
Citation preview 01933 522934 1


The birthstone, peridot, symbolizes strength. It is sometimes called the “evening emerald” for its light green color. It was once believed that the green peridot crystals found in volcanic ashes were the tears of the volcano goddess, Pele. When set in gold, this gem was said to protect the wearer from nightmares.

From the Chair:

I always see August as the end of summer which I suppose relates back to to the end of the school summer holidays.

I’m not sure if it’s me or not but I remember going back to school in September often wearing a summer dress as I distinctly remember summers way back then being warmer times. If you believe in climate change or not then I leave it up to you to decide on the cause and effect of our weather.

It’s a hot topic in our house.

Having just spent a blustery week with our grandchildren in Cromer crabbing off Cromer pier where we caught nothing, I can vouch for the fact that the British weather still doesn’t put people off going to the seaside as many a hardy soul was to be seen sitting on the beach in a force three to four gale. No sign of the knotted handkerchief on the head though.

One thing I did notice on our caravan site was that lots of children were on holiday with their grandparents something which did not happen to me as a child. My grandparents were not the type to do this but then again my mom didn’t work she was always at home. Nowadays lots of us have to slot in to help look after our grandchildren as both parents work.

All I can say is I’m happy to be home having returned our charges to their parents but boy. We are exhausted!

Angela, Chairman.

August’s Talk:

The History of the Romany Gypsies. There will a short introduction of Gypsy music and someone speaking in Romany just to set the tone.

Gloria & Peter Wright.

HIGHAM & RUSHDEN 01933 522934 2

Committee Announcement:

Members, We are nearing the AGM when we will unfortunately be losing important committee members as they come to the end of their term.

I’m looking for members to replace those who leave. So if you are interested please get in touch with me either on the contact page online or come and speak to me at The Pemberton Meeting.

Thank you.

Angela, Chairman.

Stamp Collecting for Charity

At each monthly meeting there will be a box for used stamps on a table near the entrance (on the signing in table usually) and anyone who is prepared to save theirs can bring them along and

deposit them in the box. They are passed to various worthy causes. Even a little helps so please contribute if you can, even though so little mail is stamped nowadays.

Dine at Home: September & October.

I love to cook and offer U3A members a 3-course supper at my home in Stanwick, with 2 choices of starters, mains & desserts

plus a glass of wine and a cup of Nespresso for just £10. Although I am not cooking this month, I do have some limited availability for both September and October as follows:

The menu for September is: Garlic Mushrooms in White Wine or Prawn Cocktail, Liver & Bacon with Onion Gravy or Baked Salmon, Cherry, Amaretto & Mascarpone Pots or Pannacotta with Raspberry Coulis. Dates available: - Tuesday 24th, Thursday 26th & Friday 27th September

The menu for October is: Pâte or Carrot & Coriander Soup, Beef in Red Wine or Chicken & Mushrooms, Apricot Frangipane Tart or Vanilla Ice Cream & Baileys. Dates available: - Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd October

Good food, good wine & good company all guarantee a pleasant evening

If you would like to join us on any of the above dates, please contact Jean on 01933 626 608 to book your reservation, or see me at the Treasurer’s table at the monthly meeting.

Jean Mole.

Events: By the time you read this we will have enjoyed our Ladies Day at Newmarket; however, we do still have some events for you to sign up for. 01933 522934 3

Turkey & Tinsel ~ 3 nights/4 days at the Trouville Hotel, Bournemouth from Sunday 1st to Wednesday 4th December @ a cost of £230. We are now taking bookings

& Deposits for this very popular event. For those of you who have not been before, this is a quick summary of events. Day 1: We take the coach down to Bournemouth. Day 2: Leisure time to explore Bournemouth, stroll around the Christmas markets, or use the hotel’s pool & gym. In the evening you will be treated to a traditional Christmas dinner complete with crackers and a Christmas gift. Day 3: the coach will drive us to Portsmouth where you will have entry tickets to 3 of the most popular attractions. Day 4: On the journey home we usually stop off at a Christmas market, weather permitting. A full English breakfast and a three-course evening meal with ½ bottle of wine is available on all three days, together with evening entertainment. Join us for a fun filled few days.

