Cambridge Preterm Non-Intensive Ancient Greek language pack · 2019. 9. 6. · ); the...


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  • Cambridge Preterm Non-Intensive Ancient Greek language pack This language pack has been designed to help you get (and maintain) a good grasp of Ancient Greek before coming to Cambridge. It is based on the vocabulary and grammar the OCR AS/A Level syllabus. Please read this letter carefully. You will be assessed on your comprehension of this material when you arrive at Cambridge. You will be expected to: • identify any Greek word from the AS/A Level vocabulary list included here • write down from memory any word-table (or paradigm) also included here (you will be

    given a starter form) • write down from memory the principal parts of the verbs in the list included here (you

    will be given a starter form) • translate into English some sentences exhibiting this vocabulary and grammar (you will

    find a checklist of grammatical topics in this pack) This assessment is not designed to intimidate and does not count toward any final grade: it is merely meant to give you something concrete to work on between now and then, and to assist your Director of Studies and us in ensuring that we have got the right people in the right groups from the start. You may have a qualification different from the OCR exam syllabus, but no matter: in order to prepare for this assessment, all the material to be tested is presented here in this packet. As far as supplementing your studies and preparing yourself for term you will find the following resources helpful. We strongly recommend that you purchase a proper reference grammar. H. W. Smyth’s Greek Grammar (revised by G. M. Messing) (ISBN 0-674-36250-0) is the most extensive one-volume grammar in English; it can be found new or used for between £25 and £30; try to find a hardcover version as this will last better. Alternatively, W. W. Goodwin’s Greek Grammar is easily available new (ISBN 1-85399-522-3) for about £20, though second-hand copies can be found for as cheap as £5 on and Again, hardcovers are much less likely to fall apart than a paperback edition. (Avoid the Elementary version of this grammar; you can in fact download the entire correct version for free from, or There are other, perhaps more user-friendly, school grammars out there (e.g. Abbot and Mansfield or Morwood’s Oxford Grammar) but bear in mind that they are not proper reference grammars and simply do not have enough information to help you understand Ancient Greek at the level required by your set texts (e.g. you will find very little help with advanced syntax or the language of Homer in these).

  • If you want a nicely laid-out and handy presentation of the word-tables (or paradigms) to supplement your grammar (though all the forms will be found in Smyth and Goodwin), then we recommend H. J. K. Usher’s Outline of Greek Accidence. We will, however, provide many paradigms here in this pack and in our Faculty classes and you will find a variety of supplementary online materials at In order to deal more ably with the grammatical concepts we will meet in our classes you may find these volumes helpful: • A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar, by Rodney Huddleston (ISBN 0-521-612888) • English Grammar for Students of Latin, by Norma Goldman (ISBN 0-93-403434-6) As far as dictionaries go, we strongly recommend H. G. Liddell and R. Scott’s Abridged Greek Lexicon (ISBN 0199102074); the Intermediate version of this Lexicon has longer entries but it has no more entries than the Abridged version and is bulkier and more expensive. The Abridged lexicon also has many entries that are meant to help beginners; these are omitted from the Intermediate version. The massive, £150 Greek-English ‘LSJ’ is a research-standard lexicon and unnecessary for normal reading purposes, though you can download it for free via a PC and Mac application called ‘Diogenes’ that’s online (just search for it) and even load it into an iPhone or iPad via an app called ‘Ancient Greek’ (by Paul Hudson) from the Apple App Store. Both the Abridged and the LSJ are available on Android has recently begun to display Polytonic Greek correctly; you can find Ben Linksey’s serviceable ‘Ancient Greek Lexicon & Syntax’ in the Google Play store (inter alia), and any browser should be able to display the version of LSJ at The full LSJ and the Intermediate version are searchable on Perseus. You will find in this pack:

    • a checklist of grammatical topics

    • a vocabulary list

    • paradigms, etc.

    • a list of verb principal parts We have created online activities for vocabulary revision at:


    Good luck with your studies and see you soon!

  • checklist of grammar topics for Non-Intensive Greek students

    On arriving at Cambridge you will be assessed on the following topics. The assessment will fall into four parts (in each part you will be given some choice):

    Section A: Vocabulary: you will be expected to know the vocbulary of the AS Level list (supplied here) Section B: Accidence: you will be expected to write down from memory any word-table (or paradigm) of any word as specified here(you will not be tested on Ionic or Homeric forms) Section C: Principal Parts : you will be expected write down from memory the principal parts of the verbs in the list included in

    this pack (you will be given a starter form and you will not be tested on Ionic or Homeric forms) Section D: Syntax: you will be expected to translate from Greek into English a few sentences that exhibit the points of syntax as

    specified below

    The assessment will take form as an hour-long online test. Many elements of the test will be generated randomly by computer, so each test will be unique. Some elements will be very simple and some will be more challenging. The test will be marked out of 100 points and only you and your Director of Studies will be given the results. The test is merely designed as a diagnostic tool and will not count towards any final mark or grade at all.

    adjectives and nouns, etc. • understanding of gender, case, and number in nouns and adjectives• declension and use of the definite article• noun and adjective declension of all three patterns of the words that appear in the AS vocabulary list• form and use of demonstratives, !"# and !$#, %&'("#, and )&!*#• form and use of personal, reflexive, and relative pronouns• form and use of comparatives, including irregulars for +,)-*#, .).*#, .)/*#, 01,)#,and 2%/3#, etc.• form and use of gerunds and gerundives

    verbs • understanding of the formation and function of person, number, tense, voice and mood in verbs• understanding of verbal ‘aspect’• conjugation of thematic (-4) verbs (e.g. /34) in all tenses, voices and moods, including participles and infinitives (supplied in pack)• conjugation of contract verbs in in all tenses, voices and moods, including participles and infinitives (supplied in pack)• full conjugation of (50" ‘be’, (60$ ‘shall go’, and %6') ‘know’, including participles and infinitives (supplied in pack)• full conjugation of athematic verbs such as '"'40$, plus infinitives and participles• understanding of aorist, perfect, and future tense forms in all moods and voices, including participles and infinitives

    syntax • understanding of case usage and prepositions (documents supplied in pack)• constructions with comparative expressions• form and use of participles, including participles used adverbially (= circumstantially or predicatively)• understanding of verbs that take participles, e.g. !7,89:4• understanding of verbs that take infinitives , e.g. ;%3/%0)$• understanding of independent mood usage, such as the indicative or optative with or without ) and short (?) marks have been printed over vowels as an aid in distinguishing certain elements.

  • conspectus of key Ancient Greek paradigms

    substantives 1. alpha stems (5 paradigms): !"#$%, &'"(), *+,)!!-, $).!%/, $0)$1)/2. omicron stems (5): 2$*(345/, 67(5$, $58/, 9)$58$, $07/3. consonant stems (15): :,41/, ;"(3$, 4(

  • first or !-stem declension nouns: five paradigms

    ! "#$%& (Attic & for '-stem =Reading Greek 1a) ‘craft’

    sing. dual pl. nom. "#$%& "#$%' "#$%() voc. "#$%& "#$%' "#$%() acc. "#$%&% "#$%' "#$%'* gen. "#$%&* "#$%()% "+$%,% dat. "#$%- / "#$%&) "#$%()% "#$%()*

    ! !.#/' (' stem =RG 1b) ‘day’ (N.B. Ionic shows & for these words: !.#/&)

    sing. dual pl. nom. !.#/' !.#/' !.#/() voc. !.#/' !.#/' !.#/() acc. !.#/'% !.#/' !.#/'* gen. !.#/'* !.#/()% !.+/,% dat. !.#/0 / !.#/() !.#/()% !.#/()*

    ! 123(""4 (4 stem =RG 1c) ‘sea’

    sing. dual pl. nom. 123(""4 1(32""' 123(""() voc. 123(""4 1(32""' 123(""() acc. 123(""4% 1(32""' 1(32""'* gen. 1(32""&* 1(32""()% 1(3("",% dat. 1(32""- / 1(32""&) 1(32""()% 1(32""()*

    5 %(6"&* (Attic & for '-stem masculine =RG 1d) ‘sailor’

    sing. dual pl. nom. %(6"&* %(6"' %(7"() voc. %(7"4 %(6"' %(7"() acc. %(6"&% %(6"' %(6"'* gen. %(6"89 %(6"()% %(9",% dat. %(6"- / %(6"&) %(6"()% %(6"()*

    5 %+'%:'* ('-stem masculine =RG 1d [sic]) ‘young man’

    sing. dual pl. nom. %+'%:'* %+'%:' %+'%:() voc. %+'%:' %+'%:' %+'%:() acc. %+'%:'v %+'%:' %+'%:'* gen. %+'%:89 %+'%:()% %+'%),% dat. %+'%:0 / %+'%:() %+'%:()% %+'%:()*

    N.B. '-stem contracts such as ! ;< (< ;+'- ‘earth’), ! .%= (< .%('- ‘mina’), 5 >/./.+'- ‘Hermes’), and 5 ?8//=* (< ?8/+'-) decline like "#$%&, !.#/', %(6"&*, and %+'%:'* respectively yet show final circumflex in all cases.

  • second or !-stem declension nouns: five paradigms

    !/" #$%&'()* (=RG 2a) ‘man’, ‘woman’, ‘human being’

    sing. dual pl. nom. #$%&'()* +$%&,(' #$%&'()- voc. #$%&'(. +$%&,(' #$%&'()- acc. #$%&'()$ +$%&,(' +$%&,()/* gen. +$%&,()/ +$%&,()-$ +$%&,('$ dat. +$%&,(0 / +$%&,('- +$%&,()-$ +$%&,()-*

    12 34&)$ (=RG 2b) ‘gift’

    sing. dual pl. nom. 34&)$ 3,&' 34&5 voc. 34&)$ 3,&' 34&5 acc. 34&)$ 3,&' 34&5 gen. 3,&)/ 3,&)-$ 3,&'$ dat. 3,&0 / 3,&'- 3,&)-$ 3,&)-*

    ! $)6* (contracted from $7)-*) ‘mind’ (8.9. Ionic generally has the uncontracted forms.)

    sing. dual pl. nom. $)6* (< $7)-*) $, (< $7') $): (< $7)-) voc. $)6 (< $7.) $, (< $7') $): (< $7)-) acc. $)6$ (< $7)-$) $, (< $7') $)6* ($7)/*) gen. $)6 (< $7)/) $):$ (< $7)-$) $4$ (< $7'$) dat. $; / $4- (< $7'-) $):$ (< $7)-$) $):* (< $7)-*)


  • third or consonant-stem declension nouns

    three key stop stems: ‘stops’ are labials (π, β, φ), palatals (κ, γ, χ), and dentals (τ, δ, θ)

    ἡ ἐλπίς (ἐλπιδ-) ‘hope’ (=RG 3a ἡ νύξ)

    ὁ γέρων (γεροντ-) ‘old man’

    τὸ πρᾶγμα (πρᾱγματ-) ‘thing’ (=RG 3b) sing. dual pl. sing. dual pl. sing. dual pl. nom. ἐλπίς ἐλπίδε ἐλπίδες γέρων γέροντε γέροντες πρᾶγμα πράγματε πράγματα voc. ἐλπί ἐλπίδε ἐλπίδες γέρον γέροντε γέροντες πρᾶγμα πράγματε πράγματα acc. ἐλπίδα ἐλπίδε ἐλπίδας γέροντα γέροντε γέροντας πρᾶγμα πράγματε πράγματα gen. ἐλπίδος ἐλπίδοιν ἐλπίδων γέροντος γερόντοιν γερόντων πράγματος πραγμάτοιν πραγμάτων dat. ἐλπίδι ἐλπίδοιν ἐλπίσι(ν) γέροντι γερόντοιν γέρουσι(ν) πράγματι πραγμάτοιν πράγμασι(ν)

    Cf. ἡ θρίξ ‘hair’: θρίξ, θρίξ, τρίχα, τριχός, τριχί, etc. and ὁ / ἡ ὄρνῑς ‘bird’: ὄρνῑς, ὄρνῑ, ὄρνῑν, ὄρνῑθος, ὄρνῑθι, etc. (similarly ἡ χάρις ‘grace’). three key liquid (λ, ρ) & nasal (ν) stems

    ὁ ῥήτωρ (ῥητορ-) ‘speaker’

    ὁ ἀγών (ἀγων-) ‘contest’ (=RG 3a ὁ λιμήν)

    ὁ ἀνήρ (ἀνερ- or ἀνδρ-) ‘man’ sing. dual pl. sing. dual pl. sing. dual pl. nom. ῥήτωρ ῥήτορε ῥήτορες ἀγών ἀγῶνε ἀγῶνες ἀνήρ ἄνρδε ἄνδρες voc. ῥῆτορ ῥήτορε ῥήτορες ἀγών ἀγῶνε ἀγῶνες ἄνερ ἄνρδε ἄνδρες acc. ῥήτορα ῥήτορε ῥήτορας ἀγῶνα ἀγῶνε ἀγῶνας ἄνδρα ἄνρδε ἄνδρας gen. ῥήτορος ῥητόροιν ῥητόρων ἀγῶνος ἀγώνοιν ἀγώνων ἀνδρός ἀνδροῖν ἀνδρῶν dat. ῥήτορι ῥητόροιν ῥήτορσι(ν) ἀγῶνι ἀγώνοιν ἀγῶσι(ν) ἀνδρί ἀνδροῖν ἀνδράσι(ν)

    three key sigma stems (stems in –ες and –ας with intervocalic σ disappearing; Ν.Β. Ionic generally has the uncontracted forms.)

