Buletin Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber ... · beberapa acara sukaneka telah...


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Penang, 8-9 August - The 3rd

Workshop on regional networkformation for enhancing research andeducation on Materials Engineering andGreen Energy was organized by SMMREand Nagaoka University of

Technology(NUT) under the 21stCentury COE (Center of Excellence)program of the Japanese Ministry ofEducation, Culture, Sports, Science andTechnology (MEXT). This workshop,fully sponsored by Nagaoka Universityof Technology, was held at Park RoyalHotel, Ferringhi Beach Penang. Theworkshop was officiated by Deputy ViceChancellor (Research and Development),Dato' Professor Muhammad Idiris Salleh

on 8th August 2005.The aim of COE program at Nagaoka

University of Technology is to establishmutual collaborations with researchinstitutions in Asean region to enhanceresearch and education. This workshopprovided a platform for researchers,scientists, technologists and industrialistsin the field of engineering materials tomeet and discuss.

This workshop involved technical/scientific presentation in the form of oraland poster presentations by renownedresearchers and professors from NUT and

invited speakers from identified ASEANUniversities (Thailand, Indonesia,Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia). Thenumber of delegates from NUT were 47(28 from green energy group and 19 frommaterials engineering group) and theinvited delegates from ASEAN were about27 for both groups plus 13 delegates forposter presentations from USM.

This workshop was an opportunity forcolleagues from SMMRE, School ofChemical Engineering and School ofMechanical Engineering, USM to convenewith other international researchers,particularly eminent researchers fromNagaoka University of Technology forpossible future collaborative activities.During this workshop a Memorandum ofUnderstanding for exchange students aswell as research collaborations and otherpotential activities between NagaokaUniversity of Technology and UniversitiSains Malaysia was signed.

Gold Medal at IENA2005, Germany

Penang, 5 November - Universiti SainsMalaysia was among the top performingteams at the International Trade fair“Ideas Inventions New OProducts (IENA2005), 1-6 Nov. 2005, Nuremburg,Germany.

The university brought home 3 goldand 3 silver medals for all the six productsdisplayed. One of the gold medals was for“OilZob: A Novel and Reactive OilAdsorbent From Various Rubber Waste”invented by Prof. Hanafi Ismail fromSchool of Materials and Mineral ResourcesEngineering. Previously this product wona gold medal at the InternationalInvention, Innovation, Industrial Design &Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2004).OilZob is ideal for clean-up and removal ofoil spill on land and in water.

ENJINIERBuletin Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral

Bulletin for the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering Universiti Sains Malaysia

JIL.07 - BIL. 02 No. ISSN: 1511-5275 http://www.usm.my Dis 2005

Participants of the 3rd Centre of Excellence Workshop on Materials Engineering and Green Energy

Prof. Hanafi explaning to judges about his OilZob invention

The 14th ScientificConference and 15th

Annual General Meeting ofthe Electron Microscopy

Society of Malaysia(EMSM) 2005

Penang, 5 -7 December - ElectronMicroscopy Society of Malaysia (EMSM)had appointed Universiti Sains Malaysia,led by the School of Materials and MineralResources Engineering (SMMRE) toorganise their 14th Scientific Conferenceand the 15th annual meeting. Theconference was an annual event andcontinually been a success with its mainobjective to bring together thoseinterested in electron microscopy:students, researchers and professionalsfrom academia, industries andgovernment agencies of differentbackground to share, enhance andexplore the ideas and expertise. Apartfrom SMMRE, other academic societies inMalaysia also took part to co-organise thisconference. They were the Institute ofMaterials Malaysia (IMM, NorthernRegion), Plastic and Rubber InstituteMalaysia (PRIM, Northern Region) andX-ray Application Society Malaysia (XAPP).

The working committee was chairedby Prof. Dr. Hanafi Ismail and consisted of20 committee members working in theirown allocated division. In the later stage,several members from the School ofBiology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden,Penang and School of Health Science,Kubang Kerian, Kelantan were invited totake part in organising the event. Apartfrom these selected committee members,post graduates students from our schoolwere also invited to help out to ensureeverything went on smoothly. This year'sconference was proven to be a successwith the outstanding plenary lectures byProf. Jun-Ichi Matsushita from Tokai

University, Japan and Dr. Sudesh Kumarfrom Universiti Sains Malaysia, Dr. Jin Zoufrom Queensland, Australia,Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Razak from UPMand Prof. Faizah Sharom from KUSTEM.The conference was divided into twobroad symposia; Life Science and PhysicalScience. Sessions for oral and posterpresentation were found to have covereda wide spectrum of life sciences andphysical sciences; theoretical,experimental, simulation or thecombination of the three. The number of

participants for the 14th Conference wasaround 160 people indicating that theconference had indeed received a lot ofattention. We have received 120 papersthat can be found in our Proceeding.Among other activities that should behighlighted were the eventful Family Day,conference dinner and the Poster andMicrograph Competitions. It wasencouraging to see all participantsbenefited from the conference and indeedthe event was a thriving success based onthe positive feedback that we received.

Visit of Mid-termEvaluation team for

AUN/SEED-Net Project

Nibong Tebal, 22 November-The evaluation team from AUN/SEED-Netproject were at SMMRE for a mid-termvisit. The evaluation team consists ofMs. Mitsue Mishima, a Consultant,Dr. Manabu Tsunoda, academic advisor,AUN/SEED-Net secretariat, Mr. NaokiUmemiya, Program Coordinator,AUN/SEED-Net secretariat and Mr. KenichiShirouzu, Program Officer, AUN/SEED-Netsecretariat.

The purpose of the visit was todiscuss the development of theAUN/SEED-Net project. The evaluationteam also met AUN/SEED-Net studentsand visit the SMMRE laboratories.

Ir. Dr. Mior Termizi Mohd Yusof

Prof. Zainal Arifin Ahmad

Encik Samayamutthirian Palaniandy

Encik Mohd Nazri Idris

Prof. Hanafi Ismail(Ketua Pengarang)

Dr. Azura A. Rashid

Penolong Pengarang

Sidang Pengarang

Mohd Al Amin Muhamad Nor

Yeoh Cheow Keat

Commitee members of the EMSM 2005

Hari Keluarga di ResortSafari Sungai Perak

Ipoh, 30-31 Julai - JawatankuasaKampus Sejahtera dengan kerjasamaKelab Kakitangan PPKBSM sekali lagiberjaya mengadakan hari keluarga pusatpengajian bertempat di Resort SafariSungai Perak. Program ini yangdipengerusikan oleh Dr. Syed Fuad SaiyidHashim telah berjaya membawa hampirkesemua warga pusat pengajian besertakeluarga masing-masing. Beberapaaktiviti telah disusun di sepanjangprogram ini berlangsung. Acara pada haripertama bermula dengan aktiviti bebassambil melawat beberapa tempat menarikdi sekitar Bandar Diraja Kuala Kangsar.Bagi mengeratkan lagi jaringan setiapwarga pusat pengajian ini, satu acaraBBQ di tepi Sungai Perak telahdilaksanakan bermula pukul 8.00 malam.Acara ini bertujuan memupuk kerjasamasetiap kakitangan sambil menjamu selera.Pada hari kedua Hari Keluarga ini,beberapa acara sukaneka telah dijalankanbagi kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa.

Acara ini merupakan aktiviti wajib harikeluarga pusat pengajian ini. Di sampingberiadah para peserta turut dapatmerehatkan minda dengan acara-acarasukaneka yang telah diatur. Keseluruhanprogram hari keluarga ini berakhir sekitarpukul 2.00 petang setelah mendaftarkeluar daripada Resort Safari SungaiPerak.

Hari Warga Staf KampusKejuruteraan 2005

Nibong Tebal, 16 Disember - Hari WargaStaf Kampus Kejuruteraan bagi tahun2005 telah berlangsung dengan gilanggemilang. Sambutan Hari Warga Stafmerupakan acara tahunan Universiti SainsMalaysia dalam usaha mengukuhkanhubungan antara warga universiti.Sambutan kali ini telah diadakan dalamtiga sesi bermula jam 8.30 pagi denganprogram Larian dalam Kampus,Pertandingan Explorace dan PertandinganMemancing di dalam kampus. Satu sesiSukaneka antara staf dan keluarga telahdiadakan di Padang Kompleks Sukan

Kampus Kejuruteraan pada jam 2.30petang di mana 11 acara telahdipertandingkan.

Tahniah dan syabas kepada kontigendari PPKBSM, Pusat Islam dan PusatBahasa atas segala kerjasama, komitmendan kerja kuat yang diberikan untukmenjayakan kontigen Anggerik birusehingga berjaya memenagi "KhemahTerbaik" bagi Hari warga Staf KampusKejuruteraan 2005.

Kejayaan yang dicapai adalah berkatkerjasama dan kerja berpasukan yangtinggi oleh semua ahli kontigen yang telahturun padang untuk memberi sokonganpadu kepada kontigen.

