CEO/Principal’s Message - Mater Dei · PDF fileCEO/Principal’s Message ... Canteen...


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Mater Dei Fortnightly Newsletter 5 May 2017

CEO/Principal’s Message Dear Parents and Carers, I am sure that like me, you often think that there is too much noise in the world;

too many devices, too much access, too many opinions, too much accountability

and too little peace. Perhaps one of the reasons our lives and communities

become fractured is because there is too little silence, too little peace and too

little time for reflection. Together, all of that means no room for wisdom. Recently

I came across the following prayer;

Let us pray for wisdom. Let us pause from thinking and empty our mind. Let us

stop the noise. In the silence let us listen to our heart. The heart which is buried

alive. Let us be still and wait and listen carefully. A sound from the deep, from

below. A faint cry. A week tapping. Distant muffled feelings from within. The

cry for help.

We shall rescue the emtombed heart. We shall bring it to the surface, to the light

and the air. We shall nurse it and listen respectfully to its story. The heart’s

story of pain and suffocation, of darkness and yearning. We shall help our

feelings to live in the sun. Together again we shall find relief and joy.

Term Two has begun with a flurry of activity including a beautiful Principal’s

Assembly last Friday commemorating Anzac Day and celebrating the success of

our annual golf day which raised $86k; an extraordinary result. We also handed

out Principal’s Awards including our first ever silver award; congratulations to

Jack Conroy in 6 Samaritan. At the same time we are preparing for our annual

Ladies Lipstick Luncheon next Friday, 12 May. Term Two is a shorter term and so

we look forward to making the most of every opportunity as it presents in the

next seven weeks.

Best wishes,

Tony Fitzgerald,


Pictured above - Annual Mater Dei Golf Day

Mater Dei Fortnightly Newsletter 5 May 2017

Project Compassion

We were very successful in fundraising for this

wonderful charity. Throughout term one, there were a number of initiatives that assisted with the

fundraising. The students brought in money on our

‘Gold Coins Collection’ Day. One of our Admin staff, Carmen Nardi, has been very generous with bringing

delicious baked delights to sell with all the money raised going towards Project Compassion. The staff

has been generous with their money donations for morning tea, Pancake Tuesday and for purchasing

Carmen’s baked goodies. So a special thank you to

Carmen! A total of $500 has been collected for this worthy project! Well done Mater Dei!!

Jacqueline Gorey Leader of Mission & Vision

Focus in Faith Anzac Day On 25 April a number of students and their parents

represented Mater Dei at the ANZAC Parade in Camden. Ethan and Nathan did a wonderful job carrying the Mater

Dei banner and Emma and Ben were very respectful with

the laying of the wreath. ANZAC Day goes beyond the anniversary of the landing on Gallipoli in 1915. It is the

day on which we remember all Australians who served and died in war and on operational service. The spirit of

ANZAC, with its qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our

sense of national identity. On Friday, 28 April, the staff

and students of Mater Dei participated in an ANZAC Day Liturgy to commemorate this solemn occasion. Thank you

to 6 Samaritan who lead the school for this important National day of reflection and gratitude.

The Sacramental Program

Bishop Peter will be present at our Mater Dei Chapel on 5

August, to celebrate these important catholic milestones for our students. I will be preparing the students for their

special sacraments on a Friday during school time. More information about the Mass will be provided as the date

draws nearer.

Focus in Faith cont.

Mother’s Day Liturgy Monday, 15 May is our school Mother’s Day

Liturgy. It will be held at 9:30am in the Sr Carmela Ritchie Hall – all mothers and grandmothers (and

other family members) are warmly invited to attend. Morning tea will be provided afterwards in our staff

courtyard from 10:30am to 11:15am.

This evening is coming up on Wednesday, 17 May at

7pm in the Hall – invitations to parents and carers of

all Year 10, 11 and 12 students have gone home today. It is an ongoing expectation that a family

representative from each of our Year 12 families attends this important evening as Year 12 parent/

carers will be able to book in for their students SLES Assessment timeslot. We once again have a large

number of service providers in attendance and hope to

see as many families as possible from Year 10 and 11 as well.

Mater Dei Post School Program (PSP) Information Evening

Canteen Please note that canteen has now resumed. Orders

should be placed in a brown paper bag or Stickybeaks bag. Orders must be received by canteen on

Thursday at the latest. Thank you.