    ἡ τριήρης (τριηρεσ-) ‘trireme’ (=RG 3d)

    τὸ γένος (γενεσ-) ‘kind’ (=RG 3c τὸ πλῆθος)

    τὸ γέρας (γερασ-) ‘prize’ sing. dual pl. sing. dual pl. sing. dual pl. nom. τριήρης τριήρει (

  • six key semivowel stems

    ! "#$% ($ϝ-) ‘hero’

    & '()*% ('+)*-) ‘city’ (=RG 3e)

    ,- ./,0 (1/,0-) ‘town’ (=RG 3f) sing. dual pl. sing. dual pl. sing. dual pl. nom. "#$% "#$2 "#$2% / "#$% '()*% '()2* '()2*% ./,0 ./,2* ./,3 voc. "#$% "#$2 "#$2% / "#$% '()* '()2* '()2*% ./,0 ./,2* ./,3 acc. "#$4 / "#$ / "#$5 "#$2 "#$4% / "#$% '()*5 '()2* '()2*% ./,0 ./,2* ./,3 gen. "#$+% / "#$ +*5 $5 '()2$% (-+% Trag.) '+)7+*5 '()2$5 ./,2$% 1/,7+*5 ./,2$5 dat. "#$* / "#8 / "#$* +*5 "#$/*(5) '()2* '+)7+*5 '()2/*(5) ./,2* 1/,7+*5 ./,2/*(5)

    ! 9:;#

  • adjectives: 13 key paradigms

    !"#$%& ' %( ‘good’



    plural m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. !"#$%& !"#$' !"#$%( !"#$) !"#$* !"#$) !"#$+, !"#$#, !"#$* voc. !"#$- !"#$' !"#$%( !"#$) !"#$* !"#$) !"#$+, !"#$#, !"#$* acc. !"#$%( !"#$'( !"#$%( !"#$) !"#$* !"#$) !"#$+.& !"#$*& !"#$* gen. !"#$+/ !"#$0& !"#$+/ !"#$+1( !"#$#1( !"#$+1( !"#$2( !"#$2( !"#$2(

    dat. !"#$3 / !"#$24

    !"#$5 / !"#$04

    !"#$3 / !"#$24 !"#$+1( !"#$#1( !"#$+1( !"#$+1& !"#$#1& !"#$+1&

    674+& 8 +( ‘worthy’ nom 674+& !7,8 674+(

    !7,9 !7,8 !7,9

    674+4 674#4 674# voc. 674: !7,8 674+( !7,9 !7,8 !7,9 674+4 674#4 674# acc. 674+( !7,8( 674+( !7,9 !7,8 !7,9 !7,+;& !7,8& 674# gen. !7,+; !7,8& !7,+; !7,+4( !7,#4( !7,+4( !7,9( !7,9( !7,9( dat. !7,< /

    !7,94 !7,= / !7,#4

    !7,< / !7,94 !7,+4( !7,#4( !7,+4( !7,+4& !7,#4& !7,+4&

    >?:9& 9( ‘propitious’ (‘Attic declension’) m.&f. n.

    m.&f. n.

    m.&f. n. nom. >?:9& >?:9( >?:9 >?:9 >?:< / >?:94 >?:# voc. >?:9& >?:9( >?:9 >?:9 >?:< / >?:94 >?:# acc. >?:9( >?:9( >?:9 >?:9 >?:9& >?:# gen. >?:9 >?:9 >?:?:94( >?:?:94( >?:9( >?:9( dat. >?:< / >?:94 >?:< / >?:94 >?:?:94( >?:?:94( >?:?:94& >?:?:94& N.B. similar adjectives @2& ‘safe’ (also @2+&) and A?-9& ‘full’; A?-9& has three endings: A?-9& A?-8 A?-9( BC?.

    DEF@+/& 0 +/( ‘golden’ (contract adjectives in –:+& and –++&; Ionic preserves the uncontracted form)

    nom. DEF@+/& DEF@0 DEF@+/(

    DEF@) DEF@G DEF@)

    DEF@+1 DEF@#1 DEF@G voc. DEF@+/& DEF@0 DEF@+/( DEF@) DEF@G DEF@) DEF@+1 DEF@#1 DEF@G acc. DEF@+/( DEF@0( DEF@+/( DEF@) DEF@G DEF@) DEF@+/& DEF@G& DEF@G gen. DEF@+/ DEF@0& DEF@+/ DEF@+1( DEF@#1( DEF@+1( DEF@2( DEF@2( DEF@2(

    dat. DEF@3 / DEF@24

    DEF@5 / DEF@04

    DEF@3 / DEF@24 DEF@+1( DEF@#1( DEF@+1( DEF@+1& DEF@#1& DEF@+1&

    N.B. similar adjectives !E".E:+& ‘silver’, @4H'E:+& ‘iron’, :I(++& ‘well disposed’, and JA?%+& ‘simple’.

    !?K$'& -& ‘true’ (sigma stem with intervocalic @ disappearing; Ionic preserves the uncontracted form) nom. !?K$'& !?K$-&

    !?K$:1 (:@-:)

    !?K$:1& (:@-:&) !?K$0 (:@-#) voc. !?K$-& !?K$-& !?K$:1 !?K$:1& !?K$0 acc. !?K$0 (:@-#) !?K$-& !?K$:1 !?K$:1& !?K$0 gen. !?K$+/& (:@-+&) !?K$+/& !?K$+1( !?K$2( !?K$2( dat. !?K$:1 (:@-4) !?K$:1 !?K$+1( !?K$-@4(() !?K$-@4(()

    :I:?A4& 4 ‘hopeful’ nom. :I:?A4& :I:?A4


    :L-?A4H:& :L-?A4H# voc. :I:?A4 :I:?A4 :L-?A4H: :L-?A4H:& :L-?A4H# acc. :I:?A4( :I:?A4 :L-?A4H: :L-?A4H#& :L-?A4H# gen. :L-?A4H+& :L-?A4H+& :L:?A,H+4( :L:?A,H9( :L:?A,H9( dat. :L-?A4H4 :L-?A4H4 :L:?A,H+4( :L-?A4@4(() :L-?A4@4(()

  • !"#$%&' (' ‘better’ nom. !"#$%&' !)#$*('


    !"#$%('"+ / !"#$%(,+ !"#$%('- / !"#$%& voc. !)#$*(' !)#$*(' !"#$%('" !"#$%('"+ / !"#$%(,+ !"#$%('- / !"#$%& acc. !"#$%('- / !"#$%& !)#$*(' !"#$%('" !"#$%('-+ / !"#$%(,+ !"#$%('- / !"#$%& gen. !"#$%('(+ !"#$%('(+ !"#$*.'(*' !"#$*.'&' !"#$*.'&' dat. !"#$%('* !"#$%('* !"#$*.'(*' !"#$%(/*(') !"#$%(/*(')

    012+ "34 2 ‘pleasant’ nom. 012+ 01"3- 012

    01)" 01"%5 01)"

    01"3+ 01"3-* 01)- voc. 012 01"3- 012 01)" 01"%5 01)" 01"3+ 01"3-* 01)- acc. 012' 01"3-' 012 01)" 01"%5 01)" 01"3+ 01"%5+ 01)- gen. 01)(+ 01"%5+ 01)(+ 01)(*' 01"%-*' 01)(*' 01)&' 01"*6' 01)&'

    dat. 01"3 01"%7 / 01"%-* 01"3 01)(*' 01"%-*' 01)(*' 01)/*(') 01"%-*+ 01)/*(')

    8)#5+ -*'4 -' ‘black’ nom. 8)#5+ 8)#-*'- 8)#-'

    8)#-'" 8"#-%'5 8)#-'"

    8)#-'"+ 8)#-*'-* 8)#-'- voc. 8)#-' 8)#-*'- 8)#-' 8)#-'" 8"#-%'5 8)#-'" 8)#-'"+ 8)#-*'-* 8)#-'- acc. 8)#-'- 8)#-*'-' 8)#-' 8)#-'" 8"#-%'5 8)#-'" 8)#-'-+ 8"#-%'5+ 8)#-'- gen. 8)#-'(+ 8"#-%'9+ 8)#-'(+ 8"#:'(*' 8"#-%'-*' 8"#:'(*' 8"#:'&' 8"#-*'6' 8"#:'&'

    dat. 8)#-'* 8"#-%'; / 8"#-%'9* 8)#-'* 8"#:'(*' 8"#-%'-*' 8"#:'(*' 8)#-/*(') 8"#-%'-*+ 8)#-/*(')

    N.B. adjectives in -9', -"*'4, -"' decline similarly (e.g. $)-----------

  • comparative adjectives

    regular comparative forms:

    positive comparative superlative

    e.g. -!" -#$%!" -#!"

    important irregular comparative forms:

    '(&)*" good '+$,-.- /%01#!" aptitude or worth 2$3#,.- 243#01#!" virtue

    5%$,11.- 5%6#01#!" superiority 378.- (Att. 39.-) 3:1#!" desirability (3.;#$%!" poet.)

    5&5*" bad 5&5,.- 56501#!" cowardice 3,(!" little (>3$,?.- rare) >3,(01#!" >30(7#$%!" (late)

    B!3C" much B3$,.- B3$A1#!" also B34.-

    DEF0!" easy DE.- DG1#!"


  • participles: 8 key paradigms

    !"#$, !"%&'(, !)%$: present active participle of !"#



    plural m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. !"#$ !"%&'* !)%$ !"%$+, !&%"'- !"%$+, !"%$+,. !"%&'*/ !"%$+*

    voc. !"#$ !"%&'* !)%$ !"%$+, !&%"'- !"%$+, !"%$+,. !"%&'*/ !"%$+*

    acc. !"%$+* !"%&'*$ !)%$ !"%$+, !&%"'- !"%$+, !"%$+*. !&%"'*. !"%$+*

    gen. !"%$+%. !&%"'0. !"%$+%. !&1$+%/$ !&%"'*/$ !&1$+%/$ !&1$+#$ !&%&'2$ !&1$+#$

    dat. !"%$+/ !&%"'3 / !&%"'0/ !"%$+/ !&1$+%/$ !&%"'*/$ !&1$+%/$ !"%&'/($) !&%"'*/. !"%&'/($)

    !"'*., !"'*'(, !)'*$: aorist active participle of !"#




    m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. !"'*. !"'*'* !)'*$ !"'*$+, !&'4'- !"'*$+, !"'*$+,. !"'*'*/ !"'*$+*

    voc. !"'*. !"'*'* !)'*$ !"'*$+, !&'4'- !"'*$+, !"'*$+,. !"'*'*/ !"'*$+*

    acc. !"'*$+* !"'*'*$ !)'*$ !"'*$+, !&'4'- !"'*$+, !"'*$+*. !&'4'*. !"'*$+*

    gen. !"'*$+%. !&'4'0. !"'*$+%. !&'4$+%/$ !&'4'*/$ !&'4$+%/$ !&'4$+#$ !&'*'2$ !&'4$+#$

    dat. !"'*$+/ !&'4'3 / !&'4'0/ !"'*$+/ !&'4$+%/$ !&'4'*/$ !&'4$+%/$ !"'*'/($) !&'4'*/. !"'*'/($)

    !&5,6., !&5,7'(, !&58$: aorist passive participle of !"# (so +/5,6., pres. act. ptcp. of +6509/)




    m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. !&5,6. !&5,7'* !&58$ !&58$+, !&5,6'- !&58$+, !&58$+,. !&5,7'*/ !&58$+*

    voc. !&5,6. !&5,7'* !&58$ !&58$+, !&5,6'- !&58$+, !&58$+,. !&5,7'*/ !&58$+*

    acc. !&58$+* !&5,7'*$ !&58$ !&58$+, !&5,6'- !&58$+, !&58$+*. !&5,6'*. !&58$+*

    gen. !&58$+%. !&5,6'0. !&58$+%. !&58$+%/$ !&5,6'*/$ !&58$+%/$ !&58$+#$ !&5,/'2$ !&58$+#$

    dat. !&58$+/ !&5,6'3 / !&5,6'0/ !&58$+/ !&58$+%/$ !&5,6'*/$ !&58$+%/$ !&5,7'/($) !&5,6'*/. !&5,7'/($)

    :/:%"., :/:%)'(, :/:1$: present active participle of :6:#9/ (so :%"., aor. act. ptcp. of :6:#9/) singular



    m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. :/:%". :/:%)'* :/:1$ :/:1$+, :/:%"'- :/:1$+, :/:1$+,. :/:%)'*/ :/:1$+*

    voc. :/:%". :/:%)'* :/:1$ :/:1$+, :/:%"'- :/:1$+, :/:1$+,. :/:%)'*/ :/:1$+*

    acc. :/:1$+* :/:%)'*$ :/:1$ :/:1$+, :/:%"'- :/:1$+, :/:1$+*. :/:%"'*. :/:1$+*

    gen. :/:1$+%. :/:%"'0. :/:1$+%. :/:1$+%/$ :/:%"'*/$ :/:1$+%/$ :/:1$+#$ :/:%&'2$ :/:1$+#$

    dat. :/:1$+/ :/:%"'3 / :/:%"'0/ :/:1$+/ :/:1$+%/$ :/:%"'*/$ :/:1$+%/$ :/:%)'/($) :/:%"'*/. :/:%)'/($)