Pada sebelah malamnya, satu MajlisTahlil Khas telah diadakan pada sesiketiga bermula pada jam 7.00 malam danmajlis kemuncak sambutan Hari WargaStaf Kampus Kejuruteraan diakhiri denganPersembahan Khas Warga Staf USM dariKampus Induk, Kampus Kejuruteraan,Nibong Tebal dan Kampus Kesihatan,Kelantan yang menampilkan kreativiti stafUSM dari pelbagai bidang. MajlisSambutan diakhiri dengan penuh warna-warni dan meninggalkan nostalgia indahuntuk sepanjang tahun 2005. Semogasemangat kerjasama dan hubungan eratini akan diteruskan pada masa akandatang.

Jutaan terima kasih dan penghargaankepada semua warga PPKBSM yang telahturut sama menjayakan hari warga stafkejuruteraan 2005 dalam pelbagai aspekterutamanya kepada JawatankuasaMakanan yang diselaras oleh Dr. Norlia,Jawatankuasa Khemah Kontigen yang diselaras oleh Puan Susila (UnitB a h a s a ) , J a w a t a n k u a s aSukaneka/Explorace/Larian/Memancingyang diselaras oleh En. Kemuridan,Jawatankuasa Persembahan yangdiselaras oleh Dr. Azmin dan semua ahli-jawatankuasa atas segala bantuan yangtelah diberikan untuk menjayakansambutan hari warga staf ini. Semogasemangat kerjasama dan kerjaberpasukan dan kekeluargaan ini akanterus tersemai dalam diri kita untukmembawa kita ke arah yang lebihcemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.

Majlis Sambutan pelajarbaru 05/06

Nibong Tebal, 4 Julai - Majlissambutan bagi mengalu-alukan pelajar-pelajar baru sidang akademik 05/06 telahdilaksanakan di Dewan Kuliah 9 KampusKejuruteran. Majlis ini bertujuan meraikanpelajar-pelajar tahun satu yang telahberjaya menjejakkan kaki ke pusatpengajian ini di sampingmemperkenalkan kepada para pelajardengan semua warga pusat pengajian.Sehubungan dengan itu para pelajar

Salah satu aktiviti yang berlangsung semasa Hari Keluarga PPKBSM

Pelajar-pelajar baru khusyuk mendengar taklimat yang disampaikan oleh Dekan

turut diperkenalkan dengan latarbelakang pusat pengajian dan keunikanpusat pengajian ini berbanding pusatpengajian lain. Dalam ucapan alu-aluanDekan PPKBSM, beliau turutmengucapkan tahniah kepada semuapelajar yang berjaya. Dekan juga turutmenyampaikan beberapa nasihat danpanduan bermakna buat para pelajarbagi mengharungi kehidupan di kampusini. Seterusnya semua pelajar telahdiberikan taklimat berkenaan kursus-kursus yang diambil oleh setiap pengerusirancangan masing-masing. Di sini parapelajar diberikan maklumat terperinciberkenaan sistem pembelajaran danpengajaran berkenaan kursus-kursusyang diambil. Majlis seterusnyadisambung dengan taklimat daripadaTimbalan Dekan (Akademik DanPembangunan Pelajar) dan akhirnya sesiperjumpaan pelajar-pelajar baru denganpenasihat akademik masing-masing.

Sambutan Hari Merdekaperingkat PPKBSM

Nibong Tebal, 14 September - Satusambutan sempena sambutan bulankemerdekaan yang ke 49 telah diadakanpada peringkat pusat pengajian di DewanKuliah 6, Kampus Kejuruteraan USM.Sambutan sempena memperingatiperjuangan kemerdekaan para parajurittanah air dan menghayati ertikemerdekaan pada alaf baru ini telahmendapat sambutan meriah daripadawarga PPKBSM.

Sambutan kemerdekaan ini telahdirasmikan oleh Prof. Madya Dr. KhairunAzizi, Dekan PPKBSM. Antara aturcaramenarik sepanjang majlis sambutankemerdekaan ini adalah acara deklamasisajak 'Perjuangan belum Selesai' olehExco dekan dan nyanyian lagu patriotik'Parajurit Tanah air' oleh semua Stafakademik. Sambutan turut dimeriahkandengan persembahan lakonan 'bantumembantu' oleh pelajar ijazah pertama,persembahan nyayian lagu patriotik olehpelajar tahun 2, persembahan koir olehpelajar tahun 3 serta persembahan multimedia erti kemerdekaan oleh pelajarijazah tinggi dan deklamasi sajak'monolog kemerdekaan' oleh wakil staffsokongan.

Sempena bulan kemerdekaan, satupertandingan erti kemerdekaan telahdijalankan dan dimenangi oleh Nek MohdHamdi dengan erti kemerdekaan“Kemerdekaan merupakan satupermulaan bagi satu kehidupan tanpadibelengu oleh sebarang konkongan danpenghinaan dari segi pemikiran dankelakuan”. Kehangatan semangatkemerdekaan menyelubungi setiap wargaPPKBSM apabila lagu-lagu patriotik

Keranamu Malaysia berkumandangdengan penuh semangat di sampingkibaran jalur gemilang mengakhirisambutan hari kemerdekaan ini. Satuiktibar yang patut direnungkan ialah“sukar untuk mengekalkan danmenghayati erti kemerdekaan daripadamendapatkan kemerdekaan”. Renungkannasib generasi akan datang apabilakemerdekaan yang dicapai mungkinhanya pada nama tetapi realitinya mindakita masih dijajah. Apa yang pasti 'Jalanmesti ke depan, bukan ke belakang!'.

Upacara Konvokesyen USMKe-34

Pulau Pinang, Ogos 2005- Pada upacarakonvokesyen USM ke-34 seramai 41graduan ijazah tinggi dan 142 graduanijazah pertama telah berjaya berijazahdaripada PPKBSM. Pada konvokesyen kaliini, USM mengeluarkan lebih daripada1000 graduan ijazah tinggi dan seramai6,707 graduan ijazah pertama dalambidang masing-masing.

Pada sidang pertama yangberlangsung 8 Ogos, Seri Paduka BagindaRaja Permaisuri Agong, Tuanku Fauziahbinti Al-Marhum Tengku Abdul Rashidtelah menerima Ijazah Kehormat DoktorUndang-undang.Pro-Canselor, Tan SriRazali Ismail telah menyampaikan Ijazahtersebut kepada baginda. Bagindaseterusnya mempengerusikan sidangpertama. Sejurus selepas tamat SidangPertama Upacara Konvokesyen Ke-34,Seri Paduka Baginda Tuanku Canselortelah turut menyaksikan Pameran KhasTuanku Canselor yang diadakan di BalaiPesiban Agung, Pusat Pengajian SeniUSM. Pada Konvokesyen ini satu ExpoKonvokesyen dan Hari Terbuka Ke-33yang dirasmikan oleh Seri PadukaBaginda Raja Permaisuri Agong turutdiadakan. Orang ramai berpeluang untukmengunjungi lebih 200 pameranusahawan merangkumi pelbagai produk.

PPKBSM pada upacara konvokesyen initelah berjaya mengeluarkan 7 graduanDoktor Falsafah yang salah seorangdaripadanya iaitu Dr. Hasmaliza Mohamadyang kini menjadi tenaga pengajar diPPKBSM, 13 graduan sarjana sainsmelalui mod penyelidikan dan 21 graduansarjana sains melalui mod campuran.PPKBSM juga turut berjaya mengeluarkan97 graduan sarjana muda kejuruteraanBahan dan 45 graduan sarjana mudakejuruteraan Sumber Mineral. Padaupacara konvokesyen ini juga Tee De Inntelah menerima anugerah hadiah pingatemas USM untuk pelajar tahun akhirKejuruteraan Bahan dan Ee Xun Hongmenerima hadiah pingat emas USM untukpelajar tahun akhir Kejuruteraan SumberMineral. Syabas dan tahniah kepada

kecermerlangan terus menjadi agendasemua warga PPKBSM dan hubungan eratantara graduan dan pusat pengajian akandapat diteruskan melalui alumni PPKBSM.

Pameran Poster LatihanIndustri

Julai 2005 - Seramai 203 pelajar tahun 3daripada kejuruteraan bahan,kejuruteraan sumber mineral dankejuruteraan polimer yang telahmenamatkan latihan industri selama 10minggu telah mengadakan pameranposter latihan industri pada 20 Julai 05 diPusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan danSumber Mineral. Pameran poster adalahsebahagian daripada penilaian untukpelajar yang telah menjalani latihanindustri semasa cuti antara sidangakademik 2004/2005 dan 2005/2006.Pelajar tahun tiga yang menjalani latihanindustri dikehendaki membentangkanposter mereka dalam bahasa inggeris danpembentangan ini telah dinilai oleh parapensyarah. Penilaian dijalankan dari segikandungan poster, kreativiti danpenyampaian semasa sesi temuramah.Acara kemuncak sepanjang pameranposter ini adalah penganugerahan bagi10 poster terbaik. Syabas dan tahniahkepada semua pelajar yang terlibat danjutaan terima kasih kepada semua wargaPPKBSM khususnya dan semua wargakampus kejuruteraan amnya yang datangmemeriahkan pameran poster ini.