Mater Dei Fortnightly Newsletter 5 May 2017

A reminder that Friday, 26 May is our Term Two pupil

free day. Our staff will be undertaking professional

learning opportunities on this day, so students are not

required to attend school.

Upcoming Pupil Free Day

This fortnight’s newsletter looks at student supports for

students who have been diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder.

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in

Australia. On average, one in four people – one in three women and one in five men – will experience anxiety at

some stage in their life. It is more than just feeling stressed or worried. While stress and anxious feelings are

a common response to a situation where we feel under

pressure, they usually pass once the stressful situation has passed, or ‘stressor’ is removed. Anxiety is when

these anxious feelings don't subside – when they're ongoing and exist without any particular reason or cause.

It’s a serious condition that makes it hard to cope with daily life.

There are numerous kinds of Anxiety Disorders, or conditions where anxiety is prominent, including: Social &/

or Specific Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Selective Mutism, Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Generalised

Anxiety Disorder. The symptoms of anxiety conditions are sometimes not all that obvious and while each has its own

unique features, there are some common symptoms including:

Physical: panic attacks, hot and cold flushes, racing

heart, tightening of the chest, quick breathing,

restlessness, or feeling tense, wound up and edgy Psychological : excess ive fear , worry,

catastrophizing, or obsessive thinking

Behavioural: avoidance of situations that make you

feel anxious which can impact on study, work or

social life

Supports in place at Mater Dei to meet the needs of our students with an Anxiety Disorder diagnosis are (but are

not limited to): Providing supervised ‘quiet spaces’ for students to

seek respite during lunchtime breaks outdoors, whilst avoiding opportunities for students to isolate

themselves entirely from social interactions Prioritising familiarity of replacement and Pastoral

Class staff for occasions where a regular staff

member is absent from school for any reason

Having predictable daily routines, communicated to

students in a variety of ways (verbally, visually, in written text)

Incorporation of specialists’ advice into Student

Support Plans (SSPs) and Incident Prevention and

Response Plans (IPRPs) Limiting the number of planned disruptions that may

change a class’s daily routine in a typical session, day

or week including limiting the number of visitors we have on site or in a classroom on any one particular


Student Supports at Mater Dei Explicit modelling and language scripting for

formal and informal situations, including practice

opportunities and role-play scenarios Liaison between all members of ‘the team around

the child’, including pastoral class teachers,

teachers’ assistants, first aid staff, the school

psychologist and relevant leaders, to ensure that a whole-school supportive approach is


If any families would like further information on Anxiety Disorders then the following reference points

are recommended:

Beyond Blue:

-facts/anxiety Mental Health First Aid Australia: https://

Anxiety Treatment Australia: http://

Samantha Giles

Assistant Principal

Student Supports cont.

An important reminder that ALL students will need to

be in the Mater Dei winter uniform, including ties for

both boys and girls, long sleeved Mater Dei shirts and

blazers for all secondary students after the Mother’s

Day weekend. Girls are to wear navy socks or tights

– not grey. For a more detailed list please refer to the

2017 Parent Handbook. If any families have any

questions regarding the wearing of the winter uniform,

please contact your class teacher.

Uniform Reminder

A reminder that School Photos will be held Friday,

19 May. Photo envelopes have already gone home

with each student. Student envelopes with payment

indicated or included need to be returned for Friday, 19

May. Students will need to wear their full winter

school uniform this day as for every Friday in Term

Two and Three.

School Photos

Mater Dei Fortnightly Newsletter 5 May 2017

NDIS Update Many families are still unsure and asking ‘Is my child eligible to make application for NDIS First Plan funding because they don’t have a diagnosis?’

NDIS is not diagnosis-based rather it is based on the applicant’s functional needs therefore your child will need to have a range of relevant functional assessments eg. SP, OT, PT and/or Psychologist’s report, to support their NDIS

First Plan application ie to determine their eligibility.

The first step of this process for people from 7 > 65 years of age is to either (i) contact NDIA (Agency) Helpline

on 1800 800 110 or (ii) go to Centrelink Campbelltown and speak to the NDIA Team and advise staff that you wish to commence your child’s NDIS application. You will be asked a short series of questions about your child

including ‘Is s/he an Australian citizen’, ‘Does your child have a condition that is likely to be lifelong’ and ‘Does this impairment significantly reduce your child’s ability to participate in everyday activities’.

