Booklet of Cityscape Drawn in Black Ink's Moraj



The booklet found on the physically released copies of Moraj by the band Cityscape Drawn in Black Ink

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  • Lt?

    Elrhetetlen, elrinthetetlen, megrinthetetlen, megfoghatatlan,

    Ismeretlen, rthetetlen, sejthetetlen, megfejthetetlen.

    Hallhatatlan, elmondhatatlan, felfedhetetlen, kiderthetetlen,

    Megrthetetlen, megrezhetetlen, kifejezhetetlen, feltrhatatlan.

    Szavak nlkl, gondolatban, kpzeletben, elmerengve,

    Mindenkitl elszakadva, mindentl tvol llva,

    Ltezve s nem ltezve, ktelyekbe temetkezve,

    Vgtelen id kapujban, egyre-egyre-egyre csak vrva.

    si erk, varzslatok, mgikus szavak, rolvassok,

    Mindig vrva, anticiplva, elvarzsoltan, hats alatt llva,

    Megidzve, megigzve, elhvva, felidzve,

    Feltmasztva, visszahozva, ltszatot keltve llegezve.

    Testetlenl, elhagyatva, elfelejtve, eltemetve,

    Emlkek kzt keresglve, annyi mindent jra lve,

    Ktsgekben, bizonytalansgban, remny nlkl, ktkedsben,

    Lteztl-e, letedben, mindrkkn ktelyedben.

    Lehangol, mlysges mlysgek birodalma,

    Sron tli homly s kd magba fogadva.

  • Existence?

    Unattainable, untouchable, unreachable, incomprehensible,

    Unknown, unintelligible, unforeseeable, unsolvable,

    Inaudible, unmentionable, unrevealable, undiscoverable,

    Incomprehensible, imperceptible, inexpressible, undisclosable.

    Without words, in thoughts, pondering in imagination,

    Seceded from everyone, alien from everything,

    Existing and non-existing, buried in doubts,

    Evermore waiting for an unending time.

    Ancient forces, spells, magical words, chants,

    Always waiting, anticipating, enchanted, under the influence,

    Summoned, hypnotized, called forth, evoked,

    Resurrected, resuscitated, seemingly breathing.

    Without body, abandoned, forgotten, buried,

    Seeking through memories, reliving so many things,

    In doubts, insecure, hopeless, in unbelief,

    Have you ever existed in your life, forever in misgiving.

    Dismal kingdom of profound depths,

    Embraced by otherworldly mist and fog.

  • Szemlyes bolygk

    Flelmetes tvolsgok ktnek ssze minden embert,

    Bolygk utn kutatnak, de azok a Fldn vannak.

    Minden bolygn ms-ms szemly, egyesek meg lakatlanok.

    Hznak hvjuk nha ket.

    Ha tkrbe nzne egy vros, nagy r nzne vissza,

    De k tvolba tekintve vesznek bele a vgtelenbe,

    Elszigetelten lebegve, kztk semmi, semmirekellk

    ramlatok irnytva eltakartan.

    Bolygkzti tvolsgok, egyre csak nnek, kapcsolatuk

    Lthatatlan, nem ltezik, illziba temetkezik.

    Szavak voltak, szavak vannak, de a varzs rgen veszve,

    Kimondjuk s mi se rtjk, aki elmegy, hova menne?

    Lakatlan gitestre, elfeledve, eltemetve,

    Vajon megtallnnk ket, csak egy kicsit odafigyelve?

    Ugyan arra a helyre megynk, vagy teljesen ms bolygra,

    S akr eddig, magnyunkban, tovbb lebegve lmodozunk?

  • Personal planets

    Awe-inspiring distances connect all the people

    Theyre looking for planets, but the planets are on Earth.

    Single resident on every planet and some planets are uninhabited.

    Home is what we call them sometimes.

    If a city would look in a mirror, a void would be reflected,

    But looking far away, they get lost in infinity.

    Floating in isolation, in their mids nothing, good for nothings

    Currents guiding hidden.

    Planetary distances, constantly growing, their connections,

    Invisible, non-existent, buried in illusions.

    Words existed, words still exist, but the magic is long gone,

    We pronounce, but dont understand, those who leave, where would they be going?

    To an empty planet, forgotten, buried,

    Would we ever find them, by paying just a bit more attention?