Lawatan pelajar ke industri

28-30 November - Dua kumpulan pelajardaripada pusat pengajian telah membuatlawatan ke beberapa industri di sekitarPasir Gudang dan Lembah Klang.Keseluruhan aktiviti ini telahdiselenggarakan sepenuhnya olehDr. Nurulakmal Mohd Sharif. Lawatan inibertujuan memberikan pendedahan awalkepada para pelajar tentang duniapekerjaan sebenar setelah mereka tamatdaripada universiti di samping menimbailmu dan pengalaman daripada lawatanyang dijalankan. Kumpulan pertama yangterdiri daripada 26 orang pelajar tahunakhir dan tahun tiga telah membuatlawatan di sekitar Kawasan PerindustrianPasir Gudang. Industri-industri yang telahdilawati adalah Malaysian Sheet GlassSdn. Bhd., Antara Steel Mills Sdn. Bhd.,BASF (M) Sdn. Bhd. dan SIME DarbyEngineering Sdn. Bhd. Industri terakhiryang dilawati adalah Maruwa (M) Sdn.Bhd. yang terletak di Melaka ketikabertolak balik pada hari terakhir.Manakala kumpulan kedua yang terdiri

telah mengadakan lawatan di sekitarkawasan Klang Valley. Sebanyak limaindustri telah dilawati oleh kumpulan ini.Industri pertama adalah Takanichi SimSdn. Bhd. dan diikuti oleh HICOMDieCasting Sdn. Bhd., Johnson Suisse (M)Sdn. Bhd., Automotive Industries Sdn.Bhd. dan akhir sekali Megasteel Sdn. Bhd.Aktiviti ini merupakan aktiviti tahunanpusat pengajian bagi mendedahkan parapelajar dengan persekitaran luarpekerjaan. Aktiviti ini juga diharapkandapat memberikan hubungan dua halayang baik antara pihak universiti danpihak industri.

Laporan KawadKebakaran di Pusat

Pengajian KejuruteraanBahan & Sumber Mineral,

Kampus Kejuruteraan,Universiti Sains Malaysia

Tarikh Kawad Kebakaran Diadakan:19 Disember 2005Waktu: 10.00 - 10.30 pagiBilangan Penghuni Yang Turun di Kawasan Perhimpunan:124 orangTempoh Yang Diambil Untuk mengosongkan Bangunan:6min.38 saat

Kawad kebakaran telahpun diadakandi Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan &Sumber Mineral (PPKBSM) dengankerjasama Unit Keselamatan danKesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP), JabatanKeselamatan dan Jabatan Pembangunan,Kampus Kejuruteraan. Pada waktu ini,tiada pelajar ijazah pertama kecualimereka yang menjalani projekpenyelidikan tahun akhir dan terdapat

sekitar 30 orang pelajar ijazahlanjutan yang berada di PPKBSM serta 5orang pekerja pencuci bangunan. Padawaktu ini juga, terdapat satu kursusjangka pendek untuk kakitangan Intelseramai 50 orang sedang diadakan diPPKBSM. Seramai 10 pensyarah dan gurutiada di PPKBSM kerana menghadiripersidangan di Kuantan, Pahang dan 5sedang bercuti tahunan dan 3 orangsedang berada di luar negara.

Setelah semuanya berada ditempatperhimpunan, iaitu di kawasan letakkereta di sebelah kiri bangunan PPKBSM,Pegawai Pengosongan Bangunan telahmemberikan penerangan mengenaikawad kebakaran ini. Antara lain, perkarayang ditekankan ialah berkenaankepentingan mengadakan kawadkebakaran sekurang-kurangnya satu kalidalam satu tahun, pendedahan kepadasemua penghuni bangunan mengenailaluan kecemasan, penggunaan alatpemadam api dan pentingnya mendengararahan ketua-ketua tingkat sewaktuproses pengosongan bangunan. Satudemonstrasi memadam api menggunakanalat pemadam api juga telah dikendalikanoleh JKKP.

Ucapan terima kasih kepada semuayang menjayakan kawad kebakaran initerutamanya pihak JKKP, JabatanKeselamatan, Jabatan Pembangunan danKetua-ketua dan Penolong Ketua Tingkat.Kesimpulannya, kawad kebakaran yangdiadakan telah berlangsung denganjayanya dan telah mendapat kerjasamayang baik dari semua penghuni bangunanPPKBSM

Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad - Pegawai Pengosongan BangunanDr. Azlan Ariffin- Penolong Pegawai Pengosongan Bangunan

Visit by the ExternalExaminer

Nibong Tebal, 12-17 December -Professor Masahiro Ohshima from KyotoUniversity, Japan was at SMMRE acting asexternal examiner for PolymerEngineering. The five days visit beganwith the briefing from the Dean and theProgramme Chairman of PolymerEngineering followed by discussion withacademic staff, postgraduate studentsand undergraduate students.Undergraduates reports, assignments,examination question papers and theanswer scripts were assessed byProf. Ohshima.

Prof. Masahiro Ohshima also gave aseminar on 'Supercritical CO2 Assisted

Polymer Processing'. At the end of thevisit, further discussion with the dean andexco members on curriculum revise andinternational collaboration betweenUniversiti Sains Malaysia and KyotoUniversity was held.

International ConstructionWeek 2005

Kuala Lumpur, 15-17 September.International Construction week (ICW2005) telah diadakan di dewan pameranKLCC. ICW 2005 diadakan untukmencarta laluan strategik ke arahpembangunan industri pembinaanMalaysia untuk bersaing dalam sektorekonomi global. Bersempena dengan ICW2005 juga diadakan ekspo bangunanMalaysia (MALBEX 05). Ekspo terbesardan paling berprestij dalam pameranbangunan turut disertai oleh kumpulanpenyelidik dari PPKBSM yang diketuai olehProf. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad. Semasaekspo tersebut pasukan penyelidik USMtelah mengetengahkan hasil penyelidikanyang bertajuk "Ceramic foams coresandwich composite for lightweightbuilding materials" yang juga merupakanprojek usaha sama antara USM-CIDB.

Semasa ekspo berlangsung, produkpenyelidikan tersebut mendapatsambutan menggalakan dari parapengunjung yang rata-rata merupakanpemain industri pembinaan. Melalui eksposeperti ini, para penyelidik dapatberkongsi idea serta mendengarpandangan serta pendapat daripadapihak industri ke arah menghasilkanproduk penyelidikan yang bolehdikomersilkan. Ekspo seperti ini diharapdapat disertai oleh lebih ramai parapenyelidik pada masa-masa akan datangagar dapat menjalankan penyelidikanserta menghasilkan produk-produk yangboleh diterima industri. Demostrasi memadam kebakaran oleh Dekan PPKBSM


Tahun 1Ahmad Yusri AliasDeborah Chow Yen MayKhoo Li JianKoay Hoay BinLai Chin WeiLau Yee ChauLee Chen WenLeow Cheah LiLew Kien SengLim Saw SingLim Way FoongMa Phui YingTan Wei HwaYap Hui Chek

Tahun 2-

Tahun 3Cho Swee JenEng Siew TzeHo Jung KitJohn Paul Wang Sing SiewKhoor Siang TianKhor Siew ChengLai Kin ThengLiew Kein FeeLoh Poh LinOng Chooi CheowOng Lay Lim

Ong Yee WeiSiew Sok FunWong Gar Shen

Tahun 4Goh Chiou BeeHo Kar FeiLim Eng ChuanLim Ling ChingLim Shwu ChooLim Soo WahLoo Siaw ChoonLum Sek YewMohana Pria a/p Rainoo RajNg Mei ChanNg Soo BeeOng Ghee MeiOoi Li YingPeter Chin Ting SoonSoon Li LianTan Cheng HeeTan Ruo YeeWong Goon HengWong Yoong Yoong


Tahun 1Gan Teck WanLee Xing MinNicholas Ang Soon MingOoi Zhong XianTan Seah Guan

Tahun 2Phua Yi Jing

Tahun 3Tay Min Min

Tahun 4 Chew Siou LianFoo Pei MingFua Tai YeeLam Seow FongLee See YinNg Lay PingOng Leng ChuanOng Soo ShinSiew Chai LingSuganthi a/p RamaradTay Lee HwaYamuna a/p Munusamy