Signing up sheets for both events at the Treasurer’s table, or contact Jean on 01933 626 608. Please leave a message if I am not at home.

The Computer Group is now four sessions per month, each session will be held on a Thursday.

Group A for PCs & Laptops with Windows will be held on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month. The next dates are 5th and 19th September. Jim Morrison Computer Group A leader.

Group B for Mobile with Android & IOS will be on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month. The next date is Thursday 22nd August and then 12th September . Alan Nixson Computer group B leader.

Beading: After our rest in the summer (there must be an alternative word to describe the deluge-type weather we have had this year). But Christmas IS coming (groan) You still have time to make pretty bracelets and necklaces to wear or give as gifts (hooray). Contact me Sherry Calvert on 07722 407636 or

sherry_calvert We meet on a Monday afternoon. The actual date can be one of convenience as we are a small group, deliberately, so that I can help everyone. So no experience necessary.

Sherry Calvert 01933 522934 4

Wine and Dine Group: Monica Corbett started the Wine and Dine Group from the early days of our U3A formation. Members undertake to arrange a meal at various locations. This has included The Northampton Catering College, and even an old railway station with members taking coffee

afterwards in a railway coach. We have visited various Indian, Italian and Chinese restaurants over the years. A Greek restaurant has eluded the members so far!

It is lovely to visit different locations to sample the various menus and liquid refreshments on offer. One menu even had pigeon as a starter on the menu!

July saw members enjoying the third annual visit to the home of Brian & Anita Turner for a fabulous BBQ; cooked and presented to perfection even in a heatwave!

In August the group will be making their first visit to The Queen Victoria at Burton Latimer.

If you would like to know more about the group, come to our table at any of the monthly meetings, or contact Mike on 01933 651339. Bon Appetite!

Mike Gibbons.

Driving: Continue to be busy, but have some spaces if anyone is interested in brushing up their skills, at no cost and at a time to suit you.

Steve Evans 01933 356784

Wine Appreciation: Last month we had ‘Pink Fizz and Strawberries’ to celebrate the hot summer. One was a Mondelli Sparkling Rose from Sainsbury’s and the other Nerello Mascalese Vino Spumante from Waitrose both from Italy. Both were enjoyed but the Sainsbury one was sweeter

and went well with the strawberries. This month we are going a bit further East but bought locally. Still have a couple of spaces on Tuesday.

Salute Steve Evans 01933 356784

Rock and Blues Group: Next meeting will be Thursday 29th August. The category will be when the catgory is Numbers. We still have a couple of spaces if anyone is interested. Contact the group leader Jim Morrison at: 01933 522934 5

History Group: Trip to Hardwick hall 1st August.

We were very lucky with the weather on this trip as it had stormed the day before. Only 1 shower in the middle of the day.

Hardwick Hall (new and old) are very interesting but the history of Bess the Countess of Shrewsbury was very dominant. Married 4 times (lastly to the Earl of Shrewsbury It was the formidable 'Bess of Hardwick' who first created Hardwick in the 1500s. In the centuries since then her descendants, farmers, gardeners, builders, decorators, embroiderers and craftsmen of all kinds have contributed and made Hardwick their creation. We’d like you to explore and enjoy Hardwick and in the process discover the lives, loves and adventures of the creators of Hardwick.

The Hall and grounds were very impressive and well worth the walk round. I would go again.

Ron Smith.

Guitar Group:

The Tuesday evening Guitar Group visited the Auden Guitar workshop In York Road, Higham Ferrers on Monday 15th July. This was arranged by Paul, one of our members, who lives

locally. The building is not large - you would hardly notice it when passing - but it produces a small number of bespoke guitars every month - both acoustic & electric. It was very interesting to see the work involved, using old machinery & new + much done by hand by a select group of skilled craftspeople.

The finished products are not cheap, but are works of art - beautiful to the eye as well as the ear when played well. We can but dream of owning one & of playing as well as some of the young staff who work there.

