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Black Friday Comes to America

Group Members:

范晓凤 0903012215

张燕秋 0903012218

黄晓枫 0903012214

Presenter: 黄晓枫Dec.1st

NEW YORK -- Larger -- and younger -- crowds jammed the nation's malls and big box stores on Black Friday, as a new generation got in on one of the biggest sales days of the year.

There were big crowds across the country as doors

opened Thursday night. Due to earlier openings, the crowd at Columbia Mall in Grand Forks, N.D., was much bigger than in previous years -- and noticeably younger, too.

"They were going like hotcakes and it was a disaster  area. This is the first year we've opened at midnight, and  you almost couldn't get a parking space" the mall's  general manager said of the articles, which were entirely  sold out within hours.  Along with bargain basement goods, luxury stores at  Woodbury Common Premium Outlets in New York were particularly popular, said spokeswoman Michele Rothstein.

Lines formed outside of Coach and Gucci as early as 7 p.m. and deals such as an additional 50% 

everything at Cole Haan drew shoppers from all 

over, including a strong international contingent and 

even parents with strollers. This year's Black Friday shoppers are "more 

researched and more prepared, and very 

budget conscious," he said.

Words and Expressions

1. bargain-basement 极廉价的;很便宜的 , 品质低劣的 E.g.They were urged on by senior government officials,

who saw the moment as perfect for acquiring crucial resources for a potentially energy-starved future at bargain-basement prices.

2.contingent 代表团 a gathering of persons representative of some larger group.E.g.A large contingent from Japan was present at the


Words and Expressions

3. hotcakes 热香饼 go / sell like hot cakes 畅销 在新闻中形容货架上的商品如刚出炉的香饼一样畅销。• E.g. Flower prints, plain black boots and graffiti designs are

now selling like hotcakes in major fashion stores, moving this classic British outdoor footwear away from the farm and onto the catwalk.


Background Information

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season(圣诞购物季节 ). On this day, most major retailers open extremely early, often at 4 a.m., or earlier, and offer promotional sales to kick off(开始…活动 ) the shopping season, similar to Boxing Day(圣诞节后的第一个工作日 ) sales in many Commonwealth Nations. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005.

• 由于这一天是感恩节( 11 月第 4 个星期四)后开业的第一天,同时人们通常由此开始圣诞节大采购,很多商店都会顾客盈门从而有大额进帐。

• 由于各商家要到最后一刻才公布自己的降价商品清单,并把这看作商业秘密,而网络上往往在几个星期前就出现了从各个渠道搞到的降价信息,从而引发了一些法律纠纷。

Background Information

• Coach, Inc. (NYSE: COH) is an upscale ( 迎合高层次消费者的 )American leather goods company known for ladies‘ and men’s handbags, as well as items such as luggage, briefcases, wallets and other accessories (配饰) (belts, shoes, scarves, umbrellas, sunglasses, key chains, etc.). Coach also offers watches and footwear.

• 美国经典皮件品牌 COACH ,一像以简洁、耐用的风格特色赢得消费者的喜爱。

• 寇兹 (Coach) 是美国市场受欢迎时间最长和最成功的皮革品牌之一。

• Gucci 是一间意大利时装品牌,由古琦欧 · 古琦在 1921年于佛罗伦斯创办。古驰的产品包括时装、皮具、皮鞋、手表、领带、丝巾、香水、家居用品及宠物用品等。古琦品牌时装一向以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世,以“身份与财富之象征”品牌形象成为富有的上流社会的消费宠儿,一向被商界人士垂青,时尚之余不失高雅。自 1994 年起至 2003 年,古驰由汤姆 ·福特担任创作总监,更开创了GUCCI崭新的品牌形象,年轻、摩登、魅力、性感,主导了时尚界的脚步,成为了流行的创造者,造就了GUCCI 的时尚王国。古琦现在是意大利最大的时装集团。

• Woodbury Common Premium Outlets is an outlet center located in Central Valley( 中央谷 ), New York.

View of outlets from overlook on US 6 ( on westbound U.S. Route 6 in New York ) to the east.

• 背后的折射

• 在全球金融危机乌云笼罩下,今年美国的“黑色星期五”却逆势上扬,创下消费新高,这种火热似乎却折射出另一种意义的萧条。美国媒体指出,吸引美国平民消费者哄抢的主要原因还是“价格便宜”,并不是他们口袋里更有钱了。事实上,美国经济目前仍被认为处在下行风险当中,奥巴马政府同国会仍然在为削减赤字的谈判进行着“拉锯战”,投资市场眼下也不敢妄动,甚至在忧虑情绪的影响下,走低势头更加明显。

Thank you !