BRIE Working Paper 2021-1


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Funding: This research was funded in part by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation with

additional support from the German Ministry of Labour (BMAS).

Acknowledgements: We appreciate and wish to emphasize the substantial contribution of

Camille Carlton.


BRIE Working Paper


Algorithms, Data, and Platforms:

The Diverse Challenges of Governing AI

Mark Nitzberg and John Zysman

© Mark Nitzberg and John Zysman

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Algorithms, Data, and Platforms:

The Diverse Challenges of Governing AI

Mark Nitzberg

Executive Director,

Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence (CHAI);

Director of Technology Research,

Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE);

Head of Strategic Outreach,

Berkeley AI Research (BAIR)

University of California, Berkeley


John Zysman^

Professor Emeritus,

Department of Political Science;

Co-Founder and Co-Director,

Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE)

University of California, Berkeley

^Corresponding Author

This paper has been invited to the Journal of European Public Policy as part of the Special Issue, 'Governance of Artificial Intelligence.'

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Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses interwoven challenges. Defined as technology that

uses advanced computation to perform at human cognitive capacity in some task area, AI must

be regulated in the context of its broader toolbox - algorithms, data and platforms - and its

regulation must be sector-specific. Establishing national and community priorities on how to

reap AI’s benefits, while managing its social and economic risks, is an evolving debate. Digital

Platform Firms are a fundamental driver of AI tools: they dominate the playing field and often

pursue priorities outside the frames of the public sector and of civil society. While its governance

is critical to national success, AI pries open a Pandora's box of questions that sweep across the

economy and society, engaging diverse communities. Rather than a single, global ethical

framework, one must consider how to pursue objectives of interoperability amongst nations with

quite different political economies.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Governance, Emerging Technologies, Digital Platforms

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Imaginations often run wild with the vast possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI). Many

believe that AI is already capable of most “thinking human” tasks (Marr, 2019), while others see

a jobless dystopia (Zysman et al., 2019). The reality is that today’s AI systems are part of an ever

evolving “technology toolbox” that, for now, are only effective in well-specified problem

domains. Our working definition of AI is technology that uses advanced computation to perform

at human cognitive capacity in some task area. This has critical implications for AI governance,1

as policy- and decision-makers must focus on the distinctive and powerful problems posed by

AI’s current capabilities, as opposed to the theoretical prospect of “General AI”, that extends AI

from some to all task areas. Nonetheless, governance in a digital era is about the challenges

represented not just by AI, but by the technology toolbox as a whole.

Governing new general-purpose technologies, such as steam, electricity, and now AI, and

establishing the rules and norms for their development, is difficult as their possibilities,

applications, and risks only emerge in their early years. Whom these technologies benefit, whom

they harm, and how they do so is rarely immediately evident, and often underestimated and

exaggerated. The rapid evolution of AI’s underlying technologies pressures public authorities to

keep up, both in their understanding and in their rule making. One might, as a consequence,

suggest that the ideal path forward would involve careful, iterative steps addressing issues as

they become clearer and drafting regulation that is actionable yet mouldable. However, as the

history around technology rule making has taught, the early decisions regarding one aspect of

technology will constrain choices on other aspects.2 The early decisions create distinctive paths

of development, technology trajectories. As Paul Allen David (1986) so wisely put it, we are

blind giants pushing through these narrow windows. There is a narrow window for rulemaking,

before decisions of investment and deployment create enduring trajectories of technological and

political economy development.

Governing AI poses a set of interwoven challenges. These challenges begin with agreeing

on what AI actually is. In an earlier piece,3 Zysman and Nitzberg (2020) argued:

“The core story about governance in a digital era is not about the rules of particular

tools, but the challenges represented by a new toolbox. That toolbox includes big

1 Let us not scuffle about a precise definition of “governing” or governance, since such precision is not needed for

this discussion. Something like this will do for now:

Governance is the way rules, norms and actions are structured, sustained, regulated and held accountable.

The degree of formality depends on the internal rules of a given organization and, externally, with its business

partners. As such, governance may take many forms, driven by many different motivations and with many

different results. For instance, a government may operate as a democracy where citizens vote on who should

govern and the public good is the goal, while a non-profit organization or a corporation may be governed

by a small board of directors and pursue more specific aims. (Wikipedia, accessed February 14, 2021) 2 For example, a suit under the Sherman Antitrust act of 1890 broke up Standard Oil in 1911. This kept gasoline

prices low. At the same time, the regulatory setting enabled the introduction of Ford’s assembly line. Together these

literally fueled Ford’s rise, selling their Model T for under $700, to become the largest and most profitable

manufacturer in the world by 1912, and incidentally closing off the path to electric cars as an alternative. 3 The earlier piece was Governing AI: Understanding the Limits, Possibilities, and Risks of AI in an Era of

Intelligent Tools and Systems, published by the Woodrow Wilson Center. This paper builds on this earlier

publication, expanding the debate beyond the questions and issues of governance to implementing governance itself.

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data, powerful computing capacity, algorithms, and software in general. AI, in its

several current manifestations, is one tool amongst many, a truly powerful tool with

an ever-expanding set of applications. … The crucial governance questions are

about how we deploy the tools—to what ends? with what benefits, and to whom?

with what risks?” (pp. 2-3)

There is enormous variation evident in national and community priorities and hence choices

about AI. The differences are not just on how to resolve these challenges, but on the preferred

outcomes of governance. Part of that struggle is whether the choices will be public or private.

We must recognize that AI deployment by Digital Platform Firms (DPFs) is resettling

contemporary markets as well as the uses of data and the algorithms that underpin the AI

challenges. The remarkable power of DPFs warrants a critical look at who owns, and thus

controls, the application of AI in so many domains of the suite of AI technologies.

