Books received


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HMVJ cfEuuro~e=on Idea, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 315-317. 1992 Pergamon Press plc. Prmted in Great Bntam


Thomas McStay Adams, Bureaucrats and Beggars: French Social Policy in the Age of the Enlightenment (OUP, 1991), x + 384 pp., $40.00 H.B.

Louis Aragon, Treatise on Style (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1991), xx + 118 pp., E.12.50 H.B.

Jacques Attali, 1492 (Paris: Fayard, 1991), 382 pp., 120.OOFF, paper. Gerald Brenan, The Spanish Labyrinth: An account of the social andpolitical background

of the Spanish civil war (NY: CUP, 1991), 416 pp., $10.95 paper. John Brewer, The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State 1688-l 783 (Harvard

UP, 1990), xxii + 290 pp., $11.95. Paul Brookner, The Faces OfFraternalism: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, andImperial Japan

(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), viii + 397 pp., E40.00 H.B. Cudmos, Quatorzieme Ann& No. 54, Et6 1991, Gentve, ‘La Suisse, L’Europe et le

Ftderalisme’, 116. Luciano Celes et al., (eds), Neo-Fascism in Europe (London and New York: Longman,

1991), xii+299 pp., E22.00 H.B., $11.99 P.B.

Commonwealth Novel in English, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring 1991) 101 pp. Lee Congdon, Exile and Social Thought: Hungarian Intellectuals in Germany and Austria

1919-1933 (Princeton UP, 1991), xvi + 375 pp., $29.95 cloth. Pietro Corsi (ed.), The Enchanted Loom: Chapters in the History of Neuro-Science (OUP:

1991), 383 pp., $50.00 cloth. Daedalus, Journal of the American Acadey of Arts and Science, ‘Religion and Politics’

(Summer 1991), vii + 240 pp., $6.95. George W. Dameron, Episcopal Power nnd Florentine Society 1000-1320 (Harvard UP,

1991), xi +284 pp., $45.00 cloth. Chantal Millon-Delsol, Les ideespolitiques au XXe sibcle (PUF, 1991), Collection Premier

Cycle, 257 pp., 79FF, paper. Leslie Derfler, Paul Lufurgue and the Founding of French Marxism (Harvard UP, 1991),

x + 285 pp., $39.95 cloth. Adrian Desmond and James Moore, Darwin (London: Michael Joseph, 1991),

xxi + 808 pp., s20.00. Documents, No. 3191, Revue des Questions Allemandes, 128 pp. Norman Doe, Fundumental Authority in Lute Medieval Enghsh Law (NY: CUP, 1991),

xxi + 197 pp., $44.50 cloth. Hans J. Eysenck, The Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire (London: London

University and Maudsley Hospital, 1990), 192 pp., $35.00 cloth. J.F. Haldon, Byzantium in rhe Seventeenth Century: The Transformation of a Culture (NY:

CUP, 1991), xxiii +486 pp., $69.50 cloth. Stanley Hoffmann and David P. Fidler (eds), Rousseau on ZnternationaZRelutions (Oxford:

Clarendon Press, 1991), lxxvii +214 pp., E30.00 H.B. David Holdcroft, Suussure: Signs, Systems, and Arbitrariness (CUP: 1991), x + 180 pp.,

!Z25.00/$39.50 H.B., E8.951S11.95 P.B. J.D. Hunley, The Life and Thought ofFriedrich Engels: A Reinterpretation (New Haven and

London: Yale UP, 1991), xiii + 184 pp., ~14.00/$25.00. Israel Idalovichi and Asaf Friedman, Eidostetonic: The Architectonic of the Conceptual-

Zdeogruphic Orgunon (Jerusalem: Maxwell-Macmillan-Keter, 1991), 130 pp., n.p., H.B. Innovation in Social Science Research, Vol. 4 No. 1 (Vienna 1991), 177 pp.


316 Books Received

Scott Gordon, The History and Philosophy of Social Science (London and New York: Routledge, 1991), x +690 pp., E70.00, H.B.

A. Phillips Griffiths (ed.), Wittgenstein Centenary Essays (CUP, 1991), vi+262 pp., ~10.95/$16.95 P.B.

Harold James et al. (eds), The Role of Bunks in the Znterwar Economy (CUP, 1991), xii + 277 pp., E25.00/$44.50 H.B.

Lars Jonung, The Stockholm School of Economics Revisited (CUP, 1991), xxi + 471 pp., $40.00/$64.50 H.B.

Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. XXIX, No. 2 (April 1991), 166 pp. Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. XXIX, No. 3 (July 1991). Pierre Klossowski, Sade my Neighbor, trans. Alphonson Lingis (Evanston, IL:

Northwestern UP, 1991), 144 pp., $24.95 cloth, $9.95 paper. Krishan Kumar, Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Modern Times (Oxford: Basil Blackwell,

1991), xi +406 pp., $14.95 P.B. Marcel Lachiver, Les annees de misere: La famine au temps du grandRot (Paris: Fayard,

1991), 573 pp., 180.OOFF, paper. Harry Liebersohn, Fate and Utopia in German Sociology Z87&f9t3 (MIT Press, 1991),

x+282 pp., $12.95 paper. Veena Kade-Luthra (ed.) Sehnsucht nach Ztalien: Ein Lesebuch von Goethe bis Grass

(Munchen: C.H. Beck, 1991), Beck’sche Reihe 450, 267 pp., DM 19.80, paper. J.H. Matthews, The SurrealistMind(London and Toronto: Golden Cockerel Press, 1991),

233 pp., 22424.50 H.B. John Morrow (ed.), Coieridge’s Writtngs, Vol Z on Politics and Society (Macmillan Press,

1990), xv + 253 pp., 540.00. John Morrow, Coleridge’s Political Thought: Property, Morality and the Limits of

Traditional Discourse (Macmillan Press, 1990), xi + 215 pp., E40.00. Josiane Mougeot, Les Produits AlIeges (PUF, 1991), ‘Que sais-je?‘, 127 pp., n.p.g. Rainer Naegele, Theater, Theory, Speculation: Walter Benjamin and the Scenes of

Mode~ity (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1991), xviii + 232 pp., $37.50, paper, Janet Oppenheim ‘Shattered Nerves’: Doctors, Patients, and Depression in Victorian

Engfand (NY: OUP, 1991), viii i- 383 pp., $27.95 cloth. Linda Orr, Headless History: 19th-Century French Historiography of theRevolution (Ithaca

& London: Cornell UP, 1990), xiii + 185 pp., $25.95 Annabel Patterson, Fables of Power: Aesopian Writings and Political History (London:

Duke UP, 1991), vi+ 178 pp., $28.45 H.B., E9.95 P.B. The Phi~osoFhica~ Review (July 1991), Vol. C, No. 3. W.J.G. Pounds, The Medieval castle in England and W&es: A social andpolitical history

(NY: CUP, 1991), xvii +357 pp., $39.50 cloth. Donald Reid, Paris Sewers and Sewermen: Realities and Representations (Harvard UP,

1991), 235 pp., $39.95 cloth. Jehuda Reinharz and Walter Schatzberg (eds), The Jewish Response to German Culture:

From the Enlightenment to the Second World War (Hanover, N.H.: UP of New England, 1991), xiii + 362 pp., $24.OO/El3.50 paper.

Jean Robelin, Mafmonide et Ze iangage religieux (PUF, 1991), 222 pp., 149FF, paper. Wolfgang Rod, Erfahrung und Reflexion: Theorien der Erfahrung in fianszendental-

philosophischer Sicht (Munchen: C.H. Beck, 1991), 251 pp., DM39.50 paper. Margaret A. Rose, The post-modern and the post-industrial: A critical analysis (CUP,

1991), xiv+317 pp., ~35.~/$49.50 H.B., E12.50/$18.95 P.B. William L. Rose, Thomas Reid on Freedom and Moraiity {Ithaca and London: Cornell UP,

1991), x + 189 pp., $26.95 cloth. Diane Rubenstein, What’s Left? The Ecole Normale Superieure and the Right (Madison,

WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1991), xv + 215 pp., $40.00 cloth/%19.75 paper.

Books Received 317

Miri Rubin, Corpus Christi: The Eucharist in Late Medieval Culture (OUP, 1991), xv +432 pp., J537.50/$59.50 H.B.

Leslie Sharp, Friedrich Schiller: Drama, Thoughts and Politics (CUP, 1991), xiii + 389 pp., E40.00/$54.50 H.B.

Steven B. Smith, HegeZ’s Critique of Liberalism: Rights in Context (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1991), xiii+251 pp., s11.95 U.K. Paper, $17.25 (outside U.S.A., Canada and Australia).

Duncan Tanner, Political change and the Labour party 1900-1918 (NY: CUP, 1991), xvii + 504 pp., $65.00 cloth.

Victor E. Thoren, The Lord of Uraniborg: A Biography of Tycho Brahe (CUP, 1991), xi + 523 pp., ~40.00/%59.50 H.B.

Chushichi Tsuzuki, Tom Mann 1856-1941 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), xiv + 288 pp., f35.00 H.B.

Peter Vallentyne (ed.), Contractarianism and Rational Choice: Essays on David Gautier’s ‘Morals by Agreement’ (CUP, 1991), xvi + 339 pp., f35.00/$19.95 P.B.

Greg Walker, Plays of Persuasion: Drama and Politics at the Court of Henry VZZZ (CUP, 1991), xii + 244 pp., %30.00/$49.50 H.B.

Trevor Whittock, Metaphor and Film (CUP, 1991), vii + 178 pp., E25.00/$39.50 H.B. Froma I. Zeitlin (ed.), Mortals and Immortals: Collected Essays, Jean-Pierre Vemant

(Princeton UP, 1991), viii + 341 pp., $29.95.