Tahun 1Tan Kah Wai

Tahun 2Chin Chean Yeen

Tahun 3-

Tahun 4-



NO DATE VISITORS INSTITUTION PURPOSES 1. 2005.07.07 - Mr. Ishihara Shinichi

- Ms. Kalayaporn Teungfung - Prof. Dr. Kazuo Tsutsumi

JICA Office Thailand AUN/SEED-Net visit (Secretariat)

2. 2005.07.22 - Mr. Remy France Visiting SMMRE

3. 2005.07.27 - Dr. Tim Saponas Worldwide Education Manager INTEL (USA)

Collaboration between SMMRE and INTEL

4. 2005.08.02 - Dr. Nigel T. Middleton Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs Dean of Faculty Colorado School of Mines Golden USA

Visitor to EITD

5. 2005.08.22 - Dr. Minoru Umimoto Toyohashi University

AUN/SEED-Net Research Collaboration

6. 2005.09.06 - Prof. Kazunori Sato Nagaoka University Technology Japan AUN/SEED-Net Research Collaboration

7. 2005.09.12 - Prof. Ariga Tadashi Tokai University Japan

AUN/SEED-Net Research Collaboration

8. 2005.09.27 - Mr. Arjun Kumar Kantimahanzz Siltera Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Visiting SMMRE

9. 2005.10.13 - Dr. Julia Gough LGM/TARRC Discussion with Polymer Group 10. 2005.10.24 - Prof. Gerardo Pario

- Prof. Maria Antonia Tanchulig - Ms. Pamela Infante

UP Diliman Visiting SMMRE

11. 2005.11.22 - Dr. Masakazu Kawashita - Mr. Takuya Shimotahi - Ms. Shaliza Hamzah - Mr. Hiroyuki Tanaka - Mr. Kenichi Shzrovzu - Mr. Manabu Tsunoda - Mr. Naoki Umemiya - Mr. Mitsue Mishima

Kyoto University Japan and JICA Malaysia Office Kuala Lumpur

Evaluation of AUN/SEED-Net programme

12. 2005.12.07 - Prof. Jun-ichi Matsushita - Dr. Yasuyuki Miyazawa

Tokai University Japan Collaboration with AUN/SEED-Net programme

13. 2005.12.08 - Mr. Andy Lusty - Mr. Krish Amirthalingam

Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA

Collaboration with SMMRE

14. 2005.12.16 - Prof. Masahiro Ohshima Kyoto University Japan External examiner for Polymer Engineering Programme

15. 2005.12.19 to

- Prof. Kiyohiko Kuroda - Prof. Shigeru Kato

Toyohashi University of Technology ICCEED Japan

Collaboration with SMMRE




J. Anuar , M. Mariatti and H. Ismail

ABSTRACTStudies on rubber materials for highconductivity application have been carriedout. The electrical properties of naturalrubber filled with aluminium and zincfillers were investigated. The betterelectrical conductivity was observed forthe composites filled with aluminium filler.The investigations showed that theparticle size of both fillers influences theelectrical properties of NR composites.

INTRODUCTION Rubber materials are always used asinsulators because of their low electricalconductivity. The introduction of metalfillers into polymeric material are useful inmany fields of engineering such asantistatic media, heat conduction,discharging static electricity, shielding forelectromagnetic or radio-frequencyinterference of electronic devices1-2. Thecomposite made by incorporation of metalfiller into natural rubber combine theadvantageous properties of metal andrubber such as cost effectiveness andrapid fabrication rate.

It was observed experimentally that theelectrical conductivity of metal-rubbercomposite predominantly depends on theelectrical conductivity, the particle shapeand size, the volume fraction and thespatial arrangement of the metalparticles. Although there are greatnumber of publications on the effectiveelectric al conductivity of compositematerials, few researchers have madeefforts to investigate the size and shapedependence of the effective electrical

conductivity of composites 3.In this present study, the effect of

particle size on electrical properties ofaluminium and zinc filled NR compositeswere determined.


Materials, formulations and mixingproceduresSMR L grade natural rubber waspurchased from the Rubber ResearchInstitute of Malaysia (RRIM). Aluminiumand zinc powders were bought from BDHLtd, UK and Alfa Aesar. The shape andaverage size of metal powders are shownin Table I. Other compounding ingredientssuch as zinc oxide, stearic acid, sulfur,Ncyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole sulfanamide (CBS) and N'-phenyl-p-phenylene diamine

(IPPD) were all purchased from Bayer (M)Ltd. The formulation used is shown inTable II.

Compounding was carried out on alaboratory-sized (160×320 mm) two-rollmill. The compounds were compressionmoulded at 150 0C with force of 10 MPaand cure times, t90, as determined withthe Monsanto Moving Die Rheometer(MDR 2000).

Measurement of electrical propertiesSurface resistivity is defined as theelectrical resistance of the surface of acomposites material. It is measured fromelectrode to electrode along the surfaceof the sample.

Since the surface length is fixed, themeasurement is independent of thephysical dimensions (i.e., thickness) ofthe sample. Surface resistivity ismeasured by applying a voltage potentialacross the surface of the sample andmeasuring the resultant current accordingto the ASTM D257 standard, a commonlyused test condition is a voltage of 500Vapplied for 60 seconds using the R8340digital ultra-high resistance/micro currentmeters.

Environmental factors also affect anelectrical resistivity. In general, the higherthe humidity, the lower the resistivity. Tomake accurate comparisons to a specifictest, the applied voltage, electrificationtime, and environmental conditionsshould be kept constant from one test tothe others.


Electrical propertiesThe dependence of electrical resistivity ofaluminium and zinc filled NR compositesversus filler loading is shown in Figure 1.From figure, it can be seen that thecomposites containing aluminium filler

exhibit better electrical conductivitycompared to the composites containingzinc filler. This is due to aluminium fillerhas better electrical conductivitycompared to zinc filler. The electricalresistivity of aluminum and zinc are 26.50nO.m and 59.0 nO.m, respectively4-5.The lower resistivity gives betterconductivity. Besides that, aluminum filleralso has larger average size than zincfiller. This is in accordance with the

previous work by Boudenne et al6. It wasreported that the composites filled withlarger particle filler size have a higherelectrical conductivity than thecomposites filled with smaller ones. Thisis due to an effect of the electrical contactresistance between surrounding metallicparticle. Nevertheless, the electricalcontact resistance can depend onnumerous factors, like the shape, thecomposition, the roughness and theoxidization of particles and the interfaceparticle matrix. Figures 2 and 3 show themorphological of particle size and shapeof aluminium and zinc filled NRcomposites.

Fig. 1 The effect of filler loading onsurface resistivity of NR composites

Fig. 2. Aluminium (left) and zinc (right)powders (Magnification 503×)

Aluminium Zinc Shape Flake Flake Average Size 65 µm 45 µm

Materials phr phr Natural rubber (NR) Sulphur Zinc oxide Stearic acid CBS IPPD Aluminium Zinc

100 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.9 2.0 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 -

100 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.9 2.0 - 5, 10, 15, 20






0 5 10 15 20 25

Filler Loading (phr)









Table I. Shape and size of Aluminiumand Zinc powder

Table II. Formulation of Aluminium andZinc-filled NR composites.

CONCLUSIONS Electrical properties of aluminum and zincfilled NR composites were investigated.The incorporation of both fillers improvedthe electrical resistivity of NR composites.Since aluminum has better electricalconductivity and larger size than zincfillers, it gives better electricalconductivity than that of zinc filled NRcomposites.

REFERENCES 1. Thongruang W, Spontak RJ, Balik MC. Correlated electrical conductivity, andmechanical property analysis of highdensity polyethylene filled with graphiteand carbon fiber. Polymer 2002; 43:2279-86. 2. Mamunya Ye P, Davydenko VV, Pissis P,Lebedev EV. Electrical and thermalconductivity of polymers filled with metalpowders. Eur Polym J 2002; 38:1887-97.3. Qingzhong X. The influence of particleshape and size on electrical conductivityof metal polymer composites. EuropeanPolymer Journal 40 (2004) 323-327. 4. Wikimedia, (2005), Aluminium,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium.htm, 7 July 2005. 5. Wikimedia, (2005), Zinc,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zinc.htm, 2July 2005. 6. Boudennea A., Ibosa L., Foisa M.,Majeste´b J.C., Ge´hina E. Electrical andthermal behavior of polypropylene filledwith copper particles. Composites, 2005;36; 1545-1554.



Ramani Mayappan, Ahmad BadriIsmail, Zainal Arifin Ahmad, TadashiAriga* and Luay Bakir Hussain *Department of Material Science, TokaiUniversity, Japan

ABSTRACTThe spreading (wettability) of Sn-Pb,Sn-Zn and Sn-Zn-Bi solders on Copper(Cu) substrate was studied usingspreading test. Four types of fluxes wereused at three different temperatures. Thespreading of the conventional Sn-Pbsolder was very much higher than that ofsolders based on Sn-Zn systems. Amongthe four fluxes tested, HCl and TB210fluxes give good wetting for all the threesolders at all the temperatures and ZnClflux gives good wetting at lowertemperature. Generally, the contactangles improves at higher temperatures.The result obtained can serve as a benchmark for evaluating candidate fluxes forfuture use in the manufacturing.