  • !"#$%&', !"#$%()*, !"#$%&%: present active participle of !"+$%,-# (so .&', 2nd aor. act. ptcp. of .&/)




    m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. !"#$%&' !"#$%()0 !"#$%&% !"#$%&%1" !"#$%&)2 !"#$%&%1" !"#$%&%1"' !"#$%()0# !"#$%&%10

    voc. !"#$%&' !"#$%()0 !"#$%&% !"#$%&%1" !"#$%&)2 !"#$%&%1" !"#$%&%1"' !"#$%()0# !"#$%&%10

    acc. !"#$%&%10 !"#$%()0% !"#$%&% !"#$%&%1" !"#$%&)2 !"#$%&%1" !"#$%&%10' !"#$%&)0' !"#$%&%10

    gen. !"#$%&%13' !"#$%&)4' !"#$%&%13' !"#$%&%13#% !"#$%&)0#% !"#$%&%13#% !"#$%&%1/% !"#$%,)5% !"#$%&%1/%

    dat. !"#$%&%1# !"#$%&)6 / !"#$%&)4# !"#$%&%1# !"#$%&%13#% !"#$%&)0#% !"#$%&%13#% !"#$%()#(%) !"#$%&)0#' !"#$%()#(%)

    7"7,$8', 7"7,$,9*, 7"7,$:': perfect active participle of 7&/ singular



    m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. 7"7,$8' 7"7,$,90 7"7,$:' 7"7,$:1" 7"7,$,+2 7"7,$:1" 7"7,$:1"' 7"7,$,90# 7"7,$:10

    voc. 7"7,$8' 7"7,$,90 7"7,$:' 7"7,$:1" 7"7,$,+2 7"7,$:1" 7"7,$:1"' 7"7,$,90# 7"7,$:10

    acc. 7"7,$:10 7"7,$,90% 7"7,$:' 7"7,$:1" 7"7,$,+2 7"7,$:1" 7"7,$:10' 7"7,$,+0' 7"7,$:10

    gen. 7"7,$:13' 7"7,$,+0' 7"7,$:13' 7"7,$:13#% 7"7,$,+0#% 7"7,$:13#% 7"7,$:1/% 7"7,$,#5% 7"7,$:1/%

    dat. 7"7,$:1# 7"7,$,+; / 7"7,$,+0# 7"7,$:1# 7"7,$:13#% 7"7,$,+0#% 7"7,$:13#% 7"7,$:)#(%) 7"7,$,+0#' 7"7,$:)#(%)

    1#-5%, 1#-5)*, 1#-5%: present active participle of 1#-

  • pronouns: 13 key paradigms

    personal pronoun !"# singular


    plural 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

    nom. !"# $% ———— $'# $'() Hom. *+),- .+),- $'),- acc. !+/ / +) $/ / $) 0 / 1 $'# $'() Hom. *+2- .+2- $'2- gen. !+34 / +35 $34 / $35 36 / 3. &7& $'7& $'(8& Hom. *+9& .+9& $'9& dat. !+3: / +3; $3: / $3; 3< / 3= &7& $'7& $'(8& Hom. *+,& .+,& $',&

    N.B. The singular enclitic forms are unemphatic; the third singulars are rare in Attic prose. Att. >?@A& = Hom. +;& Trag. &;&.

    intensive pronoun >?@A- singular


    plural m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. >?@A- >?@B >?@A >?@# >?@C >?@# >?@3: >?@>: >?@C acc. >?@A& >?@B& >?@A >?@# >?@C >?@# >?@3%- >?@C- >?@C gen. >?@34 >?@D- >?@34 >?@3,& >?@>,& >?@3,& >?@9& >?@9& >?@9&

    dat. >?@7 / >?@9; >?@E / >?@D;

    >?@7 / >?@9; >?@3,& >?@>,& >?@3,& >?@3,- >?@>,- >?@3,-

    F.G. >?@A- as adjective (in predicate w.o. w/ def. art.) = ipse, in attributive w.o. w/ def. art. = idem, as an oblique pronoun = is.

    reflexive pronoun !+>5@A& (no dual) singular

    plural 1 2 3 1 2 3

    acc. !+>5@A&, B& $)>5@A&, B& ($>5@A&) 1>5@A&, B&, A (>.@A&) *+2- >?@3%-, C- .+2- >?@3%-, C- $'2- >?@3%-, C- or 1>5@3%- (>.@3%-)

    gen. !+>5@34, D- $)>5@34, D- ($>5@34) 1>5@34, D-, 34 (>.@34) *+9& >?@9& .+9& >?@9& $'9& >?@9& or 1>5@9& (>.@9&)

    dat. !+>5@7, E / !+>5@9;, D; $)>5@7, E ($>5@7) / $)>5@9;, D; ($>5@9;)

    1>5@7, E, 7 / (>.@7) 1>5@9;, D;, 9; (>.@9;) *+,& >?@3,-, >,- .+,& >?@3,-, >,-

    $':$;& >?@3,-, >,- or 1>5@3,- (>.@3,-)

    possessive pronoun !+A- (no dual), declines like H">IA- singular

    plural m. f. n. m. f. n.

    1 !+A- !+B !+A& *+/@)J3- *+)@/JK *+/@)J3& 2 $A- $B $A& .+/@)J3- .+)@/JK .+/@)J3& 3 L- or 1A- Hom. M or 1B Hom. L& or 1A& Hom. $'/@)J3- $')@/JK $'/@)J3&

    F.G. L- or 1A- can refer to the first and second person in Homer.

    reciprocal pronoun HNNBN35- (no singular) dual

    plural m. f. n. m. f. n.


    definite article Q singular


    plural m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. Q * @A @# @# @# 3= >= @C acc. @A& @B& @A @# @# @# @3%- @C- @C gen. @34 @D- @34 @3,& @3,& @3,& @9& @9& @9& dat. @7 / @9; @E / @D; @7 / @9; @3,& @3,& @3,& @3,- @>,- @3,-

    N.B. @C and @>,& are very rare in the feminine dual.

  • demonstrative pronoun !"# (iste): can take deictic suffix -$: %"& singular


    plural m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n.

    nom. !"# '"# ()"# (*"# (*"# (*"# +,"# -,"# (."# acc. ()/"# (0/"# ()"# (*"# (*"# (*"# (+12"# (.2"# (."# gen. (+3"# (42"# (+3"# (+5/"# (+5/"# (+5/"# (6/"# (6/"# (6/"#

    dat. (7"# / (68"# (9"# / (48"#

    (7"# / (68"# (+5/"# (+5/"# (+5/"# (+52"# (-52"# (+52"#

    N.B. other demonstratives built on !"#: (+2)2"# ‘so much’ (tantus), (+8)2"# ‘such’ (talis), (:;8 '(8> ! (8 (sts !(8) I(8/# +,(8/#> -,(8/#> J(8/- (sts J((-) acc. !/(8/- '/(8/- ! (8 (sts !(8) I(8/# +@2(8/-> J2(8/-> J(8/- (sts J((-) gen. +=(8/+> or !(+B K2(8/+> +=(8/+> or !(+B +L/(8/+8/ M/(8/A/ or !(A/ M/(8/A/ M/(8/A/ or !(A/

    dat. N(8/8 / M8(8/8 or !(C / !(A8 O(8/8 / K8(8/8

    N(8/8 / M8(8/8 or !(C / !(A8 +L/(8/+8/ +L2(828(/) or !(+8> -L2(828(/) +L2(828(/) or !(+8>

  • table of correlatives

    interrogative indefinite demonstrative relative indefinite relative

    or indirect interrogative

    τίς (quis) ‘who?’

    τις ([ali]quis) ‘somone’

    ὁ Homeric ὅς Homeric (is) ὅδε (iste) ‘this’ οὗτος (hic) ἐκεῖνος (ille)

    ὅς (qui) ‘who’

    ὅστις (quisquis or quicumque) ‘whoever’

    πότερος (uter) ‘which of two?’

    πότερος also spelled ποτερός (uter[cumque])

    ἕτερος (alter) ὁπότερος ὁπότερος (uter[cumque])

    πόσος (quantus) ‘how much?’ ποσός (aliquantus)

    τόσος poetic τοσόσδε or τοσοῦτος (tantus)

    ὅσος (quantus)

    ὁπόσος (quantuscumque)

    ποῖος (qualis) ‘of what sort?’ ποιός (qualis)

    τοῖος poetic τοιόσδε or τοιοῦτος (talis)

    οἷος (qualis)

    ὁποῖος (qualiscumque)

    πηλίκος (quotus) ‘of what age?’ πηλίκος

    τηλίκος poetic τηλικόσδε or τηλικοῦτος (tŏtus)

    ἡλίκος ὁπηλίκος

    ποῦ (ubi) ‘where?’ που (alicubi)

    ἔνθα poetic (eō) ἐνθάδε (istō, hīc) ἐνταῦθα (hīc, illīc, ibi) ἐκεῖ (illīc)

    ἔνθα poetic οὗ (quō)

    ὅπου (quōcumque)

    πόθι (ubi) ‘at what place?’ ποθί (alicubi)

    τόθι (ibi) ἔνθα poetic (eō) ἐνθάδε (istō, hīc) ἐνταῦθα (hīc, illīc, ibi) ἐκεῖ (illīc)

    ὅθι οὗ (quō)

    ὁπόθι (quōcumque)

    πόθεν (unde) ‘from what

    place?’ ποθεν (alicunde)

    τόθεν ἔνθεν poetic (hinc) ἐνθένδε (hinc) ἐντεῦθεν (hinc, illinc) ἐκεῖθεν (illinc)

    ἔνθεν poetic ὅθεν (unde)

    ὁπόθεν (undecumque)

    ποῖ (quō) ‘to what place?’ ποι (aliquō)

    ἔνθα poetic (istūc, hūc) ἐνταῦθα (hūc, illūc) ἐκεῖσε (illūc)

    ἔνθα poetic οἷ (quō)

    ὅποι (quōcumque)

    πότε (quando) ‘when?’ ποτε (aliquando) τότε (tum, tunc)

    ὅτε (quando)

    ὁπότε (quandocumque)

    πηνίκα ‘exactly when?’ ————

    τηνίκα poetic τηνικάδε τηνικαῦτα

    ἡνίκα ὁπηνίκα

    πῇ (quā) ‘by what way?’ πῃ (aliquā)

    τῇ poetic (eā) τῇδε (istā, hāc) ταύτῃ (hāc, illā) ἐκείνῃ (illā)

    ᾗ (quā) ὅπῃ (quācumque)

    πῶς (quō, quī) ‘how?’

    πως (aliquō, aliquī)

    ὥς poetic (eō) τώς poetic (eō) ὧδε (istō, hōc) οὕτω(ς) (hōc, illō) ἐκείνως (illō)

    ὡς (quō, quī)

    ὅπως (quōcumque)

    ποσάκις (quotie[n]s)

    ‘how frequently?’

    ποσάκις (aliquotie[n]s)

    τόσακις (totie[n]s)

    ὁσάκις (quotie[n]s)

    ὁποσάκις (quotienscumque)

  • adverbs (see Smyth §§341–345) 1. Adverb-forms are often based on old case-forms, e.g.:

    nominative: !"#, $!%#, &'%()# accusative: (very common) !*+,-', !-.", (/0*1', ,2(3*-', !-..4 genitive: !-5, -6, %7,-5, 8#9:, ;0!-, ,>

  • prepositions

    accusative genitive dative taking 3 cases

    !"#$ round about, near concerning about (poetic) %&$ to, toward, for on on "'() after with among, in (Epic) &*+) to, contrary to from chez, apud &'+$ round about, concerning about, because of concerning &+,- to, toward on the side of at, besides, in addition to .&, under by, under under, by taking 2 cases

    !/) up along, through upon (poetic) 01) because of through 2*() along, over, down from, against according to .&3+ over, beyond above, on behalf of taking 1 case

    !/($ opposite to, in return for !&, from, away from '4- (%-) into, to %2, %5 out, out of, from, from within %/ in &+, before, for 67/ (57/) with

  • case usage in Ancient Greek and Latin: some major categories For the fullest accounts in English see Smyth and Woodcock (fuller than the just adequate Goodwin and Kennedy), if you have even a little German see Schwyzer vol. 2 for Ancient Greek and Leumann-Hofmann-Szantyr for Latin. This list is not meant to cover specific words that govern particular cases e.g. plenus with the genitive or ablative or καταγιγνώσκω with acc. rei (‘accusative of the matter’) and gen. pers. (‘genitive of the person’). accusative can be said to fall into four major uses:

    1. direct object (and also as subject of noun clauses, e.g. in Indirect Speech) 2. marking motion or extent (of time or place): Romam, quattor dies 3. cognate accusative: vitam vivo, δίκας δικάζομαι (a.k.a. figura etymologica) 4. adverbial accusative (≈ accusative of respect): quid, τι: ‘somewhat’, ‘in respect of something’; quid?, τί: ‘why?’

