Ch. 2 Sec. 3 Birth of the American Republic Today’s Standard 10.2 Students compare and contrast...


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Slide 2 Ch. 2 Sec. 3 Birth of the American Republic Slide 3 Todays Standard 10.2 Students compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution of England, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution and their enduring effects worldwide on the political expectations for self-government and individual liberty. 10.2.1 Understand the unique character of the American Revolution, its spread to other parts of the world, and its continuing significance to other nations. Slide 4 Todays Objective Essential Question- How did the Enlightenment influence the American Revolution, and the Bill of Rights? Slide 5 Ch.2 Sec. 3 Vocabulary PictureYour ExplanationDefinitionTerm 1. Stamp Act 2. popular sovereignty 3.Federal republic 4. Thomas Jefferson 5. George Washington 6. James Madison 7. Benjamin Franklin Slide 6 Britain's Global Prominence 1700s Britain is major world power Location Center of the world Good business and few trade restrictions Wealthy controlled Spanish slave trade Strong military won most conflicts England Slide 7 Britain and its American Colonies American colonies controlled by Britain (King George III- 1760) Population & Economy booming Began experiencing a new sense of identity for colonists Navigation Acts: Colonists can only sell to Britain; high taxes on imports from foreign countries Slide 8 Hostilities Grow Stamp Act 1765: imposed taxes on anything that was printed Outraged over taxation w/out representation Boston Tea Party 1773: Sam Adams organizes raid to protest tax on tea British troops occupy Boston Continental Congresses: Representatives ignored by Kings Slide 9 The Shot Heard Around the World April 19, 1775: British & colonists exchange gunfire in Lexington, MA Colonists raise army under command of George Washington The American Revolution Begins!!! Enlightenment ideas used to justify independence Slide 10 Influence of Enlightenment Declaration of Independence 1776: Thomas Jefferson infl. by John Locke overthrow unjust ruler Unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, and Property Lockes Natural Rts Popular sovereignty all govt power comes from people "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed. Why is this such an important document to the United States? What did it represent to the Colonists? Slide 11 Success for Colonists Strong motivation b/c homeland British generals made several mistakes War for British terribly expensive = 3,000 miles away France helps & Cornwallis surrenders (1781); Treaty of Paris 1783 Slide 12 Americans Create a Republic First US Constitution = Articles of Confederation (1781) Problem = weak national govt New, Revised Constitution (1787) Debated for 4 months Created Federal System w/ 3 branches (exec., legis., & judicial) 3 branches = checks & balances Slide 13 Do you know your RIGHTS? With a partner write down as many of the 10 amendments (Bill of Rights) that you know. Open your book (p. 97-98) and read over the first 10 amendments Decide with your partner what right you value the most Summarize this right and explain why you chose (4-5 sentences) Slide 14 Bill of Rights Some people feared federal govt too strong Created Bill of Rights to protect citizens rights First 10 Amendments to Constitution Freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, etc.