INTRODUCTIONLead-based solders are widely used in theelectronic industries because of theirunique material properties andlow-cost 8. Unfortunately lead and itscompound are toxic to the human bodyand cause serious environmentalproblems. Thus, the development of lead-free solders with the same properties aslead-based solders are in progress8. Fordeveloping new solder alloys, variousproperties such as wettability,microstructure, mechanical properties aswell as the reliability of soldered jointsmust be taken into account3. The firstconsideration, in finding a suitable lead-free solder is the melting temperature ofthe alloy must be near to the Sn-37Pb

solder, i.e. 183oC2-3. Among the Sn-based solder alloys, the

Sn-9Zn has been considered as a suitablecandidate because of its low meltingtemperature of 198oC5. However, sinceZn-containing alloys have the problems ofoxidation and corrosion, new Sn-Zn basedalloys are still under development 3,6.

Solder spreading on a substrate isfundamental for the development of newsolders. It is a complex phenomenoninvolving joint configuration, fluxselection, substrate finishing and many

other factors4. In a spread test, theability of the molten solder to spread overthe substrate is used to measure thewetting behavior. When the solder melts,the increase in contact area indicates the

wetting behavior of solder7. The extent ofwetting is measured by the contact anglethat is formed at the juncture of a solidand liquid (molten solder), as shown inFigure 1.

Figure 1: Schematic of thermodynamicequilibrium in wetting

The contact angle is determined from thebalance of surface tension at the junction.For a non-reacting system, the contactangle (Y) is predicted by Young'sequation:



where gs is the surface tension of thesolid in the particular environment, ls isthe surface tension between the solid andthe liquid, and lg is the surface tension ofthe solid in the same environment. Whengood wetting occurs, the wetting angleshould be small (i.e. ls and lg smallerand gs larger).

The selection of soldering flux plays acritical role in determining good wettingof solder on substrate. Fluxes are used toremove oxides and other contaminants onthe substrate. They also assist in thetransfer of heat. The selection of fluxshould depend on properties such as itsability to remove the (oxides) tarnish film,activation temperature, corrosiveness,and the resistivity of post processresidues. The activity level of a fluxinfluences its ability to clean the oxides onthe specimen's surface and to promotewetting2.

This research provides an approach toevaluate the influence of fluxes atdifferent temperatures in promotingwetting on Cu substrate throughspreading test. Sn-9Zn and Sn-8Zn-3Bilead-free solders were studied andSn-40Pb solder was used as a reference.

EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUESAlloys of Sn-40Pb, Sn-9Zn and Sn-8Zn-3Biwere used in the present work. Sn-9Znalloy were prepared using Sn bar and Zngranules. Sn was melted in an aluminacrucible at 500oC and followed by theaddition of Zn granules and the mixer wasstirred to homogenize. Sn-40Pb arecommercially available solder andSn-8Zn-3Bi are supplied by Nihon AlmitCo. Ltd., Japan. Sn-40Pb, Sn-9Zn and Sn-8Zn-3Bi solders

were remelted to 400oC and poured intoa mold to make a disc with 6 cm indiameter and 3 mm thickness. Then thedisc was polished until the thickness is 2mm. By using a puncher, the disc wassliced into 5 mm in diameter cylinder withmass around 0.4 g.

The spreading test was done usingSolder Checker Instrument modelSAT-5100, Rhesha. The solder disc wasplaced on the fluxed Cu substrate and itwas placed on top of the Sn-37Pb solderbath for 60 seconds. ZnCl, MHS TB210and HCl fluxes were used withtemperatures were set at 220, 250 and280oC (Figure 2). Each test was repeatedthree times and the flux were cleanedusing hot water. The samples were crosssectioned by a low speed diamond cutterand mounted using epoxy. The mountedsamples were polished with siliconcarbide coated papers to smooth thesurface. The cross sectioned sampleswere photographed as shown in Figure 3.The contact angles were measured usingImage J software.



gas γlg

γls Base metal


lgcos gs ls


γ γθ



gs = ls + lg cos Y

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of thespread test

Figure 3: Schematic diagram of thespread test

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSThe measured contact angles are shownin Figures 4 to 6. The contact angles forSn-40Pb solder were shown in Figure 4.Generally the contact angles for thissolder improve at higher temperatures.The contact angles varied from 4o to 23o.The lowest contact angles were obtainedfor the all the fluxes at 280OC and thehighest were obtained at 220oC whenMHS flux was used. The MHS flux givesdrastic drop in the contact angle when thetemperature is increased from 220 to250oC.

Contact angles results for the Sn-9Znalloy are shown in Figure 5. It wasobserved that the contact angles varied

between 32o and 65o. The lowest contactangles were obtained at 250oC when HCland TB210 fluxes were used. For the ZnClflux, the increase in temperature resultedin the increase in contact angles.However, the contact angles remainedconstant between 36o and 39o at 250oCfor the four fluxes. As mentioned earlier,the MHS flux gives the highest contactangle at 220oC.

Contact angles results for the Sn-8Zn-3Bi alloy are shown in Figure 6. Thecontact angles varied between 31o and34o when HCl, MHS and TB210 fluxeswere used. The addition of 3% Bi to thebinary Sn-Zn alloy gives the improvementto the contact angles. But the increase intemperature from 250oC to 280oCincreases the contact angles except whenZnCl flux was used were the contactangles reduces from 45o to 42o,respectively.

Figure 4: Contact angle for Sn-40Pb solder

Figure 5: Contact angle for Sn-9Zn solder

Figure 6: Contact angle for Sn-8Zn-3Bi solder

CONCLUSIONA study on the effect of fluxes andtemperatures on the contact angles(spreading) of Sn-40Pb, Sn-9Zn andSn-8Zn-3Bi solders on Cu substrate wereconducted. The contact angles improvesat higher temperatures. Sn-40Pb soldergives good spreading for all the fluxes.Generally, HCl and TB210 fluxes give goodwetting for all the three solders at all thetemperatures, and ZnCl flux gives goodwetting at lower temperature.

This research provides an approach toevaluate the influence of the flux atdifferent temperatures in promotingwetting through spreading test. Theresults obtained can serve as a benchmark for evaluating candidate fluxes forfuture use in the manufacturing.

REFERENCE1. Chang, T.C., Hon, M.H. and Wang,M.C., 2003, Intermetallic compoundsformation and interfacial adhesionstrength of Sn-9Zn-0.5Ag solder alloyhot-dipped on Cu substrate, Journal ofAlloys and Compounds, 352, pp 168-174.2. Huang, C.-Y., Srihari, K., McLenaghan,A.J., Westby, G.R., 1995, Flux activityevaluation using the wetting balance,

IEEE/CPMT International ElectronicsManufacturing Technology Symposium,pp. 344-350.3. Kim, Y.S., Kim, K.S., Hwang, C.W. andSuganuma, K., 2003, Effect ofcomposition and cooling rate onmicrostructure and tensile properties ofSn-Zn-Bi alloys, Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 352, pp 237-245.4. Saiz, E., Hwang, C.W., Suganuma, K.and Tomsia, A.P., 2003, Spreading of Sn-Ag solders on FeNi alloys, Acta Materialia,51, pp 3185-3197.5. Shiue, R.K., Tsay, L.W. and Lin, C.L.,2003, The reliability study of selected Sn-Zn based lead-free solders on Au/Ni-P/Cusubstrate, Microelectronics Reliability, 43,pp 453-463.6. Song, J.M., Lan, G.F., Lui, T.S. andChen, L.H., 2003, Microstructure andtensile properties of Sn-9Zn-xAg lead-freesolder, Scripta Materialia. 48, pp 1047-10517. Wu, C.M.L., Yu, D.Q., Law, C.M.T. andWang, L., 2004, Properties of lead-freesolder alloys with rare earth elementadditions, Materials Science andEngineering R . 44, pp 1-448. Yu, D.Q., Zhao, J. and Wang, L., 2004,Improvement on the microstructurestability, mechanical and wetting proper-ties of Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solder with theaddition of rare earth elements, Journal ofAlloys and Compounds, 376, pp. 170-175.




