Botany Boot Camp Docent Training Class Liz Woodward


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Botany Boot Camp

Docent Training ClassLiz Woodward

Five Kingdoms of Living Organisms

TaxonomyThe Classification of Plants and Other Living Organisms

Division/PhylumClassOrder (-ales)

Family (-aceae)

Genus Species

Carl Linnaeus1707-1778

Botanical NamesFear and Loathing in the Horticulture World

MispronunciationLatin and Greek rootsPrecise & understood worldwideCommon names are inaccurateSpeak to your audience

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Tuscan Blue’Kingdom Plantae (Plant)Division Magnoliophyta (Flowering Plant)Class Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledon)Order LamialesFamily Lamiaceae (Mint Family)Genus Rosmarinus (Rosemary)Species officinalis (of official/medicinal use)Cultivar Tuscan Blue

Tuscan Rosemary

How to read a

QBG Accession TagFirst line: accession number e.g. 93.0298P, 00.0001 , 2000.0024SRemaining lines: TaxonAdditional nomenclature: x=hybrid, cv.=cultivar, sp.=species, cf=confersIdentification/Caption Label have more interpretive information such as botanical information, ecological relationships, uses and conservation information.

Organic Evolution

Natural Selection Survival of the FittestConvergent Evolution


Charles Darwin1809-1882

The Flowering Plant

Over 250,000 known speciesAll have flowers (inconspicuous/conspicuous)Reproduce from seed

Plant Structure


Generally undergroundAnchor the plant and hold it in placeAbsorb water and minerals & send upwardsStorage (sometimes)Transport system: xylem and phloem


Primary support structureGenerally above groundUnderground stems (tubers)Woody or herbaceous Bear leaves and flowersMay provide storage and photosynthesisGrow upward toward light


Photosynthesis (food making)Other functions: store water, protection, attract pollinatorsTypical leaf has 2 main parts: petiole & laminaSimple/compound leavesVarious leaf shapesLeaf arrangements (opposite, alternate, whorled)


Pollination &


Transfer of pollen from stamen to pistil - depends on external agent (wind, insect, birds)

Fusion of male and female nucleiSelf pollination vs. cross pollinationColors, scents and adaptations

FruitsDiverse in size, shape, texture and seedsFleshy & edibleDry fruits


Self complete reproductive unit3 parts: seed coat, embryo & foodDormant until external conditions are right to germinate & sproutSeed adaptations

Plant Families

Fabaceae - Pea Family

Pea Family Members

Nitrogen fixing roots

Lamiaceae - Mint Family

Mint Family Members

Thyme, Oregano, Marjoram, Basil, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Mint, Lavender

Rosaceae - Rose Family

Rose Family Members

California Natives: Catalina Ironwood, Chamise, Rosa californica

Asteraceae - Daisy Family

Daisy Family Members

Solanaceae - Nightshade Family

Solanaceae contain narcotic alkaloids

Nightshade Fruits

Euphorbiaceae - Spurge Family

Pointsettia Euphorbia pulcherima

Candelabra Tree Euphorbia ingens

Spurge Family Members

Snow Bush, Castor Bean, Tapioca, Caribbean Copper Plant, Pencil Tree

2 Classes of Flowering Plants

Poaceae - Grass Family

Economic importance for wheat, rice, corn, oats, barley, millet, rye. Also sugar cane & sorghum.

Grass Family Members

Role of PlantsReduce carbon dioxide and increase oxygenPlants produce everything we eatShelter, warmth, clothing, transportation, fuel,medicine, paper

The Future for Plants

Endangered speciesBotanical GardensSelective BreedingGenetically modified cropsValuable diversity