    genitive (= Eng. ‘of’) N.B. Schwyzer’s Gk categories: 1. ABLATIVE 2. PARTITIVE 3. OF BELONGING (‘Pertinentiv’) 4. SYNCRETISTIC 1. ‘adnominals’ are any genitives that ‘qualify’ or depend on nouns: fratris mors = mors fraterna 2. ‘adverbials’ are e.g. genitive of the charge, memory (and forgetting), source of emotion 3. possessive: τὸ βίβλιον αὐτοῦ; N.B. hominis errare est, ἀνδρὸς ἀγαθοῦ περὶ τῶν μεγίστων συμβουλεύειν 4. subjective: amor Dei (= amat Deus) 5. objective: amor Dei (= amamus Deum) 6. partitive: tantum pecuniae, εἰς τοσοῦτον ὕβρεως 7. of definition (‘appositional’): Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον, virtus iustitiae (Eng. ‘the city of London’ but Lat. urbs Roma) 8. of description: homo eius modi 9. of price and value: magni facio, (περί) πολλοῦ ἂν τοῦτο ποιησαίμην 10. ‘time within which’: anni, ἐνιαυτοῦ or ἔτους 11. ‘of the sphere’ or ‘respect’: ὦ δυστάλαινα τῆς ἐμῆς αὐθαδίας Eur. Med. 1028 (does this cover ‘verbs of forgetting’, etc.?) 12. Gk only: of separation (Lat. abl.) (normally with prepositions or prepositional prefixes) 13. Gk only: of comparison (Lat. abl.) dative (= Eng. ‘to’ and ‘for’) N.B. Schwyzer’s Gk categories: 1. ‘TRUE’ DATIVE 2. LOCATIVE 3. INSTRUMENTAL 4. SYNCRETISTIC

    1. of the indirect object: librum mihi da 2. of reference or advantage (or disadvantage): me tibi exorno 3. of agent: mihi faciendum est (only with gerundives) or πεποίηταί μοι (Gk perfects only) 4. ethic: quid mihi Celsus agit? ‘Tell me, what is Celsus up to?’ (cf. Gk τοι ‘I tell you’—freq. in Homer and Plato) 5. of possession: est mihi liber: we normally find esse or εἶναι here (or implied), but not always 6. predicative or purpose + reference: LARGELY SPECIAL TO LATIN: saluti urbi fuit, praesidio mihi es

    7. Gk only: of instrument (Lat. abl.) 8. Gk only: of degree of difference: πολλῷ μείζων (Lat. abl.) 9. Gk only: of time and place (Lat. abl.) 10. Gk only: comitative: χρόνῳ ‘with time’ (Lat. abl.) (n.b. special idiom w/ dat. αὐτός) 11. Gk only: of manner: σπουδῇ, σιγῇ (Lat. abl.) 12. Gk only: of cause: νόσῳ ἀποθανεῖν (Lat. abl.) 13. Gk only: of specification (or respect) (Lat. abl.) ablative (= Eng. ‘from’, ‘with’, ‘by’, ‘in’) N.B. L-H-S’s Lat. categories: 1. ‘TRUE’ ABLATIVE 2. INSTRUMENT 3. LOCATIVE 1. of separation or ‘true’ ablative (Gk gen.): libera me metu 2. of agent: with ab in Latin (= ὑπό in Greek) 3. of material (with ex or de in Classical Latin) 4. of comparison: be sure NOT to use quam or ἤ as well! (Gk gen.) 5. of cause: morbo perire (Gk dat. and gen.) 6. of association (or ‘comitative’): normally with cum: this is the origin of abl. abs. (Gk dat. and gen.), a.k.a. ‘attendant circumstance’ 7. of instrument: distinguish carefully from agent (Gk dat.) 8. of description: vir magna sapientia (compare the genitive of description) 9. of specification (or respect): mirabile dictu, umero saucius 10. of degree of difference: multo maior (Gk dat.) 11. of manner: magno (cum) studio (Gk dat.) 12. of place or time: die tertio (Gk dat.) Leumann-Hofmann-Szantyr Lateinische Grammatik (1965/1972) Schwyzer, E. Griechische Grammatik5 (1988) Woodcock, E. A new Latin syntax (1959)

  • conspectus of the key Ancient Greek verb paradigms

    A B C D E F G H I J key term tense voice indicative infinitive participle subjunctive optative imperative past form

    1 !"#$ sum pres. !"#$ !%&'( )& * !+,& +-.( / 2 fut. 0-1#'( 0-!-.'( 2-3#!&14 2-1$#,& 3 !%#( ibo pres. !%#( "5&'( "6& +7 +1(#( +.( 8' 4 1%9' pres. 1%9' !"95&'( !"964 !"9: !"9!$,& +-.( ;9, 5 fut. !+-1#'( !+-!-.'( !"-3#!&14 !"-1$#,& 6 thematic verbs pres. act.

  • !"#$ sum present INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 !"#$ — %'(

    !"#'( Ion.

    1 ) *+ Ion.

    — )#!( 1 !,-( *./#/ Ep.

    — !,-#!( prose !0#!( poet., Pl. *./#!( Ep.

    2 ,&1/ *&&. Hom.

    *&2.( *&2!

    2 !0 %&&$ Hom. !03 Ion.

    %&24( %&2' 2 53 / 6/3 *73 Hom.

    62.( 62! 2 !,-3 *./3 Hom.

    !,-2.( !02.( Pl.

    !,-2! prose !02! poet., Pl.

    3 *&2+ *&2+( *&2+( *&2+&8( Pl., Dem. 9(2+( Pl., inscrr.

    3 %&2$(() %&24( !"&$(() *8&/(() Hom.

    3 5 / 6/ *7 Hom. *7&/(() Hom. 5&/(() Hom. :2+ late

    62.( )&/(() *+&/(() Ion.

    3 !,- *./ Hom.

    !";2-( !,2-( Pl.

    !,-&8( prose !0!( prose & poet., Pl.

    INFINITIVE !0(8/ *##!(8/, *##!(, *#!(8/, *#!( Hom. PARTICIPLE , 9( %?(, %.@&8, *.( Ion. imperfect (indicative only) future (indicative and optative only) INDICATIVE OPTATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 6 6( later 68, *.(, *&A.( Hom. *8 Ion. :#-( late

    — 6#!( :#!18 late

    1 *&.#8/ *&&.#8/ Hom.

    not attested %&4#!18 %&.$#-( not attested %&.$#!18

    2 6&18 63 rare 6&183 rare *-&18 Ion. *&A!3 Ep. *83 Hdt. 6&. late

    6&2.( 62! 6&2! rare *82! Hdt.

    2 *&!/ *&7 / *&-/

    *&!&1.( *&!&1! *&./. *&./&1.( *&./&1!

    3 6( 6!(, *-(, :-(, *&A!(() Hom. 6&2. late

    :&2-( 6&8( *&A.( Ion. *&8( Hom.

    3 *&28/ *&!28/ Hom. *&&!28/ Hom. %&&!B28/ Hom.

    *&!&1.( *&.(28/ *&./2. %&.$&1-( *&./(2.

    INFINITIVE *&!&18/ *&&!&18/ Hom. PARTICIPLE %&4#!(.3, --, -.( %&&4#!(.3 Hom.

  • !"#$ ibo present INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"#$ — %#!& 1 %' — %'#!& %(#!& Hom.

    1 %($#$ )(*+&

    — %($#!& 2 %,$ %-(& %-!

    2 !" !".,/ Hom. !"0 Hesiod

    %-(& %-! 2 %10 / %+$0 %1.,/ Hom.

    %+-(& %+-! 2 %($0 %($-(& %($-! 3 %-' %-'& )2&-'& %-'./& Xen. Pl.

    3 !".$(&) %-(& %/.$(&) 3 %1 / %+$ %1.$(&) Hom.

    %+-(& %'.$(&) 3 %($ )(*-+& %($!&

    INFINITIVE )3&/$ %#!&/$ %#!& Hom. PARTICIPLE )4& )(5.6 )2& imperfect (indicative only) singular dual plural 1 7/ / 8$/ older

    9!$& / :$!$& later :;/ Ion.

    — 7#!& / 8$#!& 9!$#!& v. late 9(#!& Hom.

    2 9!$.,/ / :$!$.,/ older 9!$0 / :$!$0 later :;!0 Hom.

    7-(& / 8$-(&

    7-! / 8$-! 9!$-! v. late

    3 9!$(&) / :$!$(&) older 9!$ / :$!$ later :;!(&), 7!(&), %!(&) Hom.

    9-+& / :$-+& %-+& Hom.

    7./& / 8$./& 9!./& / :$!./& prose :;./&, %./&, :;(& Hom.

  • !"#$ present INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 !"#$ — %&'()

    !%#$'() Ion. %#'() Ion.

    1 (*#+ (*#,- Ion. *#,- Hom. (%#- Hom.

    — (*#+'() (*#,-'() Ion. (%#!'() Hom.

    1 (*#(./) — (*#(0'() poetry & prose (*#(./'() prose


    2 %&12 %&3!) %&3(

    2 !"&1$ !"#$4 Ion. and

    late !"&1$4 Comedy

    %&3!) !%#$3!) Ion. and


    %&3( !%#$3( Ion.

    and late

    2 (*#54 / (*#624

    (*#63!) (*#63( (%#(3( Hom.

    2 (*#(./4 (*#(03!) (*#(03( poetry & prose (*#(./3( prose only

    3 %&3- %&3-) %&3-) %&3-&$)


    3 !"#(()) %&3!) !%#$3!) Ion. and


    %&$&2()) !%#$&2()) Ion.

    and late

    3 (*#5 / (*#62

    (*#63!) (*#+&2()) (*#,-&2()) Ion.

    3 (*#(./ (*#(.3/) (*#(0() poetry & prose (*#(./&$) prose


    INFINITIVE (*#,)$2 %#'()$2, %#'() Hom. PARTICIPLE (*#74, (*#809, (*#:4 *#80$ Hom. imperfect (indicative only) future (indicative and optative only) INDICATIVE OPTATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 ;#/ ;#(2) later ;#($ Ion. &- Ion.

    not attested (*&:'(1$ (*#>&!'() Ion.

    (*&!.'/) not attested (*&!.'(1$

    2 ;#/&1$ ;#(24 later ;#(2&1$ Attic? &(24 Ion.

    (%&(&1!) (%&(&1( (*#>&(3( Ion.

    (%&!2! (%&!2&1!) (%&!2&1(

    3 ;#(2()) ;#((()) Ion. &(2 Ion.

    (%&(&1!) (%&!)3$2 (*#>&!8&2()) Ion.

    (%&!23! (*&!.&1/) (%&!2)3!

    INFINITIVE (%&(&1$2 (*#>&(2) Ion., (*#>&('() Hom. PARTICIPLE (*&:'()!4, -/, -!)

  • !"# present stem forms


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"# — !"$%&'

    1 !"#

    — !"#%&' 1 !"$(%( — !"$(%&'

    2 !)& !"&*$' !"&*& 1 +!,$' — -!"$%&'

    2 !"&(.

    !"&*$' !"&*& 2 !"/. / !"0(.

    !"0*$' !"0*& 2 !"$(.

    !"$(*$' !"$(*& 3 !,1*# !,1*#' !,2'*#' / !,1*#34'

    2 +!,&. -!"&*$' -!"&*&

    3 !"&( !"&*$' !"$,3((') 3 !"/ / !"0(

    !"0*$' !"#3((') 3 !"$( !,$5*0' !"$(&'

    3 +!,&(') -!,1*0' +!,$'

    INFINITIVE !"&(' PARTICIPLE !"#', !"$,36, !)$'


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"$%4( !,2%&7$' !,2%&74

    1 !"#%4(

    !,8%&7$' !,8%&74 1 !,$5%0' !,$5%&7$' !,$5%&74

    2 !"$, !"&37$' !"&37& 1 -!,2%0' -!,2%&7$' -!,2%&74

    2 !"&( / !"/ / !"0(

    !"&37$' !"&37& 2 !"/ / !"0(

    !"037$' !"037& 2 !"$($

    !"$(37$' !"$(37& 3 !,137# !,137#' !,137#' / !,137#34'

    2 -!"$, -!"&37$' -!"&37&

    3 !"&*4( !"&37$' !"$'*4( 3 !"0*4( !"037$' !"#'*4( 3 !"$(*$ !,$5370' !"$('*$ 3 -!"&*$ -!,1370' -!"$'*$

    INFINITIVE !"&374( PARTICIPLE !,2%&'$. 0 $'

  • !"# aorist stem forms



    singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 $!%&' — (!"&')*+

    1 !"

    — !")*+ 1 !"&',), — !"&',)*+

    2 !-&.+ !"&'/.+ !"&'/* INFINITIVE !-&',

    2 $!%&'0

    (!"&'/.+ (!"&'/* 2 !"&10 / !"&2,0

    !"&2/.+ !"&2/* 2 !"&',0 / !"&*,'0

    !"&',/.+ !"&',/* 3 !%&3/# !%&3/#+ !%&3+/#+

    PARTICIPLE !"&'0 !"&4&5 !-&5+

    3 $!%&*(+) (!%&3/2+ $!%&'+ 3 !"&1 / !"&2,

    !"&2/.+ !"&,(+) 3 !"&', / !"&*,*(+)

    !%&'6/2+ !"&',*+ / !"&*,'+



    singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 (!%&3)2+ (!%&3)*7.+ (!%&3)*7'

    1 !")',

    !%&8)*7.+ !%&8)*7' 1 !%&'6)2+ !%&'6)*7.+ !%&'6)*7'

    2 !-&', !"&'&7.+ !"&'&7*

    INF. !"&'&7',

    2 (!"

