C++ basic programs



programs on looping, arrays,if-else statements

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Problem : Read any number from the user, then print positive if it is positive.


#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int Num;cout<<"\n Please Enter an integer number:";cin>>Num;if (Num > 0)

cout<<" Positive\n";}

Write a program that reads a mark, if mark is 60 or greater, the program prints PASS, else it will print FAIL#include <iostream.h>

void main() {int mark;cout<<"\n Please Enter your mark: ";cin>>mark;if (mark>=60)cout<<" PASS\n";else cout<<"FAIL\n";


Problem : Read any number from the user, then print positive if it is positive and print negative otherwise.


#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int Num;cout<<"\nPlease Enter Number:";cin>>Num;if (Num < 0)



Problem : Read Two numbers from the user, then print the greatest one.

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int x,y;cout<<"\nPlease Enter two numbers:";cin>>x>>y;cout<<"Max = ";if (x > y)



Problem : Read three numbers to print the smallest one.

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int a, b, c;cout<<"\nPlease Enter three numbers:";cin>>a>>b>>c;cout<<"\nMin= ";if ((a < b) && (a < c))

cout<<a;if ((b < a) && (b < c))

cout<<b;if ((c < a) && (c < b))



Problem : Read number, if it is positive, Add number 10 to it and print the Number “is positive”, but otherwise, subtract number 10 from it and print the Number “is negative”.

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int Number;cout<<"\nPlease enter Number:";cin>>Number;if (Number>0) {

Number = Number + 10;cout<<Number<<" is Positive\n";}

else {Number = Number - 10;cout<<Number<<" is Negative\n";}


Problem : Print the word “Amman” five times. Program#include <iostream.h>void main( ) {

for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) cout<<"Amman\n";


Another Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

for (int i=5; i>=1; i--) cout<<"Amman\n";


Problem : Print the following numbers.1 3 5 7 9 11

Program#include <iostream.h>void main( ) {

for (int k=1; k<=11; k+=2) cout<<k<<“\t”;


Problem : Print the following numbers.20 17 14 11 8 5 2


#include <iostream.h>void main() {

for (int m=20; m>=2; m-=3) cout<<m<<“\t”;


Problem : Print the following numbers.1 2 3 4 … n(entered by user)


#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int n;cout<<"\nPlease enter the upper limit:";cin>>n;for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)



Problem : Print the following numbers.L (entered By user) (L+1) (L+2) … U (entered By user)

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int L,U;cout<<"\nPlease enter the Lower limit:";cin>>L;cout<<"\nPlease enter the Upper limit:";cin>>U;for (int i=L; i<=U; i++)



Problem : Read five numbers from the user and print the positive numbers only.

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int num;for (int i=1; i<=5; i++)

{ cout<<"\nPlease Enter No"<<i<<':'; cin>>num; if (num > 0)

cout<<num; }


Problem : Compute and print S, Where Sum = 1+ 3+ 5+ 7+ … + n

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int Sum=0, n;cout<<"\nPlease Enter n";cin>>n;for (int i=1; i<=n; i+=2)



Problem : Compute and print the summation of any 10 numbers entered by the user.


#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int S=0, N;for (int i=10; i>=1; i--) {

cout<<"\nPlease Enter the next number:";cin>>N;S+=N;}


A program to find n!

#include <iostream.h>void main( ) {int Fact=1,n;cout<<“Enter an integer to find its factorial”;cin>>n;for (int j=n; j>=1; j--)Fact *= j;cout<<n<<"!= "<<Fact<<endl;} Try it on n = 17 ???

Problem : Compute and Print the value of M where M = 2 * 4 * 6 * … * n


#include <iostream.h>void main( ) {

long M=1;int n;cout<<"please enter the upper Limit:";cin>>n;for (int i=2; i<=n; i+=2)

M *= i;cout<<"M= "<<M<<endl;


Problem : Draw the following shape***************

#include <iostream.h>void main( ) {

for (int raw=1; raw<=5; raw++) {for (int C=1; C<=raw; C++)

cout<<'*';cout<<endl; }


Nested for

Problem : Draw the following shape***************

#include <iostream.h>void main() {

for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) {for (int j=i; j<=5; j++)

cout<<'*';cout<<endl; }


Problem : display the multiplication table for the number 3.

#include <iostream.h>void main() {

for (int i=1; i<=10; i++)cout<<"3 x "<<i<<" = "<<3*i<<endl;


Problem : Print the word “Amman” five times. Program

#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int i=1;while (i<=5)



Problem : Print the following numbers.1 3 5 7 9 11

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int i=1;while (i <= 11) {

cout<<i<<'\t';i+=2; }


Remark:Write ((i+=2) <= 11 ) condition instead of the above one. What changes you have to do to produce the same output.

Problem : Print the following numbers.20 17 14 … n

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int n, k=20;cout<<"Enter the lower limit:";cin>>n;while ( k >= n) {

cout<<k<<'\t';k -= 3; }


Remark:Write k-=3 instead of k in the above condition. What you have to do to produce the same output.

Problem : Read five numbers from the user and print the positive numbers only.


#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int num, j=0;while ( j++ < 5 ) {

cout<<"Enter the next num:";cin>>num;if (num > 0)

cout<<num<<endl; }}

Problem : Compute and print S, Where Sum = 1+ 3+ 5+ 7+ … + n

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int n, Sum=0, i=1;cout<<"Enter the upper limit:";cin>>n;while ( i <= n ) {

Sum += i;i += 2; }


Problem : Read 10 numbers by the user and compute and print the summation of numbers, which are divisible by 3.

Program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int Num, Sum=0, i=1;while ( i <= 10 ) {

cout<<"Enter a number:";cin>>Num;if (Num % 3 == 0)

Sum += Num;i++; }


Problem : Compute and Print the value of M where M = 2 * 4 * 6 * … * n


#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int N, M=1, i=2;cout<<"Enter the upper limit:";cin>>N;while ( i <= N ) {

M *= i;i += 2; }


Nested Loops#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int i,j=1;while(j<=4){





1 2 3 41 2 3 41 2 3 41 2 3 4

Problem : Draw the following shape***************

#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int i=1;while (i<=5) {

int j=1;while (j<=i)


cout<<endl;i++; }


Do .. While Technique

General Form:do {.Statement(s); .

} while (Condition) ;

Statements will be executed repeatedly while condition is true. When the condition become false, the loop will be terminated and the execution sequence will go to the first statement after the loop.

The loop body will be executed at least one.

Problem : Print the word “Amman” five times. Program

#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int i = 1;do {


} while (i <= 5);}

Execute the following program#include <iostream.h>void main() {

int Choice, Num;do {

cout<<"\n Enter the New Number";cin>>Num;if (Num % 2 == 0)

cout<<Num<<" is Even\n";else

cout<<Num<<" is Odd\n";cout<<"Select your choice.\n";cout<<"1- Exit. (Terminate the Run)\n";cout<<"2- Enter New Number to Check.\n";cin>>Choice;

} while (Choice != 1);}

11 21 2 41 2 4 8

for (int i=1;i<=4;i++){int x=1; for(int j=1;j<=i;j++)

{cout<<x<<“ “; x=x*2;} cout<<endl;}