We develop our argument as follows: First, we ask, what is AI? What is it capable of?

And what are its limits? We recognize, second, that AI does not stand alone; in fact, it is part of a

toolkit which includes data, platforms, and computing. Third, there is a tension between the

search for general rules and the particularities of regulation in specific contexts. When

approaching these technologies, it is critical to consider that their application raises issues and

concerns specific to particular economic and social domains. Those sectoral particularities ought

to greatly influence governance. Therefore, those who would govern AI must ask whether to

seek overarching rules or domain specific regulation. They must consider which issues fail to be

addressed effectively by tool-based or domain-based rules. Importantly, fourth, there are varying

interests across public, private, and civil sectors, with DPFs having overwhelming influence

through enormous investment and deployment at scale of the technological elements that

comprise the AI toolkit. What does this power structure mean for governance? Finally, fifth,

balancing competing priorities, balancing innovation and risk, in diverse jurisdictions will be

difficult. With real concerns that the digital economy will fracture into two, three, or four distinct

systems, should the objective in international discussion be a single marketplace with relatively

similar rules, or should we settle for a form of interoperability?

AI has great potential but involves significant risk. The question for governance is how to

encourage the potential while minimizing the risk. So, let us get started. What is AI?

Part I: What is AI and What is it Capable of?

Despite Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming increasingly utilized within industry, studied

within academia, and of growing concern by public institutions, it lacks a standard definition. The

definitions of AI vary as greatly as society’s perceptions of it, considering a range of abilities

from “information processing” to “decision making”; however, most definitions refer to its

“human intelligence.”4 The definition we use throughout this paper of AI is technology that uses

advanced computation to perform at human cognitive capacity in some task area. This definition

has two critical aspects that we explore further: “advanced computation” and “in some task area.”

4 See, for example, McCarthy et al., 1955; Minsky, 1968; Gardner, 1999; McCarthy, 2007; Russel and Norvig, 2010;

HLEG, 2019.

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Machine learning, the principal computer science tool enabling contemporary AI is, as

Zysman and Nitzberg previously stated, “fundamentally a form of context-dependent statistical

inference, and such has its limits” (Zysman and Nitzberg 2020, p. b). The AI milestones we’ve

seen today — audio speech transcription, image recognition, intent inference from search terms in

search engines, behaviour pattern clustering, content selection leading, e.g., to addictive video-

feeds, protein folding, etc. — have been enabled by data-driven machine learning (ML). Still,

data-driven machine learning is capable of much more and is expected to continue to automate

many more cognitive tasks and physical tasks in the coming years.

First, we focus on the initial part of our definition, advanced computation, especially the

data-driven machine learning techniques that have enabled the “AI breakthroughs" of the last 10

years. Then, we dive into the qualifier of our definition, “in some task area,” which highlights the

limits of contemporary AI.

Understanding AI: From the Technical Underpinnings to Its Rise

Machine learning, the principal computer science tool enabling contemporary AI, is the

study of computer algorithms which, utilizing vast amounts of data for training, make

predictions, determine actions, and improve automatically through experience. Whereas ordinary

algorithms are designed to produce a particular output response to given inputs, ML algorithms

“learn” to tailor their outputs for any given input by iteratively adjusting many—often millions—

of parameters based on large sets—often billions—of inputs. Current ML techniques include

supervised learning5 which imitates past observations; reinforcement learning6 which maximizes

a goal through trial and error; and unsupervised learning which finds patterns, from grouping like

with like (“people who liked Moby Dick also liked …”). Recent developments include novel

“deep network” architectures that enable “self-supervised learning,” which have enabled the

astonishingly sophisticated behaviour GPT3.7 However, as the techniques underlying

contemporary AI systems are based simply on input-output responses, AI as we know it is

limited to “Narrow AI,” or AI which can accomplish well-defined tasks.8

5 From vast corpora of data marked up by humans with features, identities, or labels, a system iteratively improves

(“learns”) a large set of probabilities in order to predict the most likely output labels for new, never-before-

encountered input data. The class of techniques, called “deep learning,” combining these data structures and training

techniques, enabled a leap in image recognition around 2011 (see e.g., Krizhevsky et al., 2012) that put AI back on

the map – some 40 years after these computational models had first been proposed (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943). 6 A system uses large scale random trial-and-error to maximize a score, such as board-position strength in chess,

wind turbine efficiency, stock portfolio value, or robot motion effectiveness. When combined with deep networks,

so-called deep reinforcement learning can yield systems like AlphaZero that learn, through trial-and-error, to play

games like Go beyond human capacity. 7 GPT-3 is a key example of a new type of ML architecture that enables systems to “learn” features and structures of

a class of data – in this case, written language – without human-labeling. The architecture enables so-called “self-

supervised learning,” in which written texts are mined over and over by covering and revealing certain words, to

train a language model to predict those covered words. The probabilities of grammar, usage, and style emerge in the

system after it is exposed to vast corpora of books, online news sources, and publications. 8 While this paper focuses on Narrow AI, it does not dismiss the eventual development of General AI (AGI). In fact,

there is considerable effort being made to develop and assure the safety of AGI. See Nitzberg’s own organization,

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Made possible by ML, today’s AI systems have a wide range of capabilities with both

vast and critical applications. Within these narrowly defined tasks, AI systems achieve a speed

and precision unmatched by any human. For example, AI systems can recognize objects in a

picture, transcribe speech, diagnose illnesses from symptoms and test results, maximize content

engagement, and reproduce artistic styles just as fast and accurately, if not more, than most

humans (Cohen, 2016; Deutsch, 2016; Eckersley & Nasser, 2017; Joshi et al., 2017). In domains

which require the analysis of extremely large data sets to discover and reproduce patterns, AI is

undoubtedly unmatched. Yet, AI does not stand alone.