    (!"&'&7.+ (!"&'&7* 2 !"&1 / !"&2,

    !"&2&7.+ !"&2&7* 2 !"&',. !"&',&7.+ !"&',&7* 3 !%&3&7# !%&3&7#+ !%&3&7#+

    PT. !%&3)*+.0 2 .+

    3 (!"&'/. (!%&3&72+ (!"&'+/. 3 !"&2/', !"&2&7.+ !"+/', 3 !"&',/. !%&'6&72+ !"&',+/.



    singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 (!"72+ — (!"72)*+

    1 !%79

    — !%79)*+ 1 !%7*62+ — !%7*:)*+ / !%7*62)*+

    2 !"72/, !"72/.+ !"72/*

    INF. !%7;+',

    2 (!"720

    (!"72/.+ (!"72/* 2 !%7+/#+

    PT. !%7*60 !%7*:&5 !%7>+

    3 (!"72 (!%7=/2+ (!"72&'+ 3 !%7< / !%7;,

    !%7;/.+ !%79&,(+) 3 !%7*62 !%7*6/2+ / !%7*,=/2+

    !%7*:*+ / !%7*62&'+

  • !"# perfect stem forms (simple and periphrastic) (N.B. These are first [or kappatic] perfect forms; second perfect forms [e.g. $%$&'( < $)$'&*(+] do not show the ,; otherwise they are identical to first perfects.)


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE rare in simple OPTATIVE rare in simple IMPERATIVE rare in simple singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !%!-,( — !.!",(*.'

    1 !.!",#

    — !.!",#*.' 1 !.!",&+*+ / !.!-,&)/'

    — !.!",&+*.'

    2 !%!-,. !.!",.0&' !.!",.0.

    2 !%!-,(1 !.!",(0&' !.!",(0. 2 !.!",21 / !.!",/+1

    !.!",/0&' !.!",/0. 2 !.!",&+1 / !.!-,&)/1

    !.!",&+0&' !.!",&+0. 3 !.!-,%0# !.!-,%0#' !.!-,3'0#' / !.!-,%0#4('

    3 !%!-,.(') !.!",(0&' !.!",54+(') 3 !.!",2 / !.!",/+

    !.!",/0&' !.!",#4+(') 3 !.!",&+ / !.!-,&)/

    !.!-,&)0/' !.!",&+.'

    periphrastic periphrastic periphrastic periphrastic

    !.!-,61 .7*+ ,0! !.!-,81 9 ,0! !.!-,81 .:/' ,0! !.!-,81 :4;+ ,0!

    INFINITIVE !.!-,%'(+ PARTICIPLE !.!-,61, !.!-,-#

    — !.!">&*.' 1 !.!">&+*+ — !.!">&+*.'

    2 =!.!",/1 / =!.!",.+1

    =!.!",.0&' / =!.!",.+0&'

    =!.!",.0. / =!.!",.+0.

    2 !.!">.+1 !.!">.0&' !.!">.0. 2 !.!">&+1 !.!">&+0&' !.!">&+0.

    3 =!.!",.+ =!.!-,%0/' / =!.!-,.)0/'

    =!.!",.4(' / =!.!",.+4('

    3 !.!">.+ !.!">.0&' !.!">&-4+(') 3 !.!">&+ !.!->&)0/' !.!">&+.'

    periphrastic periphrastic periphrastic

    !.!-,81 ? ,0! !.!-,81 @4&*(+ ,0! !.!-,81 =4&)*/'

    INFINITIVE !.!">.+', !.!-,81 @4.4;(+ PARTICIPLE !.!">#'

  • λύω perfect stem forms (simple and periphrastic) middle/passive INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE very rare in simple

    (mainly for κέκτημαι and μέμνημαι) OPTATIVE very rare in simple

    (mainly for κέκτημαι and μέμνημαι) IMPERATIVE rare in simple

    singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 λέλυμαι λελύμεθον λελύμεθα

    1 λελύωμαι λελυώμεθον λελύωμεθα 1 λελυοίμην /

    λελυίμην λελυοίμεθον / λελυίμεθον

    λελυοίμεθα / λελυίμεθα

    2 λέλυσο λέλυσθον λέλυσθε

    2 λέλυσαι λέλυσθον λέλυσθε 2 λελύῃ / λελύηι

    λελύησθον λελύησθε 2 λελύοιο / λελύῑο

    λελύοισθον / λελύῑσθον

    λελύοισθε / λελύῑσθε

    3 λελύσθω λελύσθων λελύσθων

    3 λέλυται λέλυσθον λέλυνται

    3 λελύηται

    λελύησθον λελύωνται 3 λελύοιτο / λελύῑτο

    λελυοίσθην / λελυίσθην

    λελύοιντο / λελύῑντο

    periphrastic periphrastic periphrastic periphrastic λελυμένος εἰμί, κτλ λελυμένος ὦ, κτλ λελυμένος εἴην, κτλ λελυμένος ἴσθι, κτλ

    INFINITIVE λελύσθαι PARTICIPLE λελυμένος η ον

    PLUPERFECT FUTURE PERFECT INDICATIVE rare in simple FUTURE PERFECT OPTATIVE rare in simple singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 ἐλελύμην ἐλελύμεθον ἐλελύμεθα

    1 λελύσομαι

    λελυσόμεθον λελυσόμεθα 1 λελυσοίμην λελυσοίμεθον λελυσοίμεθα

    2 ἐλέλυσο

    ἐλέλυσθον ἐλέλυσθε 2 λελύσει / λελύσῃ / λελύσηι

    λελύσεσθον λελύσεσθε 2 λελύσοιο λελύσοισθον λελύσοισθε

    3 ἐλέλυτο ἐλελύσθην ἐλέλυντο 3 λελύσεται λελύσεσθον λελύσονται 3 λελύσοιτο λελυσοίσθην λελύσοινται

    periphrastic periphrastic periphrastic λελυμένος ἦ, κτλ λελυμένος ἔσομαι, κτλ λελυμένος ἐσοίμην INFINITIVE λελύσεσθαι, λελυμένος ἔσεσθαι PARTICIPLE λελυσόμενος η ον

  • !"# future tense forms



    singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"$# — !"$%&'( 1 !"$%)&) — !"$%)&'( INFINITIVE !"$')(

    2 !"$')* !"$'+%( !"$'+' 2 !"$%)* !"$%)+%( !"$%)+' PARTICIPLE !"$#( !"$%,$- !.$%(

    3 !"$') !"$'+%( !"$%,$)(() 3 !"$%) !,$%/+0( !"$%)'(



    singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"$%&1) !,$2&'3%( !,$2&'31 1 !,$%/&0( !,$%/&'3%( !,$%/&'31 INFINITIVE !"$'$31)

    2 !"$') / !"$4 / !"$0)

    !"$'$3%( !"$'$3' 2 !"$%)% !"$%)$3%( !"$%)$3' PARTICIPLE !,$2&'(%* 0 %(

    3 !"$'+1) !"$'$3%( !"$%(+1) 3 !"$%)+% !,$%/$30( !"$%)(+%



    singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !,35$%&1) !,30$2&'3%( λυθησόμεθα 1 !,30$%/&0( !,30$%/&'3%( !,30$%/&'31 INFINITIVE !,35$'$31)

    2 !,35$') / !,35$4 / !,35$0)

    !,35$'$3%( !,35$'$3' 2 !,35$%)% !,35$%)$3%( !,35$%)$3' PARTICIPLE !,30$2&'(%* 0 %(

    3 !,35$'+1) !,35$'$3%( !,35$%(+1) 3 !,35$%)+% !,30$%/$30( !,35$%)(+%

  • !"#$% present stem forms


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE common forms bold IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"#& ('-%)

    — !"#() ('-*#())

    1 !"#& ('-%)

    — !"#() ('-%#())

    1 !"#+,) / !"#-",) ('-*",))


    !"#.#" / !"#&"#" ('-*"#")

    — !"#+,#() / !"#-",#() ('-*",#())


    !"#.#() / !"#&"#() ('-*"#())

    2 !/#0 ('-()

    !"#1!*) ('-(!*))

    !"#1!( ('-(!()

    1 2!/#%) ('-*))

    — 2!"#() ('-*#())

    2 !"#34 / !"#1"4 ('-("4)

    !"#1!*) ('-(!*))

    !"#1!( ('-(!()

    2 !"#34 / !"#1"4 ('-54)

    !"#1!*) ('-,!*))

    !"#1!( ('-,!()

    2 !"#+,4 / !"#-",4 ('-*",4)


    !"#.4 / !"#&"4 ('-*"4)

    !"#+,!*) / !"#-",!*) ('-*",!*))


    !"#.!*) / !"#&"!*) ('-*"!*))

    !"#+,!( / !"#-",!( ('-*",!()


    !"#.!( / !"#&"!( ('-*"!()

    3 !"#$!% ('-(!%)

    !"#$!%) ('-(!%))

    !"#-)!%) ('-*)!%)) / !"#$!%6') ('-(!%6'))

    2 2!/#04 ('-(4)

    2!"#1!*) ('-(!*))

    2!"#1!( ('-(!()

    3 !"#3 / !"#1" ('-(")

    !"#1!*) ('-(!*))

    !"#&6"()) ('-*76")

    3 !"#3 / !"#1" ('-5)

    !"#1!*) ('-,!*))

    !"#&6"()) ('-%6")

    3 !"#+, / !"#-", ('-*",)


    !"#. / !"#&" ('-*")

    !"#89!,) / !"#%"9!,) ('-*",!,))


    !"#+!,) / !"#-"!,) ('-*"!,))

    !"#+,6') / !"#-",6') ('-*",6'))


    !"#.() / !"#&"() ('-*"())

    3 2!/#0 ('-()

    2!"#$!,) ('-(!,))

    2!/#%) ('-*))

    INFINITIVE !"#1) ('-("))

    PARTICIPLE !"#&) ('-%)), !"#&6: ('-*76:), !"#&) ('-*))


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    !"#'" ('-*#'")

    !"#-#(;*) ('-*#(;*))

    !"#-#(;' ('-*#(;')

    1 !"#'" ('-%#'")

    !"#-#(;*) ('-%#(;*))

    !"#-#(;' ('-%#(;')

    1 !"#+#,)/ !"#-"#,) ('-o"#,))

    !"#+#(;*)/ !"#-"#(;*) ('-*"#(;*))

    !"#+#(;'/ !"#-"#(;' ('-*"#(;')

    2 !"#& ('-*7)

    !"#16;*) ('-(6;*))

    !"#16;( ('-(6;()

    1 2!"#-#,) ('-*#,))

    2!"#-#(;*) ('-*#(;*))

    2!"#-#(;' ('-o#(;')

    !"#3 / !"#1" ('-("/5)

    !"#16;*) ('-(6;*))

    !"#16;( ('-(6;()

    2 !"#3 / !"#1" ('-5)

    !"#16;*) ('-,6;*))

    !"#16;( ('-,6;()

    2 !"#.* / !"#&"* ('-*"*)

    !"#.6;*) / !"#&"6;*) ('-*"6;*))

    !"#.6;( / !"#&"6;( ('-*"6;()

    3 !"#$6;% ('-(6;%)

    !"#$6;%) ('-(6;%))

    !"#$6;%) ('-(6;%)) / !"#$6;%6') ('-(6;%6'))

    2 2!"#& ('-*7)

    2!"#16;*) ('-(6;*))

    2!"#16;( ('-(6;()

    !"#1!'" ('-(!'")

    !"#16;*) ('-(6;*))

    !"#&)!'" ('-*)!'")

    3 !"#1!'" ('-,!'")

    !"#16;*) ('-,6;*))

    !"#&)!'" ('-%)!'")

    3 !"#.!* / !"#&"!* ('-*"!*)

    !"#+6;,)/ !"#-"6;,) ('-*"6;,))

    !"#.)!* / !"#&")!* ('-*")!*)

    3 2!"#1!* ('-(!*)

    2!"#$6;,) ('-(6;,))

    2!"#&)!* ('-*)!*)

    INFINITIVE !"#16;'" ('-(6;'") PARTICIPLE !"#-#()*4 , *) ('-*#()*4)

  • !"#$% present stem forms


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE common forms bold IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"#& ('-%)

    — !"#"()'* ('-")'*)

    1 !"#& ('-%)

    — !"#&)'* ('-%)'*)

    1 !"#"+,* ('-"#,*)


    !"#"-)# ('-"#)#)

    — !"#"+,)'* ('-"#,)'*)


    !"#"-)'* ('-"#)'*)

    2 !"+'# ('-')

    !"#'-."* ('-'."*)

    !"#'-.' ('-'.')

    1 /!"+"0* ('-"*)

    — /!"#"()'* ('-")'*)

    2 !"#'-1 ('-'#1)

    !"#'-."* ('-'."*)

    !"#'-.' ('-'.')