If anyone should be interested in visiting this successful local business, Auden has an 'open door' policy, though it is always a good idea to ring in advance, as customers can take quite a while looking round & choosing their next instrument!

Karin Wilkinson 01933 522934 6

Family History: For our July meeting we visited the LDS Family History Centre in Northampton. The Church is responsible for the vast genealogical resources held, managed and made available free to researchers in their own homes by the Family Search organisation, and its

records and services are invaluable to family historians. The Northampton Centre provides access to a range of genealogy sites and as well as having time to explore these, we were shown how we can take full advantage of the amazing Family Search facilities. Recent changes to the site were explained, and even our most experienced members found new ways of using the resources. Volunteers at the Centre helped us to make best use of the system and even came back to us afterwards with answers to individual brick walls we had shared.

This was a very interesting meeting and many thanks to the LDS for being excellent hosts.

There is no meeting in August, but anybody interested will be welcome in September.

Sharon Safford

Country Dancing:

The group is still meeting on a regular basis at the Higham Ferrers Working Man’s Club 2.00-3.30. We restart on September 9th. During July the group met at the Woodford Mill

for the very enjoyable annual cream teas and a stroll around Kinewell Lake. As the weather was fine, we were able to sit outside. Apart from the Lake, one can have a pleasant walk by the river where the narrow boats are moored. There was a good turnout for the summer party which included members from the Wellingborough U3A country dance group. We had a three-piece band led by Kevin Prigmore of Kelly’s Eye. A couple of guest callers from Wellingborough kept the dancers busy and everyone brought nibbles to share. The afternoon finished at 4.00 with Circassion Circle. Thanks to all who supported. Numbers have reduced over the last couple of years for various reasons. The hall hire cost is £20.00 and a few more members would help towards keeping subscriptions at a reasonable level. You don’t need a partner and all dances are walked through. The dances are suitable for all, even those with two left feet! We are a very sociable group and keep things light-hearted. As the majority of our group is women it would be appreciated if a few men would come along and have a go, they would be very welcome. Should anyone like a bit more information please ring me on 622827. Happy dancing.

George Hearnden 01933 522934 7

New Group: W.A.L.T?

Coming soon - An inovative new group with a very different format to other groups. The group is based on the assumption that most people consider most activities are more enjoyable when shared with others.

The group is called W.A.L.T. an acronym for" Would Anyone Like To ..........?" Members, who will be asked to sign a Data Protection Agreement, are able to contact all other members to ask the question. Followed by whatever ad hoc activity they want to do. For instance: go for a walk and coffee; go fishing; go to the cinema; go on a coach trip for the day; or a pub crawl !! Anything you fancy doing - but don't really want to do it on your own.

This is a brief description, but if you think you might be interested then please see the table at the U3A meeting on Wednesday. It will be manned by Ken Chambers as Janet Embling, the Group Leader is unable to attend. Or come along to the first monthly meeting of W.A.L.T. on Tuesday September 3rd at 10am at Wetherspoons.

Janet Embling.

Country Park Waks: The walk on Sunday 8th September will be at Irthlingborough Lakes & Meadows. We will meet in the High Street Church car park to start the walk at 10.30am. It will be a circular walk of about 2 miles, mostly

on made-up paths but a small amount of walking over grass so please wear the appropriate shoes in case the grass is wet. This is one of the most important wetlands in England and 20,000 water birds use the wetlands every year, for breeding, for their winter quarters or as a vital stopping points on their long migration routes, from as far away as Arctic Russia and southern Africa. For those who like to lunch after the walk it will be at The Griffin, Higham Ferrers. Could you please let me know if you would like to stay for lunch as I do need to firm up the booking a few days before 8th September.


Please contact Sylvia Wright in advance, if you will be coming on the walk, require a lift and if you would like to order lunch 01933 522934 8

BookMarks Reading Group: The Postmistress by Sarah Blake. Chosen and reviewed by Margaret Shelton.

This is a book with beautiful, descriptive writing, and with the theme of communication.