AI functions as part of a “technology toolbox” made up of algorithms, data, and

platforms. These tools do not simply exist alongside each other; instead, they are an

interconnected system with feedback loops, reinforcing the behaviour, and outcomes, they

create. To illustrate, most see algorithms as the heart of AI; however, these algorithms utilize,

and sometimes learn, according to the data that they are fed. One might argue that the largest

“data collectors” to date are the large digital platform firms (DPFs)9 which, in many cases, go on

to implement their own algorithms. Conceptualizing AI as part of this technology toolbox is

critical not just for understanding the technical aspects, but for governance.

Over the last two decades, the astonishing breakthroughs in AI, and the systems and

applications that deploy the techniques, have been driven by the dramatic expansion of various

technology infrastructure, such as widely available and affordable internet and computer

processing power. The mass data sets necessary for training ML algorithms, the platforms which

gather such data sets, and the algorithms which are enabled by data and, many times, developed

by said platforms, have all been catalysed by the rise in internet and computer processing power.

This technology infrastructure has enabled AI to operate at unprecedented levels, as interactive

connected devices reach billion-user and trillion-transaction scale. As of the end of 2020, each

minute, Google processed 270 million searches; Facebook recorded 1 million logins; Twitter

posted 511,200 tweets; and YouTubers streamed 4,500,000 videos — all which, in total,

contribute to the 2.5 quintillion bytes of the data believed to be generated daily (Karki, 2020).

The generation of data has risen exponentially with the rise of available internet; over 90% of the

total global data collected has taken place since 2016 alone (Marr, 2018; Karki, 2020).

AI powered operations, such as information (e.g., weather, GPS location, health metrics,

and purchasing preferences), communication, and influence, have reached a scale beyond that of

prior eras, that our norms and the laws on which they were based, simply do not apply in an

obvious way. Never before could one person pass a precision-tailored message to a billion others

in the course of a day, nor every square centimetre photographed on every paved street, available

to anyone anywhere else on the face of the planet. The implications of this scale for governance

Center for Human Compatible Artificial Intelligence (CHAI), as well as Open AI, Deepmind, Google Brain,

Facebook A.I. Research, AGI Innovations, Microsoft Research Lab, Apprente, and Kimera Systems. 9 A research emphasis of the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy focuses on the diverse ways in

which DPFs are rewiring the economy and society. See Kenney and Zysman (2016), Bearson et al. (2020), Kenney

and Cutolo (2020), and Kenney and Zysman (2019). Kenney et al. (forthcoming) illustrate how DPFs, once planted

in traditional economic sectors, follow multiple simultaneous expansion paths to increase their presence and power

across new industries.

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are significant — not only do we need new interpretations of existing laws, we also need new

laws which better reflect the limits, potentials, and risks of contemporary AI.

The Limits of Contemporary AI

Despite AI’s impressive achievements and often anthropomorphic portrayal, these systems

fall short of human intelligence in many respects (Marcus, 2020). For our purposes AI lacks three

fundamental aspects of human cognition and interpretation: context, narrative, and worldview. By

context, we mean that faculty of human intelligence to broaden one’s view of a task at hand to

situate it among our models of how the world works, whether the setting is familiar or completely

new. Contemporary AI’s “contextualization” is confined to the scope of the system’s inputs.

Chess software is only aware of the board, pieces, moves — all things chess. It is not aware of the

flagging energy of the opponent, for example, something which a human player is able to factor

in. A news recommender system’s context is limited to a user’s “preferences” based on past

behaviour, in the weakly broader context of advertiser and platform objectives, leaving out the

broader context of what is beneficial to users, society, or the economy (Marcus and Davis, 2019).

This higher-level awareness of context underlies all human endeavours regardless of familiarity.

We understand narrative as constituents of a greater worldview, only possible when you can

apply context and bring judgement — the ability to step back from the immediate domain and

understand something’s significance to the broader world — to bear in complex situations.10 For

example, narratives such as “we should have a four-day work week” or “we should only allow for

sustainable fishing” are stitched together to create our larger worldviews. However, without a

higher-level awareness of context, AI systems simply cannot form narratives or a worldview.

An AI powered vehicle can deduce from visual and other inputs that a ball is rolling into

the street; however, being limited to correlations and physics, having no concept of the use or

purpose of a ball – other cars, trees and balls are simply obstacles - the AI is unable to deduce that

the ball may be followed by child at play, the “cause” of the ball’s trajectory (Knight 2020).

Lacking this context, the autonomous vehicle would fail to stop in anticipation of a child running

into the street. Finally, AI systems cannot construct their own narratives and worldview. If an

accident were to occur, the autonomous vehicle would have no means to comprehend the trauma

inflicted on both the victims and the passengers, much less to “show remorse.” Together, the lack

of context, narrative, and worldview pose obvious concerns for the deployment of AI systems,

particularly those built to operate in a physical environment.

These limits, which differentiate AI from human intelligence, both underline its potential

and usher in unavoidable risks of use. So, what exactly are the potential and risks of

contemporary AI? As AI systems are unmatched in their ability to analyse large data sets for the

completion of set tasks, the possibilities of their application lie in the previously unimaginable

scale and precision they can achieve. However, it is precisely this scale, combined with

contemporary AI’s foundational model that optimizes for fixed, well-defined objectives, which

enable both unintended consequences (e.g., misaligned algorithmic goals aiming to increase

engagement actually increasing extremism) and malicious uses (e.g., autonomous weapons,

precision propaganda, and increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks) (Brundage et al., 2018). Given

10 George Akerlof and Robert Shiller’s extensive writing emphasize the importance of narrative. Two books capture

their positions: Shiller (2019) and earlier Akerlof and Shiller (2009).