    2 !"#21 / !"#3#1 ('-41)

    !"#3."* ('-,."*)

    !"#3.' ('-,.')

    2 !"#"+,1 ('-"#,1)


    !"#"-1 ('-"#1)

    !"#"+,."* ('-"#,."*)


    !"#"-."* ('-"#."*)

    !"#"+,.' ('-"#,.')


    !"#"-.' ('-"#.')

    3 !"#'+.% ('-'.%)

    !"#'+.%* ('-'.%*)

    !"#"5*.%* ('-"*.%*) / !"#'+.%67* ('-'.%67*)

    2 /!"+'#1 ('-'1)

    /!"#'-."* ('-'."*)

    /!"#'-.' ('-'.')

    3 !"#'- ('-'#)

    !"#'-."* ('-'."*)

    !"#"(6#(*) ('-"06#)

    3 !"#2 / !"#3# ('-4)

    !"#3."* ('-,."*)

    !"#&6#(*) ('-%6#)

    3 !"#"+, ('-"#,)


    !"#"- ('-"#)

    !"#"#8.,* ('-"#,.,*)


    !"#"+.,* ('-"#.,*)

    !"#"+,67* ('-"#,67*)


    !"#"-'* ('-"#'*)

    3 /!"+'# ('-')

    /!"#'+.,* ('-'.,*)

    /!"+"0* ('-"*)

    INFINITIVE !"#'-* ('-'#*)

    PARTICIPLE !"#&* ('-%*), !"#"(69 ('-"069), !"#"(* ('-"*)


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    !"#"()7# ('-")7#)

    !"#"5)':"* ('-")':"*)

    !"#"5)':7 ('-")':7)

    1 !"#&)7# ('-%)7#)

    !"#;)':"* ('-%)':"*)

    !"#;)':7 ('-%)':7)

    1 !"#"+),* ('-o#),*)

    !"#"+)':"* ('-"#)':"*)

    !"#"+)':7 ('-"#)':7)

    2 !"#"( ('-"0)

    !"#'-6:"* ('-'6:"*)

    !"#'-6:' ('-'6:')

    1 /!"#"5),* ('-"),*)

    /!"#"5)':"* ('-")':"*)

    /!"#"5)':7 ('-o)':7)

    !"#'- / !"#2 / !"#3# ('-'#/4)

    !"#'-6:"* ('-'6:"*)

    !"#'-6:' ('-'6:')

    2 !"#2 / !"#3# ('-4)

    !"#36:"* ('-,6:"*)

    !"#36:' ('-,6:')

    2 !"#"-" ('-"#")

    !"#"-6:"* ('-"#6:"*)

    !"#"-6:' ('-"#6:')

    3 !"#'+6:% ('-'6:%)

    !"#'+6:%* ('-'6:%*)

    !"#'+6:%* ('-'6:%*) / !"#'+6:%67* ('-'6:%67*)

    2 /!"#"( ('-"0)

    /!"#'-6:"* ('-'6:"*)

    /!"#'-6:' ('-'6:')

    !"#'-.7# ('-'.7#)

    !"#'-6:"* ('-'6:"*)

    !"#"(*.7# ('-"*.7#)

    3 !"#3.7# ('-,.7#)

    !"#36:"* ('-,6:"*)

    !"#&*.7# ('-%*.7#)

    3 !"#"-." ('-"#.")

    !"#"+6:,* ('-"#6:,*)

    !"#"-*." ('-"#*.")

    3 /!"#'-." ('-'.")

    /!"#'+6:,* ('-'6:,*)

    /!"#"(*." ('-"*.")

    INFINITIVE !"#'-6:7# ('-'6:7#) PARTICIPLE !"#"5)'*"1 , "* ('-")'*"1)

  • !"#$% present stem forms


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE common forms bold IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"#& ('-%)

    — !"#'()*+ ('-')*+)

    1 !"#& ('-%)

    — !"#&)*+ ('-%)*+)

    1 !"#',"+ ('-'-"+)


    !"#'.)- ('-'-)-)

    — !"#',")*+ ('-'-")*+)


    !"#'.)*+ ('-'-)*+)

    2 !/#'0 ('-*)

    !"#'(1'+ ('-*1'+)

    !"#'(1* ('-*1*)

    1 2!/#'0+ ('-'+)

    — 2!"#'()*+ ('-')*+)

    2 !"#'.3 ('-*-3)

    !"#'(1'+ ('-*1'+)

    !"#'(1* ('-*1*)

    2 !"#'.3 ('-43)

    !"#&1'+ ('-"1'+)

    !"#&1* ('-"1*)

    2 !"#',"3 ('-'-"3)


    !"#'.3 ('-'-3)

    !"#',"1'+ ('-'-"1'+)


    !"#'.1'+ ('-'-1'+)

    !"#',"1* ('-'-"1*)


    !"#'.1* ('-'-1*)

    3 !"#'51% ('-*1%)

    !"#'51%+ ('-*1%+)

    !"#'5+1%+ ('-'+1%+) / !"#'51%67+ ('-*1%67+)

    2 2!/#'03 ('-*3)

    2!"#'(1'+ ('-*1'+)

    2!"#'(1* ('-*1*)

    3 !"#'. ('-*-)

    !"#'(1'+ ('-*1'+)

    !"#'(6-(+) ('-'06-)

    3 !"#'. ('-43)

    !"#&1'+ ('-"1'+)

    !"#&6-(+) ('-%6-)

    3 !"#'," ('-'-")


    !"#'. ('-'-)

    !"#'-/1"+ ('-'-"1"+)


    !"#',1"+ ('-'-1"+)

    !"#',"67+ ('-'-"67+)


    !"#'.*+ ('-'-*+)

    3 2!/#'0 ('-*)

    2!"#'51"+ ('-*1"+)

    2!/#'0+ ('-'+)

    INFINITIVE !"#'(+ ('-*-+)

    PARTICIPLE !"#&+ ('-%+), !"#'(68 ('-'068), !"#'(+ ('-'+)


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    !"#'()7- ('-')7-)

    !"#'5)*9'+ ('-')*9'+)

    !"#'5)*97 ('-')*97)

    1 !"#&)7- ('-%)7-)

    !"#:)*9'+ ('-%)*9'+)

    !"#:)*97 ('-%)*97)

    1 !"#',)"+ ('-o-)"+)

    !"#',)*9'+ ('-'-)*9'+)

    !"#',)*97 ('-'-)*97)

    2 !"#'( ('-'0)

    !"#'(69'+ ('-*69'+)

    !"#'(69* ('-*69*)

    1 2!"#'5)"+ ('-')"+)

    2!"#'5)*9'+ ('-')*9'+)

    2!"#'5)*97 ('-o)*97)

    !"#'. ('-*-/4)

    !"#'(69'+ ('-*69'+)

    !"#'(69* ('-*69*)

    2 !"#'. ('-4)

    !"#&69'+ ('-"69'+)

    !"#&69* ('-"69*)

    2 !"#'.' ('-'-')

    !"#'.69'+ ('-'-69'+)

    !"#'.69* ('-'-69*)

    3 !"#'569% ('-*69%)

    !"#'569%+ ('-*69%+)

    !"#'569%+ ('-*69%+) / !"#'569%67+ ('-*69%67+)

    2 2!"#'( ('-'0)

    2!"#'(69'+ ('-*69'+)

    2!"#'(69* ('-*69*)

    !"#'(17- ('-*17-)

    !"#'(69'+ ('-*69'+)

    !"#'(+17- ('-'+17-)

    3 !"#&17- ('-"17-)

    !"#&69'+ ('-"69'+)

    !"#&+17- ('-%+17-)

    3 !"#'.1' ('-'-1')

    !"#',69"+ ('-'-69"+)

    !"#'.+1' ('-'-+1')

    3 2!"#'(1' ('-*1')

    2!"#'569"+ ('-*69"+)

    2!"#'(+1' ('-'+1')

    INFINITIVE !"#'(697- ('-*697-) PARTICIPLE !"#'5)*+'3 " '+ ('-')*+'3)

  • irregular contract verbs 1: long vowel stems

    !"# (similarly $%&"#, '("#, ("#, )*%("#, +,"#, -."#, &"#)

    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE common forms bold IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !/ — !/,*(

    1 !/ — !/,*(

    1 !0,% / !/%,%


    !12( / !3%2(

    — !0,*( / !/%,*(


    !12,*( / !3%2,*(

    2 !4

    !45% late

    !467( !46* 1 8!#( /


    v. rare

    — 9!/,*(

    2 !:; /


    !467( !46* 2 !:; /


    !467( !46* 2 !0; / !/%;


    !12; / !3%2;

    !067( / !/%67(


    !1267( / !3%267(

    !06* / !/%6*


    !126* / !3%26*

    3 !

  • irregular contract verbs 2: monosyllabic -! stems (no contraction with " or #)

    $% (so '(, ( 2 [‘need’, not ‘bind’], ), *, +, ,, -., /)

    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    INF. $%!0+

    1 $%

    — $%&"1!+

    1 $%

    — $%!+ 1 $%&"212 — $%&"21!+

    2 $%!0 $%!0-"+ $%!0-!

    2 $%!03

    $%!0-"+ $%!0-! 2 $%&43 / $%&523 ($%63 rare)

    $%&5-"+ $%&5-! 2 $%&"23 $%&"2-"+ $%&"2-! 3 $%!7-# $%!7-#+

    $%!8+-#+ / $%!7-#9:+

    PT. $%+ $%&";9< $%&"+

    3 $%!0 $%!0-"+ $%&";92(+) 3 $%&4 / $%&52 ($%6 rare)

    $%&5-"+ $%\(+) 3 $%&"2 $%!"7-5+ $%&"2!+


    singular dual plural

    1 =$%!"+ — >$%&"1!+ 2 =$%!23 >$%!0-"+ >$%!0-! 3 =$%!2 >$%!7-5+ =$%!"+

    (&"1:2 2 (‘need’, ‘request’, so +&"1:2)

    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    INF. (!09*:2

    (&"1:2 (!81!*"+ (!81!*:

    1 (:2

    (!?1!*"+ (!?1!*: 1 (!"715+ (!"71!*"+ (!"71!*:

    2 (&"; (!09*"+ (!09*!

    (&!2 or (&4 / (&52

    (!09*"+ (!09*! ((@9*! Com.)

    2 (&4 / (&52

    (&59*"+ (&59*! 2 (&"2" (&"29*"+ (&"29*! 3 (!79*# (!79*#+

    (!79*#+ / (!79*#9:+

    PT. (!81!+"3 5 "+

    (!0-:2 (!09*"+ (&"+-:2 3 (&5-:2 (&59*"+ (+-:2 3 (&"2-" (!"79*5+ (&"2+-"


    singular dual plural

    1 >(!815+ >(!81!*"+ >(!81!*: 2 >(&"; >(!0*9"+ >(!09*! 3 >(!0-" >(!79*5+ >(&"+-"

  • ἔλιπον (< λείπω): thematic root aorist stem forms (so ἔβαλον, ἔδακον, ἔδαρθον, ἔδρακον, ἔδραμον, ἔθανον, εἶδον, εἷλον, εἶπον, ἔκαμον, ἔκιχον, ἔλαβον, ἔλαθον, ἔλαχον, ἔμαθον, ἔμολον, ἔπαθον, ἔπεσον, ἔπιθον, ἔπιον, ἔπορον, ἔπραθον, ἔσχον, ἔταμον, ἔτεκον, ἔτεμον, ἔτραγον, ἔτραπον, ἔτυχον, εὗρον [also ηὗρον], ἔφαγον, ἔφυγον, ἤγαγον [dupl. root], ἦλθον, ἤνεγκον, ἥμαρτον, ἤμπλακον, ἤραρον, ἤριπον, ὤφελον, ὦφλον κτλ: these forms conjugate just as ἔλυον < λύω but show stationary accents in the infinitive and participle)

    active INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 ἔλιπον — ἐλίπομεν

    1 λίπω

    — λίπωμεν 1 λίποιμι — λίποιμεν

    2 λίπε λίπετον λίπετε

    2 ἔλιπες

    ἐλίπετον ἐλίπετε 2 λίπῃς /


    λίπητον λίπητε 2 λίποις

    λίποιτον λίποιτε 3 λιπέτω λιπέτων λιπόντων / λιπέτωσαν

    3 ἔλιπε(ν) ἐλιπέτην ἔλιπον 3 λίπῃ / λίπηι

    λίπητον λίπωσι(ν) 3 λίποι λιποίτην λίποιεν

    INFINITIVE λιπεῖν PARTICIPLE λιπών, λιποῦσᾰ, λιπόν

    middle (so ἐγενόμην, ἐπτόμην, ἐπυθόμην, ἑσπόμην, ἠγρόμην, ᾐσθόμην, ἠρόμην, ἱκόμην, ὑπεσχόμην, ὠλόμην κτλ) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 ἐλιπόμην ἐλιπόμεθον ἐλιπόμεθα

    1 λίπωμαι

    λιπώμεθον λιπώμεθα 1 λιποίμην λιποίμεθον λιποίμεθα

    2 λιποῦ λίπεσθον λίπεσθε

    2 ἐλίπου

    ἐλίπεσθον ἐλίπεσθε 2 λίπῃ /


    λίπησθον λίπησθε 2 λίποιο

    λίποισθον λίποισθε 3 λιπέσθω λιπέσθων λιπέσθων / λιπέσθωσαν

    3 ἐλίπετο ἐλιπέσθην ἐλίποντο 3 λίπηται λίπησθον λίπωνται 3 λίποιτο λιποίσθην λίποιντο INFINITIVE λιπέσθαι PARTICIPLE λιπόμενος α ον

  • !"#$, !%&$, and !'$($: three key root aorist athematic stem forms !"#$ < ")*$( (so !+,#$ < +,-$( & !./#$ < 0./#12 3/4) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (2# forms in prose) IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 !"#$ — !"#15$

    1 "6

    — "615$ 1 ")*#$ — ")715$ /

    ")*#15$ 2 "8,2

    -"9 Poet. "8/:$ "8/5 INFINITIVE "8$)2

    2 !"#;

    !"#/:$ !"#/5 2 ".? "-$

    3 !"# @"=/#$ !"#.)$ 3 "< / "82

    "8/:$ "6.2($) 3 ")*# ")*/#$ / ")2=/#$

    ")75$ / ")*#.)$

    A.B. Homer shows short-stem forms, e.g. "-/#$ (3 d.) and !")$ (3 pl.).