    Are we going to the same place, or to different planets,

    And continue on floating dreamingly.

  • Post-mortem

    Ott fekdtem egy asztalon, amikor felbredtem,

    Gyomrom fel volt vgva, belsim szerte-szjjel,

    Kimegyek a folyosra, az emberek rm tekintenek,

    Felordtva elszaladnak, flelmkben meneklnek.

    Els embert megragadom, sznalmasan csapkodni kezd,

    Teljes torokbl ordiblva, nyakba harapva elnmtom.

    Az egsz korhz fel van dlva, irtzatos pnik trt ki,

    ldozatom fldre dobva, vrszomjasan tovbb megyek.

    Magnyomat orvosolom, ebben az j llapotban,

    Nem akarok semmi rosszat, csak egy kicsit bartkozni.

    Hamarosan a hisztria, tovbb terjed, vrosira

    Egyre tbben tpllkozunk, rmteli llapotban.

    Nem sokra, az egsz vilg, lakomnkba kapcsoldik,

    Elfelejtve minden, egyms kzti viaskodst.

    Trsadalom bilincsei, fldre hullva szabadtnak,

    Visszatrve mindannyian, alapvet llapotba.

  • Post-mortem

    I was laying on a table, when I had awakened,

    My stomach cut open, my intestines spread all over,

    I step out to the corridor, the people look at me,

    They run away screaming, fleeing in fear.

    I grab the first person, starts fluttering woefully,

    Screaming on the top of his lungs, I silence him with a bite on his neck.

    The whole hospital is stirred up, a dire panic breaks out,

    With bloodlust I go on, as I throw my victim on the floor.

    I find remedy for my solitude in this new state,

    I dont want no harm, just to be a little friendly.

    Soon the hysteria, spreads into municipal

    More and more we feed on, in this joyful state.

    Not before long, the whole world joins our feast,

    Forgetting every conflict, in-between themselves.

    Societys chains relievingly fall,

    Returning all of us, to our primordial state.

  • Hajnal

    Hullnak a fkrl a fekete levelek,

    Hullnk n is, de n csak lebegek.

    Escsepp keni szt a festket e tjon,

    Nincs fny, mi thatoljon a sr homlyon.

    Indig gykerek a llek mlyrl erednek,

    De betegek az gak, kopran merednek.

    Te csak llsz s bmulsz rm lentrl,

    Taln mosolyogsz is, de mr nem ltom fentrl.

    Replnek a madarak, fekete pontok az gen,

    Mozdulatlan test lg egy ktlvgen.

    Mg egy pillantst vetek r, s megyek utamra,

    Halvny sugarak vetdnek az ezsts harmatra.

    sszemosdnak a sznek, monokrmba vltva,

    resen mered a tj, tletre vrva.

    Beksznt a tl, marad veletek,

    A vilg lassan a vghez r, de n csak nevetek.

  • Dawn

    Black leaves falling from the trees,

    I would fall too, but I am floating.

    Raindrops smear the paint across the land,

    There is no light, to pierce the gloom.

    Indigo roots, from the depths of the soul,

    But the branches sick, stretching empty.

    Youre just standing there, looking at me from beyond,

    Perhaps youre smiling, but I cant see it from above.

    Flying birds, black dots in the sky,

    A motionless body is hanging from the rope.

    One last glance I take at it, and go on my way

    Pale light falls on the silvery dew.

    Colors blur together, turning to monochrome,

    Waiting for judgment, the land awaits empty.

    Winter is coming, it will stay with you,

    The world is slowly ending, but Im just smiling.

  • Nekropolisz

    Eljn az jjel, hallt hoz magval,

    Az utcai lmpk fnye elvesz a sttsgben.

    Szemtben kutat egy farkas, egy llek sincs a vrosban,

    Csillag hullik, becsapdik, elmosdik hangtalan.

    Kd dereng fel, fldntli fnyben,

    Ksrtetek jrnak, lebegnek a szrkesgben.

    pletek foszladoznak, akr az lhalottak,

    Srkveket lltanak az emberek maguknak.

    Rszegen szguld, vgtat a szl az utckon,

    Csillagpr sziporkzik a hzak felett s a hzakon,

    Hlni jr belm a llek, de nem aludt mr rgen,

    Elbarangolt, s ott bolyong most valahol a messzesgben.

