C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, Second Edition



C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, Second Edition. Chapter 22: Standard Template Library (STL). Objectives. In this chapter you will: Learn about the Standard Template Library (STL) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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C++ Programming:Program Design Including Data Structures, Second Edition

Chapter 22: Standard Template Library (STL)

C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, Second Edition 2


In this chapter you will:• Learn about the Standard Template Library

(STL)• Become familiar with the basic components of

the STL: containers, iterators, and algorithms• Explore how various containers are used to

manipulate data in a program• Discover the use of iterators • Learn about various generic algorithms

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• ANSI/ISO Standard C++ is equipped with a Standard Template Library (STL)

• The STL provides class templates to process lists, stacks, and queues

• This chapter discusses many important features of the STL and shows how to use its tools

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Components of the STL

• Components of the STL:− Containers

− Iterators

− Algorithms

• Containers and iterators are class templates• Iterators are used to step through the

elements of a container• Algorithms are used to manipulate data

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Container Types

• Containers are used to manage objects of a given type

• Three categories:

− Sequence (sequential) containers

− Associative containers

− Container adapters

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Sequence Containers

• Every object has a specific position

• Three predefined sequence containers:

− Vector

− Deque

− List

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Sequence Container: Vector

• A vector container stores and manages its objects in a dynamic array

• To use a vector container in a program, the program must #include <vector>

• The class vector contains several constructors, including the default constructor

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Sequence Container: vector (continued)

• Basic vector operations

− Item insertion

− Item deletion

− Stepping through the elements

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Sequence Container: vector (continued)

• vector elements can be accessed using the operations below:

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Declaring an Iterator to a Vector Container

• vector contains a typedef iterator

• For example, the statement

vector<int>::iterator intVecIter;

declares intVecIter to be an iterator into a vector container of the type int

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Container and Functions begin and end

• Every container contains the member function begin and end

− begin returns the position of the first element

− end returns the position of the last element

• Both functions have no parameters

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Operations of the vector Class

• Some vector member functions:

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The copy Algorithm

• Function copy: convenient way to output the elements of a container

• Can be used with any container type• Allows you to copy the elements from one

place to another− Can output the elements of a vector

− Can copy the elements of one vector into another

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The ostream Iterator and the Function copy

• One way to output the contents of a container is to use a for loop, along with begin (initialize) and end (loop limit)

• copy can output a container; an iterator of the type ostream specifies the destination

• When you create an iterator of the type ostream, specify the type of element that the iterator will output

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Sequence Container: deque

• deque stands for double ended queue

• Implemented as dynamic arrays

• Elements can be inserted at both ends

• A deque can expand in either direction

• Elements are also inserted in the middle

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Sequence Container: list

• Lists are implemented as doubly linked lists

• Every element in a list points to both its immediate predecessor and its immediate successor (except the first and last element)

• The list is not a random access data structure

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• An iterator points to the elements of a container (sequence or associative)

• Iterators provide access to each element

• The most common operations on iterators are ++ (increment), and * (dereference)

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Types of Iterators

• Five types of iterators:

− Input iterators

− Output iterators

− Forward iterators

− Bidirectional iterators

− Random access iterators

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Input Iterators

• Input iterators, with read access, step forward element-by-element return the values element-by-element

• Input iterators are provided for reading data from an input stream

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Output Iterators

• Output iterators, with write access, step forward element-by-element

• Output iterators are provided for writing data to an output stream

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Forward Iterators

• Forward iterators combine all of the functionality of input iterators and almost all of the functionality of output iterators

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Bidirectional Iterators

• Bidirectional iterators are forward iterators that can also iterate backward over the elements

• The operations defined for forward iterators apply to bidirectional iterators

• Use the decrement operator to step backward

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Random Access Iterators

• Random access iterators are bidirectional iterators that can randomly process the elements of a container

• Can be used with containers of the types vector, deque, string, as well as arrays

• Operations defined for bidirectional iterators apply to random access iterators

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typedef iterator

• Every container contains a typedef iterator

• The statement

vector<int>::iterator intVecIter;

declares intVecIter to be an iterator into a vector container of the type int

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typedef const_iterator

• With the help of an iterator into a container and the dereference operator, *, you can modify the elements of the container

• If the container is declared const, then we must prevent the iterator from modifying the elements

• Every container contains typedef const_iterator to handle these situations

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Stream Iterators

• istream_iterator

− Used to input data into a program from an input stream

• ostream_iterator

− Used to output data from a program into an output stream

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Associative Containers

• Elements in associative container are automatically sorted according to some ordering criteria

• The predefined associative containers in the STL are:− Sets

− Multisets

− Maps

− Multimaps

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Associative Containers: set and multiset