    N.B. Homer shows forms such as "=C (uncontracted) and "5*:15$.

    !%&$ < %D( (so !+&$ < +D() INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (2 regularly lost) IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 !%E$ — !%E15$

    1 %D(

    — %D(15$ 1 %D#$

    [%E*#$] — %F15$

    [%D215$] 2 %F,2 %F/:$ %F/5 INFINITIVE %F$)2

    2 !%E;

    !%E/:$ !%E/5 2 %DC; /


    %D#/:$ %D#/5 2 %D#; [%E*#;]

    %F/:$ [%D2/:$]

    %F/5 [%D2/5]

    3 %D/( %D/($ %D$/($ / %D/(.)$

    PARTICIPLE %D; %F.? %D$

    3 !%E @%D/#$ !%E.)$ !%E$ Poet.

    3 %DC / %D#2

    %D#/:$ %D(.2($) 3 %D# [%E*#]

    %D/#$ [%E*/#$]

    %F5$ [%D25$]

    !'$($ < '2'$G.3( (so H-4($ < I4*.3:1)2 and @"*($ < "2J() INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (2# forms in prose) IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 !'$($ — !'$(15$

    1 '$6

    — '$615$ 1 '$:*#$ — '$:715$ /

    '$:*#15$ 2 '$6,2 '$6/:$ '$6/5 INFINITIVE '$6$)2

    2 !'$(;

    !'$(/:$ !'$(/5 2 '$K; /

    '$62; '$6/:$ '$6/5 2 '$:*#; '$:7/:$ /

    '$:*#/:$ '$:7/5 / '$:*#/5

    3 '$G/( '$G/($ '$J$/($ / '$G/(.)$

    PARTICIPLE '$:D; '$:F.? '$J$

    3 !'$( @'$G/#$ !'$(.)$ 3 '$K / '$62

    '$6/:$ '$6.2($) 3 '$:*# '$:*/#$ / '$:2=/#$

    '$:75$ / '$:*#.)$

    N.B. Homer shows forms such as '$GL (uncontracted) and '$G:15$.

  • 2nd perfect stem forms

    !"#$%& (1st perfect '"#$() (#* used in singular; +,"#-($ (#* in pluperfect singular)

    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (&$ forms in prose) IMPERATIVE PLUPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 — — '"#)%+.

    1 /"#0 — /"#0%+. 1 /"#)1$. — /"#)2%+. / /"#)1$%+.

    2 '"#)3& '"#)#4. '"#)#+ 1 — — '"#)%+.

    2 —

    '"#)#4. '"#)#+ 2 /"#56 / /"#7&6

    /"#7#4. /"#7#+ 2 /"#)1$6

    /"#)2#4. / /"#)1$#4.

    /"#)2#+ / /"#)1$#+

    3 /"#8#9 /"#8#9. /"#8.#9. / /"#8#9").

    2 — '"#)#4. '"#)#+

    3 — '"#)#4. '"#:"&(.) 3 /"#5 / /"#7&

    /"#7#4. /"#0"&(.) 3 /"#)1$ /"#)1#$. / /"#)&-#$.

    /"#)2+. / /"#)1$").

    3 — /"#8#$. '"#)").

    INFINITIVE /"#8.)& PARTICIPLE /"#;6, /"#0"89, @B+1D9, EDF4%)&, 3.G"(9, E4&(), (D8H9, %?%4.), I8"F9, I+139, I1I#9, #*89 (#*)

    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE rare OPTATIVE not attested IMPERATIVE PLUPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural (hypothetically >+>&+1$. (#*) singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 >?>&) — >?>&%+.

    1 >+>19 — >+>19%+. 2 >?>&3& — >?>+ 1 @>+>1$ / @>+>1+&.

    — @>?>&%+. / @>?>+&%+.

    2 >?>&)6

    >?>. >?>+ 2 >+>1J6 / >+>1$&6

    >+>1$#4. >+>1$#+ 3 >+>1#9 — — 2 @>+>1$6 / @>+>1+&6

    @>?>. / @>?>+.

    @>?>+ / @>?>++

    3 >?>&+(.) >?>. >+>1)"&(.) 3 >+>1J / >+>1$&

    >+>1$#4. >+>19"&(.)

    3 @>+>1+& @>+>1#$. / @>+>+1#$.

    @>?>&"). / @>?>+&").

    INFINITIVE >+>&?.)& PARTICIPLE >+>&;6, >+>&K2+>&=6

  • consonant stem perfect middle/passives !"!#$%&$ < !#'(): stems ending ( * + (‘labials’; subj. and opt. always periphrastic) (so ,(-), *.(-), *!.(-), /0.+), 1.(-), 2!"(-), 23(-), 204(-), ("%(), 5.(-), 5'(-), 62"(-7%&$, 628(-), 629(-), -0"(), -0'*), -4(-) 2-!) INDICATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 !"!#$%%&$

    !#!#'%%#17: !#!#'%%#1& 2 !"!#$;7 !"!#$+17: !"!#$+1#

    INFINITIVE !#!# 7:

    3 !"!#$(-&$ !"!#$+17: *!#!#'+&-&$

    ("(#$6%&$ < (#'1): stems ending - ? 1 (‘dentals’; subj. and opt. always periphrastic) (so 6(":?), +0.@), ;#4?) 2-!) INDICATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 ("(#$6%&$

    (#(#'6%#17: (#(#'6%#1& 2 ("(#$67 ("(#$617: ("(#$61#

    INFINITIVE (#(# 7:

    3 ("(#$6-&$ ("(#$617: *(#(#'6&-&$

    ("(0&/%&$ < (0.--): stems ending / 2 A (‘palatals’; subj. and opt. always periphrastic) (so B/), C!!.--), D2:"7%&$, (!"2), -&0.--), -.--), +#4/), +E!.--) 2-!) INDICATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 ("(0&/%&$

    (#(0./%#17: (#(0./%#1& 2 ("(0&F7 ("(0&A17: ("(0&A1#

    INFINITIVE (#(0GA1&$

    2 ("(0&F&$ ("(0&A17: ("(0&A1# 3 (#(0.A1) (#(0.A1): (#(0.A1): / (#(0.A1)6&:

    PARTICIPLE (#(0&/%":7= > 7:

    3 ("(0&2-&$ ("(0&A17: *(#(0.A&-&$

    H!8!#/%&$ < H!"/A): stem ending /A (subj. and opt. always periphrastic) INDICATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 H!8!#/%&$

    H!>!"/%#17: H!>!"/%#1& 2 H!8!#/F7 H!8!#/A17: H!8!#/A1#

    INFINITIVE H!>!"/A1&$

    2 H!8!#/F&$ H!8!#/A17: H!8!#/A1# 3 H!>!"/A1) H!>!"/A1): H!>!"/A1): / H!>!"/A1)6&:

    PARTICIPLE H!>!#/%":7= > 7:

    3 H!8!#/2-&$ H!8!#/A17: *H!>!"/&-&$

    I//#!%&$ < C//"!!): stems ending ! 0 (‘liquids’; subj. and opt. always periphrastic) (so &J0), H/#'0), (7$2'!!), 6-"!!), 6+.!!), -'!!) 2-!) INDICATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 I//#!%&$

    K//"!%#17: K//"!%#1& 2 I//#!67 I//#!17: I//#!1#

    INFINITIVE K//"!1&$

    2 I//#!6&$ I//#!17: I//#!1# 3 K//"!1) K//"!1): K//"!1): / K//"!1)6&:

    PARTICIPLE K//#!%":7= > 7:

    3 I//#!-&$ I//#!17: *K//"!&-&$

    ("+&6%&$ < +&':): stems ending % : (‘nasals’; subj. and opt. always periphrastic) (so 1#0%&':), !#&':), !E%&':7%&$, %&0&':), %$&':), %)0&':), F&':), F>0&':), (#0&':), (7$%&':), 5E(&':), 6>%&':), L+&':) 2-!) INDICATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural 1 ("+&6%&$

    (#+.6%#17: (#+.6%#1& 2 ("+&:67 ("+&:17: ("+&:1#

    INFINITIVE (#+.:1&$

    2 ("+&:6&$ ("+&:17: ("+&:1# 3 (#+.:1) (#+.:1): (#+.:1): / (#+.:1)6&:

    PARTICIPLE (#+&6%":7= > 7:

    3 ("+&:-&$ ("+&:17: *(#+.:&-&$

    * These forms are not attested for these particular words but are common for similar words, e.g. -#-.A&-&$ 3 pl. < -.--).

  • !"!#$% present stem forms


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (%& forms in prose) IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"!#$% — !"!'$()

    1 !%!*

    — !%!*$() 1 !%!'"&) — !%!'+$() / !%!'"&$()

    2 !"!', !"!'-') !"!'-( 1 .!"!',) — .!"!'$()

    2 !"!#/

    !"!'-') !"!'-( 2 !%!0/ / !%!*%/

    !%!*-') !%!*-( 2 !%!'"&/

    !%!'+-') / !%!'"&-')

    !%!'+-( / !%!'"&-(

    3 !%!1-# !%!1-#) !%!1)-#) / !%!1-#23)

    2 .!"!',/ .!"!'-') .!"!'-(

    3 !"!#2%()) !"!'-') !%!142%()) 3 !%!0 / !%!*%

    !%!*-') !%!*2%()) 3 !%!'"& !%!'"-&) / !%!'%5-&)

    !%!'+() / !%!'"&23)

    3 .!"!', .!%!1-&) .!"!'23)

    INFINITIVE !%!1)3% PARTICIPLE !%!'6/, !%!'728, !%!1)


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    !"!'$3% !%!1$(9') !%!1$(93

    1 !%!*$3%

    !%!:$(9') !%!:$(93 1 !%!'"$&) !%!'"$(9') !%!'"$(93

    2 !"!'2' !"!'29') !"!'29( 1 .!%!1$&) .!%!1$(9') .!%!1$(93


    !"!'29') !"!'29( 2 !%!0 / !%!*%

    !%!*29') !%!*29( 2 !%!'+'

    !%!'+29') !%!'+29( 3 !%!129# !%!129#) !%!129#) / !%!129#23)

    2 .!"!'2' .!"!'29') .!"!'29(

    !"!'-3% !"!'29') !"!')-3% 3 !%!*-3% !%!*29') !%!*)-3% 3 !%!'+-' !%!'"29&) !%!'+)-' 3 .!"!'-' .!%!129&) .!"!')-'

    INFINITIVE !"!'293% PARTICIPLE !%!1$()'/ & ')

  • !"!#$% aorist stem forms

    active (2nd aorist: stem !&-) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (%' forms in prose) IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 (!#)* — (!&$+,

    1 !-

    — !-$+, 1 !&"', — !&.$+, / !&"'$+,

    2 !/0 !/1&, !/1+ INFINITIVE !&2,*%

    2 (!#)*0

    (!&1&, (!&1+ 2 !30 / !-%0

    !-1&, !-1+ 2 !&"'0 !&.1&, / !&"'1&,

    !&.1+ / !&"'1+

    3 !/1# !/1#, !/,1#, / !/1#4*,

    PARTICIPLE !&50 !&246 !/,

    3 (!#)+(,) 7!/1', (!&4*, 3 !3 / !-%

    !-1&, !-4%(,) 3 !&"' !&"1', / !&%81',

    !&.+, / !&"'4*,

    middle (2nd aorist: stem !&-) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    INF. !/49*%

    1 7!/$', 7!/$+9&, 7!/$+9*

    1 !-$*%

    !:$+9&, !:$+9* 1 !&"$', !&"$+9&, !&"$+9*

    2 !&2 !/49&, !/49+

    2 (!&;

    (!&49&, (!&49+ 2 !3 / !-%

    !-49&, !-49+ 2 !&.& !&.49&, !&.49+ 3 !/49# !/49#, !/49#, / !/49#4*,

    PT. !/$+,&0 ' &,

    3 (!&1& 7!/49', (!&,1& 3 !-1*% !-49&, !-,1*% 3 !&.1& !&"49', !&.,1&

    passive (1st aorist: stem + 9': !& + 9', like 7- / !&9=%

    !&9=1&, !&9-4%(,) 3 !&9+"' !&9+"1', / !&9+%81',

    !&9+.+, / !&9+"'4*,

  • !"#$%& present stem forms


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (&$ forms in prose) IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"#$%& — !"#'%'(

    1 !)