You will be advised of your child’s NDIS ID No=430 xxx xxx. You will then receive NDIA Letter #1 asking you to complete your child’s Access Request Form and return it with relevant documents attached to confirm the

answers you gave in your first conversation. After 6>8 weeks, you will receive NDIA Letter #2 either (i) confirming your child’s eligibility to make application for their NDIS First Plan funding or (ii) advising that your child does not

meet eligibility criteria.

If your child has received confirmation of their Access Request you will then be contacted by a Local Area

Coordinator (LAC) who will schedule your child’s NDIS First Plan meeting.

Pamela Templeton

Director of Services

Diary Dates Thursday, 11 May Mother’s Day Stall

Friday, 12 May Ladies Lipstick Luncheon

Monday, 15 May Mother’s Day Liturgy

Parents Welcome — 9.30am in the Hall

Wednesday, 17 May Post School Program Information Evening 7.00pm in the Hall

Yr 12, 11 and 10 students and families

Friday, 19 May School Photos Day

Friday, 26 May PUPIL FREE DAY Students do not attend school

Friday, 2 June P&F Mufti Day & Fete Donation (TBC)

Monday, 5 June P&F Meeting & Country Fair Meeting

Friday, 9 June G Day Liturgy & Athletics Carnival Parents and Families Welcome

Monday, 12 June PUBLIC HOLIDAY

Friday, 16 June Principal’s Assembly & Ladies Lipstick Luncheon Thank You

Parents Welcome—1.30pm in the Hall


• ImportantNotes:PleaseplaceordersinabrownpaperbagorStickybeaksbag(can

beorderedthroughcanteen).• OrdersmustbereceivedbyCanteenonThursdaymorningatthelatest.


• Pre-orderforthefollowingclasses:K/1Benedict,K/1Gregory,1/2Polding.

Overthecountersalesforallotherclasses.FoodItems:Muffin 50c Yogurt 50cJellyCup 50c HalfCheeseToastie 1.00Popcorn 50c HotChocolate 1.00 RiceCrackersGlutenFree 50c


Sandwiches{FreshorToasted)Vegemite $2.00Cheese $2.00 CheeseandVegemite $2.00Ham $2.50Ham&Cheese $3.00Ham,Cheese&Tomato $3.50Cheese&Tomato $2.50HotFoodSausageRoll $2.50Spinach&RicottaRolls $2.50MeatPie $3.003xChickenBreastNuggets $1.50 6xChickenBreastNuggets $3.00 DrinksBottledWater $1.00 StrawberryMilk $1.50AppleJuice $1.00 VanillaIce-CreamCups $1.00OrangeJuice $1.00ChocolateMilk $1.50

Mater Dei Mother’s Day Stall 2017

Mater Dei Mothers Day Stall will be held on Thursday 11th May 2017.

Each student will visit the stall with their class and purchase gifts. There will be gifts for $6.00 and $4.00 and cards for $1.00. We will have gifts for Mum, Grandma and Nanna.

Please send money in an envelope via school diary with the following :

1) Your Childs name 2) Your Childs Class 3) How many gifts they wish to purchase 4) Details of who the gifts are for (ie Nan,Mum,Gran) 5) Full payment.

Mater Dei P and F Committee



Sensory Movie Day is an inclusive event for families with Special needs. Lighting is on dim and sound lowered. Sensory Movie Days run once

a month on a Sunday at 11am. Tickets $6 each.


*Plus $1.20 online booking fee




The Boss Baby SUN 18 JUNE

Cars 3 SUN 20 AUGUST

The LEGO Batman Movie SUN 21 MAY

Despicable Me 3 SUN 30 JULY


©2016 Disney

Aspect South Coast School Artists with Autism Exhibition


Our 8th Exhibition will be held over

16th and 17th June 2017 at

North Wollongong Surf Lifesaving


Conditions: • Limit 2 artworks per

artist • No larger than 500mm

x 500mm • Must be framed • Please advise if artwork

is 3D – limited space • Artist Bio required

Please complete registration form and return with $20 per artist entry fee by Friday 2nd June 2017.