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the staggering breadth of potential applications of AI, the possibilities and risks are best

understood within specific contexts. We do just that, exploring the possibilities and risks of AI

within the context of governance, in the following sections.

Part II: Governing AI: The Issues

AI is a tool with powerful but limited capabilities. We revisit the governance question:

how do we most effectively maximize the benefits of AI while avoiding the harms? The ideal

approach to governing AI and the related technology toolbox would be iterative and

contextually-informed; however, this is not feasible as we have a narrow window for

implementing technology governance.

We provide overarching considerations on how to approach governance, asking what

should be governed, who is (and should be) involved, and what we can expect moving forward.

The economic and social domains in which AI operates are the context in which rules and norms

of governance will be built. To consider how to apply AI in these contexts practically, we must

approach governance through sector-specific rules. Still, there are concerns that cut across

domains which require addressing the toolbox as a whole. In addressing the toolbox, decisions

about DPFs powerfully influence the deployment of AI now, and will shape the debate going

forward. At issue, is whether public or private interests regulate AI. As it stands today, somewhat

overstated, but not entirely incorrect, regulation is, in many domains, de facto determined by

these powerful DPFs. Since AI applications reach across borders, the issue of governance is

inherently international. Communities differ in their goals and priorities. For example, in

Germany, property owners have a right to exclude their building façades from Google’s globally

accessible “Street View” system, whereas Americans have no such right, at least for now.

Consequently, a single global deal, international governance of AI, seems unlikely, although,

there may be some particular domains where real agreement is possible. The overriding question

will be some system of interoperability so that tools and applications can work across

boundaries. In our Street View example, Google allows German owners to opt out, enabling

compliance with multiple sets of regulations.

A Focus on Outcomes: AI in the Economy and Community

What benefits, or outcomes, of AI’s deployment do we desire? What type of society do

we want to live in? How does this new technology toolbox influence these goals? We consider

two arenas, economy and community. While we cannot elaborate each area in depth, we strive to

illustrate the character and range of challenges that the AI toolbox presents.11


11 For our purposes and discussion, we set aside military and geo-strategic questions as well as the economic debates

around promoting innovation.

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For governance, the deployment of AI obviously raises questions about the impact on

growth and labour. While noting that the race for AI superiority is certainly driven by the

strategic goals of the major powers such as China, US, Russia, and European countries, we set

aside concerns over cyber security and autonomous weapons for a separate discussion.

Capturing the benefits of AI technologies will require the successful deployment of the

full suite of intelligent tools. While AI technological leadership12 is arguably essential for

strategic goals, its role in economic development and productivity growth is debated. Technical

advances quickly diffuse across borders. Leading-edge AI research continues the scientific

tradition of global dissemination through peer-reviewed journals and conferences, while the

DPFs reduce new developments to practice and use a degree of trade secrecy to compete.

The key to capturing the economic possibilities of a new general purpose technology

(GPT) is its successful deployment, not the simple investment in advancing cutting edge

applications. This may seem obvious, but much of policy debate is about AI leadership that in

effect focuses on cutting edge applications and not deployment. The introduction of new GPTs

have historically seen radical economic restructuring, in some views driving growth surges, in

others generating the avenues for sustained investment. Critically, this restructuring transcends

the initial technology.13 It involves investment and innovation in the suites of complementary

technology (in this case broadband and WIFI for communication); significant reorganization of

the workforce beyond task and role substitutions (Manyika et al., 2017); and investment in

human capital for skill-complementing and upgrading.

Importantly, AI is, quite evidently, distinct from earlier GPT in one important dimension:

AI is the automation of certain tasks of human cognitive capacity. Factories have, over the past

decades, been transformed by digital tools from NC machinery through robotics. While AI may

refine the application of such tools in traditional manufacturing, and indeed in agriculture and

services, it will most powerfully impact the service sector. This is not just applications in

restaurants or in management of cleaning services. Most importantly, there is the creation of

entirely new kinds of information services as well as the conversion of value creation from goods

industries into ICT enabled services (Nielsen et al., 2013; Zysman et al., 2013). Search engines,

retail sales, and the sale of tires or engines as “services” are just part of the list. For instance, AI

has already managed to eliminate the need for CPAs for a certain level of tax advice (Kravitz,

2020). Now, it’s being utilized within the legal field to complete due diligence, research, and bill

hours; within the hospitality industry to prepare and deliver foods; and across various sectors to

help manage customer service requests. That said, AI embedded in platforms permits Amazon to

shift retail from storefront to online and with that transform clerk jobs into warehouse jobs. The

consequences are only beginning to unfold, but at least for now – with variation across countries

–middle skilled employment seems to be eroding (OECD, 2020; Manyika et al., 2020). That

though is a focus for another day.

12 Here, we define AI technological leadership as distinct from access to leading edge research. 13 This has been the case historically. For instance, the technical innovation of the railroad was dependent on

complementary technologies (e.g., metal for rail and engines), foundational technologies (e.g., steam), and

operational training.

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Policy choices, governance, will shape the distributional consequences of this new

technology toolbox, not just its pace of adoption. A diverse array of choices, not all directly

linked to work tasks, will matter. Consider infrastructure. Will the broadband infrastructure be in

place in rural communities, or available at viable costs for less privileged communities? The

consequences for implementing AI tools and services on farms, on the education of the

community, will be significant. Consider labour markets. In the US, the debate is whether so-

called gig workers will be treated as contractors out there on their own, employees with

employment rights, or some third category. More generally in the advanced countries, the

questions will be labour rights, claims on welfare and training. Consider tax policy. Will there be

tax breaks for capital investment that encourage substitution of AI driven equipment for labour,

the classic substitution of capital for labour? Alternatively, will workforce training be a tax

deduction that encourages complementary division of tasks between people and machines?

