BPDB Holds Sawit Goes to Campus - prasetya.ub.ac.id fileDivision of Biodiesel Development BPDP, the...


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BPDB Holds "Sawit Goes to Campus"

Submit by prasetyaFP on April 13, 2018 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 1748

Staff of Vice Dean III FP Afifudin Latief, PP.D (left) and

BPDP representative Fajril Amirul (right)

Palm as one of the highest funds contributor for the government deserves attention especially for the future development. Therefore, a research is necessary for palm oil advancement moreover for students, because in the future the palm is on them.

Thus as said by Afif Thahar as Division Head of Education, Human Resources, Research Development and Infrastructure of BPDP (Badan Pengelolaan Dana Perkebunan/Agency for Plantation Fund Management) Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, in an event so-called "Sawit Goes to Campus 2018" about socialization on palm research competition at student level. The event was conducted on Friday (13/Apr/2018) in new building's fifth floor Faculty of Agriculture. The event was attended by Dean of Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS., Vice Dean III on Student Affairs Dr. Ir. Syafrizal, MS., as well as staff of Vice Dean III on scientific reasoning Afifudin Latief, SP., M.Sc., PhD.

In his address, the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Nuhfil expected students are keen for being able to join in the event or competition especially related with research and development. Because according to him, the key to the progress of the nation is capability in developing all potency in their own country. Moreover Brawijaya University already championed Pimnas (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional/National Student Scientific Week) consecutively. That is the main attraction of institutions to socialize competition related to research and development at UB.

"We have more than 5,000 students who are conducting studies, hopefully one or two of them or even more, will be the champion in the competition, because we have started to go international, so this is part of the development of Faculty of Agriculture in a research for students," Nuhfil said.

Meanwhile in technical exposure of the competition of which delivered by Fajril Amirul, as a Senior Staff in Division of Biodiesel Development BPDP, the competition is focused on palm starts from upstream to the downstream, namely research starts from the beginning of seed plant until palm production itself. In the end of the event was presented about "The Roles of Research on Palm Industry in the Era 4.0" by BPDP Research Committee, Tony Liwang. [zma/Humas UB/trans. Denok]

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