubes "inductors#, and

    actuators ecited by pressure or fluid flow. Eamples include

    city water systems, hydraulic power systems, pneumatic power

    or control systems, etc.


  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1-2.doc


    Mixed systems: a combination of two or three of the above

    system types. Eamples include electric motors, microphones

    and spea&ers, solenoid actuators, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic or

    pneumatic actuators, electronic hydraulic servo control valves,


    Transient response: the transient response of a dynamic system

    to an eternal input refers to the behavior of the system as it

    ma&es a transition from the initial condition to the final


    Steady state: the state of a dynamic system after all of thetransients have died out.

    Settling time: the time it ta&es a dynamic system to reach

    'steady state'.

    Transfer function: the ratio of the output to the input for a

    system with zero initial conditions as determined by the (aplace


    State-space form: ) set of simultaneous first*order differential

    equations describing the dynamics of a system.

    State variables: the dependent variables of each first*order

    differential equation when in state*space form. +he state

    variables represent the dynamic response variables of the


    System order: the number of independent derivatives in the

    dynamic equations of motion for a system.


  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1-2.doc


    Modeling of dynamic systems:

    Model formulation

    Conservation laws Differential equations

    (inear momentum

    )ngular momentum


    /ass Energy

    Engineering properties

    0iscous friction

    oulomb friction





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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1-2.doc


    Conservation of mass

    +he net mass flow rate at a location is equal to the rate of

    change, with respect to time, of the mass at that location.

    [ ]

    +== ###dt


    6r, if we use the concept of a 'fluid capacitor', then the sum of

    all mass flow rates is zero:

    [ ] -=


    dm net

    Conservation of energy

    +he 3stlaw of +hermodynamics: +he sum of all power "heat

    transfer, mechanical power, and thermal power# in and out of a

    system is equal to the rate at which energy is being stored in a

    control volume of the system.


    neth m$mv








    Property laws:

    Mechanical systems:Damping, viscous friction, coulomb friction, spring stiffness,

    mechanical inductance "F%ma#

    Electrical systems:

    2esistance, capacitance, inductance

    Fluid systems:

    8luid resistance, fluid capacitance, fluid inductance

    ngineering systems similarity

    9ystems similarity: modeling of many physically different &inds

    of dynamic systems result in the same or similar differential

    equations and have similar response behaviors.

    ffort and flow variables

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    1n every discipline, the variables used to write the differential

    equations can be classified as effort or flow variables.

    Effort variable: a system variable that epresses the effort which

    can be placed on a component of a dynamic system.

    /echanical effortforce!torque

    Electrical effortvoltage

    8luid effortpressure

    Flow variable: a system variable that epresses the flow, or rate

    of change with time, of a system variable.

    /echanical flowvelocity

    Electrical flowcurrent8luid flowvolumetric flow rate

    &mpedance: the ratio of effort to flow variables for a given

    energy storage element.

    Effort impedancexflow

    Dynamic systems elements:

    )ll dynamic systems can be represented by elements. +here arethree main types of elements: dissipative, effort storage, and

    flow storage.

    Dissipative elements: elements that dissipate energy "or provide

    a way for energy to be released from a system#. +hey do not

    store energy and are described by algebraic equations.

    Effort storage elements: store energy by virtue of the effort

    variable, and are capacitive.



    Effort storageelements are capable of storing potential energy.

    For mechanical systems:


    3velocity =




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    +he capacitive element in mechanical systems is the spring,

    which stores potential energy.

    For electrical systems:

    = voltage



    For fluid systems:

    = pressure



    Flow storageelements: store energy by virtue of the flow

    variable. +hese are inductive in nature.

    = flowinductanceeffortdt


    &nductiveelements can store &inetic energy.

    For mechanical systems:



    locityangular veinertiatorque





    /ass or inertia is mechanical inductance.

    For electrical systems:

    = currentinductancevoltagedt


    For fluid systems:

    = rateflowinductancepressuredt