    Honvgyam van a lelkem utn, mely szabadon kborog.

    Kvetnm mindenhov, de hiba, nem tudom.

    let s hall kztt, mindkettt vlasztanm,

    S azon gondolkozom, mi vr letem utn.

  • Necropolis

    The night falls, bringing death,

    The light of the street lamps, gets lost in the darkness,

    A wolf is searching in the trash, there is not a single soul in the city,

    A star is falling, and washes away without a sound.

    Fog looms, in otherworldly light.

    There are ghosts moving, floating in the greyness.

    The buildings are decaying, just like the undead,

    The people are raising tombstones for themselves.

    The wind is racing drunken on the streets,

    Stardust in glistening on the top of the houses and above them,

    My soul dwells in me only to sleep, but it didnt sleep in a long time,

    Its gone and wandering, somewhere in the distance.

    Im homesick for my soul, thats roaming free,

    Id follow it everywhere, but Im unable.

    Between life and death, Id choose both,

    And Im thinking of what is to be come after I die.

  • Nevenincs

    Fk koronja gbe n, lmok bukkanak el,

    Akr ezsts felh, hordja ket a szell.

    Levegben szlnak, replnek, madrkknak tnhetnek,

    Erdn kereszl vezetnek, szarvas formt ltenek,

    svnyrl letrve kveted, majd' szem ell tveszted,

    Megpillantod mgegyszer, sttsgbe szkkennek.

    Omladoz vrosok, a vilg lngokban rvnylik a mlybe a tlvilgra, nincs hall utn

    semmi, nem vr isten, se megment, keresglhetsz mind hiba, megtallni gyse fogod

    azt, ami nincs s soha nem is ltezett. Halhatatlan lnyek hanyatlanak elkerlhetetlen

    nmn, seglykr tekintettel. Vrrel festett tjakat bejrva lthatjuk a szpsget, mely

    eddig rejtve maradt, pedig ott volt mindig, s kereshettk hiba, mert amg szemed

    nyitva, gyse lthattad, s ha szemed csukva, gy se lthatod. Felhk lebegnek odafent,

    te replni tudnl, de felszllni nem engednek rzseid. Visszagondolsz mindenre, ami

    tged meghatroz, a sok emlk rtkt veszti, abban a bizonyos pillanatban vilgoss

    vlik, hogy rtelmk mg akkor se, ha tulajdontasz. Kevs fny mg az alagt vgn,

    de a sttsg titkval vonz, almerlsz s elengeded.

  • Nameless

    Top of trees reach the sky, popping dreams,

    Just like silver clouds, they are carried by the breeze.

    Floating in the air, flying, just like little birds,

    Leading through forests, in the shape of deer.

    Following them off the path, almost losing sight of,

    But catch another glimpse, as they leap into darkness.

    Cities collapsing, the world whirls in flames to the other world, there is nothing after

    that to follow, there is no god waiting, no savior, you can look all you want in vain,

    you wont find something thats dont exists, and never was. Immortal creatures fall

    away inescapably, mum, with their eyes calling for help. Traveling through blood

    painted landscapes will reveal the beauty, that was always there, but hidden, because

    with eyes open you cant see it, and with eyes shut, you cant see it anyway. Clouds

    float above, you could fly, but your feelings wont let you take off. Thinking back of

    all the things that made you, the memories lose their value, in that moment, when

    everything lightens, but they dont make sense, even if you attribute, theres still some

    light at the end of the tunnel, but the darkness attracts you with its mystery, you dive

    in and let go.

  • Felhtlen

    Az g, a f, a fa, az gak,

    A levelek, a kvek, s a hzak,

    A vros, az utck, az oszlopok,

    A buszok, a snek, a vonatok.

    Az irodk, a gyrak, az zemek,

    A ruhk, a kirakatok, az zletek.

    A kmnyek, a hztetk, a cserepek,

    A vezetkek, a drtok, a kbelek.

    A padok, a kukk, a szemetek,

    A tavak, a folyk, a szennyvizek,

    A parkok, a negyedek, a stnyok,

    A kutyk, a verebek, a galambok.

    A templomok, a srhalmok, a keresztek,

    A koporsk, a halottak, a szellemek,

    A kedvem, a kedlyem, az rzsem,

    Az lmaim, a napjaim, az letem.