The group agreed it was one of the most unusual beginnings to a story! Some of us became quite involved in the outcome of the characters and this generated a lively discussion.

Blasé and isolated in Cape Cod, USA, the unfurling news in 1941 from war torn London and Europe had a long lasting effect on the fortunes of the three heroines, held together by the author with a light touch.

The Postmistress, Iris, who has a need for rules and order, will one day break her beliefs by withholding a letter bearing bad news. Emma, the newly arrived timid wife of the local doctor whose childhood has left her bereft and threatens to do so now again.

Linking them together is Frankie, a ground-breaking female reporter based in London. Her harrowing tales of those displaced by war are heard by those at home and Frankie is also entrusted to deliver a letter, but will she?

Two letters given in trust, one female voice communicating over the airwaves and the voices recorded by Frankie of those engulfed in war. The anonymous are humanised, but was anyone in authority really listening? Two local men did hear - one left to help and one to defend by watching for U Boats to invade.

A romantic wartime story - prefaced by Martha Gelhorn's quote "War happens to people, one by one!"

Next time we are continuing to read about the Todd family, who first appeared in Kate Atkinson’s ‘Life after Life’. This novel, ‘A God in Ruins’ relates the life of Teddy Todd - poet, bomber pilot, husband, father and grandfather – as he copes with the perils and progress of the twentieth century.

Dominica Jones 01933 522934 9

U3A A Little Aloud Group We meet 2nd & 4th Friday morning at leaders’ home. We have space for a new member. At each meeting we read prose & poetry on a pre-chosen theme.We share life's experiences & put the world to rights too.

Contact Linda or Chris on 0193 3387892 or email

U3A popular Music Appreciation:

We meet the first Friday in the month at leaders home .

We have space for new members.See website for details.

U3A Days Outs Group:

Coach Trip 24th Sept to Goadby Marwood Hall.

This property is a privately owned the house is only available for private group visits.

We have a few places at present, £34 each, leaving Rushden late morning. Entrance with guided tour and afternoon tea and cake.

Ring 0193 387892 email

Goadby Marwood Hall a 17th-century Grade II* house next to a beautiful 13th-century church in a tiny village just north of Melton Mowbray.

In 1750 a new Palladian-style south wing was built. The 180-acre estate was a subsidiary holding of the Duke of Rutland and often the residence of members of his family.

In 2000 it was inherited by Vicky Westropp. She and her husband have worked tirelessly, restoring the neglected house and redesigning the garden, based on 18th-century plans. Planted for year-round interest, it boasts a chain of five lakes over 10 acres and several interconnected walled gardens — a feast for the eye.

Join the Westropps for a tour of their beautiful house and gardens.

U3A Sunday Lunch Group New-to-H&RU3A-members particularly welcome.

Next lunch at the bowls club Northampton Rd. on Sept 29th Booking essential. Ring 01933 387892 or email Linda Walker 01933 522934 10

Knuston hall Lunch and Talk.

Wednesday 11th Dec 11:30 for 12:00. We have space in our car for non-drivers who wish to attend.

Offers of transport always welcome. There is a bus that passes the door too.

For 11th Dec at 11:30 for 12:00 I have booked the following light-hearted talk with 2-course lunch £15 95.

The Creation of Dickens Christmas Carol with Steve Dimmer:

When Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol in 1843, the season was not the joyous celebration we know today. This talk examines how the classic story was written and how it influenced the Victorians and later generations to embrace Christmas as the most important celebration of the year.

Please contact Linda for booking. 01933 387892 or email

Non Fiction book group:

Our July book read was Manhunt: How I brought Serial Killer Levi Bellfield to Justice by Colin Sutton. The author was drafted into the investigation for the murder of Amelie

Delagrange when investigating officers were running out of ideas and options. Manhunt tells the story of how he led the charge to find a mystery killer, against the clock and against the odds.A great story. Rather repetitive.Interesting details on how the police are constrained by rules and regulations put in place mostly because of their over enthusiasm to prosecute the wrong person. See website for details we have space for 1 new member.

