Cambridge iGCSE geography fieldwork - Field Studies · PDF fileKey Stage 4 Cambridge iGCSE...


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Key Stage 4 Cambridge iGCSE Geography

Paper 4 Alternative to Coursework, 3days

Please visit For alternative geography fieldwork courses covering

Cambridge iGCSE Geography

Students will research and undertake fieldwork in an appropriate environment in order to

prepare for the Paper 4 Alternative to Coursework. The course will be structured to encourage

the development of geographical knowledge, understanding and also the application of ideas

and the development of skills. Teachers can select two or three syllabus themes from which to

develop the skills and analysis needed for assessment objective 2. This course use the aspects of

the route to enquiry specified in the syllabus code 0406.

Students will be provided with opportunities to:

Develop their geographical knowledge and understanding of data and its representations

e.g. maps, photographical and graphical form

Select and use techniques for collecting, organising and presenting data

Identify patterns and relationships in data

FSC Head office, Preston Montford, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 1HW Tel: 01743 852100 Fax: 01743 852101 Email: Website:

Field Studies Council is a limited Company, registered in England and Wales No. 412621 and a Charity No. 313364. Registered Office; Preston Montford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 1HW

Key Stage 4 Cambridge iGCSE Geography

Paper 4 Alternative to Coursework, 3days prices


COURSE LENGTH 3 Days (2 nights with 6 teaching sessions)

Monday / Wednesday Tuesday / Thursday Wednesday / Friday

Arrive mid-day Choose from




Choose from

River Processes

Marine Processes

Choose from



Flooding Depart after lunch


Friday Saturday Sunday

Arrive for evening meal

Focus on development of skills for paper 1 and 2 using choice of study topic for Saturday

Choose from

River Processes

Marine Processes

Choose from



Flooding Depart after afternoon session

“The controlled assessment grades from our

current year 10 are brilliant. Over 80% of

the students got A or A*. Thank you so

much for your hard work” Bromley High


External Recognition of Quality All our centres have been awarded the

Quality Badge by The Council for Learning

Outside the Classroom. The badge is

awarded to organisations that have

demonstrated that they consistently

deliver high quality teaching and learning

experiences and manage risk effectively.

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FSC Head office, Preston Montford, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 1HW Tel: 01743 852100 Fax: 01743 852101 Email: Website:

Field Studies Council is a limited Company, registered in England and Wales No. 412621 and a Charity No. 313364. Registered Office; Preston Montford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 1HW

Key Stage 4 Cambridge iGCSE Geography

Paper 4 Alternative to Coursework, 3days prices


COURSE CONTENT CHOOSE TWO TOPICS FROM THE LIST BELOW Tourism This investigation links to Theme 3: Economic development and the use of resources. Topic 3.3 Leisure activities and tourism. This study will focus on at least one tourist honeypot site and consider how the physical and human landscape has encouraged tourist development. Particular focus could be:

Impacts of tourism and different management strategies

Reasons for growth of tourism in a particular area Settlement This investigation links to Theme 1: Population and settlement, 1.2 Settlement. Students will complete an investigation involving the patterns in the structures of towns or cities, including the CBD, residential areas and the provision of open spaces and transport routes. Possible focuses for the study would be:

Internal zoning of the Central Business District – temporal and spatial change

Location and type of industries within the urban area

Residential patterns and segregation within the urban area Flooding This investigation links to Theme 2: The natural environment. Topic 2.4 Interrelationships between the natural environment and human activities. Students will consider the possible impacts of a river flood event and study a range of different flood alleviation options. Possible areas to focus on might include:

Risk and likelihood of flooding in an area – land use mapping and flood severity

Flooding impacts and management of flooding – successes and challenges CHOOSE ONE TOPIC FROM THE LIST BELOW River Processes This investigation links to Theme 2: The natural environment. Topic 2.2.2 River processes. Students will study the erosional processes of a river and the land forms associated with these processes. Possible aspects of the study may include:

Meander formation

Cross-sectional channel shapes

Formation of rapids, waterfall and other river features Marine Processes This investigation links to Theme 2: The natural environment. Topic 2.2.3 Marine processes. Students will study a range of erosional and depositional landforms in a marine environment, while considering the processes that have formed these landforms. Fieldwork will focus on the impact of coastal processes (longshore drift and wave types) on beach shape and dimensions. Possible additional aspects of the study might include:

Coastal management strategies – impacts and success

Variations in beach characteristics, between a managed and unmanaged area of the beach

Factors affecting the distribution of wave-cut platforms

FSC Head office, Preston Montford, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 1HW Tel: 01743 852100 Fax: 01743 852101 Email: Website:

Field Studies Council is a limited Company, registered in England and Wales No. 412621 and a Charity No. 313364. Registered Office; Preston Montford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 1HW

Key Stage 4 Cambridge iGCSE Geography

Paper 4 Alternative to Coursework, 3days prices


LEARNING OBJECTIVES / OUTCOMES Course Objectives To provide first hand outdoor learning experience in which students can develop their:

wider knowledge of the physical and human environments

understanding of the linkages and inter-relationships between physical and human environments

geographical analytical skills

awareness of how and geographical relationships change through time and space

appreciation of different attitudes of individuals and how this impacts on the interaction of people with the environment

Students will have the opportunity to develop their skills in relation to assessment objective 2: skills and analysis.

