Champagne wishes & Caviar dreams



Novella set in Second Life that follows the adventures of Earl and Rhonda.

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“And what time do you call this?” Rhonda asked curtly, trying to hide the way her heart still leapt when she set eyes on Earl, even after all these years.

"Hiya sweet cheeks! How is the most breath taking woman in the world tonight!?"

“Oh, I can never stay mad at my sunshine even when you're late home.”

"Well Rhonda, I did try to get home sooner but you know how it is. Lottery line was around the corner tonight! damn near froze my balls off waiting, everyone wants that 50 million dollars. Oh, Pinky, said hi ,she'll be coming over this week. Something smells GOOOD! What’s cooking good lookin?!"

“Jesus, Earl, use the damn air freshener. Dinners ready.”

"This is gooooood peaches, what one is this one?! Love your dinners hon.”

Rhonda watches Earl eat their dinner with his usual enthusiasm and wonders, briefly, what it would be like to be married to a man who used cutlery.

“Rrrrrrrhonda? peaches? Di..di….did…did he just say ‘02..20..08..06..11..13?’”

“Honeyyyyyyyyyyy! Those aren't all our numbers -02,20,08.06.11,13 ...... should be 31 not 13 ... WHAT?! ... You accidently switched the last number? Our wedding?! You got our wedding date wrong?!!! Are you crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy?! Oh lordy, I love you crazy!”

"Rooo? did he just say what I think he said?!"

“Earlllllllllllll! We W


"Sweeet..*gurgle...cough.*…. Jesus, love … love .. *moan* …. peachhhhh…"