    Minden felhtlen, minden szp,

    Minden rendben van, minden j,

    Amita a vilgnak vge.

  • Cloudless

    The sky, the grass, the threes, the branches,

    The leaves, the stones, and the houses,

    The town, the streets, the poles,

    The buses, the tracks, the trains.

    The offices, the factories, the plants,

    The clothes, the displays, the stores,

    The chimneys, the rooftops, the tiles,

    The conveyors, the wires, the cables.

    The benches, the trashcans, the litter,

    The lakes, the rivers, the wastewater,

    The parks, the districts, the walkways,

    The dogs, the sparrows, the pigeons.

    The churches, the graves, the crosses,

    The coffins, the dead, the spirits,

    My disposition, my temperament, my feelings,

    My dreams, my days, my life.

    Everything cloudless, everything nice,

    Everything in order, everything good,

    Since the world ended.

  • Srrabls s fekete mgia

    ss fel, gyjts meg, tncolj velem.

    ss fel, gyjts meg, tncolj velem.

    ss fel, gyjts meg, tncolj velem.

    ss fel, gyjts meg, tncolj velem.

    Mg nincs vge!

    Nincs vge.

    ss fel, gyjts meg, tncolj velem.

    ss fel, gyjts meg, tncolj velem.

    Nem rdekel!

    Nem rdekel!

    Nem rdekel!

  • Grave robbing and black magic

    Dig me up, set me on fire, dance with me.

    Dig me up, set me on fire, dance with me.

    Dig me up, set me on fire, dance with me.

    Dig me up, set me on fire, dance with me.

    Its not over!

    Not over.

    Dig me up, set me on fire, dance with me.

    Dig me up, set me on fire, dance with me.

    I dont care!

    I dont care!

    I dont care!

  • s vgl, semmi

    Itt egy pisztoly, benne goly, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy ktl, rajta hurok, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy gyjt, meg a benzin, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy penge, meg a csuklm, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy tmbhz, tetejn llok, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy sivatag, kzepn vrok, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy kocsi, szguldozok, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy lncfrsz, jtszadozok, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Semmi, mert meg vagyok halva, soha se reztem magamat jobban.

    Semmi, mert meg vagyok halva, soha se reztem magamat jobban.

    Itt egy vezetk, elvgom kssel, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy pohr, benne mreg, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy tenger, legmlyn szom, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy UFO, elkezdem csapni, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy jrvny, nincs r gygyszer, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy dinamit, beteszem a szmba, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy kd sav, kicsit frdk, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Itt egy snpr, vgleg ledlk, talld ki, hogy mi fog trtnni.

    Semmi, mert meg vagytok halva, soha se reztem magamat jobban.

    Semmi, mert meg vagytok halva, soha se reztem magamat jobban.

  • And finally, nothing

    Heres a gun, and a bullet, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a rope, and a slipknot, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a lighter and some gas, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a razor, and my wrist, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a skyscraper, Im standing on the top, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a desert, Im waiting in the middle, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a car, Im speeding, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a chainsaw, Im playing, guess what will happen next.

    Nothing, because Im dead, never felt better.

    Nothing, because Im dead, never felt better.

    Heres a wire, I cut it with a knife, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a cup, with some poison, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a sea, Im swimming on the bottom, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a UFO, I start hitting it, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a epidemic, there is no cure, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a dynamite, I put it in my mouth, guess what will happen next.

    Heres a bathtub acid, I take a quick bath, guess what will happen next.

    Heres the train track, I lay down guess what will happen next.

    Nothing, because youre dead, never felt better.

    Nothing, because youre dead, never felt better.

  • The whole material on this CD was composed, recorded and mastered by L.

    All the music, sounds, lyrics and artwork belong to L. unless stated otherwise (see credits


    Credits go out to:

    Karin Tauber for the cover art, the picture for Track 6 and also editing the picture for

    Track 2.


    S. for the picture for Track 8.


    Robert Keresztesy for the vocals and backing vocals on Track 5.


    Singing birds atmosphere on Track 8 by klankbeeld


    Playing children atmosphere on Track 5 by Tomlija


    This album wouldnt have been possible without the support from my Dad and Family

    and my Friends.

    For digital download and previous releases visit:
