Bullies vs Dictators


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Bullies VS Dictators

What does it feel to have no freedom? It is like to live in prison right? Dictators are people

who practice excessive control on others for their own benefits. The most famous dictators in

this world are like Adolf Hitler, Alberto Fujimori, Anwar Sadat, Bashar Assad and also Kim

Jong Il. During that time, many people had to suffer from his mean and uncompromising

leadership. People tend to call a person as dictators only in political field. So, people start to

call those who practice control others with other euphemism, namely, bullies. The differences

between bullies and dictators can be seen in their area and victims while the similarities

between them can be seen through their personality and method of controlling people.

The first similarities between bullies and dictators are in term of their personality. Both

bullies and dictators are arrogant and strict. They think that they are the most powerful person

in their territory. They tend to make their own rules. Usually their rules put them as the leader

and should be respected by other people. In addition for being arrogant, dictators and bullies

are strict too. They want all people to abide them. For them, any action that goes against their

will is a wrongdoing and any wrongdoing need to be punished. It is rare for the dictators and

bullies to forgive the offenders. They want others to learn from the mistakes. Based on the

examples given, the personality of the bullies and dictators is the same since both of them are

arrogant and strict.

Next, I will continue with the second similarities between bullies and dictators based on

their methods of controlling people. Normally, bullies and dictators use the same method of

controlling people by tortured the victims physically and mentally. How do they do it in term

of physically? Normally they will beat, tortured and harm the victims until the victims follow

his order. Sometimes they tend to locked up their victims like the ‘Along’ has done before

this. In addition, they are also tortured their victims mentally by introducing fear into the

victim’s heart. As an example is cyber bullying. The bullies are not bullies physically but

mentally. They will spread bad news about their victims until the victims tend to kill

themselves. The method of controlling people will be the next similarities between bullies

and dictators.

Besides that, we can see the differences between the dictators and bullies in term of their

area. Normally, dictators will conquer a big territory like a country whereas the bullies only

managed to occupy small place like school and college. If a country is lead by a dictator,

normally the citizen of that country will be suffering in their lives. As an example, look at

Myanmar, the people are not be able to criticize the government or otherwise they will be like

‘Aung San Suu Kyi’ who can’t go anywhere because she is restricted to go outside from her

house. Bullies normally conquer small place like in school. Obviously, bullies are the people

who are have a big body, tall, beautiful, rich, and sometime a smart student. There are many

reasons why their acting likes that. Based on the explanations above, I firmly believe that

the area is the first differences between bullies and dictators.

Moreover, the second difference between bullies and dictators is the victims. Dictators ruled

everyone no matter how tall or how big the victims while the bullies normally have their own

targeted person. As an example, Kim Jong Il rules every people in North Korea no matter

what the people is. All of them should obey to the leader. Next, usually bullies have their

targeted person like short and small person. They think that the small people are the weaker

one. They forgot that size is not the matter. Even the elephants are afraid of the mouse. The

victims are the second difference between bullies and dictators.

In conclusion, in this essay, we will list the differences between bullies and dictators in their

area and victims also the similarities between them in term of their personality and methods

of controlling people. I see that the differences between bullies and dictators are obviously in

their victims where bullies target several person while dictators target everyone. I also figure

out that their differences between them in term of their area when dictators have a big area

while bullies only have small area. In term of the similarities between both them, I found that

both of them have the same methods of controlling people which is physically and mentally.

Bullies and dictators also have the same personality which is arrogant and strict. It is

important for us to realize that both of them are powerless if they do not have followers. It is

the followers who keep them on the top. Take the followers away and they will become

typical civilians. Therefore, the choice is at our hand: become their followers and see they

gain control on others or fight for our freedom and live the live happily.