Days out car share group.

There are a few places left. Contact Linda or Chris on 0193 3387892 or email 01933 522934 11


Speakers for 2019 If you, or a friend, have had experience as a speaker at other groups on topics which you think would be of interest to our U3A members then please contact the Speaker Secretary. Note: - The Speakers may be subject to change

Aug 21st

The History of the Romany Gypsies: Talk & Photographs The history of the sufferings & success of the Romani people(s). A personal trip down memory lane which inspired the speakers to research the origin of the Romani People from 400AD to the present day, following their migration from India, suffering persecution & slavery through Europe. There will a short introduction of Gypsy music & someone speaking in Romany just to set the tone.

Gloria & Peter Wright

Sep 18th

A soldier’s Journey:

• Inspirational.

• Raises funds for Stanford Hall & the RAF Benevelont Fund.

• Was badly injured in Afghanistan.

• Speaks briefly about the Defence & National Rehabilitation Centre followed by “My Life in the Military”.

• Has won medals at the Invictus Games.

• Raised over £1M for charity

Luke Wigman

Oct 16th

AGM Dancing with Diana: Bodyguard to Royalty: Talk & photographs. Colin was bodyguard to Princess Diana for 8 years.

Colin Hill

Nov 20th

Forging Ahead: Operation Bernhard’ was the code name of a secret Nazi Plan devised during WWII by the RSHA & the SS to destabilise the British economy by flooding the country with forged Bank of England £5, £10, £20 & £50 notes. It was the largest counterfeiting operation in history. Talk about the setting up of the operation. Opportunity to handle a real forged £5 note.

Steve Dimmer

Dec 11th

Note this is the second Wednesday, not the third!

The Corby Male Voice Choir: 16 to 20 singers, entertaining us with Christmas & other popular songs.Inspiring us to get into the Festive Spirit.

Speakers for 2020

Jan 22nd

The Air Ambulance: Talk & photo presentation of the work of The Air Ambulance including The Children's Air Ambulance, & Night Car. (Followed by a fundraising collection. Please give generously on exit).

Mr. Peter Willie

Feb 19th

Don’t Dilly Dally - The History of The Old-Time Music Hall. With a Sing-a-Long. Talk & presentation

Tricia Thompson 01933 522934 12


A Little Aloud Alternate Fridays 2nd & 4th Friday 10.00-12.00

Badminton Pemberton Centre Tuesday 10.00-12.00

Badminton for Fun Pemberton Centre Tuesday 09.00-10.00 & Friday 12.00-13.00

Badminton - Beginners & Improvers

Pemberton Centre Wednesday 1400-1500

Bridge (Beginners) Leader’s Home Alternate Mondays 14.00-16.00

Bridge (Social) Leader’s Home 2nd & 4th Tue 13.30-15.30

Canasta Rushden Bowls Club Mondays 10.00-12.00

Computing & Technology Group A

St Peters RC Church Hall Rushden

Afternoons 13:00-15:00 & 1st & 3rd Thursday every month

Computing & Technology Group B

St Peters RC Church Hall Rushden

Afternoons 13:00-15:00 & 2nd & 4th Thursday every month

Country Dancing H\F WMC Alternate Mon 14.00-15.30

Country Park Walks Various Parks 2nd Sunday 10.30

Crib & Solo Whist Windmill Club Alternate Mondays 19.00-21.00

Cycling multi groups Stanwick Lakes Every Monday

Days Out Car Share Ad hoc No Fixed Venue

Digital Photography A

Rushden Hall 2nd & 4th Wed 10.00 to 12.00

Digital Photography B

Driving On the Rd

Family History St.Peters RC Church Hall Various

Garden Rushden Hall & Visits Garden visits in Summer. Otherwise Hall 2nd Thu 14.00-16.00