Paper 4 Specific Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Gain geographical knowledge in the area of study chosen

Apply geographical ideas and understanding to case studies

Develop skills in a geographical context

All students will:

Identify the key geographical concepts, issues or concepts that underpin the study

State a hypothesis that can be used to test the issue, question or problem under study

Describe the data that is relevant to the chosen study

Collect a variety of relevant first-hand information, including quantitative and qualitative data

Interpret their findings and display their data using appropriate techniques

Make some conclusions related to their hypothesis

Evaluate their study in relation to the original objectives Most students will:

Use secondary data and relevant research information to develop a link between the aims of the study and the hypothesis

Organise and present their data using a range of appropriate techniques

Make some valid statements about their data and attempt some explanations of their data Some students will:

Relate the key geographical concepts to precise aims, with the appropriate use of geographical terms.

Justify their planning design, while incorporating a range of valid source data

Produce an evaluation of the study, identifying weaknesses and suggesting improvements

FSC Head office, Preston Montford, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 1HW Tel: 01743 852100 Fax: 01743 852101 Email: Website:

Field Studies Council is a limited Company, registered in England and Wales No. 412621 and a Charity No. 313364. Registered Office; Preston Montford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 1HW

Key Stage 4 Cambridge iGCSE Geography

Paper 4 Alternative to Coursework, 3days prices


Supporting Paper 1 and 2 Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Gain ability to use data to illustrate understanding of an issue or concept

Gain an understanding of different ways of representing geographical data

Develop methods to extract geographical information from graphs, written material and diagrams

Gain an understanding of interpretation and analysis of geographical information

All students will:

Use a selection of resources e.g. map extracts, text extract and data tables to inform their understanding of the issues or concepts being investigated

Develop their own resources from collected data e.g. sketch maps, drawings and diagrams

Describe the area under investigation as a case study, using a range of resources

Use 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 maps to inform their understanding of the study area

Identify relevant aspects of the landscape from maps e.g. contours, scales, settlement patterns

Identify relevant landscape features from maps e.g. river valleys, stacks

Use photographs to describe the human and physical features of the landscape

Complete a field sketch on a relevant aspect of the study Most students will:

Use a range of resources to develop their ideas about a case study, in relation to the wider aspects of the syllabus topics

Use grid references to highlight specific aspects of the physical environment which relate directly to the study topic

Identify descriptions of the basic landscape features from maps, using geographical terminology e.g. ridges, flood plain

Annotate photos to show landforms, vegetation, land-use and settlements.

Label field sketches to show relevant geographical understanding of the study area

Some students will:

Develop detailed and specific case study knowledge for use within paper 1

Develop their map reading and interpretation skills, to enable them to describe and analyse maps

Interpret differences in map features and how these related to their study e.g. gradients, sizes of streams in relation to relief, urban morphology

Annotate field sketches to show relevant geographical understanding of the study area

High Quality teaching It is the same inside the classroom as it is outside the classroom; the teacher delivering the content plays a vital role in ensuring successful learning outcomes are achieved.

This is why every FSC Centre has taken great care in developing a team of gifted field teachers with a real passion for the subject being taught.

Not only are they experts, they are gifted teachers with a real passion for the subject being taught. FSC field teachers are the reason why many schools return year after year.

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70th Anniversary. To

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FSC Head office, Preston Montford, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 1HW Tel: 01743 852100 Fax: 01743 852101 Email: Website:

Field Studies Council is a limited Company, registered in England and Wales No. 412621 and a Charity No. 313364. Registered Office; Preston Montford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 1HW

Key Stage 4 Cambridge iGCSE Geography

Paper 4 Alternative to Coursework, 3days prices



Please visit For alternative geography fieldwork courses The FSC prides itself on being flexible. The content of our recommended courses can be tailored to meet your needs.

Alternatively, we can work with you to create a fully bespoke course to meet your exact requirements.

Choose 2

topics Choose 1 topic













BL Blencathra Tel: 01768 779 601

CH Castle Head Tel: 0845 330 7364

DF Dale Fort Tel: 0845 330 7365

DG Derrygonnelly Tel: 028 686 41673

FM Flatford Mill Tel: 0845 330 7368

JH Juniper Hall Tel: 0845 458 3507

KD Kindrogan Tel: 01250 870 150

MA Margam Tel: 01639 895636

MT Malham Tarn Tel: 01729 830 331

NC Nettlecombe Tel: 01984 640 320

OR Orielton Tel: 0845 330 7372

PM Preston Montford Tel: 0845 330 7378

RC Rhyd-y-creuau Tel: 01690 710 494

SL Slapton Ley Tel: 01548 580 466

TO BOOK THIS COURSE, SIMPLY: 1. Choose the time of the year you would like to

attend 2. Pick the centre/centres of interest 3. Check availability online or contact head office

using the details at the bottom of the page or contact the centre of your choice

*Please note to book this course the minimum size of your group must be 12 students and 1 member of staff
