Blue brain n


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Human brain, the most valuable creation of God.

The man is called intelligent because of the Brain , we

loss the knowledge of a brain when the body is destroyed after the death .

“BLUE BRAIN PROJECT”-It is the one of the biggest project to reproduce human intelligence, which was created by Brain and Mind institute of EPFL in Switzerland.

Is it really possible to create a human brain?

Blue Brain Project is an attempt to create a synthetic brain by reverse engineering the mammalian brain, down to molecular level.

The IBM is now developing a virtual brain known as the BLUE BRAIN.

It would be the worlds first virtual brain. Within 30 years, we will be able to scan ourselves into the computers.

Brain consists of Neocortex which further consists of neo cortical columns.

This project is based on the design of the Neo cortical columns of the brain.

The disection of neocortex is done systematically and carefully and the connections of the neurons are studied.

And a 3-D model of the neocortical column is made by using Neuro-lucida simulation software on a blue gene super computer.

A machine that can function as brain .

It can take decision.

It can think.

It can respond.

It can keep things in memory.

To upload contents of the natural brain into it .

To keep the intelligence , knowledge and skill of any person for ever .

To remember things without any effort .

The uploading is possible by the use of small robots known as the nanobots.

These robots are small enough to travel through out our circulatory system.

Nanobots could carefully scan the structure of our brain, providing a complete readout of the connection.

This information, we enter into the computer and it functions as us.

Thus the data stored in the entire brain is entered into the computer.

A Super computer.

Memory with a very large storing capacity(256MB-512MB memory per processor).

Processor with a very high processing power.

Very powerful Nanobots to act as the interface between the natural brain and the computer.

Blue Brain has some 8,000 processors.

When it was first fed electrical impulses, strange patterns began to appear with lightning-like flashes produced by ‘cells’ that the scientists recognized from living human and animal processes. "It happened entirely on its own,"

This helped the scientists to understand the actual processing of the brain which arised the concept of “Blue brain”.

Blue brain acts as a computer that would

operate at inconceivable speeds – something fast enough to simulate the human brain.

A Blue brain aims to unlock the secrets of

brain by using the brute power of a supercomputer.

The human brain has 100 billions, nerve cells that respond quickly to an array of stimuli.

Blue brain is a technology that uses “Blue Gene” a supercomputer capable of processing at a very high speed.

The main aim of blue brain is to build an software replica or template which could reveal many exisiting aspects of the brain circuits ,memory capacity , and how memories are lost.

This piece of hardware consists of about 10,000 computer chips that act like real nerve cells.

The simulation was created at the EPFL in Switzerland, where 35 researchers participate in maintaining this artificial brain.

It runs on one of the world's most powerful supercomputers i.e Blue Gene.

The "Blue Brain" supercomputer in Lausanne, Switzerland.

If we have a simulated brain we can perform many experiments on it as much as we want.

What if, a particular synapse doesnot fire, what does the imbalance of a chemical can do, what will happen if a certain neuron is taken out of our brain.

After looking into results we can better treat it.

Parkinson’s diseases, Short term memory loss, memory related problems due to oldage can be cured.

The blue brain model can be used to detect and test treatment statergies for neurological diseases.

A particular medicine for a particular disease.

It acts as a supercomputer.

Improvements in processing,speed and memory could make entire human brain simulated.

Things could be remembered without any effort.

Use the intelligence of the person after death.

It can make decisions entirely of its own.

Allowing the deaf to hear via direct nerve simulation.

We become dependent upon the computers.

Another fear is found with respect to human cloning.

A very costly procedure of regaining the memory back.

Will be able to transfer ourselves into the computer at some point.

Eventually aim of applying terrific computer power to the simulation of an entire brain.

Very soon this technology will be highly accepted whole over the world.