    — !)%'( 1 !'"$( — !'*%'( / !'"$%'(

    2 !"#'& !"#'!+( !"#'!' 1 ,!"#$( — ,!"#'%'(

    2 !"#$-

    !"#'!+( !"#'!' 2 !.- / !/&-

    !/!+( !/!' 2 !'"$-

    !'*!+( / !'"$!+(

    !'*!' / !'"$!'

    3 !!1 !!1( !(!1( / !!123(

    2 ,!"#'&- ,!"#'!+( ,!"#'!'

    3 !"#$2&(() !"#'!+( !*&(() 3 !. / !/&

    !/!+( !)2&(() 3 !'"$ !'"!$( / !'&5!$(

    !'*'( / !'"$23(

    3 ,!"#'& ,!!$( ,!"#'23(

    N.B. +& for '& here is rare but Classical. INFINITIVE !(3& PARTICIPLE !'"-, !'*26, !(


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    !"#'%3& !%'#+( !%'#3

    1 !)%3&

    !%'#+( !%'#3 1 !'"%$( !'"%'#+( !'"%'#3

    2 !"#'2+ !"#'2#+( !"#'2#' 1 ,!%$( ,!%'#+( ,!%'#3


    !"#'2#+( !"#'2#' 2 !. / !/&

    !/2#+( !/2#' 2 !'*+

    !'*2#+( !'*2#' 3 !#1 !#1( !#1( / !#123(

    2 ,!"#'2+ ,!"#'2#+( ,!"#'2#'

    !"#'!3& !"#'2#+( !"#'(!3& 3 !/!3& !/2#+( !)(!3& 3 !'*!+ !'"2#$( !'*(!+ 3 ,!"#'!+ ,!#$( ,!"#'(!+ N.B. +& for '& here is rare but Classical. INFINITIVE !"#'2#3& PARTICIPLE !%'(+- $ +(

  • !"#$%& aorist stem forms

    active (2nd aorist: stem #'-) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (&$ forms in prose) IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 (#$)* — (#'%'+

    1 #,

    — #,%'+ 1 #'"$+ — #'-%'+ / #'"$%'+

    2 #./ #.!0+ #.!' INFINITIVE #'-+*&

    2 (#$)*/

    (#'!0+ (#'!' 2 #1/ / #2&/

    #2!0+ #2!' 2 #'"$/ #'-!0+ / #'"$!0+

    #'-!' / #'"$!'

    3 #.!3 #.!3+ #.+!3+ / #.!34*+

    PARTICIPLE #'"/ #'-45 #.+

    3 (#$)'(+) 6#.!$+ (#'4*+ 3 #1 / #2&

    #2!0+ #,4&(+) 3 #'"$ #'"!$+ / #'&7!$+

    #'-'+ / #'"$4*+

    middle (2nd aorist: stem #'-) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    INF. #.4#*&

    1 6#.%$+ 6#.%'#0+ 6#.%'#*

    1 #,%*&

    #8%'#0+ #8%'#* 1 #'"%$+ #'"%'#0+ #'"%'#*

    2 #09 #.4#0+ #.4#'

    2 (#0:

    (#'4#0+ (#'4#' 2 #1 / #2&

    #24#0+ #24#' 2 #'-0 #'-4#0+ #'-4#' 3 #.4#3 #.4#3+

    #.4#3+ / #.4#34*+

    PT. #.%'+0/ $ 0+

    3 (#'!0 6#.4#$+ (#'+!0 3 #2!*& #24#0+ #,+!*& 3 #'-!0 #'"4#$+ #'-+!0 N.B. 0& for '& here is rare but Classical.

    passive (1st aorist: stem + #$: #' + #$, like 6-;

  • !"#$%& present stem forms


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (&$ forms in prose) IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"#$%& — !"#'%()

    1 *"#+

    — *"#+%() 1 *"#',$) — *"#'-%() / *"#',$%()

    2 !"#$ !"#'#.) !"#'#( 1 !"#$) — !"#'%()

    2 !"#$/

    !"#'#.) !"#'#( 2 *"#0/ / *"#1&/

    *"#1#.) *"#1#( 2 *"#',$/

    *"#'-#.) / *"#',$#.)

    *"#'-#( / *"#',$#(

    3 *"#2#3 *"#2#3) *"#2)#3) / *"#2#3"')

    2 !"#$/ !"#'#.) !"#'#(

    3 !"#$"&()) !"#'#.) *"#4"&()) 3 *"#0 / *"#1&

    *"#1#.) *"#+"&()) 3 *"#',$ *"#',#$) / *"#'&5#$)

    *"#'-() / *"#',$"')

    3 !"#$ *"#2#$) !"#'"')

    INFINITIVE *"#2)'& PARTICIPLE *"#2/, *"#4"6, *"#2)

    middle/passive (so 78'%'&, 9:)'%'&, ;

  • !"#$%& aorist stem forms

    1st aorist active (stem "#$"'-, like ()"'- in *()"' < (+,, transitive: ‘make to stand’) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 *"#$"' — -"#."'%/0

    1 "#.",

    — "#.",%/0 1 "#."'&%& — "#."'&%/0 2 "#1"20 "#."'#20 "#."'#/ INFINITIVE "#1"'&

    2 *"#$"'3

    -"#."'#20 -"#."'#/ 2 "#."43 / "#."$&3

    "#."$#20 "#."$#/ 2 "#."'&3 / "#."/&'3

    "#."' "#."'/ 3 "#$"5#, "#$"5#,0 "#$"50#,0 / "#$"5#,"'0

    PARTICIPLE "#."'3 "#."'"6 "#1"'0

    3 *"#$"/(0) -"#$"5#$0 *"#$"'0 3 "#."4 / "#."$&

    "#."$#20 "#.","&(0) 3 "#."'& / "#."/&/(0)

    "#$"'7#$0 "#."'&/0 / "#."/&'0

    2nd aorist active (stem "#$-/"#'-, intransitive: ‘stand’) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE (&$ forms in prose) IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 *"#$0 — *"#$%/0

    1 "#8

    — "#8%/0 1 "#'7$0 — "#'9%/0 / "#'7$%/0

    2 "#1:& "#1#20 "#1#/ INFINITIVE "#10'&

    2 *"#$3

    *"#$#20 *"#$#/ 2 "#;3 / "#1&3

    "#1#20 "#1#/ 2 "#'7$3 "#'9#20 / "#'7$#20

    "#'9#/ / "#'7$#/

    3 "#.#, "#.#,0 "#50#,0 / "#5#,"'0

    PARTICIPLE "#53 "#0#,0 / "#':.#,"'0

    PT. "#':/73 "#':/9"6 "#':>0

    3 -"#5:$ -"#':.#$0 -"#5:$"'0 3 "#':; / "#':1&

    "#':1#20 "#':8"&(0) 3 "#':/7$ "#':/7#$0 / "#':/&.#$0

    "#':/9/0 / "#':/7$"'0

  • !"#$ present stem forms


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE ($" forms in prose) IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"#$ — !%#%&

    1 '(

    — '(#%& 1 '%)"& — '%*#%& / '%)"#%&

    2 !%$ !%+,& !%+% 1 !"& — !%#%&

    2 !"- / !%$-

    !%+,& !%+% 2 '.- / '/$-

    '/+,& '/+% 2 '%)"-

    '%*+,& / '%)"+,&

    '%*+% / '%)"+%

    3 '0+1 '0+1& '0&+1& / '0+123&

    2 !%$- !%+,& !%+%

    3 !"2$(&) !%+,& '42$(&) 3 '. / '/$

    '/+,& '(2$(&) 3 '%)" '%)+"& / '%$5+"&

    '%*%& / '%)"23&

    3 !%$ '0+"& !%23&

    N.B. ,$ for %$ here is rare but Classical. INFINITIVE '0&3$ PARTICIPLE '%)-, '%*26, '0&


    INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    !%#3$ '0#%7,& '0#%73

    1 '(#3$

    '8#%7,& '8#%73 1 '%)#"& '%)#%7,& '%)#%73

    2 !%2, !%27,& !%27% 1 '0#"& '0#%7,& !%#%73


    !%27,& !%27% 2 '. / '/$

    '/27,& '/27% 2 '%*,

    '%*27,& '%*27% 3 '0271 '0271& '0271& / '027123&

    2 !%2, !%27,& !%27%

    !%+3$ !%27,& !%&+3$ 3 '/+3$ '/27,& '(&+3$ 3 '%*+, '%)27"& '%*&+, 3 !%+, '027"& !%&+, N.B. ,$ for %$ here is rare but Classical. INFINITIVE !%273$ PARTICIPLE '0#%&,- " ,&

  • !"#$ aorist stem forms (in prose these forms appear only with prepositional prefixes)

    active (2nd aorist: stem %-) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE ($" forms in prose) IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 &'( — )*#)+

    1 ,

    — ,#)+ 1 )!"+ — )*#)+ / )!"#)+

    2 -. -/0+ -/) INFINITIVE )*+($

    2 &'(.

    )*/0+ )*/) 2 1. / &$.

    &/0+ &/) 2 )!". )*/0+ / )!"/0+

    )*/) / )!"/)

    3 -/2 -/2+ -+/2+ / -/23(+

    PARTICIPLE )!. )*34 -+

    3 &')(+) )!/"+ )*3(+ 3 1 / &$

    &/0+ ,3$(+) 3 )!" )!/"+ / )56/"+

    )*)+ / )!"3(+

    middle (2nd aorist: stem %-) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    INF. -37($

    1 )!#"+ )!#)70+ )!#)7(

    1 ,#($

    8#)70+ 8#)7( 1 )!#"+ )!#)70+ )!#)7(

    2 09 -370+ -37)

    2 )*30

    )*370+ )*37) 2 1 / &$

    &370+ &37) 2 )*0 )*370+ )*37) 3 -372 -372+

    -372+ / -3723(+

    PT. -#)+0. " 0+

    3 )*/0 )!37"+ )*+/0 3 &/($ &370+ ,+/($ 3 )*/0 )!37"+ )*+/0

    passive (1st aorist: stem + 7": % + 7", like :-;

    — %7>#)+ 1 %7)?"+ — %7)@#)+ / %7)?"#)+

    2 -7"/$ -7"/0+ -7"/)

    2 )!7".

    )!7"/0+ )!7"/) 2 %7A. / %7=$.

    %7=/0+ %7=/) 2 %7)?". %7)@/0+ / %7)?"/0+

    %7)@/) / %7)?"/)

    3 %76/2 %76/2+ %7B+/2+ / %76/23(+

    PT. %7)?. %7)@34 %7B+

    3 )!7" )576/"+ )!7"3(+ 3 %7A / %7=$

    %7=/0+ %7>3$(+) 3 %7)?" %7)?/"+ / %7)$6/"+

    %7)@)+ / %7)?"3(+

  • !"#$%&'( present stem forms (so )*%+'(, !,#%+'(, "-.*%+'(, /%%+'(, 0"1*%+'(, 02%%+'(, $".3%%+'(, $4.5%%+'(, $."'3%%+'(, $6#%%+'(, '#*%+'(, 47*%+'(, 899+'(, 8'%+'(, :';.*%+'(,

  • !"#$ (poetic) present stem formsINDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE and OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural not attested singular dual plural singular dual plural

    1 !"#$ %"&'() %"&'# 2 !*( !*'() !*'& 1 %"+) %"&'() %"&'#

    2 !*#$ !*'() !*'& 3 %*', %*',) %*',) 2 !*( !*'() !*'&

    3 !*-#$ !*'() !)-#$ 3 !*-( %*'+) !)-(

    INFINITIVE !*'#$ PARTICIPLE %"&)(. + ()

    /0'+"#$ (prose) present stem forms INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE OPTATIVE IMPERATIVE IMPERFECT singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural singular dual plural

    /0'+"#$ /#'1"&'() /#'1"&'# 1 /#'2"#$ /#'3"&'() /#'3"&'# 1 /#'(4"+) /#'(4"&'() /#'(4"&'# 2 /0'+*( /0'+*'() /0'+*'& 1 5/#'1"+) or


    5/#'1"&'() or


    5/#'1"&'# or


    /0'+*#$ /0'+*'() /0'+*'& 2 /#'6 / /#'7$

    /#'7*'() /#'7*'& 2 /#'(8( /#'(8*'() /#'(8*'& 3 /#'1*', /#'1*',) /#'1*',) 2 5/0'+*( or


    5/0'+*'() (r


    5/0'+*'& or


    /0'+-#$ /0'+*'() /0'+)-#$ 3 /#'7-#$ /#'7*'() /#'2)-#$ 3 /#'(8-( /#'(4*'+) /#'(8)-( 3 5/0'+-( or

    /#'7*-( or /#'7-(

    5/#'1*'+) or


    5/0'+)-( or

    /#'7)-( INFINITIVE /#'7*'#$ PARTICIPLE /#'1"&)(. + ()

    /&8"#$ prese