Mohd Nazri Idris, Hairol AbdulRahman and Sri Asliza Mohd Amin

INTRODUCTIONLithium aluminosilicate, LAS glassceramics attract considerable commercialinterest because they mainly feature lowthermal expension, together withremarkable chemical resistance and

mechanical strength1. LAS glasses andglass ceramic are prepared by combiningappropriate quantities of Li2O (usually as

Li2CO3), Al2O3 and SiO2 in the requiredratio and then melting the batch mixtureat high temperature to form a glass. If theglass ceramic is required, the componentundergoes an appropriate heat treatmentto produce the fully crystalline material.In glass ceramic, crystal nucleation is animportant theme as well as in glasstechnology2-3. The crystal nucleation inglass technology is undesirable for

Solder Disc + Flux

63Sn-37Pb Solder Bath





220 250 280






HCl flux MHS flux

TB210 flux ZnCl flux







220 250 280






HCl flux MHS flux

TB210 flux ZnCl flux







220 250 280Temperature(oC)





HCl flux MHS flux

TB210 flux ZnCl flux

producing glass without devitrification butit is an important process for preparing of glass ceramic via controlled

crystallization4. In LAS glass ceramic, themain crystalline phases are quartz solidsolution (Li2O-Al2O3-2SiO2), -spodumene

(Li2O-Al2O3-4SiO2) and lithiummetasilicate (Li2O-SiO2). Most of these

crystalline can easily extracted by meansof mineral acid or alkaline to form aporous medium. The different in porousglass ceramic with controlled pore sizesand porosities can be prepared by thesuccessive acidic and alkaline leachingparameter5. This work describes amethod to obtain porous lithiumaluminosilicate glass ceramic bycontrolling the reagent concentration andperiod of leaching time.

EXPERIMENTALGlasses were prepared from mixturecontaining 60 wt% SiO2, 31 wt% Li2O, 6wt% Al2O3 and 3 wt% TiO2 as nucleatingagent. The batch mixture was heated at

1250oC for 2 hours in a platinum cruciblefollowed by water quenching to form afrit. The frit was subsequently crushed tofine powder below 75 m. Pressedcylindrical bar (25MPa) of about 16mmdiameter obtained from humidified (3.5%water) glass fine powder were used. Heattreatment involved placing the glasssamples on refractory brick covered withalumina powder layer, heating at 620oC

for 1h and continuous to 1000oC for 3hours. The heating and cooling rate was5oC/min. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)measurements was carried out in order toidentify the phase occurring during theheat treatment. Leaching process with0.5M, 1.5M and 3.0M NaOH for 7 daysand 14 `days were studied. ScanningElectron Microscopy (SEM) was used toanalyze the microstructure behaviour onthese samples.

RESULT AND DISCUSSIONThe melting of parent glass wascompletely melted at 1250oC after 2h.The solidified glass was transparent,colourless and there was no evidence ofcrystalline. After heat treatment onabove temperature, the cylindrical glassceramic exhibited a slightly homogeneousopaque. The nucleation and crystallinegrowth temperature which selected in thisprocedure is based on DTA analysisresult6.

In order to evaluate qualitatively thelevel of devitrification or formation ofcrystalline phases in this material, XRDanalysis was performed. XRD results on

this glass ceramic system suggest consec-utive transformation of the parent glass(amorphous) into complete solid solutioncrystalline phase. The typical XRDspectrum peaks were identify as lithiummetasilicate phase6. The crystalline phasewas dispersed in area of micron size andprecipitated in different regions of theglass.

Regarding the microporosity of thesamples, fig.1 shows the SEM analysisresulted on lithium metasilicate phase.These samples were leaching out with0.5M, 1.5M and 3.0M of NaOH for 7 and14 days respectively. In this work, porousglass ceramic based on lithiumaluminosilicate system has beendeveloped. The figure shows thatinterrelated porous occurred on theleaching surface with range of 2-10 um.

However, image analysis results indicat-ed that majority of lithium metasilicatephases is still dominantly presented forsample 0.5M and 1.5M after 7 and 14days. On the other side, the microstruc-ture of lithium metasilicate was totallybeen effected with 3.0M NaOH on bothperiod of time. Here, it could be observedfrom extending the concentration ofNaOH solution and leaching period, thepercentage in getting highest porosity ispossible. Fig. 1e and fig. 1f proved thattotally most of the phases successfullybeen leaching out in order to be higherdegree of interconnectivity. Given that themost porous of sample in both fig. 1e andfig. 1f presented a homogeneous range size below 2 um.

CONCLUSIONIn the present work, Leaching processwith NaOH is an interesting method toobtain porous lithium aluminosilicateglass ceramic. By controlling the NaOHconcentration and leaching period, thepercentages of porosity, pore size andpercentages of crystallinity can bemodulated. Besides, further studiesshould be perform in order to gain abetter understanding of getting porouslithium aluminosilicate glass ceramic.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe authors acknowledge the researchgrant (6035111) provided by UniversitiSains Malaysia, Penang that has madethis article possible.

REFERENCES1. D. U. Tulyaganov, S. Agathopoulos, etal., (2004) J. Ceramics International 30 pp10232. P. Riello, P. Canto, N. Comelato, et al.,(2001) J. Non-Crys. Solids 288 pp127.3. L. Barbieri, C. Leonelli, T. Manfredini, etal., (1997) J. Am. Cerms. Soc 80 pp3077.4. K. D. Kim, S. H. Lee, H. K. Ahn, (2004)J. Non-Crys. Solids 336 pp195.5. F. Janowski and D. Enki, (2002)Handbook of Porous Solid, Vol 3 pp 1433.6. I. M. Nazri, M. A. Asliza, R. Othman(2005) J. Solid State Sci. & Tech. Letters,Vol 12, No. 1 (Suppl.) pp 31.

Figure 1: SEM images after leaching process with NaOH (a) 0.5M, 7 days (b) 0.5M, 14days (c) 1.5M, 7 days (d) 1.5M, 14 days (e) 3.0M, 7 days (f) 3.0M, 14 days


Suhaina Ismail, Norlia Baharun,Kamar Shah Ariffin

ABSTRACTThe synthesis of zeolite from fly ashappears to be one of the alternativesroutes in the utilization of wastematerials. Alkaline fusion of PFA using

sodium hydroxide at 600oC followed bydissolution in water, sodium aluminatesand hydrothermal treatment were carriedout in this study. The optimum synthesiscondition for fusion method was achieved

at 85oC at 8 h reaction time. The mixtureof linde type A hydrated zeolite andfaujasite were found to be the dominanttype present. The raw PFA used and thezeolites synthesized have beencharacterized with respect to SEM formorphological changes and BET forspecific surface area measurement.Surface modification on the spherical likePFA particles was observed to occur byprecipitation of cubical particles. Specificsurface area of the modified PFA wassignificantly increased over that of the

raw PFA from 3.08m2/g to 92.32m2/g.

INTRODUCTIONPulverized fuel ash also known, a "fly ash"is a residue formed as a result of coalcombustion in electricity power plant. It isusually collected by electrostaticprecipitators, cyclones or bag filters.Large quantities of coal are used inelectric power plant throughout the worldevery year. The disposal of the hugeamount generated from the combustionof coal poses a serious environmentalproblem. In Malaysia, it is being used bythe concrete and cement industries, andthe remaining PFA is disposed forreclaimation. A possible alternative to dis-posal is the use of PFA for the synthesis ofzeolite.

Fly ash is composed primarily ofalumino silicate glass, mullite (Al6Si2O13)and quartz (SiO2). These materials

provide a ready source of Al and Si, whichis necessary for the synthesis of zeolites.Zeolites are a group of over 40 crystalline,hydrated alumino-silicate species basedon a three-dimensional network of SiO4tetrahedral containing exchangeablealkali or alkali-earth cation.

The conversion of fly ash into zeolite ofthis type might prove to be effective forremoving such metals from wastewaterstreams, as adsorbent and as a substitutefor conventional detergent phosphatebuilder.

Several authors have reported the con-version of fly ash into zeolite by the treat-ment of ash with concentrated alkaline

and pressures1,2,3. Recently, moresophisticated treatments including theuse of microwave radiation4 and fusionwith NaOH followed by hydrothermaltreatment have been reported5-6.

The objective of this study is toinvestigate the effect of surfacemodification of fly ash on the type ofzeolites produced. In this study, theconversion of fly ash into zeolite by fusionwith NaOH followed by hydrothermal wascarried out. From the work done byShigemoto et al.5, it was found thatfusion can dissolve more silicates andalumina silicate from fly ash. Surfacecharacteristic studies such as surfacemorphological and specific surface areawere used to investigate the type ofzeolite produced by surface modificationof fly ash.


Fly Ash CharacterisationThe fly ash used in this study wasobtained from Sultan Salahuddin AbdulAziz Shah Power Plant, Kapar, Selangor.The fly ash samples were characterizedwith respect to SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, MgO,Fe2O3, Na2O, TiO2 and K2O. Theirchemical composition were determined byX-Ray Fluorescence analysis. Themineralogical and microstructuralcharacteristics of the fly ash werebasically studied by XRD and SEMrespectively.