• Associative containers set and multiset automatically sort their elements

• multiset allows duplicates, set does not

• The default sorting criterion is the relational operator <(less than); that is, the elements are arranged in ascending order

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Container Adapters

• The STL provides containers to accommodate special situations called container adapters

• The three container adapters are:− Stacks

− Queues

− Priority Queues

• Container adapters do not support any type of iterator

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• The STL provides a stack class

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• The STL provides a queue class

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• Operations such as find, sort, and merge are common to all containers and are provided as generic algorithms

• STL algorithms can be classified as follows

− Nonmodifying algorithms

− Modifying algorithms

− Numeric algorithms

− Heap algorithms

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Nonmodifying Algorithms

• Nonmodifying algorithms do not modify the elements of the container

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Modifying Algorithms

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Numeric Algorithms

• Numeric algorithms perform numeric calculations on the elements of a container

• Numeric algorithms:

− accumulate

− inner_product

− adjacent_difference

− partial_sum

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Heap Algorithms

• Heap sort algorithm sorts array data

• The array containing the data is viewed as a binary tree

• Heap algorithms:

− make_heap

− push_heap

− pop_heap

− sort_heap

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Function Objects

• A function object contains a function that can be treated as a function using the function call operator, ()

• A function object is a class template that overloads the function call operator, ()

• Predicates are special types of function objects that return Boolean values

• Predicates are typically used to specify searching or sorting criteria

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Insert Iterators

• The STL provides three iterators, called insert iterators, to insert the elements at the destination:

− back_inserter

− front_inserter

− inserter

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STL Algorithms

• STL algorithms include documentation with the function prototypes

• The parameter types indicate for which type of container the algorithm is applicable

• fill: fills a container with elements

• fill_n: fills in the next n elements; the element that is used as a filling element is passed as a parameter

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• generate and generate_n: generate elements and fill a sequence

• find, find_if, find_end, and find_first_of: find elements in a given range

• remove: removes certain elements from a sequence

• remove_if: removes elements from a sequence by using some criteria

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• remove_copy, remove_copy_if : copies the elements of a sequence into another sequence by excluding certain elements of the first sequence

• swap, iter_swap, and swap_ranges: swap elements

• search, search_n, sort, and binary_search: search and sort elements, and described in the header file algorithm

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• Function replace is used to replace all occurrences, within a given range, of a given element with a new value

• Function replace_if is used to replace the values of the elements, within a given range, satisfying certain criteria with a new value

• The function replace_copy is a combination of replace and copy

• The function replace_copy_if is a combination of replace_if and copy

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• adjacent_find: finds the first occurrence of consecutive elements that meet criteria

• merge: merges the sorted lists. Both lists must be sorted according to the same criteria, for example, both must be in ascending order

• inplace_merge: combines sorted sequences

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• reverse: reverses the order of the elements in a given range

• reverse_copy: reverses the elements of a given range while copying into a destination range; the source is not modified

• rotate: rotates the elements of a given range• rotate_copy: combination of rotate and copy.

Elements of the source are copied at the destination in a rotated order; the source is not modified

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• count: counts the occurrence of a given item in a given range; returns the number of times the value specified by the parameter occurs

• count_if: counts occurrences of a given value in a given range satisfying a certain criterion

• min: determines the minimum of two values

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• max_element: determines the largest element in a given range

• max: determines the maximum of two values• min_element: determines the smallest element

in a given range• for_each: access and process each element in

a given range by applying a function• transform: creates a sequence of elements at

the destination by applying the unary operation to each element in the range

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• set_intersection, set_union, set_difference, and set_symmetric_difference: assume that the elements within each range are already sorted

• includes: determines whether the elements in one range appear in another range

• set_intersection: find the elements that are common to two ranges of elements

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• set_union: find the elements that are contained in two ranges of elements

• set_difference: finds the elements in one range that do not appear in another

• set_symmetric_difference: creates a sequence of sorted elements that are in one sorted range but not in another

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STL Algorithms (continued)

• accumulate: finds the sum of all the elements in a given range

• adjacent_difference: returns an iterator positioned one past the last element copied at the destination

• inner_product: manipulates the elements of two ranges

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• STL consists of:

− Containers: class templates

− Iterators: step through the elements of a container

− Algorithms: manipulate the elements in a container

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• Containers

− Sequence: vector, deque, and list

− Associative: sets, multisets, maps, and multimaps

− Container adapters: stacks, queues, and priority queues

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• Iterators: input, output, forward, bidirectional, and random access iterator

• Predicates: Boolean function objects

• Algorithms: nonmodifying, modifying, numerical, and heap

• Algorithms are overloaded for flexibility
