BookCritique_Four Views on Hell


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  • 8/8/2019 BookCritique_Four Views on Hell




    A Theological Critique Submitted to

    Liberty Theological Seminary

    in partial fulfillment of the requirements

    for completion of the course,

    THEO 530



    Michael Vincent Paddy

    Student ID - 22282275

    Lynchburg, Virginia

    May, 2010

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    Table of Contents

    I. Introduction. 3II. Brief Summary.... 3III.Critical interaction with authors work 5IV.Conclusion 8Bibliography 9

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    Four Views on Hell,1

    is part of the Counterpoints, Bible & Theology Series. The

    Counterpoints series provides a forum for comparison and critique of different views on issues of

    importance to Christians.2

    Hell is the worst thing that could happen to anyone.3

    There would probably be no

    arguments from any thoughtful theologian on that subject. But questions concerning hell are

    many with solid scholarly credentials in all the camps concerned. Evangelicals can be divided on

    the issue too, thus the book being critiqued.

    The question seems to come down to four concerns, is hell a real place and if it is what is

    it like and how long is the punishment? Lastly, is God morally justified to create such a place for

    those who oppose him, those who refuse the gift of eternal life with him through Jesus Christ?

    I have never in my thirty plus years of knowing the Lord and being in ministry been more

    challenged on a subject such as this and must admit I am almost persuaded away from my

    original beliefs of hell toward another thoughtful, prayerful view. Which will become clearer as

    this paper is presented.

    II. Brief Summary

    Most of the time when hell is mentioned it is in the context of an anecdote or used as a

    curse word. It seems most people are in denial of such a place being real and wanting not to think

    of it as both eternal and insufferable. Can any well meaning person, even a born again Christian

    1Stanley N. Gundry and William Crockett, ed., with Zachary J. Hayes, Clark H. Pinnock,

    John F. Walvoord, and William Crockett, contributors.Four Views on Hell. (Grand Rapids, MI:

    Zondervan, 1996).

    2 Ibid. Back Cover.

    3Jonathan L. Kavanvig. The Problem of Hell, (NY, NY: Oxford University Press, 1993), 3

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    believe in a place called hell, a real place where there is fire and eternal suffering beyond

    imagination? Or can Christians look at hell another way? Is it a place that is used by God and

    Christ in a metaphorical way to describe such an empty, lonely, and foreboding place as to be

    beyond the human tongue? Four well-respected and educated men along with general editor

    Stephen Gundry layout for us the four prominent views and accepted beliefs regarding hell. They

    do this with finesse and with dignity and respect to each other as they try to plumb the depth of

    Scriptural meaning and consequences of hell for all of us to study and apply to ourselves. So

    what are these four views?

    John Walvoord tackles the literal, or as he states, the orthodox view. This view states that

    hell is a real place where unregenerate souls burn in an eternal place of torment. Taking a

    testamental study of the subject of hell, Dr. Walvoords argument is that there is sufficient

    evidence to believe in a literal place of punishment called hell with fire.

    The metaphorical view taken by William Crockett is similar to John Calvins4

    that says

    the language used to describe hell specifically in its form as fire is a metaphor, trying to show

    simile to the intensity of the suffering without there actually being a literal fire.

    Retired teacher of theology at the Catholic Theological Union, Zachary J. Hayes takes the

    purgatorial view of hell and punishment, a dominant feature of the Catholic Church. Stating

    purgatorys common meaning as a place or state of being where one enters after death to be

    purified through suffering, Hayes goes further to say that purgatory is an in between place of

    purification where those who are not good enough for heaven but not bad enough for hell are

    purged till the final judgment.

    4Gundry, et al.44

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    Lastly we have the conditional view argued for by Clark Pinnock. It does not deny the

    existence of hell rather it takes the view that hell is a place of final destruction or as some call it

    annihilation of the impenitent wicked. Called absolute death, hell is to be seen as the true second

    death a place not for eternal torment but permanent and final separation in existence of any


    III. Critical Interaction with Authors Work

    Hell is a real place. There seems to be no doubt about it according to everyone in this

    book. As stated in the Introduction the question then is whether there are degrees of suffering

    and intensity and the length of time those entering hell must endure the suffering allotted to them

    through their sinful state and behavior.

    The first step of interacting with these fine men is to try and stay objective in evaluating

    and critiquing their stances and avoiding at all costs a sense of secular sentimentality. Right out

    of the starting gate I saw flaws in Hayes view of hell or as he states, purgatory. The scriptural

    evidence was shallow at best and the belief in purgatory is founded on what Hayes calls

    revelation rather than scriptural evidence. His belief that the text of scripture is not divinely

    inspired but rather revelation is given to the reader of the text by means of the Holy Spirit.6


    a subjective hermeneutic leaves me confused and fearful not just in the case of our understanding

    of hell but all theological matters.