Zeolite SynthesisZeolite were synthesized by fusing 20 g offly ash and 24 g sodium hydroxide. Ahomogenous fusion was obtained bygrinding fly ash and sodium hydroxidetogether. The mixture was heated at atemperature of 600oC for 2 hours. Theresultant fused mass was cooled, milledand mixed thoroughly with water andsimultaneous addition of sodiumaluminates. The slurry so obtained wassubjected to ageing for 8 hours. Theamorphous aluminum silicate gel wasthen subjected to crystallization at atemperature between 85oC at 4 and 8hour reaction time. Solid crystallineproduct was separated by filtration anddrying

(A)X-ray Diffraction AnalysisAfter drying, powder XRD patterns wereobtained using Cu K a radiation(a = 1.540564o). The files shown in theJoint Committies on powder DiffractionStandards (JCPDS) were used to identifyvarious crystalline fly ash and zeolitephases and other minerals present.

(B) Morphological CharacterizationThe morphological changes that tookplace in the ash during the zeolitesynthesis were studied by scanningelectron microscopy (SEM), modelCambridge Stereo Scan S200.

(C)Surface Area MeasurementsSurface area measurements weredetermined using a Micromeritic FlowsorbII 2300 Single- point Analyzer andnitrogen gas was used as adsorbent.

% wt SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 LOI

Fly ash

52 20 3.4 0.7 11.0 1.6 2.2 0.61 1.2 10.23

Table 1: Chemical composition of fly ash




a M


Figure 1 : X-ray diffractogram of fly ash ( M= Mullite, Q= Quartz and Ma= Magnetite)


Fly Ash CharacterisationAs shown in Table 1, the major elementpresent in fly ash are SiO2 (52%), Al2O3(20%). Other oxides present are CaO,MgO, Fe2O3 and Na2O. Also the major

mineral phases determined by X-Raydiffraction as shown in Figure 1, revealedthat the major crystalline phases in the flyash are quartz, mullite and magnetite.The intensity peak of quartz and mulliteshown are very low which means that themajor elements in the fly ash exist in theamorphous phase. However, theamorphous component in fly ash cannotbe detected by X-ray diffraction. Mulliteand quartz are produced during thedecomposition of clay minerals such askaolinite.

Characterisation of the Modified FlyAsh

The XRD patterns of the modified flyash are shown in Figure 2. The fused flyash was synthesized at 85oC for 4 and 8h reaction time. PFA were fused withsodium hydroxide at 600oC followed by

dissolution in water, sodium aluminatesand hydrothermal treatment. The X-raydiffractogram showed the presence ofcrystalline phases of zeolite A/Linde TypeA Hydrated (Na92Al92Si100O384)

and Faujasite [K9NaCaAl12Si240O72(15H2O)],. It can be deduced that the

disappearance of quartz and mullite peakin the modified fly ash showed that boththe quartz and mullite in the fly ash havereacted with NaOH resulting in zeolitisa-tion.

Morphological ChangesFigure 3 shows the scanning electron

microscopy (SEM) images of the raw PFAcompared to the modified PFA. The fly

ash comprises of smooth sphericalparticles. These particles are formed fromthe cooling of molten products of thecombustion of clay compounds in the

original coal7. A marked change insurface morphology can be observedwhen the modified PFA samples arecompared with the fly ash.

By contrast, the surface of the modifiedPFA product is cubical. The covering ofthe spherical particle with cubicalcrystallites become apparent after the

modification process. Samples treated byfusion followed by hydrothermaltreatment at 85oC for 8 h producesZeolite A crystals. However, thecrystallization of zeolite A is obviously stillnot complete. The presence of impuritiesin the reactants could also affect thecrystal formation and chemical propertiesof the zeolite formed where they alsoincrease the nucleation rate at theexpense of crystal growth8.

Elemental composition data of PFA andthe modified PFA samples are detailed inTable 2. The data shows that the PFA is aready source of Al and Si for formingzeolites. There was a decrease in theconcentration of Si during modificationdue to the Si compounds being morereactive in the NaOH. Reactivity of Al inNaOH are less compared to Si. With theaddition of sodium aluminates, there wasan increased in the percent weight of Al inthe modified ash. The possibility of usingsodium aluminate as a source of aluminaenrichment in maintaining SiO2/Al2O3ratio was found to be favorable in the

synthesis of Zeolite A.8Figure 2: X-ray diffraction pattern of modified PFA obtained at 85oC for (a) 4 h and (b) 8 h reaction time (A= Zeolite A/ Linde Type A Hydrated; F= Faujasite, HS=Hidroxy-sodalite)

Figure 3: Scanning electron micrographs of (a) PFA and (b) Modified fly ash obtainedat 85oC for 8 h reaction time

% wt SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 LOI

Fly ash

52 20 3.4 0.7 11.0 1.6 2.2 0.61 1.2 10.23

Table 2: Elemental composition data for PFA and modified PFA (SZA31;temperature = 85oC and reaction time = 8 hours)

The use of sodium aluminates alsoimprove the crystallinity of the product.From Table 2, it is clearly shown that thealkaline fusion treatment leads to theinclusion of sodium in the zeolite. The Nawas taken up from solution during thezeolitilisation process. This is reflected inthe increase of Na to Si ratio.

Surface Area Measurement

The alkaline hydrothermal treatment ofPFA was found to increase the surfacearea of the raw ash. This is mostsignificant with the modified ash obtainedat 85oC for 8 h reaction time whosesurface area was measured to be 92.32

m2/g. This is significantly higher than thesurface area of the raw ash (3.08 m2/g).The increased in surface area is broughtabout by the crystallization of the manyzeolite crystals on the originally smoothash spheres.


Surface modification of PFA with alkalinefusion showed the presence of crystallinephases of zeolite A/Linde Type A Hydrated(Na92Al92Si100O384) and Faujasite[K9NaCaAl12Si240O72(15H2O)].The

disappearance of quartz and mullite in themodified fly ash could be due to thequartz and mullite having reacted withthe NaOH resulting in zeolitisation. Amarked change in surface morphologycan be observed in the modified fly ash.By varying the temperature andcrystallization time, control over the typeof zeolite formed was achieved. Samplestreated by fusion followed by

hydrothermal treatment at 85oC for 8 hproduces Zeolite A crystals. Surfacemodification on the spherical like PFAparticles was observed to occur byprecipitation of cubical particles. Theproduct has a significantly increasedsurface area as compared to the raw ash.Specific surface area of the modified PFA was significantlyincreased over that of the raw PFA from

3.08m2/g to 92.32m2/g.


The authors are grateful to UniversityScience Malaysia and USM Short TermGrant for supporting and funding thisresearch.


1. Poole, C., Prijatama, H. and Rice, N.M.(2000). Synthesis of Zeolite AdsorbentsBy Hydrothermal Treatment Of PFAWaste: A Comparative Study. MineralsEngineering. Vol. 13(8-9), 831-842.2. Holler H. and Wirshing U. Fortschr.Zeolite formation from Fly Ash. Mineral,1985, 63 (1), 21-43.3. Querol, X., Plana F., Alastuey A. andLopez-Soler A. (1997). Synthesis of Na-zeolites from Fly ash. Fuel, 76 (8), 793-799.4. Chang, H.L. & Shih, W.H. (1998). AGeneral Method for the Conversion of FlyAsh into Zeolites as Ion-Exchangers forCesium. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 37, 71-78.5. Shigemoto N., Shirakami S., Hirano S.and Hayashi H. (1992). Preparation andCharacterisation of Zeolites from fromCoal Fly Ash. Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, (5),484-492.6. White, S.C., Case, E.D., (1990).Characterization of fly ash from coal-firedpower plants. J. Mater. Sci. 25, 5215-5219.7. Rayalu, S.S., Vdhoji, J.S., Munshi, K. N.& Hasan, M.Z. (2001). Highly crystallinezeolite - a from fly ash of bituminous andlignit coal combustion. Journal ofHazardous Materials. B88, 107-121.8. Rayalu, et al. (1999). Process for theSynthesis of fly ash based Zeolite-A.United States Patent. 5965105




Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azizan Aziz

IPTA R&D Expo 2005 “Prosperity Through Global Research & Innovation” Silver Medal Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, Kuala Lumpur 30 September – 2 October 2005

“Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes”

Prof. Hanafi Ismail

International Trade Fair - ideas-Inventions-New Products Gold Medal Nuremberg, German 3 – 6 November 2005

“OilZob A Novel and Reactive Oil Adsorbent From Various Rubber Wastes”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baharin Azahari

Kecemerlangan Penyelidikan Kejuruteraan USM (Yayasan Perak) Dewan Utama, Kampus Kej., USM 16 December 2005

“Optimization of Polymeric Materials Through Recycling”

Awards Received (June - December 2005)

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Sidang Pengarang Enjinier,Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahandan Sumber Mineral,Kampus Kejuruteraan,Universiti Sains Malaysia,14300 Nibong Tebal.

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Enjinier Editorial Board,School of Materials and MineralResources Engineering, EngineeringCampus, Universiti Sains Malaysia,14300 Nibong Tebal.

Technical Staff 2005

New Academic Staff 2005

New Administrative Staff 2005

Dr. Hasmaliza Mohamad

Mrs. Nooraida Naser

Mrs. Haslina Zulkifli




AUN/SEED-Net/JICA “Influence of Tungsten Nano Particle Size on Copper Alloy Produced via Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luay Bakir Hussain Dr. Nurulakmal Mohd Sharif


“Dissolution Phenomenon and Reaction Phase Formation of Lead Free Solder with Different Plated Substrates”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luay Bakir Hussain Mr. Ahmad Badri Ismail


“Development of Bioactive Glass-Ceramic for Bone Graft”

Profesor Radzali Othman


“Dispersion-Strengthened Copper-Niobium Composite”

Profesor Radzali Othman


Synthesis of Nanosized β-TCP Bioactive Material”

Profesor Radzali Othman Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Noor


“Development of Bagasse Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites”

Dr. Mariatti Jaafar @ Mustapha


“Using Waste Gypsum from Slip Casting Moulds and Rice Husk in Improving Properties Such As Strength and Durability of Cement”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairun Azizi Mohd. Azizli Profesor Zainal Arifin Ahmad


“Chemical Synthesis of Nanocrystals of Semi-Conducting Doped Tetragonal Zirconia”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Noor Dr. Zainovia Lockman


INTEL GRANT “The Influence of Dopant on the Properties of SnAgCu Lead Free Solder”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luay Bakir Hussain Mr. Ahmad Badri Ismail


“Development of Low Temperature Ternary Solders System Ranging from 60 to 80oC”

Mr. Ahmad Badri Ismail Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luay Bakir Hussain


“Conductive Polymer Composites for Electronic Packaging”

Dr. Mariatti Jaafar RM30,000.00

“Assessment of Various Mineral and Oxide Fillers for Epoxy Substrate in Order to Improve Rigidity and Reduce CTE Mismatch”

Dr. Hazizan Md. Akil RM30,000.00

“Preparation and Study of Low CTE Substrate Materials” (INTEL Fellow Ship Grant)

Dr. Mariatti Jaafar Ms. Teh Pei Ling



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luay Bakir Hussain Dr. Nurulakmal Mohd Sharif Dr. Zuhailawati Hussain Mr. Ahmad Badri Ismail


“Tin Alloy Plating For Automotive & Electronic Applications (TAPAMEA)

Prof. Zainal Arifin Ahmad Dr. Sunara Purwadaria Dr. Ahmad Azmin Mohamad


METSO MINERALS (NEW ZEALAND) “High Technology Aggregates & Manufactured Sand Technology”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairun Azizi Mohd. Azizli Dr. Hashim Hussin Dr. Syed Fuad Saiyid Hashim Mr. Samayamutthirian


NIPPON SHEET GLASS “Synthesis of Ultrafine Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 by Mechanically Activating Process”

Prof. Madya Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Noor


Mr. Mohamad Zaini Saari

Mr. Muhammad Fitri Ab Hadi

Mr. Mohd Farid Abd. Rahim







Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairun Azizi MohdAzizli, Dr. Hashim Hussin, Dr. Syed Fuad Saiyid Hashim, Dr. Megat Azmi Megat Johari Mr. Samayamutthirian Palaniandy,Mr. Fiesal Musa Ms. Sri Raj Rajeswari Munusamy,Ms. Roshazita Che Amat Mr. Mahathir Amir, Mr. Raphuel Saravana Prakash Babu& Metso Minerals (New Zealand)

Aggregates occupy more than 70% of theconcrete’s volume. As such, variability interms of shape grading and surfacetexture of aggregates will affect thestrength, workability and final cost ofconcrete. Producing higher qualityaggregates in terms of improvement inthe physical characteristics of the finalaggregate product; particularly its shapeand surface texture could add value to theaggregate products particularly in theproduction of higher strength in concrete

for high technology constructionapplication.

There is also the need to findalternative material to replace the naturalsand which is being exhausted. Churningof more than 20% of quarry waste fromthe quarry operation into manufacturedfine aggregates could mean adding valueto quarry waste and be a viablealternative to natural sand. Thus, ‘shape factor’ or ‘shape grading’ ofaggregates is of great importance, apartfrom its size distribution and texturalcharacteristics.

‘HIQSA’ is geometrically more cubicaland equidimensional in shape andmechanically more stronger; with anaggregate crushing value {ACV} of13.89% and aggregate impact value{AIV} of 11.50%. Strength of the concrete was improved bythe usage of shaped aggregates.Concrete cubes with less than 10% ofcubically shaped particles possessed anaverage compressive strength of27.2N/mm2; whereas concrete mixes withalmost 50% of cubical particles attainedsimilar 28 days strength of 36.8N/mm2 . ‘HIQSA’ also has the ability to decrease

the overall cement utilization and hencethe cost of concrete production. Concretecubes which consisted of shapedaggregates could tolerate an overall 5%cement reduction with a compressivestrength of 27.51N/mm2. By substitutingthe natural sand with manufactured fineaggregates; a compressive strength of27.31N/mm2 could be achieved comparedto 27.20N/mm2 for natural sand.



It was under an oak treeWhen it hits me

On the origin of superconductivityWhere the electrons will not just be

SinglyIn a pair they must be

moving liberallywith no resistivity

with fairness of equalitywith mutual attraction only they both

can seeresulting in immense current as they

fleeIn the sea of super fluidity

If the electron can be in threeChaos would it be

Turmoil among the pairs causingdistress and agony

And indeed there won't be anysuperconductivity

No endless flow explains by the superfluidity

No movement with no resistivityThey defy the cerebral racking theory

and reverts to its own repulsiveindividuality

Why does everything in harmonyOught to be in partners especially

Not individuallyAnd no no, not in three

Duo is a good number for theseelectrons to be

If super conductivityis their desitiny

Superbly behaved they shall beOnce the pairs made arrangements to

promise to beTogether perpetuity, stable

thermodynamicallyTill eternity…



Poorly shaped normal aggregate with ‘spongy’ liketexture and pits and pores a : soft ‘spongy’ like textureb : pits and poresc : more uniform and homogeneous texture

Geometrically more cubical and equidimensionallyshaped aggregates with more homogeneous texture

c : more uniform and homogeneous texture

Concrete with normal aggregates

A = feed aggregatesB = cementing mediumC = shape aggregatesD = voids and porosityE = effective bonding & interlocking


Environment Friendly HighDensity Fishing Weights

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luay Bakir Hussain, Mr. Ahamad Badri Ismail Mr. Kharul Nasrin Abas

IntroductionMost of fishing weights and accessoriesmade of lead element due its highdensity and low cost. However, Lead andlead compounds have been cited by theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)as one of the top 17 chemicals posing thegreatest threat to human life and theenvironment. In this invention innovation,choices of high density elements for theproducts should satisfy the following;Non-toxic, Acceptable cost, not too low indensity and sufficient world resources toaccommodate the application.

Mixing these elements via melting,casting and/ or technology of powdermetallurgy are implemented with properportions. Design die of casting andcompaction to produce a densecomposite core structure of the products.Chemical surface treatment of dense corestructure applies to improve the surfacewet ability. Coating is applied on surfaceof dense products for better surfacefinish, Long life lasting and corrosionprotection. Fishing weight tackles can bedesigned to any shapes that can fit withday and night fishing applications.


Fast Synthesis ofVanadium Oxide


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azizan Aziz

IntroductionNanotubes belong to a promising group ofnanomaterials, the building blocks ofnanotechnology. They are single phase ormultiphase polycrystals with a typicalcrystallite size of 1 to 100 nm in at leastone dimension.. The interest in thesenanoscale objects is due to the exhibitionof novel electronic, optical, magnetic,t r a n s p o r t , p h o t o c h e m i c a l ,electrochemical, catalytic and mechanicalbehaviour depending on composition,sizeand shape of the particles. Vanadiumoxide nanotubes are one of these excitingmaterials and has high promise ascatalyst material and template formaking nano-pored polymer membranebecause of easy recovery andrecylelibility.

Our ProcessCurrently Vanadium oxide nantubes (VOx- NTs) are produced using soft chemistryroute from vanadium alkoxides andprimary amines followed by hydrothermaltreatment. But this is an expensivesynthesis route. Other alternative three

alternative route are using VOCl3, V2O5,or HVO3 as vanadium sourse. We havedeveloped a faster and cheaper process.In this process (VOx - NTs) are producedvia gelation of V2O5 followed by 2 daysof hydrothermal treatment using asolvent. At present, the process takes 7days of hydrothermal treatment. Applications

Vanadium oxides nanotubes areimportant in technological applicationssuch as catalysts for oxidation-reductionreactions, semiconductors, opticaldevices, and coatings.