(Please note: Schools and disability organisations wishing to do a single or group display by their students or clients are free of charge)

Aspect South Coast School PO Box 54, Corrimal 2518 (4 Wilford Street, Corrimal) T: 02 4285 2393 E:

Aspect South Coast School 2017 Art Show Registration Form

Artist Name …………………………………………………………………….DOB ………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………………………Phone………………………………. Email ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Contact Person (if not artist) ………………………………………………………………………………………

Title of Artwork No. 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Method ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Is artwork for sale? Yes / No (please circle) If yes, how much? $…………………………… Story ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………

Title of Artwork No. 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Method ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Is artwork for sale? Yes / No (please circle) If yes, how much? $…………………………… Story ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………

Would you like to submit more than 2 artworks? Phone us to chat. Artist Biography required – no more than 70 words, include

a passport size photo. Please hand in or send registration form and payment by Friday 2nd June.

Artwork must be delivered to us by Friday 9th June. LIMITED TO FIRST 100 ENTRIES

Living your wayA guide to Wesley Disability Services under the NDIS

Wesley Mission is excited about the possibilities for people with a disability under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Because nobody understands you better than you and now the power is in your hands to choose when, where and how you are supported.

Need support with day-to-day activities?We’ll help you to live as safely and independently as possible, including support with:• looking after yourself and personal

activities at home• building up life skills and independence• keeping up with household tasks• getting from A to B with our

transport team • strengthening mind and body• finding and keeping a job that fits

you and your abilities.

Looking for a place to call home?You can count on us to help make your current or new home comfortable, including:• home modifications so you can live safely

and as independently as possible• specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

if you have very high needs• supported independent living options • respite services for your family• short term accommodation for

emergencies• help with renting and tenancy agreements.

Want to connect, learn and grow?We’ll help you find more opportunities to enjoy your life and pursue your passions, including:• connecting with your community,

attending events, and meeting new people• improving your relationships with help

from our specialised behaviour team• group-based activities to grow your skills,

confidence and independence.• other from counselling to early childhood

development and more.

Do all the good you can because every life matters

Step 1. Think about your needs and what services you’re interested in

Step 4. Together we can make your plan a reality

Step 2. Contact us on 1300 086 906 or via email on to get started

Step 3. Meet with us to decide what supports are best for you and your needs.

Step 5. Live your life the way you want

Conact us to find out about our complete range of services, and how we may be able to help. Please call 1300 086 906 or visit D




Need help coordinating your supports?• Our coordination services can help you

get the most out of your plan.

• We’ll connect you with providers that meet your needs.

• We’ll help coordinate all your supports (even non-NDIS) and much more.

Want to know more?• Access requirements for NDIS: Check that

you meet the age, residency, disability or early intervention access requirements at

• Not eligible for the NDIS? That doesn’t mean your support will stop. Give us a call to discuss your options to continue receiving support.

• Is the NDIS available in my area? To discover if NDIS is available where you live, visit

• Advocacy: You can appoint a family member or friend to advocate on your behalf. Your confidentiality is maintained and respected at all times.

• Do you need an interpreter? Interpreting is available 24 hours a day on 131 450, or visit

Want to start?

Five steps to accessing NDIS services with Wesley Disability Services.

Bring the family along for a great night of fun!

• Make a gift for mum• D.I.Y. work shops• Light refreshments• Free gift wrapping

Plus more great activities in store including:

Bookings recommended. For more information or to book ask one of our team in-store or visit

Thursday 4th May 6–8pm

Mother’s Day Family Night







Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park

We're putting on our walking shoes to change lives one step at a time and make a difference for Aspect Macarthur School. Join us for a fun day out and make every step count at our walkathon!

There are two walking options: 5km walk or a family friendly circuit with activity stations. There will be other support services, stalls, food and drinks and emergency service vehicles on display.

Here at Aspect Macarthur School we rely on the generosity of our supporters to be able to provide the best education experience for our students.

Funds raised through events like our walkathon are crucial in enabling us to continue our work within the school. We couldn’t do it without the help of dedicated fundraisers like you – every bit of effort counts and any amount you raise is so appreciated.

Let’s be IN IT for AUTISM, and together make a difference!


Step 1: Use the link above and register through Eventbrite

Step 2: Once registered, you will be directed to Everyday Hero to set up your fundraising page for people to sponsor you.

Wesley LifeSkills is well established program offering a range of activities designed to assist young people with varying support needs. The program offers opportunities to learn, grow and socialise.

The great news is that we currently have vacancies to join our program.

Wesley LifeSkills in Campbelltown is located within walking distance to public transport, the library and local shops.

Do all the good you can because every life matters

For more information please contact Lisa Yates, Service Manager on (02) 46258818 or via email

Wesley LifeSkills