Indeed, consider research policy. Do we consciously invest in technology and deployment

strategies, and management education, that upskills work, seeking the most complementary

divisions between people and machines?

Government policy and the choices of firms and public sector agencies that deploy the

technology, not the mere existence of AI, will determine the outcomes we see in each of these



The effects of AI on our communities will depend, likewise, on choices about the specific

applications of AI technologies, making the consideration of community objectives and norms

critical. AI is being applied in staggeringly diverse sectors. The breadth of applications tempts us

to define overarching general rules. Yet the particular issues raised are quite often specific to the

sector or domain. Evidently, there will be both overarching debates about data or facial

recognition across sectors, and domain-specific debates about the use of patient data and which

firms should have access to retail search data. It is common knowledge that AI is used in

healthcare to develop new drugs and recommend treatments; in criminal justice to determine

sentencing; and in our news feeds and browsers, shaping both our online and offline social

discourse and consumer preferences. What should the rules and norms be?

Values, sometimes implicit, will be formalized as program code, not just law, in the

development of AI applications. There are battles about which norms and values to embed in law

and code, and when to apply which rules, an argument that Larry Lessig classically clarified and

which others have built on (Lessig, 1999).15 We object to general facial recognition for

surveillance, but law enforcement has found it an effective tool to identify and arrest the

perpetrators of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Congress. That is only the beginning. Even if a

community could agree, today, on values across an array of domains, community norms will

evolve. Today’s norms reflect a snapshot of social practice put into regulation at a given moment

in time. As social practice evolves, community preferences will change, as should the political

14 This has been thoroughly argued by Zysman and colleagues. See Zysman, Kenney, and Tyson, 2019. 15 Discussed in a range of works including Fleischmann and Wallace, 2006; Zunger, 2016; Groth and Nitzberg,

2018; and Christian, 2020.

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regulation to reflect this. Take, for instance, the recent powerful awakening, and corresponding

shift in social norms, brought about by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. It has evolved

from a social media hashtag (following the acquittal of Travon Martin’s murder) to radical

justice call inspiring movements in over sixty countries, which was recently nominated for the

Nobel Peace Prize (Black Lives Matter, 2021). It is important then to recognize the continuing

evolution of social values, and the risk not only of entrenching todays’ values in law, visible

perhaps, but less visibly in code.

There is another risk which requires addressing, even if it is not elaborated. In the pursuit

of AI enabled efficiency, we may confuse ourselves about the objectives we want to pursue. As a

general matter, we must not allow AI to entrench objectives and obscure the political debate

about values. Smart cities, we are told often, will improve urban living and governance, but that

begs the question of smart toward what ends. Perhaps AI can help optimize governance, such as

efficient trash collection or traffic flows. But, with its limitations (i.e., AI’s lack of context,

narrative, and worldview), it cannot answer the questions of whose garbage should be collected

or through whose neighbourhood traffic is directed.

Agreeing on when, where, and how we’d like AI to be used across its vast applications,

while also considering the potential consequences of decisions which reflect temporary social

norms, is no trivial feat. How then, do we design a governance strategy that addresses the

multitude of AI uses while being flexible enough to adapt to our evolving norms?

Part III: Governing AI: In Action

Our continuing mantra is that the values which should guide governance, differ across the

public and civil sectors, and within the private sector by domain. That complicates the path

forward. Today, powerful digital platform firms are the ad hoc, but pervasive, governors of AI

technology and its applications. The decisions which we make regarding the toolbox, in

particular about platforms, will determine whether public or private interests regulate AI moving


A Two-Pronged Approach to AI Governance

Evidently from our discussion, there are two approaches to AI governance, focus on

specific applications or generate overarching principles and rules. Certainly, specific cases can

suggest general rules and general concerns and rules can inform, and shape, the choices we make

in particular situations.

The same AI application in different contexts will generate gains and consequences

distinct both to the domain and purpose in which it is applied — dictating the need to focus

primarily on sector-specific applications. The use of AI may be less problematic in certain

sectors than others. Take, for example, digital advertisements. A targeted retail ad on fuzzy

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slippers which draws an individual into a cycle of snow boot advertisements, is of less

significance than a targeted political ad leading an individual into a cycle of content claiming the

basement of a pizza parlour is host to a satanic child-trafficking ring.16 In both scenarios,

algorithms utilize vast data points to personalize recommended content within social platforms;

yet, the outcome in the retail sector, as opposed to the political one, is far less concerning.

Nonetheless, there will be concerns that cut across many social domains and economic

sectors. In focusing solely on sector-specific applications, there is the potential that issues which

reappear across sectors may be hidden or underestimated because the issue is not central in a

particular domain. Issues, such as bias in data and algorithmic transparency, may be most evident

and easily identified in some domains, but are important throughout society. Choices about data

privacy and surveillance arise throughout. As we noted previously, considering the entire toolbox

means focusing on algorithms, data, and platforms as well as the technology infrastructure -- the

internet and computing power -- which grants power to these tools.

The challenges of AI governance require policy makers to have a significant

understanding of both AI’s technical aspects (e.g., its strengths, limits, and its role in the toolbox)

as well as the social and economic contexts in which it is situated. Indeed, policy makers must

consider that despite the objective of contemporary AI systems being narrow (e.g., score an

applicant, increase engagement, etc.) the scale at which these systems are deployed will

compound the impact of such systems, spreading risks far beyond initial domains. This expertise

may be difficult to replicate across multiple sectors, but will be necessary to address the complex

challenges of governance. We explore two cases, bias and disinformation, which demonstrate

such challenges, below.