Golf Various Fortnightly Various

Guitar Monday Group

Monday Full Gospel Church 13.00 – 16.00

Guitar Beginners Various Thursdays

Guitar Improvers ASDA Training room Tue 17.00-19.00

Handicrafts Rushden Town Bowls Club 4th Thu 14.00-16.00

History Winter Months Full Gospel Church Hall, otherwise Trips

1st Thu 14.00-15.30

Holiday Spanish Beginners

Alternate Mondays 10.00-12.00

Holiday Spanish Intermediate

Alternate Wednesdays 10.00-12.00

Home Dining Various Twice per Month varying days

Jewellery Making Members’ Homes 3rd Mon 13.30-15.30

Continued/ 01933 522934 13


Knit & Natter Leader’s Home Alternate Mon 10.00-12.00

Mahjong Windmill Club 1st & 3rd Friday 19.00 – 21.00

Non-Fiction Books Leader’s Home Various Mondays 14.15-16.00

Painting for Pleasure

Coleman’s Craft W’house Alternate Mon 14.00

Philosophy Various 3rd Mon13.30-15.00

Play Reading Higham Ferrers Library 1st Tue 13.15-

Popular Music Appreciation

Leader's Home 1st Fri 10.00-12.00

Reading Bookmarks

Higham Ferrers Library 2nd Wednesday

Rock & Blues Appreciation

Leader’s Home Last Thursday 2-4pm

Scrabble Residents Lounge, Kilburn Place Higham Rd Rushden

Alternate Tue 14.00-16.00

Sequence Dancing Heritage Halls Park Rd Alternate Thu 14.00-16.00

Settlements A Vestry Hall, St Mary’s Church Rushden

4th Tue 14.00-16.00

Singing for Fun Rushden Hall, Hall Park Alternate Thu 14.00-16.00

Special Events Various Various

Sunday Lunch Every 2 Months Venue varies

Table Tennis Pemberton Centre 1st ,2nd & 4th Wed at 13.00

Ten Pin Bowling Wellingborough AMF Bowl Alternate Fridays 11.00.- 13:00.

Ukulele Rushden Transport Club 13.30-15.30 Every Monday

Video Editing Leader’s Home 2nd & 4th Tue 10.00-12.00

Walking Various Various

Wine & Dine Various Various

Wine Appreciation Leader’s Home 4th Tues & 4th Thurs 14.00-16.00


MONDAY 26TH AUGUST IS THE LATE SUMMER BANK HOLIDAY (last one before Christmas!). 01933 522934 14 01933 522934 15

As I am writing this newsletter while on holiday in America, there is only one “Editor’s Pick” this month: a recipe for something to throw on the barbecue in the nice weather we are having (well, at least I am).

Korean Chilli, Sesame & Honey Chicken

Ingredients 12 Chicken Thighs, boneless & skinless 2 tbsp Soy Sauce 1 tbsp Sesame Oil Thumb-sized piece Ginger, grated 4 Spring Onions, sliced For the glaze 4 tbsp Korean Chilli paste

(or use a mix of 3 tbsp Ketchup & 1 tbsp Chilli Sauce) 2 tbsp Honey juice ½ Lime 1 tbsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp Sesame Oil 2 tbsp Sesame Seeds

Method Toss the chicken in soy sauce, sesame oil & ginger. Thread each thigh on two long metal skewers until it’s packed on the skewers tightly. Chill until you’re ready to cook. Mix the ingredients for the glaze, heat the BBQ & when ready cook kebabs for 5-8 minutes on each side. Once nicely charred but not fully cooked through, start painting on the glaze. The honey will catch if cooked for too long – the key to nice sticky chicken is applying the glaze in layers, turning the kebabs often. Once the glaze is finished & the chicken is cooked through (it will take about 20 minutes in total), transfer to a plate & leave to cool for 5 minutes before serving, scattered with shredded spring onions. 01933 522934 16


In accordance with GDPR we do not publish, on a publicly available website or newsletter, contact details for group leaders. There is a contact form on the website which can be used to email group leaders and U3A officers. If you wish to telephone a group leader you will need to log into Beacon at

You do not need a password or user name just your own personal details

Clicking on the “Higham & Rushden U3A groups” link opens a page listing all our current groups and gives telephone numbers for each leader.