    This left me with three views to evaluate and give thought. Since the existence of hell is

    not in question by three of the four theologians, hell must be a predetermined place where the

    impenitent must enter for their impudence towards God.

    5ibid. 137

    6ibid. 102

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    Is a place of literal fire the place the Bible calls Hell? The first and foremost indicator of

    truth when it comes to the Bible is its literal interpretation. But what most misunderstand in

    looking at things from the Bible literally is that literal refers to looking at the Bible as literature

    using all forms of language and figures of speech. It would seem that Gods use of human

    language to bring revelation and information to man could be like trying to explain quantum

    physics to a new born baby whose only needs and desires are concerning self-preservation.

    Language then is limited to words and word pictures that can be defined within the scope

    of a persons reality and understanding. So the question is does hell bring with it a literal fire, a

    place so horrendously painful and torturous that it is to be avoided at all costs, or is it a place of

    such horrendous suffering and pain it is akin to being burned without being consumed but must

    be explained both within a linguistically and contextual understanding of the reader?

    "As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me," declares the

    LORD, "so will your name and descendants endure. From one New Moon to another and from

    one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me," says the LORD. "And

    they will go out and look upon the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; their worm will

    not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind."7


    pretty clear cut and dry doesnt it? But what is the LORD trying to tell Israel through Isaiah?

    That separation from God is something to be ashamed of? That those who die in their rebellion

    to the LORD suffer an excruciating and painful eternal existence? Can hell than be a literal place

    and time of the above event happening for everyone?

    Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must

    come, but woe to the man through whom they come! If your hand or your foot causes you to sin,

    7 Isaiah 66:22-24

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    cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two

    hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out

    and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be

    thrown into the fire of hell.8 Now we get into mixed metaphors. Is Jesus telling us to literally

    remove parts of our body to avoid sin thus avoiding fire and hell, or are the two connected in

    metaphorical words to define the serious of both sin and eternal death?

    A problem arises from the fact that Scripture speaks not merely of eternal death(which one might interpret as meaning that the wicked will not be resurrected),

    but of eternal fire, eternal punishment, and eternal torment as well. What kind ofGod is it who is not satisfied by a finite punishment, but makes humans suffer

    forever and ever? This seems to be beyond the demands of justice; it appears toinvolve a tremendous degree of vindictiveness on the part of God. The

    punishment seems out of all proportion to the sin, for presumably, all sins arefinite acts against GodThe question must not be dismissed lightly for it

    concerns the very essence of Gods nature.9

    We now come to duration of time. How does one explain away words like eternity, eternal,

    everlasting? Can these too be looked at metaphorically or was God intentionally using a frame of

    reference that anyone could understand when it comes to issues of finite and infinite things?

    Both Walvoord and Crocket would argue yes, it is a place that endures forever. It is a

    right and just punishment for the rebellion of those who through their punishment live eternally

    with the knowledge of a heaven missed and an eternal place without God whom they now know

    is real.10

    This is where there seems to be no justification for a limited time period for either

    purging and purification or a final annihilation of the unregenerate individual.

    8Matthew 18:7-9

    9Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology 2

    nded., (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic,

    2009). 1246.

    10Edward Fudge and Robert A. Peterson, Two Views of Hell: a Biblical and Theological

    Dialogue. (Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2000). 94.

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    IV. Conclusion

    This book has caused this writer to think and rethink the issues of hell and the eternal

    state of those who die with and without knowing Christ.

    I was saved through a church ministry whose doctrine is reformed. I was trained and

    ordained in a Baptist, dispensational view of the Scriptures. Thus I have for many years believed

    that there is a literal hell, it is a place of fire and torment and it lasts for all eternity. Four Views

    on Hell, has not so much changed my views and beliefs regarding the doctrine of hell as much as

    it has allowed me to think outside taught theology to a theology that is transforming through

    higher education and individual study. What impressed me the most concerning this book was

    the way four men from differing opinions and religious backgrounds could come to together in a

    forum such as this and discuss such a heated, (no pun intended), issue.

    Is there a hell, yes most definitely! Is it a place so indescribably painful and tormenting

    so as to try to put into words would be to understate its terror, yes! Is it an eternal place lasting

    forever and ever, I am not totally convinced anymore except to say yes I believe so, but leave

    room for others to disagree with me on this point.

    Whatever the case this book should continue to be a required text for any and all

    Christians, especially those who study to be pastors, missionaries and teachers for God and His


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    Fudge, Edward and Robert A. Peterson. Two Views of Hell: a Biblical and Theological Dialogue.Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2000.

    Gundry, Stanley N. and William Crockett, ed., with Zachary J. Hayes, Clark H. Pinnock, John F.Walvoord, and William Crockett, contributors.Four Views on Hell. Grand Rapids, MI:Zondervan, 1996.

    Kavanvig, Jonathan L. The Problem of Hell. N.Y., NY: Oxford University Press, 1993.

    Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology 2nd

    ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2009.