The application of algorithmic decision making has resulted in unintended bias, particularly

against underrepresented communities, such as people of colour, indigenous people, LGBTQ+

individuals, people with disabilities, and women. Bias in AI can stem from the design and

deployment of an algorithm. Certainly, algorithms designed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC),

the progressive democratic congresswoman from New York City, and Jeff Session, Donald

Trump’s attorney general, would differ dramatically. Bias results from the data that is fed into the

analysis. In general, systems trained on data that captures past decisions and behaviour,

necessarily capture the biases of that past era. AI can also amplify existing biases, as algorithmic

decision making systems, which capture existing biases from inputs to inform outputs, are

deployed at an exponential scale.

Bias in algorithmic decision making spans all sectors. Health-prediction, credit

application, bail determination, and hiring algorithms, have all been found to demonstrate

significant levels of racial bias, further perpetuating social and economic inequalities at scale

16 “PizzaGate” is a widely debunked conspiracy theory, a prominent example of the politically motivated

disinformation spread prior to the 2016 U.S. presidential election. (Aisch et al., 2016).

14 of 26

(Agwin, 2016; Dastin, 2018; Klein, 2020; Kaushal, 2020). In a recent example, a widely used

healthcare algorithm, aimed at determining “high-risk” patients in need of additional care, was

found to exhibit such high levels of bias that it reduced the necessary number of Black patients

identified for “high risk care” by over half (Obermeyer, 2019). The algorithm utilized previous

healthcare spending data as a proxy for medical need. This data failed to capture a systemic health

inequity — the fact that black patients spend more on active health interventions than white

patients — meaning that similar spending did not portray similar levels of health (Ibid.). Thus, the

algorithm, intended to efficiently provide care recommendations, instead furthered health

inequalities at scale.

To generalize, Cathy O’Neil (2016), points to the technological design of scalable

algorithms and historical data creating an unchallengeable set of conclusions. If algorithms

continue to be deployed without any consideration for the biases present in their designs and

training data, they will continue to amplify existing inequalities. Often, AI is simply obscuring the

source of bias instead of uncovering it. Thus, AI may become a tool which encourages a dystopia,

instead of being harnessed to achieve our desired societies. Yet, some have pointed to the

potential for AI to reduce, or at least make bias more evident. For instance, the video functionality

of smartphones has recently been used to document racism and violence within policing.

Perhaps, as applications are deployed, AI tools, with human guidance asking the right questions,

could be used to uncover bias in the data sets used to train the algorithms


The rise of disinformation, a consequence of malicious actors aiming to gain profit and

power, threatens the notion of objective truth, a social foundation. With the mass availability of

mobile devices and internet, digital media platforms have become influence machines of

unprecedented power, qualifying anyone to broadcast to billions at almost no cost. The scale of

reach, the micro-targeting techniques achieved through large data sets, and the adaptive

reinforcement learning all foundational to AI technology have escalated disinformation into a

current day crisis.

The consequences of disinformation are as diverse as the topics it deforms, threatening our

ability to fight climate change, perpetuating human rights abuses, and undermining free and fair

elections (Cadwalladr, 2017; Mozur, 2018; Hiar, 2021). Disinformation around Covid-19, for

instance, has inspired widespread reservations regarding vaccines, the need for social distancing

measures, and the virus’ validity itself. This is further complicated by the advertising models of

DPFs, the default hosts of disinformation. According to the Global Disinformation Index,

platforms were inadvertently set to fund $25 million dollars of Covid-19 conspiracy theories by

the end of 2020.17 As AI becomes more powerful and widespread, the rise of malicious use is

anticipated, threatening not just our social security, as disinformation does, but our political

security, physical security, and digital security (Brundage et al., 2018). The issue of

disinformation is therefore a challenge of governing against malicious actors; promoting

economic models that disincentivize disinformation; and protecting the victims who will

17 This estimate from this study was based on open web content only and did not include inadvertent funding on

social media and video platforms (Global Disinformation Index, 2020).

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experience real-life ramifications from virtual harms.

Ultimately, governing AI, and addressing challenges like bias and disinformation, will

require governing the technology toolbox; and in particular, platforms.

What Should Be Governed

Debates regarding which aspects of the technology toolbox should be governed have

largely focused on algorithms and data, and the ethics of use18. A significant tool in the box is

too often overlooked in the debate about AI. Thus, rather than reviewing or extending the

debates about data and algorithms, we turn our attention to platforms. Digital platforms are both

a tool (i.e., platform technology) and an actor (i.e., digital platform firms), and are found

throughout many, though certainly not all, of the shared concerns around AI, from data rights to

algorithmic transparency.

The successful digital platform firms (DPFs) generate the pools of data from which AI

draws its power; their core applications from search, through labour market matching, linking

friends, and online retail—all rest on the algorithmic tools outlined in the first section of this

paper. Those firms, individually in many cases, and certainly collectively, invest more in the core

AI tools than nations, and are global leaders in research. Think only, for example, of Google’s

DeepMind. Consequently, governing AI and regulating DPFs are intimately entwined.

Platforms: The Gunslinger in the AI story

As AI is a foundational to DPF strategy, governance of AI is inextricably linked to

governance of platforms. Just as novel database operations such as atomic transactions and

semaphores were pivotal to enabling the rise of the time-shared client-server systems of the latter

half of the 20th century, AI offers astonishingly effective techniques that enable DPFs to profit

from the vast and multifarious data they collect by inferring preferences, needs, malleability, and

creditworthiness of their clients and their clients’ clients. In other words, AI governance will

require governing DPFs. DPFs expand and amass power through big data collection and

utilization, and of course, existing technology infrastructure — computing power, cloud

computing, and widely available internet connectivity and smartphones. As DPFs collect data,

they train and improve machine learning algorithms, thus, accumulating additional data. This

cyclical relationship enables unprecedented value creation and capture and fuels profits.

Through this value creation, DPFs have emerged as a dominant business model in the

21st century, positioning them as powerful actors. When a DPF successfully enters an industry,

such as Amazon in retail, Google in advertising, and Airbnb in hospitality, it becomes critical

infrastructure that intermediates social and economic activity.19 To illustrate, consider December

2020: five mega-platforms representing 1% of the 500 firms in the S&P 500 — Apple, Amazon,

18 Zysman and Nitzberg (2020) explored the issues of data and ethics in depth.

19 Numerous studies point to the platform-driven disruption of retail, hospitality, and an array of industries due to

digital ads. See, for example, Khan, 2016; LaVecchia & Mitchell, 2016; Zervas et al., 2017; Wachsmuth and

Weisler, 2018; Crain and Nadler, 2019.

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Alphabet, Facebook, and Microsoft — accounted for 22% of its total worth (Wigglesworth,

2020). The rise of Amazon, from its origins in book sales to its current position in cloud

computing, groceries, and even video streaming, demonstrates the ability of DPFs to expand

across traditional industrial boundaries and become mega-platform firms.20 DPFs are spreading

quickly, amassing power, and rewiring the terms of competition (Kenney et al., forthcoming).

Consequently, the use of AI by DPFs is central to the impact of AI. The regulation of DPFs will

be central to the regulation of AI.

DPFs have, arguably, become unelected, ad hoc, private regulators in markets, and of AI

in particular. They operate in an outdated regulatory environment that has not kept pace with

technological change. There are consequences for market competition in many markets and for

labour and labour markets. For example, as Uber emerged it challenged both regulation in

transportation and rules about labour and work, particularly what has become called a gig

economy. As seen in the recent California referendum,21 regulation became salient after Uber

and other ridesharing apps had already become integral businesses, enabling them to influence

post hoc regulation and legitimizing that strategy.

Digital technology platforms have become central access points to critical activities from

investing to communicating. Their private decisions become default regulation, shaping practices

about ownership, representation, and values across the private, public, and civil sectors. Again,

the governance questions, of platforms and AI, become inseparable: Having become crucial to

our daily functioning, do DPFs have the unconditional ability to strip us of the access that they

grant? Does our data become the default cost of use and participation in today’s social and

economic activities? When is the architecture and logic of an algorithm subject to transparency?

Should DPFs be allowed to restructure our societies without our input on the outcome? And, of

course, what are the implications of governing AI being inseparably linked to governing

platforms, when we address AI governance globally?

The Complexity of Governance

We can only highlight the complexity that AI governance involves. Glimpses of that

complexity and the political and social debates surrounding it can be caught from two angles.

First, AI pries open a Pandora's box of questions that sweep across the economy and

society engaging diverse communities. They will not be resolved by chanting the mantras of

earlier eras. Consider, that the boundaries between public and private regulation, always at issue,

are blurred by DPFs. Remind ourselves that surveillance and big data question what constitutes

personal privacy, privacy from corporate and government actions. Note that the easy

dissemination of news, assumed for this factual news, by platforms challenges the business

20 Kenney et al. (forthcoming) define a mega-platform firm as a firm that operates multiple platforms across

industries. 21 In November 2020, the state of California voted to approve Proposition 22, a measure allowing DPFs operating in

the gig economy to continue paying workers as independent contractors. The measure, created and backed by Uber,

Lyft, and DoorDash, is likely to have widespread implications for the gig economy labor laws throughout the

country (Conger, 2020).

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models of traditional news sources. Old questions are thus reopened for a new resolution, and

new questions are posed. There is no agreement on who should regulate; on the balance between

privacy and security; of what a job or protections for workers should be. Stable enduring

solutions are not on the horizon, and when resolutions are generated or imposed, the new normal

will likely be quite different from that of today.

Consider in one instance the complexity that each application domain represents: the

problem of DPFs’ viral spread of disinformation, and the range of solutions needed (Nitzberg,

2021). To begin the debate, Nitzberg argues that the range of solutions must include new types

of consumer protection regulation, and enforcement mechanisms, both technology- and labour-


(1) Eliminate indemnity for platform companies in section 230 of the Communications

Decency Act of 1996;

(2) Require disclosure of verifiable sources for political speech;

(3) Throttle the viral spread of messages based on verifiability of source and other

measures of potential harm; and

(4) More broadly, regulate online “broadcasting” as just that; if you have 10,000

followers, you are like a small publisher.

In general, these flow from the recognition that the duty of care of a broadcaster is proportional

to its reach, and that DPFs select content and route it to individuals based on their profiles

learned from fine-grained data on tastes and preferences, sending just the right message at just

the right times to elicit the desired response. Because this is a modified, precision-tailored 1-to-1

broadcast, it is far more effective than traditional one-to-many simultaneous broadcasting, and

merits stronger, not weaker, guardrails. Disinformation illustrates the complexity of governing

AI, and without even touching on competition regulation for the DPFs.

Second, the global debates mirror the domestic complexity and manifest how difficult

resolutions of the issues will be. We must not exaggerate since the EU privacy initiatives did

spark a complementary legislative initiative in California. But, can we imagine an agreement

between China and the EU in the debate about privacy rights on the appropriate use of facial

recognition tools?

Can global debates about AI move beyond ethical expressions and abstract debate? To

start, nations insist they must be winners, not losers in AI development and application. AI is

identified as a critical component of national success in the coming decades, as countries

recognize similar opportunities and geopolitical risks posed by the suite of technologies. China’s

strategy22 focuses on establishing China as an AI world leader by 2030 with investment research,

promotion of applications, and indeed through international bodies defining norms and standards

for AI that favour their firms. The US led strategy23, aimed at ensuring national security and

technology competitiveness can all too easily at each step define China as more than a rival.

22 China’s national AI strategy is entitled ‘New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan’ (新一代人工

智能发展规划) and was released in 2017 (Roberts et al., 2020). 23 The White House-led strategy on AI is outlined by the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence

(NSCAI, 2021).

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Europe, not wanting to be dependent or deferrant, argues for technology sovereignty,24 loosely

pursuing a still somewhat undefined autonomy of action. In fact, over fifty countries had

developed national AI strategies by the end of 2020 (HolonIQ, 2020).

If we move beyond abstract ethical expression to specific rules for particular domains and

issues, there is a recognized risk in the digital marketplace. Zysman and Nitzberg (2020) argued


“Indeed, more likely than agreement on global governance will be intense cyber

rivalries that risk splintering the digital world into two (West vs. China), or less

likely but perhaps three systems (US vs. Europe vs. China) linked but separately

developing. … there will certainly be a conflict over the development of AI tools

with intelligence, security, and military significance, sparking investment in AI”

(p. 21).

In any case, the competing visions of what is right, what are priorities, are difficult

enough to resolve domestically. Because those differences are embedded as the negotiating

positions of national governments, they are all more difficult to resolve in international

negotiation. To twist Robert Putnam’s insight about international negotiations, there will be a

two-level game, particular and general, and perhaps in multiple dimensions, local-national- and

international. The two levels become intertwined of course (Putnam, 1988). For starters, consider

how domestic fractions on the “best national interest” or the importance of domestic

ramifications from international threats, may influence an attempt to integrate multi-national

priorities. The implication we draw is that the goal must not be the ephemera of a common

agreement with a single set of goals and market and social rules. Rather, one must consider how

to pursue objectives of interoperability amongst nations with quite different political economies.

The interpenetration of societies and economies with the fabric of digital connections is ever

deeper, which makes goals of interoperability both more compelling and more difficult.

But the implications of AI suggest the need for a new stable state of global agreements

which will require a fundamentally new set of global accords. If so, even interoperability may be

difficult to achieve, and some fracturing of trade in services and digital flow may result. A global

negotiation, such as a new round of the WTO for an AI era seems unlikely, much less succeed.

That said, the recent progress toward a deal on multinational taxation and on matters such as data

privacy, suggest the allies may be able to move forward in small steps that, perhaps, will

accumulate into a larger deal.


The challenges of governing AI must be considered in the larger context of a “toolbox”

including algorithms, data, processing power, and, of paramount importance, platforms (both the

firms as players and technology platforms). Digital platforms generate the pools of big data on

24 The European Commission recently released the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA),

which aim to strengthen the EU single market, create a safe and trustworthy online environment, and tackle issues

caused by large platforms firms (Broadbent, 2020).

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which AI tools operate. The regulation of digital platforms and of the data are part of the

challenge of governing AI. As platforms continue to utilize AI without governance, their choices

on critical matters become our default practices about ownership, representation, and values

across the private, public, and civil sectors. This has escalated the need for governance of the AI

and platforms. We are now in overtime.

The possibilities, applications, and risks of any such new general-purpose technologies

(GPTs) only emerge over time as effects manifest on sectors of the economy and society. It is

early enough in the story of AI that governance itself will determine much of the future

trajectory. In the spirit of Lessig, code is its own form of law (Lessig, 2000; Lessig, 1999).

In general, governing the toolbox must balance encouraging the potential while

minimizing this risk. Policy makers must well understand AI’s technical aspects (e.g., its

strengths, limits, and its role in the toolbox) and of the social and economic contexts in which it

is situated.

AI systems already have a wide range of capabilities with vast and critical applications.

But they fall short of human-level cognition and interpretation, lacking the fundamentals of

context, narrative, and worldview. Today’s AI refers largely to machine learning and deep

learning, instruments of statistical inference building on prior data. These observations frame

AI’s potential, limits, and unavoidable risks of use.

New GPTs like steam power have historically seen radical economic restructuring. AI is

distinct from earlier GPTs as it automates certain tasks of human cognitive capacity. This

distinction, which allows AI to automate tasks in the service sector, not simply manufacturing,

raises new questions about the impact on growth and labour. Still, it is policy choices that will

shape the distributional consequences of this new technology toolbox, not just its capabilities in

certain task areas or its pace of adoption.

The effects of AI on our communities will depend on the specific applications of AI

technologies, making the consideration of community objectives and norms critical. Even if a

community could agree, today, on values across an array of domains, community norms will

evolve. It is important, then, to recognize the continuing evolution of social values, and the risk

not only of entrenching todays’ values in law, visible perhaps, but less visibly in code.

Governance must focus on sectors and applications. As the same AI application will

bestow gains and inure costs distinct for each purpose and domain where it is applied, it is

critical to focus primarily on sector-specific applications. Still, there will be concerns that cut

across many social domains and economic sectors which are important throughout society.

AI is identified as a critical component of national success in the coming decades, as

governments recognize similar opportunities and geopolitical risks posed by the suite of

technologies. However, AI pries open a Pandora's box of questions that sweep across the

economy and society engaging diverse communities. Moving the global debate on AI beyond

ethnical expressions will therefore be unlikely. Instead, we conclude that a common agreement

20 of 26

around a single set of goals and market/social rules must give way to objectives of

interoperability amongst nations with sometimes radically different political economies.

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